SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#287: The shock of flatter liquor

The shock of Chapter 287 flatter liquor 第287章阿酒的震惊 Looks 19,115,897 that lies down on the ground hunt for the demon group people, the flatter liquor relaxes slightly. But concluded the travel of demon boundary along with them, the energy of demon domestic section also stabilized, has not continued to drain again. This means, was not they destroyed the demon within the boundaries section, has not at least bred greatly troublesome. 看着一个个躺在地上的一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人,阿酒微微松了口气。而伴随着他们结束了魔境之旅,魔境内部的能量也随之稳定了下来,没有再继续流失。这就意味着,并不是他们破坏了魔境内部,至少没有酿成大麻烦。 Really was these little fellow steals away inside energy?” stretch/open somewhat surprised saying. He summons the high level of master temple, the vision first fell on the peach numerous. “难道真是这几个小家伙自己把里面的能量偷走了?”张老有些惊讶的说道。他是召唤师圣殿的高层,目光首先就落在了桃林林身上。 The attire and aura of some different occupation different occupations, person of oneself temple is very easy to distinguish. 不同职业有不同职业的装束和气息,自家圣殿的人那还是很容易分辨的。 Well!” He looked at peach numerous two, immediately discovered some are not right. This clearly is the aura of seven steps! “咦!”他才看了桃林林两眼,顿时就发现了有些不对。这分明是七阶的气息啊! He had just understood a moment ago 19,115,897 hunted for the demon group member structure. According to hunting for the record of demon group, this overall strength that hunts for the demon group generally in six steps, even fifth-order existence, this is several months ago records. 刚才他才刚刚了解过了一九一一五八九七猎魔团成员结构。按照猎魔团的记载,这个猎魔团的整体实力普遍在六阶,甚至还有五阶的存在,这是几个月前的记载。 But at this moment, he unexpectedly discovered, the young summon master in oneself temple, cultivated/repaired to be seven steps unexpectedly, how can make him not surprised? He had just read the material, these young people have not even arrived 20 years old, regimental commander also just 17 years old. 而此时此刻,他竟然发现,自家圣殿的这名年轻召唤师,修为竟然已经达到了七阶,怎能让他不惊讶呢?他可是刚刚看过资料的,这些年轻人甚至都还没到二十岁,就连团长也才刚刚十七岁而已。 Under 20-year-old seven steps? This may a little be different! 不到20岁的七阶?这可就有点不一样了啊! In recent years, major temples unceasing has the talent to emerge, but on the other hand, what is most noticeable is ice Monroe of pastor temple, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer of magic temple, as well as assassin temple initially meets these three people. In internal evaluation system of sacred hall, these three people in a level. 近些年来,各大圣殿都不断的有天才涌现,但相对来说,最引人瞩目的还是牧师圣殿的凌梦露,魔法圣殿的子桑琉荧,以及刺客圣殿的初遇这三人。在圣堂的内部评价体系之中,这三人是在一个层次上的。 On the other hand, summon master temple, although also has Cai Caijuan such talent, but must miss one in appraisal. This is also the regrets of several other big temples. 相对来说,召唤师圣殿虽然也有蔡彩娟这样的天才,但在评估方面还是要差了一层的。这也是其他几大圣殿的遗憾。 The knight temple is good, the knight temples are six big temples have existed ranked the first, the itself foundation is very solid. Also the has god seal throne, does not need to be worried about anything. But summoned master temple these years, is truly going down hill, has reduced the lowliest places in six big temples. At this time, suddenly sees a talent of such this temple, stretch/open forgot the demon boundary crisis immediately, the peach numerous, this child's name is this, it seems like needs to understand well. Probably didn't Cai Caijuan that girls have seven steps? 骑士圣殿还好,人家骑士圣殿一直都是六大圣殿排名第一的存在,本身底蕴十分深厚。又有神印王座在,不需要担心什么。但召唤师圣殿这些年来,确实是在走下坡路,已经沦落到了六大圣殿的末位了。此时,突然看到这么一名本圣殿的天才,张老顿时忘了魔境刚才的危机了,桃林林,这孩子的名字是这个,看来需要好好了解一下了。好像蔡彩娟那丫头都还没七阶吧? He is surprised, nearby flatter liquor was more surprised. What with never with is, he knows these children! Although ice Monroe is honored as one of the generation of most outstanding talents, at that time but he attached great importance to is actually Long Dangdang this regimental commander. Can make ice Monroe's such top talent follow, has been able to mean many things. 他惊讶,一旁的阿酒就更加惊讶了。和张老不同的是,他认识这些孩子们啊!虽然凌梦露被誉为这一代最优秀的天才之一,但他当时更重视的却是龙当当这个团长。能够让凌梦露这样的顶级天才跟随,就已经能够意味着很多事了。 But now, under his observation, Long Dangdang should not enter seven steps, but in his small hunting for demon group, really has four seven steps. The element body takes to the occupation change to be giant, this point is unable to hide. 而现在,在他的观察下,龙当当应该还没进入七阶,但在他这小小的猎魔团之中,竟然已经有了四名七阶。元素体带给职业者的变化是巨大的,这一点是根本无法隐藏的。 The ice Monroe seven steps he is not strange, on this super talent presents the progress of what degree to be reasonable. However, that soldier, the summon master and magician, may not be six big temple records of top talent before, unexpectedly seven steps? Their this age seven steps, at least mean that in the future can grow to nine step degrees, nine steps can walk much do not say, but nine step occupation how many? Has boundless prospects! 凌梦露七阶他一点都不奇怪,这种超级天才身上出现什么程度的进步都是合理的。但是,那个战士、召唤师以及魔法师,之前可都算不上是六大圣殿记载的顶级天才之列,居然就都七阶了?他们这个年龄七阶,至少意味着未来能够成长到九阶程度,九阶能走多远不好说,但九阶职业者才多少?前途无量啊! What is more important, the speed that they grow was also too fast, even somewhat surpasses the common sense the rapidness. 更重要的是,他们成长的速度也太快了,甚至是有些超出常理的快。 Demon boundary has stabilized. The issue should leave on them.” Staff said. “魔境已经稳定了。问题应该还是出在他们身上。”一名工作人员说道。 Un. First this. Delivers them to rest, all waited for them to wake said again.” “嗯。先这样吧。送他们去休息,一切都等他们醒过来再说。” ...... …… Each time the conclusion demon boundary was not any happy process, finishing later woke up that is also the headache wants to crack, needing to be slowly good. 每次结束魔境都不会是什么愉快的过程,结束之后醒来那也是头痛欲裂,需要缓缓才行。 This time also same is so. 这次也一样是如此。 Long Dangdang the time of the stupor sobering, first feels is that rending soul pain. 龙当当从昏迷中清醒过来的时候,首先感受到的就是那种撕心裂肺般的灵魂痛楚。 They from going against heaven's will demon dragon, weeded out wool really ruthlessly, but the final result is, when their recompression cannot trig goes against heaven's will the demon dragon, suffered the crazy retaliation. Perhaps are too many because of this swallowing energy, making the two brothers well satisfied, knows that will not really die, therefore, the strength of this their mysterious bloodlines had not been stimulated. 他们从逆天魔龙身上,着实是狠狠的薅了一把羊毛,但最后的结果就是,当他们再压制不住逆天魔龙的时候,遭受到了疯狂的报复。或许是因为这次吞噬的能量太多,让他们兄弟俩都心满意足,也知道不会真的死亡,所以,这次他们那种神秘的血脉之力并没有被激发出来。 As for the way of dying, with ripping the fragment described that seems like appropriate...... 至于死的方式,用撕成碎片来形容似乎是合适的…… Long Dangdang knocked own head, revolves the spirit strength, becomes by own opinion sobers. The spirit strength in within the body steady and does not have any damage, naturally, he of six step peaks also has no growth. 龙当当敲了敲自己的头,运转灵力,让自己主见变得清醒过来。体内的灵力稳稳的并没有什么损伤,当然,六阶巅峰的他也没有什么成长。 The moon/month bright sea spirit furnace also follows Long Kongkong, before filtering it cannot come back. 月明沧海灵炉还跟着龙空空呢,在过滤完毕之前它不能回来。 This harvest, should be big. Although does not know that supplemented many spirit strength to the sea, but certainly previous release casting a spell time are more. So long as continues, should have again most four and five times, should be able to help the sea restore. By that time, oneself can also promote seven steps. 这次的收获,应该不小吧。虽然不知道给沧海补充了多少灵力,但肯定要比上次释放禁咒的时候更多。只要持续下去,应该再有个最多四、五次,应该就能够帮沧海修复完毕了。到了那时,自己就也能够晋升七阶了。 Thinks the partners promote seven steps the appearances, particularly when ice Monroe entered the step magnificent scene, the heart of Long Dangdang hot. He also longs for becoming seven steps! Arrived seven steps, he believes that oneself strength definitely can also promote a big truncation. 一想到伙伴们晋升七阶的样子,尤其是凌梦露进阶时的辉煌场景,龙当当的心就不禁热了起来。他也渴望成为七阶啊!到了七阶,他相信自己的实力肯定还能提升一大截。 Awoke? Comfortable?” The moderate sound resounds. “醒了?舒服点吗?”温和的声音响起。 Long Dangdang opens the eyes immediately, endures the headache to sit to set out. 龙当当立刻睁开了双眼,忍着头疼坐起身来。 The room hunts for demon group that lounge, but at this time on the sofa of lounge, is sitting a familiar form. 房间还是猎魔团那种休息室,而此时在休息室的沙发上,正坐着一个熟悉的身影。 Minister? How did you come?” Long Dangdang somewhat surprised looks at the flatter liquor on sofa, rushes to get out of bed, to him good knight ritual. “部长?您怎么来了?”龙当当有些惊讶的看着沙发上的阿酒,赶忙下了床,向他行了个骑士礼。 The flatter liquor looks at him ill-humoredly, you also feel all right to ask that I did come? I do not come, can you open the demon boundary?” 阿酒没好气的看着他,“你还好意思问我怎么来了?我再不来,你们就要把魔境拆了吧?” Long Dangdang surprised say/way: No! We in demon boundary normal informed and experienced. Although overcomes an obstacle more, but won't destroy the potential surface?” 龙当当一脸惊讶的道:“没有啊!我们只是在魔境之中正常历练。虽然闯关多一些,但也不会破坏位面吧?” The flatter liquor stands up, the look is gazing at him solemnly, normal informed and experienced? Do you know. you caused trouble. The demon boundary since the foundation, this time you have entered are wasted power most one time, has affected the balance of demon boundary. If loses is bigger, the demon boundary even has the possibility of collapse. Did you tell me this to call normally informed and experienced? That side the temple headquarters has sent high-level to interpellate this matter, you need to give us an explanation.” 阿酒站起身,眼神冷峻的注视着他,“正常历练?你知不知道。伱们闯祸了。魔境自从创建以来,这次你们进入是损失能量最多的一次,已经影响到魔境的平衡了。如果损失再大一些,魔境甚至有崩溃的可能。你告诉我这叫正常历练?圣殿总部那边都已经派了高层过来质询这件事,你需要给我们一个解释。” „? Will affect the balance of demon boundary?” This is really Long Dangdang has not thought that also somewhat is suddenly shocking. “啊?会影响到魔境的平衡?”这还真是龙当当没想到的,一时间也不禁有些震惊。 Said that what did you do?” The flatter liquor asked. “说吧,你们到底干了什么?”阿酒问道。 Long Dangdang hesitant, the decision told the facts, did not say that was not possible, because could not discover other reason. 龙当当犹豫了一下,还是决定实话实说,不说是不可能的,因为也找不出别的理由。 Minister, is this. We truly overcome an obstacle normally informed and experienced. But what overcomes an obstacle with others is a little different, my younger brother has a Yuan whorl spirit furnace. His Yuan whorl spirit furnace can, when we fight absorbs the energy in air, filters the later supplement to give us. Possibly is many of because swallowing? Affected the stability of demon boundary.” “部长,是这样的。我们确实是正常历练闯关。但和其他人闯关有点不同的是,我弟弟有一尊元涡灵炉。他的元涡灵炉能够在我们战斗的时候吸收空气中的能量,过滤之后补充给我们。可能是因为吞噬的多了?影响了魔境的稳定。” The flatter liquor frowns saying: „It is not right, you what strength? You know the energy that the demon boundary loses how many does have? Converts the spirit strength, had several millions fully. Your younger brother how many steps? Can swallow so many spirit strength to be inadequate? What also did?” 阿酒蹙眉道:“不对吧,你们才什么实力?你知道魔境损失的能量有多少吗?换算成灵力,足有数百万了。你弟弟才几阶?能吞噬这么多灵力不成?还干了什么?” Long Dangdang helpless say/way: Hasn't truly done. The my younger brother's Yuan whorl spirit furnace can also be regular in the absorption, takes its essence to go to its dregs, the spirit strength that therefore, in fact retains are less than wanting that he absorbs. Moreover, do I have the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace you to know? My this spirit furnace has ability all rivers run into sea, can store up part of spirit strength.” 龙当当无奈的道:“确实是没干什么了。我弟弟的元涡灵炉在吸收的时候还会规律,取其精华去其糟粕,所以,实际上保留下来的灵力远比他吸收的要少一些。而且,我有月明沧海灵炉您知道吧?我这灵炉有个能力较海纳百川,能够储存一部分灵力。” flatter liquor one dull, he has not truly thought that unexpectedly can be such situation, this is impossible. Your going in time is not long, rapidness that such might as well the last time time, how can absorb?” 阿酒一呆,他确实是没想到居然会是这么个情况,“这也不可能吧。你们进去时间并不长,还不如上次的时间,怎么会吸收的这么快?” Long Dangdang coughs, said: My younger brother's Yuan whorl spirit furnace third-order . Moreover, you should know that he is selection of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace. Therefore......” 龙当当咳嗽一声,道:“我弟弟的元涡灵炉已经三阶了,而且,您应该知道吧,他是神祈屿桐灵炉的选中者。所以……” Fourth-order spirit furnace?” The sound of flatter liquor trembled slightly. “四阶灵炉?”阿酒的声音都微微震颤了一下。 In an instant, he could not somewhat have spoken. 刹那间,他已经有些说不出话来了。 Fourth-order spirit furnace? Had/Left a fourth-order spirit furnace in the under 20-year-old young people unexpectedly? 四阶灵炉?竟然在不到20岁的年轻人之中出了一个四阶灵炉? In the entire six big temples, can have coming that the two hands of fourth-order spirit furnace can count. The fourth-order spirit furnace means anything, he was clear. This compared with what talent more important many! Fourth-order that although issues in the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace increase, but, less than 20 years old had third-order spirit furnace this and is also exaggerating! 要知道,在整个六大圣殿之中,能够拥有四阶灵炉的两只手就能数的过来。四阶灵炉意味着什么,他再清楚不过了。这比什么天才都更重要的多啊!虽然是在神祈屿桐灵炉增幅下达到的四阶,可是,不到二十岁就有三阶灵炉这也已经非常、非常夸张了啊! Long Dangdang supplemented said: Initially, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace selected my younger brother, should be because his Yuan whorl spirit furnace. The Yuan whorl spirit furnace is my younger brother's nuclear mind furnace.” 龙当当又补充了一句道:“当初,神祈屿桐灵炉选中我弟弟,应该就是因为他这个元涡灵炉了。元涡灵炉是我弟弟的核心灵炉。” Wait, you let me slowly.” The flatter liquor lifts the hand, preventing him from continue say. “等等,你让我缓缓。”阿酒抬起手,阻止他继续说下去。 The god Qi Yutong spirit furnace chose person matter he is knows that whose but elected him is not actually clear specifically, regarding this, the spirit furnace school kept secret outward highly, only then sacred hall knew the special details. Although the flatter liquor hunts for the demon group high level, but is actually not sacred hall. Therefore, he is not very clear. Now knows, originally selection of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace unexpectedly is Long Kongkong, this in 19,115,897 hunt for the knight who in the demon group most has not had the feeling. 神祈屿桐灵炉选了人这件事他是知道的,但具体选了谁其实他并不清楚,对此,灵炉学院对外高度保密只有圣堂才知道具体情况。阿酒虽然是猎魔团高层,但却并不是圣堂。所以,他并不特别清楚。现在才知道,原来神祈屿桐灵炉的选中者竟然是龙空空,这个在一九一一五八九七猎魔团里最没有存在感的骑士。 The one who makes liquor shocking is, god Qi Yutong spirit furnace unexpectedly for another spirit furnace will choose Long Kongkong, what is this? The Yuan whorl spirit furnace he knows certainly, this is a weak spirit furnace! How suddenly became so powerful? These definitely have the mystery, the choice of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace has been able to show many issues. 更让阿酒震惊的是,神祈屿桐灵炉竟然会为了另外一尊灵炉而选择龙空空,这是什么意思?元涡灵炉他当然知道,这一只都是一种鸡肋灵炉啊!怎么就突然变得如此强大了?这其中肯定是有奥秘的,神祈屿桐灵炉的选择就已经能说明很多问题了。 Until now, hunts for the demon group headquarters to think that hunting for demon group headed by Zisang colored glaze glimmer, is the new generation inherits the mantle of hopefully, becomes the title level to hunt for existence of demon group, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer hunting for demon group has not disappointed them, now has reached commander level to hunt for the altitude of demon group. 一直以来,猎魔团总部都认为以子桑琉荧为首的猎魔团,是新一代最有希望继承衣钵,成为封号级猎魔团的存在,子桑琉荧的猎魔团也没有让他们失望,现在已经达到了帅级猎魔团的高度。 But this 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group, seem very not ordinary! Ice Monroe was needless saying that present Long Dangdang, his by the younger brother who the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace selects, the four seven steps in addition previously having seen, by the overall strength, they were not as if inferior in Zisang colored glaze glimmer that team. The Zisang colored glaze glimmer also just promoted seven steps. 可这一九一一五八九七猎魔团,看起来也很不一般啊!凌梦露就不用说了,眼前的龙当当,还有他这个被神祈屿桐灵炉选中的弟弟,再加上先前已经看到的四个七阶,论整体实力,他们似乎一点都不逊色于子桑琉荧那支团队。子桑琉荧也不过就是刚刚晋升七阶而已。 Thought deeply about the long time, the flatter liquor said, you mean that your spirit furnace, in the coordination your younger brother's spirit furnace, can swallow massive energies, and transforms absorbs to you. Then, these energies of absorption can supplement beyond your spirit strength, what other advantage but also there are?” 足足思索了半晌,阿酒才重新说道,“你的意思就是说,你的灵炉,配合上你弟弟的灵炉,能够吞噬大量的能量,并且转化给你们吸收。那么,吸收的这些能量能够补充你们的灵力之外,还有什么其他好处吗?” Long Dangdang when the flatter liquor thinking also in the intention revolve like lightning, hears to say similarly: Also can improvement our cultivating of certain extent be, is only some waste.” 龙当当在阿酒思索的时候也同样是在心念电转,闻言道:“也能一定程度的提升我们的修为,只是会有些浪费。” The flatter liquor body shakes slightly, the energy that in other words, the previous demon boundary loses was absorbed by them, was used to promote own strength, even four people had broken through seven steps. Moreover, he also realizes a matter, Long Dangdang has not promoted seven steps, is six step peaks, but this is because he has the reason of moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace, that said, they are still drawing support from the Long Kongkong ability to help Long Dangdang restore the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace? 阿酒身体微微一震,也就是说,先前魔境损失的能量就是被他们吸收去了,然后用来提升自己的力量了,甚至有四个人已经突破了七阶。而且,他还意识到一件事,龙当当没有晋升七阶,还是六阶巅峰,但这是因为他有月明沧海灵炉的原因,那是不是说,他们还在借助龙空空的能力来帮龙当当修复月明沧海灵炉? He has no research regarding these ancient spirit furnaces, but he is very clear, before this type for a long time is very very long, is existence of wisdom spirit furnace, once restores to mean anything. 对于这些古老的灵炉他没什么研究,但他却很清楚,这种很久很久以前就是智慧灵炉的存在,一旦修复完毕意味着什么。 flatter liquor eye including profound meaning looked at Long Dangdang one, demon boundary this time loses big. Normally, as a small potential surface, after our older generations can control greatly, established the demon boundary, the demon boundary can the self-sufficient self- restoration. But this time you caused such big consumption, even makes the demon boundary not steady. The disposal recommendation of that side the temple headquarters offering is, does not allow you to enter the demon boundary again. This is in you are not under the premise of malicious destruction demon boundary. Now I can help you make the without any malicious intent judgment, but you wanted to enter the demon boundary to be difficult again.” 阿酒眼含深意的看了龙当当一眼,“魔境这次损失不小。正常情况下,作为一个小位面,被我们先辈大能掌控之后,在其中设置了魔境,魔境本身是能够自给自足自我恢复的。而这次你们导致了这么大的消耗,甚至让魔境不稳。圣殿总部那边给出的处理意见是,不允许你们再进入魔境。这还是在你们不是恶意破坏魔境的前提下。现在我可以帮你们做出没有恶意的评判,但你们想要再进魔境就难了。” „?” This to Long Dangdang absolutely was a sad news, he was just also thinking, entered demon boundary several times again, perhaps oneself can restore the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, but own fond dream as if must fail now! “啊?”这对龙当当来说绝对是个噩耗了,他刚刚还想着,再多进入魔境几次,说不定自己就能修复月明沧海灵炉了,但现在自己的美梦似乎要落空了啊! The flatter liquor beckons with the hand, said: You were first worried, your situations are quite special, particularly you restore the matter of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. I will hand in the application to sacred hall, and explained the situation, you went back and other news. However, temporarily you were definitely impossible to enter the demon boundary, the self- restore of demon boundary required the time, your consumptions, no year of restore not.” 阿酒摆摆手,道:“你先被着急,你们的情况比较特殊,尤其是你修复月明沧海灵炉的事情。我会向圣堂提出申请,并且说明情况,你们回去等消息吧。不过,暂时你们是肯定不可能进入魔境了,魔境的自我修复需要时间,你们这次的消耗,没有一年的修复是不会好了。” Yes, thanks the vice-minister.” Long Dangdang helpless complies with one, he has not thought after the demon boundary was swallowed the energy, so will be frail. It seems like, as if that side dead spirit state inexhaustible, but, that side more important has the fatal disaster. “是,谢谢副部长。”龙当当无奈的答应一声,他也没想到魔境被吞噬了能量之后会这么脆弱。看起来,似乎还是亡灵国度那边无穷无尽,只不过,那边更重要的是有杀身之祸。 The flatter liquor patted the shoulder of Long Dangdang, right, had a matter to need to inform your one, you must have the preparation.” 阿酒拍了拍龙当当的肩膀,“对了,有件事需要通知你一声,你要有心理准备。” „?” Long Dangdang surprised looks to the flatter liquor. “啊?”龙当当惊讶的看向阿酒。 flatter liquor sinking sound said: Your parents were missing.” 阿酒沉声道:“你们的父母失踪了。” What?” “什么?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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