SDT2BMS :: Volume #5

#492: Rules the world domain

The owners press the wall again, this time, the pressure is increased again, the Long Dangdang complexion also became dignified several points finally, but in the look obviously brings several points of joy, although because pressure increasing let his bearing pressure strengthen, but in within the body spirit strength operated under the pressure obviously also started changes quick, strength of that strange bloodlines was also inspired, these pressures not only have not taken to him the pain, instead inexplicable smooth crisp feelings, as if whole body under the function of pressure better fused strength after these improvement. 堂主再次按动墙壁,这一次,压力再次提升,龙当当的脸色也终于变得凝重了几分,但眼神中却明显带着几分欣喜,因为虽然压力大增让他承压变强,但体内灵力在压力作用下运行的明显也开始变快了,就连自身那奇异的血脉之力也随之被引动起来,这些压力不但没有带给他痛苦,反而有一种莫名畅爽的感觉,仿佛全身都在压力的作用下更好的融合自身这些提升之后的力量。 The vortex in dantian has started to form, more and more viscous spirit strength integrate, has been able to start to see indistinctly, in the dantian central location, one group of light balls is taking shape slowly, the light ball is colorful, various species that Long Dangdang supplement all above. Meanwhile, Long Dangdang is the clear feeling, clone that has not presented for a long time again, as if must present one. But the small eight that sides also transmit the powerful the aura, its seventh must be born. 丹田内的旋涡已经开始成形,越来越多的粘稠灵力融入其中,隐约已经能够开始看到,在丹田中心位置,一团光球正在缓缓成型,光球五颜六色,龙当当自身所附带的各种属性全都在其上。与此同时,龙当当更是清晰的感受到,已经许久没有再出现的分身,似乎又要出现一个了。而小八那边也同时传来强力的气息,它的第七颗头也要诞生了。 But at this time, through pressure measurement big, the owner has basically tested the Long Dangdang present spirit intensity of pressure. 而此时,通过测压大阵,堂主已经基本测试出龙当当现在的灵力强度了。 Outside the spirit strength surpasses 300,000, in the spirit strength also Gundam/reaches as high as over 250,000, in other words, present he, even can say that is nine step third-level levels. Yes, is not nine step five levels, the inside and outside spirit strength cannot add together in nine step levels. Only can calculates the highest that kind. But this also made the owner enough pleasantly surprised, outside Long Dangdang spirit strength high within expectation, after all used the spirit embryo god fruit, but in his the spirit strength rushed to nine steps unexpectedly directly second-level is the owner has not actually thought that completely , first-order arrived second-order, was 100,000 spirit strength to 200,000 spirit strength, was equivalent cultivates to turn time! 外灵力超过三十万,内灵力也高达二十五万以上,也就是说,现在的他,甚至可以说已经是九阶三级的层次了。是的,不是九阶五级,内外灵力在九阶这个层次是不能相加的。只能是算最高的那一类。但这也让堂主足够惊喜了,龙当当外灵力高是在预料之内的,毕竟用了灵胎神果,但他这内灵力竟然直接冲到了九阶二级却是堂主完全没想到的,要知道,一阶到二阶,可是十万灵力到二十万灵力,相当于修为翻倍啊! Facing a more tremendous pressure, on Long Dangdang that dragon prestige's common dignified aura not only has not weakened, instead is strengthening continually, stands in room central him, has to plant just like the king general makings. 面对更大的压力,龙当当身上那份龙威一般的威严气息不但没有减弱,反而是在持续增强着,站在房间中央的他,有种宛如君王一般的气质。 This clearly has the domain aura, but, what domain is this? In owner heart secret surprised is also guessing. 这分明有着领域的气息,但是,这是什么领域?堂主心中暗暗惊讶的同时也在猜测着。 Condensation of miracle cure just like successful general, the ambient pressure is still enhanced continually, but does not erupt according to of twice wall like the owner suddenly, the spirit strength of Long Dangdang within the body gathers in the dantian quickly completely, spirit strength revolving and collapse, internal light group also becomes also getting more and more bright, the dantian transmits the full feeling unceasingly, but the too big pain, the whole body has not actually been operating the strength of purple gold color bloodlines, in addition has reached as high as 300,000 outside spirit strength, the carrying/sustaining the spirit strength is not difficult. 灵丹的凝聚犹如水到渠成一般,外界压力还在持续增强,只不过不像堂主按两次墙壁似的那种猛然爆发,龙当当体内的灵力很快就完全汇聚于丹田之中,灵力旋转、塌缩,内部的光团也随之变得越来越明亮起来,丹田不断传来饱胀的感觉,但却并没有太大的痛苦,全身运行着紫金色的血脉之力,再加上已经高达三十万的外灵力,承载着这样的灵力并不困难。 This is why the high rank powerhouse must promote outside the reason of spirit strength simultaneously, only then outside the spirit strength is powerful enough, the body carrying capacity is enough, can stand in the promotion of spirit strength. 这就是为什么高阶强者一定要同时提升外灵力的原因,只有外灵力足够强大,身体承受力足够,才能禁受得住内灵力的提升。 Owner, comes again one time.” The Long Dangdang sound somewhat shivers slightly, like not calm previously. “堂主,再来一次。”龙当当的声音略微有些颤抖,不像先前那么从容了。 „Did you determine?” Owner somewhat surprised asking, now is nine step third-level pressures, moreover is strengthening slowly, thus better squeezing Long Dangdang potential. “你确定?”堂主有些惊讶的问道,现在已经是九阶三级的压力,而且还在缓慢增强,从而更好的压榨龙当当的潜能。 Long Dangdang has not opened the mouth again, but actually selected under. 龙当当没有再开口,但却点了下头。 Good, was careful.” The owners press the wall again. This pressure measurement big limit compares favorably with nine step five levels of pressures. At this time, has raised nine step four levels, in the face of this pressure, owner must transfer the spirit strength to be able even calmly to deal full power. “好,小心了。”堂主再次按动墙壁。这测压大阵的极限是媲美九阶五级的压力。此时,已经提升到了九阶四级,在这种压力面前,就算是堂主自己也要全力调动灵力才能从容应对了。 The pressure rises dramatically again, Long Dangdang only felt own scalp tingles with numbness, but also is this flash, spirit strength racing wells up in dantian enters instantaneously, integrates in the central light group completely, not only that strength of also flowing inward naturally Long Dangdang own bloodlines, exaggerated the purple gold color that colored light group unexpectedly. 压力再次暴增,龙当当只觉得自己头皮一阵发麻,但也就是这一瞬间,丹田内的灵力瞬间奔涌而入,完全融入到中央光团之内,不仅如此,龙当当自身的血脉之力也自然而然的向内流淌,竟是将那原本彩色的光团渲染成了紫金色。 Slight buzz called from the Long Dangdang body appears , presented seven empty shades in his side rapidly, clone besides original six, but also were many clone that purple mist wound around. 一声轻微的嗡鸣从龙当当身体周围出现,紧接着,在他身边迅速出现了七道虚影,除了原本的六道分身之外,还多了一道紫色雾气缭绕的分身。 Violently poisonous? Long Dangdang felt the attribute of this clone instantaneously, yes, should be violently poisonous. 剧毒吗?龙当当瞬间就感受到了这具分身的属性,是的,应该就是剧毒了。 Clone presented the flash, breaks in the Long Dangdang body again , Long Dangdang spirit strength hold, can see greatly indistinctly, the dantian position beside his body, the invisible whirlpools appears, at the same time, on his forehead, eight purple gold pigment figure roads also appears. 分身只是出现了一瞬间,就再次冲入龙当当身体之中,紧接着,龙当当自身灵力大盛,能够隐约看到,在他的身体之外丹田位置,有一个无形的旋涡浮现而出,与此同时,在他的额头上,八道紫金色纹路也随之出现。 One type bursts out from him just like the king air/Qi field instantaneously, the powerful aura back pressure tests big. dragon Yinsheng reverberates around the Long Dangdang body, his makings had the change again. 一种宛如君王般的气场从他身上瞬间迸发而出,强大的气息反压测试大阵。龙吟声在龙当当身体周围回荡,他的气质再次出现了变化。 In the dantian, a purple gold color pill pill condenses the forming, that invisible prestige compressed air field, blooms from this miracle cure outward. 丹田之中,一颗紫金色的丹丸凝聚成形,那无形的威压气场,正是从这枚灵丹之中向外绽放的。 Long Dangdang has known at this time own domain ability was anything, was the pressure, was the pressure, the pressure of wide scope. In domain, all pressure of submitting. Leads the domain name: Rules the world! 龙当当此时已经知道自己的领域能力是什么了,是威压,就是威压,大范围的威压。领域之内,一切臣服的威压。领域名:君临天下! Long Dangdang has also understood at this time, until this moment, he is the true nine step powerhouses. 龙当当此时也已经明白,直到这一刻,他才算是真正的九阶强者。 The pressure is still enhanced continually, the domain aura that but bursts out from Long Dangdang, has resisted these pressures outside, his look becomes gentle, the body has the purple gold color halo to be partly visible. 压力还在持续增强,但从龙当当身上迸发出的领域气息,已经将这些压力自行抵挡在外,他的神色变得平和起来,身上有紫金色的光晕若隐若现。 The owners feel from him, is not the pure sacred aura, but was one type mixed the sacred energy, meanwhile as if opposite strengths existed, but the two have the feeling of complementing one another. 堂主从他身上感受到的,并不是纯粹的神圣气息,而是一种混合了神圣能量,同时还有一种似乎相反的力量存在,但二者却有着相辅相成的感觉。 Looks at present Long Dangdang, in this federation's first person of look was also full of the color of exclamation. Has no alternative but to exclaim in surprise! Entered nine steps to have nine step third-level strengths directly, in addition his mount partner was Golden Dragon descendant, the divine tool that in addition oneself had, what kind of degree his present battle efficiency can be, was not good to judge the owners. But he knows that present Long Dangdang, could be grows thoroughly. 看着眼前的龙当当,这位联邦第一人的眼神之中也充满了惊叹之色。不能不惊叹啊!一入九阶就直接拥有了九阶三级的实力,再加上他的坐骑伙伴乃是黄金龙后裔,加上自身所拥有的神器,他现在的战斗力能够达到怎样的程度,就连堂主都不好判断了。但他知道现在的龙当当,已经可以算是彻底成长起来了。 Continued the test no significance owner to close pressure measurement big, the pressure vanished slowly, the strength of domain the Long Dangdang body sent out also naturally received. 继续测试已经毫无意义堂主关闭了测压大阵,压力缓缓消失,龙当当身上散发出的领域之力也自然而然的就收了回去。 Owner, my miracle cure condensed successfully.” Long Dangdang opens the double pupil, somewhat joyful said to the owner. “堂主,我的灵丹凝聚成功了。”龙当当睁开双眸,有些欣喜的向堂主说道。 The owners cannot bear say with a smile: Naturally succeeded, even the domain inspired. I have never thought that this your growth is so unexpectedly big. The domain has, directly is the territory rank.” 堂主忍不住笑道:“当然成功了,连领域都引动出来了。真没想到,这次你的成长竟然这么大。领域拥有,直接就是场域级别的。” Long Dangdang curious asking: What is the territory rank?” 龙当当好奇的问道:“什么叫场域级别?” Hall main road: You just contacted the domain, I give you to say simply. The strengths of our nine step occupation most cores are the domains, the domain strength is we distinguishes between the ordinary occupation symbol, is our true core strengths. Arrived nine step levels, the domain strong and weak was deciding the potential and strength directly. The domain is mainly divided into three types, the skill domain, the field territory, as well as day subordinate domain. The so-called skill domain, is the domain erupts the skill general direct prestige energy directly, that is compares favorably with casting a spell sufficiently the ability, the different skills, the might is different. Top skill domain, is not inferior in the field territory. But on the other hand, the field territory must certainly, because the field territory is the regional coating ability, not only the skill is so simple, in the territory range on the scene, the domain owner strength will increase, but the strength of opponent will be weakened.” 堂主道:“你才刚刚接触领域,我给你简单讲讲。我们九阶职业者最核心的力量就是领域,领域的力量是我们区别于普通职业者的标志,也是我们真正的核心实力。到了九阶这个层次,领域的强弱直接决定着潜能与战力。领域主要分为三种,技能型领域,场域,以及天下级领域。所谓技能型领域,就是领域直接爆发出技能一般的直接威能,那是足以媲美禁咒的能力,不同的技能,威力不同。顶级的技能型领域,也不逊色于场域。但相对来说,场域肯定要更强一些,因为场域是区域性的覆盖能力,不只是技能那么简单,在场域范围内,领域的拥有者实力会大增,而对手的力量会被削弱。” Visits him to stop, Long Dangdang pursues asks: What meaning on that day was the subordinate domain?” 看他停下来,龙当当追问道:“那天下级的领域又是什么意思?” Hall main road: This rank little appears extremely, day subordinate and between differences other two types, looks like the difference of ultra divine tool among with divine tools to be the same. Can change to transform the place truly the terrifying domain , without nine step over six levels cultivating to be, is not possible to touch this level.” 堂主道:“这个级别极少出现,天下级和其他两种之间的区别,就像是超神器和神器之间的差别一样。是真正能够改变换地的恐怖领域,没有九阶六级以上的修为,是不可能碰触到这个层次的。” Long Dangdang nods, said: I understood. My domain, probably existence that unified the spirit strength and psychic force, can have big constriction, thus reduces opponent's strength in my domain.” 龙当当点点头,道:“我明白了。我的领域,好像是一种结合了灵力和精神力的存在,能够产生很大的压迫感,从而降低对手在我领域之中的力量。” Yes, is very strong, has the relations with the dragon clan partner of your contract. Ding-dong, your closing up promotion, imagines me is bigger. Then, were you ready?” “是的,很强,和你契约的龙族伙伴也有关系。当当,你这次闭关的提升,比我想象中更大。那么,你做好准备了吗?” In Long Dangdang heart one cold, he understands certainly that the meaning of owner, immediately, nod of without hesitation, I prepared.” 龙当当心中一凛,他当然明白堂主的意思,当下,毫不犹豫的点了点头,“我准备好了。” Hall main road: With doesn't need to rest again? Adjustment condition.” 堂主道:“用不用再休息一下?调整状态。” Long Dangdang actually shakes the head, said: I have adjusted was very long, just condensed the miracle cure, I thought that does not have any time is better than my present condition. I can.” 龙当当却摇摇头,道:“我已经调整了很久了,又刚刚凝聚了灵丹,我觉得没有任何时候比我现在的状态更好。我可以的。” Owners silent, he is anxious! Yes, he even be more anxious than Long Dangdang, the matter that because then Long Dangdang must handle, relates to the federation the future. 堂主沉默了一下,他紧张啊!是的,他甚至要比龙当当更加紧张,因为接下来龙当当要做的事情,关系到联邦的未来。 But finally, he deeply inspires, sinking sound said: Then comes with me.” 但最终,他还是深吸口气,沉声道:“那跟我来吧。” Goes out of pressure measurement big, Long Dangdang felt at this time own strength became different, with previously just broke through, and helped Kong Kong resist compared with these dead souls lifeforms time, present he, seemed more a circle to melt such as a feeling, particularly that purple gold color miracle cure, took to him is a more abundant confidence. 走出测压大阵,龙当当此时感觉到自己的实力又变得不一样了,和先前刚刚突破,并且帮助空空抵挡那些死灵生物时相比,现在的他,似乎更多了一种圆融如一的感觉,尤其是那颗紫金色的灵丹,带给他的是更加充沛的信心。 Under owner's leadership, they arrived in the main hall in knight temple headquarters, the owner turns head to look to Long Dangdang, selected to him, but Long Dangdang looks up to the front, six huge seat static standing and waiting for a long time there, just like the sea calming god needle of knight temple to be the same, is six gods prints the statue of throne impressively. 在堂主的带领下,他们重新来到了骑士圣殿总部的大殿之中,堂主扭头看向龙当当,向他点了下头,而龙当当则抬头向前方看去,六张巨大的座椅静静的伫立在那里,犹如骑士圣殿的定海神针一般,赫然正是六张神印王座的雕像。 Printed the throne statue facing six gods, the Long Dangdang vision one falls in most central that. 面对六张神印王座雕像,龙当当的目光一下就落在了最中央的那一张上。 Prints compared with the throne with other gods, it seems like not most enchanting one, is all over the body jet black, the big seat back cushion is plain and calm, faintly broad air/Qi sending out. On the seat back cushion, inscribes the stars and flower-and-bird fish insect, various plants. Seemingly close, actually seems somewhat chaotic. In addition the black bottom color, as if should be most common is right. 和其他的神印王座相比,它似乎是最不炫丽的一张,通体漆黑,高大的靠背古朴而沉稳,隐隐有一种恢宏之气散发。靠背上,铭刻着日月星辰、花鸟鱼虫,还有各种植物。看上去细密,却显得有些纷乱。再加上黑底色,似乎本应是最不起眼的一张才对。 However, around it, has another five enchanting gods to print the throne to revolve. 但是,在它周围,却有着另外五张炫丽的神印王座围绕。 Taking to of the Long Dangdang impression is most profound, is he has seen only god of that end and slaughtering prints the throne. 带给龙当当印象最深刻的,是他唯一见过的那张末日与杀戮之神印王座。 On the high seat back cushion is mounting the innumerable gem, indistinct can see, has a person to look like the buddha on that seat back cushion, is swift and fierce and dignified, even it can be said that terrifying oppression strength from spreads. 高高的靠背上镶嵌着数不清的宝石,隐约中能够看到,在那靠背上有一个人像浮图,凌厉、威严,甚至可以说是恐怖的压迫力从其中扩散而出。 The seat back cushion peak, is a bright red gem of semicircle, looks like dichotomy Sun to overlook the land generally. But its ray is actually the dim red-orange, sends out is arriving at the general terrifying pressure just like the end. 靠背顶端,是一颗半圆形的鲜红色宝石,就像是半轮太阳一般俯视大地。但它的光芒却是略带昏暗的橘红色,散发着宛如末日降临一般的恐怖威压。 In the position of that portrait/people looks like chest, is above the throne seat back cushion, what is most eye-catching is a golden red rhombus gem. The above each crest line makes a great show of one's talents. Some huge radiant rays come from this. 在那人像胸口的位置,也是王座靠背上方,最为夺目的是一颗金红色的菱形宝石。上面的每一道棱线都是那么锋芒毕露。巨大部分璀璨光芒就是由此而来。 Above the broad seat, about the assistant is two lion carving crawls there is roaring, the innumerable magnificent patterns looked like from the chairback flow downward overspread the throne generally. 宽阔的座椅之上,左右副手是两只雄狮般雕刻匍匐在那里咆哮着,无数瑰丽的花纹就像是从椅背向下流淌一般铺满了王座。 This sculpture the god prints the throne to be exactly the same as Long Dangdang has seen simply, but reduced the volume. But is the god of such enchanting end and slaughtering prints the throne also only to become the central that pitch-dark god to print the set-off of throne. 这雕塑简直就和龙当当见过的神印王座一模一样,只是缩小了体积而已。可就是这样炫丽的末日与杀戮之神印王座也只能成为中央那张黑漆漆的神印王座的陪衬。 Not only it, in that black god prints around the throne, another four gods print the throne. 不只是它,在那张黑色的神印王座周围,还有另外四张神印王座。 The frightened and sad god prints the throne ; 恐惧与悲伤之神印王座; The god of protection and pitying prints the throne ; 守护与怜悯之神印王座; The wisdom and spirit god of print the throne ; 智慧与精神之神印王座; The order and principle god of print the throne. 秩序与法则之神印王座。 Five big gods print throne each magnificently that eye-catching, but, they actually can only regarding look very common in central that also the most unattractive god prints around the throne. Under their contrasts, that pitch-dark god printed the throne to have an unsurpassed dignity and mysticalness. Looking like the black hole is ordinary, is capturing the Long Dangdang attention. 五大神印王座每一张都是那么的瑰丽夺目,可是,它们却只能是围绕在中央那张看上去很不起眼,也最不好看的神印王座周围。在它们的衬托下,那张黑漆漆的神印王座就有了一种无上的威严与神秘。就像是黑洞一般,吸引着龙当当的目光。 Has not waited for too for a long time, Long Dangdang faces eternal prints the throne with the god of creation, shone one group of gentle light white lights, weakest. A vague relation starts to appear in the Long Dangdang innermost soul. The marvelous feeling spreads in his heart, as if has anything to summon his name. 并没有等待太长时间,龙当当所面对的永恒与创造之神印王座,亮起了一团柔和的淡淡白光,也最为微弱。一丝若有若无的联系开始出现在龙当当的灵魂深处。奇妙的感觉在他心中蔓延,仿佛有什么东西在呼唤着他的名字似的。 Long Dangdang static standing is motionless there, but silently is feeling the change of this aura. He first feeling is tranquil, yes, incomparable tranquility. Tranquility that does not have any mood fluctuates. As if it not sad unhappy, does not get angry regarding the challenge of Long Dangdang wickedly. Static is contacting with him. 龙当当静静的站在那里一动不动,只是默默的去感受着这一丝气息的变化。他首先的感受是平静,是的,无比的平静。没有任何情绪波动的平静。似乎它对于龙当当的挑战不悲不喜、不怒不恶。只是静静的与他联系着。 Long Dangdang feels is the vast, boundless boundless vastness. This feeling only then he in the eternal tower noticed initially picks stands in the road of previous periphery that endless nighttime sky direct access to the highest authorities can compare. However, the starry sky has the limit, but this came from eternal prints the aura of throne actually to resemble with the god of creation does not have the boundary. 紧接着龙当当感受到的就是浩瀚,无边无垠的浩瀚。这种感觉只有当初他在永恒之塔内看到采儿站在通天之路上周围那无尽的夜空可以比拟。但是,星空还是有极限的,而这一丝来自于永恒与创造之神印王座的气息却似是毫无边界。 Long Dangdang stands in same place motionless, feels as before silently is coming from eternal prints the aura of throne with the god of creation, eternal had not been printed the throne to drag into the inspection with the god of creation immediately the world, making in the owner heart that the one side waits for somewhat anxious. 龙当当站在原地一动不动,依旧默默的感受着来自于永恒与创造之神印王座的气息,并没有在第一时间被永恒与创造之神印王座拉入考核的世界,让一旁等待的堂主不禁心中有些焦急。 He is very clear, more obtains the god to print the inspection qualifications of throne early, means it prints conjunction of throne to be higher with the god. But why previously had inspired eternal has printed the throne with the god of creation, and has the domain, cultivates for also enough, even has Long Dangdang of light god physique, can actually the prestige start to be his test as before? 他很清楚,越早得到神印王座的考核资格,就意味着本身与神印王座的契合度越高。可为什么先前已经引动过永恒与创造之神印王座,并且已经拥有了领域,修为也足够,甚至有着光神体质的龙当当,却依旧威能开始属于他的考验呢?
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