SDT2BMS :: Volume #5

#491: Strength examination

accumulated spirit big! 蕴灵大阵! The spirit strength has become above very weak accumulated spirit big, a jet black cavity emerges out of thin air suddenly, the form fell from inside together. 灵力已经变得十分微弱的蕴灵大阵上方,一个漆黑的空洞突然凭空出现,紧接着一道身影就从里面掉了出来。 passes one to fall on the ground. “噗通”一声摔在地上。 Long Dangdang falls the corners of the mouth to pull out, this pulls out, was affecting the wound on face, sore he looks fierce. 龙当当摔得嘴角一抽,这一抽,也连带着牵动了脸上的伤,疼的他龇牙咧嘴的。 This special scoundrel gadget, really next cruel methods!” Long Dangdang is rubbing own face, traded the ordinary injury, his direct for treating restored sufficiently, but the issue is, on his face this injury has the meaning of destruction to hit, can only depend upon the strength of own bloodlines to digest slowly is good, is not easy to get back. “这特么混账玩意儿,真下狠手!”龙当当揉着自己的脸,换了普通伤势,他直接一个治疗就足以恢复了,但问题是,他脸上这伤势都是带着毁灭之意打的,只能依靠自己的血脉之力慢慢消化才行,并没有那么容易恢复过来。 But for all this, the smile on his time face is still rich. Without doubt, goes to the potential surface of that darkness and fire, or was Austin Griffing planned by Long Kongkong, but, Long Kongkong cannot think absolutely will be instead planned. 但尽管如此,他此时脸上的笑容依旧浓郁。无疑,前往那个黑暗与火的位面,是被龙空空或者说是奥斯汀格里芬算计了,但是,龙空空绝对想不到会被反算计了回来。 A pledge, directly a difficult war solving, had not fought, ended the fight, even, but can also feel to come from the respect of these dead souls powerhouses faintly, un, own, definitely not to that brat. 一份誓言,直接将一场艰难的大战给解决了,根本就没怎么打,就结束了战斗,甚至在走的时候,还隐隐能够感受到来自于那些死灵强者的一丝敬意,嗯,是给自己的,肯定不是给那臭小子的。 But such a pledge, directly solved that potential surface problem. Moreover, this pledge contains, not only also that potential surface. How own before has not thought of like this good way. 而这么一个誓言,直接就解决了那个位面的问题。而且,这个誓言所包含的,还不只是那个位面。自己之前怎么没想到这样的好办法。 When remembers two people by the respective transmission return appearance that Long Kongkong was also foul-mouthed, the smile on Long Dangdang this little while face was richer several points. The issue, as if solved part. The original misdemeanor, as if turned into the good matter. 一想起两人被各自传送归来时龙空空还骂骂咧咧的样子,龙当当这会儿脸上的笑容就更加浓郁了几分。问题,似乎解决了一部分呢。原本的坏事,似乎变成了好事儿。 Meanwhile, Long Dangdang can also obviously feel oneself this time goes to that strange position to face own promotion. The huge destruction thought integrates, makes Long Dangdang cultivate/repair for the large scale promotion directly, particularly the strength of that strange bloodlines, seems to become the circulation in the body, no longer before is, that type will use to consume one time directly, needs the appearance that for a long time can restore. 与此同时,龙当当还能明显感觉到自己这次前往那奇异位面对自身的提升。庞大的毁灭意念重新融入,直接让龙当当自身修为大幅度提升,尤其是那奇异的血脉之力,仿佛在身体之中已经自成循环,不再是以前那种用一次直接就会消耗,需要很长时间才能自行恢复的样子了。 This closing up harvest, is really much bigger than the imagination. Meanwhile, when distributes that pledge, he also comprehended oneself domain, yes, the domain had the whereabouts. 这次闭关的收获,着实是比想象中还要大得多。同时,在发下那个誓言的时候,他也领悟了自己的领域,是的,领域有着落了。 Although Long Dangdang was unable to determine that actually now own domain characteristics are how the degree, but actually can also feel the great strength of oneself this domain indistinctly. 虽然龙当当现在还不能确定自己的领域特性究竟达到怎样程度,但却隐约也能感受到自己这个领域的强大。 Then must do, accepted as soon as possible eternal prints the test of throne with the god of creation. And It is not good, before the injury on face is not good , was unable to go out, otherwise, does not know how should explain! Long Kongkong this hateful mixing barrier, will tidy up him next time again. 接下来要做的,就是尽快去接受永恒与创造之神印王座的考验了。不、不行,脸上的伤势没好之前还不能出去,否则的话,不知道该如何解释啊!龙空空这个可恶的混障,下次再收拾他。 Long Dangdang is revolving within the body the strength of bloodlines, the palm fitting on the cheek, gently according to rubbing, only has the strength of oneself this bloodlines, can reduce and solve on the face this injury, but surely requires time. 龙当当运转着体内的血脉之力,手掌贴合在面颊上,轻轻的按揉着,唯有自身这血脉之力,才能化解脸上这伤势,但肯定是需要一点时间的。 Dead spirit state, disaster city, silver city fort. 亡灵国度,天灾城,秘银城堡。 Long Kongkong black and blue appearance in own bedroom, on face azure and purple together, but also is hanging two panda eyes. 龙空空鼻青脸肿的出现在自己的卧室之中,脸上青一块、紫一块的,还挂着两个熊猫眼。 Although took back most destruction thoughts, but he in fact just broke through nine steps, but he faced at that time, is actually the most flourishing conditions, oneself in Long Dangdang that the divine tool and spirit furnace in addition holds. Besides first profits, in the rest of time, were almost being beaten by the brother crazily. 虽然收回了大部分毁灭意念,但他自身实际上才刚刚突破九阶,而他当时所面对的,却是全盛状态,自身在神器、灵炉加持下的龙当当。除了第一下占了便宜之外,剩余的时间里,几乎都是在被老哥狂殴。 This bastard, he certainly is intentionally, is retaliating me intentionally. All vented on me. Long Dangdang, you are waiting to me.” On the mouth is saying at the same time, the mood in Long Kongkong look actually seems extremely complex. Ferocious, angry and unwilling, but also has several points to feel relaxed with reluctantly. “这个混蛋,他一定是故意的,就是故意在报复我。全都发泄在我身上了。龙当当,你给我等着。”嘴上一边说着,龙空空眼神之中的情绪却显得极为复杂。狞恶、愤怒、不甘,但也有着几分释然和无奈。 „Was Austin, you comes back?” The gently beautiful sound conveys from outside. “奥斯汀,是你回来了吗?”柔美的声音从外面传来。 Heard this sound, Long Kongkong startles immediately fought a shiver spirit, rushed to call out: Do not come.” 听到这个声音,龙空空顿时激灵灵打了个寒战,赶忙叫道:“别进来。” But he said late, the door shoves open, Hofn had walked from outside. 但他说的还是晚了,房门推开,赫本已经从外面走了进来。 When she saw Long Kongkong black and blue appearance immediately has a scare, 32 steps flushed, Kong Kong and Kong Kong you how?” Yes, she blurted out what subconsciously called was Kong Kong, rather than Austin. 当她看到龙空空鼻青脸肿模样的时候顿时吓了一跳,三两步就冲了过来,“空空空空你怎么了?”是的,她下意识脱口而出叫出来的是空空,而不是奥斯汀。 All right, is the skin flesh wound.” Saying that Long Kongkong mumbled. “没事,就是点皮外伤。”龙空空哼哼唧唧的说道。 Hofn's surprised say/way: Who can make into this you? Breakthrough isn't smooth?” 赫本吃惊的道:“谁能把你打成这样?突破的不顺利吗?” Long Kongkong shakes the head, said: „Very smooth, has completed the breakthrough. Is Long Dangdang that fellow hits me. Irritated me!” At the same time saying, he could not have borne clench jaws. 龙空空摇摇头,道:“挺顺利的,已经完成了突破。是龙当当那个家伙打得我。气死我了!”一边说着,他还忍不住咬牙切齿起来。 Hofn lifts both hands, holds his cheek, the tears has been transferring in the eye socket, eyeful loves dearly. 赫本抬起双手,捧着他的面颊,泪水已经在眼圈里转着,满眼都是心疼。 All right, relax.” Feels the icy coldness that her palm transmits, Long Kongkong lifts the hand to grip her both hands, sighed, said: Is only, could not go back that world again, had no way to retaliate these bastards again.” “没事的,放心吧。”感受到她手掌传来的冰凉,龙空空抬手握住她的双手,叹息一声,道:“只是,再也回不去那个世界了,没法再报复那些混蛋了。” Shaking the head that Hofn actually makes an effort, the tears were flung with her movement, I do not retaliate, I want you well, so long as you no longer leave me in my side forever, I satisfied. I do not retaliate. Kong Kong.” 赫本却用力的摇摇头,泪水随着她的动作被甩出,“我不要报复,我只要你好好地,只要你永远在我身边不再离开我,我就满足了。我不要报复的。空空。” Long Kongkong cannot bear hug into to cherish her, I know, me to know.” 龙空空忍不住将她搂入自己怀中,“我知道、我知道的。” Enough long time, after confirming the Long Kongkong injury truly unobstructive, Hofn's mood returns to normal gradually. 足足半晌,在确认了龙空空伤势确实无碍之后,赫本的情绪才渐渐平复下来。 „Did parents they come back?” Long Kongkong asked. “爸妈他们回来了吗?”龙空空问道。 Hofn shakes the head, they went to that side the frontline, might construct a bigger dead spirit altar to help her promote the boundary. After she lets I and others you came back, inform her on the earliest possible time. Do you also want to go to the frontline?” In Hofn's voice filled worried. 赫本摇摇头,“他们去前线那边了,好像是要建造一座更大的亡灵祭坛来帮助她提升境界。她让我等你回来之后就第一时间通知她。你也要去前线了吗?”赫本的声音中充满了担忧。 Long Kongkong nods, said: Always must go, do not worry, will not have the matter. My bloodlines had recovered thoroughly, my strength is growing stronger every time, in this world, has no strength to injure to me.” Except for that fellow, he is thinking in the heart secretly. 龙空空点点头,道:“总是要去的,别担心,不会有事的。我的血脉已经彻底复苏了,我的力量每时每刻都在增强,在这个世界上,已经没有什么力量能够伤害到我了。”除了那个家伙,他在心中暗暗想着。 ...... …… Long Dangdang goes out of accumulated spirit big time, immediately brings in the attention of strong psychic force. 龙当当走出蕴灵大阵的时候,立刻就引来了强大精神力的关注。 sacred hall spirit crystal, owner, you conclusion cultivation? Breakthrough?” 圣堂灵晶,堂主,“伱结束修炼了?突破了吗?” The sacred hall spirit crystal, Long Dangdang, had broken through, you felt relieved.” 圣堂灵晶,龙当当,“已经突破了,您放心。” sacred hall spirit crystal, owner, good, first do not leave, I immediately.” 圣堂灵晶,堂主,“好,你先不要离开,我马上到。” The owners do not make Long Dangdang leave, is to examine his breakthrough the achievement. Should they gave, already completely six great temple maximum efforts, but Long Dangdang can break through to what degree, then relates the most important that matter that he must then do. 堂主之所以不让龙当当离开,是要检验他这次突破的成果。该给的他们都给了,已经尽了六大圣殿最大的努力,而龙当当能够突破到什么程度,则关系着他接下来要做的最重要的那件事。 Quick, the owner came, saw Long Dangdang that flickers him brightly at present one. Repairs for the breakthrough, making the Long Dangdang makings have the enormous change, particularly that nearly flood common sacred aura, was the owner this cultivated/repaired for not voluntarily to him will even have the meaning of being intimate with. 很快,堂主就过来了,看到龙当当的那一瞬他就不禁眼前一亮。修为突破,让龙当当的气质有了极大的变化,尤其是那近乎满溢一般的神圣气息,更是连堂主这等修为都不自觉的会对他产生亲近之意。 High and low sized up Long Dangdang several, you have broken through nine steps, possibly condenses the miracle cure?” 上下打量了龙当当几眼,“你已经突破九阶了,可能凝聚灵丹?” Long Dangdang stares slightly, miracle cure?” To be honest, although he also has the teacher, follows the teacher to cultivate, but that is early period, afterward composed to hunt for the demon group with the partners, has the knowledge about nine steps, in fact he has not studied truly, because of until now, him is away from this level is quite remote. 龙当当微微一愣,“灵丹?”说实话,他虽然也有老师,跟随老师修炼,但那是早期,后来就和伙伴们一起组成猎魔团,有关于九阶的知识,实际上他并没有真正学过,因为一直以来,他都距离这个层次还比较遥远。 The owners somewhat are speechless, your teacher may be irresponsible enough, no, cannot blame rapidness that a little he is really you promotes. What occupation, after cultivating to promote to nine steps, must be close to the solid state the spirit strength to condense a miracle cure, the miracle cure condenses does not use desirably, cultivated/repaired to arrive, naturally can condense successfully. Normally since you have broken through nine steps, should the nature forming! The domain, can you have the comprehension?” 堂主不禁有些无语,“你的老师可够不负责任的,不,也不能怪他实在是你提升的有点快。无论是什么职业,修为提升到九阶之后,都要将已经接近固态的灵力凝聚成一枚灵丹,灵丹凝聚不用刻意为之,修为到了,自然就能凝聚成功。按说你既然已经突破九阶,就应该自然成形啊!还有领域,你可有领悟吗?” Long Dangdang nods, said: Domain touches to a threshold actually.” 龙当当点点头,道:“领域倒是摸到一点门槛。” Hall main road: With me came, to examine to know. Perhaps is because you just broke through, the miracle cure has not condensed with enough time, waits a minute me to help you inspect, makes some guidances.” 堂主道:“跟我来,检测一下就知道了。或许是因为你才刚刚突破,灵丹还没来得及凝聚,稍候我帮你检查一下,同时也做一些引导。” Thanks the owner.” Long Dangdang respectful to owner good a ritual. “谢谢堂主。”龙当当恭敬的向堂主行了一礼。 Quick, he had one from the future in room, this room directly behind the owner dwelling, is one about 300 square meters cultivation rooms, what is somewhat similar to the accumulated spirit big that room, the wall, roof and the ground this room also duplicate suffused the demon mark of strategy, but has not actually brought the rich element aura. 很快,他就被带到了一个从未来过的房间之中,这个房间直接就在堂主住处后面,是一间大约有三百平米左右的修炼室,和蕴灵大阵那个房间有些相似的是,这个房间的墙壁、房顶和地面也都覆盖满了阵法的魔纹,但却并没有带来浓郁的元素气息。 You stand the center to go, wait a minute will have the pressure on appear, you only needed to defer to your ability to resist were good, can examine your present cultivating is. If you have the comprehension of domain, can release in being able to withstand. Under this pressure measurement major role, cultivates to you , the stimulation potential stably will also be good.” “你站到中央去,稍候会有压力出现,你只需要按照自己的能力自行对抗就行了,就可以检测出你现在的修为。如果你有领域的领悟,也可以在承受不住的时候释放出来。在这测压大阵的作用下,对你稳固修为、激发潜能还会有好处。” Good.” Long Dangdang brings the curious heart, arrives at center law to stand firm. “好的。”龙当当带着好奇之心,走到法阵正中站定。 The owners fell back on one side corner, the right hand struck on the wall, immediately, buzz called also resounds, in an instant, in the entire room also trembled, an invisible ripple moved in the strategy demon marks of room four walls to ripple, next one flickered, has blotted out the sky toward Long Dangdang the suppression. 堂主退到一侧的角落处,右手在墙壁上拍击了一下,顿时,一声嗡鸣随之响起,刹那间,整个房间内都随之震颤起来,一股无形的波纹动房间四壁的阵法魔纹中荡漾而出,下一瞬,就已经朝着龙当当铺天盖地般镇压而来。 Long Dangdang only thought that whole body one tight, that huge pressure direct pressure in his body each, but the surge spirit strength that his within the body has enhanced just like blowout general galloping immediately, the Long Dangdang instantaneous whole body tightens, adjusts the spirit strength to resist this to come from the pressure. 龙当当只觉得全身一紧,那股巨大的压力直接压迫在他身体每一处,而他体内早已提升起来的彭湃灵力顿时犹如井喷一般奔腾而出,龙当当瞬间全身绷紧,调整自身灵力对抗这来自于外界的压力。 With his spirit strength revolution, own spirit strength fluctuates also to bloom immediately outward, is only in an instant, his as if whole person raises in invisible, an invisible air/Qi field blooms from Long Dangdang directly, that powerful dignity, owner such cultivating to be shaken, for it look changes. 伴随着他的灵力运转,自身的灵力波动也顿时向外绽放开来,只是刹那间,他仿佛整个人就在无形之中拔高起来,一股无形的气场直接从龙当当身上绽放而出,那强盛的威严,就连堂主这样的修为都被撼动,不禁为之色变。 This is......, is similar to the aura of dragon prestige? Is this domain? 这是……,类似于龙威的气息?这是领域? Owner are also a dragon knight, right, one of the knight temple three big dragon knights, have certainly his sacred hall owner. However, similarly as he of dragon knight, may not have this being similar in the dragon prestige general pressure ability! How does his is achieve? 堂主自身也是一位龙骑士,没错,骑士圣殿三大龙骑士之一,当然有他这位圣堂堂主在内。但是,同样身为龙骑士的他,可没有这种类似于龙威一般的威压能力啊!他这是怎么做到的? But the next quarter, the Long Dangdang body surface has reappeared a pure golden ray, direct prevents the pressure that the outside world transmits with ease outside. Also can see from his expression, this pressure seems to have no effect on him. 而下一刻,龙当当的身体表面就已经浮现出一层纯净的金色光芒,将外界传来的压力直接轻松阻挡在外。从他的表情上也能看得出,这点压力对他来说似乎根本没什么影响。 How can? 怎么会? The pressure that in pressure measurement big has at this time has strong oppression strength regarding the ordinary nine steps, because only then so can make occupation show to cultivate/repair in the process of bearing pressure comprehensively is. Because is the spirit embryo god are too many to his outside spirit strength promotion, therefore lets his pressure bearing capacity also far supernormal person? 要知道,此时测压大阵中所产生的压力对于普通九阶都有很强的压迫力,因为只有如此才能让职业者在承压的过程中全面展现出自身修为。难道说,是因为灵胎神果对他的外灵力提升太多,所以让他的承压能力也远超常人? Without hesitant, the owner struck directly again on the wall, immediately, the pressure in room rises dramatically again, almost strengthened one time in the flash. Previously also a face relaxed Long Dangdang expression immediately one stiff, but the next quarter, he lent more exuberant aura immediately, blocked this spirit strength oppression completely, relaxed again. The adaptation only used less than 15 seconds. 没有犹豫,堂主直接在墙壁上再次拍击了一下,顿时,房间内的压力再次暴增,几乎是在一瞬间就增强了一倍。先前还一脸轻松的龙当当表情顿时一僵,但下一刻,他自身顿时散发出一股更加旺盛的气息,完全挡住了这份灵力压迫,再次放松下来。前后适应只用了不到十五秒的时间。 Owner eyes one bright, this was aims at nine step second-level pressures! Also withstood? In other words, his all-round strength affirmation has reached nine step second-level levels. Naturally, this has also been expected, after all, the Saint reveal and spirit embryo god fruit in addition over ten thousand years of ice lotus, these types of day material treasures unify again, if second-level cannot arrive including nine steps, that may really be the waste. 堂主眼睛一亮,这是针对九阶二级的压力了啊!还承受住了?也就是说,他的综合实力肯定已经达到九阶二级的层次了。当然,这也是早就在预料之中的,毕竟,圣露、灵胎神果再加上万年冰莲,这几种天材地宝结合起来,要是连九阶二级都到不了,那可就真的是浪费了。 Owner, please continue to increase the pressure, I found the point to condense the feeling of miracle cure probably.” At this moment, places opens the mouth in Long Dangdang of pressure position unexpectedly again, makes owner speechless. “堂主,请继续加大压力,我好像找到点凝聚灵丹的感觉了。”就在这时,身处于压力位的龙当当竟然再次开口,令堂主不禁一阵无语。 But at this time Long Dangdang own feeling actually very strange, after the breakthrough, the spirit strength of his within the body has become extremely viscous, although is huge, but before revolving actually and was inferior, flexible. However, facing tremendous pressure that the outside world transmits, the spirit strength of his within the body starts to revolve, and is centered on own dantian starts slow circling, inward compression. 而此时龙当当自身的感觉却十分奇异,突破之后,他体内的灵力已经变得极为粘稠,虽然庞大,但运转起来其实并不如以前灵活。但是,面对外界传来的巨大压力,他体内的灵力开始自行运转起来,并且以自己的丹田为中心开始缓慢的盘旋,向内压缩。 In fact, normally, nine step powerhouses after breaking through nine steps, the spirit strength that because rises dramatically suddenly, the body will definitely present the carrying/sustaining to be difficult, naturally compresses the spirit strength, finally condenses the miracle cure shape, the miracle cure is the supersolid state spirit strength exists, itself becomes the circulation, can let nine step occupation better absorption day of earth deities strength, the large scale enhancement sustained combat capability and spirit strength explosive force, can support the huge consumption that the domain brings. 实际上,正常情况下,九阶强者在突破九阶之后,因为骤然暴增的灵力,身体肯定是会出现承载困难的,会自然而然的将灵力压缩,最终凝聚成灵丹形态,灵丹就是超固态的灵力存在,本身自成循环,能够让九阶职业者更好的吸收天地灵力,大幅度增强持续作战能力、灵力爆发力,同时也能支持领域所带来的巨大消耗。 Long Dangdang does not have to condense the miracle cure immediately , because his outside spirit strength was too strong, body radically without, because cultivates to break through nine steps feels the pressure, therefore would have no to oppress the miracle cure to come, although breaks through nine steps, but the miracle cure has not instead condensed. 龙当当之所以没有在第一时间就凝聚出灵丹,是因为他的外灵力太强了,身体根本就没有因为修为突破九阶而感到压力,所以就没有压迫出灵丹来,虽然突破九阶,但灵丹反而没有凝聚。 He cultivates the blood to refine the law of golden body, own outside spirit strength was also close to nine steps. This time spirit embryo god fruit and Saint reveal, have to the body nourish the ability extremely, and consolidates the foundation for him boosted to be close to 300,000 degrees his outside spirit strength directly. Even if sacred hall in six big temples, outside the spirit strength can achieve this horizontal does not arrive at the number of palm of the hand, this causes the miracle cure unable the earliest possible time to condense the appearance. 他本身就修炼有血炼金身之法,自身的外灵力本来也接近九阶了。这次的灵胎神果以及圣露,都是对身体有极强滋养能力,并且为他巩固根基的直接就将他的外灵力推升到了接近三十万的程度。要知道,哪怕是六大圣殿的圣堂们,外灵力能够达到这个水平的也不到巴掌之数,这才造成灵丹没能第一时间凝聚出现。 But at this time, under the huge oppression strength of pressure measurement room, the spirit strength of Long Dangdang within the body was oppressed, revolution voluntarily, circles is starting to contract inward, but Long Dangdang actually obviously felt that the pressure is insufficient, therefore then to the owner proposed that continues to strengthen the pressure. 而此时,在测压房间的巨大压迫力之下,龙当当体内的灵力受到压迫,自行的运转起来,盘旋着开始向内收缩,但龙当当却明显感觉到压力还不够,所以这才向堂主提出继续增强压力。
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