SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#288: The parents are missing

Chapter 288 parents are missing 第288章父母失踪 What?” The Long Dangdang hear of flatter liquor said own parents were missing that flickered, the whole person was instantaneously ignorant, the heart seemed grasped by anything suddenly, complexion drastic change. “什么?”龙当当听阿酒说自己父母失踪了那一瞬,整个人瞬间就懵了,心脏仿佛突然被什么东西抓紧了似的,脸色剧变。 flatter liquor sinking sound said: Because your some special reasons, the temple headquarters send people to invite your parents to come the holy city to reunite with you. But had not actually found them in the soaring dragon city. They were both missing, and has been missing had one month.” 阿酒沉声道:“因为你们的一些特殊原因,圣殿总部派人邀请你们的父母前来圣城与你们团聚。但在腾龙城却并没有找到他们。他们双双失踪了,而且已经失踪了有一个月了。” Long Dangdang felt instantaneously own breath as if had stopped, in an instant the double fist gripped the matter that tight most was worried about to happen. 龙当当瞬间感觉到自己的呼吸仿佛都已经停止了似的,刹那间双拳攥紧最担心的事情还是发生了。 Until now, what he is worried is younger brother's safety, because of the reason of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, the younger brother becomes thorn in the side of dead spirit state inevitably, but has not actually thought parents' security problem. In his opinion, the dead spirit lifeform wisdom is eventually limited, not possible to investigate their parents, but looking back now, own idea was really naive. The parents were missing, having greatly may be very related with the dead spirit state! 一直以来,他更加担心的是弟弟的安危,因为元涡灵炉的原因,弟弟必然成为亡灵国度的眼中钉肉中刺,但却并没有想过父母的安全问题。在他看来,亡灵生物终究还是智慧有限的,也不可能去调查他们的父母,但现在看来,自己的想法实在是太幼稚了。父母失踪了,有很大可能会和亡灵国度有关啊! Their missing is very towering, the temple headquarters have been sending people to seek. So far has not obtained any useful clue.” “他们失踪的很突兀,圣殿总部已经在派人寻找了。目前为止还没有获得什么有用的线索。” Feels the Long Dangdang mood to change, the sound of flatter liquor also heavy several points. 感受着龙当当的情绪变化,阿酒的声音也不禁沉重了几分。 The depth that Long Dangdang makes an effort inspires, returned to normal by own mood as far as possible, informing thank you.” 龙当当用力的深吸口气,尽可能让自己的情绪平复一些,“谢谢您的告知。” At this moment, in his mind, is reverberating unceasingly parents' voice and expression, since they arrived at the holy city, has not gone back to see the parents, at this moment, Long Dangdang only feels to feel like a knife twisting in the heart, how if the parents do fall in the dead spirit state hand can? He cannot think completely. 此时此刻,在他脑海中,不断回荡着父母的音容笑貌,自从他们来到了圣城之后,就没有回去看过父母,此时此刻,龙当当只觉得心如刀割,如果父母落在亡灵国度手中会怎么样?他完全不敢去想。 Minister, my younger brother where? Did he wake?” Long Dangdang asked. “部长,我弟弟在什么地方?他醒过来了吗?”龙当当问道。 In the you next door, should almost be also about to awake, you have a look.” “就在伱隔壁,应该也差不多快醒了,你去看看吧。” Good, thanks the minister.” “好的,谢谢部长。” Long Dangdang arrived at the next door hurriedly, when he sees Long Kongkong, Long Kongkong is stretching oneself, a languid appearance, seems like him does not seem to withstand too many pain, or was the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace helps him smooth the pain. 龙当当急匆匆的来到了隔壁,当他看到龙空空的时候,龙空空正在伸着懒腰,一副懒洋洋的样子,看起来他似乎并没有承受太多的痛苦似的,也或者是月明沧海灵炉帮他抚平了痛苦。 Brother, awakes. Hehehe, let me tell you, this time we harvest, but big. I estimated, can help the sea pour into the spirit strength to about 80,000, this may on quick half, have again 34 times, should be able to help you fix it.” “老哥,醒啦。嘿嘿嘿,我跟你说,这次咱们收获可是大了去了。我估计,能帮沧海将灵力注入到八万左右,这可就快一半了,再有个三四次,就应该能帮你把它修好了。” Father and mother were missing.” The Long Dangdang sinking sound said. “老爸、老妈失踪了。”龙当当沉声说道。 What?” Long Kongkong was almost shoots from the bed instantaneously, one held the shoulder of Long Dangdang, even the voice changed, „did elder brother, what you say? Can't this matter crack a joke?” “啥?”龙空空几乎是瞬间就从床上弹了起来,一把就抓住龙当当的肩膀,连嗓音都变了,“哥,你说啥?这种事儿可不能开玩笑啊?” Long Dangdang complexion ugly/difficult to look at as if must drop the water leakage, „the minister told me a moment ago, the news that the temple headquarters spread, must invite them to come to the holy city to see us, actually discovered that they have been missing for a month. Has not investigated any useful clue.” 龙当当的脸色难看的仿佛要滴出水来,“刚才部长告诉我,圣殿总部传来的消息,本来要邀请他们来圣城见咱们,却发现他们已经失踪了一个月了。没有调查到任何有用的线索。” Hu-hu, hu-hu and hu-hu......” Long Kongkong big mouth and big mouth is panting for breath, Long Dangdang even can feel that his both hands are shivering. “呼哧、呼哧、呼哧……”龙空空大口、大口的喘息着,龙当当甚至能感觉到他的双手在颤抖。 Elder Brother, Elder Brother......” he vacant completeness feels helpless. “哥,哥……”他已经茫然的完全不知所措了。 Long Dangdang holds his wrist/skill, don't be upset, more was this time more cannot fluster, we walked, return to the soaring dragon city.” 龙当当一把抓住他的手腕,“不要慌,越是这个时候越不能慌,我们走,回腾龙城。” The two brothers left hunted for the demon group headquarters, the Long Dangdang actually standing firm body, at this time, he already slightly calm, but was calm, his innermost feelings were the suffering, he cannot think that the parents were seized that dire consequence, felt like a knife twisting in the heart. 兄弟俩出了猎魔团总部,龙当当却站定身体,这个时候,他已经略微冷静了下来,但越是冷静,他的内心就越是煎熬,他根本不敢去想父母被抓走那可怕的后果,心如刀割。 Elder Brother-” Long Kongkong called Long Dangdang one, but in his sound has carried over several points of weeping voice. “哥-”龙空空叫了龙当当一声,但他的声音中已经带出了几分哭腔。 Long Dangdang deeply inspires, said: First informs the cousin they. We are not very calm at this time, making them also help us think. The parents have been missing for a month, now anxiety can serve no purpose at all.” 龙当当深吸口气,道:“先通知表姐他们。我们这个时候已经不够冷静了,让他们也帮我们想想。爸妈都已经失踪一个月了,现在急也没有用。” Un un.” Nod that Long Kongkong makes an effort. At this time, he has been at a loss. “嗯嗯。”龙空空用力的点着头。这种时候,他早就已经六神无主。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang, „did everyone wake? The waking up words, return to the dwelling set, I have the anxious matter.” 皓月当空,龙当当,“大家都醒过来了吗?醒来的话,回住处集合,我有急事儿。” The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe, I had first come back, are you all right?” 皓月当空,凌梦露,“我已经先回来了,你们没事儿吧?” The bright moon in the sky, woof Changxin, came back.” 皓月当空,汪常欣,“回来了。” Long Dangdang said through the child spirit crystal those words, brings Long Kongkong to walk toward the dwelling. 龙当当在通过子灵晶说完那句话的时候,就已经带着龙空空向住处走去。 They return, when temple headquarters dwelling, actually saw that ice Monroe and woof Changxin have waited in the entrance. 他们回到在圣殿总部住处的时候,却看到凌梦露和汪常欣已经等在门口了。 Ling Menglu sees the Long Dangdang complexion, the look changes, she also never sees Long Dangdang is so rude, although the Long Dangdang age must be smaller than her, but since knows Long Dangdang, for these years, what Long Dangdang has shown surpasses the calm of contemporaries, but his look somewhat had actually moved fast at this time, because anxious is pale, the whole person as if looked like screens out the essence to be an excellent likeness. 凌梦露看到龙当当的脸色,眼神就是一变,她还从未见过龙当当如此失态过,虽然龙当当年纪比她要小,但自从认识龙当当之后,这几年来,龙当当一直都展现出的是超出同龄人的沉稳,但此时他的眼神却已经是有些飘忽了,因为急切更是脸色苍白,整个人仿佛就像是被抽走了精气神似的。 At this kind of time, ice Monroe could not attend to so many, rushed to go forward two steps, held on his hand. 在这种时候,凌梦露也顾不得那么多了,赶忙上前两步,一把拉住他的手。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong clothes put on differently, therefore, did not fear that draws the wrong person. 龙当当龙空空衣服穿得不同,所以,也不怕拉错人。 Ding-dong, how? What happened?” Ling Menglu concerned asking. “当当,怎么了?发生什么事儿了?”凌梦露关切的问道。 Without he opened the mouth, nearby Long Kongkong impatient saying, cousin, our parents has been missing.” 没等他开口,旁边的龙空空就已经迫不及待的说道,“表姐,我们爸妈失踪了。” What?” Ling Menglu hears word is also the complexion big change, just like Long Dangdang, her first thinking was they are seized by the dead. Suddenly is also shocking in the extreme. “什么?”凌梦露闻言也是脸色大变,和龙当当一样,她第一个想到的就是他们被亡者抓走了。一时间也是震惊的无以复加。 Just received to hunt for the notice of demon group headquarters, said that the parents have been missing for a month. Originally is to ask them to reunite to the holy city.” Long Dangdang sound heavy saying. “刚刚收到猎魔团总部的通知,说爸妈已经失踪一个月了。本来是想要请他们到圣城来团聚的。”龙当当声音沉重的说道。 Ice Monroe his hand has not been loosening, walks, our advanced room said again, first do not worry.” 凌梦露拉着他的手并没有松开,“走,我们先进屋再说,你们先别着急。” Un.” Two brothers following ice Monroe and woof Changxin returns to the room, other three people from not hunting for the demon group headquarters come back, now dwelling only then their four people. “嗯。”兄弟俩跟着凌梦露和汪常欣回到房间之中,其他三人还没有从猎魔团总部那边回来,现在住处就只有他们四个人。 Arrived at the Long Dangdang room to close the door directly, Long Dangdang deeply inspires, returned to normal a mood, cousin, I now some are not calm, you helped me analyze, in this case, what to do should we? I had not thought the dead spirit state because we look for the parents, but looking back now, they really acted to our parents.” 直接来到龙当当的房间关上房门,龙当当深吸口气,平复了一下情绪,“表姐,我现在已经有些不冷静了,你帮我分析分析,在这种情况下,我们应该怎么办?我一直都没想过亡灵国度会因为我们找上爸妈,但现在看来,他们真的对我们的父母出手了。” Ice Monroe gets hold of his hand, ding-dong, first do not worry, regardless of what happened, we face together. You first catch one's breath, making me think.” 凌梦露握紧他的手,“当当,你先别着急,无论发生什么事,我们都一起面对。你们先缓口气,让我想想。” Long Dangdang lifts another hand according to the shoulder of Long Kongkong, feels the temperature of his palm, Long Kongkong is then calming down. So long as there are brother, his many also has the pillar. 龙当当抬起另一只手按在龙空空的肩膀上,感受着他手掌的温度,龙空空这才定了定神。只要有老哥在,他多少还有主心骨。 Silent the moment, ice Monroe said: This matter must first analyze a next present situation. The worst result, is similar to such that we guessed, was the dead spirit state started, seized the aunt and mother's sister's husband. You first think, there are other possibilities? For example did they go out to do business or travel?” 沉默了片刻,凌梦露道:“这件事首先要分析一下现在的情况。最坏的结果,就如同我们猜测的那样,是亡灵国度下手了,将六姨和姨父抓走了。你们先想想,有没有其他可能?譬如他们外出做生意或者旅游去了?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Is less likely, because was the temple headquarters looks in the past, if they must go far for a long time, my father is Pastor soaring dragon to become divides the palace palace to advocate, he must leave in the temple report is so long.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“可能性不大,因为是圣殿总部找过去的,如果他们要出远门这么长时间的话,我爸已经是腾龙成牧师分殿殿主了,他不可能不在圣殿报备就离开这么久。” Ling Menglu nods, said: Good, later I go home, told the grandfather the matter, making the grandfather check mother 's sister's husband to leave behind what clue quickly. Then, we continue to analyze.” 凌梦露点点头,道:“好,待会儿我就回家,把事情告诉爷爷,让爷爷赶快查一下姨父是不是留下了什么线索。那么,我们继续分析。” Supposed that the aunt and uncle were seized by the dead spirit state, then, their goals are anything. If their goals are to aim at you two, you were calmer. Only have living the parents, can threaten the children, therefore, they should be safe.” “假设六姨和姨夫是被亡灵国度抓走了,那么,它们的目的是什么。如果它们的目的是针对你们两个,那你们就更要冷静了。唯有活着的父母,才能威胁到子女,所以,那他们应该就还是安全的。” Listened to ice Monroe these words, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong the spirit inspires immediately, so long as the parents are also living, without was killed by the dead spirit state , all have the opportunity. 听了凌梦露这番话,龙当当龙空空顿时精神一振,只要父母还活着,没有被亡灵国度杀害,那么,一切就都还有机会。 Ling Menglu continues saying: Caught the aunt and mother's sister's husband, if goal in you. Then, will then have two situations to happen. One type threatens you with them, another type, then to direct you leaves the holy city. Because the holy city present defense is very strict, dead nowhere starts. I favor both all have.” 凌梦露继续道:“抓了六姨和姨父,如果目的在你们。那么,接下来就会有两种情况发生。一种是用他们来威胁你们,另一种,则是为了引你们离开圣城。因为圣城现在的防御十分严密,亡者无处下手。我更倾向于两者皆有。” Long Dangdang turns head to look to her, said: soaring dragon city?” 龙当当扭头看向她,道:“腾龙城?” Ling Menglu nods. 凌梦露点了点头。 Had her reminder, Long Dangdang this time thoughts gradually are also flexible, restored the calm wisdom gradually, if so, I thought that latter's possibility is very big. It is not able to start in the holy city, even is unable directly to threaten us. But after obtaining parents' missing news, we will definitely go to the soaring dragon city probe, thus has the opportunity to the dead spirit state. However, our no choices, can only go.” 有了她的提醒,龙当当此时的心思也渐渐活泛起来,渐渐恢复了冷静睿智,“如果是这样的话,我觉得后者的可能性很大。在圣城无法下手,甚至都无法直接威胁我们。而得到了父母失踪的消息之后,我们必然会前往腾龙城调查情况,从而给亡灵国度有可乘之机。但是,我们没的选择,只能去。” In the ice dream Lumei pupil reveals a worrying color, gripped the hand of Long Dangdang to tighten several points, „, if our guesses right, then, the present soaring dragon city to you, is as good as the dangerous spot.” 凌梦露美眸中流露出一丝担忧之色,握住龙当当的手更紧了几分,“如果我们的猜测没错的话,那么,现在的腾龙城对你们来说,不亚于龙潭虎穴。” The Long Dangdang forced smile said: Even tremendous dangers and difficulties, we must go!” 龙当当苦笑道:“就算是刀山火海,我们也必须要去啊!” Ling Menglu said: I had not said that does not make you go, goes certainly to go, but we must be ready, cannot blind going. Not only make sure that your securities, but must as far as possible saves the aunt and mother's sister's husband.” 凌梦露道:“我没说不让你们去,去是肯定要去的,但我们一定要做好准备,不能盲目的去。不但要确保你们的安全,还要尽可能的将六姨和姨父救出来。” Good.” “好。” Two days later. 两天后。 soaring dragon city temple federal government, main building. 腾龙城圣殿联邦政府,主楼。 Each medium above city, has one transmission, transmission, because uses to be high-cost, generally, is having important matter time will start. 每一座中型以上的城市,都拥有一座传送阵,传送阵因为使用代价高昂,一般情况下,只有在发生重要事情的时候才会启动。 But today, transmission of soaring dragon city federal government, shone suddenly. 而今天,腾龙城联邦政府的传送阵,就突然亮了起来。 Sparkles along with rays, form also quiet reappearing. 伴随着一道道光芒闪耀,一道道身影随之悄无声息的浮现而出。 Specifically is responsible for transmitting the staff, when transmits opening, has stood up , this transmission, in the soaring dragon city, one month could not shine several times, but can have the qualifications to use transmission, that without a doubt was a great person! How recently this was, the transmission frequency of use seemed like changes high! 专门负责传送阵的工作人员在传送阵开启的时候,就已经站起身来,要知道,这座传送阵,在腾龙城中,一个月也亮不了几次,而能够有资格使用传送阵的,那毫无疑问都是大人物啊!最近这是怎么了,传送阵的使用频率似乎是变高了啊! However, on the face of quick this staff revealed the astonished color, these forms that because, appeared from transmission, seeming like was really young. 但是,很快这位工作人员的脸上就流露出了惊愕之色,因为,从传送阵中显现出的这些身影,看上去实在是太年轻了。 Stands in central, is a handsome youth, is tall, but from the facial features, most is also about 20 -year-old appearances, left side of him, is a look and his exactly the same young people, the right side is one has a golden big wave long hair, the look is beautiful, will make one have to plant to illuminate all, including soul feeling outstandingly beautiful young girl. 站在中央的,是一名英俊的青年,身材高大,但从面容来看,最多也就是二十岁左右的样子,在他左侧,是一名相貌和他一模一样的年轻人,右侧则是一名有着一头金色大波浪长发,相貌绝美,甚至会让人有种照亮一切,也包括灵魂感觉的绝色少女。 Several other people are also young, but, this time they, on the face the expression seems very serious. 其他几人也同样年轻,只不过,此时的他们,脸上表情都显得十分严肃。 Excuse me, are you?” Staff hurrying asked. “请问,你们是?”工作人员赶忙上前询问。 Is the youth of head lifts the hand in the hand child spirit bright, this hunts for the demon symbol. 为首的青年抬起手将手中的子灵晶亮了出来,这是猎魔者的象征。 Hunts for the demon group? The staff hold breath cold air, in the heart shocks at the same time, envies. So young hunting for demon group? Even if the hunting for demon group of lowest rank, that is also existence that he must look up to absolutely. Everyone knows, can become hunts for demon, that surely is entire federal most outstanding existence, in the future will have boundless prospects. 猎魔团?工作人员倒吸一口凉气,心中震撼的同时,也不无羡慕。如此年轻的猎魔团吗?哪怕是最低级别的猎魔团,那也是他绝对要仰望的存在。谁都知道,能够成为猎魔者,那必定是整个联邦最为优秀的存在,未来更是前途无量。 This through a transmission return, is 19,115,897 hunts for the demon to roll seven people impressively. 这通过传送阵回归的,赫然正是一九一一五八九七猎魔团七人。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong parents are missing, partners after knowing, is duty-bound not to turn back indicated that must rescue with them together. Hunts for the demon group starting from establish that moment, is an inalienable whole, in the companion family/home has an accident, anybody will not flinch. 龙当当龙空空父母失踪,伙伴们在知道了之后,都义无反顾的表示要与他们共同营救。猎魔团在成立的那一刻开始,就已经是一个不可分割的整体,同伴家里出事,任何人都不会退缩。 Use transmission comes back, for reduction as far as possible in the risk that on the road can encounter. But in the city, the situation will always be much better. 使用传送阵回来,是为了尽可能的减少在路上会遇到的风险。而在城市中,情况总是会好得多。 Except for the soaring dragon city federal government, is breathing the familiar air, looks on the street the familiar scene, Long Dangdang gripped the fist subconsciously. 除了腾龙城联邦政府,呼吸着熟悉的空气,看着街道上熟悉的景象,龙当当下意识的攥了攥拳头。 Since left after initially, they several years do not have, but actually do not hinder them regarding here memory. After all, this is lives him to raise his place. The two brothers grow up in the soaring dragon city since childhood, because the father is the high level of soaring dragon city pastor temple, therefore, they have the liberal life since childhood, is also very familiar with here all, has the abundant sentiment. 自从当初离开之后,他们已经好几年没有回来了,但却并不妨碍他们对于这里的记忆。毕竟,这是生他养他的地方。他们兄弟俩从小就在腾龙城长大,因为父亲本身就是腾龙城牧师圣殿的高层,所以,他们自幼就有着优渥的生活,对这里的一切也都十分熟悉,更有着充沛的感情。 First goes?” Ling Menglu asked. “先去哪?”凌梦露问道。 Long Dangdang say/way without hesitation: First returns to my family.” 龙当当毫不犹豫的道:“先回我家。” The spirit of people shakes slightly, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong parents were missing, according to their guesses, biggest possibly is the snare of dead spirit state under view of two brothers, if the snare, in their families/home is most likely the ambushed place without doubt. 众人的精神都是微微一震,龙当当龙空空的父母失踪了,按照他们的猜测,最大的可能就是亡灵国度针对他们兄弟俩下的圈套,而如果是圈套的话,他们的家中无疑是最有可能被埋伏的地方。 But at this time, Long Dangdang has not actually hesitated, first chose going home, if there is any clue is the temple has not investigated, then, perhaps they can find. Because they must be familiar with the parents, more familiar own family/home. 但在这个时候,龙当当却没有丝毫迟疑,第一时间就选择了回家,如果有什么线索是圣殿没有调查出来的,那么,或许他们能够找到。因为他们要更熟悉父母,更熟悉自己的家。 Long in the town center, how long they had not walked to see this occupies a land area of a big dwelling. Looks in the front gate is hanging Long Residence two characters, Long Kongkong was almost instantaneously on red the eye, went forward with stride, went on the strategic place. 龙家本来就在市中心,他们并没有走多久就看到了这座占地不小的宅院。看着院门上悬挂着的龙府二字,龙空空几乎是瞬间就红了眼睛,大步上前,就要冲进去。 Long Dangdang holds the younger brother, draws him to oneself behind, then oneself takes the lead to walk up. Effort opened the door after an absence of several years. 龙当当一把抓住弟弟,将他拉到自己身后,然后自己率先走上前去。用力的推开了阔别数年的家门。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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