SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#286: Goes against heaven's will the demon dragon the same as attract

Chapter 286 goes against heaven's will the demon dragon the same as attract 第286章逆天魔龙一样吸 Roar-” dreadful demon flame drops from the clouds. “吼-”滔天魔焰从天而降。 Truly facing going against heaven's will demon dragon time, can feel this type once to dominate the race of Saint demon mainland to be fearful sincerely. dragon Yantu the breath brings even has the constriction of casting a spell. 真正面对逆天魔龙的时候,才能深切的感受这种曾经称霸圣魔大陆的种族有多么可怕。只是龙炎吐息带来的甚至都有禁咒的压迫感。 In the entire world as if had been flooded by dark, the vast dragon flame just like the heaven to fall, direct pressure. 整个天地之间仿佛都已经被黑暗所充斥,浩瀚的龙炎犹如苍天下坠,直接压迫而来。 Ling Menglu goes forward one step, held up oneself hand the power in legend level law stick angel, the bright angel integrates her tender body from the rear area instantaneously, making behind her give birth to the wings of four pieces of holy angel. 凌梦露上前一步,举起了自己手中的传奇级法杖天使的权力,光明天使瞬间从后方融入她的娇躯,让她背后生出四片圣洁的天使之翼。 The bright goddess raises head to look at the day, sees only her forehead to be up golden light brightly , the resonant hymn starts to surround around her body to reverberate, the hand during technique sticks from the sky put mysterious paths, interweaves a brilliant strange light net, covers the people. 光明神女仰头望天,只见她眉心处亮起一点金光,紧接着,嘹亮的圣歌就开始环绕在她身体周围回荡起来,手中法杖在空中划出一道道玄奥的轨迹,交织成一张绚烂的奇异光网,将众人笼罩在内。 Saint light spirit! 圣光灵阵! This is a pastor the skill that can master after the third-order, but to nine steps as before is the highest level defense god technique, will strengthen the prestige energy because of it along with pastor own growth. 这是一个牧师从三阶之后就能掌握的技能,但到了九阶依旧是最顶级的防御神术,因为它会伴随着牧师自身的成长而增强威能。 At this time, Saint light spirit that ice Monroe uses, already the abilities of far ultra ordinary seven step cardinals, that resonant hymn encirclement, the increase of rich sacred aura enormous degree law effect. 此时,凌梦露所用出的圣光灵阵,早已远超普通七阶红衣主教的能力,那嘹亮的圣歌环绕,浓郁的神圣气息极大程度的增幅着法阵的效果。 Aquamarine halos transmit from the rear area at this moment, that is full of the life under the aura baptism, immediately makes the people feel that constriction also reduced. When these aquamarine rays pour into to ice Monroe's Saint light spirit, immediately, the Saint light spirit ray blazing greatly, looking like the furnace was invested the firewood to be the same, instantaneous combustion was even more exuberant. 一圈圈碧绿色的光晕就在这时从后方传来,那充满生命的气息洗礼之下,顿时让众人感觉到身上的压迫感随之降低了许多。而当这些碧绿色的光芒注入到凌梦露的圣光灵阵之中时,顿时,圣光灵阵光芒大炽,就像是熔炉被投入了柴薪一般,瞬间燃烧的越发旺盛了。 This is town/subdues demon tree transmitting the strength of life, cultivates the time from the initial peach numerous and ice Monroe together, the vitality of town/subdues demon tree can produce excellent moistening to the bright angel spirit furnace, but the town/subdues demon tree can also bathe in the light evolves oneself. The bright angel spirit furnace can complete the promotion quickly, has big relations with nourishing of town/subdues demon tree. 这是镇魔树的传来的生命之力,从最初桃林林和凌梦露一起修炼的时候,镇魔树的生命力就能对光明天使灵炉产生极好的滋润,而镇魔树也能沐浴在光明之中进化自身。光明天使灵炉能够这么快就完成晋升,与镇魔树的滋养也有不小的关系。 At this time, nourishes under town/subdues demon tree the strength of life, the ice Monroe's sacred aura immediately becomes more exuberant. She does not need to take on the issue of mind strength consumption now, some Long Kongkong supplements continuously, her spirit strength will not dry up completely, even if in this in the world that does not have the light element is also same. 此时,在镇魔树的生命之力滋养下,凌梦露的神圣气息顿时变得更加旺盛。她现在也不需要担心灵力消耗的问题,有龙空空源源不绝的补充,她的灵力完全不会枯竭,哪怕是在这个没有光元素的世界中也是一样。 dragon Yanluo in Saint light/only spirit, looking like the fierce oil added the ice water to be the same, stimulated the intense response instantaneously, massive purple black gas spray transpiration, the Saint light spirit surface ray dragged, but hymn actually as before resonant. 龙炎落在圣光灵阵上,就像是烈油加入了冰水一般,瞬间就激发起强烈的反应,大量的紫黑色气雾蒸腾而起,圣光灵阵表面光芒摇曳,但圣歌却依旧嘹亮。 Goes against heaven's will the demon dragon hundred meters long huge body to start the downward dive, the constriction along with its close to also starts becomes stronger and stronger. 逆天魔龙百米长的巨大身躯已经开始向下俯冲,压迫感伴随着它的临近也开始变得越来越强。 Long Dangdang grasps at the beginning of the silver wave magic, the body shone layer upon layer the ray of conflagration again, was a regimental commander, regardless of when he must stand in the forefront. 龙当当手持银浪魔法之初,身上再次亮起了层层爆燃的光芒,身为团长,无论何时他都必须要站在最前面。 But when Long Dangdang prepares to meet the approaching enemy, the dark golden form actually takes the lead to jump together. Even if her body and goes against heaven's will the demon dragon to compare seems like so tiny, her impact also as before is such being duty-bound not to turn back. 而就在龙当当准备迎击的时候,一道暗金色身影却率先腾身而起。哪怕她的身躯和逆天魔龙相比看上去是如此的渺小,她的冲击也依旧是那么的义无反顾。 Dominates the world spirit furnace to reappear again in the midair, even if goes against heaven's will demon dragon such powerhouse, when this spirit furnace appears, the imposing manner was also suppressed forcefully. 雄霸天下灵炉再次浮现在半空之中,哪怕是逆天魔龙这样的强者,当这尊灵炉出现的时候,气势也被强行压制了。 Drinks-” woof Changxin explodes to drink one, in the hand the mallet pounds outrageously. But at this moment, golden light also adhere to stick cohere instantaneously on her, shining, magnificent trial sacred blessing and angel. Three big pastor seven step increase skills almost by instantaneous way increase on. “喝-”汪常欣爆喝一声,手中大槌悍然砸出。而就在这时,一道道金光也瞬间附着在她身上,神圣祝福、天使之耀、辉煌审判。三大牧师七阶增幅技能几乎是以瞬发的方式增幅而上。 Meanwhile, the Long Dangdang form has also appeared in the midair, he is only half beat behind compared with woof Changxin, the body was ascends the red brilliance, the sacrifice! 与此同时,龙当当的身影也已经出现在了半空之中,他只比汪常欣慢了半拍,身上更是升腾起了红色的光焰,牺牲! Side, the partly visible form appears together similarly, a lot of streams light/only lasings. Even if clear(ly) knows that own making a move will not have anything to affect, but at this time, was filled with the just girl to decide and partners stands. 侧面,一道若隐若现的身影同样浮现而出,千百道流光激射。哪怕明知道自己的出手不会有什么作用,但在这时,满心正义的女孩儿还是决定和伙伴们站在一起。 The livelihood rotates, together strange white light lasing. That is together the named dawn strange ray, is the livelihood overlapped magnificent daybreak dawn! 日月轮转,一道奇异的白光激射而出。那是一道名为曙光的奇异光芒,是日月重叠的辉煌黎明的曙光! The radiant ray, just like the fireworks in in the air to bloom generally brilliantly, a purple black ray suddenly from going against heaven's will the demon dragon erupts. The air instantaneously became viscous, as if world all evil thoughts in this flickered to burst out. 璀璨的光芒,犹如烟花一般在空中绚烂绽放,一层紫黑色的光芒骤然从逆天魔龙身上爆发而出。空气瞬间变得粘稠了,仿佛世间所有的恶念都在这一瞬迸发。 Yes, nine steps, yes, domain! 是的,九阶,是的,领域! Goes against heaven's will demon dragon Huitian extinguishes domain, eruption. 逆天魔龙毁天灭地般的领域,爆发了。 The body of ocean nighttide and she thousand struck the ray that the spirit furnace jumped projects almost to be swallowed instantaneously. Even called out pitifully cannot send out has disappeared above the sky. 溟汐的身躯和她千击灵炉迸射出的光芒几乎瞬间就被吞噬了。甚至连惨叫都没能发出就已经泯灭于天空之上。 woof Changxin under tyrant condition, dark golden ray is glittering fiercely, but is also weakening at the visible speed. But her mallet, solid pounding, in went against heaven's will on the demon dragon. 霸者状态下的汪常欣,身上的暗金色光芒剧烈的闪烁着,但也以肉眼可见的速度在减弱。但她那一槌,还是实实在在的砸在了逆天魔龙身上。 The mallet had the person to fly, goes against heaven's will the body of demon dragon also to shake fiercely, but also merely so. 槌起人飞,逆天魔龙的身体也随之剧烈的震荡了一下,但也就仅仅如此了。 The radiant sword glow, arrives in this moment, in this flickers, what Long Dangdang uses is the unprecedented headstrong knight skill, the person the sword unites, the meteor falls. 璀璨的剑芒,也在这一刻降临,在这一瞬,龙当当用的是一往无前的莽骑士技能,人剑合一,陨星落。 Bang-” Long Dangdang mail-armor and helmet, disrupts at the visible speed instantaneously, at the beginning of silver wave magic similarly collapse flying, but myriad red lotus sword air/Qi actually erupted suddenly, radiant red sword glow, forcefully cuts into goes against heaven's will the demon dragon body half foot. “轰-”龙当当身上的甲胄,以肉眼可见的速度瞬间碎裂,银浪魔法之初同样崩飞而出,但万千红莲剑气却骤然爆发了,璀璨的红色剑芒,硬生生的切入逆天魔龙身体半尺。 In this flickers, in the Long Dangdang heart suddenly had some clear(ly) to become aware. Going against heaven's will demon dragon clan is powerful, is not the magic is not the strength of body, but is all strong. 在这一瞬,龙当当心中突然有了一些明悟。逆天魔龙族之所以强大,既不是魔法也不是身体的力量,而是所有的一切都超强。 Even if as 72 column demon god snake demon god peaceful Mali, in body intensity, is unable with going against heaven's will compared with the demon dragon by far, is only the collision of this flash, Long Dangdang or woof Changxin, the strength of eruption shakes eight step powerhouses sufficiently, but facing it, actually just like the fly wasp to shake the tree to be the same. 哪怕是身为七十二柱魔神之一的蛇魔神安度马里,在身体强度方面,也远远无法和逆天魔龙相比,只是这一瞬间的碰撞,无论是龙当当还是汪常欣,爆发的力量都足以撼动八阶强者,但面对它,却犹如蚍蜉撼树一般。 The huge light shadow that the red-orange light group, the ascension, that presents finally instantaneously crossed Long Dangdang, before he went against heaven's will demon dragon dragon Zhaozhua grasps instantly, bombardment ruthlessly on its body. 橘红色的光团,终于升腾而起,那瞬间出现的庞大光影越过了龙当当,在他被逆天魔龙龙爪抓握前的刹那,狠狠的轰击在了它的身上。 Long Dangdang or woof Changxin, or the ocean nighttide, their all attacks, is acting as a cover for this moment, is catching the opportunity for this moment. 无论是龙当当还是汪常欣,亦或是溟汐,他们所有的攻击,都是在为了这一刻作掩护,也是在为了这一刻争取机会。 19,115,897 hunt for the strongest attack of demon group, eventually bright goddess Titan of hammer light! 一九一一五八九七猎魔团的最强攻击,终究还是光明女神的光之大力神锤啊! The destructive power of Daliwan of sacred hammer spirit furnace overlay epic level equipment light, is their strongest strikes. 神圣之锤灵炉叠加史诗级装备光之大力丸的破坏力,才是他们的最强一击。 Goes against heaven's will the strength of demon dragon body surrounding domain to fluctuate fiercely, but at this moment, before its body, actually the probably small solar eruption, brought the endless bright and sacred impact. 逆天魔龙身体周围的领域之力剧烈的波动着,而这一刻,在它身前,却像是有一颗小太阳爆发了似的,带来了无尽的光明与神圣的冲击。 Roar-” goes against heaven's will in demon dragon mouth to exude one to angrily roar, even if by its great strength, after receiving the spiritual bombardment of Titan of hammer light, presented instantaneous being out of sorts. The huge body drops from the clouds, pounds to fall directly to the ground. “吼-”逆天魔龙口中发出一声怒吼,哪怕是以它的强大,在受到光之大力神锤的精神轰击后,也出现了瞬间的失神。庞大的身躯从天而降,直接砸落向地面。 This time it, from ground also about 300 meters. Hundred meters body is huge and is serious. When it crashes in the ground, instantaneously is a everything may become vulnerable. 此时的它,距离地面还有近三百米。百米长的身躯何等庞大、何等沉重。当它坠落在地面的时候,瞬间就是一阵地动山摇。 Long Dangdang and woof Changxin body at this time simultaneously shelled flying upside down, all these happen in the electric light flint, at this moment, they are in respective the blood spurt crazily. 龙当当和汪常欣的身体此时同时被轰击的倒飞而出,这一切都是在电光火石之间发生的,以至于此刻,他们才是各自口中鲜血狂喷。 But together jet black such as band of light of black ink, is going against heaven's will the demon dragon crashes in the place completed instantaneously with its connection, the reckless start swallows crazily. 而一道漆黑如墨的光带,也在逆天魔龙坠落在地的瞬间完成了与它的连接,不顾一切的开始疯狂吞噬。 The distance that yes, the abyss touched before is insufficient, but at this moment, after going against heaven's will the demon dragon falls down, is Long Kongkong shows the self- opportunity. 是的,之前深渊之触的距离不够,而此时此刻,逆天魔龙坠地之后,就是龙空空展现自我的机会了。 Long Dangdang cannot attend to the injury back spirit wing flapping full power, he is very clear, although the Titan hammer is only powerful, but is unable to get rid of the peaceful Mali before, at this time certainly is impossible to get rid of the present going against heaven's will demon dragon. His back spirit wing flaps, while going against heaven's will the demon dragon is also under the dizzy condition to move sideways to swoop, fell on directly top of the head that went against heaven's will the demon dragon. Small eight also acted under his direction finally. Several meters body drops from the clouds, is ordinary just like the meteorite, pounding ruthlessly above going against heaven's will the dragon's head of demon dragon, three big ends open mouth, biting stubbornly above going against heaven's will the nape of the neck of demon dragon, even cannot attend to going against heaven's will on the demon dragon the sharp sharp thorn to cut own scale. 龙当当顾不得自身伤势背后灵翼全力拍动,他很清楚,光之大力神锤虽然强悍,但之前无法干掉安度马里,此时就一定也不可能干掉眼前的逆天魔龙。他背后灵翼拍动,趁着逆天魔龙还处于晕眩状态之下闪身飞扑而出,直接落在了逆天魔龙的头顶。小八也在他的指挥下终于出手了。十几米长的身体从天而降,宛如陨石一般,狠狠的砸在逆天魔龙的龙头之上,三个大头都张开嘴,死死的咬在逆天魔龙的脖颈之上,甚至都顾不得逆天魔龙身上锋锐的尖刺将自己的鳞片划开。 to going against heaven's will Long Dangdang of demon dragon head top has not attacked, because he is very clear, by own present striking power, with the aid of the strength of Asura red lotus spirit furnace, is unable to break open to go against heaven's will the defense of demon dragon even. 扑到逆天魔龙头顶的龙当当并没有攻击,因为他很清楚,以自己现在的攻击力,就算是借助修罗红莲灵炉的力量,也无法破开逆天魔龙的防御。 A thick white halo, flows from his dantian place instantaneously, changing into the light cocoon is ordinary, will go against heaven's will the dragon's head gable of demon dragon. 一层浓浓的白色光晕,瞬间从他丹田处奔涌而出,化为光茧一般,将逆天魔龙的龙头包覆在内。 Goes against heaven's will the demon dragon to have sign that must awake to transfer from the dizziness, but actually forcefully was also slow. 逆天魔龙本来已经有要从晕眩中醒转的迹象了,但却硬生生的又迟缓了下来。 Yes, swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly, acts full power. 是的,轻吞慢吐灵炉,全力出手。 Long Dangdang believes that if own strength is also nine steps, is relying on own several big spirit furnace, he completely has the possibility to contend with the front powerful demon clan. But present he, was too after all small and weak. Therefore, they must do now, is the maximum benefit as far as possible. 龙当当相信,如果自己的实力也达到九阶,凭借着自身的几大灵炉,他完全有可能与面前的强大魔族抗衡。但现在的他,毕竟还太弱小了。所以,他们现在要做的,就是尽可能的利益最大化。 The ice Monroe's Titan of hammer light has prepared to finish again, when Long Dangdang swallows lightly spits slowly the spirit furnace soon cannot control, rapidly gives to go against heaven's will the demon dragon to make up. 凌梦露的光之大力神锤已经再次准备完毕,当龙当当的轻吞慢吐灵炉快要控制不住的时候,迅速又给逆天魔龙补上了一下。 But the spiritual attack of ice Monroe long-term usage this powerful, her look also became gloomy. 但凌梦露连续使用这强力的精神攻击,她的眼神也变得暗淡了许多。 All that they make, is Long Kongkong wins the time. Long Kongkong has not let the strength of touching of swallowing their disappointed abyss full, the back moon/month bright sea spirit furnace has been similar to full moon to bloom at this time generally the radiant brilliance there. 他们所作的一切,都是在为龙空空争取时间。龙空空也没让他们失望深渊之触吞噬之力全开,背后的月明沧海灵炉此时都已经如同一轮满月一般在那里绽放着璀璨的光彩。 Lunar coronas flood into ice Monroe within the body unceasingly, helping her heal the scars of mental. 一道道月华不断涌入凌梦露体内,帮她抚平着精神的创伤。 ...... …… An old man and a middle-aged person as well as seven and eight manager who hunts for the demon group headquarters stands in the entrance of demon boundary, the complexion somewhat is dignified. 一名老者和一名中年人以及七、八名猎魔团总部的管理者站在魔境的入口,脸色都有些凝重。 The demon boundary does not belong to hunt for the demon group, but is the entire temple federation. Was the temple federation spends does not know provision that many resources and prices established to the informed and experienced institutes of six big temple talents. 魔境并不是属于猎魔团的,而是属于整个圣殿联邦。乃是圣殿联邦花费了不知道多少资源和代价所创立的提供给六大圣殿天才们的历练之所。 However, since there is an demon boundary, did not have one time like at present, such hugeness of consumption. 但是,自从有魔境以来,却还从没有一次像眼前这样,消耗的如此巨大。 Existence of demon boundary, needs to depend upon the energy support. Even if nine step powerhouses , in can enter informed and experienced. But the support demon boundary exists, naturally needs the energy. In demon boundary small potential surface by six big temples can establish many complex law greatly, exquisitest is, law can the energy harvesting that in the small potential surface is defeated and dispersed, supports existence of potential surface. So long as these energies are enough, even if inside demon clan were struck to kill, should still restore through the energy, forms the circulation. Theoretically, demon domestic section was self-sufficient enough. 魔境的存在,是需要依靠能量支持的。哪怕是九阶强者,也能够入内历练。而支撑魔境存在的,当然是需要能量的。魔境这个小位面内被六大圣殿的大能们设置了许多复杂的法阵,其中最为精妙的就在于,法阵能够将小位面内溃散的能量收集起来,重新支撑位面的存在。只要这些能量足够,就算里面的魔族被击杀了,也会通过能量进行恢复,形成循环。理论上来说,魔境内部就足够自给自足了。 But, the demon boundary has reported to the police today for successive several times, the reason of warning is energy large scale slowdown, the reason is unknown. 可是,今天魔境却已经连续几次报警了,报警的原因就是能量大幅度的下滑,原因不明。 At this time the consumption of demon boundary, even has surpassed 10% of total quantity, this is unprecedented. But a small potential surface, the support of energy is essential, particularly must make this small potential surface enough stable, needs the stable energy. This way, once the energy of demon boundary falls to 50%, has the danger of collapse. Although looked is short of 10% now, but can few 10%, can few 50%? 此时魔境的消耗,甚至已经超过了总量的百分之十,这可是前所未有的。而一个小位面,能量的支撑必不可少,尤其是要让这个小位面足够稳定,就更需要有稳定的能量了。继续这样下去,魔境的能量一旦下跌到50%的话,就有崩溃的危险。虽然看上去现在只是少了10%,但能少10%,是不是就能少50%? That side the temple federation has the high level to come to relate urgently hunted for the demon group headquarters high level, asked about the situation. Because today only then one group of people entered the demon boundary, from hunting for demon group here entrance goes. 圣殿联邦那边已经有高层过来紧急联系了猎魔团总部高层,询问情况。因为今天只有一组人进入了魔境,就是从猎魔团这边的入口进去的。 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group, is Long Dangdang and ice Monroe that team. I remember before , they have to enter the demon boundary one time, caused the consumption of energy?” As hunting for demon group headquarters vice-minister, the flatter liquor is inquiring nearby staff. “一九一一五八九七猎魔团,是龙当当和凌梦露那个团队是吧。我记得之前他们有一次进入魔境,就导致了能量的消耗?”身为猎魔团总部副部长,阿酒询问着旁边的工作人员。 Yes, is they. Although the previous consumption is big, but does not arrive at this time 30%. Also does not know that they made anything. Probably that Long Kongkong has one type to swallow the spirit strength the special spirit furnace. Huge is such energy, occupation of his five and six step can swallow? This does not conform to the common sense therefore, we suspect now, they touched law in demon boundary potential surface, thus caused the energy outflow.” “是的,就是他们。上次的消耗虽然大,但也不到这次的百分之三十。也不知道他们做了什么。好像是那个龙空空有一种能够吞噬灵力的特殊灵炉。只是,这么庞大的能量,是他一个五、六阶的职业者能吞噬的?这不符合常理所以,我们现在怀疑,他们是不是触动了魔境位面中的法阵,从而导致了能量流失。” The flatter liquor continues to ask: What means now has to inform them to come out?” 阿酒继续问道:“现在有没有什么办法通知他们出来?” Does not have the means. Once occupation enters the demon boundary, only then dies in inside can leave. We are unable to interfere. But demon boundary from establishing starting from that day, the steady operation over a thousand years, is this rule.” “没办法的。职业者一旦进入魔境,就只有死在里面才能离开。我们无法干涉。而魔境从建立的那一天开始,一直平稳运行了上千年了,一直都是这个规则。” flatter liquor also some, helpless, turned head to look to old man, stretch/open brother, this we did not have the means. Only can wait to look. This hunts for these little fellows in demon group very is not ordinary. Ice Monroe you should also know. Is the seed that side the pastor temple trains, that side the pastor temple attaches great importance to her. Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong these two brothers are also that side the knight temple heart treasures.” 阿酒也有些无奈了,扭头看向身旁的老者,“张兄,这个我们也没办法了。只能等等看了。这支猎魔团里的这几个小家伙都很不一般。凌梦露你应该也是知道的。是牧师圣殿那边培养出的种子,牧师圣殿那边对她非常重视。龙当当龙空空这两兄弟也是骑士圣殿那边的心头宝。” The old man brow is tight, „, but this is not the means that if the demon boundary were destroyed, losing was too big. It is not they can undertake.” 那老者眉头紧蹙,“但这不是办法,如果魔境被破坏了,损失就太大了。可不是他们承担得起的。” The flatter liquor said: „After they came out, first inquired that has a look. The demon boundary was destroyed should be also insufficient.” 阿酒道:“等他们出来之后,先询问看看吧。魔境被破坏应该还不至于。” In they spoke, suddenly, the ray twinkle, together the form has appeared in the ground before demon boundary entrance, impressively was the ocean nighttide that fell into the stupor. 正在他们说话的时候,突然间,光芒闪烁,一道身影已经出现在魔境入口前的地面上,赫然是陷入昏迷的溟汐。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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