SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#279: Different Long Kongkong

Chapter 279 different Long Kongkong 第279章不一样的龙空空 Although initially first time time of entering the demon boundary, quite passed facing the double blade demon army people easily. But with present compares with ease is actually no comparison between them as before. Yes, was too relaxed, probably anything has not done finished. First time facing deep green double blade demon time, consumed turned the hands and feet. 虽然当初第一次进入魔境的时候,面对双刀魔大军众人也都比较容易的通过了。但和眼前的轻松相比却依旧不可同日而语。是的,太轻松了,好像什么都没做就结束了。要知道,第一次面对碧绿双刀魔的时候,还是耗费了一翻手脚的。 Transformation in Long Kongkong strength, even if Long Dangdang somewhat looks askance, oneself this younger brother now really different! His cultivating to have caught up with itself, probably before also no longer is, that fellow who needed protect. 龙空空实力上的蜕变,哪怕是龙当当都不禁有些侧目,自己这弟弟现在是真的不一样了啊!不知不觉间,他的修为就已经追上了自己,好像也不再是以前那个必须要自己保护的家伙了。 All pair of blade demons were swept clear the clean time, is they rushes to the near time, the entire journey has nothing to delay, the fight had ended. 所有双刀魔被清扫干净的时间,就是它们冲到近前的时间,全程没有任何耽搁,战斗就已经结束了。 Is outstanding?” Long Kongkong sits there, hehe said with a smile. Perhaps is because he just swallowed the reasons of so many deep green double blade demons, how the smile on face sees has the flavor of several points of evil charm. “优秀不优秀?”龙空空坐在那里,嘿嘿笑道。或许是因为他刚刚吞噬了那么多碧绿双刀魔的原因,脸上的笑容怎么看都带着几分邪魅的味道。 Low-key!” Long Dangdang tranquil saying. “低调点!”龙当当平静的说道。 Long Kongkong said: In outside low key even, here also low-key anything.” Long Dangdang the strict order, besides has usually practiced, cannot he use the Yuan whorl spirit furnace outside casually, in order to avoid attracts the dead spirit powerhouse. But this demon boundary is the close small space, the dead spirit lifeform is regardless of being not possible to see that what good opportunity is not just he installs that? 龙空空道:“在外面低调就算了,在这里还低调个什么。”龙当当已经严令,除了平时修炼之外,在外面不许他随便使用元涡灵炉以免引来亡灵强者。但这魔境是封闭的小空间,亡灵生物是无论如何也不可能看到的,可不正是他装那个啥的好机会么? In this time, the ice Monroe delicate eyebrows are moving slightly, „the second wave came.” 正在这时,凌梦露秀眉微动,“第二波来了。” Suddenly had some changes around the day deep pool domain jet black band of light rotational speed that Long Kongkong moves, transparent forms looked like stuck to be the same on the spider web insect, gradually revealed the figure. ke clan stealth came! 围绕着龙空空旋转的天渊领域漆黑光带转动速度突然出现了一些变化,一道道透明身影就像是被黏在了蛛网上的虫子一般,逐渐显露出了身形。地尅族隐形者来了! 16 place ke clan stealth were close to nearby the people quietly, quiet was stucked by the day deep pool domain. 十六名地尅族隐形者悄无声息的接近到了众人附近,又悄无声息的被天渊领域黏住了。 ke clan stealth is equivalent to fourth-order occupation, by battle efficiency actually might as well deep green double blade demon, but fearful on fearful in their stealth abilities. But, facing the day deep pool domain that covers all-around, are the abilities of their stealth also useful? 地尅族隐形者相当于四阶职业者,论战斗力其实还不如碧绿双刀魔,但可怕就可怕在它们的隐身能力。可是,面对全方位覆盖的天渊领域,它们这隐身的能力又有什么用呢? As their all were eliminated, their bodies gradually become clear, then becomes weak, on the fierce face is revealing the color of painful struggling, is actually not able to get out of that terrifying the strength of domain. 随着自身的一切被剥夺,它们的身体渐渐变得清晰起来,然后又变得虚弱起来,狰狞的面庞上流露着痛苦挣扎之色,却根本就无法摆脱那恐怖的领域之力。 16 fourth-order energy total quantity that are also quite big, Long Kongkong this little while does not transform, is pure swallowing, the back has the sea spirit furnace of all rivers run into sea in any case, does not need to be worried to store up the issue. 十六名四阶的能量总量那也是相当不小的,龙空空这会儿也不转化,就是单纯的吞噬,反正背后有个海纳百川的沧海灵炉在,根本不需要担心储存问题。 Had the coordination of previous release casting a spell time and sea, he now skilled, let alone sea, when repairs itself, takes the lead to complete the talent ability restore of all rivers run into sea, for is at present. 有了上次释放禁咒时候和沧海的配合,他现在已经熟练的很了,更何况沧海在修复自身的时候,率先就把海纳百川的天赋能力修复完成,为的就是眼前。 Two rounds of attacks, other six people have not lifted the hand have successfully passed. 两轮攻击,其他六人连手都没抬过就顺利通过了。 Must keep to us! My hand is also itchy.” The ocean nighttide cannot bear to Long Kongkong said. “要不要留点给我们啊!我也手痒呀。”溟汐忍不住向龙空空说道。 Long Kongkong smiles, said: Behind some are your. No rush.” He and Long Dangdang enter the demon boundary number of times to be most, to the entire flow that was been familiar. 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“后面有的是你们的呢。别着急呀。”他和龙当当进入魔境次数最多,对整个流程那是早就熟悉的很了。 If the first wave of attack is the ordinary double blade demon, the second wave is the deep green double blade demon, the tertiary wave is ke clan stealth. Then, fourth wave of start, the intensity started significantly to be raised. 第一波攻击如果说是普通双刀魔,第二波是碧绿双刀魔,第三波是地尅族隐形者。那么,第四波开始,强度就开始大幅度提升了。 The distant place, has the blazing vitality, a big demon clan appeared. 远处,带着炽烈的气血,一大片魔族出现了。 The quantity of crazy demon surpassed 500 , some figure are big, impressively is the bloodthirsty crazy demon, over 20. But assumes most central body best pupil to be five meters, the whole body scarlet red, around the body as if there is flaming flame to burn, the strength reaches six step peaks impressively the scarlet blood crazy demons. 狂魔的数量足足超过了五百之多,其中,一些身形高大的,赫然是嗜血狂魔,也有超过二十名。而坐镇最中央一名身高足有五米,全身赤红色,身体周围仿佛有熊熊火焰燃烧着的,赫然正是实力达到六阶巅峰的赤血狂魔。 Such a crazy demon regiment in the initial demon clan was a big strength. At this time is having the blazing aura to directly soar the direction of people. 这样一支狂魔军团在当初的魔族之中都是一股不小的战力。此时正带着炽烈的气息直奔众人的方向而来。 But is in the Long Kongkong back sea to see this is actually the eye one bright. Compared with beforehand that kitten 2-3, this suffices the vigor! The life energy that the demon clan of such degree, can bring are many enough! 但身在龙空空背后的沧海看到这一幕却是眼睛一亮。和之前那小猫2-3只相比,这才够劲儿啊!这样程度的魔族,能够带来的生命能量才足够多啊! The people adjusted a stance slightly, gets ready for action. 众人略微调整了一下姿态,做好战斗准备。 The ocean nighttide could not somewhat have repressed. Recently these months, she has been training hard the blood to refine the golden body, although there is a restore of star light radiant spirit furnace, but that pain was actually must have, every day struggled in the pain, could not have held. 溟汐早就有些按捺不住了。最近这几个月,她一直都在苦练血炼金身,虽然有星光璀璨灵炉的修复,但那痛苦却是少不了的,每天在痛苦中挣扎,早就已经憋不住了。 That scarlet blood crazy demon is my, other you come.” At the same time saying, her has been moving sideways, during the figure twinkles, is quietly invisible in the air. “那赤血狂魔是我的,其他的你们来。”一边说着,她就已经闪身而出,身形闪烁之间,已是悄然隐形于空气之中。 The crazy demon when runs bodies to start to inflate to the distance people about hundred meters, talent skill, crazy! Their their vitalities and strengths even are the vitality stimulate completely, the speed increases, directly soars the people to charge. Mixes bloodthirsty crazy demon also figure in ordinary crazy demon to rise suddenly, before having the powerful aura outrageously, to/clashes. 狂魔在奔跑到距离众人百米左右的时候一个个身体开始膨胀起来,天赋技能,狂化!它们自身的气血、力量甚至是生命力完全激发,速度大增,直奔众人冲锋而来。混在普通狂魔之中的嗜血狂魔也是一个个身形暴涨,带着强悍的气息悍然前冲。 However, when they start to enter to the Long Kongkong day deep pool domain range, actually probably is drunk general, as if the swamp mud, oneself blazing vitality fluctuation passes crazily, the speed also becomes even more slow. 但是,当它们开始进入到龙空空的天渊领域范围时,一个个却像是喝醉了酒一般,仿佛陷入沼泽泥泞,自身炽烈的气血波动疯狂流逝,速度也变得越发迟缓。 Long Dangdang wears at this time wells up gold/metal robe, grasps the chaos law stick, the yellow ray flashes, a gravity was enhanced releases in the surroundings. 龙当当此时身穿涌金法袍,手持混沌法杖,黄色光芒一闪,一个重力增强就释放在了周围。 Even if the ordinary crazy demon is impossible to break in the day of deep pool domain by crazy, even the bloodthirsty crazy demon is not good. But cannot support this wave of quantity to be numerous, swallows also needs to select the time, front following extrusion, there is to attack the near possibility. But in addition such a gravity is enhanced, then this point slight possibly vanished. 普通狂魔哪怕是凭借狂化也不可能冲入天渊领域的,就算是嗜血狂魔也不行。但架不住这一波的数量众多,吞噬也是需要点时间的,后面的挤压前面的,还是有冲击到近前的可能。但加上这么一个重力增强,那么就连这一点些微的可能都消失了。 In the people in domain to be able the clear feeling, massive energies through day deep pool domain unceasing swamps into the Long Kongkong direction. Without the issue that the body cannot withstand exists, Long Kongkong the swallowing ability full, to/clashes, on dropping down of advancing uninterruptedly crazy demon of day deep pool domain advances uninterruptedly, in the category of huge life energy unceasing entry all rivers run into sea. 身在领域之中的众人都能清晰的感受到,大量的能量通过天渊领域不断的涌入龙空空的方向。没有身体承受不住的问题存在,龙空空将天渊领域的吞噬能力全开,狂魔前赴后继的冲来,就前赴后继的倒下,庞大的生命能量不断的进入海纳百川的范畴之内。 The figure giant scarlet blood crazy demon both arms change into the sharp blade, the figure inflates in the advance, the blazing aura erupts unceasingly. Angry it is the crazy demon important strength originates, saw that own disciples and followers were dying unceasingly, the anger of this scarlet blood crazy demon has achieved the pinnacle. 身形巨大的赤血狂魔双臂化为利刃,身形在前进中膨胀,炽烈的气息不断爆发。愤怒本身就是狂魔重要的力量来源,眼看着自己的徒子徒孙正在不断死亡,这头赤血狂魔的愤怒已经达到了极致。 But at this moment, illusory form quiet emergence behind it, on the scarlet blood crazy demon has extremely hot tempered vitality fluctuation together, its vitality first felt the back sharp aura. Its response also turns round quickly suddenly, a pair of sharp blade arm rearward cuts outrageously. 但就在这时,一道虚幻的身影悄无声息的出现在它背后,赤血狂魔身上有着极其暴躁的气血波动,它的气血第一时间就感受到了背后的锋锐气息。它的反应也很快骤然回身,一双利刃般的手臂悍然向后方斩出。 Appears behind it naturally is the ocean nighttide. In instantly, the ocean nighttide that the scarlet blood crazy demon turns around showed an excellent skill. Her body from the sky just like the star pill jump common springing, fell three chi (0.33 m) in nowhere taking advantage of the situation of strength in instantaneously. In order to keep speed, but she has not used the spirit wing. But this in the air fended drew support from the function of air current completely. 浮现在它背后的当然是溟汐。在赤血狂魔转身的刹那,溟汐展现出了一个高超的技巧。她的身体在空中犹如星丸跳跃一般弹动了一下,在无处借力的情况下瞬间下坠三尺。为了保持速度,她可是没有使用灵翼的。而这空中闪避完全是借助了气流的作用。 Her whole person body adduction, the aura actually bursts out instantaneously, the extremely sharp aura made the scarlet blood crazy demon feel the fatal risk instantaneously. A pair of sharp blade arm vibrates, vitality eruption. Changes into the innumerable vitality sharp blade before the body brandishes, before covering the body , the big piece range crazily. 她整个人身体内收,气息却是瞬间迸发,极其锋锐的气息让赤血狂魔瞬间就感受到了致命的风险。一双利刃手臂震动,气血爆发。化为无数气血利刃向身前疯狂挥舞,覆盖了身前大片的范围。 However, in this flickers, the body of ocean nighttide as if became does not have the form quality to be common, that sharp blade was delimits from her unexpectedly has not simply had the hit entity. The form of her nihility is suddenly unreal, again congealing reality. Presents again time, already in the back of scarlet blood crazy demon slanting above. But before scarlet blood crazy demon body, that illusory ocean nighttide is vanishing slowly. 但是,也就在这一瞬,溟汐的身体却仿佛变得没有了形质一般,那一道道利刃竟是就那么从她身上划过却根本没有命中实体。她那虚无的身影骤然虚幻,又重新凝实。再次出现的时候,已经在赤血狂魔的背后斜上方。而赤血狂魔身前,还有那虚幻的溟汐正在缓缓消失。 Nihility cape! Instantaneous immunity physics injury. 虚无斗篷!瞬间免疫物理伤害。 The shadow clone, can leave behind the remnant shadow shadow clone, needs the talent outstanding assassin to achieve. 影分身,能够留下残影的影分身,需要天赋卓绝的刺客才能做到。 But then all gathering potentials for final strikes, the short-sword just like star light, selected like lightning above the back of the head of scarlet blood crazy demon, flashed receives, without the stop of half a point. 而接下来所有的蓄势都是为了最终的一击,短剑犹如一点星光,闪电般点在了赤血狂魔的后脑之上,一闪即收,没有半分的停顿。 The assassin sure-kill skill, carries the thorn! 刺客绝杀技能,背刺! Scarlet blood crazy demon huge body instantaneously stiff in same place, but this time it, has actually turned around to act continually like this simply was unable to make. 赤血狂魔庞大的身体瞬间就僵硬在了原地,但此时的它,却已经连转身这样简单地动作都已经无法作出了。 The ocean nighttide before the in the air somersault arrived at the scarlet blood crazy demon body, the slender both legs recycling, next one flickers, the both feet has pedalled to tread above the chest of scarlet blood crazy demon, shoots flying that its gigantic body tread treads, directly soars the day of deep pool domain direction to go. 溟汐在空中一个空翻就重新来到了赤血狂魔身前,修长的双腿回收,下一瞬,双脚就已经蹬踏在了赤血狂魔的胸膛之上,将它那硕大的身躯蹬踏的飞射而出,直奔天渊领域的方向而去。 Gives you!” “给你!” In the day deep pool domain, branched out a black band of light independent cling rapidly the scarlet blood crazy demon already the body that was on the verge of death, dragged into it the domain range. 天渊领域之中,迅速分出一条黑色光带单独卷住了赤血狂魔已经濒死的身体,将其拉入领域范围之中。 This beforehand Long Dangdang has said that here all demon clans are the life energies, but these life energies are they use the meritorious service to trade, that cannot waste absolutely, wastes tiny bit loves dearly. 这次出发之前龙当当就已经说过了,这里所有的魔族都是生命能量,而这些生命能量都是他们用功勋换来的,那绝对是一点都不能浪费啊,浪费一丝一毫都心疼的。 This scarlet blood crazy demon is six step peaks, the life energy that can provide can be imagined, that cannot waste. 这赤血狂魔乃是六阶巅峰,能够提供的生命能量可想而知,那就更不能浪费了。 The huge energy swamps into, before letting the Long Kongkong back sea body , the white ray surges unceasingly. But in his eye pupil is actually the extraordinary splendor again and again. 庞大的能量涌入,让龙空空背后的沧海身前白色光芒不断涌动。但他的眼眸之中却是异彩连连。 When with facing dead spirit army overcautious compared with, the opening method that really here can use, does not need to be worried about anything. 和面对亡灵大军时的谨小慎微相比,果然还是这里更能施展的开手脚,根本就不需要担心什么。 More than 500 crazy demons, swallowing also require time, Long Kongkong starts to conduct the filtration of life energy. Energy that these filtration come, the slow transmission to the partners, majority pours into directly to the sea. 五百多狂魔,吞噬也是需要一点时间的,龙空空开始进行生命能量的过滤。这些过滤而来的能量,缓慢的传递给伙伴们,大部分直接注入给沧海。 Enters the most important goal of demon boundary is not to make everyone enter the step, enters seven steps to their these talents, the bottleneck is only a time issue. But the solution sea restore is most important. This relates to Long Dangdang whether can promote to cultivate/repair continually is. 进入魔境的首要目的不是让大家进阶,进入七阶对他们这些天才来说,瓶颈只是一点时间问题。而解决沧海修复才是最重要的。这关系到龙当当是否能够持续提升修为。 The fourth round, such passing of not startled no danger. Only used less than a half hour, swallows. This controlled the speed, swallowed too quickly, did not help the digestion absorption. 第四轮,就这么无惊无险的过去了。只用了不到半个小时的时间,吞噬完毕。这还是控制了速度的,吞噬太快,不利于消化吸收。 Besides the ocean nighttide, the spirit strength of others are six step peaks, at this time absorbs the pure spirit strength that these transformation are coming again, besides Long Dangdang and ocean nighttide, can feel the full feeling of body. Is becoming from seven steps more and more nearly. 除了溟汐之外,其他人的灵力都已经是六阶巅峰了,此时再吸收着这些转化而来的纯净灵力,除了龙当当和溟汐之外,都能感受到身体的饱胀感。距离七阶正在变得越来越近。 Next round I first come, everyone prepares below, gets so far as in the day of deep pool domain range to kill as far as possible again, avoids draining the life energy.” Long Dangdang was saying at the same time has jumped. While he jumps, the body next leaf of golden color light gate opens, the gigantic figure brought to make the powerful aura that the person shocked enter the stage, was not just three Golden Dragon small eight? “下一轮我先来,大家在下面准备,尽量弄到天渊领域的范围内再杀,避免流失生命能量。”龙当当一边说着已经腾身而起。在他腾身的同时,身下一扇金色光门开启,硕大的身形带着让人震撼的强大气息出场了,可不正是三头黄金龙小八么? Everyone had the day not to see eight too small, the small eight bodies obviously grew up, dignity congealing of even more big dragon , over ten meters height, the giant wing opened, the powerful vitality fluctuation that bright golden scale brought made the feelings of some people one's heart rusheses toward one's destination. But one side of small about eight two dragon's head, each one presented a bubble. This is most shocking. This bubble seems like some uncoordinated feeling. What does this mean? 大家都有日子没见过小八了,小八的身体明显又长大了一些,巨龙的威严越发的凝实了,超过十米的身长,巨大的翅膀张开,那灿烂的金色鳞片带来的强盛气血波动令众人都不禁有些心驰神往的感觉。而小八左右两个龙头的一侧,各自又出现了一个鼓包。这才是最让人震惊的。这鼓包看上去有些不协调的感觉。但这意味着什么? Only then in the Long Dangdang innermost feelings has the quite accurate guess, while this guess, in his heart also longs. He can feel the small eight continued evolutions. However, the small eight present also comes under he cultivates for the influence, if he cannot promote seven steps, the small eight following evolutionary rate big suppressions, may be unable to grow the new dragon's head. 只有龙当当内心之中有着较为准确的猜测,在这份猜测的同时,他心中也不无渴望。他能感受到小八的持续进化。但是,小八现在也同样受到他修为的影响,如果他不能晋升七阶,小八后面的进化速度也会大大的压制,很可能无法长出新的龙头来。 Under the small eight load bearings, Long Dangdang this unprecedented dragon sovereign knight lifts off rapidly, the distant place, a dense piece of enemy has appeared. This round enemy compared in former without doubt more intrepid many, naturally, was the old opponent. 在小八的承载下,龙当当这位史无前例的龙皇骑士迅速升空,远处,黑压压的一片敌人已经出现了。这一轮的敌人相比于之前无疑更加强悍的多,当然,也都是老对手了。 Four first seven steps, in addition over 30 fifth-order beta flying demons. A dense piece toward 19,115,897 hunts for the direction of demon group. 四头七阶,加上超过三十头五阶贝塔飞魔。黑压压的一片朝着一九一一五八九七猎魔团的方向而来。 Four seven steps, all right?” Asking that the peach numerous somewhat worries about, at this time, he already town/subdues demon tree seed in ground. “四个七阶,没事儿吧?”桃林林不禁有些担忧的问道,此时,他已经将镇魔树种在了地面上。 All right, the brother most does not fear is the flight lifeform. But dragon clan the ancestor of flying!” Long Kongkong grinning saying. “没事儿的,老哥最不怕的就是飞行生物。龙族可是飞天的祖宗啊!”龙空空笑嘻嘻的说道。 The distant place, thirty beta flying demons have the strong winds impact on come, to be in in the air, their magics have been starting to get ready. 远处,三十几头贝塔飞魔带着狂风冲击而来,身在空中,它们的魔法就已经在开始准备了。 However, greets their is a resonant spirited dragon recites, raises-” 但是,迎接它们的却是一声嘹亮激昂的龙吟,“昂-” The invisible dignity in in the air instantaneous erupts, the entire sky as if in this flickered to shiver. Under gaze that the people shock, that imposing manner tyrannical beta flying demon regiment in in the air as if stagnated , the ordinary beta flying demon crashes from the sky like below stuffed dumpling generally instantaneously downward. 无形的威严在空中瞬间爆发,整个天空仿佛都在这一瞬颤抖了一下似的。在众人震撼的注视下,那气势强横的贝塔飞魔军团在空中仿佛凝滞了一下,紧接着,普通的贝塔飞魔就如同下饺子一般从天空中瞬间向下坠落。 Even the bloodthirsty beta of seven steps, still shouldered were less than two seconds, dropped from the clouds. 就算是七阶的嗜血贝塔,也只是扛了不到两秒,就从天而降。 dragon sovereign the bloodlines, the talent skill, bans spatially! 龙皇血脉,天赋技能,禁空! Walks, made them.” Long Kongkong smiles, welcomes the beta flying demon that is dropping from the clouds to clash. “走走,都弄了它们。”龙空空嘿嘿一笑,迎着那从天而降的贝塔飞魔就冲了出去。 Before Ling Menglu body , the ray twinkle, the Titan of hammer light quietly appears, shakes directly empties to go. Their coordinate time are very long, what she very clear needs to do at this time is anything. 凌梦露身前光芒闪烁,光之大力神锤悄然出现,直接震空而去。他们的配合时间已经很长了,她很清楚在这个时候需要做的是什么。 Under four first seven step bloodthirsty beta flickered received the attendance of Titan of hammer light, the powerful incomparable spiritual shake, reduced and solved their final resistances instantaneously. Then the huge figure, crashes the brought strong gravity from the sky is to they biggest injury. 四头七阶嗜血贝塔下一瞬就受到了光之大力神锤的照顾,强悍无比的精神震荡,瞬间将它们最后的抵抗化解。那么庞大的身形,从天空中坠落所带来的强大重力就是对它们最大的伤害。 With depressed bellows, thirty beta flying demons fall down in abundance, the fallen muscle fracture breaks. But they worthily are the demon clan, body intensity that are quite good, no earliest possible time was plunged to death. Jet black bands of light looked for half-dead them like this. 伴随着一声声沉闷的轰鸣声,三十几头贝塔飞魔纷纷坠地,摔的筋折骨断。但它们不愧是魔族,身体强度那是相当的不俗,没有第一时间就被摔死。一条条漆黑的光带就这样找上了半死不活的它们。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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