SDT2BMS :: Volume #5

#493: Prints the throne with the god of creation eternal

Prints the throne not to approve him with the god of creation eternal? 难道说,永恒与创造之神印王座并不认可他么? Long Dangdang has completely immersed in own world at this time, he can feel that tranquil strength to unify with his aura, what strange is, it seems like it is repelling anything, a very uncomfortable feeling starts to appear in Long Dangdang within the body. 龙当当此时已经完全沉浸在自己的世界中,他能感受到那份平静的力量正在与他的气息相结合,但奇异的是,它似乎是在排斥着什么,一种很不舒服的感觉开始在龙当当体内出现。 The illusion starts to appear in the Long Dangdang mind, this is a white world, boundless unbounded. But in this white world, there are one group of brilliant golden light. The white of this money light and surroundings each other is accommodating, as if possibly dissolves as one momentarily. 幻象开始出现在龙当当脑海之中,这是一个白色的世界,无边无界。而在这白色世界中,有一团光彩夺目的金光。这份金光与周围的白色彼此相容,似乎随时都可能溶为一体似的。 However, in this group of golden light, has another two colors. And Long Dangdang is very familiar, that is the purple gold color, is the purple gold color of bloodlines. But this purple gold color each other is engaging in factional strife with that boundless unbounded white light, the slightest does not let. 但是,就在这团金光之中,却还有着另外两种颜色。其中一种龙当当很熟悉,那是紫金色,属于自己血脉的紫金色。而这份紫金色正在与那无边无界的白光彼此倾轧着,分毫不让。 Although the white light is vast, but that purple gold color ray keeping aloof feelings, in the aura, unexpectedly no one are actually able to suppress the opposite party, can only be the unceasing collision. 尽管白光浩瀚,但那紫金色的光芒却有一种高高在上的感觉,在气息上,彼此之间竟然谁也无法压制对方,只能是不断的碰撞。 Is this strength of bloodlines eternal prints the throne to repel own bloodlines with the god of creation? In Long Dangdang heart secret with amazement. If that was true, what kind of choice does he want to make? 这是自己血脉的力量永恒与创造之神印王座在排斥自己的血脉?龙当当心中暗暗骇然。如果真是这样的话,那他要做怎样的选择? At this moment, purple gold color ray power and influence greatly hold of strength of that representative bloodlines, although the volume cannot by far compared with the white light, but that noble and arrogant actually tall and straight. Should be the friendly aspect, now actually turns each other contended. As if, Long Dangdang from eternal printed the throne is also getting more and more far with the god of creation. 就在这时,那代表血脉之力的紫金色的光芒威势大盛,虽然体积远远不能和白光相比,但那份高贵与高傲却更加的挺拔。原本应该是相融的局面,现在却变成了彼此抗衡。似乎,龙当当距离永恒与创造之神印王座也正在越来越远了。 Owners anxious is getting more and more intense. Has passed two double-hour, the test of Long Dangdang has not actually started as before. 堂主的焦虑越来越强烈。已经过去两个时辰了,龙当当的考验却依旧没有开始。 In the past such long time, even if started again, all work that perhaps still...... , the previous temple did also wasted! 过去这么久的时间,就算再开始了,恐怕也……,那么,先前圣殿所作的一切工作也就都白费了啊! Suddenly, the heart of Long Dangdang is perturbed on such as 15 crane buckets. Moreover, he also notices, prints Bai Guangzheng who in the throne sculpture sends out with the god of creation eternal is becoming more and more intense, but actually gives people indistinctly a feeling of aggression. 一时间,龙当当的心就如十五个吊桶般七上八下。而且,他也注意到,永恒与创造之神印王座雕塑上散发的白光正在变得越来越强烈,但却隐约给人一种侵略的感觉。 But on the Long Dangdang forehead, actually appeared eight purple gold colored light marks, the aura that the faintly one type was full of the destruction existed, as if with that eternal is printing the throne each other to resist with the god of creation unexpectedly. Even the skin surface started to present purple gold color trace. 龙当当额头上,却浮现出了八道紫金色光纹,隐隐有一种充满毁灭的气息存在,似乎竟是在和那永恒与创造之神印王座彼此对抗着。甚至皮肤表面都开始出现了紫金色的纹路。 Long Dangdang Long Dangdang, are actually you making what? 龙当当龙当当,你究竟在做什么啊? But regardless of, the owner has worries, he cannot help slightly. Gains the god to print the approval of throne, all can only depend upon itself, he also can only anxious here looks. 可是,无论堂主有多么着急,他也是丝毫都帮不上忙的。获取神印王座的认可,一切只能依靠自己,他也只能焦急的在这里看着。 Although that purple gold colored light glow can with eternal print the throne resistance to make him very surprised with the god of creation until now, but this also means that Long Dangdang stood in the god printed the opposite of throne, how can also its approval! 虽然那紫金色光芒能够与永恒与创造之神印王座对抗至今令他十分惊奇,但这也意味着龙当当站在了神印王座的对立面,又如何能够得到它的认可啊! The eternal heart of Long Dangdang is beating gently, releases the bright aura that from him that pure. The owner who that type stands purely was infected, in the heart continually has the feeling of clearly becoming aware. Now mentality anxious he, has not actually gone to the idea that grasped this clear(ly) to become aware slightly. 龙当当的永恒之心在平缓的跳动着,从他身上释放出的光明气息是那么的纯净。那种纯粹就连站在旁边的堂主受到感染,心中都不断产生着明悟的感觉。只是,现在心态紧张的他,却丝毫没有去把握这份明悟的想法。 The feeling of Long Dangdang is actually another shape, to him time not white, in the illusion space, he only thought that own soul as if unceasing sublimation in this resistance, prints the strength of throne to be vast and great with the god of creation eternal. Resembles comprehensively, on whether there is dignity. 龙当当的感觉却是另一种形态,对他来说时间并没有白过,在幻境空间之中,他只觉得自己的灵魂似乎在这份对抗中不断的升华,永恒与创造之神印王座的力量浩瀚、博大。似包罗万象,又有无上威严。 The Long Dangdang pinnacle light god physique, attracted its mood, this had each other blended, investigation, in sensation his all, but, was contrary to what expects, no one has thought, in the process of this inspection, actually produced because of existence of that strange bloodlines resists, moreover resisted is also becoming intense, Long Dangdang even felt, printed the strength and own bloodlines strength of on the throne contained with the god of creation eternal really has a clearly opposite feeling. 龙当当的极致光神体质,吸引了它的情绪,这才有了彼此交融,探察,在感知者他的一切,但是,事与愿违,谁也没有想到,在这份考核的过程中,却因为那奇异血脉的存在而产生抗拒,而且抗拒还在变得强烈,龙当当甚至感觉到,永恒与创造之神印王座上所蕴含的力量和自己的血脉之力竟然有种截然相反的感觉。 Has lost the patience in the owner gradually, even already somewhat desperate time, suddenly, the white light flashes, the body of Long Dangdang vanished baseless. 就在堂主已经渐渐失去耐心,甚至已经有些绝望的时候,突然之间,白光一闪,龙当当的身体就那么凭空消失了。 Started! The owner pupil light instantaneously greatly is eternal bright, belongs to Long Dangdang with the god of creation prints the throne inspection, finally started? 开始了!堂主眸光瞬间大亮,属于龙当当的永恒与创造之神印王座考核,终于开始了吗? As if was only the flash, Long Dangdang had revived. 仿佛只是过了一瞬间,龙当当就已经苏醒过来。 The beforehand pressure disappears completely, he only thought that oneself body as if soaks in the lukewarm water general, comfort that could not say. Has disciplined the soul obtained the best rest, that feeling is very wonderful, looks like the body in melting, the soul fell into the short blank and deep sleep. 之前的压力全部消失,他只觉得自己的身体仿佛浸泡在温水中一般,说不出的舒适。磨练过的灵魂得到了最好的休息,那种感觉很美妙,就像是身体在融化似的,灵魂更是陷入了短暂的空白与沉睡。 Has not known how long, the surrounding all become clear. The conscientious feeling command immersed was comfortable Long Dangdang to be thorough previously. 不知道过了多长时间,周围的一切重新变得清晰起来。脚踏实地的感觉令沉浸在先前舒爽中的龙当当彻底清醒。 The clear insect warbler cry biography hears, the Long Dangdang state of mind also restores gradually. He discovered with amazement, oneself places in the piece forest. The surroundings were completely the big trees, under the tree have are close to the person high bush being cut off his line of sight. 清晰的虫鸣鸟叫声传入耳中,龙当当的神志也渐渐恢复。他惊讶的发现,自己身处于片森林之中。周围尽是高大的树木,树下还有许多接近人高的灌木阻隔了他的视线。 Where is this? Some Long Dangdang doubts looked at all around. The comfort of body made his cultivating to maintain is in peak condition. The promotion of soul also made his sensation large scale enhancement. 这是什么地方?龙当当有些疑惑的看了看四周。身体的舒适感令他的修为保持在巅峰状态。灵魂的提升也令他的感知大幅度增强。 All around is completely the rich life aura, no feeling of threat exists, all are the most primitive nature. Vast boundless life aura in his sensation temperate is surging. 四周尽是浓郁的生命气息,没有任何威胁的感觉存在,一切都是最原始的大自然。浩瀚无垠的生命气息在他的感知中温和的涌动着。 The Long Dangdang will is firm, naturally cannot lose because of the environment of change suddenly, observed all around moment after calmly, his mood also returned to normal. 龙当当的意志何等坚定,自然不会因为突然变化的环境而迷失自我,冷静的观察了四周片刻后,他的情绪也恢复了平静。 From owner there, Long Dangdang to eternal printed the inspection of throne to have many understanding with the god of creation, first, content everyone of inspection was actually different, moreover inspection not simple did a matter, but must experience a series of tests. Concrete is anything, being unknown, but is quite surely difficult, in the meantime, inspection, not only the strength, meanwhile has the disposition, potential wait/etc. And, strength inspection also in next, the most important thing is to disposition and humane inspection. 从堂主那里,龙当当对永恒与创造之神印王座的考核已经有了不少了解,首先,考核的内容每个人其实都是不一样的,而且考核不是简单的做一件事,而是要经历一系列的考验。具体是什么,不得而知,但必定极为艰难,同时,考核的不只是实力,同时还有心性、潜力等等。其中,实力考核还在其次,最重要的是对心性、人性的考察。 Is pondering over in Long Dangdang, own inspection should be anything time, suddenly, low and deep vigorous, as if can cover the voice of the whole world to suddenly resound. 正在龙当当琢磨着,自己的考核应该是什么的时候,突然间,一个低沉浑厚,仿佛能够覆盖整个世界的声音突然响起。 Long Dangdang, in meeting with the big change, the parents changes into the situation of dead spirit state head, can defend strictly the conscience as before, regarding oneself is human, and is willing to run counter to the parental wish for human, takes protecting human as own duty, even did not hesitate to hug was sacrificing own mentality. Lives is, the humane inspection passes. What is more important, you can when assisting the Long Kongkong breakthrough on behalf of the god of scourge take an oath no longer destroy the potential surface, will pledge the brand mark enters own innermost soul, thus solved the god of biggest evil thought scourge to remain, although the result was undecided, but finally started to attempt to move toward the protection from the scourge. Regardless of the disposition and wisdom are the top picks, although the strength is slightly bad, but had as before wielded my qualifications. My eternal, is controlling part of creation lawful rights that creates the world god. Starting from this time, you for my wielding, I will give you to be my domain.” 龙当当,在遭逢大变,父母化为亡灵国度首脑的情况下,依旧能紧守本心,视自己为人类,并愿意为了人类而违背父母意愿,以守护人类为己任,甚至不惜抱着牺牲自身的心态。生而为人,人性考核通过。更重要的是,你能在辅助龙空空突破时代表天谴之神起誓不再毁灭位面,将誓言烙印入自己的灵魂深处,从而解决了天谴之神最大的恶念残留,虽结局未定,但终于从天谴开始尝试走向守护。无论心性、智慧都是上上之选,虽实力略差,但依旧有了执掌我之资格。我名永恒,掌控着创世神的一部分创造权柄。从此时开始,你为我的执掌者,我将赋予你属于我的领域。” Heard this sudden sound, the Long Dangdang whole person to be shocked, did not say the inspection very difficultly? The owners said initially beginning for president, when accepted eternal prints the throne inspection with the god of creation, used for a month, how does oneself this inspection just now start to end? Printed the throne to know itself on with the god of creation through the eternal heart eternal all, then chose to own approval? Was this really a little pleasantly surprised? 听着这突如其来的声音,龙当当整个人都不禁愣住了,不是说考核很难的吗?堂主说当初初代主席在接受永恒与创造之神印王座考核的时候,足足用了一个月的时间,怎么自己这考核才刚开始就结束了?永恒与创造之神印王座应该是通过永恒之心知道了自己身上发生的一切,然后就选择了对自己的认可吗?这实在是有点惊喜了吧? Because listened to have about before eternal prints the legend of throne with the god of creation, therefore Long Dangdang natural will think that the inspection of this ultra divine tool certainly is extremely difficult, but he has not thought is imagines is completely different, all unexpectedly so successful. 因为之前就听过很多有关于永恒与创造之神印王座的传说,所以龙当当理所当然的会觉得这件超神器的考核一定是极其艰难的,可他万万没想到的是和自己想象中完全不同,一切竟是如此的水到渠成。 Originally you need the dispositions and three great talent spirit tests, can inherit eternal prints the throne with the god of creation, but now, you had crossed the test, becomes eternal prints the throne new owner with the god of creation directly. My family, three great talent spirits for you will tell has the matter about eternal and creation.” The dignified sound resounds again, but in the sound does not know why brings strange. “本来你需要心性和三大器灵的考验,才能传承永恒与创造之神印王座,但现在,你已经越过了考验,直接成为了永恒与创造之神印王座新的主人。我的眷者,三大器灵将为你讲述有关于永恒与创造的事情。”威严的声音再次响起,但声音中不知道为什么却带着一份奇异。 At this moment, three forms have appeared in front of Long Dangdang quietly. 就在这时,三道身影已经悄无声息的出现在龙当当面前。 A stature strong lover, a big dragon, lives the angels of 12 pure white wings with one behind. 一名身材强壮的爱人,一条巨龙,和一名背后生有十二只洁白羽翼的天使。 Respectable inheritance, hello.” That 12 wing angels took the lead to fly, arrived at the Long Dangdang near, in a pair of beautiful pupil the halo circulation, is sending out the gentle brilliance. “尊敬的传承者,您好。”那名十二翼天使率先飞了过来,来到龙当当近前,一双美眸中光晕流转,散发着柔和的光辉。 For those also clearer, her figure of near looking is slim, the look is beautiful, that is one type honored beauty that and keeps aloof, but her arrogant actually seems like inherent, moreover gives people a normal feeling. Behind her, has 12 wings, is somewhat similar to the spirit wing of human, but seems like more real. 离得近了看的也更加清楚,她身材修长,相貌绝美,那是一种尊贵且高高在上的美,但她那份高傲却似乎是与生俱来而且给人一种再正常不过的感觉。在她背后,有着十二只羽翼,和人类的灵翼有些相似,但看上去却更加真实。 12 wings do not have the flaw pure white, has the light shiny smooth gloss under shining of sunlight. That made the feeling that one could not live to blaspheme pure and holy. 十二只羽翼洁白无瑕,在阳光的照耀下有着淡淡的莹润光泽。那份圣洁令人丝毫生不起亵渎的感觉。 Similarly is the white long skirt dangles, the long skirt is very simple, but puts in her actually looks like the perfect conjunction, increases one point of suspicion several minus one minute/share to consider too little. Golden hair and gold/metal eye, but does not have the bright aura to send out. In her right hand, has a slender white magic stick. 同样是洁白的长裙垂下,长裙很朴素,但穿在她身上却就像是完美的契合,增一分嫌多减一分嫌少。金发、金眸,但却没有光明气息散发出来。在她右手之中,有着一根修长的白色魔法杖。 On magic stick does not have any gem mounting, but Long Dangdang is only one seems like, the attention is captured by it immediately. He sees does not seem like a magic stick, but is the stars. 魔法杖上没有任何宝石镶嵌,但龙当当只是一眼看上去,目光立刻被它所吸引。他看到的似乎不是一柄魔法杖,而是日月星辰。 Please allow me to introduce our three for you, I am the eternal angel, these two respectively are the Easton king and sacred big dragons.” “请允许我为您介绍一下我们三个,我是永恒天使,这两位分别是伊斯顿王和神圣巨龙。” Long Dangdang is following his introduction, looks to another two. 龙当当跟随着他的介绍,向另外两位看去。 That Easton king has a thick brown short hair, the short hair appears the curl shape, seems chaotic in his top of the head. The body puts on just like the armor that the emerald carves becomes, is sparkling the eye-catching color light. Although his figure is not tall, but is quite vigorous and healthy. The shoulder width at least has about 2/3 of height. The chest is broad. A dragon of face must, in the organ on face, only then the nose and eye can see clearly. 那位伊斯顿王有着一头浓密的棕色短发,短发呈卷曲状,在他头顶显得乱糟糟的。身上穿着宛如翡翠雕琢而成的铠甲,闪耀着夺目彩光。他的身材虽然不高,但却极为健壮。肩膀宽度至少有身高的三分之二开外。胸膛宽阔。一脸的虬须,脸上的器官中,只有鼻子和眼睛才能看得清。 Easton king is really the distiller's grain nose, but also is glowing red, eye actually with hair same brown. The left hand is grasping a great axe, only the axe surface was almost big with his body, the right hand is a great hammer, the volume and great axe could not miss many. Is grasping this pair of giant aquamarine weapon by he short strong body, really seems somewhat strange. 伊斯顿王着实是个酒糟鼻,还红彤彤的,眼睛倒是和头发一样的棕色。左手握着一柄巨斧,单是斧面就和他的身体差不多大了,右手则是一柄巨锤,体积和巨斧也差不了多少。以他矮壮的身体握着这一对巨大的碧绿色武器,着实显得有些怪异。 Divine tool. Although the Easton king armor of these two weapon and is the aquamarine, but Long Dangdang actually concludes immediately, these three equipment are existences of divine tool level. 神器。虽然这两件武器和伊斯顿王身上的铠甲都是碧绿色的,但龙当当却立刻就断定,这三件装备都是神器级的存在。 The color can be different, but the aura will not be wrong. That extremely pure life aura has made the entire cavern turn into the aquamarine. 颜色可以不同,但气息却不会错的。那极其纯粹的生命气息已经令整个洞穴都变成了碧绿色。 The sacred big dragon, a true big dragon, the back does not have the pair of wings, the slender body has over 30 meters length fully, covers the golden scale all over the body, the underbelly is living five claws, the head lives two horns. The dignified eyes are gazing at them, along with its but rapidly, in the air all seven color rays also fluctuates. Indistinct, its aura to Long Dangdang feels like with small eight somewhat resembles. 神圣巨龙,一头真正的巨龙,背后没有双翼,修长的身体足有超过三十米的长度,通体覆盖着金色鳞片,腹下生有五爪,头生双角。威严的双眼注视着他们这边,伴随着它的急速而至,空中的一切七彩光芒也都随之波动起来。隐约之间,它的气息给龙当当的感觉似乎和小八有些相像。 In the midair, the eternal angel, the sacred big dragon and Easton king, are thinking the whole body sparkles nine color rays Long Dangdang to kneel down and bow respect with both hands clasped slowly. 半空中,永恒天使、神圣巨龙和伊斯顿王,都想着全身闪耀九彩光芒的龙当当缓缓下拜。 The three big powerhouse respectful say/way of: Eternal territory protector pays a visit the new host.” 三大强者恭敬的道:“永恒之域守护者拜见新主人。” Long Dangdang rushes saying: Three do not need to be polite, please get up in a big hurry.” 龙当当赶忙道:“三位不必客气,快快请起。” Three big powerhouses set out, the eternal angel said: Master, you somewhat are curious to three tests that should accept?” 三大强者直起身来,永恒天使道:“主人,你是不是对原本应该接受的三场考验有些好奇?” Long Dangdang nods slightly, in his heart has actually guessed correctly, but must confirm. 龙当当微微颔首,他心中其实已经猜到一些,但还需证实。 The eternal angel said: Here is the eternal territory, the eternal territory I protect the sky, Divine Dragon protection sea and all demon beasts, Easton king protect the land. We add together the representative is a world. Eternal and creation world. Here was called the eternal territory. But the eternal territory, is in itself eternal prints the intrinsic domain of throne with the god of creation. Therefore, you want to obtain the approval of throne, naturally must accept the inspection here.” 永恒天使道:“这里是永恒之域,永恒之域我守护天空,神龙守护大海和一切魔兽,伊斯顿王守护大地。我们相加代表的就是一个世界。永恒与创造的世界。这里就被称之为永恒之域。而永恒之域,本身就是永恒与创造之神印王座的内在领域。因此,您想要获得王座的认可,自然就要在这里接受考核。” Printed the throne with the god of creation eternal creates the world god once seat, was the genuine ultra divine tool. It is creating world god her fission, when changes into hundred gods control all potential surfaces loses in the starry sky. It along with the direction of destiny, arrives at the star that you were. Also is the Saint demon mainland that you know very well. It has been waiting for the new master birth.” “永恒与创造之神印王座乃是创世神曾经的座椅,是真正的超神器。它在创世神自身分裂,化为百神统驭所有位面之时在星空中迷失。它伴随着命运的指引,来到了您所在的星球。也就是您所熟知的圣魔大陆。它一直在等待着新的主人诞生。” Prints the throne with the god of creation eternal creates the seat of the world god unexpectedly? The double pupil of Long Dangdang concentrates, with total concentration is listening respectfully. 永恒与创造之神印王座竟然是创世神的座椅?龙当当的双眸微凝,聚精会神的聆听着。 Throne will grant you strongest strength, has existence of throne, was equivalent to you to be created the world god to award the god position, never needs to take on the arrival of bottleneck of mind.” “王座将赐予您最强的力量,有王座的存在,就相当于您被创世神授予了神位,永远也不需要担心神之瓶颈的到来。” In the Long Dangdang heart moves, said: „Is the bottleneck of god you said 1 million spirit strength?” 龙当当心中一动,道:“伱所说的神之瓶颈就是百万灵力么?” The eternal angel nods, said: Yes. Originally to your final single layer test, actually with the aid of 1 million spirit strength that the strength of eternal territory simulates. So long as you insist the quarter of an hour under my attack, even through inspection. But never expected that you adopted the inspection unexpectedly directly, this is the first time.” 永恒天使点了点头,道:“是的。本来对您的最后一重考验,其实就是借助永恒之域的力量模拟出的百万灵力。只要您在我的攻击下坚持一刻钟,就算通过考核了。但没想到您竟然直接就通过了考核,这还是第一次。” Long Dangdang hear of hearts of tic, 1 million spirit strength that are can block? But he is the curious say/way: Who is that eternal lord?” 龙当当听的心脏直抽抽,百万灵力那是自己能挡得住的吗?但他还是好奇的道:“那永恒之主又是谁?” A say/way of eternal angel face respect: Eternal lord, is creates the world god to keep a god on throne to read. Also is the eternal territory true control. However, he will easily not appear, originally eternal printed the throne to complete in the mission of this world with the god of creation. Will go to another potential surface with the arrangement of destiny. Because some special reasons preserved, for you.” 永恒天使一脸崇敬的道:“永恒之主,乃是创世神留在王座上的一丝神念。也是永恒之域真正的主宰。不过,他轻易不会出现,本来永恒与创造之神印王座在这个世界的使命早就完成了。将会随着命运的安排前往另一个位面。但因为一些特殊的原因才留存了下来,就是为了等您。” Listens to her at this point, Long Dangdang was completely clear. This prints the throne not to recognize him with the god of creation eternal forever for the lord. Only can be borrows to him, or borrows in Shengmo Mainland. Yes! It creates the seat of the world god, how also possibly to use for oneself forever. 听她说到这里,龙当当完全明白了。这永恒与创造之神印王座并不是永远认他为主。只能算是借用给他,或者说是借用于圣魔大陆而已。是啊!它乃是创世神的座椅,又怎可能永远为自己所用。 In this time, the nine color halos in sky suddenly became rich, tranquil, but the sound of no mood resounded, Long Dangdang, printed the throne to destroy because of the potential surface with the god of creation eternal, but , will also go along with the potential surface restore. You are the person of fate choice. The inspection is completed.” 正在这时,天空中的九彩光晕突然变得浓郁起来,平静而毫无情绪的声音响起,“龙当当,永恒与创造之神印王座因位面破坏而至,也将随位面修复而去。你就是宿命选择之人。考核完成。” Strong nine color halos regarding the Long Dangdang body high and low rhythm, the next quarter, he only felt own whole person all immersed in the special strength. 一圈圈浓烈的九彩光晕围绕着龙当当身体上下律动,下一刻,他只觉得自己整个人全都沉浸在了特殊的力量之中。 That is the endless chaos strength, but the strength of this chaos seems to be changing because of his body. The familiar light attribute started to appear, and at an exceptional pace took root to germinate, his soul and body are sublimating in this process of growth and creation. 那是无尽的混沌之力,而这混沌之力似乎又在因为他的身体而改变。熟悉的光属性开始出现了,并且以惊人的速度生根发芽,他的灵魂与身体都在这个成长与创造的过程中升华着。
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