SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#282: Seven step seven steps!

Chapter 282 seven step seven steps! 第282章七阶七阶! Bang-” the big devil of day demon disintegration condition runs out outrageously, without heavy sword, even the arm had one to break under the tyrant day mallet beforehand attack, but it actually as before under in addition of mystique held to erupt the strong battle efficiency, was only a fist, shook to fly with the mallet woof often/common joyful. “轰-”天魔解体状态的大恶魔悍然冲出,没有重剑,甚至连手臂都有一条在霸天槌之前的攻击下断折了,但它却依旧在秘法的加持之下爆发出了超强的战斗力,只是一拳,就将汪常欣连人带槌震飞了开去。 But at this moment, a white ray has entered the bolt of white silk general connection on it, making this big devil charge into woof Changxin figure to stop instantaneously. 但就在这时,一道白色光芒已经入匹练一般连接在了它身上,让这大恶魔正冲向汪常欣的身形瞬间停顿。 The Saint directs the spirit furnace. 圣引灵炉。 Long Kongkong even also quarrelled its direction to wave, on the face is revealing one inexpensively smile. 龙空空甚至还吵着它的方向挥了挥手,脸上流露着一副贱兮兮的笑容。 The big devil under day demon disintegration condition, the mood also like the condition of crazy general eruption, which seeing that also has the half a point to hesitate, recoiled instantaneously, directly soars Long Kongkong to throw. But the function has actually been enhanced in touching of its abyss suddenly. 天魔解体状态下的大恶魔,情绪本身也是如同狂化一般爆发的状态,见状哪还有半分犹豫,瞬间就反冲了回来,直奔龙空空扑去。而作用在它身上的深渊之触却已是骤然增强。 Long Kongkong under foot slippery step, speed wonderful quick incomparable, figure unceasing about is glittering, skidding looks like a loach to be the same. 龙空空脚下滑步,速度奇快无比,身形不断的左右闪烁着,滑溜的就像是一条泥鳅一般。 This is careless knight that special skill, Long Kongkong also understands this field of endeavor, his pet phrase is the safety first! What ratio such safe avoidance better condition also has? Therefore, he spent the painstaking effort on the slippery step, takes him now cultivating of six step peaks as, in addition own outside spirit strength also similarly is six step peaks, erupts full power, the rapidness of speed, almost it can be said that at terrain flight. 这是苟骑士那叶的看家本领,龙空空也深谙此道,他的口头语就是安全第一啊!还有什么比这么安全的躲避更好的状态呢?所以,在滑步上他是下了苦功夫的,以他现在六阶巅峰的修为,再加上自身的外灵力也同样是六阶巅峰,全力爆发开来,速度之快,几乎可以说是在贴地飞行。 Even this, competes the speed purely he definitely is inferior to the day of demon disintegration the big devil, but the issue is, the slippery step most excels is not the speed, but changes approaches! 就算这样,单纯比拼速度他肯定是不如天魔解体的大恶魔的,但问题是,滑步最擅长的不是速度,而是变向啊! When Long Kongkong one nearly 180 degrees when changes to displays instantaneously, that big devil is nearly dodged the waist, the wing in the ground plow had/left a gulley, this stops the body to pursue reluctantly again to Long Kongkong. 龙空空一个近乎一百八十度的变向瞬间施展出来时,那名大恶魔险些被闪了腰,翅膀都在地上犁出了一道深沟,这才勉强刹住身体重新向龙空空追去。 When it must catch up with Long Kongkong shortly, mallet Tyrant heaven has gathered the potential to finish, drops from the clouds, spells with it outrageously hardly, making the Long Kongkong skidding make way arrive at the one side. 而当它眼看就要追上龙空空的时候,大槌霸天已经蓄势完毕,从天而降,悍然和它硬拼一下,让龙空空滑溜的闪开到一旁。 Not far away, only summoned the beast to clash. The big devil that first displays the day of demon disintegration, does not have the strength of fight, can only fall down is gradually swallowed by touching of abyss completely. 不远处,一只只召唤兽已经冲了过来。第一名施展天魔解体的大恶魔,已经没有了战斗之力,只能是倒在地上被深渊之触逐渐吞噬殆尽。 Fought this kind of time, has entered the process that has defeated one by one. After woof Changxin opponent also drops down, she naturally looked for the opponent of ocean nighttide. 战斗到了这种时候,就已经进入了逐个击破的过程了。当汪常欣的对手也倒下之后,她自然找上了溟汐的对手。 In inverse proportion, the big devil erupts after the day demon disintegration drops down gradually. Until Long Kongkong exerts all strength of swallowing on eight step big devils, oppression it also displayed a day of demon to disintegrate. 此消彼长,大恶魔一个个在天魔解体爆发之后逐步倒下。直到龙空空将所有的吞噬之力都施加在八阶大恶魔身上,压迫的它也施展出了天魔解体。 That instantaneous eruption is truly fearful, but welcoming its is actually sets aside Long Dangdang that the hand comes to clone. An element peeling lets its darkness and fire two types of attribute aura reduces greatly. But even erupts, eight step big devils are unable to erupt to the degrees of nine step big devils. Under besieging of people, touching of abyss swallows full power, finally it consumption slowly completely. 那瞬间的爆发确实可怕,但迎上它的却是腾出手来的龙当当所有分身。一个元素剥离就让它的黑暗与火两种属性气息大减。而就算是爆发,八阶大恶魔也无法爆发到九阶大恶魔的程度。在众人的围攻之下,深渊之触全力吞噬,终于将其慢慢的消耗殆尽。 On the people face is brimming with the stimulated color, this war, to them, not only to disciplining of actual combat. Even they truly did not have whole-heartedly, was short in a situation of core goddess, can defeat the big devil of this specification as before, was worth them being proud absolutely. 众人脸上都洋溢着亢奋之色,这一战,对他们来说,不只是对实战的磨练。甚至他们都还没有真正的全力以赴,更是少了一位核心神女的情况下,依旧能够战胜这种规格的大恶魔,绝对值得他们自豪了。 The harvest first did not say, their strength and still compared when the spirit furnace school initially, is huge difference. So long as bridges over seven steps the thresholds, could be said as to become high rank occupation completely. 收获先不说,他们自身的实力和当初还在灵炉学院时相比,已是天壤之别。只要跨过七阶的门槛,就完全可以说是成为高阶职业者了。 The big devil in ground also somewhat kicks, this is Long Kongkong keeps their life intentionally, to let them absorbs the dark element slowly to restore, swallows a while, another also wins some time to the partners, the time of breakthrough. 地面上的大恶魔还有些扑腾,这是龙空空故意留它们一条命,一个是为了让它们自行吸收暗元素慢慢恢复,多吞噬一会儿,另一个也是给伙伴们争取一些时间,突破的时间。 The peach numerous and woof Changxin, the lunar motion three people have sat cross-legged to sit down at this time, after this war, was six step peaks they vitalities and spirit strength is fully stimulated, kicked the final shooting the time a moment ago arrives. 桃林林、汪常欣、月离三人此时都已经盘膝坐下,经过刚才这一场大战,都是六阶巅峰的他们自身气血、灵力都已经被充分激发,踢出最后临门一脚的时候到了。 Long Kongkong do not break through actually eagerly, he swallows so many spirit strength now, mainly transforms and absorbs to everyone. His breakthrough not eagerly for a while. 龙空空自己倒是不急于突破,他现在吞噬了这么多灵力,主要是给大家转化、吸收。他的突破不急于一时。 Shines is still resonant in ice Monroe's hymn, the angels are dancing lightly as before, even that pure white light beam also became bigger several points, her breakthrough has not actually been completed as before. 照耀在凌梦露身上的圣歌依然嘹亮,天使们依旧在翩翩起舞,甚至那洁白的光柱还变得更大了几分,她的突破却依旧还没有完成。 Long Dangdang can the indistinct feeling, this time ice Monroe unable simple described with the breakthrough, even the transformation, the life symptom of her whole person is it can be said that having the tremendous changes. The flesh becomes the shiny smooth gloss, the long hair hangs loose after the brain, each sends the silk as if to release the golden brilliance, that resonant hymn baptism her body and soul, even if looks at her, one type will have the tranquil feeling. 龙当当能够隐约的感受到,此时的凌梦露并不能简单的用突破来形容,甚至可以说是蜕变,她整个人的生命体征都在发生天翻地覆的变化。肌肤变得更加莹润光泽,长发披散在脑后,每一根发丝似乎都在释放着金色的光辉,那嘹亮的圣歌洗礼着她的身体与灵魂,哪怕只是看着她,都会有一种心生宁静的感觉。 The spirit strength that nine big devils bring is quite huge, do not look that the front these regiment ranks the demon clan quantity are many, but really brings by energy quality might as well these nine big devils. This huge spirit strength, happen to makes Long Kongkong also transform a while much. 九只大恶魔带来的灵力极为庞大,别看前面那些军团级别的魔族数量多,但真论能量质量还不如这九只大恶魔带来的。这庞大的灵力,正好让龙空空也多转化一会儿。 This pass/test may not be their ultimate objectives, came, that had certainly many benefits to gain many benefits. 这一关可并不是他们的最终目标,来都来了,那当然是有多少利益就争取多少利益了。 Looks at four breaking through partners, to be honest, in the Long Dangdang heart also somewhat envies, the differences of six steps and seven steps he is clear. This is an important watershed! To him is so. Once he can achieve the condition of element body, then, his each clone strength will be enhanced significantly, continually the combat capability, the resilience and explosive force are so. 看着四名正在突破的伙伴们,说实话,龙当当心中也是有些羡慕的,六阶和七阶的差别他再清楚不过。这是一个重要的分水岭啊!对他来说更是如此。一旦他能够达到元素体的状态,那么,他的每一个分身的实力都会大幅度增强,无论是持续战斗能力、恢复能力、爆发力都是如此。 Like his teacher, headstrong knight sea Ji Feng, some truly powerful skill, is only then after being seven steps, can use, because only then the body and spirit of element body that degree can withstand the eruption of that level. 像他的老师,莽骑士海纪枫,一些真正强悍的技能,都是只有达到七阶之后才能使用的,因为只有元素体那种程度的体魄才能承受住那种层次的爆发。 Before completing the restore of moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace, he does not have the means to go a step further. Vibrates gently was started at the beginning of the silver wave magic, Long Dangdang returned to normal an own mind. Then on, when that day of sea completely restore. 只是,在没有完成月明沧海灵炉的修复之前,他是没办法更进一步了。轻轻抖动了一下手中的银浪魔法之初,龙当当平复了一下自己的心神。那就等吧,等到沧海完全修复的那一天。 Although some suffering of this process to oneself, but, once the sea restore is completed, that means, oneself will have truly complete 12 towerman partners. Swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly, although is also this level, but it eventually is not the true towerman, the Asura red lotus spirit furnace also needs to restore. The sea has said to him, as the top assistance spirit furnace, if he can get back, not only has to seek for the ability of partner, can help Asura restore, by that time, perhaps is the time that are well-prepared. 虽然这个过程对自己来说有些煎熬,但是,一旦沧海修复完成,那就意味着,自己将拥有一个真正完整的十二守望者伙伴。轻吞慢吐灵炉虽然也是这个层次,但它终究不是真正的守望者,修罗红莲灵炉也需要修复。沧海对他说过,身为顶级辅助灵炉,如果他能够恢复过来,不但有着去寻找伙伴的能力,也能帮助修罗进行修复,到了那时候,或许才是自己厚积薄发的时刻。 Turns head to look that to sitting cross-legged to sit on the ground, is guiding the spirit strength filtration Long Kongkong, in the Long Dangdang heart the somewhat unusual feeling. 扭头看向盘膝坐在地上,正在引导灵力过滤的龙空空,龙当当心中不禁有些异样的感觉。 Although seems like, today undertakes most partial pressure on own initiative is oneself, but the actual four lines, today during all fights, the true core was actually a younger brother. 虽然看上去,今天主动承担大部分压力的都是自己,但实际四行,今天所有战斗之中,真正的核心却是弟弟了。 Has the Yuan whorl and he of god Qi Yutong as well as star light radiant three big spirit furnace, the strength not only had caught up with itself, even also has several points to exceed own meaning. Although he does not like the upfront fight, who can deny his present great strength? The fourth-order Yuan whorl spirit furnace function has that tangible effect on eight step big devils, if this does affect on office entrepreneur? Their these teammates, who dare saying that can block? 拥有元涡、神祈屿桐以及星光璀璨三大灵炉的他,实力不但已经追上了自己,甚至还有着几分要超越自己的意思了。虽然他不喜欢正面战斗,但谁能否定他现在的强大?四阶的元涡灵炉作用在八阶大恶魔身上都有着那么明显的效果,这要是作用在职业者身上呢?他们这些队友,谁敢说能挡得住? The younger brother grows stronger, happiness that Long Dangdang is from the heart, Long Kongkong because of the reason of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, has become the object of dead spirit state key attention, his strength is enhanced, naturally can better protected itself. 弟弟变强,龙当当发自内心的高兴,龙空空因为元涡灵炉的原因,早就已经成为了亡灵国度重点关注的对象,他自身的实力增强,自然就能更好的保护自己了。 In the Long Dangdang heart thinks deeply about time, suddenly, clear and melodious buzz the whining noise resounded, captured his attention. Sees only ray lift-off that two circle to blend, in an instant, in the sky the phenomenon appears. 正在龙当当心中思索的时候,突然之间,一声清越的嗡鸣声响起,吸引了他的目光。只见两道盘旋交融的光芒升空而起,刹那间,天空中异像浮现。 This ray is lifts off to appear from the lunar motion directly, in the light beam blends, is the livelihood is glorious. 这道光芒是直接从月离身上升空出现的,光柱内交融的,正是日月光辉。 Livelihood same splendor spirit furnace at this time static float in lunar motion chest front, the gentle livelihood from the sky enhances one another's beauty brilliance. Until now, the existence feeling of lunar motion in team is not specially strong that. Long Dangdang are also a magician, she obeys the order of Long Dangdang most of the time. But today, at this moment, first completes the breakthrough is actually she. 日月同辉灵炉此时静静的悬浮在月离胸前,柔和的日月光辉在空中交相辉映。一直以来,月离在团队中的存在感并不是特别强的那种。龙当当自身也是魔法师,她大多数时候只是听从龙当当的命令。而今天,此时此刻,第一个完成突破的却是她。 In the light beam the sunlight and moonlight complement each other fresh splendor, the mutual entanglement distinguishes right from wrong. Spirit furnace slight the vibration before her body, is seeming like wants to work loose anything, but is actually not able to work loose completely. 光柱之中日光与月光交映生辉,相互纠缠又泾渭分明。在她身前的灵炉轻微的震动着,似乎是想要挣脱什么,但却又无法完全挣脱开来似的。 The water and fire blends, ices the thunder to blend. Lunar motion aura starts significantly increases, the surrounding element fluctuation obviously becomes more and more fierce. 水火交融,冰雷交融。月离身上的气息开始大幅度的攀升起来,周围的元素波动明显变得越来越剧烈。 In demon boundary dark element and hot element, but at this moment, from that livelihood same splendor spirit furnace, actually flies to project more water elements to integrate her body. The lunar motion tender body becomes at the visible speed insightful, the strange ray is glittering on the body, the gentle brilliance ascends unceasingly. The aura of spirit furnace constantly is also strengthened, but seems like by any invisible strength is prevented is not being able to complete the qualitative leap. 魔境之中只有暗元素和火元素,但此时此刻,从那日月同辉灵炉中,却飞射出更多的水元素融入她的身体。月离的娇躯以肉眼可见的速度变得通透起来,奇异的光芒在身上闪烁着,柔和的光彩不断升腾。灵炉的气息也在不断增强,但似乎是被什么无形的力量阻挡着无法完成质的飞跃。 The insightful tender body, making the lunar motion on the forehead present rune/symbol writing who the livelihood blended gradually, the aura of her whole person also starts also to rise suddenly. This is the process of body element, is occupation enters the symbols of seven steps. 通透的娇躯,让月离的额头上渐渐出现了日月交融的符文,她整个人的气息也开始随之暴涨。这是身体元素化的过程,是职业者进入七阶的象征。 Starting from this moment, the lunar motion has led the gentleman to enter the step from a big demon of six step is the big demon teachers of seven steps, became a truly powerful magician. 从这一刻开始,月离就已经从一名六阶的大魔导士进阶为七阶的大魔导师,成为一名真正强大的魔法师了。 Seven steps, really good! In Long Dangdang heart heartfelt acclaiming. 七阶了,真好啊!龙当当心中由衷的赞叹。 Seven step big demon teachers, livelihood same splendor lunar motion. 七阶大魔导师,日月同辉月离。 At this moment, suddenly, in the world as if vibrated slightly, overbearing aura gallops suddenly. The Long Dangdang vision was also attracted the past, sees only the dark golden ray to shoot up to the sky together , the appearance, filled with the palatial aura, above has the gigantic spirit furnace of mountains rivers and mountains fine relief. 就在这时,突然间,天地之间仿佛微微的震动了一下,一股霸道之极的气息骤然奔腾而出。龙当当的目光随之被吸引了过去,只见一道暗金色光芒冲天而起,随之出现的,还有一尊充满了巍峨气息,上面有着山川河岳精美浮雕的硕大灵炉。 After this spirit furnace appears, immediately rises suddenly against the wind, has changed into diameter ten meters huge existence in a flash, as if must swallow the world to be the same, in in the air is revolving slowly, blooms radiantly brilliance. 这灵炉出现之后,立刻迎风暴涨,转瞬之间已经化为直径十米的巨大存在,仿佛要吞食天地一般,在空中缓缓旋转着,绽放出璀璨光辉。 Continuously dark golden gas spray from flows, pours into downward, integrates in woof Changxin body. woof Changxin body will start shortly becomes insightful, but actually the change of not any element, but is the entire body starts to turn into the insightful dark golden color. 一缕缕暗金色气雾从其中流淌而出,向下注入,融入到汪常欣的身体之中。汪常欣的身体顷刻间就开始变得通透起来,但却并不是任何元素的变化,而是整个身体都开始变成通透的暗金色。 Is this dominating world spirit furnaces in 12 towerman? The Long Dangdang heart shocks, the flavor of overbearing aura greatly somewhat looking disdainfully world in that dark golden spirit furnace bursts out. A appearance, just like the world core to be the same, is repelling the surrounding all, only has dark golden ray doing abhiseka that the below woof often/common joyful winner it releases. 这就是十二守望者之中的雄霸天下灵炉吗?龙当当心头震撼,那尊暗金色灵炉中迸发出的霸道气息大有几分睥睨天下的味道。只是一出现,就犹如天地核心一般,排斥着周围的一切,唯有下方的汪常欣获得者它所释放出的暗金色光芒灌顶。 This is not any element attribute, but dominates the aggression that the world spirit furnace blooms, but woof often/common is going joyful the achievement, is not the body of element, but is the tyrant body. 这不是任何元素属性,而是雄霸天下灵炉绽放出的霸气,而汪常欣将要成就的,也不是元素之体,而是霸者之体。 woof often/common joyful it stature is very healthy, the height even also wants on the high several points compared with most male students, but at this moment, along with injection of air/Qi of tyrant, her body instead appeared slenderly for several points, the dark golden color that but that whole body sent out, actually an extremely dangerous feeling, the long hair fell following the cheek by, although sat cross-legged to sit there, actually a palatial feeling. 汪常欣本身身材就十分健美,身高甚至比大多数男生还要高上几分,而此时此刻,伴随着霸者之气的注入,她的身体反而显得纤细了几分似的,但那全身散发出的暗金色,却给人一种极度危险的感觉,长发顺着面颊两侧滑落,虽然只是盘膝坐在那里,却给人一种巍峨的感觉。 Long Dangdang is faintly clear, this process, seems like woof Changxin to start with that to dominate the process of the world spirit furnace completely fusion. Yes, she must fuse with this spirit furnace finally completely. Previously were most borrows the strength of spirit furnace, but at this time, is actually the spirit furnace to her true approval. 龙当当隐隐明白,这个过程,似乎是汪常欣开始与那雄霸天下灵炉完全融合的过程。是的,她终于要与这尊灵炉完全融合了。先前最多只是借用一点灵炉的力量,而此时,却是灵炉对她的真正认可。 Seven steps fight the king, tyrant woof Changxin! 七阶战王,霸者汪常欣! Seemed like came under the influence of tyrant aura, not far away also started to have the change in the peach numerous of breakthrough similarly, his change wanted natural many on the other hand. In him behind, has completed the town/subdues demon tree that takes root to start the rapid-growth, each branch blooms the deep green brilliance, leaves of light gates, are glittering around the peach numerous body indistinctly, the aura that on the town/subdues demon tree lends seemed like received aura influence that dominated the world spirit furnace, became great, surrounding dark element when contacting town/subdues demon tree, will collapse unexpectedly directly. But town/subdues demon tree as if in absorbing dark elements of these collapses since oneself main body , the deep green color starts to develop to the dark green. 似乎是受到了霸者气息的影响,不远处同样在突破的桃林林也开始出现了变化,他的变化相对来说就要自然的多。在他身后,早已完成扎根的镇魔树开始快速生长,每一根枝条都绽放出碧绿的光彩,一扇扇光门,在桃林林身体周围影影绰绰的闪烁着,镇魔树上散发出的气息似乎是受到了雄霸天下灵炉的气息影响,变得宏大起来,周围的暗元素在接触到镇魔树附近时,竟然会直接自行崩溃。而镇魔树似乎就是在吸收着这些崩溃的暗元素进入自己本体之中,碧绿的颜色开始向墨绿色发展。 On the peach numerous, is starts to release the rich life aura. His element body, is in itself the body of life, has him of department of botany life summon beast, had also started the transformation in this moment. The branches of town/subdues demon tree illusory drill into his body, around the peach numerous body glitter are flashing on and off the uncertain light gate to start to the green to start to change. 桃林林身上,更是开始释放出浓郁的生命气息。他的元素体,本身就是生命之体,拥有植物系本命召唤兽的他,在这一刻也已经开始了蜕变。镇魔树的一根根枝条虚幻般钻入他的身体,桃林林身体周围闪烁着明灭不定的光门全都开始向绿色开始变化。 Seven steps of summon, compare in other occupations even can be said as more important, because of them of seven steps, can truly have enough spirit strength summon continuously more summon beasts, in the meantime, the summon masters of seven steps, can fix oneself main attack summon direction truly, rather than anything can summon. Seemed like restricted, but in fact, only then after entering this level, the quality of summon can leap, truly became unusual. 召唤师的七阶,相比于其他职业甚至可以说是更加重要,因为七阶的他们,才能真正拥有足够的灵力源源不绝的召唤出更多的召唤兽,同时,七阶的召唤师,才真正能够固定自己的主攻召唤方向,而不是什么都能召唤。看上去是受到了限制,但实际上,只有进入这个层次之后,召唤的质量才能有所飞跃,真正变得与众不同。 Yes, his also seven steps, defended cloud Kaijian bright moonlight. 是的,他也七阶了,守的云开见明月。 Seven steps direct the master spirit, the town/subdues demon peach numerous. 七阶灵引师,镇魔桃林林。 The breakthroughs of three partners, on the Long Dangdang face reveal the heartfelt smile shortly, was happy for them, is also encouraging itself in the heart secretly, seven steps, are quicker come! 眼看着三位伙伴的突破,龙当当脸上流露出由衷的微笑,为他们高兴,同时也在心中暗暗激励着自己,七阶,快些来吧! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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