SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#280: Touching of abyss

Touching of Chapter 280 abyss 第280章深渊之触 Initially Long Dangdang had not arrived at six steps time, can through banning copes with these beta flying demons spatially, not to mention now his strength has reached six step peaks, small eight evolution of continuing. Same banned spatially same is also no comparison between them. 当初龙当当还没到六阶的时候,就能通过禁空对付这些贝塔飞魔了,更不用说现在他的实力已经达到了六阶巅峰,小八更是在持续的进化。同样的禁空也一样是不可同日而语了。 In addition this time had ice Monroe , the sacred hammer spirit furnace spirit of epic level equipment coordination shakes continually eight step powerhouses to extinguishing, not to mention was seven steps, even was more scattered, caused heavy losses to the bloodthirsty beta the inner world not to have the issue. Cannot control crashes from the upper air, seven steps are not the gods, in process of crash, because is unable to control itself unable to complete element. That can also good? 加上这次有了凌梦露在,史诗级装备配合的神圣之锤灵炉精神震荡可是连八阶强者对灭过的,更不用说是七阶了,就算是分散一些,重创嗜血贝塔的精神世界也是毫无问题。控制不住从高空坠落,七阶也不是神,更是在坠落的过程中因为无法控制自身而完成不了元素化。那还能好的了? Finally is, this pass/test passed/lived also wants to be shorter than the previous pass/test time, has not taken what effort. 结果就是,这一关过的比上一关用时还要短暂一些,根本就没费什么力气。 Long Kongkong starts to continue to swallow, his prime task is this, but Long Dangdang has ridden slightly eight is falling to the ground. 龙空空开始继续吞噬,他的主要工作就是这个,而龙当当已经骑乘着小八重新落地。 Dragon knight is really good to lead, was too strong.” The ocean nighttide looks at Long Dangdang, in the eye the upending light. “龙骑士真的好帅哦,太强了。”溟汐看着龙当当,眼睛里直放光。 Ling Menglu tunnelled her vision unintentionally, „amn't I graceful?” 凌梦露有意无意的挡住了她的视线,“我不帅吗?” Also leads also to lead.” The ocean nighttide smiles. “也帅也帅的。”溟汐嘿嘿一笑。 Swallows swallows again. Sea storage while is calculating secretly, by these energies that he swallows now, after Long Kongkong transforms, has been able to oneself to supplement that was close to 10,000 spirit strength, this has not ended. According to such speed, own restore that was really just round the corner! This is a how happy matter! 吞噬再吞噬。沧海一边储存一边暗暗计算着,以他现在所吞噬的这些能量,经过龙空空转化之后,已经能够给自己补充接近一万灵力了,这还没完呢。按照这样的速度,自己的修复那真的是指日可待了啊!这是一件多么美好的事情啊! Moreover, the travel of this demon boundary had not finished up. 而且,这魔境之旅还没完事儿呢。 Everyone, on small eight conducts the back.” After Long Kongkong completes swallowed, Long Dangdang immediately calls the partners to arrive at slightly eight to conduct the back. By the small eight present build, has definitely been able to lead them to fly together. “所有人,上小八背上。”当龙空空完成了吞噬之后,龙当当立刻招呼伙伴们来到小八背上。以小八现在的体型,已经完全可以带着他们一起飞行了。 All talents just sat firmly, the small eight bodies turn, is soars to fly. 所有人才刚刚坐稳,小八身体一扭,就已是腾空飞起。 Long Kongkong sits behind Long Dangdang, somewhat stimulated say/way: „Was my can also be the dragon knight? The brother we hits to discuss, later small eight lends me. The critical moment makes me beam with joy.” 龙空空就坐在龙当当背后,有些亢奋的道:“我这是不是也能算是龙骑士了?老哥咱俩打个商量,以后把小八借给我呗。关键时刻让我露露脸。” Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: You did not fear that young eight you throw you to try.” 龙当当没好气的道:“你不怕小八把你扔下去你就试试。” At this time, along with the small eight lift-offs, the new batch of demon clans of distant place has been able to see. 此时,伴随着小八升空,远处的新一批魔族已经能够看到了。 In the ground, the demon eye master regiment is arranging the neat formation to come toward them. Once this intermediate-range attack demon clan formed the regiment rank, the collective attack does not make is playing. 地面上,魔眼术士军团正排列着整齐的队形朝着他们这边而来。这种中远程攻击魔族一旦形成了军团级别,集体攻击可不是闹着玩儿的。 But copes with this demon clan, Long Dangdang the first time was not, was experienced. With the appearance of bird demon regiment, Long Dangdang as before the demon clan that uses the easiest-to-use old repertoire to cope with these two regiment organization systems. Pulls the upper air, the altitude that the demon eye master attack is unable to attain, guiding the bird demon regiment to aim below demon eye master regiment position, finally banned the spatial conclusion. 但对付这种魔族,龙当当也不是第一次了,经验十足。伴随着禽魔军团的出现,龙当当依旧用了最好用的老套路对付这两支军团建制的魔族。拉高到高空,魔眼术士攻击无法企及的高度,引导禽魔军团对准了下方的魔眼术士军团方位,最后禁空收尾。 The bird demon of dropping from the clouds, is similar to the meteorite to crash general, becomes the best attack weapons. The lunar motion made up a wide scope again the attack magic, the fight ended. 从天而降的禽魔,就如同陨石坠落一般,成为了最好的攻击武器。月离再补上一个大范围的攻击魔法,战斗结束。 Two regiments have not even rushed with enough time plant the position of Xia Town demon tree, is scattered about. Then is the wrap-up work. 两支军团甚至都没来得及冲到种下镇魔树的位置,就已经是七零八落。接下来就是收尾工作而已。 „Does one round arrive at the demon god?” Ice Monroe asked to Long Dangdang. “还有一轮才到魔神吧?”凌梦露向龙当当问道。 The people ride slightly eight are falling to the ground, the start that Long Kongkong has bustled about continued to swallow. 众人骑乘着小八重新落地,龙空空已经忙碌的开始继续吞噬了。 Long Dangdang nods should have a group of devil clan powerhouses, then must face the demon god.” 龙当当点了点头“应该是还有一批恶魔族强者,然后就要面对魔神了。” I first broke through.” Ling Menglu smiles. “那我先突破了。”凌梦露嫣然一笑。 Such remarks, the vision of people all fell on her immediately. On the talent, she without doubt is in the people highest one, but she said the breakthrough time actually so relaxed. Regarding all occupation, this is the watershed general breakthrough! But in her opinion, seems only successful. 此言一出,众人的目光顿时全都落在了她身上。论天赋,她无疑是众人之中最高的一个,但她说突破的时候却是如此的轻松。对于所有职业者来说,这可是分水岭一般的突破啊!但在她看来,似乎只是水到渠成而已。 Good, we for you Protector, I will make Kong Kong swallow slow.” Long Dangdang said. “好,我们为伱护法,我会让空空吞噬的慢一点。”龙当当说道。 Good.” Ice Monroe also no longer said that but sits cross-legged to sit down, absorbs spirit strength that the Long Kongkong transmission comes. “好的。”凌梦露也不再多说,而是盘膝坐下,吸收龙空空传递而来的灵力。 The light golden halo surrounds around her body, when each time she cultivates, others will have a feeling, ice Monroe in cultivation just like the buddhist image to be dignified, even if in this does not have in the light element world, her brilliance has also never been weaken. 淡淡的金色光晕环绕在她身体周围,每次当她修炼的时候,其他人都会有种感觉,修炼中的凌梦露犹如宝相庄严,哪怕是在这没有光元素的世界之中,她身上的光辉也从未减弱过。 The pure and gentle element light/only surrounds around the ice Monroe body, before her body, the ray flashes, the bright angel spirit furnace has flown to swing. The gentle golden color sprinkles brilliance, bathes on ice Monroe, added several points of sacred color for her. 纯净而柔和的光元素环绕在凌梦露身体周围,在她身前,光芒一闪,光明天使灵炉就已经飞荡了出来。柔和的金色光辉洒落,沐浴在凌梦露身上,为她更加增添了几分神圣的色彩。 What stranger is, in this does not have in the light element world obviously, the sky as if split a slit, the gentle white halo from in the air sprinkles, arrives slowly on ice Monroe, slight, but actually delightful buzz the whining noise also starts to appear. 更为奇异的是,在这明明没有光元素的世界之中,天空似乎裂开了一道缝隙,柔和的白色光晕从空中洒落,缓缓降临在凌梦露身上,轻微但却悦耳的嗡鸣声随之开始出现。 Long Kongkong feels immediately that side ice Monroe absorbed him to filter the energy the speed to start to speed up, the gentle light element shuttled back and forth on her, but that buzz the whining noise started to strengthen continually. 龙空空顿时感觉到,凌梦露那边吸收他过滤能量的速度开始加快了,柔和的光元素在她身上穿梭,而那嗡鸣声更是开始持续增强。 Hymn? Is this hymn?” Peach numerous surprised saying. “圣歌?这是圣歌?”桃林林惊讶的说道。 Has had a legend in the pastor temple, truly by the pastor who the god of light approves, when breaks through nine steps, will have the big angel to arrive for its blessing, will have the hymn to congratulate for it resonantly. 在牧师圣殿一直有个传说,真正被光明之神认可的牧师,在突破九阶的时候,会有大天使降临为其祝福,会有圣歌嘹亮为其恭贺。 But can attract this two's nine step powerhouses truly, in the pastor temple also living in saint also less than a palm. But at this moment, ice Monroe breaks through seven steps! How to have the hymn to make a sound? 但真正能够引来这二者的九阶强者,在牧师圣殿还活着的圣者之中还不足一掌。而此时此刻,凌梦露才只是突破七阶啊!怎么就会有圣歌响起来了呢? The gentle hymn starts becomes getting more and more resonant, sprinkled the white Saint light that also to start from the sky becomes more and more rich, as if that spanned the potential surface light, even if in the dark world, must shine on her body as before. 柔和的圣歌开始变得越来越嘹亮起来,从天空中洒落的白色圣光也开始变得越来越浓郁了,仿佛那是跨越了位面的光明,哪怕是在黑暗的世界之中,也依旧要照耀在她的身上。 Hunts for the demon group headquarters. 猎魔团总部。 Demon boundary that side monitoring found, demon domestic energy drains massively, the outflow speed is not normal.” “魔境那边的监控发现,魔境内的能量大量流失,流失速度非常不正常。” That makes them continue the deposited energy and that's the end. Isn't the having mystical powers crystal support?” “那让他们持续注入能量就是了。不是有灵晶支持么?” Was pouring into, the speed of but consuming is still quick, is completely not the normal rapidness.” “在注入了,但消耗的速度依旧很快,完全是不正常的快。” How many people currently in the demon boundary has informed and experienced in?” “现在魔境之中有多少人在历练?” Probably only then hunts for the demon group, I look, is 19,115,897 hunts for the demon group, the general officer level.” “好像只有一支猎魔团在,我看一下,是一九一一五八九七猎魔团,将级。” Long Kongkong and ice Monroe their? What did they do? Will cause rapidness that such energy drains?” 龙空空、凌梦露他们那支呗?他们干了什么?会导致能量流失的这么快?” Concrete is not clear, after must wait for them to come out, can inquire. Now what to do?” “具体不清楚,要等他们出来之后才能询问了。现在怎么办?” additional a number of spirit crystals maintained the demon boundary again in the past. Does the degree that now they consume and how many compare to miss normally?” “再加一批灵晶过去维护魔境。现在他们消耗的程度和正常相比差多少?” Missed seven times.” “差七倍了。” What? This is impossible. Can they absorb the spirit strength to be inadequate from the demon boundary directly? Even if demon boundary inside demon clan were struck to kill, the energy will still return to the potential surface, next time again birth demon clan.” “什么?这不可能。难道他们能从魔境之中直接汲取灵力不成?魔境里面的魔族就算是被击杀了,能量也都会回归位面本身,下一次重新诞生魔族。” Concrete is not clear, but before this situation , has probably also happened, but does not have this time is so serious. When I check previous time to have such situation am.” “具体不清楚,但这种情况之前好像也发生过,只是没这次这么严重。我查一下上次出现这样的情况是什么时候。” No matter how said, first supports the demon boundary to be stable. Cannot make the demon boundary damage.” “不管怎么说,先支持魔境稳固。绝不能让魔境有所破损。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… Demon eye master regiment and bird demon regiment quickly swallowed was similar. But the attention of people actually all in that resonant hymn. 魔眼术士军团和禽魔军团很快就被吞噬的差不多了。但众人的注意力却全都在那嘹亮的圣歌之中。 The Saint light of dropping from the clouds, has turned into the diameter to have ten meters white light beam fully, this light beam meets the day continually, what stranger is, regarding around the light beam, many cute pure white angels in in the air is dancing lightly. 从天而降的圣光,已经变成了直径足有十米的白色光柱,这光柱接天连地,更为奇异的是,围绕在光柱周围,有许许多多可爱的洁白天使正在空中翩翩起舞。 Except for the lunar motion, others are the talent students who the spirit furnace school graduates, the thing that the spirit furnace school can learn be much more than general college, but they never had also heard similarly has the pastor, when will break through seven steps to present such scene. 除了月离,其他人都是灵炉学院毕业的天才学员,灵炉学院能够学到的东西要比普通学院多得多,但他们也同样从未听说过有牧师在突破七阶的时候会出现这样的景象。 Breaks through seven steps, body element, although will have some obvious changes, may not have such big weaponry? This some were also too exaggerating. 突破七阶,身体元素化,虽然会有一些明显的变化,可也没有这么大阵仗的吧?这也有些太夸张了。 What to do, Brother. Here may swallow was similar.” Long Kongkong said to Long Dangdang. “咋办,老哥。我这儿可吞噬的差不多了。”龙空空龙当当说道。 Ling Menglu breaks through seven steps the time obviously to be longer than the people imagination, seems like has not known how long wants. But that side Long Kongkong swallows to complete, the follow-up attack will arrive. 凌梦露突破七阶的时间明显比众人想象中要长,看起来还不知道要多久。但龙空空那边吞噬完成,后续的攻击就会到来。 Long Dangdang remembered ice Monroe to the words that he asked that in the heart has understood a moment ago anything, said: All right, the following devil clan we copes. Do not affect Monroe breaks through. Everyone standing by.” 龙当当想起刚才凌梦露向他问的话,心中已经明白了一些什么,道:“没事,后面的恶魔族我们来对付。不要影响到梦露突破。大家准备战斗吧。” Initially only then he and Long Kongkong time can face the devil clan, let alone now also some so many partners. 当初只有他和龙空空的时候都能面对恶魔族,更别说现在还有这么多伙伴呢。 The peach numerous and lunar motion start to prepare the incantation, others are also ready in full battle array. 桃林林和月离开始准备咒语,其他人也是严阵以待。 Was swallowed along with a life energy of later bird demon completely, the distant place, big forms started to appear. 伴随着之后一只禽魔的生命能量被吞噬殆尽,远处,一道道高大的身影开始出现了。 That is tall and sturdy existences. The speed that they seemingly march forward is not fast, but when they appear, oppression strength that in the air brings, is the previous demon clan regiment is actually not able to compare. 那是一名名身材魁伟的存在。它们看上去行进的速度并不快,但当它们出现的时候,空气中所带来的压迫力,却是先前的魔族军团都无法比拟的。 Their bodies are burning the dark-red brilliance, the back has a pair of giant wing, the body best pupil is about six meters, was one, the height exceeded eight meters. Altogether nine, all are aura extremely exuberant existences. 它们的身上燃烧着暗红色的光焰,背后有着一双巨大的翅膀,身高足有六米开外,为首一名,身高更是超过了八米。一共九名,无不是气息极其旺盛的存在。 The most central that big devil, the height is over eight meters, just like general that walks from the flame hell, eight steps! 最中央的那名大恶魔,身高更是超过八米,犹如从火焰地狱之中走出来的一般,八阶! Each time to this pass/test, is not relaxed. Especially that eight step big devils are very difficult to deal with existences. 每次到这一关的时候,都不轻松。尤其是那八阶大恶魔是非常难对付的存在。 In this time, a leaf is glittering the dark golden light gate to reappear side the people quietly, along with low and deep roaring, the powerful form had walked from inside together. 正在这时,一扇闪烁着暗金色的光门在众人侧面悄然浮现,伴随着一声低沉的咆哮,一道强悍的身影已经从里面走了出来。 This form somewhat is familiar regarding the people, seven steps, red armor rice Land Dragon. 这道身影对于众人来说都有些熟悉,七阶,赤甲地龙。 But this red armor rice Land Dragon obviously was not once that only, once was near that only dead in battle, but after this actually cultivated/repaired to reach six step peaks, demon beast that the peach numerous can summon. 但这只赤甲地龙显然不是曾经的那只了,曾近那只已经阵亡,而这却是修为达到六阶巅峰之后,桃林林能够召唤出来的魔兽。 In red armor rice dragon mouth is sending out low and deep roaring, at its strength, opposite seven step big devils is not possibly able to defeat, but it wins in the skin coarse meat is thick, shoulders the attack of some time big devil to have no issue. 赤甲地龙口中发出着低沉的咆哮,以它的力量,可能一只对面的七阶大恶魔都无法战胜,但它胜在皮糙肉厚,扛住一段时间大恶魔的攻击还是没什么问题的。 The form of ocean nighttide had disappeared, entered the invisible condition. 溟汐的身影已经消失了,进入了隐形状态。 Long Dangdang sinking sound said: Eight step that give me and Kong Kong, other gave everyone.” At the same time saying, he already gradually stand forth, in the process that he leads the way, strange appeared. 龙当当沉声道:“八阶那个交给我和空空,其他的交给大家了。”一边说着,他已经缓步向前走去,在他前行的过程中,奇异的一幕出现了。 Behind Long Dangdang, just like the remnant shadow is ordinary, left behind forms, but that form actually rapid congealing realities, turned into real person general existence. In their hands has the knight swords of two spirit demon levels respectively, this is as of late Long Dangdang is joined. Altogether five form and woof often/common stand joyful shoulder to shoulder. 龙当当背后,犹如残影一般,留下了一道道身影,但那一道道身影却迅速凝实,变成了真人一般的存在。他们手中各自有两柄灵魔级的骑士剑,这是最近这段时间龙当当才配上的。一共五道身影与汪常欣并肩而立。 Five Long Dangdang clone, in addition woof Changxin, peach numerous and ocean nighttide, what resistance is eight seven step big devils. But the big devil of central that eight step, the Long Dangdang main body adds on Long Kongkong to face together. 五个龙当当分身,加上汪常欣、桃林林、溟汐,对抗的正是八名七阶大恶魔。而中央那八阶的大恶魔,龙当当本体加上龙空空共同面对。 At this moment, opposite nine big devil almost opens the back pair of wings to accelerate simultaneously suddenly, directly soars the direction of people to clash. 就在这时,对面的九名大恶魔几乎是同时张开背后的双翼骤然加速,直奔众人的方向冲来。 Before facing this pass/test, Long Dangdang must rack brains to resist with various tactics, but this time, he did not have, direct selection upfront hardly just. 以前在面对这一关的时候,龙当当都要绞尽脑汁用各种战术来对抗,但这一次,他却没有,直接选择了正面硬刚。 The Long Kongkong under foot slippery step, the back spirit wing opens, follows close on Long Dangdang behind, small eight had not been summoned. The two brothers face directly eight steps. 龙空空脚下滑步,背后灵翼张开,紧跟在龙当当身后,小八并没有被召唤出来。兄弟二人直面八阶。 Distance of both sides pulls closer rapidly, the Long Dangdang chest front white light flashes, the Saint directed the ray of spirit furnace to connect instantaneously on the body of that eight step big devils. 双方的距离迅速拉近,龙当当胸前白光一闪,圣引灵炉的光芒就已经瞬间连接在了那八阶大恶魔的身上。 In the big devil eye is glittering the savage ray, the back pair of wings flaps the next quarter suddenly, it has one type as if to the surrounding dark energy squeeze the general powerful imposing manner to soar completely, own dark strength pours into the heavy sword instantaneously, shortly, in a surrounding area kilometer range, all dark strength will condense to go to its heavy sword completely, face directly the Long Dangdang overhead to cut to fall. 大恶魔眼中闪烁着凶残的光芒,背后双翼猛然拍动下一刻,它带着一种仿佛要将周围黑暗能量全部压榨出来一般的强盛气势腾空而起,自身的黑暗之力瞬间注入到手中重剑之中,顷刻之间,方圆千米范围内,所有的黑暗之力全部向它那重剑凝聚而去,直面龙当当当头斩落。 The chaos law stick in Long Dangdang hand changed into at the beginning of the silver wave magic, facing so powerful strikes him startled actually not slightly. The dantian place, a white halo, in the air seems to be also reverberating floating that soft glutinous and neuter sound, don't...... noisy......” 龙当当手中的混沌法杖换成了银浪魔法之初,面对如此强悍的一击他却没有丝毫惊慌。丹田处,一层白色光晕飘然而出,空气中似乎还回荡着那软软糯糯、不男不女的声音,“别……闹……” Airborne cuts the dark strength that falls almost instantaneously becomes slow, all slowed down, even if this big devil is eight step powerhouses, facing swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly, must decelerate. 空中斩落的黑暗之力几乎是瞬间就变得迟缓起来,所有的一切都变慢了许多,哪怕这大恶魔是八阶强者,面对轻吞慢吐灵炉,也要减速。 Behind Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong chest front golden light flashes, as if had anything to flood into his chest, the next quarter, enlarged in the dark blue halo of his chest place suddenly, changed into the light wheel to appear after his brain directly , the dark blue ray had crossed Long Dangdang together, covered on eight step big devils directly. 龙当当背后,龙空空胸前金光一闪,仿佛有什么东西涌入了他的胸膛似的,下一刻,原本在他胸口处的暗蓝色光环骤然放大,直接化为光轮出现在他脑后,紧接着,一道暗蓝色光芒就已经越过了龙当当,直接笼罩在了八阶大恶魔身上。 The fourth-order Yuan whorl spirit furnace appeared finally. 四阶的元涡灵炉终于出现了。 Under the increase of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, the skill that the fourth-order Yuan whorl spirit furnace releases at this time named: Touching of abyss. 在神祈屿桐灵炉的增幅下,四阶元涡灵炉此时所释放出的技能名为:深渊之触。 Touching of abyss, establishes absolutely, swallows crazily! 深渊之触,绝对成立,疯狂吞噬! So long as psychic force locking opponent, this is the skill that is unable to dodge. 只要精神力锁定对手,这是一个无法闪避的技能。 On eight step big devils wild imposing manner, by the instance of touching of hit abyss, in the air it, the body surrounding hell flame was even being extinguished instantaneously, but the Long Kongkong back sea, the body actually one shone. 八阶大恶魔身上狂暴的气势,在被深渊之触命中的瞬间,空中的它,身体周围的地狱火焰甚至都在瞬间熄灭了,而龙空空背后的沧海,身上却一下就亮了起来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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