SYWZ :: Volume #8

#759: Ten big king ( Part 2 )

Chapter 267 ten big king ( Part 2 ) 第267章十大君王(中) First what heaves in sight is a special bone dragon. 首先映入眼帘的是一头特殊的骨龙。 The skeleton of bone dragon presents is one strange blue white, the main body skeleton is white, but outside the glistening blue light, the skeleton is strong, under giant wings, but also has the epithelium of matter. Around this bone dragon body, the viscous dark aura looks like the dark cloud is common, changes into the black halo slowly outward diffusion. 骨龙的骨骼呈献为一种诡异的蓝白色,本体骨骼是白,但外面却有一层莹莹蓝光,骨架强壮,巨大的双翼下,还带有件事的皮膜。这骨龙身体周围,粘稠的黑暗气息就像是乌云一般,化为黑色光晕徐徐向外扩散。 In the both eyes of bone dragon, is sparkling the quiet blue hot shade, but carries on the back in this bone dragon, sits well a whole body to cover the man in jet black mail-armor and helmet. This person best pupil has two meters about five, static sitting well in bone dragon pate with back union for it, in the right hand, grasps a handle length even to exceed his height heavy sword. On that heavy sword is sparkling the eye-catching dull purple ray. 骨龙的双眼之中,闪耀着幽蓝色的火影,而就在这骨龙背上,端坐着一名全身笼罩在漆黑甲胄中的男子。此人身高足有两米五开外,静静的端坐在骨龙颈部与背部结合的为之,右手之中,握着一柄长度甚至超过他身高的重剑。那重剑上闪耀着夺目的暗紫色光芒。 Right, is he, is his aura makes the Long Haochen look become dignified. 没错,就是他,就是他的气息令龙皓晨的神色变得凝重。 Is riding Knight of bone dragon, no, should say that is riding Knight of bone Dragon King. Only bone Dragon King under his body, spiritual energy over 300,000. But he, was Long Haochen formerly said that spiritual energy might over 700,000 terrors exist. 骑乘着骨龙的骑士,不,应该说是骑乘着骨龙王的骑士。单是他身下的骨龙王,灵力就超过300000。而他本身,更是龙皓晨先前所说,灵力有可能超过700000的恐怖存在。 Besides him and Witch Demon King, other Undead living thing separately are also representing Undead race pinnacle. 除了他与巫妖王之外,其他的亡灵生物也分别代表着一个亡灵种族的极致 They separately are: 他们分别是: Over 30 meters in height, the whole body is glittering Baiyu gloss Skeleton Sovereign. 身高超过30米,全身闪烁着白玉光泽的骷髅君王 The length of body 20 meters, 12 longlegs stand and wait for a long time void, on the purple black body has ash-gray faculae Earth Pit Demon Spider Sovereign. 体长20米,12条长腿伫立虚空,紫黑色身体上有着一块块灰色光斑的地穴魔蛛君王 The height five meters, are sending out the dark gold luster all over the body, both eyes are atheistic, four limbs stiff Zombie Sovereign. 身高五米,通体散发着暗金色泽,双目无神,四肢僵硬的僵尸君王 The body is hugest, reaches as high as about hundred meters, the waist wins the height, the whole body is miserable white fat Hate Sovereign.( -- Net) 身体最为庞大,高达百米开外,腰围更胜身高,全身都是惨白色肥肉的憎恶君王。(--网) Completely is one group of dark-green colored thick fog, actually unceasingly sends out the scream Resentful Spirit Sovereign. 完全是一团墨绿色浓雾,却不断发出尖叫的怨灵君王 Body complete black, actually like shadow unreal, cannot see Shadow Sovereign of five senses completely. 身体完全黑色,却像影子一样虚幻,完全看不到五官的阴影君王 The height hundred meters, are thinner than Hate Sovereign, but seems is stronger, sparkles Infernal Flame Sovereign that all over the body the purple-red stone is piecing together becomes. 身高百米,比憎恶君王瘦一些,但看上去却更加强壮,通体都是闪耀着紫红色石块拼凑而成的地狱火君王 If counted the bone dragon king under that Knight body, at this moment, Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad is going to face, is this plane most formidable ten big king! 如果算上那位骑士身下的骨龙君王,此时此刻,光之晨曦猎魔团将要面对的,就是这个位面最为强大的十大君王啊! Ten big kings approach in that boundless ash-gray sky slowly. Can see, under their bodies, the Undead race that respectively controls. Undead army who that cannot see the terminus, not only 1 million? 十大君王在那苍茫的灰色天空中缓缓逼近。能够看到,在他们身下,都是各自统驭的亡灵种族。那看不到尽头的亡灵大军,又岂止1000000? Why? Why you must protect the evolution of Austin Griffin. You do not know that it is the symbol of destruction and destruction? Makes way, different plane big energy, today is your destruction. I am the terror Knight king, Undead Trial Knight. My words represent my clan ten big kings.” “为什么?为什么你们要保护奥斯汀、格里芬的进化。难道你们不知道,它是毁灭与破坏的象征?让开,异位面的大能,否则,今日就是你们毁灭之时。我乃恐怖骑士君王,亡灵审判骑士。吾之话代表我族十大君王。” Long Haochen sacred mail-armor and helmet ray dodges, changed into Divine Unicorn, he rides in Divine Unicorn Star King carries on the back, looks out Undead Trial Knight, light [say / way]: I do not know that destruction in your mouth is anything, does not know any Austin Griffin. I only know that Hao Yue is my partner, is my brother. You must destroy its evolution, is my enemy.” 龙皓晨身上神圣甲胄光芒一闪,已经重新化为神圣独角兽,他骑乘在神圣独角兽星王背上,遥望亡灵审判骑士,淡淡的道:“我不知道在你们口中的毁灭是什么,也不知道什么奥斯汀、格里芬。我只知道,皓月是我的伙伴,是我的兄弟。你们要破坏它的进化,就是我的敌人。” The purple black flame fierce beat of Undead Trial Knight eyeground, the aura of other nine big Undead kings also instantaneously become even more powerful. In the roaring sound, simultaneously oppresses to come toward here. 亡灵审判骑士眼底的紫黑色火焰剧烈的跳动起来,其他九大亡灵君王的气息也瞬间变得越发强盛。怒吼声中,同时朝着这边压迫而来。 Before Lin Xin and Ya Ting strength, has made them experience these to come from the strength of different plane powerhouses fully at present. Otherwise Undead Trial Knight will not call them the different plane big energy. They are clear, the Undead quantity can not affect regarding these different plane at present greatly. -- The net only then they, have defeats these different plane to be able greatly the possibility. 之前林鑫雅婷的实力,已经充分让他们见识到了眼前这些来自于异位面强者们的实力。否则亡灵审判骑士也不会称他们为异位面大能。他们清楚,亡灵数量对于眼前这些异位面大能来说已经毫无作用。--网只有他们,才有战胜这些异位面大能的可能。 Long Haochen sinking sound track: Wen Zhao, Duan Yi, you defend side Hao Yue, guards against other Undead biology sneak attacks. Other people, seek for the match respectively. Undead Trial Knight is my. Do not go all out with the match, as far as possible preserves itself, we must do, strives to evolve the time that to Hao Yue.” 龙皓晨沉声道:“文昭、断忆,你们两个守在皓月身边,提防其他亡灵生物偷袭。其他人,各自寻找对手。亡灵审判骑士是我的。不要和对手拼命,尽可能的保全自己,我们要做的,是给皓月争取进化的时间。” Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad adds on Ya Ting, altogether 11 people. Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi, although also arrived broke through the Ninth Step edge, but their strengths and other people compared have a disparity after all. One-to-one, Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad does not occupy superiorly. However, the overall strength of enemy is too strong, Long Haochen does not dare to make them focus on launching the attack to them. Must pull open the battlefield is good. 光之晨曦猎魔团加上雅婷,一共11个人。杨文昭断忆虽然也到了突破九阶的边缘,但他们的实力和其他人相比毕竟还是有所差距的。一对一,光之晨曦猎魔团绝不占优。但是,敌人的整体实力太强,龙皓晨也不敢让他们集中力量向他们这边发起攻击。必须要把战场拉开才行。 Silver-white corona appear in people respectively, is Domain of Teleportation, has Domain of Teleportation and existence of soul chains, Long Haochen has confidence to protect the safety of partners. 一道道银白色光环分别出现在众人脚下,正是瞬闪之域,有瞬闪之域和灵魂锁链的存在,龙皓晨有把握保护伙伴们的安危。 It is not enough to threaten Long Haochen like Undead ten big king clear low status Undead them, Long Haochen is also very clear, if makes the match attack independently, they defended unable to support purely similarly too for a long time. After all, in Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad, is not all people excels at the defense. Only has the battlefield enlarges, can avoid the centralism of enemy strength. 就像亡灵十大君王清楚低等亡灵不足以威胁到龙皓晨他们一样,龙皓晨也十分清楚,如果让对手放手攻击,他们单纯防御的话也同样支持不了太长时间。毕竟,光之晨曦猎魔团中,并不是所有人都擅长于防御的。唯有将战场拉大,才能避免敌人力量的集中。 The Long Haochen match, without a doubt is that Undead Trial Knight and bone Dragon King. These two big powerhouses can be said as the mainstays in Undead ten big monarchy, two's spiritual energy adding together, must approach 1 million levels. Long Haochen faces by strength of the, must bear the maximum pressure. However, in turn thinks that this is also he examines own strength, with the best opportunity of Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation wearing. After all, does not have enough formidable match, can stimulate his all potentials? 龙皓晨的对手,毫无疑问就是那亡灵审判骑士和骨龙王。这两大强者可以说是亡灵十大君主中的中流砥柱,二者的灵力相加,恐怕要接近1000000层级了。龙皓晨以一己之力面对,必然要承受最大的压力。不过,反过来想,这也是他检验自身实力,和永恒与创造之神印王座磨合的最好机遇。毕竟,没有足够强大的对手,又怎能激发他的所有潜能呢? Divine Unicorn this time has not changed into the god armor again, when Long Haochen diving posture, it actually as before stays there, dazzles the color sparkle the wings to open, in the top of the head alone angle is sending out the gentle seven color halos, the strange sound sends out from its mouth unceasingly, seems is reciting, but also does not have Divine Gigantic Dragon that dragon rain magic to be so clear. 神圣独角兽这次并没有再化为神铠,当龙皓晨飞身而出的时候,它却依旧停留在那里,炫彩闪耀的双翼张开,头顶独角上散发着柔和的七彩光晕,奇异的声音不断从它口中发出,似乎是在吟唱,但又没有神圣巨龙那种龙雨魔法那样清晰。 This process has continued for about seven seconds, in Long Haochen soon with the enemy facing, it will change into seven color gods only instantaneously to overtake the body of Long Haochen together. 这个过程持续了大约七秒时间,就在龙皓晨即将与敌人面对之时,它已经化为一道七彩神光瞬间追上龙皓晨的身体。 Divine Unicorn vanished, keeps on Long Haochen, is the neck locates a necklace of seven color halo twinkles. Rich and pure light element spreads over the Long Haochen whole body instantaneously, comprehensive amplification. 神圣独角兽消失了,留在龙皓晨身上的,是脖子处一条七彩光晕闪烁的项链。浓郁而纯净的光元素瞬间传遍龙皓晨全身,全面增幅。 Is getting stronger and stronger with the Long Haochen ability, Divine Unicorn to his help also with it reduction. It knows that the armor or the weapon, he is not the optimization of Long Haochen. Therefore, it plans the technique of shape with this, was changed into a necklace by oneself, fully is the Long Haochen amplification. How regardless to say, Ninth Step boundary Divine Unicorn, was equal to divine artifact sufficiently. Let alone, Divine Unicorn, when Long Haochen obtains Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation, grew own Domain. 伴随着龙皓晨的能力越来越强,神圣独角兽对他的帮助也正在随之减小。它知道,无论是铠甲还是武器,自己都已经不是龙皓晨的最佳选择了。因此,它才用这拟形之术,让自己化为一条项链,全力为龙皓晨增幅。无论怎么说,九阶境界的神圣独角兽,也足以相当于一件神器了。更何况,神圣独角兽龙皓晨获得永恒与创造之神印王座的时候,已经衍生出了自己的领域 Sacred Domain: Transforms all attributes as the strength of sacred light. 神圣领域:将一切属性转化为神圣光明之力。 It seems like is only a simple conversion capacity, but, the consumption of this Domain to Divine Unicorn is minimum, in this light element deficient world, has the extremely huge function at present. 看似只是一个简单的转化能力,但是,这个领域神圣独角兽的消耗却是极小的,在眼前这种光元素匮乏的世界中,更有着极其巨大的作用。 Therefore, when Divine Unicorn changes into necklace disturbance when own neck, and sends out the Sacred Domain prestige to be able, on the Long Haochen face completely is the pleasantly surprised color. 因此,当神圣独角兽化为项链缠扰在自己脖子上,并且散发出神圣领域的威能时,龙皓晨脸上已经尽是惊喜之色。 Undead Trial Knight saw that enemy people disperse, welcomed separately to their ten big monarchies, he understands, negotiations already not any significance. Only has the enemy who kills these to come from the different world, can prevent the Austin Griffin evolution of that terror to complete. 亡灵审判骑士眼看着敌方众人分散开来,分别迎向他们十大君主,他就明白,谈判已经没有任何意义。唯有杀死这些来自异世界的敌人,才能阻止那恐怖的奥斯汀、格里芬进化完成。 The Long Haochen back six wings flap, has the Divine Unicorn necklace is glittering seven color gold light, is joined to his handsome appearance, is absolutely noticeable. But Undead Trial Knight saw that he flies to himself, in the eye in the fire of beat soul, actually reveals the aura of several points of disdaining. 龙皓晨背后六翼拍动,更有着神圣独角兽项链闪烁着的七彩金光,配上他那英俊的容貌,绝对是引人瞩目的。但亡灵审判骑士看到他向自己飞来,眼中灵魂之火跳动中,却流露出几分不屑的气息。 His cultivation for strongest, therefore also only then he can feel that the evolution of Hao Yue must spend not the short time surely. But he does not dare to neglect as before, early one second interrupts its evolution, will increase thoroughly a point its destruction opportunity. 他的修为最强,因此也只有他能感觉到皓月的这次进化必定是要消耗不短时间的。但他依旧不敢怠慢,早一秒打断它的进化,彻底将它毁灭的机会就会增大一分。 Roar bone Dragon King ice blue color spits the rest to directly soar Long Haochen to emit. It and Undead Trial Knight regard are interlinked, through the Undead Trial Knight sensation, he also understands that cultivation of Long Haochen to also Ninth rank Fourth Step, compared with it also many, let alone it think one have the superiority of body. “吼”骨龙王一口冰蓝色吐息直奔龙皓晨喷吐而来。它和亡灵审判骑士心意相通,通过亡灵审判骑士的感知,他也明白龙皓晨的修为还不到九级四阶,比它也强不了多少,更何况它自认为自己还有身体的优势。 Facing the spitting rest of bone Dragon King, Long Haochen has not fended, the left hand lifts, the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield seven color gods put brilliantly, change into a diameter two meters shield completely to protect his body at the same time. 面对骨龙王的吐息,龙皓晨并没有闪避,左手抬起,日月神蜗盾的七彩神光大放,化为一面直径两米的盾牌将他的身体完全保护在内。 Ices the blue spitting rest bombardment above seven color Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield, immediately erupts ice blue light fog around the Long Haochen body. Thermal drop. In the air even left the innumerable ice dregs. On Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield in Long Haochen hand, has covered clear ice blue color. 冰蓝色的吐息轰击在七彩的日月神蜗盾之上,顿时在龙皓晨身体周围爆发出一圈冰蓝色的光雾。温度急剧下降。空气中甚至都多出了无数冰渣。就连龙皓晨手中的日月神蜗盾上,都蒙上了一层晶莹的冰蓝色。 The strive to excel big darkness and ice are mix the magic to spit the rest. This should be the talent magic of bone Dragon King , compared with him, the ability that Queen Yue Ye Si Si initially displayed must miss much. 好强大的黑暗、冰系混合魔法吐息。这应该是骨龙王的天赋魔法,和他比起来,月夜女王思思当初展现的能力就要差了不少。 Bone Dragon King while spitting rest blowout, the huge body also outrageously flushed toward Long Haochen. Meanwhile, Undead Trial Knight has also taken off his handle purple black great sword. In him behind, black fog galloping of surge, changes into fierce clever surface, the terrifying pressure made the Long Haochen body surrounding space burst out the dark corrosion completely the sound. 骨龙王在吐息喷出的同时,庞大的身体也朝着龙皓晨悍然冲了过来。与此同时,亡灵审判骑士也摘下了他那柄紫黑色巨剑。在他身后,彭湃的黑雾奔腾,化为一个狰狞的鬼面,恐怖的威压令龙皓晨身体周围的空间全部迸发出黑暗腐蚀的嗤嗤声。 The golden halo proliferates from Long Haochen in this moment, is Light God Domain, pure light element scatters the body surrounding darkness instantaneously. Meanwhile, a sparkling stone white halo proliferates from Long Haochen, mixes in that Light God Domain seven color gold light together, hits directly to Undead Trial Knight and bone Dragon King. 金色光晕就在这一刻从龙皓晨身上扩散开来,正是光神之域,纯净的光元素瞬间就将身体周围的黑暗驱散。与此同时,一层莹白色的光晕从龙皓晨身上扩散而出,与那光神之域的七彩金光混合在一起,直接撞向亡灵审判骑士与骨龙王。 Is this plane two big kings, when that shining white colored light glow appears, Undead Trial Knight and bone Dragon King is slightly one startled, because they felt one fear beyond description. The fire of own soul as if by greatly threat, what aura is this? 身为这个位面的两大君王,当那莹白色光芒出现时,亡灵审判骑士和骨龙王都是微微一惊,因为他们感受到了一种难以形容的恐惧。自身的灵魂之火似乎受到了巨大的威胁似的,这是什么气息? --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Second, during double, asked the monthly ticket painstakingly. 第二更,双倍期间,苦求月票。
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