SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#277: Do you like me?

Chapter 277 do you like me? 第277章你是不是喜欢我? „Do you like me?” When Hofn asked these words, Long Kongkong only feels one of the own brain as if bang, in an instant, a blank. “你是不是喜欢我?”当赫本问出这句话的时候,龙空空只觉得自己的大脑仿佛轰的一声,刹那间,一片空白。 He has not thought, Hofn will ask these words suddenly. 他是万万没想到,赫本会突然问出这句话来。 I and I......” at once, Long Kongkong am at a loss for words. “我、我……”一时之间,龙空空张口结舌。 „Doesn't that like?” Hofn's elegant face one becomes serious. “那是不喜欢了?”赫本的俏脸一下就变得严肃起来。 „It is not, is not, likes, likes!” Long Kongkong rushes to say. “不是、不是,喜欢的,喜欢!”龙空空赶忙说道。 Hofn smiles, why are you so anxious? I can also you, when the spareribs did eat?” 赫本“噗哧”一笑,“你那么紧张干吗?我还能把你当排骨吃了吗?” Long Kongkong this little while also recovered consciousness, immediately says: I am the you spareribs, when wants to eat when eats, how wants to eat how to eat.” 龙空空这会儿也缓过来了,立刻说道:“我就是伱的排骨,想什么时候吃就什么时候吃,想怎么吃就怎么吃。” Hofn blinks, said: „Do we make an agreement to be good? If later we had clashes of opinion, so long as I said that I want to eat the spareribs, you must return to side me, cannot bear a grudge with me, wants obedient of little darling.” 赫本眨了眨眼睛,道:“那我们做个约定好不好?如果以后我们闹矛盾了,只要我说我想吃排骨了,你都要回到我身边,不许和我怄气,要乖乖的听话。” Long Kongkong gawked staring, but nod without hesitation, says immediately: Good good!” He realized suddenly an issue Hofn said that that was agrees with and him in the same place. Suddenly, the vitality upwells, the whole person is excited, must go to Hofn's hand. 龙空空愣了愣,但却立刻毫不犹豫的点头,道:“好啊好啊!”他突然意识到一个问题赫本这么说,那是不是就是同意和他在一起了。一时间,气血上涌,整个人都激动起来,就要去拉赫本的手。 Cannot do strangely.” Hofn pats his hand, you clever.” “不许搞怪。”赫本拍开他的手,“你乖一点哦。” Long Kongkong scratches the head, but he is actually not stupid, „after that us, can be the male and female friend?” 龙空空挠挠头,但他其实一点都不笨,“那我们以后是不是就可以算是男女朋友了?” Does not calculate.” Hofn shakes the head immediately. “不算。”赫本立刻摇摇头。 Long Kongkong the complexion broke down immediately, then he listens to Hofn saying: You have not vindicated with me. How to calculate?” 龙空空顿时脸色就垮了,然后他就听赫本说道:“你又没跟我表白过。怎么算?” I and I vindicate!” Long Kongkong rushes to say. “我、我表白啊!”龙空空赶忙说道。 Hofn turns to him, beautiful pupil vision brilliant looks at him, good! Come. Vindicating is not good, I do not agree.” 赫本转向他,美眸目光灼灼的看着他,“好啊!来吧。表白的不好,我可不同意哦。” Long Kongkong swallowed saliva, although he usually is words discusses, but, somewhat is at this moment dumbstruck at once. Should vindicating, how vindicate? This does not have the experience! 龙空空吞咽了一口唾液,他虽然平时是个话唠,但在此时此刻,一时之间还真有点发懵。表白,该怎么表白来着?这也没经验啊! He thought of oneself brother at this time suddenly specially, perhaps if the brother in the side, can offer advice to oneself? 在这个时候他突然特别想念自己的老哥,要是老哥在身边,说不定就能给自己出个主意呢? Fool, vindicated that was good by the sincerity, said your innermost thoughts.” In this time, in his heart is suddenly resounding the sound of islet tung oil tree. “笨蛋,表白靠真心就好了,说出你的心里话。”正在这时,他心中突然响起了屿桐的声音。 Long Kongkong immediately just like being enlightened general, mused, islet tung oil tree, wants you! 龙空空顿时宛如醍醐灌顶一般,暗想,屿桐,还是要你啊! Hofn elder sister, I do not know that you do believe to fall in love. I like looking at the beautiful woman since childhood very much, should not be angry, you listened to me to say. My brother also always ridiculed me. However, that is appreciating beautiful, after all, who doesn't like the fine thing? In childhood, I have also been giving free reign to the imagination, when I grew up, what kind of companion will have? I do not want to come out, but felt, I must ask a specially attractive miss to be good. Until that day, arrived in the shop for the first time, when my first saw you, in my heart all fantasies became clear. In that moment, I know what I wants was what? I told my brother, I saw the goddess in my mind, but that goddess was you. My brother also ridiculed me saying that I looked who was good, but he does not know that this time was different. Sees your flash in me, in my heart has recognized, you are I hope that can accompany the lifelong that person, although I was young at that time, but I really recognized in that moment. I to you, have fallen in love.” “赫本姐,我不知道你相不相信一见钟情。我从小就很喜欢看美女,你别生气哈,你听我说完。我老哥还老是嘲笑我呢。但是,那只是在欣赏美,毕竟,谁不喜欢美好的东西呢?小时候,我也一直在畅想着,等我长大了,会有一位怎样的伴侣呢?我一直都没想出来,只是觉得,我一定要找一个特别漂亮的姑娘才行。直到那天,第一次来到店里,当我第一眼看到你的时候,我心中所有的幻想就都变得清晰起来了。在那一刻,我就知道自己想要的是什么了?我告诉我哥,我见到了我心目中的女神,而那个女神就是你。我哥还嘲笑我说,我看谁都好,但他不知道的,这次不一样了。在我看到你的那一瞬间,我心中就已经认定了,你就是我希望能陪伴终身的那个人,虽然我那时候年纪还不大,但我真的在那一刻就认定了。我对你,一直都是一见钟情。” Originally my brother has not believed that but, with the lapse of time, he has also believed. Because of since that day, my eye in did not have other females again. My at heart, only then your one person. I especially and especially have liked you. So long as can see you, has anything to worry me to forget, although I have no worry probably. Even when I cultivation the time is loaf, so long as my brother me told, cultivates to protect you well, I have the power immediately. Hofn elder sister, is my girlfriend, later is my wife, I pledged, my this lifetime only loves your one person, forever forever.” “本来我哥还不信,但是,随着时间的推移,他也已经信了。因为从那天开始,我的眼中就再也没有其他女性了。我的心里,就只有你一个人。我一直都特别、特别的喜欢你。只要能看到你,有什么烦恼我都会忘记,虽然我好像也没什么烦恼。甚至当我修炼时候偷懒的时候,我哥只要跟我说,好好修炼才能守护你,我都立刻有了动力。赫本姐,做我的女朋友吧,以后做我的妻子,我发誓,我这辈子就只爱你一个人,永远永远。” This moment Long Kongkong is earnest, did not have the past laughter, some are serious, gradually flood red double pupil. 这一刻的龙空空是认真的,没有了往日的嬉笑,有的只是一本正经,还有渐渐泛红的双眸。 According to the Saint demon mainland stipulated that legal age that 16 years old have been able to get married. This is ten thousand years ago the demon clan invades, causing the person clan to start on the wane, for better race multiplication, the age of deciding. But this year soon 17-year-old Long Kongkong, in fact has the qualifications of marriage. 按照圣魔大陆规定,十六岁就已经是可以结婚的法定年龄了。这是从万年前魔族入侵,导致人族凋零开始的,为了更好的种族繁衍,定下来的这个年龄。而今年已经快要17岁的龙空空,实际上已经有了婚配的资格。 Looks in his eye is flowing the true feelings, Hofn's look melts gradually, she sipped the red lip, the tears is actually being similar the pearl of line to be common, uncontrolled flowed unceasingly under. 看着他眼中流淌着的真情,赫本的眼神渐渐融化,她抿着红唇,泪水却仿佛断了线的珍珠一般,不受控制的不断流淌而下。 „Did Hofn elder sister, how you and you cry?” This is the first time that Long Kongkong saw Hofn to cry, immediately is somewhat thrown into confusion. “赫本姐,你、你怎么哭了?”这还是龙空空第一次看到赫本哭,顿时有些手忙脚乱起来。 When he wants for Hofn wipes tears, suddenly, Hofn fiercely jumps into his bosom, cries loudly. 就在他想要为赫本擦拭眼泪的时候,突然,赫本猛的扑入他的怀中,放声大哭起来。 Long Kongkong one was ignorant, in his mind, does not know that had fantasized many times can hug oneself goddess. But woman in the bosom, he only felt at this moment has a parched mouth at the same time, in the heart filled deeply regretted. Although he was not clear why she cries so sad, but actually the sympathize feels like a knife twisting in the heart. 龙空空一下就懵了,在他的脑海中,不知道幻想过多少次能够拥抱一下自己的女神。可此时此刻软玉温香在怀,他只觉得口干舌燥的同时,心中充满了痛惜。虽然他并不清楚她为什么哭的如此伤心,可却感同身受心如刀割。 Hofn elder sister, you and were you? I do has anything is not right. I and I......” “赫本姐,你、你这是怎么了?是不是我做的有什么不对。我、我……” Hofn lifted the hand to beat on his shoulder, actually lay, in he cherished keeps crying. 赫本抬手在他肩膀上捶了一下,却就是趴在他怀中哭个不停。 Until walks on the road of going home, some Hofn as before controls is sobbing, seemed bullied respectable family young girl, but Long Kongkong actually can only helpless following side her. 直到走在回家的路上,赫本依旧有些控制不住的在抽泣着,仿佛是被欺负了的良家少女,而龙空空却只能手足无措的跟在她身边。 Hofn elder sister, you do not cry, I was wrong.” Long Kongkong is coaxing her. “赫本姐,你别哭了,我错了。”龙空空哄着她。 Which you and were you wrong?” Hofn is sobbing asking. “你、你错哪了?”赫本抽噎着问道。 The Long Kongkong corners of the mouth pull out, the heart said, which how would I know I was wrong? 龙空空嘴角一抽,心说,我哪知道我错哪了? Which made a mistake, you said that which I am wrong, which I was wrong.” A Long Kongkong submissive appearance. “哪都错了,你说我错哪,我就错哪了。”龙空空一副低眉顺眼的样子。 „Are you perfunctory me?” Hofn turned head white his eyes. “你是不是敷衍我?”赫本扭头白了他一眼。 Looks at his pear flower belt/bring rain the appearance, Long Kongkong the say/way that rushes to love dearly: „, Has not had, I proceed from the bottom of one's heart. Later I listen your, how you said how.” 看着他那梨花带雨的样子,龙空空赶忙心疼的道:“没有、没有,我都是发自肺腑的。以后我都听你的,你说怎样就怎样。” Hofn snort/hum, no longer sobbed finally. 赫本哼了一声,总算是不再抽泣了。 Under shining of street light, their forms elongate in the back gradually, Long Kongkong close to the beautiful woman, the small finger touched Hofn's hand quietly gently. 在路灯的照耀下,他们的身影渐渐在背后拉长,龙空空悄无声息的靠近佳人,小手指轻轻的碰了一下赫本的手。 Hofn's hand shivered immediately, then patted his hand. 赫本的手顿时颤动了一下,然后拍了一下他的手。 Long Kongkong fully realized, at this kind of time, cannot be hesitate to press forward as the man, searches the hand to grasp into the palm her tender small hand, Hofn made making, but this fellow grasps tight! Moreover is not concerned about face also extends another hand, two hands are grasping together, that feeling, looked like her to pull child. 龙空空深知,在这种时候,作为男人绝不能畏缩不前,一探手就将她柔嫩的小手握入掌中,赫本挣了挣,但这家伙抓的紧啊!而且还很不要脸的把另一只手也伸过来,两只手一起握着,那感觉,就像是她在牵了个孩子似的。 Hofn cannot bear smiles, actually also whatever he is pulling like this. 赫本忍不住“噗哧”一笑,却也就任由他这样牵着了。 The long road will also make people think short at this kind of time. Finally arrived at Hofn's main house gate mouth. 再长的路在这种时候也会让人觉得短暂。终于还是到了赫本的家门口。 Long Kongkong holds her hand not to hate to let loose. 龙空空牵着她的手舍不得放开。 Too, went back late earlier.” Hofn said. “太晚了,早点回去吧。”赫本说道。 „It is not anxious.” Long Kongkong is shaking her hand, unintentional draws her to approach itself. “不急吧。”龙空空握着她的手,有意无意的拉着她靠近自己。 Hofn lifts another hand to support in his chest front, do not be noisy. What do you later have to plan?” 赫本抬起另一只手撑在他胸前,“别闹。你以后有什么打算?” Long Kongkong somewhat vacant say/way: I don't know either, this matter is my brother plans, he said in any case why to do. However our present strength progressive quick, I may be fierce now. You? Did you graduate the later plan to do?” 龙空空有些茫然的道:“我也不知道,这种事儿都是我哥规划的,反正他说干什么就干什么呗。不过我们现在的实力进步的很快,我现在可厉害了。你呢?你毕业了以后打算干什么?” Hofn said: Possibly goes to the relevant authority. Is an officer and so on.” 赫本道:“可能去政府部门工作吧。做个文员之类的。” Long Kongkong does intentionally the calm say/way: „, After you, how could it not be is the federal government led? Later can be the president adolf?” 龙空空故作镇静的道:“哇,那你以后岂不就是联邦政府的领导了?以后会不会做联邦主席啊?” Hofn white his eyes, always do not have a dream.” 赫本白了他一眼,“别老做梦。” Long Kongkong smiles, said: Fond dream must do! When perhaps on fond dream to become true, you looked, I today not?” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“美梦还是要做的啊!说不定什么时候就美梦成真了,你看,我今天不就是吗?” Hofn patted in his chest place, elegant face slightly red say/way: Goes back to rest quickly.” 赫本在他胸口处拍了一下,俏脸微红的道:“快回去休息吧。” Long Kongkong realizes a key issue suddenly, „, if after you, went to the government to go to work, where did I go to look for you?” 龙空空突然意识到一个重要问题,“要是你以后去政府上班了,我去哪里找你啊?” Hofn said: I am the officer in the federal government economics and trade office. From the temple headquarters not far place, got off work every afternoon, after getting off work, will go to the shop to give the father to help.” 赫本道:“我在联邦政府经贸办公室当文员。就在距离圣殿总部不远的地方,每天下午就下班了,下班后还是会去店里给爸爸帮忙。” Good. That comes back I to take you to get off work, what kind of?” Long Kongkong excited saying. “好嘞。那回头我去接你下班吧,怎么样?”龙空空一脸兴奋的说道。 Hofn said: Who wanted you to meet, several roads, I walked on the line.” 赫本道:“谁要你接了,就几步路,我走回去就行了。” Long Kongkong smiles, said: That is not good. I must go to your unit entrance to meet you, making your colleague see you to have such a handsome charming knight boyfriend, making them not have your idea, otherwise I beat them with the sandbag big fist.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“那可不行。我要去你们单位门口接你,让你的同事都看到你有一个这么英俊帅气的骑士男朋友,让他们谁也别打你主意,否则我就用沙包大的拳头捶他们。” Repugnant.” Hofn could not bear smile, pushed him, went back quickly.” “讨厌。”赫本忍不住笑了,推了推他,“快回去吧。” Good, I go back.” Although on the Long Kongkong mouth is saying, but actually grabs Hofn's hand not to put. “好吧,那我回去啦。”龙空空嘴上虽然这么说着,但却还是抓着赫本的手不放。 „Aren't you go back?” Hofn looks up him. “你不是回去吗?”赫本抬头看着他。 Long Kongkong loosens her hand, actually stretches out the arms, I who you cried a moment ago have not felt well, again.” 龙空空松开她的手,却张开双臂,“刚才你哭的我都没好好感受一下,再给个呗。” Hofn elegant face one red, but is fast goes forward one step, hugged him, then turns around to fly is also ran in the apartment. 赫本俏脸一红,但还是飞快的上前一步,抱了抱他,然后就转身飞也是的跑进了公寓。 Hehe, hehe!” Long Kongkong stands is laughing foolishly same place, feels also remains the pleasantly warm feeling, he only thought that the bloodlines of whole body seem boiling. “呵呵呵,呵呵呵!”龙空空站在原地傻笑,感受着身上还残留着的温软感觉,他只觉得全身的血脉似乎都在沸腾着。 Does not take a bath, today does not take a bath.” “不洗澡了,今天不洗澡了。” Today is really happy that really really happy, ha! I have the girlfriend.” Cries out strangely, he then ran toward the yard. “今儿个真高兴啊,真呀真高兴,哇哈哈哈!我有女朋友喽。”怪叫一声,他这才朝着小院跑了。 After one hour . 一个小时后。 Long Kongkong, what do you laugh foolishly? Also can sit in meditation?” Ocean nighttide ill-humored saying. 龙空空,你傻笑什么?还能不能入定了?”溟汐没好气的说道。 Long Kongkong came back for a half hour, everyone has waited for him to come back to cultivate previously. After all, he now is the core of cultivation. 龙空空回来半个小时了,大家先前就一直等他回来修炼呢。毕竟,他现在是修炼的核心。 But the issue is, this fellow does not know that did, after coming back, has laughed foolishly, cannot enter to decide, almost sat in meditation a moment ago, suddenly laughed foolishly unable to enter contemplates the condition, wasted everyone sentiment white/in vain. 但问题是,这家伙不知道干什么去了,回来之后就一直傻笑,根本就入不了定,刚才差点入定的时候,突然就傻笑一下就没能进入冥想状态,白浪费大家感情。 Long Kongkong shot a look at her one eyes, complacent say/way: You do not understand.” 龙空空瞥了她一眼,得意洋洋的道:“你不懂。” Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: You sufficed! With not sending spring.” 龙当当没好气的道:“你够了啊!别跟发春了似的。” Long Kongkong smiles, said: Or we rest for day to result in today, won't go to the temple headquarters in any case tomorrow? When the time comes cultivates again.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“要不今天咱们休息一天得了,反正明天不就去圣殿总部了么?到时候再修炼呗。” Long Dangdang stared his one eyes, „has everyone waited for you to come back, comes back you to be loaf?” 龙当当瞪了他一眼,“大家一直等你回来,回来你就要偷懒?” Feeling the atmosphere seems like some to be not quite right, Long Kongkong then coughs, is good and good, the cultivation cultivates, you stare what eye! Come, comes.” 感受到气氛似乎有些不太对,龙空空这才咳嗽一声,“好、好,修炼就修炼,你瞪什么眼啊!来吧、来吧。” At the same time saying, he restrains the mind diligently, first released own Yuan whorl spirit furnace. 一边说着,他努力的收敛心神,首先将自己的元涡灵炉释放了出来。 Before jet black such as Yuan whorl spirit furnace of black ink, compared a big change, the whole were more a shiny smooth sense of reality, just like the black jade to carve around the common, circular spirit furnace, has a layer upon layer close cloud pattern, these cloud patterns as if had the life to be the same, unceasing rhythm, indistinctly like smoke. 漆黑如墨的元涡灵炉和之前相比有了不小的变化,整体更多了一种莹润的质感,犹如黑玉雕琢一般,圆形的灵炉周围,有着一层层细密的云纹,这些云纹仿佛有生命一般,不断的律动着,缥缈如烟。 What strangest is the spirit furnace, seemingly profound just like the bottomless trench, internal vortex turned into one unusual dark blue from the original black, galloping is turbulent. 最奇异的还是灵炉内部,看上去深邃的犹如无底深渊,内部的旋涡从原本的黑色变成了一种奇特的暗蓝色,奔腾汹涌。 Massive dead spirit energies that previous Long Kongkong absorbs after filtration, majority was absorbed by the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, one increased about 30,000 spirit strength, takes an important role for its patching. But is very obvious, the previous time situation is not easy easily to duplicate. Besides the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, the biggest harvest should be the Yuan whorl spirit furnace evolves to third-order. 上次龙空空吸收到的大量亡灵能量在经过过滤之后,大部分都被月明沧海灵炉吸收了,一下增加了近三万的灵力,为它的修补起到了重要作用。但很显然,上次的情况也不容易轻易复制。除了月明沧海灵炉之外,最大的收获应该就是元涡灵炉进化到三阶了。 In other words, even if now does not have the assistance of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, he has also been able to display the day deep pool domain to swallow. But in addition the words of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, although previously was only the glance, but everyone can the clear feeling going against heaven's will of Yuan whorl spirit furnace. 也就是说,现在哪怕没有神祈屿桐灵炉的辅助,他也已经能够自己施展出天渊领域来进行吞噬了。而加上神祈屿桐灵炉的话,先前虽然只是惊鸿一瞥,但大家还是能清晰的感受到元涡灵炉的逆天。 At this time, Yuan whorl spirit furnace, day deep pool domain inspiring, various elements in air come just like all rivers run into sea general gathering immediately, under the night, the star light radiant spirit furnace blooms eye-catchingly brilliance, two big spirit furnace ray twinkles, the element in air during gathering, starts to be filtered fast. 此时,元涡灵炉一出,天渊领域引动,空气中的各种元素顿时宛如海纳百川一般汇聚而来,在夜晚之下,星光璀璨灵炉绽放出夺目光辉,两大灵炉光芒闪烁,空气中的元素在汇聚的同时,也开始被快速过滤。 The Long Dangdang release next month bright sea spirit furnace, the moonlight sprinkles, echoes with the star light radiant junction, becomes strength of the best accumulated raising, smooths the cultivation blood to refine the pain and wound that the golden body brings for the people. The god Qi Yutong spirit furnace has not held above in Yuanwo the spirit furnace again, because the Yuan whorl spirit furnace of higher rank swallows the effect that the element brings to be extremely violent, is ice Monroe's protection method is unable to cover. 龙当当释放出月明沧海灵炉,月华洒落,与星光璀璨交相呼应,成为最好的蕴养之力,为众人抚平着修炼血炼金身带来的痛苦与创伤。神祈屿桐灵炉没有再加持于元涡灵炉之上,因为更高级别的元涡灵炉吞噬元素带来的效果太过猛烈,是凌梦露的防护法阵无法掩盖的。 Suddenly, the gentle halo 19,115,897 hunts for the demon group people to cover, compromises their bodies, the purification is enhancing their spirit strength. 一时间,柔和的光晕将一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人笼罩在内,调和着他们的身体,纯化提升着他们的灵力。 Before attacking seven step bottlenecks, they need more accumulates and precipitation. But Long Dangdang cultivates the spirit strength that absorbs now, then starts continuously to moon/month bright sea spirit furnace convergance, he already six step peaks, before restoring the spirit furnace finished is unable to continue to promote. Therefore, he does not need to consider whether now these spirit strength absorptions will cultivate to produce to oneself excessively affect, so long as absorbing the strength of element transformed as the spirit strength pours into to the sea on the line. Had the Long Kongkong Yuan whorl spirit furnace, without the external life attribute energy swallows the absorption, he completes the process of restore moon/month bright sea spirit furnace also no longer is unattainable. 在冲击七阶瓶颈之前,他们需要的更多是积累与沉淀。而龙当当现在修炼所吸收的灵力,则是开始源源不绝的向月明沧海灵炉会聚,他已经六阶巅峰,在修复灵炉完毕之前是无法自己继续提升的。所以,他现在也不需要考虑这些灵力吸收是否会对自己修炼产生过度影响,只要把吸收来的元素之力转化为灵力注入给沧海就行了。有了龙空空的元涡灵炉在,哪怕没有外来的生命属性能量吞噬吸收,他完成修复月明沧海灵炉的过程也不再是可望不可及。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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