SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#274: Military big shot

Chapter 274 military big shot 第274章军方大佬 Entered the army big tent/account, Long Dangdang first feels the solemn and respectful flavor, as if had the invisible oppression strength to fill the air in the air. In the big tent/account does not have the soldier guard, at this time can see, several people stand before the left side wall, is watching a giant map. On the map can the position of clear seeing Jiyang city as well as federal army big camp, but also labelled many purple regions above, should be the region that the dead spirit lifeform was. 走进中军大帐,龙当当首先就感受到了肃穆的味道,仿佛有种无形的压迫力弥漫在空气之中。大帐内并没有士兵守卫,此时能够看到,正有十几个人站在左侧的墙壁前,观看着一张巨大的地图。地图上能够清晰的看到吉阳城以及联邦军大营的位置,还在上面标注出了许多紫色区域,应该是亡灵生物所在的区域。 The Long Dangdang psychic force is very strong, but takes a quick look around, can distinguish the positions of these regions to be at probably, in region that the dead spirit lifeform is, on the map marks, compared with before them the region that must investigate also wants widespread many. 龙当当的精神力很强,只是一眼看去,就大概能够分辨出这些区域的方位所在,其中,亡灵生物所在的区域之中,地图上所标识出来的,比他们之前要探察的区域还要广泛的多。 It seems like has not induced to their arrivals, encircles more than ten people before map still to discuss anything, is only the distant induction, Long Dangdang can also feel the powerful aura that on these releases. 似乎是并没有感应到他们的到来,围在地图前的十几个人还在讨论着什么,只是远远的感应,龙当当也能感受到这些位身上释放出的强大气息。 If the spirit strength fluctuation of Long Dangdang just like the stars sparkle, then, the aura of these people are similar to Sun to bloom the blazing brilliance, some so many powerful existences here, truly did not need what soldier to guard. 如果说龙当当的灵力波动犹如星辰闪耀,那么,这些人的气息就如同一颗颗太阳般绽放着炽热的光彩,有这么多强大的存在在这里,也确实是不需要什么士兵守卫了。 In these people, the innermost has one group of aura to be very powerful, the Long Dangdang sensation just touched, immediately feels own psychic force seemed melted generally, frightened him to receive own mind telepathy instantaneously. How this is powerful cultivating is, is so unexpectedly intense. 在这些人之中,最里面有一团气息特别强大,龙当当的感知才刚刚触及过去,立刻就感觉到自己的精神力仿佛被融化了一般,吓得他瞬间就将自己的精神感应收了回来。这是怎样强大的修为,竟然如此强烈。 Reply General, the person I brought.” Said the star refined language to bring Long Dangdang to walk toward that group of people, very natural saying. “回禀大帅,人我带来了。”言星辞带着龙当当向那群人走去,很自然的说道。 The vision of people then rotates, because the person are many, the first impression of Long Dangdang is, is some middle-aged people. And, only has form together seemingly to flood the youth pretty flavor, that unexpectedly is a gallant look extremely good young girl. 众人的目光这才回转过来,因为人很多,龙当当的第一印象就是,都是一些中年人。其中,唯有一道身影看上去充斥着青春靓丽的味道,那竟是一名英气勃勃相貌极佳的少女。 This young girl wears the silver-white light armor, the long hair pulls to become high ponytail, the figure is slim, fully one meter about 75 high, a pair of big long leg is especially striking, seems like 24 and five -year-old appearances, the aura is actually extremely strong. 这少女身穿银白色轻铠,长发挽起成高马尾,身材修长挺拔,足有一米七五左右高,一双大长腿尤为醒目,看上去二十四、五岁的样子,气息却是极强。 But is most noticeable, was that previously nearly melted the middle-aged person of Long Dangdang energetic sensation, he tall big and tall, fully about two meters high, the look said no on handsome, has several points of plain flavor, the double pupil was gentle, but made one tremble profoundly, as if contained the universe starry sky to be the same. The body has not put on any mail-armor and helmet, but wears the lunar white casual cloth, in a powerhouse, such as many things around a center is ordinary. The black short hair just like the steel needle to stand erect, must make Long Dangdang describe that his words, perhaps, palatial such as mountain these four characters are most appropriate. 而最引人瞩目的,就是那先前险些融化了龙当当精神感知的一位中年人,他身材高大魁伟,足有近两米高,相貌说不上英俊,却有着几分古朴的味道,双眸平和,但却深邃的令人颤栗,仿佛在其中蕴含着宇宙星空一般。身上并没有穿着任何甲胄,只是穿着月白色的常服,在一众强者之中,却如众星捧月一般。黑色的短发犹如钢针竖立,非要让龙当当去形容他的话,或许,巍峨如山这四个字最为合适。 Said the star refined language to bring Long Dangdang to walk to go forward, bowed slightly, good a magic observed ceremony, he was not the military, did not need the good military salute. 言星辞带着龙当当走上前,微微躬身,行了个魔法师礼,他不属于军方,不需要行军礼。 Long Dangdang also immediately right fist horizontal chest, good a knight ritual. 龙当当也立刻右拳横胸,行了一个骑士礼。 When said the star refined language to call the general two characters, Long Dangdang has known that who at present this was. Ice Monroe has given him the popular science. The commander-in-chief of the three services of this federal army, came from the knight temple, is one of the knight temple six Dashengtang, is knight temple one of the three dragon knights. In the knight temple, the position is next to the owner, is honoured as Omiya dragon knight, simultaneously this also controls the knight temple six big gods to print the god of end and slaughtering in throne prints the owner of throne, the judgement and trial god of knight temple prints the knight. 在言星辞叫出大帅两个字的时候,龙当当就已经知道眼前这位是谁了。凌梦露早就已经给他科普过。本次联邦大军的三军统帅,来自于骑士圣殿,乃是骑士圣殿六大圣堂之一,同时也是骑士圣殿的三位龙骑士之一。在骑士圣殿中,地位仅次于堂主,被尊称为大光明龙骑士,同时这位还掌控着骑士圣殿六大神印王座之中的末日与杀戮之神印王座的拥有者,骑士圣殿的裁决与审判之神印骑士。 This each title, is representing the present age apex all, he also truly is in the entire world the count super powerhouse. This one generation of legendary named evening clear. 这每一个称号,无不代表着当世顶点,他也确实是整个人类世界中数得上的超级强者。这位一代传奇名为夕澈。 In the entire federal military, the high level almost came from six big temples, the military big shot naturally are also the top powerhouses in six big temples. But evening clear in the position of military, does not have first three people that may shake, from young time, he in the military service, has represented the knight temple, relied on own ability to promote, to obtain care of bright Saint dragon step by step, the contract was successful. Finally becomes Omiya dragon knight, obtained the knight temple huge resources to incline, finally the position of achievement today. 在整个联邦军方,高层几乎都来自于六大圣殿,军方大佬们自然也都是六大圣殿的顶级强者。而夕澈在军方的地位,却是无可撼动的前三人,从年幼的时候,他就已经在军中服役,代表骑士圣殿,凭借着自己的能力一步步提升,获得了一尊光明圣龙的眷顾,契约成功。最终成为了大光明龙骑士,获得了骑士圣殿大量资源倾斜,最终成就今日之地位。 The physical age of evening clear has surpassed 60 years old, powerhouse but who prints knight level regarding the god, 60 years old are just the right maturity, is in itself one of the knight temple mainstay, is honored as the next knight temple palace Lord first position successor. After all, knight temple palace lord, was the age of sacred hall owner is very big. 夕澈的实际年龄已经超过了六十岁,但对于神印骑士这种层次的强者来说,六十岁才只不过是正当壮年,本身更是骑士圣殿的中流砥柱之一,被誉为下一任骑士圣殿殿主第一顺位接班人。毕竟,骑士圣殿殿主,也是圣堂堂主的年龄已经很大了。 Vision staring of evening clear to Long Dangdang, Long Dangdang felt immediately somewhat familiar aura made him have several points of intimate feeling imperceptibly. Under the vision gaze of evening clear, he had not looked at an insightful feeling, instead has the comfort that a type of spring breeze blows, innermost feelings anxious went to several points. 夕澈的目光凝视向龙当当,龙当当顿时感觉到一股有些熟悉的气息让他无形中就有了几分亲近的感觉。在夕澈的目光注视下,他并没有被看个通透的感觉,反而有种春风拂面的舒适感,就连内心的紧张都去了几分。 This is, being intimate with between dragon knights? In the Long Dangdang heart has this thought immediately. 这是,龙骑士之间的亲近?龙当当心中立刻就产生出了这个念头。 Evening clear shows a faint smile, Long Dangdang, on comes.” 夕澈微微一笑,“龙当当,上前来。” At this time, the vision of numerous position military big shot has several points to gaze at Long Dangdang curiously, in their hearts similarly surprised Marshal in Xiche regarding compatible of this evening clear to at present youth. As the commander-in-chief of the three services, this judgement and trial god of print the knight to be always famous with the dignity fairly. Especially that heroic spirit full young girl, looks that in the Long Dangdang vision is disclosing several points of curious color. 此时,众位军方大佬的目光都带着几分好奇的注视着龙当当,他们心中同样惊讶于夕澈元帅对于这位夕澈对眼前青年的亲和。要知道,身为三军统帅,这位裁决与审判之神印骑士一向以威严公正著称。尤其是那名英气十足的少女,看着龙当当的目光中透露着几分好奇之色。 The Long Dangdang stride goes forward, arrives in front of the military big shot. 龙当当大步上前,来到众位军方大佬面前。 The vision of evening clear marshal has swept from him, the smile said: Said, how do you achieve? You may know, this time you held the hornet's nest. This dead spirit army attacked for nearly ten hours to retreat.” 夕澈元帅的目光从他身上扫过,微笑道:“说说吧,你们是怎么做到的?你可知道,这次你们可是捅了马蜂窝了。这次亡灵大军足足攻击了近十个小时才退去。” Long Dangdang heart one cold, said: Reply Marshal, we arrived at the frontline time is not long, received duty that hunted for the demon group, later went to the dead spirit lifeform to investigate in the region. First time the time of conducting the investigation, discovered dead spirit biogenic accumulation some regions, when we investigate thoroughly, was actually under the attack of high rank powerhouse, unavoidablily used transmitted the scroll to return to the station. After the recuperation, our two investigations, will target on the beforehand discovery accumulation had the mountain valley place of massive dead spirit lifeform. Displaying eight step casting a spell elements was wild, I have one to display the delay release ability the spirit furnace, after the release casts a spell into the mountain valley, we again rely on to transmit the scroll to retreat. After coming back, in recuperation, is today says the supervisor to inform, we know that triggered the attack of dead spirit army.” 龙当当心头一凛,道:“回禀元帅,我们来到前线时间不长,接取了猎魔团的任务,之后前往亡灵生物所在区域进行探察。第一次进行探察的时候,发现了一些亡灵生物聚集的区域,当我们深入探察的时候,却遭遇到了高阶强者的袭击,不得已使用了传送卷轴返回驻地。休整之后,我们二次探查,就将目标定位在了之前发现聚集有大量亡灵生物的山谷处。施展了八阶禁咒元素狂暴,我有一尊能够施展延迟释放能力的灵炉,释放禁咒入山谷之后,我们再次凭借传送卷轴撤退。回来后就在休整,是今天言监事通知,我们才知道引发了亡灵大军的攻击。” Listens to him to say release casting a spell when mountain valley that confidently, in the dead spirit lifeform is stationed , the military big shot also look askance. Eight step casting a spell, nine step powerhouses cannot easily release even. Let alone, but can also not be discovered by the dead spirit lifeform, displays smoothly successfully. This Long Dangdang material has been placed in their table-top. The under 17-year-old age, hunts for the demon group to select the pre-game three result, the knight and magic double cultivate/repair. This was unable to regard with the normal vision completely. 听他坦然说出释放禁咒在亡灵生物驻扎的山谷时,众位军方大佬也不禁为之侧目。八阶禁咒,就算是九阶强者都不能轻易释放。更何况,还能不被亡灵生物发现,顺利施展成功。这龙当当的资料早就已经摆在了他们案头。不到17岁的年纪,猎魔团选拔赛前三名的成绩,骑士、魔法双修。这已经完全不能用正常眼光来看待。 Listens to the Long Dangdang actually neither arrogant nor servile reply, the evening to remove briefly and to the point nods slightly, said: you may know, this bringing in dead spirit army offensive is unprecedented, even presented over over ten nine step dead spirit lifeform, some are we are unprecedented. Can you after release casting a spell, the important personage of what dead spirit army have the discovery to strike to kill?” 听着龙当当言简意赅却不卑不亢的回答,夕撤微微颔首,道:“伱可知道,这次引来的亡灵大军攻势前所未有,甚至出现了超过十位以上的九阶亡灵生物,有些都是我们前所未见的。你们在释放禁咒之后,可有发现击杀了什么亡灵大军的重要人物?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Should not have. Casting a spell that we display is not mature, the might should be limited, will not be strong regarding seven step above dead spirit lifeform lethality.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“应该没有。我们施展的禁咒还不成熟,威力应该有限,对于七阶以上的亡灵生物杀伤力不会太强。” Evening clear eye including profound meaning looked at Long Dangdang one, suddenly shifts to other humanity: Everyone first goes back to rest, I must chat with this little fellow alone.” 夕澈眼含深意的看了龙当当一眼,突然转向其他人道:“大家先回去休息吧,我要单独和这个小家伙谈谈。” The numerous position senior military salutes to him in abundance, then withdrew from the big tent/account. Before young girl just before leaving, but also has a relish looked at Long Dangdang several. 众位军方高层纷纷向他行礼,然后退出了大帐。那少女临走之前,还饶有兴致的多看了龙当当几眼。 Walks quickly.” Evening clear ridicules one to that young girl, the young girl dug the red lip to him snort/hum, this walked. Some slightly similarities from their facial features can see, this young girl should be this marshal Sir some sibships. “快走。”夕澈向那少女笑骂一声,少女向他撅起红唇哼了一声,这才走了出去。从他们眉眼中略有相似的地方就能看出,这少女应该是与这位元帅大人有些亲缘关系。 Evening clear turns head to look to nearby word star refined language, star refined language, you also first go.” 夕澈扭头看向一旁的言星辞,“星辞,你也先去吧。” Marshal, ding-dong makes all, fully tallies hunts for the demon group mission requirements.” Said the star refined language to say. “元帅,当当所作一切,完全符合猎魔团任务要求。”言星辞说道。 Evening clear nods, said: I know, has not blamed his meaning, but something need to understand alone to him.” 夕澈点点头,道:“我知道,没有怪罪他的意思,只是有些事情需要向他单独了解一下。” Good.” Said the star refined language good then to him a ritual, handed over a relieved meaningful glance to Long Dangdang, this departed quickly. “好的。”言星辞这才向他行了一礼,向龙当当递了个安心的眼色,这才快步离去。 Gazes after the word star refined language to depart, evening clear crosses the hands behind the back to stand, light say/way: Your mount dragon exposure?” 目送着言星辞离去,夕澈负手而立,淡淡的道:“你的坐骑龙曝光了?” „?” Long Dangdang stares, but next quarter he has responded, you did know?” “啊?”龙当当一愣,但下一刻他就已经反应过来,“您知道了?” Evening clear frowns to look slightly to him, said: In addition, why I cannot find out the dead spirit army suddenly become so crazy, and clamors is making us hand over you.” 夕澈微微蹙眉看向他,道:“除此之外,我想不出为什么亡灵大军会突然变得如此疯狂,并且叫嚣着让我们交出你们。” Regarding this knight temple's second person, the true military big shot know oneself have three Golden Dragon mount matters, Long Dangdang is not accidental/surprised, after all, this is the knight temple genuine high level, but the dragon knight can be imagined regarding the importance of knight temple. 对于这位骑士圣殿第二人,真正的军方大佬知道自己拥有三头黄金龙坐骑这件事,龙当当一点都不意外,毕竟,这位是骑士圣殿真正的高层,而龙骑士对于骑士圣殿的重要性可想而知。 At that time we were under the attacks of nine step deads, small eight to protect me, oneself work loose from the contract space, was truly seen.” Long Dangdang honest saying, he had not said that the matter of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, can he undertake, he does not hope that the younger brother faces. “当时我们遇到九阶亡者的攻击,小八为了保护我,自己从契约空间之中挣脱出来,确实是被看到了。”龙当当老老实实的说道,他并没有说元涡灵炉的事,能够他承担的,他不希望弟弟去面对。 You! Was too young. Isn't your younger brother's teacher that? Present you, what are more is should study study his wrap/sets. Before is truly powerful, has the too powerful talent is the dangerous origin. You are only 16 years old, the future prospect will be limitless. Although from your material, you worked experienced is very calm, but this was insufficient. Wants to become the mainstay of our knight temple, your need is calmer is good. Although the meritorious service is important, the opportunity that but you will perform good deeds in the future are many are, cannot act with undue haste, clear?” “你啊!还是太年轻了。你弟弟的老师不是那叶么?现在的你们,更多的是应该学学他那套。在没有真正强大起来之前,拥有太强大的天赋就是危险的来源。你才十六岁,未来前途不可限量。虽然从你的资料来看,你做事已经十分老练沉稳了,但这还不够。想要成为咱们骑士圣殿的中流砥柱,你还需要更沉稳一些才行。功勋虽然重要,但未来你建功立业的机会还多得是,不能操之过急,明白吗?” Yes. Is my mistake. Put to trouble to you.” Long Dangdang lowers the head to say. “是。是我的错。给您添麻烦了。”龙当当低下头说道。 Evening clear shakes the head, said: Troubled anything to say no on, originally we were the dead spirit state battle. Their this hysteric attack method, are actually to us advantageous, because their losses will be bigger. But what I am worried is your safety, the dead spirit lifeform seizes every opportunity, you before were not having enough the self-preservation ability, has facing the possibility of danger anytime. Goes back, leads your hunting for demon group partner, I will arrange, you directly through a transmission return. After going back, lives in the temple headquarters, temporarily first do not leave the holy city. In the holy city, your securities can be guaranteed. Promotes itself diligently, opportunity some of performing good deeds are, when you become a dragon knight truly, even is the god prints the knight the time, can better resists the dead spirit lifeform, makes the contribution to the entire human race.” 夕澈摇摇头,道:“麻烦什么的说不上,本来我们就是和亡灵国度作战的。它们这种歇斯底里的攻击方式,对我们来说其实是有利的,因为它们的损失会更大。但我担心的是你的安危,亡灵生物无孔不入,你在还没有足够自保能力之前,随时都有面对危险的可能。回去吧,带着你的猎魔团伙伴,我会安排,你们直接通过传送阵回归。回去之后,就住在圣殿总部,暂时先不要离开圣城了。在圣城之中,你们的安全才能得到保证。努力的提升自身,建功立业的机会有的是,等你真正成为一名龙骑士,甚至是神印骑士的时候,才能更好的去对抗亡灵生物,为全人类做贡献。” Long Dangdang has expected this result, what can also say? Only can be the nod name is. 龙当当早就已经预料到了这个结果,还能说什么呢?只能是点头称是。 The expression of evening clear became gentle several points, said: Said, I am also very curious to your mount dragon. Unprecedented three Golden Dragon, whether to make me experience?” 夕澈的表情变得柔和了几分,道:“说起来,我对你的坐骑龙也很好奇。史无前例的三头黄金龙,可否让我见识一下?” Long Dangdang gawked staring, but nods, opened own contract space baseless. 龙当当愣了愣,但还是点了点头,凭空开启了自己的契约空间。 The golden light twinkle, the small eight three big ends of priorities searched, then squeezes out from the contract space, sees Long Dangdang, three big ends collect immediately, rubs on him, was full of the affectionate flavor. 金光闪烁,小八的三个大头先后探了出来,然后从契约空间之中挤出,看到龙当当,三个大头立刻凑了过来,蹭在他身上,充满了亲昵的味道。 Long Dangdang is touching its big end, but evening clear marshal in the look actually has been the extraordinary splendor again and again. He is the dragon knight, is familiar with the aura of big dragon. He can the clear feeling the small eight dragon clan bloodlines fluctuate. Especially different attributes. In small eight bloodlines purely and powerful, in this moment, he has been certain completely, front big dragon, truly is true Queen dragon. 龙当当抚摸着它的大头,而夕澈元帅眼神之中却早已是异彩连连。他本身就是龙骑士,对于巨龙的气息再熟悉不过。他能清晰的感受到小八身上的龙族血脉波动。尤其是不同的属性。还有小八血脉中的纯粹而强大,在这一刻,他已经可以完全肯定,面前的这头巨龙,确实是真正的龙皇后裔。 A white light gate in evening clear behind quiet opening. The graceful form walked from inside together. That is one seems like about 30 years old, wears the female of white long skirt. Her figure is slim, the look delicate eyebrows, have a graceful flavor beyond description. 一道白色的光门在夕澈身后悄无声息的开启。一道袅袅婷婷的身影从里面走了出来。那是一名看上去三十岁左右,身穿白色长裙的女子。她身材修长,相貌秀眉,更有着一种难以形容的优雅味道。 But this time she, when sees eight slightly, in the beautiful pupil also filled surprisedly, unexpectedly is really your majesty bloodlines, this is how possible! I had heard the aunt had the pregnancy, but breeds for many years unable born. Your majesty made him conclude unexpectedly with the contract of human. This and this should not!” 而此时的她,在看到小八的时候,美眸中也充满了惊讶,“竟然真的是陛下的血脉,这怎么可能啊!我早就听说了母姨有了身孕,但孕育多年都未能诞生。没想到,陛下竟然让他缔结了与人类的契约。这、这不应该啊!” Xun, you how?” Sees this female, the sound of evening clear immediately became even more gentle. “南薰,你怎么了?”看到这女子,夕澈的声音顿时变得越发温柔了。 Luxuriant Xun shakes the head, said: You do not understand, although Golden Dragon bloodlines are noble, but the birth descendant is quite difficult. All previous Golden Dragon is almost the sole line of descent, in other words, this little fellow should be the future dragon sovereign successor, our dragon clan head of the clan. Possibly how easily to conclude the contract with human? Moreover . Moreover, is this blood agreement?” Said final two characters time, her pair of eyes pupil stared in a big way, looked at to Long Dangdang time, clearly has several points vicious and does not dare to believe. 蔚南薰摇摇头,道:“你不懂的,黄金龙血脉虽然高贵,但诞生后代极为困难。历代黄金龙几乎都是单传,也就是说,这个小家伙应该是未来的龙皇继承人,我们龙族的族长。怎么可能轻易与人类缔结契约?而且、而且,这还是血契?”说道最后两个字的时候,她的一双眼眸都瞪大了,看向龙当当的时候,分明已经带着几分凶狠和不敢置信。 Small eight as if felt Long Dangdang to be threatened, immediately lifts three big ends, somewhat vigilant looked to luxuriant Xun. 小八似乎感受到了龙当当被威胁了,立刻抬起三颗大头,有些警惕的看向蔚南薰。 The luxuriant Xun half step goes forward, lifts hand one finger/refers, goes toward the Long Dangdang point. In an instant, the light arrives! 蔚南薰快步上前,抬手一指,朝着龙当当点去。刹那间,光明降临! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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