SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#289: Going home

Chapter 289 goes home 第289章回家 Front gate squeak quack opening, Long Dangdang does not have first to go , the side ray flashes, for a long time does not have small evil appears in his side. 院门“吱嘎嘎”开启,龙当当没有第一时间进去,身边光芒一闪,许久没有出来的小邪在他身边浮现而出。 Small evil ratio it was also big previously, now diameter already over one meter. If the average person fierce seeing such big eyeball, perhaps will frighten the urine directly. Tentacles brandish in the side, in the small evil eye pupil is sending out the ice-cold evil different ray. 小邪比之先前又大了一圈,现在直径已经超过一米了。如果是普通人猛的看到这么大的一个眼珠子,恐怕直接就会吓尿了。一根根触手在身边挥舞,小邪的眼眸之中散发着冰冷邪异的光芒。 Present it has been equivalent to seven levels of demon beasts, was the levels of six step occupation, the energetic intensity was extremely high. The invisible ripple blooms instantaneously, covers to the entire Long Residence. 现在的它已经相当于七级魔兽,也就是六阶职业者的层次了,精神强度极高。无形的波纹瞬间绽放而出,覆盖向整个龙府。 Long Dangdang can the clear feeling come from small evil spiritual sharing, the psychic force place visited, Long Residence each corner does not have to hide. 龙当当能够清晰的感受到来自于小邪的精神共享,精神力所过之处,龙府每一个角落都无所遁形。 No.” A moment later, the Long Dangdang sinking sound said, then took the lead to enter home. “没有。”片刻之后,龙当当沉声说道,然后才率先走进了家门。 In courtyard empty, east the courtyard, on the sturdy big tree is also hanging a swing. That was one of the Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong childhood important pleasure. The swing only then, must have fights. But Long Leilei told them, was to struggle to snatch the talent that more interesting. The two brothers are this swing toss about a lot. 院子里空荡荡的,院子东侧,粗壮的大树上还悬挂着一个秋千。那是龙当当龙空空小时候的重要乐趣之一。秋千只有一个,就少不了争抢。而龙雷雷告诉他们,就是要争来抢来的才更有意思。哥俩没少为这秋千折腾。 Long Kongkong tears „” one got down, three and make two steps directly soaring parents' Lord rooms to run. 龙空空的眼泪“唰”的一下就下来了,三步并作两步的直奔父母的主屋跑去。 Long Dangdang follows in him behind, others are maintaining the alert. After all, no one knows that the dead spirit lifeform has the arrangement here. Although here, the temple headquarters have conducted have investigated repeatedly. 龙当当跟在他身后,其他人则是保持着戒备。毕竟,谁也不知道亡灵生物是不是在这里有安排。尽管在这里,圣殿总部已经进行过多次探察了。 Opens the front door of Lord room, the light dust raises. In the ground obviously has many footprints, should be before the person who in temple headquarters comes to investigate remains. 推开主屋的大门,淡淡的灰尘扬起。地面上明显有着不少的脚印,应该是之前前来探察的圣殿总部的人留下来的。 A month no one lived, the dust is not too obvious, the climate in soaring dragon city is quite occupies suitably. 一个月没有人住了,灰尘也并不算太明显,腾龙城的气候还是相当宜居的。 All that familiar, left with them initially and not different. But at this time is actually the people are no longer the same, does not have the slight parents' trace. Only has that familiar aura has not changed. 所有的一切都是那么的熟悉,和当初他们离开的时候并没有什么两样。但此时却已经是物是人非,没有丝毫父母的踪影。唯有那熟悉的气息未变。 Elder Brother.” Long Kongkong could not bear call one. “哥。”龙空空忍不住叫了一句。 Looks that younger brother red eyes Long Dangdang is suppressing own mood reluctantly, calm, first looks said again.” At the same time saying, him is turning around to move toward the one side, on the face the expression also reveals the gentle brilliance, on the wall is hanging a portrait, that is the portraits of their family of four, has been hung in the parents lord the room most conspicuous place. 看着弟弟通红的双眼龙当当勉强压制着自己的情绪,“冷静点,先找找再说。”一边说着,他转身走向一旁,脸上表情随之流露出柔和的光彩,墙上挂着一幅肖像画,那是他们一家四口的画像,一直被挂在父母主屋最显眼的地方。 Paints a portrait, father Tang Leilei sits, mother Ling Xue sits side him, pulls his arm, the head is snuggling on his shoulder. Two half big children are obedient standing side the father, another does strangely behind the parents, on the face is smiling badly, both hands actually compare the index finger and middle finger respectively in their top of the head. 画像上,父亲唐雷雷坐着,母亲凌雪坐在他身边,挽着他的手臂,头依偎在他的肩膀上。两个半大的孩子则是一个乖乖的站在父亲身边,另一个则是在父母背后搞怪,脸上坏笑着,双手却各自比出食指、中指在他们头顶上。 Long Kongkong vision also cannot help but followed elder brother's line of sight to transfer marking, father and mother!” He could not bear call, before 32 steps arrived at the painting, has actually had tears streaming down the face. 龙空空的目光也不由自主的跟随着哥哥的视线挪移到了画上,“爸爸、妈妈!”他忍不住叫了出来,三两步来到画作前,却已是泪流满面。 Long Dangdang goes forward two steps, holds in the arms younger brother's shoulder, felt relieved that we will certainly save them. Certainly!” 龙当当上前两步,搂住弟弟的肩膀,“放心吧,我们一定会将他们救出来的。一定!” Un un.” Nod that Long Kongkong makes an effort, but the mood actually somewhat cannot control as before. “嗯嗯。”龙空空用力的点着头,但情绪却依旧有些控制不住。 Laborious everyone waits, we first look to look.” Long Dangdang turns to the partners saying that and brings to rest to the main room in them. Oneself are Long Kongkong seeks at home. “辛苦大家等一等,我们先找找看。”龙当当转向伙伴们说道,并且将他们带到堂屋之中休息。自己则是和龙空空在家里寻找起来。 Here to them that familiar, turning to look for the speed also to be very quick. However, all does not have any differences, the only difference is the parents not. Sought for enough one hour, they have not discovered any traces. 这里的一切对他们来说都是那么的熟悉,翻找起来速度也快得很。但是,所有的一切都没有什么异样,唯一的不同就是父母不在。寻找了足足一个小时,他们也并没有发现任何的蛛丝马迹。 The parents looked like completely disappeared baseless, has not stayed behind including a trace. Only what is certain, departure of parents does not seem hasty, because family's all tidy up neat, and does not have any in the thing of use, in kitchen has not remained what food. 父母就像是完全凭空消失了似的,连一点痕迹都没有留下。唯一可以肯定的是,父母的离开似乎并不仓促,因为家里的一切都收拾的整整齐齐的,并没有什么在使用的东西,厨房里的也没有残留什么食材。 According to the temple headquarters takes to their news, is one month ago the parents dismissed family's servant. Specifically why, the servant is not clear. 根据圣殿总部带给他们的消息,就是一个多月前父母辞退了家里的佣人。具体为什么,佣人也不清楚。 In other words, their parents may be leave. 也就是说,他们的父母有可能是自己离开的。 Long Dangdang also maintained the suspicion, but when he sees with one's own eyes in the family/home when all letter/believed several points. 原本龙当当对此还保持怀疑,但当他亲眼看到家中的一切时不禁信了几分。 But, the parents leave cannot be missing! What is more important, if leaves on own initiative, leaving is so long, the father actually has not reported to the pastor temple, this is completely incorrect. As dividing palace palace lord, the father so will not be irresponsible. 可是,父母离开也不能失踪啊!更重要的是,如果是主动离开的话,离开这么久,父亲竟然并没有向牧师圣殿报备,这是完全不对的。身为分殿殿主,父亲绝不会这么不负责任。 Even if the parents go to the holy city to look oneself and younger brother, will still confess here is, but is a clue does not have. The soaring dragon city does not have the outbound record of parents, if goes out to do business, that definitely has motorcade accompanying, the outgoing time needs to register, but this all does not have. The parents are unknown, the answer that therefore, the headquarters give is missing. 就算是父母前往圣城去看自己和弟弟,也应该在这边有所交代才是,可偏偏却是一点线索都没有。腾龙城这边也没有父母的出境记录,因为如果是外出做生意的话,那肯定是有车队随行的,出城时候需要登记,但这所有的一切都没有。父母去向不明,因此,总部给出的答复是失踪。 With the partners sits together again, the Long Dangdang complexion appeared several points gloomy, he does not know that this was what situation, but can only analyze now calmly. 重新和伙伴们围坐在一起,龙当当的脸色显得更加阴沉了几分,他也不知道这是什么情况,但现在只能冷静的分析。 Parents should be it must leave, the goal of but leaving is not clear. Very likely must go to the holy city to look at us. But the issue is, now pastor the temple does not have the record that the father asks for leave, registration that also without them goes out of town. But family's all seemed like have actually arranged.” “爸妈应该是本身就要离开的,但离开的目的不清楚。很有可能是要去圣城看我们。但问题是,现在牧师圣殿没有父亲请假的记录,也没有他们出城的登记。可家里的一切却像是早就安排好的。” Peach forest wood-road: Has such a possibility? Uncle aunt must go to the holy city to look your, but before the preparation leaves, was actually seized?” 桃林林道:“有没有这么一种可能?伯父伯母本来是要去圣城看你们的,但在准备离开之前,却被抓走了?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Not like. If so, they will definitely ask for leave to the pastor temple before departure, without leaving, in the family/home is impossible to tidy up so clean. How to see that this different situation is unreasonable. The only reasonable explanation is, they tidied up in the family/home, without informing anybody, oneself going out of town of quietly, oneself vanished.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“不像。如果是这样的话,那他们在离开之前肯定会向牧师圣殿请假,如果没有离开的话,家里又不可能收拾的如此干净。怎么看这不同的情况都不合理。唯一合理的解释是,他们收拾好了家里,没有通知任何人,就自己悄悄的出了城,自己消失了。” Yes, the clue that from can find at present, the analysis of Long Dangdang is most reasonable. But, why is their? Completely does not have any reason does that is right! 是的,从目前所能找到的线索来看,龙当当的这个分析才是最为合理的。可是,他们这又是为什么呢?完全没有任何理由这么做才对啊! Suddenly, the thought reached the impass. But regarding this situation, Long Dangdang has expected before coming back. Situation that the temple headquarters cannot investigate, if they one can find the reason, that temple headquarters also too waste. 一时间,思维陷入了僵局。但对于这种情况,龙当当在回来之前就已经有所预料了。圣殿总部都调查不出的情况,如果他们一下就能找到原因,那圣殿总部也太废物了。 Do not be first anxious, then thinks calmly. Looks for the aunt and mother's sister's husband's beforehand friend asks, has a look to have what sign.” Ling Menglu said. “先别急,再冷静想想。或者,找一找六姨和姨父之前的朋友问问,看看有没有什么迹象。”凌梦露说道。 The Long Dangdang forced smile said: The investigation that before the temple headquarters gave, included these, no one knows that they must leave, before also does not have any sign. Really was too strange.” 龙当当苦笑道:“之前圣殿总部给的调查,都包括了这些,没有人知道他们要离开,之前也没有任何迹象。真的是太奇怪了。” Long Kongkong this little while has also calmed down, how, regardless of said, the person cannot disappear baseless!” 龙空空这会儿也已经冷静下来,“不论怎么说,人也不能就这么凭空不见了啊!” Long Dangdang after the ponder of two days time, the mood had returned to normal slightly, everyone came from far away, we first eat a thing, then can I went to that side the pastor temple to understand the father these days situations, look recently a little clue.” 龙当当经过这两天时间的思考,心情已经略微平复了一些,“大家远道而来,我们先去吃点东西,然后我去牧师圣殿那边了解一下父亲最近这些日子的情况,看看能不能有点线索。” In the family/home anything does not have, naturally can only go out to dine. Does not have a familiar restaurant from Long. Small time, Long Leilei and Ling Xue often lead two brothers to eat meal to this restaurant. 家里什么都没有,自然只能出去吃饭。距离龙家不远就有一家熟悉的餐厅。小的时候,龙雷雷和凌雪就经常带着两兄弟到这家餐厅吃饭。 Walks out of the door, front gate careful pass/test good, Long Dangdang stopped before the front door, turns around to move toward the partners. 走出家门,将院门小心的关好,龙当当在大门前停顿了一下,才转身走向伙伴们。 However, what making them not think, in this suddenly, does not have any omen, one group of dark green rays suddenly appears above the people top of the head. Long Dangdang subconscious raising the head looks, the vision of people is also upward. 但是,让他们谁也没想到的是,就在这一刹那之间,没有任何预兆的,一团墨绿色光芒突然出现在众人头顶之上。龙当当下意识的抬头看去,众人的目光也随之向上。 But in this flash, two dark green rays actually projects from that light/only group simultaneously, happen to fell on the body of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. 而就在这一刹那,两道墨绿色光芒却同时从那光团之中射出,正好落在了龙当当龙空空的身上。 All these changes too quickly, opportunity that the people simply have not responded. Ling Menglu drinks one tenderly, without hesitation stimulated to movement the Titan of hammer light, before the body , the red-orange ray surges, directly soars that dark green colored light group to pound. 这一切的变化来得太快,以至于众人根本没有反应的机会。凌梦露娇喝一声,毫不犹豫的就催动了光之大力神锤,身前橘红色光芒涌动,直奔那墨绿色光团砸去。 However, all these turned into the futile effort, a tyrannical strength the Titan hammer ball light/only will fly unexpectedly directly, but body of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, is absorbed instantaneously by that dark green ray, whiz, vanished in that dark green colored light group. 但是,这一切都变成了徒劳,一股强横的力量竟然直接将光之大力神锤弹飞了开来,而龙当当龙空空的身体,则是瞬间被那墨绿色光芒摄起,“嗖”的一下,就消失在了那墨绿色光团之中。 People all complexion big change, fast launches the attack to that dark green colored light group. Meanwhile, not far away, three powerful incomparable aura also appear, to/clashes fast toward here. 众人无不脸色大变,飞快的向那墨绿色光团发起攻击。与此同时,不远处,三道强大无比的气息也随之出现,快速朝着这边冲来。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong only felt a dizziness, Long Dangdang instantly, the matter that was absorbed can handle were only grabbing younger brother's hand instantaneously. 龙当当龙空空只觉得一阵天旋地转,龙当当在被摄起的刹那,唯一能做的事情就是瞬间抓住了弟弟的手。 Long Kongkong was routine opening own Yuan whorl spirit furnace, what making him be startled, this, really swallowed the spirit strength unexpectedly . Moreover the huge degree of that spirit strength, even with them , in the demon crystal swallowed the demon god some compared. 龙空空则是习惯性的开启了自己的元涡灵炉,令他吃惊的是,这一下,竟然真的吞噬到了灵力,而且那灵力的庞大程度,甚至和他们在魔晶中吞噬魔神的时候有的一比。 Previously harvested enormously in the demon boundary, before this time came back, at the strong request of Long Dangdang, these energy filtration transformation that after Long Kongkong will first swallow, they returned. The point is that this filtration transforms has not made Long Kongkong enter the step. 先前在魔境中收获极大,在这次回来之前,在龙当当的强烈要求下,龙空空先将吞噬的那些能量过滤转化之后,他们才回归的。可问题是,这份的过滤转化却并没有让龙空空进阶。 The Long Kongkong inside and outside spirit strength has reached six step peaks, according to the truth, he breaks through seven steps to be the successful matter, why does not know, when he starts absorbs the spirit strength preparation to break through, own body as if by anything is actually limited, looks like front has a tall wall blocking, said that anything cannot span. The continuous bump cannot succeed several times. 龙空空的内外灵力都已经达到了六阶巅峰,按道理来说,他突破七阶应该是水到渠成的事情,可不知道为什么,当他开始吸收灵力准备突破的时候,自己的身体却仿佛被什么限制住了,就像是面前有一堵高墙遮挡,说什么也跨越不过去。连续冲击了几次都没能成功。 The Long Dangdang original meaning is to hope Long Kongkong can also break through to seven steps, such security can have the safeguard. Has not actually thought that Long Kongkong did not break through unexpectedly. He is ice Monroe, has not actually helped Long Kongkong find the reason, now the only explanation, seemed Long Kongkong also comes under the influence of moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace seem like, or was, as a twin, can their two be able to break through together? 龙当当本来的意思就是希望龙空空能够也突破到七阶,这样安全方面能更有保障。却没想到龙空空竟然突破不了。无论是他还是凌梦露,却都没有帮龙空空找到原因,现在唯一的解释,似乎倒像是龙空空也受到月明沧海灵炉的影响了似的,亦或者是,身为双胞胎,他们两个必须要一起才能突破? Because of parents' matter, they do not have the time ponder to be too much these issues, can only first return to the soaring dragon city to come. But previous time obtains the maximum gain naturally was a sea, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace now the supplemented spirit strength has reached as high as 85,000, is conducting further patching. Not only the ability of all rivers run into sea has fully restored, but also started other abilities. 因为父母的事情,他们也没有时间思考过多这些问题,只能是先返回腾龙城来了。而上次获得收益最大的自然就是沧海了,月明沧海灵炉现在被补充的灵力已经高达八万五,正在进行进一步的修补。不但海纳百川的能力已经全面恢复,还开始多了一些其他能力。 But at this moment, suddenly by this sudden strength ingestion, Long Kongkong naturally is first touching of own abyss full, weakening the enemy is to the best enhancement. Does not need Long Dangdang to control, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace first leapt up, with the Long Kongkong fitting in the same place, for the huge spirit strength that his carrying/sustaining is unable to hold. 而此时此刻,突然被这突如其来的力量摄取,龙空空自然是第一时间将自己的深渊之触全开,削弱敌人就是对自己最好的增强。根本不用龙当当去控制,月明沧海灵炉第一时间就蹿了出来,与龙空空贴合在一起,为他承载无法容纳的庞大灵力。 But this process continued for one second, the next quarter, the surrounding all had changed. 但这个过程只是持续了一秒而已,下一刻,周围的一切就已经发生了变化。 This is a dark green world that felt the depression. The after body of Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong took, only thought that own body seems float in the midair, the huge pressure from transmits in all directions, they must stimulate to movement the spirit strength whole-heartedly, can guarantee oneself can move. 这是一个充满了压抑感的墨绿色世界。龙当当龙空空的身体被摄入之后,只觉得自己的身体仿佛是悬浮在半空之中似的,庞大的压力从四面八方传来,他们必须要全力以赴的催动灵力,才能保证自己能够活动。 Long Dangdang is holding the hand of Long Kongkong, feels spirit strength that he is transmitting. The swallowing effect that the abyss touches, is still swallowing this to limit their strange strength at an exceptional pace. 龙当当拉着龙空空的手,感受着他传递过来的灵力。深渊之触的吞噬效果还在,正以惊人的速度吞噬着这限制住了他们的古怪力量。 But also at this moment, the form moved toward them from the distant place together slowly. 而也就在这时,一道身影缓缓从远处走向了他们。 That is a female, wears the dark green mail-armor and helmet, the figure is slim, only has the complexion is not the normal paleness, a pair of eyes pupil is the dust color, looks is not normal human. 那是一名女子,身穿墨绿色甲胄,身材修长笔挺,唯有脸色是不正常的惨白,一双眼眸更是灰褐色的,一看就不是正常人类。 In her right hand is grasping a iron grey long sword, seems like the skeleton to carve, every step steps forward, surrounding space in slight is trembling. 她右手之中握着一柄灰白色的长剑,看起来像是骨骼雕琢而成,每一步跨出,周围的空间都在轻微的震颤着。 Deads! The Long Dangdang heart is imposing. 亡者!龙当当心头凛然。 Previously they also guessed, the parents departed, did not know where. But actually the sudden dead, actually as if pulled back the zero point all guesses at this moment, but regarding Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, actually does not consider these times now. Because they must first do now, lives under killing of opposite party. 先前他们还猜测,父母是不是自行离去的,又不知道去了何处。而此时此刻却突然出现的亡者,却似乎将所有的一切猜测都拉回了原点,但对于龙当当龙空空来说,现在却并不是考虑这些的时候。因为他们现在首先要做的,就是在对方的袭杀之下活下来。 Nothing hesitant, Long Dangdang opened own contract space, fortunately, in this strange space, has not affected opening of contract space, small evil and small eight were released. 没有任何犹豫,龙当当开启了自己的契约空间,还好,在这个古怪的空间里,并没有影响到契约空间的开启,小邪和小八都被释放了出来。 Long Kongkong also opens the contract space similarly, the figure is quite plump, drilled just like the mouse king of water jar size. This time it does not even have the idle talk, obviously was feels Long Kongkong to be threatened fatally. The effect of blood agreement on it makes it probably with Long Kongkong live and die together, that naturally cannot make Long Kongkong die! Otherwise, it must be finished. 龙空空也同样将契约空间开启,身形已经极为肥硕,宛如水缸大小的鼠大王也钻了出来。这次它甚至都没有废话,显然是感受到了龙空空正在受到致命的威胁。对它来说血契的影响让它要和龙空空同生共死,那自然是不能让龙空空死啊!否则的话,它自己也要完蛋。 Who are you?” The Long Dangdang sinking sound asked that the body got up by the small eight load bearings, shares the same roots, making the surrounding oppression strength as if reduce. “你是谁?”龙当当沉声问道,身体被小八承载起来,血脉相连,让周围的压迫力似乎减轻了一些。 That female dead vision is staring at him, had not replied that his issue, next one flickers, the miserable white sword glow directly soared Long Dangdang to puncture together. 那女亡者目光凝视着他,却并没有回答他的问题,下一瞬,一道惨白色的剑芒就直奔龙当当刺了过来。 Long Dangdang has not retroceded, at this time, latter fell back courts death. The opposite party can kill them here, has proven the strength. Yes, this is deads who cultivate/repair to reach as high as nine steps, should be a soldier, soldier who can call it the sword Saint. 龙当当没有后退,在这个时候,后退就是找死。对方能够在这里袭杀他们,就已经证明了实力。是的,这是一名修为高达九阶的亡者,生前应该是一名战士,能够被称之为剑圣的战士。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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