SYWZ :: Volume #8

#760: Ten big king ( Part 3 )

Undead Trial Knight does not dare to neglect, in hand great sword to airborne one figure, released own Domain. purple black halo proliferation, covers him and bone Dragon King. Two big Domain at airborne immediately fierce collision in one. 亡灵审判骑士不敢怠慢,手中巨剑向空中一指,也释放出了自己的领域。紫黑色的光晕扩散,将他和骨龙王笼罩在内。两大领域在空中顿时剧烈的碰撞在了一起。 Hissing hissing massive light fog from the sky fill the air, do not have the collision, likely is the ice and fire mutually is actually engaging in factional strife. In a surrounding area kilometer range, performing is the purple black mixes seven color golden light fog to ascend. Can clear seeing, that purple black be clearly suppressed by seven color golden color, seven color gold light consume a point every time, that purple black ray at least must consume over three times. “嘶嘶”大量的光雾在空中弥漫,没有碰撞,却像是冰与火在相互倾轧。方圆千米范围内,尽是紫黑色混合着七彩金色的光雾升腾。能够清楚的看到,那紫黑色分明是被七彩金色压制了,七彩金光每消耗一点,那紫黑色的光芒至少要消耗三倍以上。 Domain suppression. 领域压制。 The bright and dark resistance, should be evenly matched, let alone Undead Trial Knight also relies on to cultivate to be higher than Long Haochen. But he has not actually thought that in situation of Domain collision, suffering a loss instead is one. Clearly opposite two species have the situation that the attribute suppresses, this can only show that an issue, Long Haochen Domain must be higher than his Domain in the level. 光明与黑暗的对抗,本应是势均力敌的,更何况亡灵审判骑士还自恃修为远高于龙皓晨。可他却万万没想到,在领域碰撞的情况下,吃亏的反而是自己。截然相反的两种属性出现属性压制的情况,这就只能证明一个问题,龙皓晨领域在层级上要远高于他的领域 However, Long Haochen does not feel better. Light God Domain in level, although the darkness of by far opposite party tries Domain. But similarly, he in cultivation for on truly large scale is inferior in the match. Above Ninth Step, a First Rank stair. Repairing of Undead Trial Knight to just break through shortly after Ninth Step Seventh rank. Is this plane first powerhouse. His Domain in level, although is inferior to Light God Domain. But in total quantity actually also compared with Light God Domain more than three times. Therefore, Long Haochen has not profited at this Domain collision. Let alone, don't forget, under the Undead Trial Knight body, but also rides one to cultivate for similarly intrepid bone Dragon King! 不过,龙皓晨也并不好受。光神之域在层次上虽然远胜对方的黑暗审判领域。但同样的,他在修为上确实大幅度的逊色于对手。九阶之上,一级一个台阶。亡灵审判骑士的修为刚刚突破九阶七级不久。乃是这个位面的第一强者。他的领域在层次上虽然不如光神之域。但在总量上却也比光神之域强了不止三倍。因此,龙皓晨在这领域碰撞上并没有占到便宜。更何况,别忘了,在亡灵审判骑士身下,还骑乘着一头修为同样强悍的骨龙王啊! Roars, roars and roars bone Dragon King to exude three to roar continuously, three ice blue color spit the rest also to spout. Actually does not spurt to Long Haochen. Three spit the rest from the sky to form a triangle. Ices the blue ray from projects respectively, the pivot that spits the rest to form is connected three. A pinnacle chill in the air appeared on Long Haochen. In that ice blue triangle central committee, dark blue black hole appears. A blue quiet glow twinkle. Next flickers, together seems, only then the arm thick or thin dark blue ray already shoots to go toward the Long Haochen locked chest position electricity. “吼、吼、吼”骨龙王连续发出三声咆哮,三股冰蓝色吐息同时喷出。却并非喷向龙皓晨。三股吐息在空中形成一个三角形。冰蓝色光线从其中各自射出,将三股吐息形成的支点相连。紧接着,一股极致的寒意就出现在了龙皓晨身上。在那冰蓝三角形中央,一个深蓝色的黑洞出现。一点蓝色幽芒闪烁。下一瞬,一道看上去只有手臂粗细的暗蓝色光芒已经朝着龙皓晨被锁定的胸口位置电射而去。 Domain technique. This clearly is the Domain technique of bone Dragon King! 领域技。这分明就是骨龙王的领域技啊! Long Haochen does not dare to have the half minute to retain at this time. That matter silver-white color ray halo that releases flamings greatly, the palatial aura changes into the shining white colored light column to burst out from him together suddenly.. Void, strong seven color flame emit from that shining white colored light column, flame in airborne rapid contraction, when it moves the Domain technique ice blue beam of bone Dragon King, has contracted and opposite party similarly thick or thin degree. 龙皓晨在这个时候也不敢有半分保留了。身上释放出的那层银白色光芒光晕大炽,巍峨的气息化为一道莹白色光柱骤然从他身上迸发而出。紧接着。虚空中,一股浓烈的七彩火焰就从那莹白色光柱中喷吐而出,火焰在空中飞速收缩,当它碰触到骨龙王的领域技冰蓝射线时,已经收缩到了和对方同样粗细的程度。 The ice blue triangle that bang everywhere light suddenly to dodge, bone Dragon King congeals is instantaneous. But that seven color rays also from the sky change into a layer upon layer rainbow gloss general outward diffusion. “轰”漫天光影暴闪,骨龙王凝结出的冰蓝三角瞬间破碎。而那七彩光芒也在空中化为一层层彩虹光泽一般向外扩散。 When that shining white colored light column presents at the same time, Long Haochen Light God Domain flamings instantaneously greatly, makes to suppress him on Domain by the magnitude gradually, under Undead Trial Knight that prepares to lash out is surprised. Has to change to once more stimulates to movement Domain fully with it contending. 而当那莹白色光柱出现的同时,龙皓晨光神之域瞬间大炽,令原本在领域上已经凭借量级渐渐压制他,准备出手攻击的亡灵审判骑士大吃一惊下。不得不再次改为全力催动领域与之抗衡。 A giant throne appears in void, the sparkling stone white throne itself, is releasing the magnificent nine color rays. On chairback, that everywhere slight relief, to human an aesthetic sense beyond description. Peak. Is the heavenly bodies, the center-section is the birds life, but connection in chair place, is the picture of nature. 一张巨大的王座出现在虚空之中,莹白色的王座本身,释放着瑰丽的九彩光芒。椅背上,那一处处细微的浮雕,给人一种难以形容的美感。顶端。是日月星辰,中段是鸟兽生灵,而连接在座椅处的,则是大自然的景象。 A double seat seat arm rest place. Separately is the Divine Gigantic Dragon statues and 12 wing angels. It is only a appearance, that nine color halos that the main body releases immediately became the audience focal point. Below Undead biology distance is very luckily far. Not by directly affect. For all this, after it appears. This black and red world seemed like purified generally, the air became pure. 一双座椅扶手处。分别是神圣巨龙雕像和12翼天使。它只是一出现,本体释放出的那一圈圈九彩光晕立刻就成为了全场焦点。幸好下方的亡灵生物距离这边还很远。没有受到直接的波及。尽管如此,当它出现之后。这黑与红的世界就像是被净化了一般,空气都变得纯净了许多。 Body of Long Haochen on float before that throne, this is his first time stimulates the Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation strength. That feeling was very wonderful, looks like oneself had an invincible backer, regardless of the enemy were formidable, that moment when Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation presented that all pressures changed into the nihility. 龙皓晨的身体就悬浮在那王座之前,这是他第一次激发永恒与创造之神印王座的力量。那种感觉很美妙,就像是自己有了一座无敌的靠山,无论敌人有多么强大,当永恒与创造之神印王座出现的那一刻,一切压力都化为虚无。 Undead Trial Knight and bone Dragon King truly was shaken. The aura that on Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation lends is really extremely terrifying, they are the Undead biology, the strength of most source is the fire of own soul. That moment when Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation presents, the fires of their soul in fierce is shivering. Even if the Undead Trial Knight such formidable strength is no exception. That type makes them want from trembling of soul to turn around immediately runs, but does not continue to fight. 亡灵审判骑士和骨龙王确实被震住了。永恒与创造之神印王座上散发出的气息实在是太过恐怖,他们都是亡灵生物,最本源的力量就是自己的灵魂之火。而当永恒与创造之神印王座出现的那一刻,他们的灵魂之火都在剧烈的颤抖着。哪怕亡灵审判骑士这么强大的实力也不例外。那种发自灵魂的颤栗令他们想立刻掉头就跑,而不是继续战斗。 But, they actually cannot run. Austin Griffin will soon evolve to complete, once makes its cultivation to promote once more, then, in this world, nobody can restrict it. Meanwhile, by its habit, all Undead living thing on the scene is perhaps impossible to have the opportunity of going on living again, sooner or later by its thorough destruction. Such being the case, might as well spells. 可是,他们却不能跑。奥斯汀、格里芬即将进化完成,一旦让它的修为再次提升,那么,在这个世界中,就没有谁能够制约它了。同时,以它的习性,所有在场亡灵生物恐怕都不可能再有活下去的机会,早晚会被它彻底毁灭。既然如此,还不如一拼。 The Long Haochen tranquil sound conveys, „the Undead monarchy, I had no intention with you for the enemy, so long as you retreat, no longer disturbs Hao Yue to evolve, we will not injure your any again.” 龙皓晨平静的声音传来,“亡灵君主,我本无意与你们为敌,只要你们退去,不再打扰皓月进化,我们也不会再伤害你们任何一个。” Undead Trial Knight Coldly [say / way]: moved back and death were the same results. You think that can prevent us by ultra divine artifact? No, you made a mistake. This already by the earth that on the darkness and fire cover, we are the true control.” 亡灵审判骑士冷冷的道:“后退与死亡是同样的结局。你以为,凭借一件超神器就能阻止我们么?不,你错了。这已经被黑暗与火覆盖的大地上,我们才是真正的主宰。” At the same time was saying, in his hand the purple black great sword holds up slowly, in the ground, all frightened Knight simultaneously send out angry roaring, saw that the innumerable dark air currents sweep across from under on, is attacking the body of Undead Trial Knight, but his aura becomes even more is also powerful. In the face of the Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation pressure, is sending out the intense unyielding thought. With the aid of the help of subordinates, he stabilized lived in the fire of his soul. Bone Dragon King in the roaring sound, bringing Undead Trial Knight to launch the attack to Long Haochen once more. 一边说着,他手中紫黑色巨剑缓缓举起,地面上,所有恐惧骑士同时发出一声愤怒的咆哮,紧接着就看到,无数黑暗气流从下方席卷而上,冲击着亡灵审判骑士的身体,而他的气息也变得越发强盛起来。在永恒与创造之神印王座的威压面前,散发着强烈的不屈意念。借助属下们的帮助,他重新稳定住了自己的灵魂之火。骨龙王在咆哮声中,带着亡灵审判骑士再次向龙皓晨发起了攻击。 The spoken language is unable to prevent the match, then, can depend upon has the strength. Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation changes into 13 groups of white lights instantaneously, behind decomposes in Long Haochen. 言语无法阻止对手,那么,能够依靠的就只有实力。永恒与创造之神印王座瞬间化为13团白光,在龙皓晨身后分解开来。 The time as if became in this moment slow, Undead Trial Knight and speed of bone Dragon King advance significantly reduced in this strange time change. But that bunch of cream rays are similar to all rivers run into sea are common, looked for the Long Haochen body different positions. 时间在这一刻似乎变得缓慢了,亡灵审判骑士和骨龙王前进的速度在这奇异的时间变换中大幅度降低。而那一团团乳白色光芒却如同海纳百川一般,找上了龙皓晨身体不同的位置。 The first group of white lights, fall on the Long Haochen chest place, immediately, around Long Haochen the chest presented a giant transparent gem. Looked like a complete circular gem is divided two parts, separately crustification in his chest and back. 第一团白光,落在龙皓晨的胸口处,顿时,龙皓晨前后胸都出现了一块巨大的透明宝石。就像是一个完整的圆形宝石被分割成了两部分,分别镶嵌在他前胸和后背似的。 The diameter of gem has close half foot fully, almost protected the Long Haochen chest majority of positions. After its crustification is completed. Immediately has the sparkling stone white ray to spread to the surroundings, changes into one special metal coating around heart of Long Haochen. In the metal presents, is the design of heavenly bodies, but also has the brand marks of innumerable strange texture. 宝石的直径足有接近半尺,几乎护住了龙皓晨胸口大部分位置。当它的镶嵌完成后。立刻有莹白色的光芒向周围蔓延,化为一种特殊的金属覆盖住了龙皓晨的前后心。金属上呈现的,是日月星辰的图案,还有着无数奇异纹理的烙印。 Second group of white lights, then fell on Long Haochen, changed into the sparkling stone white imperial crown, in the imperial crown had nine gems, was sparkling separately scarlet, orange, the yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black and white nine color rays. Nine color sparkles, honored are lending a aura of absolute rule. 第二团白光,则落在了龙皓晨头上,化为莹白色的皇冠,皇冠上有九颗宝石,分别闪耀着赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫、黑、白九色光芒。九色闪耀,尊贵中更散发着一种绝对统治的气息。 The imperial crown collects Long Haochen golden hair after the brain, when it falls on the Long Haochen forehead that flickers, front drops a sparkling stone white mask, the eye pupil position, is two golden beryls, is sparkling brilliantly. The mask falls, on Long Haochen has been full of the endless dignity immediately. 皇冠将龙皓晨的一头金发收束在脑后,当它落在龙皓晨头部的那一瞬,前端落下一副莹白色的面具,眼瞳位置,是两块金色宝石,闪耀着夺目光彩。面具落下,龙皓晨身上顿时充满了无尽的威严。 Third group and fourth group of white lights fall above the Long Haochen shoulders respectively, the shining white colored light glow spreads downward, with breastplate perfect necklace. The left shoulder armor presents for the giant main item, the right shoulder armor, is 12 wing angel statues. Clearly before is, Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation arm rest. 第三团、第四团白光分别落在龙皓晨双肩之上,莹白色光芒向下蔓延,与胸铠完美项链。左侧肩铠呈献为巨大的龙头,右侧肩铠,则是12翼天使雕像。分明就是之前永恒与创造之神印王座的扶手。 The sparkling stone white mail-armor and helmet has spread to arm on, complete coverage both arms and both hands of Long Haochen. Above inscribes the close pattern of the innumerable biology comprised. Because the type of biology are too many, if not the short distance watches, is unable to see clearly the style of that pattern, can only feel to be honored and magnificent. 莹白色甲胄一直蔓延到手臂上,完全覆盖了龙皓晨的双臂与双手。上面铭刻着由无数生物组成的细密花纹。因为生物的种类太多,如果不是近距离观看,根本无法看清那花纹的样式,只能感受到尊贵与华丽。 The fifth group of white lights fall on the Long Haochen waist, protects the waist mail-armor and helmet to assume the fish scale shape, on each scale, inscribes a design, seems a plant. The waist armor spreads downward, grows hundred pleats to fight the skirt, fights on the skirt as if to coil around the Divine Gigantic Dragon design, changes into the shining white corona to circle. 第五团白光落在龙皓晨腰间,护腰甲胄呈鱼鳞状,每一处鳞片上,都铭刻着一个图案,似乎就是一种植物。腰铠向下蔓延,衍生出百褶战裙,战裙上似乎是盘绕着神圣巨龙的图案,化为莹白光环盘旋。 Sixth, seventh group of rays respectively fall above the both legs, is bringing the relief designs of innumerable plant the Long Haochen both legs and both feet complete coverage. 第六、第七团光芒则分别落在双腿之上,带着无数植物的浮雕图案将龙皓晨双腿、双脚完全覆盖。 Hence, the Long Haochen whole body had been covered by this Armor of Eternity completely. Eighth, ninth group of rays after the eternal card covers, fell on his back. 至此,龙皓晨全身已经完全被这永恒之铠所笼罩。第八、第九团光芒在永恒之卡覆盖后,落在了他的背后。 Long Haochen six golden color wings originally vanished, displaces, is a pair of sparkling stone white giant wing. This adds to be bigger than the beforehand three teams to the wing, protects completely Long Haochen behind, even if the time that receives to fold, searches since him high. 龙皓晨原本的六片金色羽翼消失了,取而代之的,是一对莹白色的巨大羽翼。这对羽翼比之前三队加起来都要大,将龙皓晨背后完全护住,哪怕是收折起来的时候,也从他背后高高探起。 The tenth group of rays fell on Long Haochen. Changes into a handle sparkling stone white great sword. The style of great sword is very simple, without any magnificent decoration. Even links a pattern not to have. However, above its sparkling stone white main body, is actually sparkling nine color rays! 第十团光芒落在了龙皓晨手上。化为一柄莹白色的巨剑。巨剑的样式十分朴素,没有任何华丽的装饰。甚至连一点花纹都没有。但是,在它那莹白色的本体之上,却闪耀着九彩光芒啊! This is Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation takes to the Long Haochen only weapon, Sword of Eternity. 这就是永恒与创造之神印王座带给龙皓晨唯一的武器,永恒之剑 The final three groups of white lights hit separately in Long Haochen chest place that huge protecting heart mirror gem, then rebounds. In process of rebound, only then one group of white lights are also maintaining the sparkling stone white, another two groups turned into seven respectively colored and aquamarine. Three light groups look like the faithful guard are common, circles and moves back and forth regarding the body of Long Haochen. 最后的三团白光分别撞击在龙皓晨胸口处那巨大的护心镜宝石上,然后再反弹而起。在反弹的过程中,只有一团白光还保持着莹白色,另外两团分别变成了七彩色和碧绿色。三个光团就像是忠实的护卫一般,围绕着龙皓晨的身体盘旋、往复。 The entire process said that very complex, may in fact be only during several breath has completed. This is ultra divine artifact, the Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation prestige energy. 整个过程说起来十分复杂,可实际上只是几次呼吸之间就已经完成。这就是超神器,永恒与创造之神印王座的威能。 ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Ultra divine artifact enters the stage, little Long must use own that Divine Throne finally. Casts the monthly ticket. Thanking politely. ( to be continued ) 神器出场,小龙终于要使用属于自己的那张神印王座了。投月票吧。拜谢。(未完待续)
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