SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#275: With is the blood agreement

Chapter 275 with is the blood agreement 第275章同为血契 In this flash, Long Dangdang only thought that the surrounding all seemed to have collapsed generally, but oneself as if seemed like must be swallowed the common, entire body by one sudden big day must melt during this round of big day. 在这一刹那,龙当当只觉得周围的一切似乎都已经坍塌了一般,而自己仿佛像是要被一颗突然出现的大日吞噬一般,整个身体都要在这轮大日之中融化。 Áng-” spirited dragon recited the sound also to resound, the bright golden ray ran out outrageously, breaks during that big day, in an instant, Long Dangdang only felt own bloodlines ebullition, the ear is reverberating the familiar and strange dragon language. “昂-”激昂的龙吟声随之响起,灿烂的金色光芒悍然冲出,冲入那大日之中,刹那间,龙当当只觉得自身血脉沸腾,耳边回荡着熟悉而又陌生的龙语。 And Is impossible, blood agreement!” With a vocal cord calling out in alarm of several points of variant pronunciation, the golden light is disappearing suddenly, only face shocking luxuriant Xun retrocedes rapidly several steps, looks at Long Dangdang again time, in the eye has been full of the inconceivable color, how regardless of she cannot think, she saw the blood agreement unexpectedly, in dragon sovereign bloodlines blood agreement! “不、不可能,血契!”伴随着一声带着几分破音的惊呼,金光骤然泯灭,唯有一脸震惊的蔚南薰迅速后退几步,再看着龙当当的时候,眼中已经充满了不可思议之色,她无论如何也想不到,自己竟然看到了血契,在龙皇血脉身上的血契啊! Evening clear is shocking in the extreme? Looks that the Long Dangdang look filled shock, but also has several points to be unusual and complex. 夕澈又何尝不是震惊的无以复加呢?看着龙当当的眼神充满了震撼,但同时还带着几分异样与复杂。 Small eight kept off with the grandiose body before the Long Dangdang body, three dragon's head often sent out the low roar, but it also clearly can feel existence that front female was not can contend with definitely, therefore was also only the low roar, has not sent out the attack. 小八用自己壮硕的身体挡在了龙当当身前,三个龙头不时发出低吼,但它也分明能够感受到面前的女子决非自己所能抗衡的存在,所以也只是低吼,并没有发出攻击。 The luxuriant Xun's chest is actually fluctuating unceasingly, in the look glitters is flashing on and off the uncertain ray. 蔚南薰的胸口却不断的起伏着,眼神之中闪烁着明灭不定的光芒。 Xun, are they same as us?” Evening clear look somewhat complex looks to luxuriant Xun. “南薰,他们难道和我们一样?”夕澈眼神有些复杂的看向蔚南薰。 Shaking the head that luxuriant Xun actually makes an effort, not and not. The imperial prince is the male gender, unlike us. Moreover, from the imperial prince present condition, should be newborn had concluded the blood agreement with him, even the variations of imperial prince these three dragon's head should be related with him. But, under dragon Huangmian descendant and I am different! I can give up all following you, the effect on the dragon clan cannot be so big, but it is different, all previous dragon sovereign, can also be born generally a descendant, before grows thoroughly, will follow side the present age dragon sovereign. Concludes the blood agreement with human, means that gives up the glorious life, dragon sovereign will inherit, relates to the entire dragon clan future, how possibly, will this how be possible?” 蔚南薰却用力的摇摇头,“不、不是的。皇子是雄性,跟我们不一样。而且,从皇子现在的状态来看,应该是初生就已经与他缔结了血契,甚至皇子这三个龙头的变异应该都是与他有关。可是,龙皇冕下的后代和我不一样啊!我可以放弃一切跟随你,对龙族的影响不会那么大,可它不同,历代龙皇,一般都在还能诞生一位后裔,在没有彻底成长起来之前,都会跟随在当代龙皇身边。与人类缔结血契,意味着放弃悠久的生命,龙皇传承,关系到整个龙族的未来,怎么可能,这怎么可能?” At this point, she looks up suddenly to Long Dangdang, shouted sternly: Said how you sign the contract with the imperial prince?” As the bright Saint dragon, she position in dragon clan is also quite lofty, is in the big dragon top existence. 说到这里,她猛然抬头看向龙当当,厉声喝道:“说,你是怎么与皇子签订契约的?”身为光明圣龙,她在龙族之中的地位也是相当崇高的,是巨龙中顶尖的存在。 Long Dangdang from small eight walked behind, expression tranquil say/way: You should know, under dragon Huangmian lives in knight Holy Mountain, under the strength with dragon sovereign crown, whom you thinks to be able in the situation, in without him permitting concluded the blood agreement with his newly-born child? Why will choose eight to conclude the contract as for dragon Huangmian under with me slightly, I am not clear.” 龙当当从小八身后走了出来,表情平静的道:“您应该知道,龙皇冕下生活在骑士圣山,以龙皇冕下的实力,您认为谁能够在未经他允许的情况下就与他刚出生的孩子缔结血契的吗?至于为什么龙皇冕下会选择小八与我缔结契约,我也不清楚。” In luxuriant Xun look cold severe vanishes gradually, is actually somewhat absent-minded, yes! The dragon sovereign can be said as the most powerhouse of present age, even if the lords of sacred hall is impossible to defeat him. Who can seize the food to seize his child to conclude the blood agreement from the dragon sovereign side fingers/tiger mouth? Although Long Dangdang the talent different reported that but now is also six steps, the strengths of six steps, outside placing are very good, what was considered as in the face of the dragon clan? 蔚南薰眼神之中的冷厉渐渐消失,却已是有些失神,是啊!龙皇可以说是当代的最强者,哪怕是圣堂之主也不可能战胜他。谁又能够从龙皇身边虎口夺食抓走他的孩子缔结血契呢?龙当当虽然天赋异禀,但现在也就是六阶而已,六阶的实力,放在外面已经很不错了,但在龙族面前又算得了什么呢? Evening clear arrives at side the luxuriant Xun, embraces her waist, said to Long Dangdang: Ding-dong, she is also cares chaotically, do not mind. you said, you do not know why dragon sovereign will let you and imperial prince concludes the contract? Can brief to us then situation.” 夕澈来到蔚南薰身边,揽住她的腰肢,向龙当当道:“当当,她也是关心则乱,你不要介意。伱是说,你也不知道为什么龙皇会让你与皇子缔结契约?能不能把当时的情况给我们讲讲。” Luxuriant Xun hears word is on the rise, looked to Long Dangdang. 蔚南薰闻言抬起头来,也看向了龙当当 Long Dangdang nods, small eight have released, this naturally has nothing to conceal, immediately, he will be in knight Holy Mountain initially, after thorough interior, how to run into dragon sovereign, as well as dragon sovereign convinced the wife to make small eight conclude the blood agreement the process to tell with. 龙当当点了点头,小八都已经释放出来了,这自然就更没有什么可隐瞒的,当下,他将当初自己身在骑士圣山,深入内部后如何遇到龙皇,以及龙皇说服妻子让小八与自己缔结血契的过程都讲述了一遍。 „......, Why although I am not clear under dragon Huangmian to have such decision, but I some had also guessed, should be my bloodlines somewhat special places, small eight only have with me concludes the blood agreement, can obtain anything from my bloodlines, therefore under dragon Huangmian had such decision. But concrete is anything, I do not know now, perhaps, after needing me to have the sufficient strength, the strength of my bloodlines can be stimulated.” “……,虽然我也不清楚为什么龙皇冕下会有这样的决定,但我也有过一些猜测,应该是我的血脉方面有些特殊的地方,小八唯有与我缔结血契,才能够从我的血脉之中获得一些什么,所以龙皇冕下才有了那样的决定。而具体是什么,我现在也不知道,或许,需要我有足够的实力之后,我的血脉之力才能够被激发出来。” Listened to his narration, the luxuriant Xun's complexion has become normal, hesitates saying: In other words, the imperial prince can have three heads, was related with your bloodlines?” 听了他的讲述,蔚南薰的脸色已经变得正常了,沉吟道:“也就是说,皇子能够拥有三个头,和你的血脉有关了?” Long Dangdang nods slightly, said: Should have the relations. I innate agree with eight types of elements, have some special abilities. Three heads that now small eight have, corresponds my three element attributes.” 龙当当微微颔首,道:“应该是有关系的。我先天与八种元素契合,拥有一些特殊的能力。现在小八拥有的三个头,对应我自身的三种元素属性。” Evening clear as if remembered anything to resemble suddenly, said: I thought that you also minoring in magic.” 夕澈仿佛突然想起了什么似的,说道:“我想起来了,你同时还兼修魔法。” Long Dangdang nods, said: I first received the purple day dancing teacher's guidance initially, recently was received by the witch teacher for the disciple attentively, learned/studied the magic. This casting a spell is also I uses the screw rise to recite the law to be completed.” 龙当当点点头,道:“我当初先是受到紫天舞老师的教导,最近又被巫谛老师收为弟子,学习魔法。这次的禁咒也是我用螺旋上升吟唱法完成的。” Evening clear looks at Long Dangdang, in the look were also many anything, If nothing else, this young people can dragon sovereign favor at present, has explained the issue very much. Also never has throughout human history presented dragon sovereign knight such existence of! Let alone is also not the ordinary contract, but is the blood agreement. What does the blood agreement mean? Means that the dragon sovereign's son will live and die together with the present young people, once he has the matter dragon sovereign inheritance even to cut off. 夕澈看着龙当当,眼神之中又多了些什么,别的不说,眼前这个年轻人能够得到龙皇青睐,就已经很说明问题了。要知道,在人类的历史上也从未出现过龙皇骑士这样的存在啊!更何况还不是普通的契约,而是血契。血契意味着什么?意味着龙皇之子将会与眼前的年轻人同生共死,一旦他有事儿龙皇的传承甚至都会断绝。 But the human normal age is only 100 years old, even if nine step powerhouses, living 3500 years old were still the limits, the contrast dragon sovereign at least in 5000 above the life span at all will not be anything. But how can human break the age boundary? So far, probably only then once that controlled eternal printed the worthy people of former times of throne to be able with the god of creation not to know that greatly whether broke the boundary, other also never heard. 而人类正常的年龄只有一百岁,就算是九阶强者,活到三五百岁也就是极限了,对比龙皇至少五千年以上的寿命根本不算什么。而人类如何能够突破年龄界限?目前为止,好像只有曾经那位掌控了永恒与创造之神印王座的先贤大能不知是否突破了界限,其他还从未听说。 The care wants to come, the dragon sovereign can make such decision, means, dragon sovereign thinks the life span won't affect the present young people? 仔细想来,龙皇能作出这样的决定,是不是就意味着,龙皇会认为寿命并不会影响到眼前的年轻人? ...... 难道说…… Evening clear thought of anything suddenly, as the present age top powerhouse, he realized a possibility. Therefore, at this time he regarded the vision of Long Dangdang time also to have the change again. 夕澈突然想到了什么,作为当世的顶级强者,他意识到了一个可能。所以,此时他再看待龙当当时候的目光就已经又有了变化。 Evening clear has a look at eight to have a look at Long Dangdang slightly again, said: I have never thought that some day our knight temples will present a dragon sovereign knight unexpectedly. Ding-dong, you may really be advantageous! Do not blame the Xun's loss of self-control, after all, this relates to the inheritance of dragon clan, but since is under dragon Huangmian choice, I believe, all these exist reasonably. I introduce now again for you. Luxuriant Xun, she is the partner who I conclude the contract, is my wife.” At this point, his look one becomes gentle, held the luxuriant Xun's hand. 夕澈看看小八再看看龙当当,道:“真没想到,有一天我们骑士圣殿竟然会出现一位龙皇骑士。当当,你可真是得天独厚啊!你不要怪南薰刚才的失态,毕竟,这关系到龙族的传承,但既然是龙皇冕下的选择,我相信,这一切都是合理存在的。我现在重新为你介绍一下。蔚南薰,她是我缔结契约的伙伴,也是我的妻子。”说到这里,他的眼神一下就变得温柔起来,同时也牵住了蔚南薰的手。 Long Dangdang stares, he saw certainly the luxuriant Xun dragon clan status, others have said clearly, moreover bright Saint dragon such top dragon clan. Because evening clear marshal had her support, can become present age most hadrosaurus knight. Does not know the owner and compared with him, where. 龙当当不禁一愣,他当然看出蔚南薰龙族的身份了,人家都已经说得那么明白了,而且还是光明圣龙这样的顶级龙族。夕澈元帅正是因为有了她的支持,才能够成为当世最强龙骑士。只是不知道堂主和他相比,更强在什么地方。 However, wife? What situation is this? 但是,妻子?这是什么情况? Can human form the couple with the dragon clan? Won't have the bloodlines barrier? Moreover, the life of human is short, the dragon clan life span is long. 人类能够和龙族结成夫妻吗?不会有血脉屏障吗?而且,人类的生命短暂,龙族寿命悠长。 The look of evening clear at this time has become gentle, turns head to look to luxuriant Xun, said: We in together are also a chance of unusual coincidence. Xun this/Ben is a bright Saint dragon lineage/vein little princess, her childhood wants to play all the time, left knight Holy Mountain dragon valley secretly, goes out to play. Because of the reason of itself bloodlines, she after the birth, quick can transform the human form. Yearning for is lively in the human world, actually encountered the danger. I who happen to went out to travel at that time bump into, I do not know at that time she is dragon clan, saved her. Afterward we travelled for pleasure together outside, had the sentiment gradually. The temple makes me go to knight Holy Mountain to choose own mount partner, Xun actually falls asleep while me......” 夕澈的眼神此时已经变得温柔起来,扭头看向蔚南薰,道:“我们在一起也是一次非常巧合的机缘。南薰本是光明圣龙一脉的小公主,她幼年贪玩儿,偷偷离开了骑士圣山龙谷,外出游玩。因为本身血脉的原因,她在出生之后,很快就能幻化成人形。留恋于人间繁华,却遭遇到了危难。正好被当时外出游历的我碰到,我当时不知她是龙族,将她救了下来。后来我们就一起在外游历,渐渐有了感情。圣殿让我前往骑士圣山选择自己的坐骑伙伴,南薰却趁着我睡着的时候……” Repugnant, let alone!” Luxuriant Xun suddenly was smart the face red thump his fist, the next quarter, is changes into the golden light to vanish without the trace. “讨厌,别说啦!”蔚南薰突然俏脸通红的捶了他一拳,下一刻,已是化为金光消失无踪。 In the air is reverberating her voice, Long Dangdang, kindly treats the imperial prince well, yourself must protect itself well. dragon clan in the future, is your body.” 空气中回荡着她的声音,“龙当当,好好善待皇子,你自己也要好好保护自身。龙族未来,系你之身。” Long Dangdang is listening to son who with great interest evening clear spoke, luxuriant Xun actually departed suddenly shy, he gawked slightly, had understood a general idea. 龙当当这边正听夕澈讲的津津有味儿呢,蔚南薰却突然害羞离去,他微微一愣,就已经明白了个大概。 Obviously, luxuriant Xun is not willing to make evening clear have other mount partners initially, before he goes to knight Holy Mountain, on own initiative with him concluded the contract, does not say as for that how to conclude. From their beforehand conversations, is the blood agreement that these two likely conclude! In other words, luxuriant Xun for evening clear, gave up the dragon clan glorious life unexpectedly. This and the small eight situations are different, their is the absolute true feelings! 很显然,当初蔚南薰是不愿意让夕澈拥有其他坐骑伙伴,趁着他前往骑士圣山之前,主动与他缔结了契约,至于怎么缔结的那就不好说了。从他们之前的交谈来看,这二位很可能缔结的也是血契啊!也就是说,蔚南薰为了夕澈,竟是放弃了龙族悠久的生命。这和自己与小八的情况还不同,他们这是绝对的真情啊! Evening clear helpless smiling, but favoring in look drowns with the deep love is actually not able to cover. 夕澈无奈的笑笑,但眼神中的宠溺与深爱却是无法掩盖的。 He arrives at side Long Dangdang, patted his shoulder gently, saw that you can have such talent, I am very happy. Knight temple no lack of successors to conduct! However, you are also clear, the powerful talents and these chances take to you, not only opportunity, but also is responsible. To wear the royal crown to receive heavily its. What you need is a quicker growth, present you, what need is many disciplining and enough time. The situation in dead spirit state, must be more serious, therefore had this time army who you know to go to battle. But at least in ten years, has not needed your young people to break through enemy lines, we can also resist.” 他来到龙当当身边,轻轻的拍了拍他的肩膀,“看到你能拥有这样的天赋,我真的很开心。骑士圣殿后继有人啊!但是,你也要明白,强大的天赋和这些机缘带给你的不只是机会,还有责任。欲戴王冠必承其重。你需要的是更快的成长,现在的你,需要的是更多的磨练和足够的时间。亡灵国度的情况,比你们知道的要更加严重,所以才有了这次的大军出征。但至少在十年内,还不需要你们这些年轻人冲锋陷阵,我们还抵挡得住。” Listened to his these words, Long Dangdang to stare, „as serious as what degree?” 听了他这番话,龙当当不禁一愣,“严重到什么程度了?” Evening clear sighed, said: You may know how many cultivates in the limit of our Saint demon mainland for is?” 夕澈叹息一声,道:“你可知道,在咱们圣魔大陆的极限修为是多少么?” Long Dangdang nods, said: When the spirit furnace school studies listens to the teacher saying that our human or is other anything race, 1 million spirit strength were the limits, once because broke through 1 million spirit strength, will receive the potential surface rule the pressure, with potential surface assimilation. But can touch existence of that level, almost no.” 龙当当点点头,道:“在灵炉学院学习的时候听老师讲过,无论是我们人类或者是其他什么种族,百万灵力就是极限了,因为一旦突破百万灵力,就会受到位面规则的压力,与位面同化。而能够触摸到那个层次的存在,几乎没有。” Evening clear nods, said: Under dragon sovereign crown should be able to be close to that level. This is the most powerhouse of known spirit strength. But now what we are almost certain, in the dead spirit state, should have a level is not inferior existence under dragon sovereign crown. But in our human, what cultivates to be strongest is the owner, cultivating of owner for also less than 800,000 spirit strength. Above nine steps, first-level tall ladder. That powerful dead spirit control has not attacked until now comprehensively, we do not know that he must make anything, even does not know that what kind of existence he is, what we definitely know is that we want thoroughly to destroy the dead spirit state now, at least the strength of currently having, is insufficient.” 夕澈点了点头,道:“龙皇冕下应该能够接近到那个层次。这是已知灵力的最强者。但我们现在几乎可以肯定的是,亡灵国度之中,应该有一位层次不逊色于龙皇冕下的存在。而我们人类之中,修为最强的是堂主,堂主的修为也还不到八十万灵力。九阶之上,一级一天梯。那位强大的亡灵主宰直到现在都还没有全面出击,我们不知道他要做什么,甚至也不知道他是怎样的存在,但可以肯定的是,我们现在想要彻底摧毁亡灵国度,至少从目前所拥有的力量来看,是不够的。” Long Dangdang holds breath cold air, the dead spirit world really has existence of this level, this makes him cannot help but think that dark blue skeleton head that on that day saw, that seems swallowing day of food general existence. 龙当当倒吸一口凉气,亡灵世界竟然有这种层次的存在,这让他不由得想到那天所看到的那一尊深蓝色的骷髅头,那仿佛在吞天食地一般的存在。 „After spirit strength breaks through nine steps, wants to go forward again is very difficult. Nine steps are common, but nine steps are quite high-level difficult. Even if I, was advantageous, now also remains at nine step four levels of levels. Recently ten years cannot continue to break through. But on you, made me see the hope, can be approved by the dragon sovereign crown, this has proven a lot. Therefore, you need, not only diligently, is calm. Before you do not have to grow truly, do not act rashly again. This time, you used casting a spell to strike to kill many dead spirit lifeform, but, compared with the you future potential, this calculates what? You exposed the status of dragon sovereign knight, in my opinion, strike to kill these dead spirit lifeform serious many compared with you. Understands my meaning?” “灵力突破九阶之后,再想要前进是非常困难的。九阶常有而九阶高级却极为艰难。哪怕是我,算是得天独厚了,现在也还停留在九阶四级的层次。最近十年都未能继续突破。而在你身上,却让我看到了希望,能够被龙皇冕下认可,这就已经证明了很多事情了。所以,你需要的不只是努力,更是沉稳。在你没有真正成长起来之前,不要再轻举妄动。这次,你用一个禁咒击杀了不少亡灵生物,但是,和你自身未来的潜能相比,这又算的了什么呢?你暴露了龙皇骑士的身份,在我看来,要比你击杀那些亡灵生物严重的多。明白我的意思吗?” Long Dangdang some nods of blushing with shame. 龙当当有些汗颜的点了点头。 I have gone through your material, in your age, can have such achievement, all that you make are quite calm. However, this is insufficient, because, will be shouldering the serious responsibility on you in the future, your need is calmer is good. Gou Qishi has also taught your brothers, I give your only expectation now am, is careless, do not appear in the face of the dead spirit lifeform. Your situation, sacred hall currently has the record, then, sacred hall will give your adequate support and protection. Till you grow truly. You and your hunting for demon group, will not be assigned any duty again, do not carry out the task again on own initiative. To cast a spell the meritorious service that with the aid of this time you brings, the military the meritorious service that you obtain will transform to hunt for the demon group meritorious service helps you cultivation. The meritorious service uses up, you arrive at the knight temple to look for any sacred hall, including owner. The inadequate nine steps, cannot you appear in again with the battlefield of dead spirit lifeform above, got it?” “我查阅过你的资料,在你这个年纪,能够有这样的成就,你所作的一切已经相当沉稳了。但是,这还不够,因为,未来在你身上肩负着更加沉重的责任,你还需要更加沉稳才行。苟骑士也教过你们兄弟,我现在给你唯一的期望就是,苟起来,再不要出现在亡灵生物面前。你的情况,圣堂现在已经有了记录,接下来,圣堂将会给予你足够的支持和守护。直到你真正成长起来为止。你和你的猎魔团,将不会再被分配任何任务,你们也不要再主动执行任务。借助这次你们以禁咒带来的功勋,军方将会把你们获得的功勋转化为猎魔团功勋来帮助你们修炼。功勋用完,你就到骑士圣殿找任何一位圣堂,包括堂主在内。不成九阶,不许你再出现在和亡灵生物的战场之上,明白了吗?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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