SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#290: Dead sword Saint

Chapter 290 dead sword Saint 第290章亡者剑圣 Nine step powerhouses strikes to be terrifying? Places for several months ago, Long Dangdang is really not clear. However, since these months, in the Jiyang frontline, is in the demon boundary, along with their cultivating is the promotion, but also has really faced several nine step powerhouses, because has faced, therefore he more profound awareness, nine steps are how fearful existence. 九阶强者的一击有多么恐怖?放在几个月之前,龙当当还真不清楚。但是,这几个月以来,无论是在吉阳前线,还是在魔境之中,伴随着他们的修为提升,还真的面对过几次九阶强者了,正是因为面对过,所以他才更加深刻的知道,九阶是一个多么可怕的存在。 Without the half a point hesitates, Long Dangdang bellow has been similar to machine-gun to resound generally, that is the sound of conflagration. In small eight under body sends out dragon cry, three big ends dragon flame emits simultaneously. At this kind of time, with what magic, did not have the directness that the dragon flame comes without enough time. 没有半分犹豫,龙当当身上的轰鸣声就已经如同连珠炮一般响起,那是爆燃的声音。身下的小八口中发出龙吟,三个大头同时龙炎喷吐。在这种时候,用什么魔法都来不及了,都没有龙炎来的直接。 The water, fire and light, three dragon inflammations collect in together, directly soars that nine step deads to spray to go. 水、火、光明,三种龙炎汇集在一起,直奔那九阶亡者喷射而去。 The female dead seems like simply has not actually seen these to resemble, the body aquamarine ray twinkle, the speed of body flight had not even been affected, all dragon inflammations were isolated beyond the aquamarine, spirit astral! 女亡者却像是根本没看到这些似的,身上碧绿色光芒闪烁,身体飞行的速度甚至都没有受到影响,所有的龙炎都被隔绝在碧绿色之外,灵罡! However, when she is away from the Long Dangdang also three meters, her movement actually suddenly becomes slow. The Long Dangdang dantian place as if were many a white vortex, gentle white halo blooms a layer upon layer, falls on the female dead, decreased her speed forcefully. 但是,就在她距离龙当当还有三米的时候,她的动作却突然变得迟缓起来。龙当当丹田处仿佛多了一个白色的旋涡,一层层柔和的白色光晕绽放,落在女亡者身上,强行将她的速度减低了下来。 This is the strength of spirit furnace, even if nine steps, when facing swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly, will be affected as before. 这就是灵炉的力量,哪怕是九阶,在面对轻吞慢吐灵炉的时候,依旧会受到影响。 Meanwhile, radiant red lotus sword air/Qi spray from Long Dangdang, in an instant, the sword air/Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, exaggerated the red the body of Long Dangdang instantaneously, distinguished right from wrong with the green of opposite party. 与此同时,一道道璀璨的红莲剑气从龙当当背后喷射而出,刹那间,剑气纵横,瞬间将龙当当的身体渲染成了红色,与对方的绿色泾渭分明。 Works as-” in grating bellow, the Long Dangdang whole body golden light blooms at the same time, whole person attacked flying upside down. “当-”刺耳的轰鸣声中,龙当当全身金光绽放的同时,整个人已经被冲击的倒飞而出。 Although there are swallows lightly spits the influence of spirit furnace slowly, but also has small eight impediments, but the prestige of this sword is actually not present he can resist as before. 尽管有轻吞慢吐灵炉的影响,还有着小八的阻挡,但这一剑之威却依旧不是现在的他所能抵挡的。 In contact instantly, Long Dangdang only thought contains a feeling of as if main road highest good in that bone sword, at the beginning of oneself silver wave magic Asura red lotus sword air/Qi directly attacked being defeated and dispersed that on supplements. He even can feel being unwilling of Asura red lotus spirit furnace. It is not the sword air/Qi of spirit furnace is not very powerful, but was Long Dangdang own sword intent could not have controlled this powerful sword air/Qi. 在接触的刹那,龙当当只觉得在那骨剑之中蕴含着一种仿佛大道至理的感觉,自己银浪魔法之初上所附带的修罗红莲剑气直接就被冲击的溃散了。他甚至都能感受到修罗红莲灵炉的不甘。并不是灵炉的剑气不够强大,而是龙当当自身的剑意还驾驭不了这强大的剑气。 At the beginning of silver wave magic is almost instantaneously already an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration and disruption. What if not Long Dangdang uses is the god governing standard keeps off, is only this, he must be finished. 银浪魔法之初几乎是瞬间就已经寸寸崩解、碎裂。如果不是龙当当用的是神御格挡,只是这一下,他就要完蛋了。 The small 83 big ends tear and bite simultaneously toward that dead, the body blood of Long Dangdang flying upside down spurts crazily, the small eight giant tails are actually sweep away on, blocked the pursuit of dead. Meanwhile, a spiritual impact fell on the dead directly. 小八三个大头同时朝着那亡者撕咬过去,龙当当倒飞的身体鲜血狂喷,小八巨大的尾巴却是横扫而上,挡住了亡者的追击。与此同时,一道精神冲击直接落在了亡者身上。 But sends out the pitiful yell is actually small evil. 但发出惨叫的却是小邪。 Small evil only thought that own spiritual impact as if hit mountain, but that mountain is not it can shake, the giant eye instantaneously because of backlash accusation against turn into the blood red, but the body of that nine step deads actually stopped slightly. 小邪只觉得自己的精神冲击仿佛是命中了一座山岳似的,而那山岳根本就不是它所能撼动的,巨大的眼睛瞬间就因为反噬而变成了血红色,而那九阶亡者的身体却只是略微停顿了一下。 -” small eight tails were pierced, the bone sword vibrates, immediately a lot of blood and scale splashes. Three dragon's head of its tear and bite fell on the vacancy completely. “噗-”小八的尾巴被刺穿了,骨剑抖动,顿时大量的鲜血和鳞片飞溅。它那撕咬的三个龙头完全都落在了空处。 But also at this time, together dark golden form actually towering emergence behind that dead. The time excellent small evil spirit impact that it presents just hit the instance of that dead. 但也就在这个时候,一道暗金色的身影却突兀的出现在了那亡者背后。它出现的时机绝佳正是小邪的精神冲击刚刚命中那亡者的瞬间。 Although small received intense backlash evilly, but the body of dead in in the air also stopped flickered. 虽然小邪受到了强烈的反噬,但那亡者的身体在空中也是停顿了一瞬。 The mouth of mouse king has opened in a big way the maximum degree, bites toward the nape of the neck of that dead. Although it does not like eating the dead spirit lifeform, but this is nine step deads, eats energy that this gadget can obtain, even if the flavor almost, it thought that oneself can still endure. 鼠大王的嘴已经张开大了最大的程度,一口就朝着那亡者的脖颈咬去。虽然它不喜欢吃亡灵生物,但这可是九阶亡者,吃了这玩意儿所能获得的能量就算是味道差点,它觉得自己也能忍受。 The tooth of mouse king is reflecting the dark golden ray, before a pair , the claw also grasps toward that dead back. 鼠大王的牙齿反射着暗金色的光芒,一双前爪也同时朝着那亡者后背抓去。 The female dead who originally also wants to pursue stopped finally, the figure rotation, seems like not quick, but had actually turned in fast facing the mouse king. 本来还想追击的女亡者终于停了下来,身形回转,看似不快,但却在电光石火之间已是变成了面对鼠大王。 Go away!” The aquamarine ray puts receives, the mouse king only felt own this seemed like bites in the impregnable bastion common, plump body direct flying upside down. “滚!”碧绿色的光芒一放即收,鼠大王只觉得自己这一口似乎是咬在了铜墙铁壁上一般,肥硕的身体直接倒飞而出。 It is unwilling! If the peak time, what was this small dead spirit lifeform considered as? But its present cultivating is, actually cannot achieve, was shaken to fly by spirit astral of opposite party directly. 它不甘心啊!如果是自己巅峰的时候,这小小亡灵生物又算得了什么?可它现在的修为,却就是做不到,被对方的灵罡直接震飞了出去。 Touching of abyss at this moment the accurate hit on the female dead, making in the look of this nine step deads flash through a surprise, obviously it also feels this out of the ordinary of strength of swallowing. However, this actually does not affect her action. 深渊之触就在这时精准的命中在了女亡者身上,让这位九阶亡者的眼神之中闪过一丝诧异,显然它也是感受到了这吞噬之力的非同凡响。不过,这却并不影响她的行动。 Turns around, in the hand the bone sword lets go, directly soars Long Dangdang to fly to shoot to go. She is not does not want to attack Long Kongkong, but Long Dangdang was previously colliding with her, greets her, as soon as strikes, the Saint directed the spirit furnace to connect on her, only then struck to kill Long Dangdang, can attack Long Kongkong. 转身,手中骨剑脱手而出,直奔龙当当飞射而去。她不是不想攻击龙空空,但龙当当先前在和她碰撞,迎接她一击的时候,圣引灵炉就已经连接在了她身上,只有击杀了龙当当,才能去攻击龙空空 The ray of sacred blessing shines on Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong grasps a rise spirit shield, desperate flies toward here. To prevent that sword for the Elder Brother. In this moment, he as if returned initially in the demon boundary, looks helplessly when Long Dangdang by the snake demon god peaceful Mali tears into shreds the powerless feeling. 神圣祝福的光芒照耀在龙当当身上,龙空空手持升灵盾,拼命的朝着这边飞过来。想要替哥哥阻挡那一剑。在这一刻,他仿佛又回到了当初在魔境之中,眼睁睁看着龙当当被蛇魔神安度马里撕碎时的无力感。 Each time, is the Elder Brother keeps off before own, resists the powerful attack for oneself, why? Own spirit furnace why so strong, actually seems so useless. 每一次,都是哥哥挡在自己身前,为自己抵挡强大的攻击,为什么?为什么自己的灵炉都已经这么强了,却还是显得如此无用。 Also broke in the Long Dangdang body surface in this time glittering and translucent carving mail-armor and helmets instantaneously, his figure is also swelling instantaneously. Although was short of joining of bright angel spirit furnace, but in this flickers, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace helped him complete the dark blue moon/month angel of simplified version to change the body. Ray also accurate shining of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace on Long Dangdang. 也就在这个时候一块块晶莹剔透的甲胄瞬间冲入了龙当当的身体表面,他的身形也在瞬间胀大。虽然少了光明天使灵炉的加入,但在这一瞬,月明沧海灵炉还是帮他完成了简化版的沧月天使变身。神祈屿桐灵炉的光芒也精准的照耀在了龙当当身上。 , because the body increases, the thorn penetrated from his lower abdomen to the bone sword of Long Dangdang heart instantaneously, even if the dark blue moon/month angel changes the mail-armor and helmet that the body attaches, cannot prevent this terrifying strikes. “噗”因为身体变大,原本刺向龙当当心脏的骨剑瞬间从他小腹左侧穿透而过,哪怕是沧月天使变身附着的甲胄,也没能阻挡住这恐怖的一击。 This sword strength absolutely does not have the least bit to be scattered, penetrating power, Long Dangdang does not even have the response time. 这一剑力量完全没有半点分散,穿透力之强,龙当当甚至连反应的时间都没有。 Brother!” Also looks on Long Dangdang the blood fog splash, Long Kongkong only thought that own breath must stop. “老哥!”也看着龙当当身上血雾飞溅,龙空空只觉得自己的呼吸都要停止了。 However, the Long Dangdang connection directs the spirit furnace ray actually not to interrupt in that female dead Saint of as before. His body suddenly becomes insightful, just like a golden human form crystal, wound by instantaneous blockade at the same time, his figure has been vanishing suddenly same place. 但是,龙当当连接在那女亡者身上的圣引灵炉光芒却依旧没有中断。他的身体突然变得通透起来,犹如一块金色的人形水晶,伤口被瞬间封锁的同时,他的身形已经骤然在原地消失。 Light element body, the jump of light. 光元素体,光之跃迁。 Clone to separate suddenly from him, kept off with their bodies before he himself and Long Kongkong body. 一道道分身骤然从他身上分离出来,用它们的身体挡在了他自己和龙空空的身前。 Entire hunts for the demon group people, facing nine steps, they can also resist 12, but only Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong two brothers, moreover in the situation of so enclosed compartment, resisting too to be difficult. Moreover at present these nine step deads obviously are not the ordinary nine steps. 整个猎魔团众人都在的时候,面对九阶,他们还能抵挡一二,但只有龙当当龙空空兄弟俩在,而且还是在如此密闭空间的情况下,抵挡起来却太难了。而且眼前这九阶亡者明显也不是普通的九阶。 Bang Long Dangdang clone to blast open suddenly, the Long Dangdang main body spouts a blood immediately again, but at this moment, small eight had arrived, giant Dragon's Tail sweeps away, in the meantime, three Golden Dragon dragon prestige release, making that female dead slightly make the stop, but she also grasps into that bone sword while this time the palm. “砰”龙当当的一具分身骤然炸裂,龙当当本体顿时再次喷出一口鲜血,而就在这时,小八已经到了,巨大的龙尾横扫而出,同时,三头黄金龙龙威释放,令那女亡者略作停顿,但她也趁着这个时间将那柄骨剑重新抓入掌中。 The female dead bone sword shakes, together sword glow racing to launch, seeming like that simple sword glow, but when its instantaneous on the small eight tails, small eight is actually the body shock, the entire end blasts out an astonishing blood hole, called out pitifully, the body throws falls. 女亡者骨剑一抖,一道剑芒奔射而出,看上去就是那么简简单单的剑芒,但当它瞬间点在小八尾巴上的时候,小八却是身体剧震,整个尾部都炸开一个惊人的血洞,惨叫一声,身躯抛跌。 Magics that Long Dangdang clone to release, fall in abundance, but in actually disintegrates before her aquamarine spirit astral close to that female dead body first three meters, even the trace cannot stay behind. 龙当当分身释放出的一道道魔法,纷纷落下,但在接近那女亡者身前三米时却都在她那碧绿色的灵罡面前冰消瓦解,甚至连痕迹都没能留下。 The fundamental disparity in strength, lets both sides as if from beginning to end not in a level line, has the function only possibly is the abyss touches swallowed crazily. 实力上的根本差距,让双方似乎从始至终都不在一个水平线上,唯一还有作用的可能就是深渊之触的疯狂吞噬了。 But to nine step levels, the self- resilience was extremely strong, moreover at present this does not know space that came from where, has the addition function to this female dead, even if she stands there makes Long Kongkong attract, is not a short time can the suck dry. 但到了九阶这种层次,自我恢复能力极强,而且眼前这不知道是从何而来的空间,更是对这女亡者有加成作用,她就算站在那里让龙空空吸,也不是一时半会儿能够吸干的。 The bone sword vibrates, giant sword glow appear, Long Dangdang clone to disappear in the sword glow one by one, is only left over his main body also to keep off before the Long Kongkong body, the two brothers can the clear feeling the death soon arrive at the brought intense constriction. 骨剑抖动,一道道巨大的剑芒横空出世,龙当当的一具具分身逐一在剑芒中泯灭,只剩下他的本体还挡在龙空空身前,兄弟二人都能清晰的感受到死亡即将降临所带来的强烈压迫感。 within the body, that mysterious strength has been as if starting to be ready to make trouble, but at this time, as if also be only this strength has the possibility of life-saving. Long Dangdang subconscious wants to guide, but he, because clone to be extinguished, spouts several blood one after another, unexpectedly some not forcibly feelings, body rapid is weak. 体内,那股神秘的力量似乎已经在开始蠢蠢欲动了,而在这个时候,似乎也只有这种力量才有救命的可能。龙当当下意识的想要去引导,但他因为分身被灭,接连喷出几口鲜血,竟是有种用不上力的感觉,身体正在迅速的虚弱着。 Also at this time, filled to destroy the strength of aura to appear in him behind. 也就在这个时候,一股充满毁灭气息的力量在他身后出现了。 Elder Brother, I come!” The Long Kongkong sound were many several points of hoarse, Long Dangdang turned head suddenly, immediately saw the eyes of Long Kongkong had turned into the profound purple, the skin surface was appears purple gold color trace. Changed on Long Dangdang as if also to have similar change along with his bloodlines, the heavy losses in within the body at an exceptional pace the self-recovery. “哥,我来!”龙空空的声音多了几分沙哑,龙当当猛然回头,顿时看到龙空空的双眼已经变成了深邃的紫色,皮肤表面更是浮现出紫金色的纹路。伴随着他的血脉变化龙当当自己身上似乎也出现了类似的变化,体内的重创正在以惊人的速度自愈着。 Nine step female deads as if also felt is not right, but her attack has not actually stopped, the bone sword belt the ten-meter sword glow, is directly soaring the Long Dangdang direction to divide to cut under. 九阶女亡者似乎也感受到了不对,但她的攻击却并没有停顿,骨剑带着长达十米的剑芒,直奔龙当当的方向劈斩而下。 But at this moment, along with low and deep roaring, Long Kongkong chest front, because does not have the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace increase to restore to the Yuan whorl spirit furnace suddenly super revolving of day deep pool domain, group purple gold color ray jumps to shoot instantaneously, with in the air cuts the sword glow that falls to collide together. 而就在这时,伴随着一声低沉的咆哮,龙空空胸前因为没有神祈屿桐灵炉增幅已经恢复到天渊领域的元涡灵炉突然高速旋转起来,一团紫金色的光芒瞬间迸射而出,与空中斩落的剑芒碰撞在一起。 In an instant, that bone white sword glow in in the air was exaggerated the purple gold color unexpectedly, then general is melting like the dissolution rapidly. 刹那间,那骨白色的剑芒竟然在空中被渲染成了紫金色,然后如同溶解一般迅速融化着。 The female dead obviously gawked, Long Kongkong loudly shouted, a fist, directly soared that female dead to pound baseless. 女亡者明显愣了一下,龙空空紧接着就是大喝一声,凭空一拳,直奔那女亡者砸了出去。 The huge energy of previously absorbing is he attacks the biggest support, group purple gold color fist glow arrived in front of the opposite party instantaneously. 先前吸收到的庞大能量就是他攻击最大的支撑,一团紫金色的拳芒瞬间就到了对方面前。 Female dead bone sword horizontal, resists. But the next quarter, the destruction thought of that terrifying erupted instantaneously. 女亡者骨剑横起,抵挡。但下一刻,那恐怖的毁灭意念瞬间爆发了。 The energy intensity of this fist is not high, is the strength upper limit that Long Kongkong can be, what is terrifying, the destruction thought in this fist supplementing, in that flash that both sides collide, the female dead only felt own fighting will unexpectedly in contact broke instantly. The body of whole person trembles instantaneously, flying upside down. 这一拳的能量强度本身并不高,也就是龙空空所能达到的实力上限,但恐怖的是,这一拳之中附带的毁灭意念,在双方碰撞的那一瞬间,女亡者只觉得自己的战斗意志竟然在接触的刹那就破碎了似的。整个人的身体瞬间震颤起来,倒飞而出。 But she soon discovered that purple gold color fist glow will not weaken because of the distance unexpectedly, instead is still absorbing her strength to expand itself. 但她很快就发现,那紫金色的拳芒竟然不会因为距离而减弱,反而还在吸收她的力量来壮大自身。 The female dead reacted instantaneously, the body in in the air fierce revolving, was separated from the bombardment of fist glow finally. But next flickers, this purple gold color fist glow on bombardment ruthlessly above this space wall barrier. 女亡者瞬间就做出了反应,身体在空中猛的一个旋转,总算是脱离了拳芒的轰击。而下一瞬,这紫金色的拳芒就狠狠的轰击在了这个空间的壁障之上。 a strange sound, that aquamarine hinder-detection was broken open a hole instantaneously, outside skylight sprinkles suddenly. But also almost at the same time, three forms suddenly from that bang in the hole infiltrates, three attacks, directly soar that female dead to cover to go. “噗”的一声怪响,那碧绿色的避障瞬间就被破开了一个洞,外面的天光骤然洒落。而也几乎就在同一时间,三道身影骤然从那轰出的孔洞中钻了进来,三道攻击,直奔那女亡者覆盖而去。 The female dead look changes, the body super revolving, chops dozens swords suddenly simultaneously, blocks to the attack that she sends out that three forms completely, in the meantime, another hand grasps void, the surrounding dark green is similar to all rivers run into sea to collect to go to her immediately generally. 女亡者眼神一变,身体突然高速旋转,同时劈出数十剑,将那三道身影对她发出的攻击全部挡住,同时,另一只手虚空一抓,周围的墨绿色顿时如同海纳百川一般向她归拢而去。 She has turned head suddenly, the vision is staring at Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong direction, the lip buzz moves. 她骤然扭过头,目光凝视着龙当当龙空空的方向,嘴唇嗡动。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong heard the same words. Next flickers, that aquamarine ray puts instantaneously greatly, the form that three clash first kept off before Long Dangdang and Long Dangdang liangs brothers body, but that aquamarine also flickered below has disappeared from the scene, without a trace of disappearance. 龙当当龙空空都听到了同一句话。下一瞬,那碧绿色的光芒瞬间大放,三道冲进来的身影第一时间挡在了龙当当兄弟身前,而那碧绿色也在下一瞬就已是鸿飞冥冥,消失的无影无踪。 The purple gold color instantaneous ablation on Long Kongkong face removes, in the mouth spouts a blood, direct soft but actually. Long Dangdang also spouts a blood, five clone to be destroyed, his injury is more serious, at this time the crisis relieves, his body and spirit could not support instantaneously. 龙空空脸上的紫金色瞬间消融褪去,口中喷出一口鲜血,直接软倒了下去。龙当当也同样是喷出一口鲜血,五具分身被毁,他的伤势更加严重,此时危机解除,他的身体和精神都是瞬间就支撑不住了。 The form of that three prompt arrival arrives at side two people rapidly, gets up along with bright Jin Guangliang, a big angel blessing shone in their two people directly. 那三道及时到来的身影迅速来到两人身边,伴随着灿烂的金光亮起,一个大天使祝福直接就照耀在了他们二人身上。 This clashes comes to launch the rescue to the two brothers for a while, and startled drew back nine step deads is not others, is Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong three teachers, headstrong knight sea Ji Feng, careless knight that as well as listening respectfully of purple day dance wind. 这第一时间冲进来对兄弟俩展开救援并且惊退了九阶亡者的不是别人,正是龙当当龙空空的三位老师,莽骑士海纪枫,苟骑士那叶以及风之聆听者紫天舞。 This time returns to soaring dragon becomes looks for parents' clue, Long Dangdang cannot certainly such rash coming back, by their strengths, but also is not enough to deal with the true powerhouse, the just right three teachers return, after discussing, three teachers decide and them return together, moreover was first step returns to the soaring dragon city to hide in secret, to squat, the waiting enemy came. 这次返回腾龙成寻找父母的线索,龙当当当然不能就这么莽撞的回来,以他们的实力,还根本不足以应付真正的强者,正好三位老师回归,在商量之后,三位老师决定和他们一同返回,而且是先一步回到了腾龙城暗中隐藏起来,就是为了蹲守,等待敌人现身。 But they have not thought was the enemy truly appeared, actually used not a well-known method to be stranded the two brothers in the independent space unexpectedly, if were not the Long Kongkong strength broke the barrier, perhaps they today really danger. 可他们也没想到的是敌人确实是出现了,却用了一种不知名的手段竟然将兄弟两人困在了单独的空间之中,如果不是龙空空的力量打破了屏障,恐怕他们俩今天就真的危险了。 Headstrong knight sea discipline maple tree complexion dignified say/way: Divine tool. That is the strength of divine tool.” 莽骑士海纪枫脸色凝重的道:“神器。那是神器的力量。” That nod of without hesitation, said: Definitely is the divine tool without doubt, never expected that the dead spirit state really also has the divine tool.” 那叶毫不犹豫的点了点头,道:“肯定是神器无疑,没想到亡灵国度竟然也有神器。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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