SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#271: Huge harvest

Chapter 271 greatly harvests 第271章巨大收获 Casting a spell erupts, Long Kongkong starts to swallow the dead spirit energy, swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace protection moon/month bright sea spirit furnace slowly. When this time, although 19,115,897 hunted for the demon group people not to swallow lightly spits the protection of spirit furnace slowly, because casting a spell erupted huge fluctuation of energy that brought, wanted to feel their aura in such manic energy is almost not possible. 禁咒爆发,龙空空开始吞噬亡灵能量,轻吞慢吐灵炉守护月明沧海灵炉。在这个时候,虽然一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人没有了轻吞慢吐灵炉的守护,但因为禁咒爆发时所带来的庞大能量波动,想要在这么狂躁的能量中感受到他们的气息几乎是不可能的。 Reason that they start to enter the dangerous time at this time, the most important reason came from swallowing, massive dead spirit energies in a direction vanished does not bring to the attention to blame. They can draw support, in casting a spell erupts these have not died the dead spirit powerhouse when casting a spell are shortly flurried in the fire to take the chestnut. 之所以此时他们开始进入危险时刻,最重要的原因来自于吞噬,大量亡灵能量朝着一个方向的消失不引起注意就怪了。他们所能借助的,就是在禁咒爆发时那些没有死在禁咒中的亡灵强者短暂慌乱时火中取栗。 After all, what Long Dangdang displays is only eight step casting a spell, moreover jumps the ranks the use, the might cannot achieve to see the degree of god deicide. The true dead spirit powerhouse will not fall from the sky in this degree of attack. Once gets strength back, they first think retaliates inevitably. 毕竟,龙当当施展的只是一个八阶禁咒,而且还是越级使用,威力并不能达到见神杀神的程度。真正的亡灵强者是不会在这种程度的攻击中陨落的。一旦缓过劲来,它们首先想到的必然就是报复。 But swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace to shift to Long Kongkong slowly is 19,115,897 hunts for the important signal in demon group plan, ice Monroe tears the second transmission scroll that they had without hesitation, starts to connect to the partners, she needs ten seconds to complete all these. In other words, leaves the Long Kongkong swallowing time is also ten seconds. 而轻吞慢吐灵炉转向龙空空就是一九一一五八九七猎魔团计划中的重要信号,凌梦露毫不犹豫的扯开了他们所拥有的第二张传送卷轴,开始向伙伴们身上连接,她需要十秒时间来完成这一切。也就是说,留给龙空空的吞噬时间也是十秒。 Ten seconds are very long, ten seconds in are sometimes very short. 十秒很长,十秒在有的时候也很短。 Even Long Dangdang has not thought that without needs to consider one save the upper limit, the speed that the day deep pool domain swallows can be so fast. 龙当当都没想到,在不需要考虑自身存储上限的情况下,天渊领域吞噬的速度能这么快。 The huge dead spirit energy of the mountain valley gushing out in short twice time of breath unexpectedly in the Long Kongkong direction hollow, injection of huge energy, making the body of Long Kongkong fierce is shivering, the blue ray that but that appears, as well as injected the white halo actually to stabilize promptly lived in his body. 从山谷内喷薄而出的庞大亡灵能量在短短两次呼吸的时间内竟然朝着龙空空的方向凹陷了下来,庞大能量的注入,让龙空空的身体剧烈的颤抖着,但那一层浮现出的蓝色光芒,以及及时注入其中的白色光晕却稳定住了他的身体。 Rising the spirit shield is almost the blowout sways generally outward is filtering the later energy to pour into to the people, Long Dangdang only felt the spirit strength that oneself previously consumed was almost is compensated instantaneously. Although this cannot solve the wound that his psychic force loss and excessively consume to bring, but the spirit strength void feeling was one does not have. 升灵盾几乎是井喷一般向外挥洒着过滤之后的能量注入给众人,龙当当只觉得自己先前消耗的灵力几乎是瞬间就被补满了似的。虽然这不能解决他的精神力损耗和自身过度消耗所带来的创伤,但灵力空虚的感觉却是一下就没有了。 But also at this moment, severe howl resounds again the people obviously felt that severe Xiaojing are somewhat near feeling. 而也就在这时,一声声厉啸再次响起时众人明显感受到那厉啸竟是有些近了的感觉。 The lunar motion has erupted in this moment in the magic of preparation. The livelihood same splendor spirit furnace ray blooms, this magic temple top ten spirit furnaces took to the lunar motion enormous increase, one group of blue-purple light balls fly to shoot to go in the direction of mountain valley directly, the next quarter, in the fierce explosive sound in the entire mountain valley shines a blue-purple brilliance. 月离早就已经在准备的魔法在这一刻爆发。日月同辉灵炉光芒绽放,这魔法圣殿排名前十的灵炉带给了月离极大的增幅,一团蓝紫色光球直接朝着山谷的方向飞射而去,下一刻,剧烈的爆炸声中整个山谷内都亮起一片蓝紫色的光辉。 Ices thunder explodes! Endures compared with the mix magics of seven steps. 冰雷爆!堪比七阶的混合魔法。 The radical explosion is not the killing enemy, but in order to covers up the aura, wins the time. 剧烈的爆炸不为杀伤敌人,只是为了能够遮掩己方气息,争取时间。 Meanwhile, besides the storm demon dragon, the demon beast that the peach numerous summoned all releases the respective aura to dash about wildly to go toward the four directions. 与此同时,除了风暴魔龙之外,桃林林召唤出来的魔兽全都释放着各自的气息朝着四方狂奔而去。 Three seconds and four seconds and five seconds! 三秒、四秒、五秒! When the time arrives the sixth second, along with severe howl, the form flushed from that strong dead spirit energy together suddenly. 当时间来到第六秒的时候,伴随着一声厉啸,一道身影骤然从那浓重的亡灵能量之中冲了出来。 That is a whole body puts on the dead of black armor, its appearance looks somewhat distressed, armor has many breakages, but its aura still is extremely terrifying. That moment that in the hand a heavy sword is almost presenting has projected, directly soars the Long Kongkong direction to fly to shoot to go. 那是一名全身都穿着黑色铠甲的亡者,它的样子看上去有些狼狈,身上的铠甲有多处破损,但它的气息却依旧极其恐怖。手中一柄重剑几乎在出现的那一刻就已经抛射而出,直奔龙空空的方向飞射而去。 That wild aura, does not need to ask, knows the strength is terrifying. 那狂暴的气息,不用问,就知道实力有多么恐怖。 Has gathered woof often/common who the potential waited to start joyful instantaneously, the spirit wing flapped, in the hand the increase of Tyrant Tianchui under dominating world spirit furnace, the form like lightning arrived outrageously instantaneously, has not met the approaching enemy directly, because she knew herself unable to block, but is relying on Tyrant Tianchui weight, from one side pounded ruthlessly above that heavy sword. 早就蓄势以待的汪常欣瞬间发动,灵翼拍动,手中霸天槌在雄霸天下灵炉的增幅下悍然而出,闪电般的身影瞬间抵达,没有正面迎击,因为她知道自己挡不住,而是凭借着霸天槌本身的重量,从侧面狠狠砸在了那重剑之上。 In the fierce bellow woof Changxin was shot to fly, but that heavy sword also deviated the original track. But during that powerful dead has actually been moving sideways to dash to Long Kongkong. 剧烈的轰鸣声中汪常欣被弹飞而出,但那重剑也偏离了原本的轨道。但那强大的亡者却已经在闪身之中直扑龙空空 But the golden light also hits together at this moment accurate, the Saint directs the spirit furnace! 而一道金光也就在这时精准命中,圣引灵炉! Long Dangdang suppresses the headache to crack, started the Saint to direct the spirit furnace to connect the dead again, lets form that it flew high to swoop in in the air, shifted again suddenly, threw to him. 龙当当强忍着头痛欲裂,再次发动圣引灵炉连接了亡者,让其凌空飞扑的身影在空中一顿,再骤然转向,向他扑来。 Nine steps! Without a doubt, this is also nine step deads, the strength as if also wants the tyrannical several points compared with that that day they met. 九阶!毫无疑问,这也是一名九阶亡者,实力似乎比那天他们所遇到的那位还要强横几分。 The bright golden brilliance erupts in the ice Monroe chest front, Titan of hammer light! At this time, had no reserved significance. 灿烂的金色光辉在凌梦露胸前爆发,光之大力神锤!这种时候,根本没有任何保留的意义。 Seven seconds and eight seconds! 七秒、八秒! Bang-” the figure of dead was hit to stop in the midair, but, it actually so powerful, unexpectedly was withstanding forcefully the impact of Titan of hammer light, what paid was only the mail-armor and helmet shatter price. Simultaneously searches the hand, grasped directly to the Long Dangdang nape of the neck. “轰-”亡者的身形被打停在半空,但是,它却是如此的强悍,竟是硬生生的承受住了光之大力神锤的冲击,付出的只是身上甲胄破碎的代价。同时一探手,直接抓向了龙当当的脖颈。 In this flash, Long Dangdang only feels as if in this world, only then and opposite party, but that big hand is actually strength how , regardless of being unable to avoid. 在这一刹那,龙当当只觉得仿佛在这个世界上只有自己与对方,而那只大手却是自己无论如何也无法躲避的力量。 The domain, this is also the domain strength, has not actually been able the domain of spirit furnace. The time is so short, the threat that but died actually almost arrives instantaneously. Acting of opposite party rushes strikes to kill, but takes cultivating of both sides as the disparity, simply does not have other possibility. 领域,这也是领域的力量,却是自己还无法灵炉的领域。时间如此短暂,但死亡的威胁却几乎是瞬间降临。对方的出手奔的就是一击必杀,而以双方的修为差距,根本没有别的可能。 In an instant, Long Dangdang only felt own all pores as if are opening instantaneously, the body as if explodes general, in the double pupil, the purple gold colored light glow is almost gushes out under this tremendous pressure instantaneously. 刹那间,龙当当只觉得自己所有毛孔仿佛都在瞬间张开,身体仿佛爆炸一般,双眸之中,紫金色光芒几乎是瞬间就在这巨大的压力下喷薄而出。 Meanwhile, flashes the golden light gate to appear between him and that deads suddenly, without the summon, small eight drilled from the contract space, the huge body, hit directly on that dead, hit several meters the opposite party. 与此同时,一闪金色光门骤然出现在他与那亡者之间,未经召唤,小八自行从契约空间之中钻了出来,庞大的身躯,直接撞击在了那亡者身上,将对方撞开了数米。 All these are among the electric light flint happen. Nine seconds! 这一切都是电光火石之间发生的。九秒! But the dead when noticed that small eight obviously gawked, the dragons of three heads? Yellow golden scale! 而那亡者在看到小八的时候明显愣了一下,三个头的龙?黄金色的鳞片! But next flickers, he saw a pair of purple gold color eye pupil, in that flash, even if the strength has the deads of nine steps fully, felt suddenly own soul as if leaked jumped half racket, cannot continue to attack unexpectedly immediately. 而下一瞬,他则是看到了一双紫金色的眼眸,在那一瞬间,哪怕实力足有九阶的亡者,也骤然感觉到自己的灵魂仿佛漏跳了半拍,竟是没能在第一时间继续攻击。 Ten seconds! 十秒! The golden light covers, shines. With was swallowed huge hollow dead spirit energy racing wells up, in an instant, 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group people also to vanish. 金光覆盖,亮起。伴随着被吞噬出一个巨大凹陷的亡灵能量奔涌,刹那间,一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人同时消失。 But in that flash that they vanish. The Long Kongkong chest place ray flashes, jet black such as giant bands of light of black ink turned into the strange pale golden color unexpectedly suddenly, moreover no longer is the band of light, but appears micro cyclones in air. In the air the surplus dead spirit energies as if were erased instantaneously again vanished generally a big piece. Also even that pale golden vortex after 19,115,897 hunted for the demon group people transmitted disappear maintained for enough three seconds dissipated gradually. 而就在他们消失的那一刹那。龙空空胸口处光芒一闪,原本漆黑如墨的一条条巨大光带竟是突然变成了奇异的淡金色,而且不再是光带,而是浮现在空气中的一个个小旋涡。空气中剩余的亡灵能量瞬间再次仿佛是被抹除了一般消失了一大片。甚至那淡金色的旋涡在一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人传送消失之后还维持了足足三秒的时间才渐渐消散。 That nine step deads responded the following attack that falls on the vacancy , different forms are rapid, but. Has the headless knight, has figure huge existence, even a whole body giant bone dragon comprised of the dark blue skeleton. When they gather here time rapidly, the surplus these huge dead spirit energy is also starting the fast dissipation to go as before. 那名九阶亡者反应过来的接踵攻击落在空处,紧接着,一道道不同的身影飞速而至。有无头的骑士,有身形庞大的存在,甚至还有一头全身由暗蓝色骨骼组成的巨大骨龙。当它们迅速聚集到这里时候,剩余那些依旧庞大的亡灵能量也在开始快速的消散而去。 A whole body covered existence in black long gown shifts previously attacked Long Dangdang their dead, in the mouth makes the hoarse sound, „who was?” When it raised the head slowly has the fire of ice blue soul to beat faintly fiercely. 一名全身都笼罩在黑色长袍之中的存在转向先前攻击龙当当他们的那名亡者,口中发出嘶哑的声音,“是什么人?”它缓缓抬起头时隐隐有冰蓝色的灵魂之火在剧烈的跳动着。 Hunts for the demon group, hunts for the demon group. One group of strength not strong hunting for demon. They sneak attacked us.” In the voice of that dead has the surprise. “猎魔团,是猎魔团。一群实力并不怎么强的猎魔者。他们偷袭了我们。”那名亡者的声音中带着诧异。 „Isn't strength strong? Does that casting a spell come from where? Why does not have before casting a spell erupts discovered.” Asking that the witch monster coldly. “实力不强?那禁咒从何而来?为什么没有在禁咒爆发之前发现。”巫妖冷冷的问道。 „It is not clear, previously and had no induction. Had not discovered that has the magic to fluctuate to appear, discovery time has prevented without enough time. Only can the passive defensive.” “不清楚,先前并没有任何感应。没有发现有魔法波动出现,发现的时候已经来不及阻止了。只能被动防御。” „Very strange!” Say/Way that the headless knight coldly: We lost massive dead spirit energies, looked like vanished baseless. That seems like a swallowing strength.” “很奇怪!”无头骑士冷冷的道:“我们损失了大量的亡灵能量,就像是凭空消失了似的。那好像是一个吞噬的力量。” Nine step deads said: Yes, is a swallowing strength. That is a human, his strength seems like from the spirit furnace. Spirit furnace that one type specially is unprecedented. Swallowed our strength. Swallowed.” 九阶亡者道:“是的,是一股吞噬的力量。那是一个人类,他身上的力量好像是来自于灵炉。一种非常特殊前所未见的灵炉。吞噬了我们的力量。吞噬了很多。” „The appearances of these human can you remember? What characteristics do they have?” witch monster asked. “那些人类的样子你可记得?他们还有什么特征?”巫妖问道。 Nine step deads said: That human that I attack has the Saint to direct the spirit furnace, should be a knight, but, his body puts on is actually the magic robe. What is strangest, he only has the strengths of six steps, finally prevents my time, summoned a dragon, the dragon clans of three heads, the body was covered with the golden scale.” 九阶亡者道:“我攻击的那个人类有圣引灵炉,应该是骑士,可是,他身上穿着的却是魔法袍。最奇怪的是,他本身只有六阶的实力,最后阻挡我的时候,却召唤出了一头龙,有三个头颅的龙族,身上长满了金色鳞片。” Roar-, without such dragon clan.” In dark blue bone dragon mouth sends out the low roar to roar. “吼-,没有这样的龙族。”深蓝色的骨龙口中发出低吼咆哮。 Nine step dead nod sinking said: I know, therefore feels odd. In my mind does not have such big dragon. But that dragon clan childhood, the strength is not as if strong, but hits my, is violent. I determined that has not misread. Moreover, that human is also very special, when I attack him, his eye turned into the purple gold color suddenly, that flash, my soul seemed touched, cannot be connected including the above the attack. Very specially and very special human. Must look for them, I felt their threat. Very troublesome threat.” 九阶亡者点头沉声道:“我知道,所以才感到奇怪。在我的印象中也没有这样的巨龙。但那龙族似乎还是幼年,实力不算强,但撞击我那一下,却非常猛烈。我确定没有看错。而且,那个人类也很特殊,当我攻击他时,他的眼睛突然变成了紫金色,那一瞬间,我的灵魂仿佛被触动了,没能连上攻击。很特殊、很特殊的人类。必须要将他们找出来,我感觉到了他们的威胁。很麻烦的威胁。” Looks, must look!” “找出来,必须找出来!” Hunts for demon, hunts for the demon group! Must look.” “猎魔者,猎魔团!必须找出来。” „Very strange, they a little do not seem like hunt for the demon group, because their normal human does not hunt for the six people of demon group, but is seven people.” “很奇怪,他们又有点不像是猎魔团,因为他们不是正常人类猎魔团的六个人,而是七个人。” „!” “查!” „!” “查!” ...... …… The golden light twinkle, next one flickers, forms appear rapidly. 金光闪烁,下一瞬,一道道身影迅速浮现出来。 The Long Kongkong body rocked, but in the eye the look actually filled stimulated, Long Dangdang in transmitting the earliest possible time emphasis falls on the younger brother, the surprised discovery, the eye pupil of Long Kongkong turned into the golden color unexpectedly, the chest front black vortex also turned into the pale golden color. 龙空空身体晃动了一下,但眼中神色却充满了亢奋,龙当当在传送回来的第一时间关注点就落在弟弟身上,惊讶的发现,龙空空的眼眸竟然变成了金色,胸前原本黑色的旋涡也变成了淡金色。 This is...... 这是…… Quick absorption!” Ling Menglu reminds one immediately. “快吸收!”凌梦露立刻提醒一声。 The people rush to gather round Long Kongkong to sit cross-legged to sit fast. Long Kongkong also restrained own exciting mood, his present issue is very big, although there is a moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace to help his carrying/sustaining dead spirit energy, but filters needs to pass through him to complete. In other words, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace does not have the means directly to absorb these dead spirit energies, after must pass through him to filter to become the life energy, can absorb. 众人赶忙快速围着龙空空盘膝坐下来。龙空空也收敛了自己的兴奋情绪,他现在的问题很大,虽然有月明沧海灵炉帮他承载亡灵能量,但过滤还是需要经过他来完成的。也就是说,月明沧海灵炉也没办法直接吸收那些亡灵能量,必须要经过他过滤成为生命能量之后才能吸收。 This swallowing energy was really extremely huge, particularly finally that. 这次吞噬的能量实在是太过庞大了,尤其是最后那一下。 Right, Yuan whorl spirit furnace evolution. After absorbing so huge energy, Yuan whorl spirit furnace from original second-order evolved third-order, in addition the increase of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, the previous performance that was the fourth-order prestige energy, one swallowed more dead spirit energies. So huge dead spirit energy, absolutely is they in history biggest harvest. 没错,元涡灵炉进化了。在吸收了如此庞大的能量之后,元涡灵炉从原本的二阶进化到了三阶,再加上神祈屿桐灵炉的增幅,先前的表现那是四阶的威能,一下就吞噬到了更多的亡灵能量。如此庞大的亡灵能量,绝对是他们有史以来最大的收获。 Long Kongkong does not dare to neglect, rushes to stimulate to movement the spirit furnace to conduct the filtration and transformation. What made his pleasantly surprised was, along with the evolution of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, the ability of filtration energy also strengthened significantly. 龙空空不敢怠慢,赶忙催动灵炉进行过滤、转化。令他惊喜的是,伴随着元涡灵炉的进化,过滤能量的能力也大幅度的增强了。 Almost is only the next quarter, the people feel to come from rising the spirit shield move mountains the general energy to pour into. 几乎只是下一刻,众人就感受到来自于升灵盾之中排山倒海一般的能量注入。 They who the rich and pure life energy even stops up breathe to become some difficulties. Prepare knot in the tent, one has experienced such huge fluctuation of energy, the outside world can certainly the earliest possible time be able to feel. 浓郁而纯粹的生命能量甚至堵的他们呼吸都变得有些困难起来。要不是早就在帐篷中布置好的结界,一下出现这么庞大的能量波动,外界一定能够第一时间感受得到。 Satisfied a craving! This promotion speed is all of them has never felt. Suddenly the heartbeat of everyone sped up several points, absorbs these life energies to enhance own in spirit strength whole-heartedly. 太过瘾了啊!这种提升速度是他们所有人都从未感受过的。一时间每个人的心跳都不禁加快了几分,全力以赴吸收这些生命能量来提升自己的内灵力。 Even Long Dangdang has not thought the energy that this time they can have, to next morning time, on them the spirit strength had the saturated situation gradually. 就算是龙当当也没想到这次他们能够带回来的能量有如此之多,以至于一直到了第二天早上的时候,他们身上的灵力渐渐出现了饱和的情况。 Does not have the cultivation blood to refine the lunar motion and ice of Monroe and peach numerous golden body is good. Although they also browsed the blood to refine the golden body, but has not had thousand. Was not affected. But Long Dangdang and ocean nighttide and woof Changxin , in the spirit strength is increased to and outside the spirit strength equality strength, does not have the means to continue to absorb. 没有修炼血炼金身的月离、凌梦露和桃林林还好。他们虽然也涉猎了血炼金身,但都没有过千。不受到影响。而龙当当、溟汐和汪常欣当内灵力提升到和外灵力同等强度的时候,就已经没办法继续吸收下去了。 However, even lunar motion their three, after the spirit strength is increased to the certain extent, is unable to continue again upwardly, achieved the bottleneck. 不过,就算是月离他们三个,当灵力提升到一定程度后,也无法再继续向上,达到了瓶颈。 This harvest was really big, although in everyone heart somewhat regretted, but more was actually wild with joy. 这一次的收获实在是太大了,虽然大家心中都还是有些惋惜,但更多的却是狂喜。 Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu, lunar motion and in spirit strength of peach numerous promoted six step peaks. The woof Changxin in spirit strength raised six step about eight levels, because outside the spirit strength has not been a higher level is not therefore able to continue to be increased. The ocean nighttide is worse, although her outside spirit strength has been training hard, but after the blood refining up the promotion speed of golden body had the star light radiant spirit furnace, speeds up, therefore in her outside spirit strength has not caught up with the spirit strength, most few of improvement, somewhat wants to cry but have no tears. In the spirit strength has not promoted many. 龙当当、凌梦露、月离、桃林林的内灵力都提升到了六阶巅峰。汪常欣的内灵力提升到了六阶八级左右,因为外灵力没有达到更高层次所以无法继续提升。溟汐差一些,她的外灵力虽然一直在苦练,但血炼金身的提升速度是有了星光璀璨灵炉之后才加快的,所以她的外灵力还没有追上内灵力,提升的最少,有些欲哭无泪。内灵力没有提升多少。 Everyone ended the cultivation, but the transformation of Long Kongkong is actually still continuing...... 大家都结束了修炼,但龙空空的转化却还在继续…… Surplus, these spirit strength that everyone could not absorb, naturally belonged to the sea all. 剩余的,大家吸收不了的这些灵力,自然就都归沧海所有了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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