SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#281: The big devil, is the treasure

The Chapter 281 big devil, is the treasure 第281章大恶魔,都是宝 Eight step big devils in this flicker even are somewhat absent-minded, when touching of abyss falls on it, it has not felt what pain, but felt instantaneously somewhat void, as if has a specially comfortable world to make him probably before him invest resembles. But he previously that crazy war aiming at this flickered to be swallowed unexpectedly. 八阶大恶魔在这一瞬甚至是有些恍惚的,当深渊之触落在它身上的时候,它并没有感受到什么痛苦,只是瞬间感觉到有些空虚,仿佛在他面前有一个特别舒适的世界让他要投入其中似的。而他先前那疯狂的战意在这一瞬竟然都被吞噬走了许多。 Arrived fourth-order Yuan whorl spirit furnace, swallowed already, not only vitality and spirit strength, even the willpower and soul strength are its a part of swallowing. 到了四阶的元涡灵炉,吞噬的就已经不只是生命力和灵力,甚至连意志力和灵魂之力都是其吞噬的一部分。 Even Long Dangdang saw that this somewhat shocked, did the hell flame of Kong Kong this Yuan whorl spirit furnace big devil give the lane to extinguish continually? A little fierce! 龙当当看到这一幕都有些震惊了,空空这元涡灵炉连大恶魔的地狱火焰都给弄灭了吗?有点猛啊! He will certainly not let up such good opportunity, while the big devil presents short sluggish, behind Long Dangdang, a red lotus flower was in full bloom instantaneously, fills the air/Qi of dense slaughtering to erupt instantaneously, Asura red lotus sword air/Qi in in the air fused overlapping in together, jumped along with Long Dangdang, is unites with his body sword instantaneously. 他当然不会放过这么好的机会,在大恶魔出现短暂迟滞的同时,龙当当背后,一朵红色莲花瞬间盛开,充满了森然的杀戮之气瞬间爆发,一道道修罗红莲剑气在空中层层叠叠融合在一起,伴随着龙当当腾身而起,已是瞬间与他身剑合一。 Since these months, Long Dangdang may, not only cultivates the spirit strength merely, he also conducted the conformity and cultivation while this period of time the ability that the present had, particularly the abilities of several big wisdom spirit furnaces, basically grasped. 这几个月以来,龙当当可不只是仅仅修炼灵力,他也趁着这段时间将自己现在所拥有的能力进行了整合、修炼,尤其是几大智慧灵炉的能力,更是基本掌握了。 The Asura red lotus spirit furnace is the terrifying when in the 10 th two towermen the lord slaughters exists, its ability only has one, attacks, the pure attack, has the attack of air/Qi of incomparable slaughtering. Although now broken lost the wisdom, but the air/Qi of that destroying the hardest defenses slaughtering actually also. Uses its time, murderous aura heavily, is unprecedented, the prestige that it can erupt can be the terrifying. 修罗红莲灵炉乃是当初十二守望者之中主杀戮的恐怖存在,它的能力就只有一个,就是攻击,纯粹的攻击,带着无比杀戮之气的攻击。虽然现在已经残破的失去了智慧,但那股无坚不摧的杀戮之气却还在。使用它的时候,杀气越重,越是一往无前,它所能爆发出的威能就越是恐怖。 At the beginning of silver wave magic is glittering the Saint sword ray had been exaggerated the blood-color by that Asura red lotus at this time, the blood-color Saint sword from bottom to top, actually served as contrast Long Dangdang to be many wiped the blood-color monster different slaughtering aura. 银浪魔法之初闪烁着的圣剑光芒此时已经被那修罗红莲渲染成了血色,血色圣剑由下而上,却衬托着龙当当多了一抹血色妖异的杀戮气息。 Works as-” fierce bellow in in the air crack. Long Dangdang flying upside down returns, Asura red lotus sword air/Qi surround around his body cut the strength that the big devil is erupting crazily, but the big devil is actually the whole body glitters the red light to fly to draw back similarly backward. At this time it only thought that extremely sharp aura brings the air/Qi of slaughtering made its palpitation attacked, the discomfort that could not say in within the body vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. “当-”剧烈的轰鸣声在空中炸响。龙当当倒飞而回,一道道修罗红莲剑气环绕在他身体周围疯狂切割着大恶魔爆发的力量,而大恶魔却是全身闪烁着红光同样是向后飞退。此时它只觉得那一股股极其锋锐的气息带着令它心悸的杀戮之气在体内纵横冲击,说不出的难受。 Long Dangdang took cultivating of six step peaks as to strike to repel the big devils of eight steps, although had in the situation of Long Kongkong help, other partners who actually looked at as before looked askance. This is a little as if strong! That is eight steps! Moreover seems like the big devil to suffer a loss, Long Dangdang fell in good condition. 龙当当以六阶巅峰的修为一击击退了八阶的大恶魔,虽然是有龙空空帮助的情况下,却依旧看的其他伙伴们为之侧目。这似乎有点强啊!那可是八阶啊!而且看上去还是大恶魔吃了亏似的,龙当当好端端的落了下来。 Six steps and eight steps, the disparity between this is truly enormous. But Long Dangdang had been close to seven steps, what is more important, don't forget, he displayed the strengths of two big wisdom spirit furnaces simultaneously! In addition the Long Kongkong Yuan whorl spirit furnace and god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, the strength overlay two brothers of four big spirit furnaces, eight step big devils are no doubt powerful, but is not irresistible. 六阶和八阶,这之间的差距确实是极大的。但龙当当本身就已经接近了七阶,更重要的是,别忘了,他可是同时施展了两大智慧灵炉的力量啊!再加上龙空空的元涡灵炉与神祈屿桐灵炉,四大灵炉的力量叠加他们兄弟俩,八阶大恶魔固然强大但也并不是不可抵挡。 Another side, others have begun, welcome eight seven step big devils. Kept off all enemies, escorts for the ice Monroe's breakthrough. 另一边,其他人也已经同时动手,迎上了八名七阶大恶魔。将所有的敌人都挡了下来,为凌梦露的突破保驾护航。 Although they usually also compare notes, but does not seem like this life and death fight after all, at this time the people not only do not have timid of least bit, instead has a stimulated feeling. 他们平时虽然也切磋但毕竟不像是这种生死搏斗,此时众人不但没有半点的胆怯,反而都有种亢奋的感觉。 Long Dangdang five clone, blocked five seven step big devils outrageously. This point, he in the contemporaries absolutely is the first knight. His main body and clone simultaneously the shared ontology spirit strength, normally, how long this degree of fight definitely could not insist, but could not support has to imitate Lingbao! The spirit strength that Long Kongkong shares continuously, their brothers cultivate/repair to now almost equally, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace Gundam/reaches as high as fourth-order, the spirit strength that swallows goes far beyond Long Dangdang to consume now. 龙当当的五个分身,悍然挡住了五名七阶大恶魔。只是这一点,他在同龄人中就绝对是第一骑士。他的本体和分身同时共享本体的灵力,正常情况下,这种程度的战斗肯定是坚持不了多久的,但架不住身边有个充灵宝啊!龙空空分摊过来的灵力源源不绝,现在他们兄弟修为几乎相等,元涡灵炉高达四阶,吞噬来的灵力远远超过龙当当现在消耗的。 Long Dangdang heart minute/share of multipurpose, his law of these months imaginary heart losing concentration also has the considerable progress, although could not have achieved several clone definitely to operate independently, but integrated control. Is resisting the attacks of several big devils reluctantly, at least blocks temporarily no issue them. 龙当当心分多用,他的幻心分神之法这几个月也有着长足的进步,虽然还做不到几个分身完全能够各自为战,但整体控制还是可以的。勉强抵挡着几名大恶魔的攻击,至少将它们挡住暂时没什么问题。 In order to reduced control as far as possible, and can obtain enough powerful striking power, Long Dangdang clone to use a high-end skill of disciplinary punishment knight by five from the beginning. This is he hides away the middle school from the knight temple, once thinks controlled the knight temple to slaughter with the god of disciplinary punishment prints the powerful knight of throne to create. Named fights to kill the spin round sword. 为了能够尽可能的减少控制,并且能够获得足够强悍的攻击力,龙当当让自己的五个分身从一开始就用出了一个惩戒骑士的高端技巧。这是他从骑士圣殿秘藏之中学来的,是曾经以为掌控了骑士圣殿杀戮与惩戒之神印王座的强大骑士所创。名为斗杀旋圆剑。 Five clone to grasp the heavy sword figure super revolving respectively, just like five groups to release the different attribute hurricanes to be the same, five big devils of oppression retreat in defeat again and again, has to use the powerful offensives of consumption massive spirit strength continually, can resist reluctantly. 五个分身各自手持重剑身形高速旋转,犹如五团释放着不同属性的飓风一般,压迫的五名大恶魔节节败退,不得不持续使用消耗大量灵力的强大攻击,才能勉强抵抗。 The red armor rice Land Dragon also blocked a big devil, although quick has been scarred, but is relying on the powerful body and spirit, the big devil wants to strike to kill it is not an easy matter. 赤甲地龙也挡住了一名大恶魔,虽然很快就已经是伤痕累累,但凭借着强悍的体魄,大恶魔想要将它击杀也不是一件容易的事情。 The summon of peach numerous is still continuing, doors of the summon open unceasingly, fifth-order runs out of some, the demon beasts of six steps, these demon beast individual strengths are not anything, but the quantity is actually more and more, is the red armor rice Land Dragon escorts at the same time, but can also other harassment big devils of certain extent. 桃林林的召唤还在继续,一扇扇召唤之门不断开启,从中冲出一些五阶、六阶的魔兽,这些魔兽个体实力不算什么,但数量却是越来越多,为赤甲地龙保驾护航的同时,还能一定程度的骚扰其他大恶魔。 Ocean nighttide quiet appearance side a big devil, stealth surprise attack, although cannot the earliest possible time succeed, but the wound the opposite party, is actually relying on the attack of high-speed high-frequency, is hits with seven step big devils dramatically. 溟汐悄无声息的出现在一名大恶魔身边,隐身突袭虽然没能第一时间就成功,但却还是创伤了对方,凭借着高速高频率的攻击,与一名七阶大恶魔也算是打的有声有色。 In the battlefield forms the oppression advantage was only woof Changxin, woof Changxin grasped Tyrant Tianchui, has gathered the mallet that the potential finished outrageously, shook with seven step big devils continuously hardly seven times, broke by smashing with stone its middle outrageously, is the opposite party of suppression retreats in defeat again and again, achievement was only the time issue. 战场上唯一形成压迫优势的就是汪常欣了,汪常欣手持霸天槌,早就已经蓄势完毕的大槌悍然而出,连续与一名七阶大恶魔硬撼七次,悍然将其中间砸断,已是压制的对方节节败退,获胜只是时间问题而已。 The lunar motion takes the rear, defends before the ice Monroe body, the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace ray twinkle, iced the lance of thunder to prepare to finish, her vision has swept, finally designated that big devil that the red armor rice Land Dragon faced, because this was most does not need a direction that was worried about to accidentally injure. 月离作为大后方,守在凌梦露身前,日月同辉灵炉光芒闪烁,冰雷之矛已经准备完毕,她的目光扫过,最终选定了赤甲地龙面对的那头大恶魔,因为这是最不需要担心误伤的一个方向。 Shoots along with flying that just like the blue-purple thunder bursts out together, that big devil by the red armor rice Land Dragon is the head many only summoned the beast to tie down, did not have to hide, struck the heavy losses. The battlefield direction started to incline instantaneously. 伴随着犹如一道蓝紫色雷霆迸发的飞射,那名大恶魔被赤甲地龙为首的多只召唤兽缠住,根本无所遁形,一击重创。战场的方向瞬间就开始倾斜了。 Before arrived at this pass/test each time, regarding Long Dangdang them is quite thrilling, but this time obviously was different, pure hard shook, they actually blocked the so powerful enemy, can only prove was, their present strengths are today we are no longer as we have been. 以前每次到了这关的时候,对于龙当当他们来说都是相当惊险的,但这次却明显不一样了,纯粹的硬撼,他们却挡住了如此强悍的敌人,唯一能够证明的就是,他们现在的实力已是今非昔比。 Eight step big devils had put together several with Long Dangdang hardly, its has reached the spirit astral's powerful strength obviously, opponent who in addition the attribute increase of devil clan, cannot suppress that also less than six steps. Whenever its spirit astral erupts will affect will strengthen instantaneously in suction, making it present the moment the void, then kept off by Long Dangdang, those who will make it be somewhat hard to accept, after the collision, own dark attribute cannot have the too tremendous impact on the opponent, instead will be the opposite party permeates within the body the air/Qi of slaughtering to have the enormous impact on oneself, that sharp incomparable slaughtering aura will attack in own within the body vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, is not only affecting own spirit strength, even the mental will come under the influence of air/Qi of slaughtering to start becomes chaotic. 八阶大恶魔已经和龙当当硬拼了好几下了,它那明明已经达到了灵罡的强悍力量,再加上自身恶魔族的属性增幅,却怎么也压制不住那还不到六阶的对手。每当它灵罡爆发的时候作用在身上的吸力就会瞬间增强一下,让它出现片刻的空虚,然后就被龙当当挡了回来,更让它有些难以接受的是,在碰撞之后,自己的黑暗属性并不能给对手造成太大的影响,反而是对方渗入自己体内的杀戮之气对自己产生着极大的影响,那锋锐无比的杀戮气息在自己体内纵横冲击,不但影响着自身的灵力,甚至连精神意志都受到杀戮之气的影响开始变得混乱起来。 The big devil understands, truly has a bigger threat to oneself, is actually behind that fellow. The strength of that spirit furnace was really powerful, was the time of such a while, oneself at least have 15% spirit strength to be swallowed by it, so long as the time were long, under was in inverse proportion, must be finished. 大恶魔明白,对自己真正有着更大威胁的,其实是后面的那个家伙。那灵炉的力量实在是太强悍了,就是这么一会儿的工夫,自己至少已经有15%的灵力被它吞噬走了,只要时间再长一点,此消彼长之下,就要完蛋。 What it is not clear, why this small human can actually swallow oneself such many spirit strength, won't it be supported to explode? 它不明白的是,为什么这小小的人类竟然能够吞噬自己如此之多的灵力,它就不会被撑爆了吗? Behind the big devil the wing of huge devil opens, swallows to absorb the darkness and fire in two types of elements air, but it swallows the speed of absorption, how not to have the speed that consume to be quicker, the weak feeling that the impact of air/Qi of slaughtering, has gradually, making its eye start flood to be red gradually. 大恶魔背后巨大的恶魔之翼张开,吞噬吸收着空气中的黑暗与火两种元素,但它吞噬吸收的速度,却怎么都没有自身消耗的速度更快,杀戮之气的冲击,渐渐出现的虚弱感,让它的眼睛渐渐开始泛红起来。 In this time, not far away, suddenly bang, a startled day arrogance erupts. 正在这时,不远处,突然“轰”的一声,一股惊天气焰爆发开来。 Long Kongkong has been paying attention to the audience, his Yuan whorl spirit furnace after strengthening to fourth-order, touching of abyss may, not only affects on front eight step big devil one, quiet branches out some branches, falls on other big devils, although has not fallen on eight step big devils this is so together strong, but also continuously continuous is conducting swallowing. 龙空空一直都在关注着全场,他的元涡灵炉在增强到四阶之后,深渊之触可不只是作用在面前的八阶大恶魔一个身上,同时也悄无声息的分出一些分支,落在其他大恶魔身上,虽然没有落在八阶大恶魔身上的这一道这么强,但也还是一直都在持续不断的进行着吞噬。 At this time, suddenly erupts the startled day arrogance, was iced that big devil of lance of hit thunder, in feeling the situation of own life crisis, it erupted instantaneously, the day demon disintegration big law reappears the human world. 此时,突然爆发出惊天气焰的,正是被冰雷之矛命中的那头大恶魔,在感受到自身生命危机的情况下,它瞬间就爆发了,天魔解体大法重现人间。 Before conducting the travel of this demon boundary, the people have completed the thorough plan. And, at present this closes is most important. 在进行本次魔境之旅前,众人就已经做好了周密的计划。其中,眼前这一关就是最为重要的。 The big devils and front these demon clans are different, they are the true high rank demon clans, itself besides talent skill, but also has the strong eruption ability and resilience. But this can take to the people without doubt more advantage, making Long Kongkong the strength of swallowing have the opportunity. Therefore, Long Dangdang changes the approach of eruption attack, is only and partners to these big devil dogfights, forcing them to absorb more dark elements, forces their gradual eruptions. Letting Long Kongkong can swallow more advantage, the opportunity that 7000 meritorious services trade, naturally must make the best use of things. 大恶魔和前面那些魔族都不同,它们是真正的高阶魔族,本身除了天赋技能之外,还有着强大的爆发能力、恢复能力。而这无疑能够带给众人更多的好处,让龙空空的吞噬之力更有用武之地。所以,龙当当才一改自己爆发式攻击的做法,只是和伙伴们对这些大恶魔进行缠斗,逼迫它们吸收更多的暗元素,也逼迫它们逐步的爆发。让龙空空能够吞噬到更多的好处,七千功勋换来的机会,当然要物尽其用了。 At this time, the largest devil chose the eruption attack of day of demon disintegration, Long Kongkong adjusts touching of own abyss immediately, originally function on eight step big devils shifted most together instantaneously, falls that side the day of demon disintegration. 此时,第一只大恶魔选择了天魔解体的爆发式攻击,龙空空立刻就调整了自己的深渊之触,原本作用在八阶大恶魔身上的最强一道瞬间转向,落在了天魔解体那边。 When seven step big devil use so dense laws erupt, even can be eight steps temporarily the degrees, its body looks like the furnace to be common, the stimulation is burning the devil clan bloodlines at the same time , the element whorl spirit furnace is a little same, dark element and hot element in large scale swallowing absorption air, thus achieves to jump the ranks the goal of eruption. Can this technique be lasting, but erupts time, actually really powerful. 七阶大恶魔使用如此密法爆发时,甚至可以临时达到八阶的程度,它的身体就像是熔炉一般,激发燃烧着自身恶魔族血脉的同时,也有点像元涡灵炉一样,大幅度的吞噬吸收空气中的暗元素和火元素,从而达到越级爆发的目的。这个技能不能持久,但爆发的时候,却是真的强大。 What a pity, it faces at this moment, was Long Kongkong has actually achieved the fourth-order Yuan whorl spirit furnace. 可惜,它此时此刻面对的,却是龙空空已经达到了四阶的元涡灵炉。 It was just similar to the furnace of ignition to start to erupt generally, affects in suction also rises dramatically, then condenses the energy of coming through the day demon disintegration, divulges significantly, lets it in the severely wounded situation, that eruption stopped suddenly. The surrounding summon beast advanced uninterruptedly, blocked its way. Although also rose spiritedly odd/surplus Yongji to kill several heads by it, but it actually cannot from summoning the beast group eventually to/clashes, huge energy that the day demon disintegration brings by unceasing swallowing absorption. 它这边才刚刚如同点燃的熔炉一般开始爆发,作用在身上的吸力就随之暴增,那通过天魔解体凝聚而来的能量,大幅度宣泄,让它在重伤的情况下,那爆发骤然就停顿了下来。周围的召唤兽前赴后继,挡住了它的去路。虽然也被它奋起余勇击杀了几头,可它却终究没能从召唤兽群中冲出来,天魔解体带来的庞大能量更是被不断的吞噬吸收。 Long Kongkong this little while is crisp! After stimulating touching of abyss, because absorbs the energy of coming to be huge simultaneously, his back moon/month bright sea spirit furnace has appeared the main body, the form of sea had disappeared, only then that lunar white spirit furnace is revolving behind Long Kongkong turning round, revolving at the same time, the spirit furnace is becomes more and more greatly, even the interior also broadcasts the mighty waves turbulent sound, all rivers run into sea is comprehensive opening, regardless of Long Kongkong swallows to absorb many energies, it takes everything, does not waste. 龙空空这会儿爽啊!激发了深渊之触后,因为同时吸收而来的能量过于庞大,以至于他背后的月明沧海灵炉都已经显出本体来,沧海的身影已经消失了,只有那月白色的灵炉在龙空空背后滴溜溜旋转着,旋转的同时,灵炉更是变得越来越大,甚至内部还传来波涛汹涌的声音,海纳百川已是全面开启,无论龙空空吞噬吸收来多少能量,它都照单全收,一点也不浪费。 The smile on Long Dangdang face becomes even more rich, at the beginning of hand Bank of China wave magic this time in the left hand, is driving the point of Asura red lotus unceasingly has prevented front eight step big devils, the right hand Saint shining heart glove is releasing the brilliance of Saint sword unceasingly, he does not use the explosive skill, holds to the opponent, does not make the opponent erupt. Always seems like retreating in defeat again and again, but eight step big devils actually to his direction. 龙当当脸上的笑容变得越发浓郁起来,手中银浪魔法之初此时已经在左手,带动着修罗红莲的锋芒不断的阻挡着面前的八阶大恶魔,右手圣耀之心手套不断释放出圣剑的光辉,他也不用爆发性技能,就是这么粘着对手,也不让对手爆发。总是看上去在节节败退,但八阶大恶魔却就是冲不开他这道方向。 Five clone is also same, fights to kill the spin round sword to look like the barrier, sweeps across and attacks, but actually does not oppress, he does now, does not let all big devils, because feels the crisis to erupt a day of demon to disintegrate simultaneously. The day demon disintegrates this skill, is the wound enemy 1000 damages 800 abilities, once uses, will create the heavy losses that nearly is unable to resume, will endanger life, therefore , these big devils will not unless it is absolutely essential use. Let alone, they are also existences that in the demon boundary virtual comes out, the itself intelligent and true ten thousand years ago devil clan compares is no comparison between them. 五道分身也是一样,斗杀旋圆剑就像是屏障,席卷、冲击,但却并不压迫,他现在做的,就是不让所有大恶魔因为感受到危机同时爆发天魔解体。天魔解体这种技能,是伤敌一千自损八百的能力,一旦使用,就会造成近乎无法恢复的重创,甚至会危及生命,所以,不到万不得已,这些大恶魔也不会使用。更何况,它们也是魔境之中虚拟出来的存在,本身智慧和真正万年前的恶魔族相比是不可同日而语的。 Gradually, largest devil that erupts the day of demon disintegration, the aura gradually became weak, the effect of day demon disintegration has started to sour. But at this time, Long Kongkong instead relaxed to its swallowing, strength of many swallowing will rotate to eight step big devils again, is swallowing his spirit strength, is Long Dangdang shares the pressure. 渐渐的,第一只爆发天魔解体的大恶魔,气息渐渐变得微弱了下来,天魔解体的效果已经开始盛极而衰了。而这个时候,龙空空反而放松了一些对它的吞噬,重新将最多的吞噬之力回转到八阶大恶魔这边,吞噬着他的灵力,为龙当当分摊压力。 In situation that in this entangling fights, all partners is obtaining the spirit strength from Long Kongkong there restore and support continually, does not need to be worried the issue that one consumes, the reserves in moon/month bright sea spirit furnace is rising rapidly, although these have not conducted the spirit strength of transformation, but wins in the huge quantity! 在这种缠战的情况下,所有伙伴都从龙空空那里获得着灵力的持续恢复、支持,根本不需要担心自身消耗的问题,月明沧海灵炉内的储量则是在飞速攀升,虽然这些都还是没有进行过转化的灵力,但胜在数量庞大啊! Bang-” the second dreadful arrogance erupted in this moment, that is in a gulf from the ground erupts, that is woof Changxin opponent, was pounded the big devil of ground by her mallet. “轰-”第二道滔天气焰就在这一刻爆发了,那是从地面上一个深坑中爆发出来的,那是汪常欣的对手,被她一槌砸进地面的大恶魔。 woof Changxin told this seven step big devils with her tyrant day mallet, anything is called, valiant! But Long Kongkong touching of abyss arrives on time, the big devil is the treasure, cannot be few! 汪常欣用她的霸天槌告诉了这只七阶大恶魔,什么叫做,彪悍!而龙空空的深渊之触准时抵达,大恶魔都是宝,一个都不能少! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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