SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#291: Vindicating of Long Dangdang

Vindicating of Chapter 291 Long Dangdang 第291章龙当当的表白 Three nine step this time complexions seem very ugly/difficult to look at, they first go to the soaring dragon city quietly, ambushes near Long, to protect own disciple. From their individual perspectives, is from the temple headquarters, thinks this is absolutely safe. Two nine step sacred knights add on nine step law gods, this grade of combination, even if meets the strength of top nine step still absolutely wars, can insist that the quite long time, waits for the reinforcements sufficiently, has transmission existence, most 20 minutes, can have the powerhouse of sacred hall level to arrive. 三位九阶此时的脸色都显得很难看,他们悄然先到腾龙城,潜伏在龙家附近,就是为了保护自己的弟子。无论是从他们个人角度来看,还是从圣殿总部,都认为这已经是万无一失的了。两位九阶神圣骑士加上一位九阶法神,这等组合,就算遇到高位九阶也绝对有一战之力,能够坚持相当长的时间,足以等来援军,有传送阵的存在,最多二十分钟,就能有圣堂层次的强者降临。 But who knows, the dead spirit state to cope with Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong these two brothers, used one to isolate unexpectedly the powerful divine tool, only aimed at the two brothers to start directly. Although had not been clear barrier how they break open, but on the other hand, their these three nine steps have not played anything to affect, helplessly looks that two disciples fall into the strategic place. 可谁知道,亡灵国度为了对付龙当当龙空空这两兄弟,竟然使用了一件能够隔绝外界的强大神器,直接只针对这哥俩下手。虽然还不清楚他们是如何破开的屏障,但相对来说,他们这三位九阶根本就没有起到什么作用,眼睁睁的看着两名弟子落入险地。 Moreover, they also realize an issue at this time, that is the dead spirit state regarding Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong attaching great importance to degree, be higher than the cognition of temple headquarters. Otherwise, just that knot should, not only covers in which their two brothers, should include bright goddess ice Monroe to be right. But from the present situation, the attaching great importance to of dead spirit state their brothers even must above ice Monroe. Must know ice Monroe, but decided but not yet announced next pastor temple palace lord, even is considered as pastor temple existence energetically. 而且,他们此时还意识到一个问题,那就是亡灵国度对于龙当当龙空空的重视程度,要比圣殿总部的认知更高。否则的话,刚刚那结界就应该不只是将他们哥俩笼罩其中,也应该包括光明神女凌梦露才对。而从现在的情况来看,亡灵国度对他们兄弟的重视甚至还要在凌梦露之上。要知道凌梦露可是内定的下一任牧师圣殿殿主,甚至被认为是牧师圣殿大兴的存在。 Saints light/only wind around, drop from the clouds, the body of unceasing injection to Long Dangdang and in Long Kongkong, the hymn reverberates, element in light/only air was almost instantaneously on rich to the pinnacle. 一道道圣光缭绕,从天而降,不断的注入到龙当当龙空空的身体之中,圣歌回荡,空气中的光元素几乎是瞬间就浓郁到了极致。 Grandfather.” The ice Monroe anxious sound called out. “爷爷。”凌梦露急声叫道。 Old Master Ling wears the white golden magnificent and expensive pastor law robe, grasps the pure white scepter, the complexion is gazing at the present two brothers dignifiedly. As sacred hall, he cannot easily leave the holy city. But when Long Dangdang they are under the attack, three big nine steps inform sacred hall immediately, Old Master Ling first caught up. Seen is actually two grandchild severe wounds scenes. 凌老爷子身穿白金色的华贵牧师法袍,手持洁白权杖,脸色凝重的注视着眼前的兄弟俩。身为圣堂,他是不能轻易离开圣城的。但在龙当当他们遭遇袭击的时候,三大九阶立刻就通知了圣堂,凌老爷子第一时间赶了过来。看到的却是两位外孙重伤的景象。 Ling Dianzhu.” Sea Ji Feng, the purple day dance and that salute to Old Master Ling in abundance. Not only Old Master Ling sacred hall, is much higher than them by the qualifications, was an elder. “凌殿主。”海纪枫、紫天舞和那叶纷纷向凌老爷子行礼。凌老爷子不只是圣堂,论资历也比他们高得多,算是长辈了。 What situation?” Old Master Ling powerful treatment magic unceasing falling on Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, does not see him to recite the incantation, moreover can lose concentration to inquire. Powerful strength showing of sacred hall level without doubt. “什么情况?”凌老爷子一个个强大的治疗魔法不断的落在龙当当龙空空身上,也不见他吟唱咒语,而且还能分神去询问。圣堂层次的强大实力彰显无疑。 Purple day dance somewhat ashamed say/way: Dead spirit state used a seal equipment of divine tool level, we tried for quite a while unable to break open, afterward the interior broke open, we can enter. One at least was nine step second-level above dead sword Saints attacked them.” 紫天舞有些惭愧的道:“亡灵国度动用了一件神器级的封印装备,我们尝试了半天都没能破开,后来还是内部破开了,我们才能进入其中。有一名至少是九阶二级以上的亡者剑圣攻击了他们。” The purple day dances they to think that Old Master Ling naturally can also think, the complexion becomes even more is immediately dignified, sinking sound said: Walks, first leads them to return to the holy city, here cannot remain.” 紫天舞他们能想到的,凌老爷子自然也能想到,脸色顿时变得越发的凝重起来,沉声道:“走吧,先带他们返回圣城,这里不能留了。” The dead spirit state has used the equipment of divine tool level to cope with Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, then, the whole thing must re-evaluate is good. The soaring dragon city is unsafe, sacred hall not possible to be stationed here because of them, only has the holy city to guarantee their safety. 亡灵国度都已经动用到了神器层次的装备来对付龙当当龙空空,那么,整件事情就必须要重新评估才行。腾龙城是不安全的,圣堂不可能因为他们俩而驻扎在这里,唯有圣城才能确保他们的安危。 Yes.” “是。” The people are arriving in soaring dragon city one to disappear, set off the homeward journey. Under the treatment of Old Master Ling, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, so long as also has the one breath unable dead, the injury has been more or less stable, but actually is still in the stupor. 众人在抵达腾龙城连一个消失都不到,就重新踏上了归途。在凌老爷子的治疗下,龙当当龙空空只要还有一口气在都死不了,伤势已经基本稳定下来,但却依旧处于昏迷之中。 19,115,897 hunted for the demon group to feed in the holy city headquarters directly, returned to their original dwellings. Old Master Ling hastily left, obviously is whereabouts sacred hall reports this matter. 一九一一五八九七猎魔团直接被送进了圣城总部,回到了他们原本的住处。凌老爷子匆匆离开了,显然是去向圣堂汇报这件事。 Two six steps, the temple alliance are not anything, but can make the dead spirit state use six steps that the divine tools and nine step second-level above powerhouses attack is not that simple, the these two granddaughters' safety levels must raise significantly are good. 两个六阶,在圣殿联盟来说并不算什么,但能够让亡灵国度都动用神器和九阶二级以上强者来袭击的六阶就不是那么简单了,自己这两个外孙的安全等级必须大幅度上调才行。 The Long Dangdang whole person is in a murky condition, the previous fight, the comprehensively suppressed process, is glittering in his mind unceasingly. Clone to be destroyed, making his whole person be at an extremely feeble in the condition. This does not treat can restore. That feeling, looked like own body and soul is separated. 龙当当整个人都处于一种昏昏沉沉的状态之中,先前的战斗,全面被压制的过程,不断在他脑海之中闪烁着。一具具分身被毁,让他整个人都处于一种极度虚弱的状态之中。这并不是治疗就能够恢复的。那种感觉,就像是自己的身体和灵魂都被割裂了似的。 The consciousness of Long Dangdang has been under a strange condition, he as if felt that oneself situated in purple gold color world, purple gold color unceasing turning welled up to restore him as if to lose the four limbs even is the body of head. 龙当当的意识一直处于一种奇异的状态下,他仿佛感觉到自己处于一个紫金色的世界之中,紫金色不断的翻涌修复着他仿佛已经失去了四肢甚至是头颅的身体。 Ling Menglu defended before the Long Dangdang bed already three days and three nights. Long Dangdang is in the stupor not to wake throughout, even if under the treatment of Old Master Ling is also same. 凌梦露守在龙当当的床前已经有三天三夜了。龙当当始终处于昏迷之中醒不过来,哪怕是在凌老爷子的治疗下也是一样。 No one knows that actually the two brothers were under what kind of attack, is wounded unexpectedly so seriously. Only rejoices is, Old Master Ling definitely said, he is at a self- restore in the condition, should not have the too major problem. 谁也不知道他们兄弟两人究竟是遭遇了怎样的攻击,竟然受创如此严重。唯一庆幸的就是,凌老爷子肯定的说,他正处于一种自我修复的状态之中,应该不会有太大的问题。 Ling Menglu covers the hand on the Long Dangdang forehead, is feeling his body temperature. 凌梦露将手覆盖在龙当当的额头上,感受着他的体温。 Since the stupor, Long Dangdang has been under a high fever condition, the skin surface will even also send out the ray that flickers occasionally, the aura is unstable. 自从昏迷之后,龙当当就一直处于一种高热状态之下,皮肤表面甚至还会偶尔散发出忽明忽暗的光芒,气息并不稳定。 Ice Monroe can only be unceasing gentle treatment magic release on him, is moistening the body for him. 凌梦露只能是不断的将一个个柔和的治疗魔法释放在他身上,为他滋润着身体。 Long Kongkong in next door, similarly also in deep sleep, what is different from Long Dangdang, his condition appears steady, is only the life symptom is weak, but actually not extremely obvious fluctuation. 龙空空在隔壁,同样也在沉睡,和龙当当不同的是,他的状态就显得平稳一些,只是生命体征较弱,但却并没有太过明显的波动。 The arrival of this attack was really sudden, they cannot respond at that time. The instance when that dark green swallows Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong two brothers, ice Monroe even felt, she must lose him. Especially after three big nine steps arrive is also at wit's end as before, in the ice Monroe heart even somewhat despairs. 这次袭击的到来实在是太突然了,以至于当时他们都没能反应过来。而当那墨绿色将龙当当龙空空两兄弟吞噬的瞬间,凌梦露甚至觉得,自己已经要失去他了。尤其是在三大九阶到来之后也依旧无计可施的时候,凌梦露心中甚至都有些绝望。 Thinks of here, she could not bear get hold of the hand of Long Dangdang. 一想到这里,她就忍不住握紧了龙当当的手。 From infancy to maturity, she is the talent young girl, at home in school, even in the pastor temple, she is similar to princess general existence. She also never feels has been to the feeling that this type must lose has importantly, never looks like at present at this moment such hope strength. 从小到大,她都是天才少女,无论是在家里还是在学院,甚至是在牧师圣殿之中,她都是如同公主一般的存在。她还从未感受到过这种要失去最重要存在的感受,也从未像眼前这一刻似的如此渴望实力。 Her growth quick, quick. However, she actually understands, oneself present growth also by far insufficient, facing true powerhouse time, she is unable to resist, is unable to change. If oneself can be more powerful, if...... 她的成长速度已经很快、很快了。但是,她却明白,自己现在的成长还远远不足,面对真正强者的时候,她根本无法去对抗,更无法改变。如果自己能够强大一些,如果…… Now, only in her heart rejoices is, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong lived. She pledged in the heart secretly, must become by oneself enough powerful, certainly! 现在,她心中唯一庆幸的就是,龙当当龙空空活下来了。她在心中暗暗发誓,一定要让自己变得足够强大,一定! Does not know that the stupor how long Long Dangdang had a feeling faintly, as if the shatter body heals gradually, the limbs of being cut off as if the rebirth, that purple gold color world also gradually has become clear. 不知道昏迷了多长时间龙当当隐隐有种感觉,仿佛自己破碎的身体渐渐愈合,断掉的肢体仿佛已经重生,那紫金色的世界也渐渐变得清晰起来了似的。 In that world, he indistinct between as if saw the small eight forms, what with small eight is different, in this purple gold color world, not just three heads that he sees small eight, but has it of six heads. Only has the back, but the small eight dragon scales, exude a layer upon layer purple gold color. 在那个世界中,他隐约之间似乎看到了小八的身影,但和小八不同的是,在这紫金色世界中,他看到的并不是只有三个头的小八,而是拥有着六个头颅的它。只有背影,而小八身上的龙鳞,更是泛起了一层层紫金色。 If wants to save your parents, comes to the dead spirit state disaster city.” The ice-cold sound is reverberating in the mind, Long Dangdang shivers with fright suddenly smartly spirit, awakens suddenly from the stupor. “如果想救你们的父母,就来亡灵国度天灾城。”冰冷的声音在脑海中回荡着,龙当当突然机灵灵打了个冷战,骤然从昏迷中惊醒过来。 His fierce opening eyes, the pupil contracts suddenly, the body was also unbending. 他猛的睁开双眼,瞳孔骤然收缩,身体也僵直了。 Lies also awakens in very ripe ice Monroe who his bedside rests, looks up to opening Long Dangdang of eyes, pleasantly surprised say/way: Ding-dong, you awake!” 趴在他床边睡的很熟的凌梦露也随之惊醒过来,抬头看向睁开双眼的龙当当,惊喜的道:“当当,你醒啦!” If wants to save your parents, comes to the dead spirit state disaster city.” In the Long Dangdang mind is reverberating as before that ice-cold sound, but this time he, recovers gradually. “如果想救你们的父母,就来亡灵国度天灾城。”龙当当脑海中依旧回荡着那冰冷的声音,而此时的他,也渐渐回过神来。 He thinks this sound, before that nine step female deads just before leaving, stays behind. Disaster city and disaster city! 他想起来了这个声音,正是那九阶女亡者临走之前所留下的。天灾城、天灾城! Previously all guesses as if did not have any significance, the parents were seized by the dead spirit state, already without a doubt. But now, they in that so-called disaster city. Dead spirit state disaster city! 先前所有的猜测似乎都没有了任何意义,父母就是被亡灵国度抓走的,已经毫无疑问了。而现在,他们就在那所谓的天灾城。亡灵国度天灾城! In his mind chaotic is thinking, actually felt that palm one warm, had been gripped by the soft small hand. His subconscious turning head looks, just ice Monroe that pair as clear brought the big eye that is worrying about to as the pinnacle. 他的脑海中正纷纷乱乱的想着,却感觉到手掌一暖,已经被柔软的小手握住。他下意识的扭头看去,刚好对上了凌梦露那双澄澈到极致却带着担忧的大眼睛。 Cousin, I am all right.” Long Dangdang said these words, discovered that own sound was hoarse. “表姐,我没事。”龙当当在说出这句话的时候,才发现自己的声音是沙哑的。 Ice Monroe supple sound said: First do not speak, you just now wakes, well rest.” 凌梦露柔声道:“先别多说话了,伱才刚醒过来,好好休息。” Long Dangdang said: Kong Kong? He how?” 龙当当道:“空空呢?他怎么样了?” Ling Menglu said: Just like you, in stupor.” 凌梦露道:“和你一样,也在昏迷之中。” Long Dangdang as if felt anything, hears word nods. They are the twin brothers, the bloodlines are interlinked, he can feel the Long Kongkong aura to be calm and steady, has not obstructed greatly. 龙当当似乎感受到了什么,闻言点了点头。他们是双生兄弟,血脉相通,他能感受到龙空空的气息安稳,并没有大碍。 Without a doubt, this time, is they have faced, one time close to death. 毫无疑问,这一次,是他们所面临过的,最接近死亡的一次。 The enemy of attack only has one, the terrifying strength that but that definitely is unable to contend with makes them simply not have the lucky possibility. If were not Kong Kong stimulated within the body the strength of that strange bloodlines, perhaps they have confessed directly there. 袭击的敌人只有一个,但那完全无法抗衡的恐怖实力却让他们根本没有侥幸的可能。如果不是空空激发了体内的那种奇异血脉之力,恐怕他们就已经直接交代在那里了。 Used the depth inspires, Long Dangdang supported to sit, ice Monroe rushed to go forward to support him. 用了的深吸口气,龙当当支撑着坐了起来,凌梦露赶忙上前扶住他。 Ding-dong, you leave worry. Would the means.” Ling Menglu said these words, in fact oneself heart was also serious. “当当,你别太着急。总会有办法的。”凌梦露在说出这句话的时候,实际上自己心头也是一阵沉重。 The surprise attacks of nine step deads, have meant that Long Leilei and departure of ice snow was not the independent behavior, had truly fallen into the dead spirit state hand, the dead spirit state also knew them and Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong this two brothers' relations completely. The wisdom of dead spirit lifeform is more fearful than the imagination, this is also the matter of awkwardest office. 九阶亡者的突袭,已经意味着龙雷雷和凌雪的离开绝不是自主行为了,确实是已经落入了亡灵国度手中,亡灵国度也完全知道他们与龙当当龙空空这兄弟俩的关系。亡灵生物的智慧比想象中更加可怕,这也是最为难办的事情。 Long Dangdang nod of gently, I understand that relax, I am all right. Thank you have taken care of me.” 龙当当轻轻的点了点头,“我明白的,放心吧,我没事。谢谢你一直照顾我。” Ice Monroe digs the red lip slightly, to me added that what thanked?” 凌梦露微微撅起红唇,“跟我还说什么谢吗?” In she spoke, Long Dangdang actually suddenly stretches out the arms, effort supported into to cherish her. 正在她说话的时候,龙当当却突然张开双臂,用力的将她拥入自己怀中。 This sudden movement, frightened ice Monroe to jump, she has not responded, the person had fallen into during a warm bosom, but, this warm bosom is actually somewhat shivering. 这突如其来的动作,吓了凌梦露一跳,她都还没反应过来,人就已经落入了一个温暖的怀抱之中,只是,这温暖的怀抱却有些颤抖着。 She somewhat helpless both hands in hesitant flash, falling gently conducted the back in him, but his hug, actually became tightened several points. 她有些不知所措的双手在犹豫了一瞬间,还是轻轻的落在了他背上,而他的拥抱,却变得更紧了几分。 She can feel, in this moment he to own dependence, even can feel no use with pacing back and forth his. 她能感受到,在这一刻他对自己的依赖,甚至能感受到他内心的无助与彷徨。 Being all right, is all right......” she can only comfort him in a soft voice. “没事的、没事的……”她只能轻声安慰着他。 The breath of Long Dangdang gradually becomes steady, Monroe, having you are really good because of my side. If, if I can save the parents, you are willing to be my girlfriend? We do not have the blood relationship, yes.” 龙当当的呼吸渐渐变得平稳下来,“梦露,有你在我身边真好。如果,如果我能把爸爸妈妈救回来,你愿意做我的女朋友吗?我们没有血缘关系的,是可以的。” Ling Menglu stayed, she has not truly thought that Long Dangdang will vindicate to her at this time, feels the heat degree on his body instantaneously increasing, the elegant face blushes, actually somewhat wicked say/way: Long Dangdang, what person me did you regard?” 凌梦露呆了呆,她确实没想到龙当当会在这个时候向她表白,感受着他那身体上瞬间增加的热度,俏脸羞红,却有些恶狠狠的道:“龙当当,你把我当成什么人了?” „?” Long Dangdang stares, subconscious loosened the both arms, looks to ice Monroe. “啊?”龙当当一愣,下意识的就松开了双臂,看向凌梦露。 Ling Menglu the elegant face blushes, obviously beautiful not local products, but at this time actually somewhat angry looks at Long Dangdang, you hugged hugged, but also after must wait for anything, from now on, you will be my boyfriend, cannot renege on a promise and cannot betray and cannot leave me. You must defend side me daily, forever is my knight to be good.” 凌梦露俏脸羞红,更显美艳的不可方物,但此时却有些气恼的看着龙当当,“你抱都抱了,还要等什么以后,从现在开始,你就是我的男朋友了,不许反悔、不许背叛、不许离开我。你要天天守在我身边,永远做我的骑士才行。” Looks on the elegant face to lead overbearing her, Long Dangdang the heart must melt immediately, but on the face actually reveals a bitterness and astringency, „, but, I did not determine I can safe saves the parents, I......” 看着俏脸上带着点霸道的她,龙当当顿时心都要融化了,但脸上却流露出一丝苦涩,“可是,我不确定我能不能平安的将爸妈救回来,我……” Ice Monroe actually covered his mouth, what do you think? Regardless of anything, we must face together. Moreover, you have hugged me, did you bump into my body you to know? Your this is pledged yourself, regret already without enough time, clear? I will accompany you to save the aunt and mother's sister's husband together, whatever, we same place.” 凌梦露却一把捂住了他的嘴,“你想什么呢?无论什么事儿,我们都要一起面对。而且,你已经抱过我了,你碰到我的身体了你知道吗?你这就已经算是以身相许了,后悔已经来不及了,明白吗?我会陪你一起去救六姨和姨父,无论怎样,我们都在一起。” Cousin military might, the cousin is aggressive, no, sister-in-law military might!” The door place, broadcasts the sound that was full to acclaim suddenly. “表姐威武,表姐霸气,不,大嫂威武!”房门处,突然传来了充满赞叹的声音。 Long Dangdang and ice Monroe turns head suddenly, sees only complexion somewhat pale Long Kongkong to stand there, both hands give the thumbs-up to ice Monroe simultaneously. 龙当当和凌梦露骤然回头,只见脸色有些苍白的龙空空正站在那里,双手同时向凌梦露竖起了大拇指。 Ling Menglu the elegant face is scarlet immediately, body golden light flashes, jump light/only gushes out instantaneously, the person disappeared directly. 凌梦露顿时俏脸大红,身上金光一闪,光之跃迁瞬间涌出,人直接就消失了。 Long Dangdang wicked looks to Long Kongkong, „can you appear at this time?” 龙当当恶狠狠的看向龙空空,“你非要在这个时候出现吗?” Long Kongkong is the innocent say/way: „Can this blame me? I after waking worried my dear Elder Brother, first comes to see you! Has not thought that actually witnessed such important time. The cousin is really good! When my sister-in-law I agreed.” 龙空空则是一脸无辜的道:“这能怪我吗?我可是在醒过来之后担心我亲爱的哥哥,第一时间就来看你啊!没想到却见证了如此重要的时刻。表姐真好啊!当我大嫂我同意了。” Long Dangdang shows the whites of the eyes, who manages you to agree?” 龙当当翻了个白眼,“谁管你同意不同意?” Long Kongkong said: You had been wrested away by the sister-in-law in any case, you could not be inescapable. Good.” At the same time saying, him is entering the room, shut behind door. 龙空空道:“反正你已经被大嫂霸占了,你也跑不了了。挺好的。”一边说着,他走进房间,顺手关上了房门。 The two brothers look at each other one, the look on face restrain gradually, the Long Kongkong pressed tight brow, said gradually: Elder Brother, disaster city where?” 兄弟两人对视一眼,脸上的神色渐渐收敛,龙空空渐渐蹙紧眉头,道:“哥,天灾城在什么地方?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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