SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#276: Said goodbye Hofn

Chapter 276 said goodbye Hofn 第276章再见赫本 The light golden halo diverges gradually, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and their partners have appeared in one magnificent and familiar transmission. 淡淡的金色光晕渐渐散去,龙当当龙空空和他们的伙伴们已经出现在了一座华丽而熟悉的传送阵之中。 The surrounding all are very familiar, but the expression of people actually seems somewhat unusual. 周围的一切都很熟悉,而众人的表情却都显得有些异样。 Yes, they came back, here is transmission of holy city temple headquarters. They from Jiyang city big camp by direct transmission. Has not made them hurry along again. Has about all that they make, was issued the seal command, even if in federal army, few knows personally that casting a spell that attracts the dead spirit army to attack is they releases. 是的,他们回来了,这里是圣城圣殿总部的传送阵。他们是从吉阳城大营被直接传送回来的。都没让他们再赶路。有关于他们所作的一切,也被下了封口令,哪怕是在联邦大军之中,也没有几个人知道那个引来了亡灵大军来攻击的禁咒是他们释放的。 Talked after evening clear marshal finished, Long Dangdang returns to the tent, according to marshal command, Long Kongkong cultivation, as soon as finished, they first were transmitted. The resources that this long-distance transmission, needs to consume are quite big, but evening clear lets they walked this safely road without hesitation. 和夕澈元帅交谈结束之后,龙当当回到营帐,按照元帅令,龙空空修炼一结束,他们就第一时间被传送了回来。要知道,这种远距离传送,需要消耗的资源是相当不小的,但夕澈却是毫不犹豫就让他们走了这条最为安全的“路”。 Now what to do?” Long Kongkong looked that asked to Long Dangdang. “现在咋办?”龙空空看向龙当当问道。 Long Dangdang said: As before, cultivation. The meritorious service of military helped us exchange to hunt for the meritorious service of demon group, enough all our entered the demon boundary over five times. Therefore, now after everyone goes back, first refining up the golden body to promote the blood. Then we enter in the demon to promote. In six months, hopes that everyone touches to the thresholds of seven steps versatilely.” 龙当当道:“和以前一样,修炼。军方的功勋都帮我们兑换成猎魔团的功勋了,足够我们全体进入魔境五次以上。所以,现在大家回去之后,先把血炼金身提升起来。然后我们进入魔境内提升。半年内,希望大家全能触摸到七阶的门槛。” Good!” The ocean nighttide makes an effort wielded a fist. She as if has forgotten the blood to refine the pain that the golden body brings in this moment. Compared with pain that body bears, saw that the partners cultivate/repair to promote itself because rapidly actually the blood refining up the golden body rank to be insufficient, but is unable to enhance cultivates for is more uncomfortable! “好的!”溟汐用力的挥动了一下拳头。在这一刻她仿佛都已经遗忘了血炼金身所带来的痛苦了。和那种身体所承受的痛苦相比,眼看着伙伴们一个个修为飞速提升自己却因为血炼金身等级不足而无法提高修为才是更加难受的啊! Returned to the yard, the ocean nighttide to sneak on first cultivates the blood to refine the room of golden body to go specially, withstood the big painful people not to know as for her. But Long Kongkong also slips out quietly, because by the count-down, Hofn should come back. 回到小院,溟汐就第一个钻进专门修炼血炼金身的房间去了,至于她承受多大的痛苦众人不知道。而龙空空也是悄悄溜了出去,因为按照时间计算,赫本应该是回来了。 Others return to the room to cultivate respectively, consolidate this promotion. Everyone's cultivating are quite many for the promotion, but wants to attack seven steps, some promotion are too quick, needs to accumulate. 其他人各自回房去修炼,稳固这次的提升。大家的修为提升都相当不少,但想要冲击七阶,却有些提升过快,都需要积累。 Only then ice Monroe and Long Dangdang stayed in the living room. 只有凌梦露和龙当当留在了客厅之中。 „Do you keep me to do?” Ling Menglu elegant face slightly red asking. A moment ago when she also prepared and partners together went back to cultivate, by Long Dangdang alone is stopped by calling out. Others look that in their looks left for several points to move the color of raising. “你留我干嘛?”凌梦露俏脸微红的问道。刚才在她也准备和伙伴们一起回去修炼的时候,却被龙当当单独叫住了。以至于其他人看着他们的眼神中都多出了几分挪揄之色。 Long Dangdang said: You are an assistant regimental commander, didn't my discuss with you our following cultivation arrangements?” 龙当当道:“你是副团长,我这不是跟你商量一下我们后面的修炼安排么?” Ling dream exposed one's valuables his one eyes, how that does you prepare to arrange?” 凌梦露白了他一眼,“那伱准备怎么安排?” Long Dangdang said: First I must review itself, this time was too reckless in the Jiyang city battlefield, exposed small eight and Kong Kong ability, brought to the attention of dead spirit. They can launch such large-scale attack for us, in the holy city we also not necessarily is the absolute safety. Therefore, I am thinking, the following cultivation, we possibly cannot stay here again.” 龙当当道:“首先我要检讨自己,这次在吉阳城战场太冒进了,以至于暴露了小八和空空的能力,引起了亡灵的重视。它们能够为了我们而发动这么大规模的进攻,在圣城我们也未必是绝对安全的。所以,我在想,接下来的修炼,我们可能不能再留在这里了。” In Ling Menglu heart one cold, you thought that is so serious? We in the holy city, should have the temple expert to take care of our.” 凌梦露心中一凛,“你觉得有这么严重吗?我们在圣城之中,应该也有圣殿高手在看顾我们的。” Long Dangdang said: You don't the attack that forgets Kong Kong to be under initially, although only then that time, now the defense of holy city definitely is also stricter than initially, who dares saying that won't have the dead spirit powerhouse to submerge to cope with us? Compared with the true top powerhouse, we are not anything. Therefore, I think, after letting everyone first processes respectively own matter, we move to the temple headquarters to cultivate, when everyone's cultivating to be seven steps, we came out again. Our present cultivation resources are abundant. The hunting for demon group meritorious service that this time exchanges has about 200,000. Enough we cultivation a long time, before , the demon beast blood that saves, cultivates the blood to refine the golden body to everyone is also enough.” 龙当当道:“你别忘了当初空空遭遇到的袭击,虽然只有那一次,现在圣城的防御也肯定比当初更严,但谁敢说就不会有亡灵强者潜入来对付我们?和真正的顶尖强者比起来,我们不算什么。所以,我想,让大家先各自处理一下自己的事情之后,我们搬到圣殿总部去修炼,什么时候大家的修为都达到七阶了,我们再出来。我们现在的修炼资源充沛。这次兑换下来的猎魔团功勋已经有近二十万了。足够我们修炼很长一段时间,还有之前积攒下来的魔兽血液,给大家修炼血炼金身也足够。” Ling Menglu nods, said: Is more discrete well. The bottlenecks of seven steps to us are actually not too difficult, but, you what to do? Coming out that the spirit strength that the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace needs, can save?” 凌梦露点点头,道:“谨慎一些也好。七阶的瓶颈对我们来说其实也不是太难,不过,你怎么办?月明沧海灵炉需要的灵力,能够积攒的出来吗?” Long Dangdang said: This time displayed to cast a spell the biggest harvest is this aspect. The spirit strength of sea supplemented that arrived at more than 35,000. Is has 1/6 duties to complete. Then absorbed there spirit strength in the demon boundary. If all normal, I thought that has the opportunity. After all, there will not die truly, we can do is more radical. I plan to complete patching to sea in the demon. So long as it patched to complete , my cultivation speed one will catch up.” 龙当当道:“这次施展禁咒最大的收获就是这方面了。沧海的灵力补充一下就到了三万五千多。已经算是有六分之一的任务完成了。接下来就是在魔境之中去吸收那里的灵力了。如果一切正常的话,我觉得是有机会的。毕竟,那里不会真正死亡,我们可以做的更激进一些。我就是打算在魔境内完成对沧海的修补。只要它修补完成了,那么,我的修炼速度一下就会赶上来。” Swallows leniently spits spirit furnace that delay release to conceal the innumerable dead spirit powerhouses slowly to let him to see that in dead spirit army barracks release casting a spell these towerman levels the wisdom spirit furnace is powerful. 从轻吞慢吐灵炉那延迟释放能够隐瞒过无数亡灵强者让他在亡灵大军驻扎地释放禁咒就能看得出这些守望者层次的智慧灵炉有多么强大。 If the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace can restore completely, that to him, absolutely is the huge promotion. Now what he more needs is the time. Rather than other. 月明沧海灵炉如果能够完全修复,那对他来说,绝对是巨大的提升。现在他更多的需要的是时间。而不是别的。 Therefore, after that day and evening clear finished talking, Long Dangdang has wanted to understand. Now to them, the promotion cultivates for is first, only then the strength enough can better conducts all, otherwise, all are the empty talk. The situation in dead spirit state, without is so obviously simple. If really the dead spirits of 1 million spirit strength ranks exist, living that in the future human really can resist? What to do if can't resist? Reappears for ten thousand years ago that catastrophe that the demon clan brings? 所以,在那天和夕澈谈完之后,龙当当就已经想明白了。现在对他们来说,提升修为是第一位的,只有实力足够才能更好的去进行一切,否则的话,一切都是空谈。亡灵国度的情况,显然没有那么简单。如果真的有百万灵力级别的亡灵存在,未来人类真的能够抵挡的住吗?如果抵挡不住怎么办?难道重现万年前魔族所带来的那场大灾难么? In situation that in this tumultuous times peep, only has is stiffened by oneself as soon as possible, has the sufficient strength is the most correct choice. 在这种乱世初现的情况下,唯有尽快让自己变强,拥有足够的实力才是最正确的选择。 Ling Menglu said: Ok, we go to the temple headquarters to cultivate. I go home later, first said one to family/home. You have what need resources, I who can make let the grandfather and father prepare some.” 凌梦露道:“行,那咱们就去圣殿总部修炼。我待会儿回家一趟,先跟家里说一声。你还有什么需要的资源,能弄的我让爷爷和爸爸准备一些。” Long Dangdang said: Our cultivation resources should be sufficient now, moreover by our talents, that side the headquarters will also definitely give the adequate support. Did not need to trouble the grandfather and uncle.” 龙当当道:“咱们的修炼资源现在应该够用了,而且以咱们的天赋,总部那边也肯定会给予足够的支持。就不用麻烦外公和舅舅了。” Ling Menglu said: Do not give the pressure on be too big. You also less than 17 years old, even if comes across many dangers and pressures, now has not been one's turn you to need to force up.” 凌梦露道:“你也不要给自己压力太大。你还不到十七岁呢,就算遇到再多的危险和压力,现在也还没轮到你需要顶上去的时候。” Un.” Long Dangdang nod gently, right, I met the Zisang colored glaze glimmer on that day, she wants to unite with us, but I rejected finally. Her character......” “嗯。”龙当当轻轻的点点头,“对了,那天我遇到子桑琉荧了,她想要和我们联合,但最后我还是拒绝了。她的性格……” Ice Monroe sighed one lightly, said: I understand, Zisang strove to excel, she is the person who that type must be the leader. This also why I chose your reason initially.” 凌梦露轻叹一声,道:“我懂的,子桑太要强了,她是那种一定要做领袖的人。这也是为什么当初我选择你的原因。” Long Dangdang shows a faint smile, said: I also think that is because I grow gracefully.” 龙当当微微一笑,道:“我还以为是因为我长得帅呢。” Bah!” Ling Menglu elegant face slightly one red, I thought you are quite credible, moreover without her is so strong. With her in the same place, was good in childhood, more grew up, is easy some is not more uncomfortable. She strove to excel too, anything must win. But crossed just changed/easy fold/break, she never understood this truth.” “呸!”凌梦露俏脸微微一红,“我只是觉得你比较靠谱而已,而且没有她那么强势。和她在一起,小时候还好,越是长大了,越是容易有些不舒服。她太好强了,什么都要赢。但过刚则易折,她始终不明白这个道理。” Long Dangdang said: Her idea is so long as enough just can destroy the hardest defenses.” 龙当当道:“她的理念是只要足够刚就能无坚不摧吧。” „Everyone has own way forward. Regardless how saying that in the future everyone should to resist the dead spirit lifeform together.” In the ice Monroe's look were many several points of gloom. “每个人都有自己的前进方式。无论怎么说,未来大家应该都是要共同去对抗亡灵生物的。”凌梦露的眼神之中多了几分暗淡。 She, the Zisang colored glaze glimmer and Tang Leiguang, meets initially, again Shangcai color Juan. Because is talent outstanding existence, since childhood everyone was a good friend. Initially when she chose Long Dangdang, Tang Leiguang, met with Cai Caijuan initially chose the Zisang colored glaze glimmer, in heart deep place, hasn't never been unwilling? But along with the unceasing growth of Long Dangdang, the powerful talent that shows gradually, had fully proven correctness that she chooses, even the Zisang colored glaze glimmer looks to be able now on own initiative to cooperate, in her heart is a little small proud. 她、子桑琉荧、唐雷光、初遇,再加上蔡彩娟。因为都是天赋卓绝的存在,自幼大家就是好朋友。当初在她选择龙当当的时候,唐雷光、初遇和蔡彩娟都选择了子桑琉荧,在她内心深处,又何尝没有不甘呢?而伴随着龙当当的不断成长,渐渐展现出的强大天赋,已经充分证明了她选择的正确,甚至就连子桑琉荧现在都主动找来希望能够合作,她心中是有点小骄傲的。 Looks at front youngster, the handsome appearance, the profound look, more and more firm calm makings, the ice Monroe's heart somewhat drags slightly. 看着面前的少年,英俊的容颜,深邃的眼神,越来越坚定沉稳的气质,凌梦露的心不禁微微有些摇曳。 What looks at?” Long Dangdang lifted the hand to shake shaking before the eye pupils of her some delay. “看什么呢?”龙当当抬手在她有些呆滞的眼眸前晃了晃。 No!” Ice Monroe somewhat flurried rushes to say. “没有啊!”凌梦露有些慌乱的赶忙说道。 Long Dangdang shows a faint smile, said: Looks is also all right, I forever am cousin's protection knight.” 龙当当微微一笑,道:“看也没事儿,我永远都是表姐的守护骑士。” Ling Menglu snort/hum, said: Doing a bit less, you obviously are the disciplinary punishment knight.” 凌梦露哼了一声,道:“少来,你明明是惩戒骑士。” Long Dangdang looks at her, „is only a protection knight of cousin person.” 龙当当看着她,“只做表姐一个人的守护骑士。” Ling Menglu ill-humored say/way: You leave the calling of old cousin and cousin. We do not have the blood relationship.” 凌梦露没好气的道:“你别老表姐、表姐的叫。我们可是没有血缘关系的。” The Long Dangdang corners of the mouth place were many wiped to ponder, what did that call? reveal?” 龙当当嘴角处多了一抹玩味,“那叫什么?露露?” One that the ice Monroe's elegant face brushes was red, stands up rapidly walks toward outside, I first went home.” 凌梦露的俏脸刷的一下就红了,迅速站起身就朝外面走去,“我先回家了。” Long Dangdang also following stood, „, reveal, you do not walk!” 龙当当也跟着站了起来,“唉,露露,你别走啊!” Ice Monroe is greatly embarrassed, „are you repugnant, cannot call.” Saying, the person already running that flew also to resemble. 凌梦露大囧,“你讨不讨厌,不许叫了。”说着,人已经飞也似的跑了。 Looks the beautiful form that her there goes , the Long Dangdang road reveals wipes the understanding smile. This time she, where also had the pastor temple's first talent, in the future pastor temple decided but not yet announced palace Lord appearance. 看着她那里去的姣好身影,龙当当不禁路露出一抹会心的微笑。这时候的她,哪里还有牧师圣殿第一天才,未来牧师圣殿内定殿主的样子。 From first time shocking that sees her time, to the choice of her reckless opposition with oneself agglomerate, to was always supporting own all decisions in the team again silently, this makes in the Long Dangdang heart have a sleep/felt early, he thought that oneself is lucky, when enters the youth initially ran into her, compares in these outstanding talents, this is he thinks that is this this lifetime luckiest matter. 从第一次见到她时候的惊艳,到她不顾一切反对的选择了与自己成团,再到在团队中始终默默的支持着自己的一切决定,这让龙当当心中早有所觉,他觉得自己是幸运的,在初入青春之时就遇到了她,相比于那些卓绝的天赋,这才是他认为是自己这辈子最幸运的事。 Type spareribs shop. 赫式排骨店。 East Long Kongkong takes a look, west to have a look, had not discovered that what suspicious sign, before this arrived at the spareribs door fast, pushes the door to enter. 龙空空东瞅瞅、西看看,没有发现什么可疑的迹象,这才快速来到了排骨店门前,推门而入。 Passing through the gate, rich and familiar cooking spareribs fragrance has headed on, immediately makes Long Kongkong think that own belly as if had been calling the soul. In his heart, what delicacies of every kind cannot compare here one bowl of spareribs food! Naturally, he has not eaten what delicacies of every kind and that's the end. 一进门,一股浓郁而熟悉的炖排骨香气就已经扑面而来,顿时让龙空空觉得自己的肚子仿佛已经在叫魂了似的。在他心中,什么山珍海味也比不上这里的一碗排骨饭啊!当然,他也没吃过什么山珍海味就是了。 At this time in the shop has two tables of guests. But has not actually seen the form that he longs. Thick disappointed flows in the heart immediately. 此时店里已经有了两桌客人。但却并没有看见他渴望的身影。一股浓浓的失望顿时在心头奔涌而出。 Hasn't come back?” “还没回来么?” „Do you also come to do? You had been dismissed.” In this time, a delightful sound is resounding. “你还来干什么?你已经被开除了。”正在这时,一个悦耳的声音响起。 Long Kongkong hit to tremble smartly spirit, after , the curtain of kitchen lifted, carries a happy form of tray to walk from behind. 龙空空机灵灵打了个寒颤,之间后厨的门帘掀开,端着一个托盘的美好身影从后面走了出来。 The pale blue long skirt gentle moving, long hair plate that her that slim and gently beautiful figure outlined after the brain, with a wooden hairpin simple is inserting, on the elegant face leads thin Chen, a supercilious look has pounded in the Long Kongkong heart. 淡蓝色的长裙将她那修长而柔美的身材勾勒的温婉动人,长发盘在脑后,用一根木簪简单的插着,俏脸上带着薄嗔,一个白眼就已经砸在了龙空空心头。 Hofn elder sister.” Long Kongkong when called these three characters, the sound somewhat shivered. “赫本姐。”龙空空在叫出这三个字的时候,声音都有些颤抖了。 For a long time too has not seen her! Really too for a long time. 太长时间没见到她了啊!真的太长时间了。 Saw again when that is similar to the first love appearance as before, in the throat of Long Kongkong choked up unexpectedly completely, can only call that three characters unable to speak again. 再看到那依旧如同初恋时的容颜,龙空空的喉中竟是完全哽住了,只能叫出那三个字就再也说不出话来。 Hofn face thin Chen on, when the sound that in hearing his shivers melted instantaneously. 赫本脸上的薄嗔,在听到他那颤抖的声音时瞬间就融化了。 Long Kongkong already three and made two steps walking to go forward, received the tray in her hand, serves food to the guest. 龙空空已经三步并作两步的走上前,接过她手中的托盘,给客人上了菜。 Hofn has turned around, the kitchen walks again backward, in turning around that flickers, her beautiful pupil also red. But also in next quarter, her hand one tight, had been gripped by a powerful big hand firmly, said that anything is not willing to let loose. 赫本转过身,再次向后厨走去,在转身的那一瞬,她的美眸也不禁红了起来。而也就在下一刻,她的手一紧,已经被一只有力的大手牢牢握住,说什么也不肯放开。 „Do you do?” Hofn lowered the head to turn around, lifts the hand to beat in his chest front. “你干嘛?”赫本低着头转过身,抬手就在他胸前捶了一下。 Long Kongkong that I......” am usually fluent and clever, could not have spoken at this time completely, but closely grips her hand, said that anything is not willing to loosen. “我……”平时口齿伶俐的龙空空,此时却是已经完全说不出话来,只是紧紧的握住她的手,说什么也不肯松开。 Has the person.” Hofn is patting his chest. “有人呢。”赫本轻拍着他的胸膛。 Long Kongkong then responded, when subconscious loosening hand, his hand actually held on by Hofn backhandedly, drew him to walk toward behind. 龙空空这才反应过来,下意识的松开手时,他的手却被赫本反手拉住了,拉着他就往后面走。 Across after the curtain of kitchen, Long Kongkong clear seeing, Hofn's ear somewhat is red, can feel rapid that she breathes at this time, speeding up of heartbeat. After all, he also already six steps! 穿过通往后厨的门帘,龙空空清晰的看到,赫本的耳朵都已经有些红了,更能感受到她此时呼吸的急促,心跳的加快。毕竟,他也已经六阶了啊! After entering , the kitchen she loosened his hand, but actually stops the footsteps, depended to his arms with the shoulder, while Long Kongkong lifts the hand wants to grasp her time, she is actually similar to the frightened fawn generally to escape, turn head rebukes saying: You clever.” 进了后厨她才松开了他的手,但却停下脚步,用肩膀向他怀里靠了靠,正当龙空空抬起手想要抱住她的时候,她却如同受惊的小鹿一般逃开,回头嗔怪道:“你乖一点。” Father not, shop, only then Hofn is busy preparing, spareribs food and soup noodles with spareribs so long as after all had to cook the good spareribs is very good to operate, Long Kongkong helped her be headstrong, after crossing just that short excitement, he started incessantly was telling all sorts that these days experienced, like little bee, gathered round fresh flower that oneself liked buzz humming sound. 赫爸爸没在,店里只有赫本在忙前忙后,排骨饭和排骨面毕竟只要有炖好的排骨就很好操作了,龙空空帮着她莽起来,过了刚刚那短暂的激动之后,他开始滔滔不绝的讲述着自己这些日子所经历的种种,就像个小蜜蜂似的,围着自己喜爱的鲜花“嗡嗡嗡”。 Hofn has not opened the mouth, what are more is only listens respectfully, is busy the matter in shop while is listening to his words. Occasionally white delighted he, the faint smile of corners of the mouth place actually throughout. 赫本没怎么开口,更多的只是聆听,一边忙着店里的事儿一边听着他的话。偶尔白一眼眉飞色舞的他,嘴角处的浅笑却始终都在。 Father had not come back, Hofn said that is his some colds, therefore cooked the spareribs to rest this morning. 赫爸爸一直没回来,赫本说是他有些感冒,所以今天早上来炖了排骨就休息了。 The weather is late gradually, in the shop did not have the guest. Long Kongkong hands and feet agile packed all things. 天色渐晚,店里也没了客人。龙空空手脚利落的收拾好了所有的东西。 Kong Kong, should not be busy, you come.” Hofn called in front of Long Kongkong oneself. 空空,别忙了,你来。”赫本将龙空空叫到自己面前。 Long Kongkong just the shop sold the remaining spareribs to eat a cleanness, is tidying up, hears her to call, to rush to arrive at side her. 龙空空刚把店里卖剩下的排骨吃了个干净,正在收拾呢,听到她叫,赶忙来到她身边。 What's wrong? Where doesn't have the sweep trace?” “怎么了?还有哪没收拾干净吗?” Hofn's shaking the head gently, looks up to him, suddenly asked that words that made Long Kongkong be thrown into confusion, Kong Kong, did you like me?” 赫本轻轻的摇摇头,抬头看向他,突然问出了一句让龙空空手忙脚乱的话,“空空,你是不是喜欢我?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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