SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#278: All promotion

Chapter 278 all promote 第278章全体提升 The day in as if had returned to normal, Long Dangdang led the partners to move to the temple headquarters to move, hunts for the demon group headquarters to give them an exclusive region to live specially, at least this was hunts for the demon group headquarters to give in name. 日子在不知不觉间似乎已经恢复了正常,龙当当带着伙伴们搬到了圣殿总部入住,猎魔团总部专门给了他们一片专属区域居住,至少名义上这是猎魔团总部给的。 Other person more time use on cultivating the blood gold metallurgy, Long Dangdang in diligently through contemplating provides the spirit strength for the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. Had the assistance of Long Kongkong, his progress is quite good, although cannot with swallowing the life energy time compares rapidness of that improvement, but at least also be much quicker than the follower of the same class. 其他人更多的时间都是用在修炼血炼金身上,龙当当则是在努力通过冥想为月明沧海灵炉提供灵力。有了龙空空的辅助,他的进度还是相当不错的,虽然不能和吞噬生命能量时候相比提升的那么快,但至少也要比同级别的修炼者快得多了。 On the other hand, Long Kongkong instead became idle that. Besides accompanies everyone to contemplate every night together, he more time placed were in love on. Hofn just right this period of time has not gone to work truly, he helps in the spareribs shop with Hofn all day long. That vigor was different, all day is a feeling pleased appearance. 相对来说,龙空空反而成了无所事事的那一个。除了每天晚上陪大家一起冥想之外,他更多的时间都放在了谈恋爱上。赫本正好这段时间还没有去真正工作,他就成天跟赫本在排骨店帮忙。那精气神都不一样了,整天都是一副喜滋滋的模样。 The situation of Jiyang city frontline has no sound to transmit, the news was being blocked as before, holy city's people live all usual, does not know that has dead spirit state huge threat to threaten the life or death of human anytime. 吉阳城前线的情况没有什么动静传来,消息依旧被封锁着,圣城的民众们生活一切如常,丝毫不知道有亡灵国度这个巨大威胁随时都有可能威胁着人类的存亡。 Long Dangdang had inquired frontline news, obtained is the frontline rubber, both sides have not attacked and other progress excessively. 龙当当打听过前线的消息,得到的就是前线胶着,双方都没有过度进攻和其他进展。 The careless knight, the headstrong knight as well as wind listening respectfully of these three teachers had returned to the temple headquarters, gave the two brothers the direction, regarding their progressive speeds, these three is also extremely surprised. However, because Long Dangdang the reason of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace was limited, makes them very regrettable. Long Dangdang does not have to explain what kind of way oneself with will restore the spirit furnace. 苟骑士、莽骑士以及风之聆听者这三位老师都曾经先后回过圣殿总部,给了兄弟俩一些指点,对于他们的进步速度,这三位也是极为惊讶的。不过,龙当当因为月明沧海灵炉的原因被限制,还是让他们十分遗憾。龙当当也没解释自己会用怎样的方式来修复灵炉。 But the Long Kongkong progress is to let the careless knight pleasantly surprised, he does not have to think really own this prepared the lazy apprentice unexpectedly already six steps. When he conducted a innate in spirit force meansurement after Long Kongkong, is shocking in the extreme. In Long Kongkong innate spirit strength already 90, was not weak in Long Dangdang. 龙空空的进度则是让苟骑士大为惊喜,他是着实没想到自己这个备懒的徒弟竟然已经六阶了。当他对龙空空进行了一下先天内灵力测试之后,更是震惊的无以复加。龙空空的先天内灵力已经九十了,丝毫不弱于龙当当了。 What can achieve 90 to mean? This means that in Long Kongkong innate the spirit strength is not because the master and servant contract brings. Because the master and servant contract can only bring domineering side half innate in spirit strength increase to a weak side. Can be the same degree, means that in these 90 points innate the spirit strength is Long Kongkong to be increased. 要知道,能够达到九十意味着什么?这意味着龙空空的先天内灵力并不是因为主仆契约所带来的。因为主仆契约只能给弱势的一方带来强势一方一半先天内灵力增幅。能够达到一样的程度,就意味着这九十点的先天内灵力都是属于龙空空自己提升起来的。 Without doubt, the evolution of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, greatly promoted the Long Kongkong innate aptitude. 无疑,元涡灵炉的进化,也大大的提升了龙空空的先天资质。 Three months passed, Hofn has put into during oneself work. Newly-arrived, her work is very busy, becomes with the time that Long Kongkong gathers short. This makes Long Kongkong somewhat depressed. However, his in spirit strength in the unceasing cultivation, has actually reached six step peaks. The short three months, caught up with others. 三个月的时间不知不觉间过去了,赫本已经投入到了自己的工作之中。初来乍到,她的工作十分忙碌,和龙空空相聚的时间也变得短暂了一些。这让龙空空有些郁闷。不过,他的内灵力却在不断的修炼中,已经达到了六阶巅峰。短短三个月,就追上了其他人。 Besides the ocean nighttide, 19,115,897 hunted for other demon group six people in spirit strength to be six step peaks degrees. But no one has broken through. 除了溟汐之外,一九一一五八九七猎魔团其他六人的内灵力都已经达到了六阶巅峰的程度。但谁也没有突破。 From six steps to seven steps, is an important threshold, strides in the road which must be taken of high rank occupation, is a very important part. Everyone is the talent that the spirit furnace school comes out, has studied being well-prepared. Must press in six step peaks. 从六阶到七阶,是一个重要的门槛,是跨入高阶职业者的必经之路,也是非常重要的一环。大家都是灵炉学院出来的天才,都学过厚积薄发。在六阶巅峰是必须要压一压的。 As for the ocean nighttide, these three months, the almost overwhelming majority energy placed on the cultivation blood gold metallurgy. Has saying that the woman makes a determined effort that is really fearful. Let alone, has the cultivation of star light radiant spirit furnace, does not need to take on the painstaking care to refine the side effect that the golden body brings, her progress is also the relative rapidness, refine the golden body to cultivate the blood to six steps finally gradually. Naturally, wants to catch up with the companions also to need to continue to try hard. 至于溟汐,这三个月来,几乎绝大部分精力都放在了修炼血炼金身上。不得不说女人发起狠来那是真可怕。更何况,有着星光璀璨灵炉的修炼,根本不需要担心血炼金身带来的副作用,她的进步也是相当之快,总算是将血炼金身逐步修炼到六阶了。当然,想要追上同伴们还需要继续努力。 Had the assistance of star light radiant spirit furnace, the blood refine the golden body becomes easy, in the meantime, the blood gold metallurgy with giving their another advantage also came finally. 有了星光璀璨灵炉的辅助,血炼金身变得容易了许多,同时,血炼金身带给他们的另一项好处也终于来了。 Refining up the law of golden body to absorb the same type demon beast blood to be able through the blood to receive talent skill news, finally let out by the knight temple. Meanwhile, Long Dangdang they also obtained meritorious reward that came from the knight temple. Long Dangdang exchanged to hunt for the demon meritorious service it directly. 通过血炼金身之法吸收同种类的魔兽血液能够获得天赋技能这一消息,终于被骑士圣殿放了出去。同时,龙当当他们也得到了来自于骑士圣殿的功勋奖励。龙当当将其直接兑换成了猎魔者功勋。 By meritorious service that they accumulate now, has definitely been able to promote commander level to hunt for the demon to roll. But Long Dangdang after the partners agreed has not done that. 以他们现在所积累的功勋,已经完全可以晋升帅级猎魔团了。但龙当当在经过伙伴们同意之后并没有这么做。 The demon boundary, hunts for the demon meritorious service best opening way. 魔境,才是猎魔者功勋最好的打开方式。 „Can father mother come recently?” Long Kongkong stretches oneself ended night of contemplation, the body and mind insightful feeling is really comfortable. Other person each ones washed, he and Long Dangdang has washed, prepares to have the breakfast. “老爹老妈最近就要过来了吧?”龙空空伸了个懒腰结束了一夜的冥想,身心通透的感觉着实是舒爽。其他人都各自去洗漱了,他和龙当当已经洗漱完毕,准备去吃早饭呢。 Un, should be quick. Previous time said that is the father has some official business unable to withdraw the body. According to news that previous time has, should be recently in these 1-2 weeks.” Long Dangdang said. “嗯,应该快了。上次说是老爹有一些公务脱不开身。按照上次带回来的消息,应该就是最近这1-2内吧。”龙当当说道。 They cannot easily leave the holy city, but was too long has not truly seen the parents, therefore related that side in the soaring dragon city family/home through the temple headquarters directly. Asked the parents to come to the holy city to gather. Because the father has promoted for Pastor soaring dragon to become divides the palace palace lord, the lot of work somewhat delayed. But recently should be approaches fast. 他们不能轻易离开圣城,但也确实是太久没见到父母了,所以通过圣殿总部直接联系了腾龙城那边的家里。请父母来圣城相聚。但因为父亲已经晋升为了腾龙成牧师分殿殿主,事务繁忙就有些耽搁了。但最近应该是快来了。 This afternoon enters the demon boundary?” Long Kongkong said. “今天下午进魔境啊?”龙空空说道。 Long Dangdang nods, everyone accumulates was similar, should be breaks through seven steps the time. I also prepare to use this period of time, enters several demon boundaries, strives to help the sea accumulate some spirit strength. As the restoration of spirit strength he has repaired part now. Especially all rivers run into sea basically restored. This time should not have any waste. When the time comes you let loose swallowing.” 龙当当点点头,“大家积累的都差不多了,该是突破七阶的时候了。我也准备利用这段时间,多进几次魔境,争取帮沧海多积累一些灵力。随着灵力的恢复他现在已经修复了一部分。尤其是海纳百川基本恢复了。这次应该不会有任何浪费。到时候你放开了吞噬。” Long Kongkong hehe said with a smile: No wonder you did not worry, originally waits for him to restore all rivers run into sea. Also yes, needs so many meritorious services one time, really should not waste! Today enters the demon boundary, I will prepare the place that will go to Hofn elder sister to work to meet her tomorrow. She said before is the probation period did not make me go, now was put on regular status, I may be unable to bear. Must make her colleagues have a look at her to have a how handsome charming outstanding incomparable boyfriend, avoid they hit my goddess the idea.” 龙空空嘿嘿笑道:“难怪你一直都不着急,原来是等着他修复海纳百川呢。也是,一次就需要那么多功勋呢,真是一点都不应该浪费啊!今天进完魔境,我准备明天去赫本姐工作的地方接她。她之前说是一直试用期不让我去,现在转正了,我可忍不住了。必须让她的同事们看看她有一个多么英俊帅气优秀无比的男朋友,省得他们打我女神的主意。” Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: I have never thought that you unexpectedly are the love brain. Since there are girlfriend, all day long was she. The mother I looked that you does not think.” 龙当当没好气的道:“真没想到,你竟然还是个恋爱脑。自从有了女朋友,成天都是她了。连老妈我看伱都不想了。” Long Kongkong snort/hum, said: You little sow dissension! I most thought certainly the mother. If the mother noticed that I looked for such a pretty daughter-in-law to her, happy also without enough time. Did you, how you tell the cousin actually? Also did not look that you have anything to progress, your day in day out knows the cultivation, are not many to accompany the cousin.” 龙空空哼了一声,道:“你少挑拨离间啊!我当然最想老妈了。老妈要是看到我给她找了个这么漂亮的儿媳妇,高兴还来不及呢。倒是你,你跟表姐怎么说啊?也不看你们有什么进展,你一天到晚的就知道修炼,也不多陪陪表姐。” Some Long Dangdang surprise looked at his one eyes, is this words that smiling younger brother can say? Since there are girlfriend, was this grows up? 龙当当有些诧异的看了他一眼,这是自己那个嬉皮笑脸的弟弟能说出来的话吗?自从有了女朋友,这是长大了? Words said that Brother, have you held cousin's hand?” Long Kongkong lowers the sound suddenly, face mysterious asking. “话说,老哥,你牵过表姐的手吗?”龙空空突然压低声音,一脸神秘兮兮的问道。 Long Dangdang stared his one eyes, what dirty thought are you?” 龙当当瞪了他一眼,“你心里都是什么龌龊思想?” Long Kongkong black river smiles, said: Holding hands to be how dirty? Haven't you definitely pulled? What I said is the non- battle condition, daily holding hands! It seems like that your aspect is not really good! Let me tell you, pulling small hand that feeling is really being beautiful! Has to plant to share the same roots, the feelings of two person unified whole, even the heartbeat can feel clearer. Really good.” 龙空空黑河一笑,道:“牵个手怎么就龌龊了?你肯定没牵过是不是?我说的是非战斗状态,日常的牵手哈!看来,你这方面真不行啊!我跟你说,牵着小手那感觉真的是美啊!有种血脉相连,两个人浑然一体的感觉,连心跳都能感受的更清晰呢。真好。” Long Dangdang does not want to manage him, gets out of the way with stride. 龙当当不想理他,大步走开。 Has had the breakfast, 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group people to gather. Arrives together hunts for the demon group headquarters. 吃过早饭,一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人重新聚集。一起来到猎魔团总部。 They have reached an agreement must enter the demon boundary today, one is to try the people breaks through seven steps, another absorbs the spirit strength for the Long Dangdang moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. 他们早就商量好今天要进魔境了,一个是尝试众人突破七阶,另一个则是为了龙当当的月明沧海灵炉吸收灵力。 The payment of anxiety 7000 meritorious services, the people were transmitted that in the world that once again filled the darkness and fire. 肉疼的支付了七千功勋,众人又一次被传送到了那个充满了黑暗与火的世界之中。 Feels the somewhat depressing air, Long Kongkong somewhat is being excited, present he, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace promoted third-order, Shangyu tung oil tree that was fourth-order. After entering the step, what speed he has not tried to swallow the life energy to have, at this time in heart also really somewhat impatient feeling. 感受着有些压抑的空气,龙空空却不禁有些兴奋起来,现在的他,元涡灵炉可是晋升三阶了,加上屿桐那就是四阶。进阶之后,他还没试过吞噬生命能量会有什么样的速度呢,此时心中还真有些迫不及待的感觉。 The Long Dangdang chest front sparkling stone white halo twinkle, the sea has reappeared baseless, the figure flashes, he arrived at Long Kongkong behind. Since absorbing more than 30,000 spirit strength, his incarnation human form time, seeming like clearer. Pure white spirit furnace impractical before his body, the shining white is full. 龙当当胸前莹白色的光晕闪烁,沧海已经凭空浮现而出,身形一闪,他就来到了龙空空身后。自从吸收了三万多灵力之后,他化身人形的时候,看上去都已经清晰了一些。洁白的灵炉虚浮在他身前,莹白饱满。 Came.” Ling Menglu the hand during technique sticks to ground one finger/refers, start to portray law. In fact, has Long Kongkong, she does not need to gather spirit law, so long as raised the spirit intensity of pressure law to help the partners prepare to treat is enough. “来了。”凌梦露手中法杖向地面一指,开始刻画法阵。事实上,有龙空空在,她都不需要聚灵法阵只要提升灵力强度的法阵帮助伙伴们准备好治疗就足够了。 Everyone the first time was not came the demon boundary, seemed unflustered. 大家都不是第一次来魔境了,显得从容自如。 The lunar motion and peach numerous and Long Kongkong were protected in the middle. Long Dangdang and ice Monroe stands shoulder to shoulder. woof Changxin and ocean nighttide are going lower a point place. 月离、桃林林、龙空空被守护在中间。龙当当和凌梦露并肩而立。汪常欣和溟汐在靠后一点的地方。 Long Kongkong negligent say/way: Front these small fish small shrimp I was good.” 龙空空大咧咧的道:“前面这些小鱼小虾我自己就行了。” Initially, just became the time of hunting for the demon group members, he without doubt was most common that even said that was the child in such an arrangement is not overrated. But with the lapse of time, as the function of Yuan whorl spirit furnace is getting more and more obvious, his imitates Lingbao to become in the entire team an indispensable point, by development level, even is not inferior in Long Dangdang and ice Monroe. 当初,刚刚成为猎魔团成员的时候,他无疑是最不起眼的那一个,甚至说是拖油瓶也不为过。但随着时间的推移,随着元涡灵炉的作用越来越明显,他这个充灵宝已经成为了整个团队中不可或缺的一环,论重要程度,甚至已经不逊色于龙当当和凌梦露了。 Especially his Yuan whorl spirit furnace, because use is extremely numerous, therefore evolutionary rate fast, now third-order. Nuclear mind furnace third-order, making the abilities in various Long Kongkong aspects significantly promote. The significant role in team it can be said that soars. He currently also has existences of two wisdom spirit furnaces. The god Qi Yutong spirit furnace was the present age is strongest the auxiliary spirit furnace, the star light radiant spirit furnace is one of the once 12 towermen, moreover itself had no too big damage. The two unify, make the strength large scale enhancement of Long Kongkong. 尤其是他的元涡灵炉,因为使用次数极多,所以进化速度飞快,现在已经三阶了。核心灵炉三阶,让龙空空各方面的能力都大幅度提升。在团队中的重要作用可以说是直线攀升。要知道,他现在也是有两尊智慧灵炉的存在了。神祈屿桐灵炉乃是当代最强辅助灵炉,星光璀璨灵炉更是曾经的十二守望者之一,而且本身没有什么太大的损伤。二者结合,令龙空空的实力大幅度增强。 The distant place, large quantities of double blade demons have the aggressive aura to clash fast. Although for sometime had not come, but all these actually as before seem that familiar. 远处,大批的双刀魔带着凶悍的气息快速冲来。虽然已经有一段时间没来了,但这一切却依旧显得那么熟悉。 Long Kongkong was sitting directly same place, the chest place, a dark blue light halo quietly appears. Under complementing of that dark blue light halo, his handsome face were many for several points also to be many mystically several points of noble flavor. The next quarter, black bands of light, rise suddenly floating against the wind, expands instantaneously outward. 龙空空直接在原地坐了下来,胸口处,一圈暗蓝色的光圈悄然出现。在那暗蓝色光圈的掩映下,他英俊的面庞多了几分神秘也多了几分高贵的味道。下一刻,一条条黑色光带飘然而出,迎风暴涨,瞬间向外扩张开来。 Similarly is the day of deep pool domain, issues and he in the islet tung oil tree increase achieves, as if also had differently some. But not only the domain strength is related with the spirit furnace, is his cultivating to be closely linked. 同样是天渊领域,在屿桐增幅下达到的和他自身达到的,似乎又有了一些不同。而领域的力量不只是和灵炉有关,更是和他的修为息息相关。 Each black band of light, fully more than ten meters, ripples outward, immediately formed over 30 meters in diameter black hole to be the same. 每一条黑色光带,都足有十几米长,向外荡漾开来,顿时形成了一个直径超过30米的黑洞一般。 When these low rank double blade demons rush to this range, their figure will accelerate unexpectedly, looks like likes a moth to the flame jumps into that black bands of light generally directly, then body that quiet change fragment powder. 当那些低阶的双刀魔才冲到这个范围的时候,它们的身形竟是会自行加速,就像是飞蛾扑火一般直接扑入那一条条黑色光带之中,然后身体就那么悄无声息的化为齑粉。 The dark blue light halo of Long Kongkong chest front became bright, after the brain , the long hair was calm, while originally mysterious aura, more several points of powerful flavor. 龙空空胸前的暗蓝色光圈变得明亮了一些,脑后长发无风自动,在原本神秘气息的同时,更多了几分强大的味道。 Likes a moth to the flame the general double blade demon to disappear in abundance, even the skeleton has not stayed behind, on them all demon clan life energies that tip do not remain was swallowed in a day of deep pool. 飞蛾扑火一般的双刀魔纷纷泯灭,甚至连尸骨都没有留下,它们身上所有的魔族生命能量就那么点滴不剩的被吞噬进了天渊之中。 This time Long Kongkong, the inside and outside spirit strength has reached six step peaks, purely from cultivating for on, he had caught up with Long Dangdang. When this domain launches the oppression strength, making others also hold in high esteem, was he unexpectedly powerful so many? The god Qi Yutong spirit furnace may not act. 此时的龙空空,内外灵力都已经达到了六阶巅峰,单纯从修为上,他已经追上了龙当当。这领域展开时的压迫力,令其他人也不禁刮目相看,他竟是强大了这么多吗?要知道,神祈屿桐灵炉可还没有出手呢。 At this moment, the vision of people looks in a direction, several aquamarine forms jump suddenly, raises in the hand to be similar to the sickle common giant foreleg, directly soars the Long Kongkong direction to divide to fall. 就在这时,众人的目光都朝着一个方向看去,几道碧绿色的身影骤然腾身而起,高举着手中如同镰刀一般的巨大前肢,直奔龙空空的方向劈落下来。 The Long Kongkong day deep pool domain actually seemed like steadily eye, jet black such as the band of light of black ink swept across on, in in the air twined directly their bodies. 龙空空的天渊领域却像是长了眼睛似的,一条条漆黑如墨的光带席卷而上,直接在空中就将它们的身体缠绕住了。 Before placing, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace can only swallow, weakens the enemy unceasingly, actually cannot prevent the attack of enemy. But this time day deep pool domain just like having the form quality was ordinary, unexpectedly directly that several deep green double blade demon imprisonments in midair. 放在以前,元涡灵炉只能是进行吞噬,不断削弱敌人,却并不能阻止敌人的攻击。但此时的天渊领域却宛如有了形质一般,居然直接将那几只碧绿双刀魔禁锢在了半空之中。 Deep green double blade demon that emerald green outer covering naked eye obvious start changes countenance, gradually loses the gloss from the original aquamarine, again to becoming grayish white, aura dissipates rapidly, until turns into the dust to drop similarly. Entire process, is more than ten seconds. 碧绿双刀魔那翠绿翠绿的外壳肉眼可见的开始变色,从原本的碧绿色逐渐失去光泽,再到变得灰白,身上的气息飞速消散,直到同样变成尘埃跌落。整个过程,也就是十几秒而已。 The deep green double blade demon can also compare favorably with human fifth-order occupation the strength! In front of the Long Kongkong Yuan whorl spirit furnace, makes the qualifications that he acts not have unexpectedly continually. 要知道,碧绿双刀魔也是能够媲美人类五阶职业者的实力啊!在龙空空的元涡灵炉面前,竟然连让他出手的资格都没有。 The massive life spirit strength first flood into Long Kongkong within the body without hesitation, Long Kongkong to pours into to go behind, before sea body, ripples the wave general ripple, is ordinary just like the bottomless trench, is absorbing these external energies. 大量的生命灵力首先涌入龙空空体内,龙空空毫不犹豫的向身后注入而去,沧海身前荡漾起水波一般的波纹,宛如无底深渊一般,吸收着这些外来的能量。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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