SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#285: Strikes to kill the demon god

Chapter 285 strikes to kill the demon god 第285章击杀魔神 When ice Monroe replaces woof Changxin position, woof Changxin has also arrived at the position that she was previously. What stranger is, after the woof often/common joyful position replaces, immediately feels gangs of warm feeling racing wells up to come, ice Monroe was actually keeping for treating magic same place, a delays the release. 当凌梦露替换到汪常欣的位置时,汪常欣也已经到了她先前所在的位置。更为奇异的是,汪常欣位置替换之后,立刻就感受到一股股暖意奔涌而来,凌梦露竟然在原地留了一个治疗魔法,延迟释放。 The woof Changxin tyrant condition shocking audience, shook the demon god two rounds without doubt unexpectedly hardly, moreover does not drop the wind, that compares favorably with existences of nine steps! Obviously this dominates the world spirit furnace to be overbearing. The magic that but ice Monroe uses at this time has also gone beyond the category of normal pastor without doubt. 汪常欣的霸者状态无疑惊艳全场,竟是硬撼了魔神两轮,而且不落下风,那可是媲美九阶的存在啊!可见这雄霸天下灵炉有多么霸道。但凌梦露此时所施展的魔法无疑也已经超出了正常牧师的范畴。 The life aura condenses, the air is also having the slight change, surrounding all in slight is trembling, that is lush green vines, they hand over to twine, ultimately formed existence that unexpectedly is similar to the cast, the length is about five meters fully, the caliber Gundam/reaches as high as about half meter, is all over the body deep green, is sending out the abundant vitality. 生命气息凝聚,空气随之发生着细微的变化,周围的一切都在轻微的震颤着,那是一根根青翠欲滴的藤蔓,它们交相缠绕,最终竟是形成了一个类似于管状物的存在,长度足有五米开外,口径高达近半米,通体碧绿,散发着盎然生机。 On the peach numerous is also sparkling the similar life brilliance, is centered on his body, in this was full of deathly stillness and in the dark world, grew unexpectedly piece by piece the green grass. This is the function of land ups and downs spirit furnace, not only that he also stimulated oneself another spirit furnace praise of life. 桃林林身上也闪耀着同样的生命光辉,以他的身体为中心,在这充满了死寂与黑暗的世界之中,竟然生长出了片片青草。这是大地枯荣灵炉的作用,不仅如此,他也同时激发了自己的另一尊灵炉生命礼赞。 Until promotes seven steps, the peach numerous feels the difference that these two spirit furnaces brought truly. He and is not only a plant summon master, is the life summon master is right! 直到晋升七阶,桃林林才真正感受到了这两尊灵炉所带来的不同。他并不仅仅是一名植物召唤师,更是生命召唤师才对啊! This is similar to the great artillery common plant before his body, is the praise of life spirit furnace, next one flickers, one group aquamarine light/only rolls has projected, but, does not have any thunders with Xuan imposing manner, only has the full of vitality that its place visited brings, in trajectory that it grazes, appears unceasingly the life scene of green leaf safflower, even if only the glance, as if also made this dark world have the full of vitality. 在他身前这如同巨炮一般的植物,就是生命礼赞灵炉所化,下一瞬,一团碧绿色的光团就已经抛射而出,没有什么轰鸣和煊赫的气势,唯有它所过之处带来的勃勃生机,在它飞掠的弹道上,不断浮现出绿叶红花的生命景象,哪怕只是惊鸿一瞥,似乎也让这黑暗的世界有了勃勃生机。 Golden red brilliance also in this time eruption, before ice Monroe body, the golden red brilliance is the lift-off, rose suddenly in the bright angel spirit furnace of her shoulder instantaneously, turned into a ten-meter giant four wings angel unexpectedly, grasps the red-orange round head heavy hammer, the entire tender body in in the air presents the counter- bow shape. 金红色的光彩也在这一时刻爆发,凌梦露身前,金红色的光辉已是升空而起,原本在她肩头的光明天使灵炉瞬间暴涨,竟是变成了一尊高达十米的巨大四翼天使,手持橘红色圆头重锤,整个娇躯在空中都呈现出反弓形态。 The snake demon god felt the unprecedented crisis, the body changed suddenly, the whole person crawled downward, under the great snake with body dissolved in the moment as one unexpectedly. 蛇魔神感受到了前所未有的危机,身体骤然发生变化,整个人向下匍匐,与身下的巨蛇竟然在须臾之间溶为一体。 The great snake fierce eruption the purple black light fog, shaking forcefully dispersed the fire dragon of entanglement. Fierce supine beginning, the big purplish black colored light fog emits to go toward ice Monroe and bright angel. 巨蛇猛的爆发出紫黑色的光雾,硬生生的震散了纠缠的火龙。猛的仰起头,大蓬的紫黑色光雾朝着凌梦露和光明天使喷吐而去。 But also at this moment, that belt/bring life brilliance praise big shell. The aquamarine life aura thrives instantaneously, in that flash, aquamarine life aura silk threads drills into the purple black thick fog along with the eruption, that thick fog looks like the hot oil to sprinkle into the snow and ice, was defeated and dispersed and reveal the main body of snake demon god in abundance. 但也就在这时,那带着生命光辉的礼赞大炮弹到了。碧绿色的生命气息瞬间勃发,在那一刹那,碧绿色的生命气息丝丝缕缕的伴随着爆发钻入紫黑色浓雾之中,那浓雾就像是热油泼入冰雪之中似的,纷纷溃散、重新显露出了蛇魔神的本体。 The praise of life spirit furnace, enters the step shape, the life salute, the supplementary, the town/subdues demon effect that the town/subdues demon tree gives. 生命礼赞灵炉,进阶形态,生命礼炮,附带,镇魔树赋予的镇魔效果。 In the look of snake demon god left wiped startled the color, then helplessly looks that red-orange giant hammer head directly soared itself to pound. 蛇魔神的眼神中多出了一抹愕然之色,然后就眼睁睁的看着那橘红色的巨大锤头直奔自己砸了下来。 The snake demon god column of distant place suddenly becomes sparking, the body of snake demon god peaceful Mali also turned into the insightful purple. 远处的蛇魔神柱骤然变得闪亮起来,蛇魔神安度马里的身体也同时变成了通透的紫色。 When-” fierce collision sound resounds through the demon boundary world, in that flash, as if the whole world trembled fiercely. “当-”剧烈的碰撞声响彻魔境世界,在那一刹那,仿佛整个世界都剧烈的震颤了一下似的。 The ice Monroe's tender body turned into the insightful golden red similarly, after the step, she by strong strikes, almost penetrates purple spirit astral who on the peaceful Mali that urging of bright goddess oneself two big spirit furnace coordination Daliwan light/only erupt defended instantaneously. In that giant snake head surface, the scale is in abundance stave at the visible speed, and conducts to the body. 凌梦露的娇躯同样变成了通透的金红色,在进阶之后,她以光明神女之力催动自身两大灵炉配合光之大力丸爆发出的超强一击,几乎是瞬间就穿透了安度马里身上防御的紫色灵罡。在那巨大的蛇头表面,鳞片以肉眼可见的速度纷纷破碎,并且向身体传导下去。 Also at this moment, together the emergence of glittering and translucent carving golden form no omen above the top of the head of peaceful Mali. Just was pounded by the Titan of hammer light, the spirit be at sharp shake condition under it, even responded radically is unable to make. 也就在这时,一道晶莹剔透的金色身影毫无预兆的出现在了安度马里的头顶上方。刚刚被光之大力神锤砸中,精神处于剧烈震荡状态下的它,根本连反应都无法作出。 This time Long Dangdang, the whole body is presenting the glittering and translucent carving golden color, appeared so towering. At the beginning of hand Bank of China wave magic is glittering the radiant and pure Saint sword ray. The ice Monroe's tender body simultaneously is becoming illusory, the whole person changes into the golden light shadow, the twinkle arrives at the Long Dangdang side two bodies as if to dissolve in this moment as one together. 此时的龙当当,全身呈现着晶莹剔透的金色,出现的更是如此突兀。手中银浪魔法之初闪烁着璀璨而纯净的圣剑光芒。凌梦露的娇躯在同时变得虚幻起来,整个人化为一道金色的光影,闪烁来到龙当当身边两具身体在这一刻仿佛已经溶为一体。 Long Dangdang, heart shining coverall skill, the jump of light, light element body. It is not seven steps, surpasses seven steps. 龙当当,心耀套装技能,光之跃迁,光元素体。不是七阶,胜似七阶。 Ice Monroe, similarly is the jump of light, superimposes again arrives sacredly, dissolves by own strength and Long Dangdang strength as one in an instant. 凌梦露,同样是光之跃迁,再叠加神圣降临,让自己的力量与龙当当的力量刹那间溶为一体。 At the beginning of silver wave magic erupts the eye-catching and radiant brilliance suddenly, the thorn fell outrageously, penetrates peaceful Mali that to lose the head that the scale and spirit astral protected. 银浪魔法之初骤然爆发出夺目而璀璨的光辉,悍然刺落,穿入了安度马里那失去了鳞片和灵罡保护的头颅。 In this flash, the people as if saw ice Monroe is hugging the body of Long Dangdang from the rear area, but two forms already completely overlapped, is breaking open the snake head that flickers, a lot of Asura red lotus sword air/Qi burst out from Long Dangdang within the body instantaneously, drills into to that wound place. 在这一刹那,众人仿佛看到了凌梦露从后方拥抱着龙当当的身体,但两道身影又已经完全重叠,在破开蛇头的那一瞬,千百道修罗红莲剑气瞬间从龙当当体内迸发而出,向那伤口处钻入。 The form quiet appearance of ocean nighttide dead ahead secure Mali, erupted like the sharp thorn common golden light instantaneously, pierced his snake pupil, thousand struck the spirit furnace. 溟汐的身影悄无声息的出现在安度马里正前方,一道道如同尖刺一般的金光瞬间爆发,刺穿了他的蛇眸,千击灵炉。 The ocean nighttide has known, own attack is insufficient, she has been waiting for the opportunity. In this final time, the appearance, all -out attack , helping the Long Dangdang sure-kill snake demon god quietly. 溟汐一直都知道,自己的攻击不足,她一直都在等待机会。正是在这最后时刻,悄然出现,全力攻击,帮助龙当当绝杀蛇魔神。 Big, the big purplish black colored light fog is not fluctuating stably, but actually all Monroe the sacred aura by Long Dangdang and on ice suppressed, touching of abyss continuously keeping goes all out to swallow. But this snake demon god charm of is actually such continuously, as if no end. 大蓬、大蓬的紫黑色光雾不稳定的波动着,但却全都被龙当当和凌梦露身上的神圣气息压制了下去,深渊之触一直都在不停的拼命吞噬着。但这蛇魔神身上的魔力却是如此的源源不绝,仿佛没有尽头似的。 Until this moment, Long Kongkong felt the snake demon god to start to have the weak condition finally, but his swallowing also went all out. He feels faintly, swallows the spirit strength that from this snake demon god, the beforehand any demon clan must be purer, after oneself filter, would hardly have too many losses. Without doubt, this regarding the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, makes up absolutely greatly! Definitely can make his restore go a step further. 直到这一刻,龙空空终于感受到了蛇魔神开始出现了虚弱的状态,但他的吞噬也更加卖力了。他隐隐感觉到,从这蛇魔神身上吞噬来的灵力,要比之前任何魔族的都要更加纯粹,经过自己过滤之后,几乎不会有太多的损失。无疑,这对于月明沧海灵炉来说,绝对是大补啊!肯定能让他的修复更进一步了。 The body of snake demon god after short unbending, starts fiercely struggles, even if had received in the situation of fatal heavy losses, as before going all out is struggling. 蛇魔神的身体在短暂的僵直之后,开始剧烈的挣扎起来,哪怕已经受到了致命重创的情况下,依旧在拼命的挣扎着。 Ling Menglu controlled the bright angel to give it without hesitation a hammer, promoted seven steps, her Titan hammer the control to light has not been the beforehand short-lived business. 凌梦露毫不犹豫的控制着光明天使又给了它一锤,晋升七阶,她对光之大力神锤的操控早已不是之前的一锤子买卖了。 In bellow again, Long Dangdang naturally cannot stint more sword air/Qi to add snake demon god within the body. In this moment, in his heart also somewhat strange feeling. 再次的轰鸣声中,龙当当自然不会吝惜将更多的剑气补入蛇魔神体内。在这一刻,他心中也有些奇异的感觉。 The previous time, strikes the time of killing the snake demon god , because were killed by mistreatment by the snake demon god, stimulated the bloodlines of Kong Kong, according to Kong Kong said, is almost only, got rid of the snake demon god, even even/including Shemo the god column presented the breakage, but this time, they after the strength large scale rise, unified the strength of people, in addition the strengths of so many wisdom spirit furnaces defeated the snake demon god reluctantly, even, is still so struggling to Fang Wangsheng's vitality. Obviously, oneself and younger brother within the body the strength of bloodlines is existence of what kind of terrifying, does not know after breaking through seven steps, in the future whether gradually true controls the strength of this bloodlines. If can control...... 上一次,击杀蛇魔神的时候,是因为自己被蛇魔神虐杀,激发了空空的血脉,根据空空所说,几乎只是一下,就干掉了蛇魔神,甚至连蛇魔神柱都出现了破损,而这次,他们在实力大幅度提升之后,结合了众人之力,加上这么多智慧灵炉的力量才勉强战胜了蛇魔神,就算如此,对方旺盛的生命力还在挣扎。可见,自己和弟弟体内的血脉之力是何等恐怖的存在,不知道突破七阶之后,未来是不是能够逐步真正的去掌控这份血脉的力量。如果能够掌控的话…… From the Long Dangdang innermost feelings, is very in fact complex regarding the strength mentality of this bloodlines, has the hope regarding the great power of its implication, but more actually worried. Because he cannot imagine completely, why and younger brother's the experience of human has this special strength by oneself? If not because this special bloodlines were selected to become the small eight contract knights by the dragon sovereign, perhaps his worry will be more. In his all has run into powerhouse, as if also only has dragon sovereign seems like knows that some of his this abilities come from where, but dragon sovereign made every effort to keep secret this to make him even more strange. 龙当当的内心来看,实际上对于这份血脉的力量心态很复杂,对于其蕴含的强大力量有渴望,但更多的却是担忧。因为他完全想象不出,为什么以自己和弟弟的人类之体会拥有这种特殊的力量呢?如果不是因为自己这份特殊血脉被龙皇选中成为小八的契约骑士,或许他的担心会更多一些。而在他所有遇到过的强者之中,似乎也唯有龙皇似乎是知道一些他这份能力是从何而来,但龙皇讳莫如深这就让他越发的奇怪了。 Struggling of snake demon god is continually fierce, the snake demon god column of distant place sends out the ray unceasingly, seems like wants to boost it to work loose, but Long Dangdang and ice Monroe actually suppresses it, the attack of ocean nighttide has not stopped stubbornly, looks for on the peaceful Mali not to have the scale protection place specially. 蛇魔神的挣扎持续剧烈,远处的蛇魔神柱不断散发出光芒,似乎是想要助力它挣脱,但龙当当和凌梦露却将它压制的死死的,溟汐的攻击也没有停止,专找安度马里身上没有鳞片保护的地方。 Small eight had also thrown, the huge body presses in the snake demon god conducts the back, the people joint effort, in existence of ranking lowliest place these 72 column demon gods suppressed finally. 小八也已经扑了下来,庞大的身躯压在蛇魔神背上,众人合力,总算是将这七十二柱魔神中排名末位的存在压制住了。 However they have not deepened the injury excessively, with striking to kill compared with the snake demon god, swallows some strengths without doubt is the best choice. 不过他们也没有过度加深伤害,与击杀蛇魔神相比,多吞噬一些它的力量无疑才是最好的选择。 Long Kongkong gradually, even felt that behind moon/month bright sea spirit furnace some were soon supported completely, naturally, this does not have the energy reason of filtration, he continues to swallow, while unceasing filtration, many spirit force transmissions to partners. 龙空空渐渐的,甚至都感觉到身后的月明沧海灵炉都有些快要被撑满了似的,当然,这是没有过滤的能量缘故,他一边持续吞噬,一边不断的过滤,将更多的灵力传递给伙伴们。 Has broken through seven steps was needless saying that has not broken through seven steps the ocean nighttides also to absorb at this time some strengthens own in spirit strength, toward the direction promotions of seven steps. But others receive the blood gold metallurgy form sound, in the spirit strength was unable to continue to be increased temporarily, but was used for cultivating that consolidated just to break through to be good. 已经突破七阶的就不用说了,还没有突破七阶的溟汐此时也能多吸收一些来增强自己的内灵力,朝着七阶的方向晋升。而其他人虽然受到血炼金身影响,内灵力暂时还不能继续提升,但用来稳固自身刚刚突破的修为却是再好不过了。 Finally, struggling of peaceful Mali gradually became must be slight, the body also gradually became under the suppression of people illusory. 终于,安度马里的挣扎渐渐的变得轻微了,身体也在众人的压制下逐渐变得虚幻起来。 The eighth pass/test, has wanted finally. 第八关,终于要过了。 Distant place, the brilliance of snake demon god column also gradually is gloomy, Long Kongkong is carrying out the final wrap-up work, under his supplement, the spirit strength of people placed the optimum condition, but at this time their in the heart somewhat is also curious. After striking killed the snake demon god, in the next opponent who in this demon is going to face can be who? The 71 st column demon god? 远处,蛇魔神柱的光辉也随之渐渐的暗淡下来,龙空空正进行着最后的收尾工作,在他的补充下,众人的灵力都保持在最佳状态,而此时他们心中也都有些好奇。击杀了蛇魔神之后,在这魔境内将要面对的下一个对手会是谁呢?第七十一柱魔神吗? The snake demon god disappeared quietly, in the air, has a more dignified flavor faintly. 蛇魔神悄无声息的消失了,空气中,却隐隐有着更加凝重的味道。 The people gather, static waiting. Appears immediately differently after every had previously closed next pass/test Mozu, this time, they waited for ten minutes to have the sound. 众人聚集在一起,静静的等待着。和先前每一关过了之后下一关魔族就会立刻出现不同,这一次,他们足足等待了十分钟才重新有了动静。 The distant place, in the sky, wipes light purple black quiet reappearing, the gentle purple light flows in the air, but in that purple, has the strong oppression strength to reverberate faintly. 远处,天空之中,一抹淡淡的紫黑色悄无声息的浮现而出,柔和的紫光在空气中流淌,但在那紫色之中,隐隐有着浓重的压迫力回荡着。 The snake demon god column hidden went not to present the new demon god column quietly again. 蛇魔神柱悄然隐去了也并没有再出现新的一根魔神柱。 Áng-” small eight seemed like induces anything, suddenly looked up the day, sent out a resonant dragon to recite the sound. “昂-”小八似乎是感应到了什么,突然抬头望天,发出一声嘹亮的龙吟声。 But sends out dragon cry the next quarter in it, from that matter level purple black fog, found out a head suddenly. A gigantic and fierce dragon's head, above was covered with the giant dragon's head of purple black sharp thorn. 而就在它发出龙吟的下一刻,从那层层紫黑色的云雾之中,突然探出了一颗头颅。一颗硕大而狰狞的龙头,上面长满了紫黑色尖刺的巨大龙头。 This is...... 这是…… Goes against heaven's will demon dragon clan!” Ling Menglu calls out in alarm one suddenly. “逆天魔龙族!”凌梦露突然惊呼一声。 What going against heaven's will demon dragon clan is? Long Kongkong somewhat is even vacant, Long Dangdang also gawked to understand. 逆天魔龙族是什么?龙空空甚至都有些茫然,龙当当也是愣了一下才明白了过来。 Once invaded in the demon clan of Saint demon mainland, the race throughout is the strongest strength of demon clan, their head of the clan are the demon clan all previous generations leaders, was honoured as the demon god sovereign. 曾经侵略圣魔大陆的魔族之中,有一个种族始终都是魔族的最强力量,它们的族长更是魔族历代领袖,被尊称为魔神皇。 But the main body of demon god sovereign, is the race that he subordinates, goes against heaven's will demon dragon clan. This race, is in the demon clan exists most, does not have one. 而魔神皇的本体,也就是他所隶属的种族,正是逆天魔龙族。这个种族,也是魔族之中的最强存在,没有之一。 Even if had passed ten thousand years of the illustrious prestige of going against heaven's will demon dragon clan as before clear such as beginning, 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group people not to think, they can actually meet to go against heaven's will demon dragon clan such existence in this demon boundary world. 哪怕是已经过去了万年逆天魔龙族的赫赫威名依旧清晰如初,一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人万万没想到,他们竟然能够在这魔境世界中遇到逆天魔龙族这样的存在。 Roar-” low and deep roaring reverberates in the sky. “吼-”一声低沉的咆哮在天空中回荡。 Under Long Dangdang body small eight also face upward to send out dragon cry, raises-” 紧接着,龙当当身下的小八就同样仰天发出一声龙吟,“昂-” Initially the demon clan arrived, oppression may, not only human, all races under it engaged in factional strife struggles to seek livehood, the demon beast headed by dragon clan was also tormented deeply, after going against heaven's will the demon dragon clan even part was the invasion swallowed the dragon clan , the variation. Therefore, the dragon clan regarding going against heaven's will demon dragon clan that has to remember with eternal gratitude, hatred in thorough bloodlines. 当初魔族降临的时候,压迫的可不只是人类,所有种族都在其倾轧之下挣扎求生,以龙族为首的魔兽同样深受荼毒,逆天魔龙族甚至有一部分就是侵染吞噬了龙族后变异而成。所以,龙族对于逆天魔龙族那是有着刻骨铭心,深入血脉之中的仇恨。 Small eight, although is underage, when but it feels goes against heaven's will the demon dragon clan aura, as before cannot bear angry roar to roar, initiates the challenge to the opposite party. 小八虽然还未成年,但当它感受到逆天魔龙族的气息时,依旧忍不住怒吼咆哮,向对方发起挑战。 Moreover, in this dragon cry is also full of the dragon clan talent ability, bans spatially! 而且,这一声龙吟中还饱含着龙族天赋能力,禁空! But made Long Dangdang shocking one happen, after having did not have toward, but disadvantageous banning was spatial, fell, when in the air that went against heaven's will on the demon dragon, expired unexpectedly. The purple black fog disperses slowly, appeared main body appearance that goes against heaven's will the demon dragon. 但让龙当当震惊的一幕发生了,从拥有之后无往而不利的禁空,落在空中那条逆天魔龙身上的时候,竟然失效了。只是紫黑色的云雾缓缓散开,显出了逆天魔龙的本体模样。 The height over hundred meters, the body has the innumerable purple black sharp thorns, the heavy/thick deep purple scale covers the whole body, it does not have the wing, the huge body circles the reciprocation in the sky, has the intense malicious and tyrannical incomparable pressure, angrily roars to roar. 身长足足超过百米,身上有着无数紫黑色的尖刺,厚重的深紫色鳞片覆盖全身,它同样也没有翅膀,庞大的身躯在天空之中盘旋往复,带着强烈的恶意和强横无比的威压,怒吼咆哮。 Long Kongkong raises head to look at the day, this gadget cannot be nine steps?” 龙空空仰头望天,“这玩意儿不会是九阶的吧?” Long Dangdang said: „After can place the demon god, what isn't nine steps is?” 龙当当道:“能够放在魔神之后,不是九阶是什么?” Although the people just defeated the snake demon god peaceful Mali, but they have also done utmost, spirit strength Long Kongkong can supplement, but in the energy somewhat is exhausted. Facing so powerful going against heaven's will demon dragon clan, at this time the heart of people somewhat is depressing. 虽然众人刚刚战胜了蛇魔神安度马里,但他们也已经竭尽全力了,灵力方面龙空空能够补充,但精力上却已经有些疲惫了。面对如此强大的逆天魔龙族,此时众人的心头都不禁有些压抑。 Long Kongkong smiles, said: Did ended, the basic purpose has been achieved in any case, can attract a point is. You are keeping off, I attract it.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“干就完了,反正基本目的已经达到,能吸一点是一点。你们挡着,我来吸它。” Listened to his words, the people tight mentality was loose immediately, yes! The elementary object has been completed, gives it all and that's the end. 听了他的话,众人紧绷的心态顿时松了许多,是啊!基本目标已经完成了,放手一搏就是了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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