SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#284: Fights the demon god again

Chapter 284 fights the demon god again 第284章再战魔神 That form height about six meters, look did not even have the previous big devil overwhelming power, but its every step steps forward, actually as if can let everyone's heartbeat acceleration. 那道身影身高六米开外,看起来甚至还没有先前的大恶魔威猛,但它的每一步跨出,却似乎都能让所有人的心跳加速。 Carefully looks, the form that this walks actually has a gigantic snake head, but his body actually and human shape is not different. With it, on back that giant demon god column, that originally was the great snake of statue actually lived gradually, wound, walked randomly to it behind, lowers the head, its huge body carrying/sustaining, withstood/top it to accelerate with the snake head suddenly, directly soars 19,115,897 to hunt for the demon group people. 仔细看去,这走出来的身影竟然有着一个硕大的蛇头,但他的身体却和人类形态并没有什么两样。伴随着它缓步而出,背后那巨大的魔神柱上,那条原本是雕像的巨蛇竟然活了过来,蜿蜒而下,游走到它身后,一低头,就将它庞大的身躯承载了起来,用蛇头顶着它骤然加速,直奔一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人而来。 Snake demon god, in secure Dumas!” The Long Dangdang sinking sound said, is also reminding the status of partners this demon god. “蛇魔神,安杜马里!”龙当当沉声说道,也在提醒着伙伴们这名魔神的身份。 72 column demon gods are the last, eight step peaks. But under the asylum of demon god column, even the ordinary nine steps cannot in comparison. 七十二柱魔神排名最后一位,八阶巅峰。但在魔神柱的庇护下,甚至普通九阶都不能与之相比。 The previous time, the body of Long Dangdang was torn into shreds by it, thus stimulated Long Kongkong own bloodlines fluctuation, under erupts perishes together with it. Then, this time? Can they of strength rise, contend with it? 上一次,龙当当的身体都被它撕碎了,从而激发了龙空空自身的血脉波动,爆发之下与其同归于尽。那么,这一次呢?实力提升的他们,能够与之抗衡了吗? This answer, does not have in the Long Dangdang heart. The foundation duty of their trip demon boundary has been accomplished, then, is whether in the fire to take the chestnut, true defeating front demon god, and gained a bigger advantage from it. 这个答案,在龙当当心中也没有。他们此行魔境的基础任务已经完成了,接下来,就是能否火中取栗,真正的击败面前的魔神,并且从它身上获得更大的好处了。 Long Dangdang goes forward one step, the side golden color light gate opens, small eight rocked three big ends to walk from inside. Long Dangdang grasps at the beginning of the silver wave magic, jumped onto the small eight backs. Side him, the aura of each partner also changes, the aura is starting to rise dramatically. 龙当当上前一步,身边金色光门张开,小八晃动着三个大头从里面走了出来。龙当当手持银浪魔法之初,跃上了小八的后背。在他身边,每一位伙伴的气息都随之发生着变化,气息开始暴增。 Ice Monroe Station in the rear, held up the hand during technique stick angel power. But in this moment, the bright angel is actually flutters, the back four wings opens. 凌梦露站在最后面,举起了手中法杖天使的权力。而就在这一刻,光明天使却是飘飞而起,背后四翼张开。 Also has not seen ice Monroe to recite the incantation, the surrounding air suddenly started to change, constraining that originally the darkness and fire brought, is unexpectedly nothing left in this moment. The sky became bright several points. Lightly the fine rain drops from the clouds. But illuminates the sky, these fine rains, are flooding the fine rain of bright aura. 也没见凌梦露念动咒语,周围的空气突然开始发生了变化,原本黑暗与火带来的压抑,在这一刻竟是已经荡然无存。就连天空都变得明亮了几分。淅淅沥沥的雨丝从天而降。而照亮天空的,也正是这些雨丝,充斥着光明气息的雨丝。 The rain of light falls gently, is scattering the darkness. 光之雨飘落,驱散着黑暗。 Promotes seven steps the goddess, no longer is the beforehand goddess. 晋升七阶的神女,已经不再是之前的神女了。 In the snake demon god who above the snake head flies high-speed, the vision one is condensing on ice Monroe. Also turned into the dull purple in his place visited air, but along with falling gently of rain of light, when the two contact in together, the snake demon god that pure dark element makes „” sound unexpectedly, the dark aura also downplayed several points, looks like layer by layer becomes stripping thin. 正在蛇头之上高速飞来的蛇魔神,目光一下就凝聚在了凌梦露身上。在他所过之处原本空气都随之变成了暗紫色,但伴随着光之雨的飘落,当二者接触在一起的时候,蛇魔神那么纯粹的暗元素竟是发出“嗤嗤”声响,黑暗气息都随之淡化了几分,就像是一层一层的被变得稀薄剥离着似的。 The snake demon Shenju corner/horn splits slightly, the snake letter/believes turnover, in the mouth sends out careful neighing, the air instantaneously becomes viscous. The huge dark element ascends again, along with the arrival of its main body, oppression of blotting out the sky, but. 蛇魔神嘴角微微裂开,蛇信吞吐,口中发出一声细细的嘶鸣,空气瞬间就变得粘稠起来。庞大的暗元素再次升腾,伴随着它本体的到来,铺天盖地的压迫而至。 The dark blue light halo after Long Kongkong brain is sparking, touching of release without hesitation abyss. The previous time, he does not even have the actual combat domain to swallow the opportunity of opposite party, he and Elder Brother had arrived at being on the verge of death edge, but this time, all actually have become different. 龙空空脑后的暗蓝色光圈再次闪亮,深渊之触毫不犹豫的释放而出。上一次,他甚至都没有实战领域吞噬对方的机会,他和哥哥就已经到了濒死的边缘,但这一次,一切却都已经变得不一样了。 Áng-” small eight three dragon's head send out distant dragon to recite the sound simultaneously, the dragon language magic released fast, welcomes to the peaceful Mali. Meanwhile, the lunar motion had also started recitation of incantation, without the use water and fire common origin magic, after the step, she to the understanding of magic and element has the qualitative leap. “昂-”小八的三个龙头同时发出悠远的龙吟声,一个个龙语魔法快速释放,迎向了安度马里。与此同时,月离也已经开始了咒语的吟唱,没有使用水火同源魔法,在进阶之后,她对魔法和元素的理解已经有了质的飞跃。 The livelihood same splendor spirit furnace is glittering the strange brilliance, the original pair of lock turned into the scarlet red, but the lunar motion tender body has completed scarlet has also changed the body in this moment, the strong hot element jumps to shoot along with her insightful tender body. A giant fire dragon ascends behind her slowly, holds to make threatening gestures in in addition of incantation. 日月同辉灵炉闪烁着奇异的光彩,原本的双锁变成了赤红色,而月离的娇躯在这一刻也已经完成了赤红的变身,浓烈的火元素伴随着她那通透的娇躯迸射而出。一条巨大的火龙在她背后徐徐升腾而起,在咒语的加持下张牙舞爪。 Hot element body! 火元素体! Under the function of livelihood same splendor spirit furnace, she can display the water element body and hot element body respectively. 在日月同辉灵炉的作用下,她能够分别施展水元素体和火元素体。 The big snake under secure Mali body opens mouth suddenly, emits the purple tide that rushes, directly soars the people to cover. But at this moment, takes the lead is actually not Long Dangdang that rushes to start. 安度马里身下的大蛇猛然一张嘴,喷吐出澎湃的紫色潮汐,直奔众人覆盖而来。而就在这时,率先冲上去发动的却不是龙当当 The dark golden form looked like the entire space cuts, had arrived above the peaceful Mali instantaneously. The bright dark golden color from the sky erupted the unequalled imposing manner brilliance. 暗金色的身影就像是将整个空间都切割开了似的,瞬间就已经到了安度马里上方。灿烂的暗金色光辉在空中爆发出了无与伦比的气势。 The snake demon god was overbearing the arrogant look in this to flicker even presented the short astonishment, when he raised the head looks to in the air, what seen is together the slender form and brandishes the great mallet that but in him behind, a dark golden spirit furnace has actually appeared. 蛇魔神原本霸道高傲的眼神在这一瞬甚至出现了短暂的惊愕,当他抬头看向空中的时候,看到的是一道修长的身影和抡起的巨槌,而在他身后,一尊暗金色的灵炉却已是横空出世。 Dominates the world! Tyrant unparalleled! 雄霸天下!霸者无双! woof often/common joyful dark golden ray not remain unchanged, but flickering is glittering, this is dominates the world spirit furnace to take to her tyrant unparalleled condition. In this condition, she situated in tyrant body. Instance that in the hand the great mallet falls outrageously, big snake under snake demon god and his body unexpectedly oppressed drops to the ground. 汪常欣身上的暗金色光芒并不是一成不变的,而是在忽明忽暗的闪烁着,这是雄霸天下灵炉带给她的霸者无双状态。在这个状态下,她处于霸体之中。手中巨槌悍然而落的瞬间,蛇魔神和他身下的大蛇竟是被压迫的向地面跌落。 secure Mali right hand empty grasps, in the palm were many a purple snake lance, on the snake lance selected, center woof Changxin tyrant day mallet. 安度马里右手虚抓,掌中多了一柄紫色蛇矛,蛇矛上挑,正中汪常欣的霸天槌。 Ding a resounding. woof Changxin stands one's ground steadfastly, before the potential of snake demon god, flushing from in the air was actually pressed outrageously. “叮”的一声脆响。汪常欣岿然不动,蛇魔神原本前冲之势却被悍然从空中压了下来。 Saw that this people somewhat are dumbfounded, this was also too fierce. Forcing demon god! 看到这一幕的众人都不禁有些目瞪口呆,这也太猛了。力压魔神啊! Meanwhile, the bright gold/metal white brilliance has erupted behind from the people, the purple of that gold/metal white brilliance and great snake blowout attacks in together, two strengths are vanishing simultaneously, but that gold/metal white actually shines on the people brilliance simultaneously, making 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group people clear feeling the body becomes nice and warm, as if everyone withstood an angel blessing to be the same, the comfort that could not say. 与此同时,灿烂的金白色光辉已经从众人身后爆发开来,那金白色光辉与巨蛇喷出的紫色冲击在一起,两股力量同时在消失,但那金白色光辉却同时照耀在众人身上,让一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人都清晰的感受到身体变得暖热起来,仿佛每个人都承受了一个天使祝福一般,说不出的舒适。 At this moment, the fire dragon that the lunar motion releases has completed, the 15-meter giant fire dragon appeared, directly soars the snake demon god to throw, was in in the air, in the mouth emitted unceasingly fireballs, just like the shell general bombardment to go. 就在这时,月离释放出的火龙已经完成了,长达15米的巨大火龙横空出世,直奔蛇魔神扑了过去,身在空中,口中不断喷吐出一个个火球,犹如炮弹一般轰击而去。 This moment Long Dangdang, really felt different, all were different. At least, when facing snake demon god, they not once being incapable. 这一刻的龙当当,真的感受到不一样了,一切都不一样了。至少,在面对蛇魔神的时候,他们再不是曾经的无力。 Double pupil congealing solid Long Dangdang both hands about grasping at the beginning of palm Bank of China wave magic, lifts up high the long sword slowly excessively, on him, air wave started the eruption a layer upon layer overlapping. 双眸凝实龙当当双手合握掌中银浪魔法之初,缓缓将长剑高举过头,在他身上,一层层气浪层层叠叠开始了爆发。 But Long Kongkong touching of abyss, has changed into the dark blue rug to go to front even shop/spread at this time together generally, spreads the body of snake demon god and under that great snake, just covers them. 龙空空的深渊之触,在这个时候已经化为一道暗蓝色地毯一般向前方平铺而去,蔓延到了蛇魔神和那巨蛇的身下,刚好将他们笼罩在内。 Swallows in instantaneous comprehensively launches, Long Kongkong this time spelled to go all-out, that was really many suctions uses many suctions. However is only first attracts almost to choke him. 吞噬在瞬间全面展开,龙空空这次可是拼尽全力了,那真是有多少吸力就用多少吸力。不过只是第一口吸过去就差点把他噎死。 The huge energy floods into Long Kongkong within the body through touching of abyss instantaneously, Long Kongkong only thought that compared with previously swallowed the demon clan not to know the pure many time of huge energies suffused oneself body instantaneously, within the body meridians trembled suddenly, must unable to withstand instantaneously. 庞大的能量通过深渊之触瞬间涌入龙空空体内,龙空空只觉得一股比先前吞噬魔族不知道精纯多少倍的庞大能量瞬间就涨满了自己的身体,体内经脉骤然震颤起来,瞬间就要承受不住。 The snake demon god worthily is one of the 72 column demon gods, he in feeling this swallows in the strong situation, not only without resistance, instead directly many energy transfer, for is to explode the Long Kongkong brace directly. 蛇魔神不愧是七十二柱魔神之一,他在感受到这吞噬强劲的情况下,不但没有抵抗,反而直接将自己更多的能量传递过来,为的就是要直接把龙空空撑爆。 But showed in this time moon/month bright sea spirit furnace took the wisdom spirit furnace was powerful, in this huge energy just entered Long Kongkong within the body instantly, the lunar white halo from end to front the Long Kongkong body complete gable, each meridians in Long Kongkong within the body, were many a shiny smooth lunar white halo. 但就在这时候月明沧海灵炉就展现出了作为智慧灵炉的强大了,在这庞大的能量刚刚进入龙空空体内的刹那,月白色的光晕就从后向前将龙空空的身体完全包覆在内,龙空空体内的每一条经络,都多了一层莹润的月白色光晕。 Strange also performed in this moment, because absorbs the so huge energy suddenly, causing the body of Long Kongkong entire to seem like the balloon to inflate generally, looks like instantaneously weight gain over a hundred jin (0.5 kg), but next flickers, his recovered normally, the energy that these come, all went to by behind moon/month bright sea spirit furnace ingestion, solved urgent matter. 奇异的一幕也随之在这一刻上演了,因为突然吸收到如此庞大的能量,导致龙空空的身体整个都像是气球一般膨胀起来,就像是瞬间增肥上百斤似的,但下一瞬,他的身体就重新恢复了正常,那些汹涌而来的能量,全部被身后的月明沧海灵炉摄取而去,解决了燃眉之急。 The peaceful Mali complexion of distant place slightly changes, he only felt own within the body charm is consuming at an exceptional pace, attack that just erupted lenient, cannot launch the counter-attack to in the air woof Changxin. 远处的安度马里脸色微微一变,他只觉得自己体内魔力正以惊人的速度消耗着,以至于刚刚爆发的攻击都手软了一下,没能向空中的汪常欣发起反击。 woof Changxin in in the air deeply inspires, the body light and shade uncertain dark golden color ray instantaneously becomes powerful, the aura of that tyrant world bursts out certainly again, in the tyrant condition, she does not even need to gather the strength, Tyrant Tianchui can erupt the mallet Tyrant heaven prestige energy, moreover primary formerly, every strikes the supplementary to dominate the overbearing spirit strength that the world spirit furnace brings. 汪常欣在空中深吸口气,身上明暗不定的暗金色光芒瞬间就变得强盛起来,那霸绝天下的气息再次迸发,在霸者状态下,她甚至根本不需要蓄力,霸天槌就能爆发出大槌霸天的威能,而且原生从前,每一击都附带有雄霸天下灵炉带来的霸道灵力。 Until after this fusion, she dominates the function of the world spirit furnace truly clearly, truly after this spirit furnace fuses, when she be at the tyrant condition, dominates the world spirit furnace when she will launch the attack, will help her complete to gather the potential on own initiative to reduce the she spirit strength instantaneously, then after erupting the inside and outside spirit strength unions will compress the powerful offensive. Such prestige energy, far ultra she rank, but, the consumption is also similarly huge. 直到这次融合之后,她才真正明白雄霸天下灵炉的作用,真正与这尊灵炉融合之后,当她处于霸者状态时,雄霸天下灵炉会在她发动攻击的时候,主动帮她完成蓄势瞬间压缩她自身灵力,然后爆发出内外灵力结合压缩之后的强大攻击。这样的威能,会远超她自身等级,但同样的,消耗也是巨大的。 Strongest is first strikes, in dominating the world of the world, the first attack is whole-heartedly. Therefore that struck a moment ago, even the strength reached as high as eight step peaks demon god level strengths to be suppressed. 最强的就是第一击,在雄霸天下的世界中,第一次攻击就是全力以赴。所以刚才那一击,甚至连实力高达八阶巅峰的魔神级力量都被压制了。 At this time, Tyrant Tianchui brandished again, dominates the strength that the world spirit furnace reduced to be short of the outside spirit strength of part of consumptions, but in the spirit strength actually did not lack absolutely, came the spirit strength that to supplement the previous consumption from Long Kongkong there transmission instantaneously. 此时,霸天槌再次抡起,雄霸天下灵炉压缩的力量少了一部分消耗的外灵力,但内灵力却绝对不缺,从龙空空那里传递而来的灵力瞬间就补充了先前的消耗。 While woof Changxin erupts, Long Dangdang had also arrived, the fire dragon that the lunar motion releases fires the great snake of peaceful Mali, Long Dangdang is at this time in the air, the body surface erupts the strange brilliance unceasingly, that ray, just like the fireworks to bloom general enchanting. Jumps from him projects a layer upon layer different color halo. 就在汪常欣爆发的同时,龙当当也已经到了,月离释放出的火龙去灼烧安度马里的巨蛇,龙当当此时身在空中,身体表面不断爆发出奇异的光彩,那光芒,犹如烟花绽放一般炫丽。从他身上迸射出一层层不同颜色的光晕。 Conflagration, but this is actually not the ordinary conflagration, but was Long Dangdang unified the teacher headstrong knight sea Ji Feng guidance, sectional conflagration that oneself studied. The principle is, making each clone to complete conflagration a time, then fuses together. 爆燃,但这却不是普通的爆燃,而是龙当当结合了老师莽骑士海纪枫的教导,自己研究出来的分段式爆燃。其原理就是,让每一具分身都完成一次爆燃,然后再融合在一起。 Before Long Dangdang used most was clone to separate, then attacked together. But with the increase of strength, existences of oneself several big spirit furnaces, he does now, actually clone to blend these well distributed in the same place, erupts the overlay the prestige energy. 以前龙当当用的最多的都是分身分开,然后再一起攻击。而随着实力的增强,自身几大灵炉的存在,现在他做的,却是将这些分身调和交融在一起,爆发出叠加的威能。 He aura increases successively, at the beginning of the silver wave magic in hand the surface is bursting out the radiant Saint sword brilliance, but the ray of that Saint sword is actually strange six colored, the back, Asura red lotus ray blooms, myriad red lotus sword air/Qi unite, change into a giant Asura red lotus sword to raise from Long Dangdang. Instance when in the Long Dangdang hand the six swords of strength uniting cut, the rear Asura red lotus sword also flies to shoot, the double sword combines and complements one another, rises suddenly against the wind, directly soars the snake demon god overhead to cut to fall. 他自身气息节节攀升,手中的银浪魔法之初表面迸发着璀璨的圣剑光彩,但那圣剑的光芒却是奇异的六彩色,背后,修罗红莲光芒绽放,万千红莲剑气合一,化为一柄巨大的修罗红莲剑从龙当当背后升起。当龙当当手中六力合一之剑斩出的瞬间,后方的修罗红莲剑也随之飞射而出,双剑合璧,迎风暴涨,直奔蛇魔神当头斩落。 The powerful offensive of dropping from the clouds almost arrives instantaneously, Tyrant Tianchui has Xuan imposing manner to pound to fall outrageously, in the peaceful Mali hand the snake lance punctures again, in the mouth erupts a wailing distant place, that giant snake demon god column ray greatly hold, making the aura of secure Mali also rise suddenly. 从天而降的强大攻击几乎是瞬间降临,霸天槌带着煊赫的气势悍然砸落,安度马里手中蛇矛再次刺出,口中爆发出一声尖啸远处,那巨大的蛇魔神柱光芒大盛,让安度马里的气息随之暴涨。 Working as a resounding, Tyrant Tianchui was swung by the snake lance, at the same time, around the peaceful Mali body presented jet black such as the vortex of black ink, brings ripples, adsorbed unexpectedly forcefully woof Changxin body, the snake lance swept away, directly soars her nape of the neck to slice. “当”的一声脆响,霸天槌被蛇矛荡起,与此同时,安度马里身体周围出现了一圈圈漆黑如墨的旋涡,带起一圈圈涟漪,竟是将汪常欣的身体强行吸附住了,蛇矛横扫,直奔她脖颈切去。 These changes is too quick, no one can respond immediately, wanted the rescue already without enough time. 这一下变化太快,以至于谁也没能在第一时间反应过来,想要救援已经来不及了。 When-” dark golden ray rises suddenly suddenly, when the snake lance hits the mark woof Changxin body, woof Changxin skin surface appears mountains rivers and mountains general rune/symbol writing, blocked unexpectedly forcefully this struck. Although the next quarter this dark golden color was defeated and dispersed, but that compares favorably with the attacks of nine step powerhouses! She relied on oneself body to resist unexpectedly, this was what kind of inconceivable. “当-”暗金色光芒骤然暴涨,就在蛇矛切中汪常欣身体的时候,汪常欣的皮肤表面浮现出山川河岳一般的符文,竟是硬生生的挡住了这一击。虽然下一刻这暗金色就溃散了,但那可是媲美九阶强者的攻击啊!她竟然凭借着自己的身体抵挡了下来,这是何等的不可思议。 But also at this moment, the attack of Long Dangdang had also arrived, the double sword combines and complements one another joyful from woof often/common side chops to cut the snake demon god, the sword glow is completely reserved, after six colors and red fuse, forms one strange dark-red but instantaneously. This sword, unparalleled! 而也就在这时,龙当当的攻击也已经到了,双剑合璧从汪常欣侧面劈斩蛇魔神,剑芒完全内敛,六彩与红色融合之后形成一种奇异的暗红色瞬间而至。这一剑,无双! secure Mali felt the fatal threat, could not attend to gives woof Changxin to make up again, horizontal the snake lance has resisted. Simultaneously purple black thick fog flows, spreads to all around. 安度马里感受到了致命的威胁,顾不上再给汪常欣补上一下,横过蛇矛去抵挡。同时身上紫黑色的浓雾奔涌而出,向四周蔓延。 Works as-” in fierce bellow, unparalleled blood sword blasting open, but strange appeared, actually separated the blood from that sword glow suddenly, has only delimited the body of peaceful Mali together instantaneously. “当-”剧烈的轰鸣声中,无双血剑炸裂,但奇异的一幕出现了,从那剑芒之中却骤然又分离出一道血光,瞬间就划过了安度马里的身体。 The response of secure Mali is quick, is sideways to dodge rapidly, but the left shoulder position was flashed past by that blood light, the scale splash, the sword mark of deep obvious bone almost broke out his left side half chest together. 安度马里的反应已经很快了,飞速侧身闪避,但左肩位置还是被那血光一闪而过,鳞片飞溅,一道深可见骨的剑痕几乎是劈开了他左侧的半边胸膛。 The air/Qi of sharp incomparable slaughtering swarms to enter, makes the peaceful Mali while the body of angry roaring instantaneously ice-cold, the skill that just released stopped flickered. 锋锐无比的杀戮之气蜂拥而入,令安度马里在怒吼的同时身体瞬间冰冷,刚刚释放出的技能都停顿了一瞬。 But also at this moment, was divided the woof Changxin sudden whole body to burst out the dazzling golden light by his snake lance, next one flickers, the light shadow flashes, woof often/common changed the appearance joyful suddenly, said accurately, should change individual. 而也就在这时,被他蛇矛劈中的汪常欣突然全身迸发出刺目金光,下一瞬,光影只是一闪,汪常欣突然变了模样,准确的说,应该是换了个人。 The replace of light! The beautiful bright goddess arrives quietly. 光之替换!绝美的光明神女悄然降临。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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