SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#283: Bright goddess

The 283 rd Zhang Guangming goddess 第283章光明神女 First revives from the breakthrough, is first lunar motion that completes the breakthrough. 第一个从突破中苏醒过来的,也是第一个完成突破的月离。 She lowers the head, before having a look at the body, that cannot work loose the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace that the limit breaks through again eventually, in the heart many are somewhat regrettable. If the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace can break through seven steps the opportunities to break through with the aid of her again, that definitely will have the increase of very big degree. Let her strength rise dramatically. 她低下头,看看自己身前那终究没能挣脱限制再次突破的日月同辉灵炉,心中多少还是有些遗憾的。如果日月同辉灵炉能够借助她突破七阶的机会再次突破,那绝对会有很大程度的增幅。让她实力暴增。 But she was also content, seven steps! Is she big this year? In the magic temple, can in this age breaks through be able with the extreme rareness to describe to seven steps absolutely, generally can only be the graduates of these spirit furnace schools has such possibility. But present she, has actually completed such breakthrough! 但她也知足了,七阶啊!她今年才多大?在魔法圣殿,能够在她这个年纪突破到七阶的绝对可以用凤毛麟角来形容,一般只会是那些灵炉学院的毕业生才有这样的可能。但现在的她,却就是已经完成了这样的突破啊! Before receiving to turn round the spirit furnace, the lunar motion floating body, while she sets out, around body, naturally has the hot element also to follow. They can be said as the talent, the similar seven steps, have huge difference from ordinary occupation that. In this flickers, in her heart has all sorts of clear(ly) to become aware, in the mind is reappearing numerous strange feeling. 收回身前的灵炉,月离飘身而起,在她起身的同时,身体周围,自然而然的有火元素随之跟随。他们这些人都可以说是天才,同样的七阶,和普通职业者那也是有着天壤之别的。在这一瞬,她心中已经有了种种明悟,脑海之中浮现着众多的奇异感受。 Congratulated.” The Long Dangdang sound conveys. “恭喜了。”龙当当的声音传来。 The lunar motion looks up smiles to him, thanks the regimental commander. Really without thinking of me can actually such quickly on seven steps, now the also somewhat unbelievable feeling.” She to Long Dangdang is the absolute support, without Long Dangdang helped her finish ahead of schedule initially the entering step of livelihood same splendor spirit furnace through the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace , there would be no her present. Today the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace cannot enter the step again, that is because in the normal condition rises seven steps is the spirit furnace completes an evolution, but all these, have finished ahead of schedule with the help of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. 月离抬头看向他嫣然一笑,“谢谢团长。真没想到我竟然能够这么快就七阶了,现在自己都还有些难以置信的感觉呢。”她对龙当当一直都是绝对的支持,没有龙当当当初通过月明沧海灵炉帮她提前完成了日月同辉灵炉的进阶,就没有她的现在。今天日月同辉灵炉之所以没能再次进阶,那是因为正常情况下升七阶就是灵炉完成一次进化,而这一切,早就在月明沧海灵炉的帮助下提前完成了。 Long Dangdang shows a faint smile, the ability of lunar motion is obvious to all, but she will usually not display herself generally on own initiative, he understands, this is she feared snatched own crest of wave. Regarding this study elder sister, in his heart has the favorable impression very much, wisdom, calm. 龙当当微微一笑,月离的能力有目共睹,只是她平时一般都不会主动去表现自己,他明白,这是她怕抢了自己的风头。对于这位学姐,他心中是很有好感的,睿智,沉稳。 What second completes the breakthrough is the peach numerous, turned into the dark green along with the town/subdues demon tree completely, the breakthrough of peach numerous had also completed. Around body leaves of green light gates fuse with his body completely, when he opens the double pupil, the color of eye pupil also turned into the aquamarine. 第二个完成突破的是桃林林,伴随着镇魔树完全变成了墨绿色,桃林林的突破也已经完成了。身体周围的一扇扇绿色光门与他的身体完全融合,当他睁开双眸的时候,就连眼眸的颜色都随之变成了碧绿色。 Later cannot summon the dragon clan!” Saying that the peach numerous looks distressed. “以后召唤不了龙族了啊!”桃林林愁眉苦脸的说道。 Yes, when completes the breakthrough, his direction had confirmed that because of existence of town/subdues demon tree life summon beast, the peach numerous has officially become a department of botany summon master now. Future he, can only conduct the plant summon. 是的,在完成突破的时候,他的方向就已经确认了,因为镇魔树这本命召唤兽的存在,桃林林现在已经正式成为了一名植物系召唤师。未来的他,只能进行植物召唤了。 Lunar motion chuckle, do not result in cheaply also showed off cleverness, your spirit furnace and this life summon beast most agree with is the department of botany, present you, before already, was entirely different. Really transformed. The great strength of plant, hasn't you known?” 月离轻笑一声,“你就别得了便宜还卖乖了,你的灵炉和本命召唤兽最为契合的都是植物系,现在的你,已经和之前截然不同了。真的蜕变了。植物的强大,伱还不知道吗?” Long Dangdang said with a smile: Is full of the summon of life aura, will resist the dead spirit lifeform of dead spirit state to be easier. After peach school leader your , should also be able to be the plant war zombie.” 龙当当笑道:“充满生命气息的召唤,对抗亡灵国度的亡灵生物应该会更容易一些。桃学长你这以后应该也可以算得上是植物大战僵尸了。” The peach numerous smiles, said: In outside I should, here to my some limits. But truly, I should be able to summon the department of botany summon beasts of some comparison powerful now, should be good.” 桃林林嘿嘿一笑,道:“在外面我应该会更强一些,这里会对我有一些限制。但确实,我现在应该能召唤一些比较强力的植物系召唤兽了,应该还不错。” Can see, his mood is very good. Seven step summon masters , he although also knows oneself will achieve sooner or later, but has not actually thought that absolutely so will be quick! Although Long Dangdang called his school leader, but in fact, he this year also less than 20 years old. At age 20 can be seven steps, how many federation can have? Then goes to the temple to register to be able absolutely many resource support. 看得出,他的心情还是非常好的。七阶召唤师,他虽然也知道自己早晚都会达到,但却绝对没想到会这么快啊!要知道,虽然龙当当叫他学长,可实际上,他今年也还不到二十岁呢。20岁之前就能达到七阶,联邦能有几个?回头去圣殿登记一下绝对能够得到更多的资源支持。 Buzz-” at this moment, buzz called attracted their attention simultaneously. “嗡-”就在这时,一声嗡鸣同时吸引了他们的注意。 The peach numerous turns head to look, just saw the whole body sends out the dark golden color to be glorious, the body has also changed into insightful dark golden woof Changxin. The aura that her lends made the peach numerous complexion one white, had to plant to be from the heart the timid feeling. 桃林林扭头看去,刚好看到全身散发着暗金色光辉,身体也已经化为通透暗金色的汪常欣。她身上散发出的气息令桃林林都不禁脸色一白,有种发自内心胆怯的感觉。 I go, this is......, how is woof Xuejie this breakthrough law?” In fact, he and woof Changxin is a grade, who by the age also refers to being uncertain greatly. But did to initially woof Changxin, when spirit furnace school, the same grade invincible stance was, therefore, calls study the elder sister who they respected. Big sister that elder sister. “我去,这是……,汪学姐这是怎么个突破法?”实际上,他和汪常欣是一个年级的,论年龄还指不定谁大一点呢。但奈何当初汪常欣在灵炉学院的时候,同年级无敌的姿态一直是他们所敬仰的,所以,都叫学姐。大姐大那个姐。 The in the air dominating world spirit furnace changes into the black golden color to drop from the clouds together brilliance, integrates woof often/common joyful within the body to vanish without the trace, but the woof often/common joyful whole person as if also had the remarkable transformation. Her tender body became slenderer several points, were seemingly many several points of slender feeling. In her tyrant day mallet surface, the dark golden brilliance twinkle, even this weapon also all changed in her entering step process, such situation without doubt is very rare, the weapon evolves together, what deity operation is this? 空中的雄霸天下灵炉化为一道乌金色光辉从天而降,融入到汪常欣体内消失无踪,而汪常欣整个人似乎也都发生了惊人的蜕变。她的娇躯变得更加修长了几分,看上去似乎也多了几分纤细的感觉。在她身边的霸天槌表面,暗金色光辉闪烁,连这件武器都在她的进阶过程中随之一切发生了变化,这样的情况无疑是非常罕见的,连带武器一起进化,这是什么神仙操作? But everyone can feel woof Changxin difference keenly, her air/Qi field was different. This air/Qi field, in previously the entire team, on innate in spirit strength broken hundred ice Monroe has. That was being aloof the feeling of occupation. 但大家都能敏锐的感受到汪常欣的不同,她身上的气场不一样了。这种气场,在先前整个团队之中,也只有先天内灵力破百的凌梦露身上才有。那是一种超脱了职业者的感觉。 woof Changxin flickers to open the double pupil below, in the dark demon boundary world, as if two golden electricity glow passed over gently and swiftly general, that strong constriction even makes people think that certainly she is more like a powerful demon clan rather than human. 汪常欣在下一瞬睁开双眸,黑暗的魔境世界内,仿佛有两道金色电芒掠过一般,那绝强的压迫感甚至让人觉得她更像是一位强大的魔族而不是人类。 Her vision first looks to the Long Kongkong direction, nods to him. 她的目光第一时间看向龙空空的方向,向他点了点头。 Long Kongkong cracks into a smile, compares the thumb to her. 龙空空咧嘴一笑,向她比出大拇指。 Fused truly woof Changxin who dominates the world spirit furnace is today we are no longer as we have been, entered Ling Menglu, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer and Tang Leiguang, to meet, the ranks of Cai Caijuan their these top talents truly initially. 真正融合了雄霸天下灵炉的汪常欣已是今非昔比,真正进入到了凌梦露、子桑琉荧、唐雷光、初遇、蔡彩娟他们这些顶尖天才的行列。 Purely from talent, if not calculate that mysterious purple gold bloodlines, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong two brothers are away from this rank also almost. Naturally, this is without considering to fuse wisdom spirit furnace. 纯粹从天赋来说,如果不计算那神秘的紫金血脉,龙当当龙空空哥俩距离这个级别都还差一点。当然,这还是在不考虑融合智慧灵炉的前提下。 Thanks, I was good.” woof Changxin gripped own fist subconsciously, feels to meet the person different strengths, the eyeground flashes through, wipes the domineering point. “谢谢,我好了。”汪常欣下意识的攥了攥自己的拳头,感受着自己已经接人不同的力量,眼底闪过的,是一抹强势的锋芒。 Brother, my here similar! These big devils could not insist that when can the cousin be good?” Long Kongkong said to Long Dangdang. “老哥,我这边差不多了啊!那些大恶魔坚持不住了,表姐啥时候能好?”龙空空龙当当说道。 Ling Menglu is the first start breaks through, before the big devil arrives, had started, but until now, has enough one hour in the past, her breakthrough has not actually been completed, only has that delightful hymn to reverberate in the people ear as before. 凌梦露是第一个开始突破的,大恶魔到来之前就已经开始了,可直到现在,已经过去有足足一个小时了,她的突破却还没有完成,唯有那悦耳的圣歌依旧在众人耳边回荡。 Everyone's vision as if by prior agreement centralized on ice Monroe, seen is actually on her the even more sacred aura rich brilliance. 大家的目光不约而同的都集中在了凌梦露身上,看到的却是她身上越发神圣气息浓郁的光彩。 Long Dangdang said to Long Kongkong: Controls a while as far as possible again. Must wait for the cousin to break through to finish again.” 龙当当龙空空道:“尽量再多控制一会儿。一定要等表姐突破完毕再结束。” Behind one closed/pass is the snake demon god secure Du Mali that they are going to face, fellow, only if stimulates the bloodlines, otherwise was very difficult to defeat. Although here is the virtual space, but if ice Monroe were disturbed in the breakthrough, will have what consequence who unable to reach an agreement. The key is who has not thought that she breaks through seven steps to require such long time unexpectedly. Even breaks through nine steps, had not heard is so long. Occupation promotion, what is more important breaks through the beforehand accumulation, so long as accumulates enough, the breakthrough is the successful process. Even if fuses the wisdom spirit furnace, woof Changxin is not the time of such a while. 后面一关他们将要面对的就是蛇魔神安度马里了,那家伙,除非是激发血脉,否则很难战胜。虽然这里是虚拟空间,但如果凌梦露在突破的时候被打扰,会有什么后果谁也说不好。关键是谁也没想到她突破七阶竟然需要这么长的时间。就算是突破九阶,都没听说过有这么久的。职业者晋升,更重要的是突破之前的积累,只要积累足够,突破就是水到渠成的过程。哪怕是融合智慧灵炉,汪常欣不也是就这么一会儿的工夫么。 I as far as possible.” Long Kongkong also understands that the gravity of matter, complies with one, cautious slows down as far as possible swallows the process. These big devils must unable to shoulder, in fact the day demon disintegration was too mainly overbearing, their energies were swallowed by Long Kongkong, cannot protect the poor life vitality to pass promptly rapidly. Wants not to live shortly. “我尽量。”龙空空也明白事情的严重性,答应一声,小心翼翼的尽可能放慢一些吞噬过程。这些大恶魔之所以要扛不住,实际上主要还是天魔解体太霸道了,它们的能量又被龙空空吞噬,没能及时护住小命生命力已经在飞速流逝。眼看就要不活了。 Long Dangdang in the heart somewhat is also anxious at this time, is really not good, if the cousin cannot complete the breakthrough, could not say when the time comes really wanted and brother goes all out to wrestle, can look stimulate the strength of bloodlines to get rid of the peaceful Mali. 龙当当此时心中也有些紧张起来,实在不行,如果表姐不能完成突破的话,说不得到时候就真的要自己和老弟去拼命一搏了,看看能不能激发血脉之力干掉安度马里。 But the issue is, even if passed this pass/test, behind must they not know facing what demon clan! But is more powerful demon clan is definitely right, likely was the demon god of higher rank. That is not they can contend now. 但问题是,就算过了这一关,后面还要面对什么魔族他们不知道啊!但肯定是更加强大的魔族才对,很可能是更高排位的魔神了。那也不是他们现在所能抗衡的。 In the Long Dangdang heart worries more and more, that filled light beam outbreak of sacred aura the change. 就在龙当当心中越来越担忧的时候,那充满神圣气息的光柱突然发生了变化。 The pure white light beam, turned into the golden color in this suddenly suddenly, is the golden color of that completely change. The light beam peak, meets a day of continually place the position, appears faintly six golden light shadow, in six light shadow, the gentle golden color condenses the forming gradually. Changes into six forms. 原本洁白的光柱,在这一刹那之间突然变成了金色,是那种完全变化的金色。紧接着,光柱顶端,接天连地的位置,隐隐浮现出六道金色光影,六道光影之中,柔和的金色渐渐凝聚成形。化为六道身影。 They made the similar movement completely, the right hand caressed the chest, in ice Monroe toward ground bowed slightly, seemed like saluting to express best wishes. 他们全部作出了同样的动作,右手抚胸,朝着地面上的凌梦露微微躬身,似乎是在行礼致意。 What is that? 那是什么? The people fix the eyes on seeing that looks at to shock, behind that six golden form each actually has six pieces of wings. Fuzziness that although the distance too looks, but this point definitely is actually certain. 众人定睛看去震撼的看到,那六道金色身影每一个背后竟然都有着六片羽翼。虽然距离太远看的模糊,但这一点却是完全可以肯定的。 Six wings? Blazing the angel? 六翼?炽天使? Soon before, in the battlefield of Jiyang city, they had just seen six wings that were summoned flaming the angel to be powerful, that is the pastor temple by the summon that the divine tool can complete! But at this moment, they saw unexpectedly six six wings that simultaneously present flaming the angel. If these six also arrive, let alone was an demon god, even came 35 still to solve? What situation is this? 不久之前,在吉阳城的战场上,他们可是刚刚见到过被召唤来的六翼炽天使有多么强大,那是牧师圣殿凭借神器才能完成的召唤啊!而此时此刻,他们竟然见到了同时出现的六位六翼炽天使。这六位要是同时降临,别说是一个魔神了,就算来三五个也能解决了吧?这到底是什么情况啊? Without the people makes the ponder, the in the air six golden forms had dissipated quietly, the golden light in sky, goes to ice Monroe racing wells up just like all rivers run into sea immediately generally. 没等众人多做思考,空中的六道金色身影就已经悄无声息的消散了,天空中的金光,顿时宛如海纳百川一般向凌梦露奔涌而去。 The golden form separates together from her, impressively bright angel spirit furnace. Just, at this moment, this golden cherub actually obviously grew up several points, a back pair of wing, had turned into two pairs impressively. 一道金色的身影从她身上分离出来,赫然正是光明天使灵炉。只不过,此时此刻,这金色的小天使却明显长大了几分,背后的一双翅膀,赫然已经变成了两双。 Such it, before the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace increase had also appeared. But cannot increase by the bright angel body of islet tung oil tree increase, but increases the wing quantity. Without a doubt, this means that the bright angel spirit furnace, this wisdom spirit furnace, entered the step! 这样的它,之前在神祈屿桐灵炉增幅的时候也曾经出现过。但被屿桐增幅的光明天使身体不会变大,只是增加翅膀数量。毫无疑问,这意味着,光明天使灵炉,这尊智慧灵炉,进阶了! Ice Monroe's tender body slowly float, the whole person gives people a buddhist image dignified feeling, when that all golden rays integrate her tender body completely, her whole body bursts out immediately just like the morning sun general golden color brilliance. On the face has the indifferent to fame or gain smile, she opens the double pupil slowly. 凌梦露的娇躯缓缓悬浮而起,整个人都给人一种宝相庄严的感觉,当那所有金色光芒全部融入她娇躯的时候,她全身顿时迸发出宛如朝阳一般的金色光辉。脸上带着恬淡的微笑,她缓缓睁开双眸。 Bright goddess!” Peach numerous double pupil absent-minded muttered said. “光明神女!”桃林林双眸失神的喃喃说道。 Yes, in this moment, in the people heart as if emerged similar sound, as if also only then such title can be joined to her to resemble. 是的,在这一刻,众人心中似乎都涌现出了类似的声音,仿佛也只有这样的称号能够配得上她似的。 In the school, goddess Monroe is illustrious, what that are more is from the well-meaning commendation, but she at this moment, as if had actually turned into the true goddess, not only again a name is so simple, she is! 在学院的时候,神女梦露就已经是赫赫有名,但那更多的是来自于善意的称赞,而此时此刻的她,却仿佛已经变成了真正的神女,再不只是一个称呼那么简单,她就是! Seven steps, Cardinal, bright goddess ice Monroe! 七阶,红衣主教,光明神女凌梦露! Bright angel spirit furnace light falling in the ice Monroe shoulder, the back four wings opens, the gentle golden halo just like the light wheel to reappear after her brain naturally generally. In this clearly has no in the light element demon boundary world, why does not know, the people can actually feel, the aura that on ice Monroe lends even can be transformed light element the dark element by her. 光明天使灵炉轻飘飘的落在凌梦露肩头,背后四翼张开,柔和的金色光晕自然而然就犹如光轮一般在她脑后浮现着。在这分明没有任何光元素的魔境世界之中,不知道为什么,众人却能感受到,凌梦露身上散发出的气息甚至连暗元素都能被她转化成光元素似的。 The ice Monroe's vision and Long Dangdang dock, smiling, I was good, making everyone be worried.” 凌梦露的目光与龙当当相接,嫣然一笑,“我好了,让大家担心了。” Cousin military might!” The Long Kongkong sound has conveyed from another side, that I concluded!” “表姐威武!”龙空空的声音已经从另一边传来,“那我收尾了哈!” Yuan whorl spirit furnace final swallows to complete, the big devils swallowed the final one breath finally. 元涡灵炉最后的吞噬完成,大恶魔们终于咽下了最后一口气。 But also at this time, the oppression strength of blotting out the sky also transmitted from the distant place. 而也就在这个时候,铺天盖地的压迫力随之从远处传来。 Everyone as if felt own heartbeat as if to leak in this moment patted, the look congealed. 所有人在这一刻仿佛都感受到自己的心跳似乎漏了一拍似的,眼神都是一凝。 The purple ray shoots up to the sky together. When it appears, as if becomes the center of the whole world to be the same instantaneously. The intense incomparable oppression strength, making the people even have the feeling of scant of breath. 一道紫色光芒冲天而起。当它出现的时候,仿佛瞬间就成为了整个世界的中心一般。强烈无比的压迫力,令众人甚至都有种呼吸困难的感觉。 Carefully looks, purple ray that leaps, seems like a giant column. Because the purple light surrounds, somewhat cannot see clearly its appearance, but can feel, is that dreadful pressure. 仔细看去,那腾起的紫色光芒,似乎是一根巨大的立柱。因为紫光环绕,有些看不清它的样子,但能够感受到的,是那滔天的威压。 Demon god column?” The peach numerous blurted out, the look shocks at the same time, not fear, what are more is stimulated. “魔神柱?”桃林林脱口而出,眼神震撼的同时,并没有恐惧,更多的是亢奋。 72 column demon gods, regarding their generation, what are more has existence in legend. Sees the demon god column in truly them several people is also the first time. 七十二柱魔神,对于他们这一代人来说,更多的是存在于传说之中的存在。真正见到魔神柱他们中的几个人还都是第一次。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong this feeling is also entirely different. First time facing this time, their oppressed nearly is unable to breathe, but at this moment, the side was four just broke through to the partners of seven steps, they were more protection of wisdom spirit furnace, facing the oppression, they have as if been able to withstand. 龙当当龙空空这次的感受也是截然不同的。第一次面对这一幕的时候,他们被压迫的近乎无法呼吸,而此时此刻,身边是四位刚刚突破到七阶的伙伴,他们更是多了智慧灵炉的守护,面对压迫,他们似乎已经能够承受。 The giant purple light restrains gradually, indistinct, they can see the real situation finally. That is really a giant pillar, on the pillar has a fierce sculpture. That is a great snake, coils around on the pillar, glitters direction that the pair of giant snake pupil of purple ray is staring at them to be. Although is only the sculpture, but oppression strength actually it of that terrifying brings. 巨大的紫光渐渐收敛,隐约之间,他们终于能够看到真实情况了。那果然是一根巨大的柱子,柱子上有一尊凶恶的雕塑。那是一条巨蛇,盘绕在柱子上,闪烁着紫色光芒的一双巨大蛇眸凝视着他们所在的方向。虽然只是雕塑,但那恐怖的压迫力却正是它所带来的。 Without a doubt, this was the demon god column. 毫无疑问,这就是魔神柱了。 Under that giant demon god column, the form as if walks together from the darkness, the side is surrounding the purple halo, every step steps forward, the people can hear the clear sound of footsteps. This and Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong previous time sees almost exactly the same. 在那根巨大的魔神柱下,一道身影仿佛是从黑暗中走出来似的,身边环绕着紫色的光晕,每一步跨出,众人都能听到清脆的脚步声。这和龙当当龙空空上次所见到的几乎一模一样。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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