SYWZ :: Volume #8

#758: Ten big king ( Part 1 )

Chapter 267 ten big king ( Part 1 ) 第267章十大君王(上) The Lin Xin present appearance absolute old-style fan device, wears Radiant Sacred Fire Praise that yellowish red gradually changes color, grasps Fires of Immortal Dragon. Perhaps present age in fire element Mage, does not have one to be able in the equipment to compare favorably with him. 林鑫现在的样子绝对拉风,身穿金红渐变色的光辉圣火之礼赞,手持不朽的龙之火。当世火系法师中,恐怕没有一位能够在装备上与他媲美了。 Two Immortal Tier equip, quite therefore two instance divine artifact! 两件不朽级装备,就相当于是两件次神器啊! Fires of Immortal Dragon lifts up high in airborne, in the Lin Xin mouth the incantation keeps, his recitation speed is extremely fast, but has a special rhythm, Fires of Immortal Dragon peak Dragon Crystal red glow puts greatly, in entire seven color light of shining cover are flame colors. 不朽的龙之火高举在空中,林鑫口中咒语不停,他的吟唱速度极快,但却有着一种特殊的节奏,不朽的龙之火顶端龙晶红光大放,照耀的整个七彩光罩内都是一片火红色。 The plane that Hao Yue is, is a black and red world. Although recitation of Lin Xin during the protection of Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield. However, with continuing of incantation, on the outside earth that in the crack that has the rock magma to flow, the strong hot element starts to ascend, the crack expands, rock magma to rush forth. Immediately had many low level Undead biology to fall into the rock magma to change into the flying ash little while. 皓月所在的这个位面,乃是一个黑与红的世界。林鑫的吟唱虽然在日月神蜗盾的保护之中。但是,伴随着咒语的持续,外面大地上那一道道有着岩浆流淌的裂缝中,浓烈的火元素开始升腾,裂缝扩大,岩浆奔涌。顿时有不少的低阶亡灵生物掉入岩浆之中一时三刻就化为了飞灰。 Lin Xin in reciting the incantation, that side Ya Ting directly began. 林鑫这边在吟唱咒语,雅婷那边则是直接动手了。 Ya Ting or Light Elemental Fairy time, is primarily the magic completely, moreover what are more is carries on auxiliary to Long Haochen. But present she, is actually completely different, she is Queen Light Fairy . Moreover, her Domain has decided the trend of her ability. 雅婷还是光元素精灵的时候,完全是以魔法为主,而且更多的是对龙皓晨进行辅助。而现在的她,却已是完全不同,她是光之精灵女王,而且,她的领域已经决定了她能力的走向。 A right hand figure, the Ya Ting whole body ascended forward eight color golden color flame. The personal appearance dodges, left the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield extent of protection. A handle golden color great sword appears before her body, the volume rises suddenly against the wind, in an instant turned into a kilometer length unexpectedly. 右手向前一指,雅婷全身都升腾起了八彩金色火焰。只是身形一闪,就出了日月神蜗盾的保护范围。一柄金色巨剑在她身前出现,体积更是迎风暴涨,转眼间竟然已经变成了千米长度。 Ya Ting both hands, the golden great sword sweeps away void. Immediately, covered entirely the Undead biology sky to be clean immediately a piece. 雅婷双手一圈,金色巨剑虚空横扫。顿时,布满亡灵生物的天空顿时干净了一片。 Was too strong.” Sima Xian stared in a big way the eye, not only he, other people looks at this similarly is dumbfounded. Attack might that Ya Ting erupts at this time, has dominated above them completely. Moreover, Ya Ting does not have any equipment! “太强了。”司马仙瞪大了眼睛,不只是他,其他人看着这一幕同样是目瞪口呆。雅婷此时爆发出的攻击威力,已经完全凌驾于他们之上。而且,雅婷可是没有任何装备啊! Naturally, they do not know that the Ya Ting ability and Warrior Temple Temple Master Qiu Yonghao has several phase splitting elephants, does not need the assistance of weapon.( -- Net) 当然,他们并不知道,雅婷的能力和战士圣殿殿主邱永浩有几分相像,并不需要武器的辅助。(--网) In front of Sword of Kings, the Undead biology of low level is unable to achieve including the half minute resistance, Ya Ting both hands are transforming various hand signals in the front unceasingly, that huge Sword of Kings in airborne has vertically and horizontally looked disdainfully, has to sweep away the Liuhe whole wide world conceited potential greatly. 王者之剑面前,中低阶亡灵生物连半分抵抗都无法做到,雅婷双手在胸前不断变换着各种手势,那巨大的王者之剑已经在空中纵横睥睨,大有横扫六合八荒唯我独尊之势。 Each sword sweeps, over a thousand Undead living thing change into the flying ash, the pressure that the time that but several times breathe, Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield bears significantly reduced. 每一剑扫出,都有上千亡灵生物化为飞灰,只是几次呼吸的时间,日月神蜗盾承受的压力就大幅度降低了。 Sister Ya Ting, you remain to me!” The Lin Xin somewhat anxious sound resounds, at this time, his incantation has also been completed. 雅婷妹妹,你给我留点啊!”林鑫有些焦急的声音响起,此时,他的咒语也已经完成了。 Sees only above the Lin Xin top of the head, were many one round fiercely positive. Not is just Holy Sun Curse Technique that his grandfather studies? 只见林鑫头顶上方,多了一轮烈阳。可不正是他爷爷研究出来的圣阳咒法么? What Lin Xin and Lin Chen are different, in his top of the head these round fierce positive, is the blue color, the Heart of Flames flame blue color. 只是,林鑫林辰不同的是,他头顶上这一轮烈阳,乃是蓝色,心焱火焰的蓝色。 At this moment, Fires of Immortal Dragon turned into same blue under the exaggeration of Heart of Flames flame. Carditis fierce Yang lifts off slowly. The volume unceasingly is also increasing. The free time of a while, it had the Lin Chen that fierce Yang Zhoufa ten times of sizes. 此时此刻,就连不朽的龙之火都在心焱火焰的渲染下变成了同样的蓝。心炎烈阳缓缓升空。体积也在不断变大。只是一会儿的工夫,它就已经有林辰那烈阳咒法的十倍大小了。 In the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield guard shield, the temperature rises suddenly, is away from his recent Sima Xian, body were even many several points of burnt flavor. 日月神蜗盾护罩内,温度急剧上升,距离他最近的司马仙,身上甚至都多了几分焦糊的味道。 Does not wait for the partners to shunt, Lin Xin is one step steps forward, like former Ya Ting such, left the guard shield. Stated differently, he appears above the guard shield, but is not a front. 不等伙伴们躲开,林鑫已是一步跨出,就像之前雅婷那样,出了护罩。不同的是,他是出现在护罩上方,而并非前方。 Wipes to sneer to appear in the Lin Xin corners of the mouth place, your this world do not have Sun, I deliver you one.” At the same time was saying, Fires of Immortal Dragon to previous figure. Immediately, that huge fierce positive lift-off. In the process of rise, a blue column of flame drops from the clouds, covers on Lin Xin. The column of flame takes back, body of Lin Xin also along with it disappearing. 一抹冷笑出现在林鑫的嘴角处,“你们这个世界没有太阳,那我就送你们一个。”一边说着,不朽的龙之火向上一指。顿时,那巨大的烈阳升空而起。在上升的过程中,一道蓝色火柱从天而降,笼罩在林鑫身上。火柱收回,林鑫的身体也随之不见了。 In range that any Saint positive blue color flame shines, all rock magma cracks all instantaneously split, the massive rock magma emit. The surrounding area in dozens li (0.5km), changed into the big piece sea of fire immediately. 凡是圣阳蓝色火光照耀的范围内,所有岩浆裂缝全都瞬间裂开,大量的岩浆喷吐而出。方圆数十里内,顿时化为了大片的火海。 Sima Xian surprised [say / way]: „Did has-drugs bro vanish? Isn't this fellow will be made to pay for one's evil doings?” 司马仙吃惊的道:“有药哥怎么消失了?这家伙不会是玩火自焚吧?” Han Yu laughs, said: You hope that he selects. -- Net Lin Xin also comprehended Domain. Moreover this is imitating Domain for me! This Holy Sun Curse Technique is really mysterious. If Grandpa Lin knows one study a magic to carry forward on Lin Xin, will certainly feel for him proud.” 韩羽哈哈一笑,道:“你盼他点好。--网林鑫也领悟领域了。而且他这是在模仿领域为我啊!这圣阳咒法果然神奇。林爷爷要是知道自己研究一声的魔法在林鑫身上发扬光大,也一定会为他感到自豪的。” The rock magma of eruption made large quantities of Undead biology flurried immediately. Even if the Undead biology of these six, Seventh Step does not dare to make the rock magma fall on oneself. Suddenly, the step that they attack slows down greatly. But after these rock magma erupt, the hot elemental concentration in air rises immediately suddenly. 爆发的岩浆顿时令大批亡灵生物慌乱起来。哪怕是那些六、七阶亡灵生物也不敢让岩浆落在自己身上。一时间,他们进攻的步伐大为减缓。而那些岩浆喷发出来后,空气中的火元素浓度顿时急剧上升。 Can see, Lin Xin top of the head Saint positive periphery, starts to have flame contractions, the Saint positive ray also became blazing. 能够看到,林鑫头顶处的圣阳周围,开始有一圈圈的火光收缩,圣阳的光芒也随之变得更加炽热了。 With the aid of the strength of world is Magician the matter that is good at doing, but has Domain Magician, is absolutely terrorist in the role that in enemy numerous battlefields can play. 借助天地之力乃是魔法师最擅长做的事,而一名拥有领域魔法师,在敌人众多的战场上所能发挥出的作用绝对是恐怖的。 The attack of Lin Xin started, seem like tiny blue Mars starts to depart from the Saint positive. When these Mars just appeared the volume is very small, but in the entire flight, rapidly is actually absorbing the hot element in air, the volume is increasing at the astonishing speed. When they shell in the ground or airborne, turned into the diameter to surpass over one meter terror Fireball. 林鑫的攻击开始了,一颗颗看似细小的蓝色火星开始从圣阳中飞出。这些火星刚出现时体积很小,但在飞行过程中,却急速的吸收着空气中的火元素,体积以惊人速度在变大。当它们轰击在地面或者空中时,就都已经变成了直径超过一米以上的恐怖火球 Carditis of meteor shower Holy Sun Curse Technique. 圣阳咒法之心炎流星雨。 Terrifying thundering starts in this black and red world bursts out, in deafening bellows, the Undead biology just like shearing the wheat drops down generally. 恐怖的轰鸣开始在这黑与红的世界中迸发,在一声声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,大片大片的亡灵生物宛如割麦子一般倒下。 As a result of the Undead biology of vicinity by clean of Ya Ting cleaning, Lin Xin this carditis meteor shower was flown in a farther direction. Each carditis meteor falls from the sky, will drive at least out a stretch of diameter hundred meters earth, has more rock magma from underground to gush out. But the Lin Xin carditis meteor shower is more like does not have the limit to be ordinary. The hill that during the crazy bombardment, Long Haochen they are at gradually turned into a isolated island in sea of fire. 由于近处的亡灵生物都被雅婷清扫的一干二净,林鑫这心炎流星雨就朝着更远的方向飞去。每一颗心炎流星陨落,都会至少轰开一片直径百米的大地,也就有更多的岩浆从地下喷薄而出。而林鑫的心炎流星雨更像是没有止境一般。疯狂的轰击之中,龙皓晨他们所在的小山包渐渐变成了火海中的一座孤岛。 Looks battle efficiency that Lin Xin and Ya Ting erupt, the Long Haochen look became more self-confident. Bright Rays of Sunlight Demon Hunt Squad, formidable is not only he. However, he is also clear, fight just started, the true formidable Undead biology has not appeared, for example previous that strength terror, even summoned Witch Demon King of bone dragon regiment. 看着林鑫雅婷爆发出的战斗力,龙皓晨的眼神变得更加自信了。光之晨曦猎魔团,强大的绝不只是他一个人。不过,他也清楚,战斗才刚刚开始,真正强大的亡灵生物还没有出现,譬如上次那实力恐怖,甚至召唤出骨龙军团的巫妖王 The vision penetration flame, looks to distant place, the Long Haochen heart sinks immediately. The Undead biology under the attack of Lin Xin and Ya Ting, is reducing at an exceptional pace. However, distant place horizon, is having many Undead biology to catch up to here. Blotting out the sky. 目光穿透火焰,向更远处望去,龙皓晨心头顿时一沉。亡灵生物在林鑫雅婷的攻击下,正在以惊人的速度减少。但是,远处天边,却正在有更多的亡灵生物向这边赶来。铺天盖地。 For the evolution of Hao Yue, in this world all Undead living thing was all transferred? 难道说,为了皓月的进化,这个世界中所有的亡灵生物全部被调动起来了么? Looks back to look to Hao Yue. This time it, crawls there looks like a sculpture. The purple gold color scale covers the whole body, six big ends pester in together, has a special quietness. 回首看向皓月。此时的它,匍匐在那里就像是一尊雕塑。紫金色的鳞片覆盖全身,六个大头纠缠在一起,有着一种特殊的沉静。 My good brothers, regardless of being difficult, I certainly will also protect you to be complete, when does not let initially you evolved six heads broken one repeats. 我的好兄弟,无论多么艰难,我也一定会护你周全,决不让当初你进化六头时被打断的一幕重演。 In this time, the distant place, a dreadful pressure is appearing, the pressure does not appear from a direction, but from simultaneously appears in all directions. 正在这个时候,远方,一股滔天威压出现,威压并不是从一个方向出现的,而是从四面八方同时显现出来。 Lin Xin that was bright incomparable Saint to be positive, immediately became in the face of the pressure of this terror gloomy. Holy Sun Domain that he just comprehended is unable to contend with this pressure, has to interrupt the attack, falls during the protection of Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield. 林鑫那原本明亮无比的圣阳,在这恐怖的威压面前立刻变得暗淡了许多。就连他刚刚领悟的圣阳领域都无法与这股威压相抗衡,不得不中断了攻击,落回日月神蜗盾的保护之中。 Compared with Lin Xin, cultivation of Ya Ting to appear formidable. The vision looks into the distance, Sword of Kings returns, hangs in airborne as before. 林鑫相比,雅婷的修为就显得强大了许多。目光眺望远方,王者之剑回归,依旧高悬于空中。 Came. The genuine powerful enemy appeared finally. 来了。真正的强敌终于出现了。 The black sky gradually turned into the boundless grey in the aura transformation of that terror, the terrifying constriction even made the entire space slight distortion. 黑色的天空在那恐怖的气息变换中渐渐变成了苍茫的灰色,恐怖的压迫感甚至令整个空间都轻微的扭曲着。 The distant place, the Undead army forward was stopping the step of advance unceasingly. These hover on airborne flight Undead also rapidly fall return to the ground. 远处,原本正在不断向前的亡灵大军停下了前进的步伐。就连那些翱翔在空中的飞行亡灵也迅速落回地面。 They are worshipping on bended knees, crawl in place, reverent worshipping on bended knees. But from the different directions, nine light also appears. 它们在跪拜,匍匐在地,虔诚的跪拜。而从不同的方向,九道光影也随之出现。 Long Haochen both eyes narrow the eyes, Ya Ting, comes back.” 龙皓晨双眼微眯,“雅婷,回来。” The Long Yating personal appearance dodges, during Sword of Kings along with it reclamation, she also together returned to the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield light to cover. 龙雅婷身形一闪,王者之剑随之收回,她也一同回到了日月神蜗盾的光罩之中。 Saying that Long Haochen muttered: Nine groups of light, have ten groups of aura. Weakest, spiritual energy also over 200,000. Perhaps most powerhouse, spiritual energy has almost 700,000 ranks. These fellows, should be the control of Hao Yue this world. They should also feel the evolution of Hao Yue to carry on the final time, these time turns out in full strength.” 龙皓晨喃喃的说道:“九团光,却有着十团气息。最弱的一个,灵力也超过200000。最强者,灵力恐怕有差不多700000的级别。这些家伙,应该就是皓月这个世界的主宰了。他们应该也感受到了皓月的进化进行到了最后时刻,这一次是倾巢出动。” Although the Long Haochen sound is not loud, but his partners everyone can actually clear hearing. However, does not have a stream of people to reveal the tense color. 龙皓晨的声音虽然不大,但他的伙伴们每一个人却都能清楚的听到。但是,却没有一个人流露出紧张之色的。 Ten Undead powerhouses, cultivation for all in 20 ten thousand spiritual energy above, this strength has dominated above them completely. Here is the Undead world, their spiritual energy many that restores to trouble. But, will they fear? 十名亡灵强者,修为全都在20万灵力以上,这份实力已经完全凌驾于他们之上。这里更是亡灵的世界,他们的灵力恢复起来要麻烦的多。可是,他们会怕么? In initially them , in Tower of Eternity helps Long Haochen reactivating, in their hearts did not have to fear this character. Although the enemies are strong, but they are more confident to themselves. Moreover, they are also more confident to Long Haochen. He is Divine Knight of Glory and Leadership! Has the approval of ultra divine artifact. How even if the enemy is formidable? They also similarly can insist that moment of achievement. 早在当初他们在永恒之塔内帮助龙皓晨复活的时候,他们心中就没有了怕这个字。敌人虽强,但他们对自己更有信心。而且,他们也对龙皓晨更有信心。他是辉煌与领袖之神印骑士啊!有着超神器的认可。就算敌人再强大又如何?他们也同样能够坚持到获胜的那一刻。 That nine forms gradually become clear. 那九道身影渐渐变得清晰起来。 Long Haochen saw when that Witch Demon King that the previous Hao Yue evolution fights. Cannot see the appearance as before, but the Witch Demon King aura actually as if became more formidable. Is float there, around her body as if there is innumerable resentment spirits in Bei Hao. 龙皓晨一眼就看到了在上一次皓月进化时交手的那位巫妖王。依旧看不到容貌,但巫妖王的气息却似乎变得更加强大了。仅仅是悬浮在那里,她身体周围就似乎有着无数怨灵在悲嚎。 However, her aura is so formidable, in these nine forms, the strength actually cannot arrange first three. 但是,她的气息如此强大,在这九道身影之中,实力却排不进前三。 The Long Haochen vision flashes past on Witch Demon King, fell on his positive form place, was the places of two formidable aura unions. 龙皓晨的目光在巫妖王身上一闪而过,紧接着就落在了他正面的一道身影处,也是两股强大气息结合之处。 ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Eruption in high tide, for the evolution of Hao Yue, the new month, first day, asked the monthly ticket. Six start, this is first. 高潮中的爆发,为了皓月的进化,新的一个月,第一天,求月票。六更开始,这是第一更。
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