SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#272: Dead spirit rebellion

Chapter 272 dead spirit rebellion 第272章亡灵暴动 Wakes up from the cultivation, Long Dangdang or ice Monroe or others, the first feeling is the puffiness, in within the body abundant incomparable spirit strength as if has filled the whole body, that feeling of satisfaction made their whole bodies smooth, promoted many even has a being reborn feeling. 从修炼中醒来时,无论是龙当当还是凌梦露或者其他人,第一感觉就是胀满,体内充沛无比的灵力仿佛已经充满了全身,那种满足感令他们全身畅爽,提升多的甚至都有种脱胎换骨的感觉。 The Long Dangdang spirit strength promoted six step peaks after this time finally, without doubt made his strength be a new level, but similarly, after being this level, his cultivating to is unable to promote in a short time again, after must the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace completed the restore, can continue to enhance itself. Even even/including Xuelian the golden body are most also cultivates to seven steps, without the sufficient in spirit strength follows up, the pure outside spirit strength are most is also exceeds first-order. 龙当当的灵力终于在这次之后提升到了六阶巅峰,无疑让他的实力达到了一个新的层次,但同样的,在达到这个层次之后,他的修为短时间内无法再提升了,必须要将月明沧海灵炉完成修复之后,才能继续提高自身。甚至连血炼金身最多也就是修炼到七阶,没有足够的内灵力跟进,单纯的外灵力最多也就是超越一阶而已。 However, regarding this Long Dangdang does not have the initial that worry now. He currently has the means to speed up the restore to sea. Even is only this time, their harvests are huge, that may these spirit strength that not only absorbs at present are so simple. 不过,对此龙当当现在却早已没有了最初的那份担心。他现在已经有办法加快对沧海的修复了。就算只是这次,他们的收获都是巨大的,那可不只是眼前所吸收的这些灵力那么简单。 Long Dangdang had examined the meritorious service link of military and child spirit crystal. 龙当当已经查看了军方的功勋手环和子灵晶。 In the meritorious service link demonstrated nearly can call it the astronomical figures the meritorious value, he does not know that actually this value after anything acts according to the determination takes own, what we definitely know is that this meritorious service link has certainly any special survey way to record the meritorious service. Does not know if all of a sudden puts out so many meritorious services to look for the military, can be what situation. 功勋手环内显示了一个近乎可以称之为天文数字的功勋数值,他也不知道这个数值究竟是以什么依据判定之后带给自己的,但可以肯定的是,这功勋手环一定有什么特殊的探测方式来记录功勋。只是不知道一下子如果拿出这么多功勋去找军方,会是什么情况。 The child spirit crystal also has the detailed record, first is, all duties that they receive have been accomplished, right, all. This similarly is a data big meritorious service. Must know that Long Dangdang they previously almost all received one assignment that can have! 子灵晶同样有详细的记录,首先就是,他们所接取的所有任务都已经完成了,没错,所有。这同样是一笔数据不小的功勋。要知道龙当当他们先前可是把能接的任务几乎全都接取了一遍啊! Is immersing in the people when the joy, the ban outside tent was touched suddenly. 正在众人都沉浸在喜悦之中时,帐篷外的禁制突然被触动了。 Tent gate in the true sense, has naturally not existed to knock on a door a saying, but hunts for the station of demon group naturally unable to enter casually, therefore outside each tent established was similar to the doorbell common magic ban specially. 帐篷没有真正意义上的门,自然不存在敲门一说,而猎魔团的驻地自然也不是随便能够进入的,所以每个帐篷外都设置了专门如同门铃一般的魔法禁制。 I have a look.” Long Dangdang said that before arriving at the gate, ice Monroe untied internal sound-insulated knot and protection ties prohibits. Her prohibits to untie, immediately hears the sound wave that outside transmitted unceasingly. “我去看看。”龙当当说了一声,走到门前,凌梦露解开了内部的隔音结界和防护结界封禁。她这封禁才一解开,立刻就听到了外面不断传来的声浪。 Is this? Also made war? 这是?又开战了? Long Dangdang lifts the curtain, out of the door is staff who hunt for the demon group headquarters. 龙当当掀开门帘,门外是一名猎魔团总部的工作人员。 That staff see in the tent some people, immediately asks: Hello, can you once attack the dead army also to have the fierce disputes last night?” When he sees Long Dangdang, asked that these words have turned spoke thoughtlessly asked that is really because Long Dangdang seemed like too younger. 那工作人员见到帐篷内有人在,立刻问道:“您好,请问你们昨夜可曾突袭过亡者大军并且发生激烈交锋?”当他看到龙当当的时候,问出这句话已经变成了随口一问,实在是因为龙当当看起来太年轻了一些。 But what he has not thought that listening to his words, Long Dangdang actually to nod, said: Yes, we once attacked the mountain valley that a dead spirit army was stationed in yesterday, excuse me, what have? Did the dead spirit army attack?” 但他没想到的是,听了他的话,龙当当却点了点头,道:“是的,昨天我们曾经突袭了一个亡灵大军驻扎的山谷,请问,发生了什么?亡灵大军又攻过来了?” That staff one dull, rushes saying: That asked you to go temporary headquarters one with me quickly.” 那工作人员一呆,赶忙道:“那请你们赶快跟我去临时总部一趟吧。” Long Dangdang nods, said: My partners still in the recuperation, I first go with you.” 龙当当点点头,道:“我的伙伴们还在休整,我先跟你去吧。” Also ok.” The staff do not force, complying with one to bring immediately hurriedly his to the temporary headquarters to go. “也行。”工作人员也不勉强,答应一声立刻带着他急匆匆的向临时总部而去。 Ice Monroe they naturally heard two people conversation, Long Dangdang had not said that led them to go, they naturally remained, and will tie opening again, Long Kongkong is still practicing, protected the law for him is most important. 凌梦露他们自然听到了两人的交谈,龙当当没说带他们去,他们自然就留了下来,并且重新将结界开启,龙空空还在修炼中,为他护法是最重要的。 When Long Dangdang follows the staff are arriving hunt for the demon group temporary headquarters, to the entrance stares in the headquarters at this time unexpectedly to have much hunts for demon. Moreover he also saw the familiar form, is the element saintess Zisang colored glaze glimmer and her team partners. 龙当当跟随着工作人员来到猎魔团临时总部的时候,才到门口就不禁愣了愣总部内此时竟是有不少猎魔者。而且他还看到了熟悉的身影,正是元素圣女子桑琉荧和她的团队伙伴们。 That staff half steps arrive at inside, arrives in front of an old man, whispered several to him, the vision of old man immediately looks like in the Long Dangdang direction. 那工作人员快步走到里面,来到一名老者面前,向他低语了几句,那老者的目光顿时朝着龙当当的方向看来。 Long Dangdang goes forward several, said: 19,115,897 hunt for demon group regimental commander Long Dangdang to report.” 龙当当上前几步,道:“一九一一五八九七猎魔团团长龙当当前来报到。” Hears his sound, on the scene has more than 30 vision that fully hunts for demon as if by prior agreement looked to him. 听到他的声音,在场足有三十多位猎魔者的目光不约而同的向他看了过来。 The old man also looks to Long Dangdang, said: you good Commander dragon, I am the headquarters overseeing word star refined language, confirmed with you, did you and your hunting for demon group attack the dead spirit army yesterday?” 那老者也看向龙当当,道:“伱好龙团长,我是总部监理言星辞,和你确认一下,你和你的猎魔团昨天袭击了亡灵军队吗?” Long Dangdang nods, said: Yes, I am just about to deliver the duty.” 龙当当点点头,道:“是的,我正要来交付任务。” The star refined language eye the ray to flash, whether to ask you to tell a next last night situation in detail, what degree were your attacks?” 言星辞眼中光芒一闪,“可否请你详细讲述一下昨晚的情况,你们的袭击达到了什么程度?” Long Dangdang looked at around hunting for demon, reports in the presence of everyone?” 龙当当看了一眼周围的猎魔者,“当众汇报吗?” Said the star refined language brow slightly pressed, slightly after making the thinking, the right hand pressed in the chest front, does not know how he achieved, a white light burst out from within the body, covered he and Long Dangdang, formed an independent space, outside is unable to see inside situation, is unable to hear the sound. 言星辞眉头微蹙,略作思索之后,右手在胸前一按,也不知道他是如何做到的,一道白光从体内迸发而出,将他自身和龙当当笼罩在内,形成了一个独立的空间,外面既无法看到里面的情况,也无法听到声音。 Commander dragon, you can say now. Please relax, I am the top official in this temporary headquarters.” “龙团长,现在你可以说了。请放心,我是这次临时总部的总负责人。” Long Dangdang nods, said: „When we went out to investigate the dead spirit army situation couple days ago, discovered a mountain valley, is stationed in massive dead spirit lifeform in that mountain valley. Last night, we ambushed the past quietly, prepared casting a spell outside the mountain valley, will then cast a spell to throw into the mountain valley to kill many dead spirit lifeform.” 龙当当点点头,道:“我们前几天外出探察亡灵大军情况时,发现了一座山谷,在那山谷之中驻扎有大量的亡灵生物。昨天夜里,我们悄悄潜伏了过去,在山谷外准备了一个禁咒,然后将禁咒丢进了山谷应该是杀伤了不少亡灵生物。” How many minutes/shares said the pupil of star refined language to contract instantaneously, can determine how many dead spirit lifeform struck to kill? Also, casting a spell that you display is in what way, is what casts a spell, what rank?” 言星辞的瞳孔瞬间收缩了几分,“能确定击杀了多少亡灵生物吗?还有,你们施展的禁咒是通过什么方式,是什么禁咒,什么级别?” Long Dangdang said: Eight levels of casting a spell element alienations. Is I displays, by the water, fires, earth and wind four types of elements, recited the law release through the screw rise. As for causing the damages of many dead spirit lifeform I was not clear, but we received all duties have been accomplished.” At the same time saying, he handed over oneself child spirit crystal. 龙当当道:“八级禁咒元素狂乱。是我施展的,由水、火、土、风四种元素,通过螺旋上升吟唱法释放。至于造成了多少亡灵生物的损伤我不清楚,但我们接取了的所有任务都已经完成了。”一边说着,他将自己的子灵晶递了过去。 The eye pupil of star refined language to reveal the color of shock, first received the child spirit crystal, simultaneously put out together his own child spirit crystal and its docking. 言星辞的眼眸中流露出震惊之色,先接过子灵晶,同时拿出一块他自己的子灵晶与其对接。 Said the child spirit crystal of star refined language to present for the pale golden color, obviously has a higher jurisdiction, what Long Dangdang can see, when two child spirit crystals docked in together, on the child spirit crystal brushed the screen to demonstrate big skewer different values generally, moreover in unceasing upward tumbling. 言星辞的子灵晶是呈献为淡金色的,显然有着更高的权限,龙当当能看到的是,当两块子灵晶对接在一起的时候,自己子灵晶上面刷屏一般显示出一大串不同的数值,而且还在不断的向上翻滚。 Said the star refined language eye color of shock to win several points immediately, had a look at the child spirit crystal, raised the head to have a look at Long Dangdang again, held breath cold air. 言星辞眼中的震惊之色顿时更胜几分,看看子灵晶,再抬头看看龙当当,不禁倒吸一口凉气。 On the child spirit crystal, the clear demonstration the rank of Long Dangdang team, the general officer level is hunting for the demon group . Moreover the general officer level that enters initially hunts for the demon group. But at this moment, presents is actually such scene, is simply incredible. 子灵晶上面,清晰的显示着龙当当团队的等级,将级猎魔团,而且是初入的将级猎魔团。但此时此刻,呈现出的却是这样的景象,简直令人难以置信。 A general officer level hunts for the demon group, can actually display to cast a spell to strike to kill the dead spirit army . Moreover, but can also move out? This is what kind of inconceivable , did the general officer level hunt for the demon group so to be powerful? 一个将级猎魔团,竟然能够施展出禁咒去击杀亡灵大军,而且,还能全身而退?这是何等的不可思议,什么时候,将级猎魔团都已经这么强大了? Battlefield that how you are separated from? Also, haven't you in completing the process of casting a spell been under the attack of dead spirit lifeform early?” Said the star refined language to ask that in the heart had doubts. “你们是如何脱离的战场?还有,难道你们在完成禁咒的过程中没有早遇到亡灵生物的攻击吗?”言星辞问出了心中疑惑。 Long Dangdang said: Our some special methods can conceal the element to fluctuate, therefore in displaying the process of casting a spell had not been broken. After casting a spell displays, we immediately through transmitting the scroll ran. The scroll is the headquarters gives, you can examine the situation.” 龙当当道:“我们有一些特殊的方法能够掩饰元素波动,所以在施展禁咒的过程中没有被打断。禁咒施展之后,我们就立刻通过传送卷轴跑回来了。卷轴是总部给的,您可以查看情况。” Said the star refined language brow tightly pressed seems like thinking deeply about anything, but has returned the Long Dangdang child spirit crystal to him. 言星辞眉头紧蹙似乎是在思索着什么,但同时已经将龙当当的子灵晶交还给了他。 Enough after long time, he looks up to Long Dangdang, said: Besides displaying casting a spell, what can you also make?” 足足半晌之后,他才重新抬头看向龙当当,道:“除了施展了一个禁咒之外,你们可还做了什么?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Without, after completed casting a spell, we immediately retreat. At that time the deads of nine steps had attacked us. Perhaps the slow point did not come back.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“没有了,就是完成了一个禁咒之后,我们就立刻撤退了。当时已经有九阶的亡者来攻击我们。慢一点恐怕就回不来了。” Said the star refined language deeply to inspire, takes his cultivating as the boundary, naturally can feel cultivating of Long Dangdang to many is also seven steps, although this is very fearful. Records at present this youth on the child spirit crystal in detail, no, or should say that is the age of youngster. He also less than 17 years old! Has six step peaks or is the strengths of seven steps, even cast a spell to use, was bold sneak attacked the dead spirit army, the most important thing is, he also succeeded unexpectedly. 言星辞深吸口气,以他的修为境界,当然能够感受得到龙当当的修为最多也就是七阶,虽然这已经很可怕了。在子灵晶上可是详细记载着眼前这个青年,不,或者应该说是少年的年龄。他还不到十七岁啊!就已经拥有了六阶巅峰或者是七阶的实力,甚至连禁咒都用出来了,更是胆大包天的去偷袭亡灵大军,最重要的是,他竟然还成功了。 If this matter goes out, can describe with unthinkable absolutely. Moreover, his eyes see, at present this youngster definitely is not common. 这事儿如果说出去,绝对可以用匪夷所思来形容。而且,他一眼就看出,眼前这少年决非一般。 That that the element saintess Zisang colored glaze glimmer commands hunts for the demon group is the headquarters key attention is also the key potential leader. They have completed many tasks, and hunts for the direction of demon group toward commander level firmly and is going forward fast. 元素圣女子桑琉荧所统帅的那支猎魔团一直都是总部重点关注也是重点培养对象。他们已经完成了很多任务,并且朝着帅级猎魔团的方向坚定而快速的前进着。 But has about this 19,115,897 hunts for the demon group at present, the news that he knows are not many. Before headquarters, what he was mainly responsible was the role management. He is certain, this 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group not to complete too many tasks, at least in his mind does not have many. Is the matter that may have at present what's the matter? 而有关于眼前这一九一一五八九七猎魔团,他所知道的消息却并不多。之前在总部的时候,他主要负责的是任务管理。他可以肯定,这一九一一五八九七猎魔团并没有完成太多的任务,至少在他印象中没有多少。可眼前发生的事情又算是怎么回事儿? I looked at your child spirit crystal, belongs to the magic temple and knight temple, are you magic knight double cultivate/repair?” Said the star refined language to ask. “我看了你的子灵晶,同时属于魔法圣殿和骑士圣殿,你是魔法骑士双修?”言星辞问道。 Long Dangdang nods. 龙当当点点头。 „Can you have the exclusive teacher?” Said the star refined language to continue to ask. So the youngster of talent, that is not the school can teach, even the spirit furnace school is still very difficult. “你可有专属老师?”言星辞继续问道。如此天赋的少年,那绝不是学院能够教出来的,就算是灵炉学院也很难吧。 Long Dangdang said: I the teacher in magic temple have two, respectively is the witch attentively teacher and purple day dancing teacher. The purple day dancing teacher was my teacher, the witch teacher just received me for the disciple attentively recently. Knight temple, my teacher is sea Teacher Ji Feng.” 龙当当道:“我在魔法圣殿的老师有两位,分别是巫谛老师和紫天舞老师。紫天舞老师是我的启蒙老师,巫谛老师最近刚刚收我为徒。骑士圣殿方面,我的老师是海纪枫老师。” Listens to him to say when witch name attentively, said the star refined language to be startled immediately, „were you disciple who the emperor revered?” 听他说道巫谛的名字时,言星辞顿时大吃一惊,“你是帝尊的弟子?” Looks at shock in his eye, some are Long Dangdang doubts, as for so also surprised? 看着他眼中的震惊,龙当当也不禁有些疑惑,至于这么吃惊吗? But the next quarter, he discovered, said the star refined language to look own look was obviously different, previously that some vision of carefully examining vanished, what replaces it is an intimate flavor. 但下一刻,他就发现,言星辞看着自己的眼神明显不同了,先前那有些审视的目光消失了,取而代之的是一种亲近的味道。 Said the star refined language to show a faint smile, said: It seems like we must know. The young Junior Brother hello/you good, I am the second disciple who the emperor reveres to receive, you can call me two fellow apprentices.” 言星辞微微一笑,道:“看来我们要重新认识一下了。小师弟你好,我是帝尊收的第二个弟子,你可以叫我二师兄了。” Long Dangdang stares, although previously saw the word star refined language wears the magic robe to be a high rank magician, but has not actually really thought that this is situated however is like oneself, is the witch disciple of attentively. 龙当当一愣,虽然先前就看到了言星辞身穿魔法袍应该是一名高阶魔法师,但却真没想到这位居然和自己一样,也是巫谛的弟子。 Has seen two fellow apprentices.” He rushed to say good-bye before leaving a formality of magician to the word star. “见过二师兄。”他赶忙向言星辞行了一个魔法师的礼节。 Said the star refined language saying: Since is one of us, I spoke frankly. Now is indefinite because of you, but this time, the dead spirit state seemed held the hornet's nest to be the same, yesterday midnight, they had turned out in full strength, attack the Jiyang city. And some deads proposed, lets person who we handed over displayed casting a spell yesterday, will otherwise not die continuous. It seems like, said very possible is you! You really displayed casting a spell, without handling what other matter?” 言星辞道:“既然是自家人,那我就直说了。现在还不确定是不是因为你们,但这次,亡灵国度似乎被捅了马蜂窝一般,昨天半夜,它们就已经倾巢而出,攻击吉阳城。并且有亡者提出,让我们交出昨天施展禁咒的人,否则就将不死不休。看起来,说的很可能是你们啊!你们真的只是施展了一个禁咒,没做什么别的事情吗?” The Long Dangdang forced smile said: We displayed casting a spell are the limits, what other matter but can also handle?” When said these words, he was in the heart is also startled secretly. For them, did the dead spirit army set out the eruption war unexpectedly comprehensively? Casting a spell naturally is not the primary cause, if only because was annihilated numerous dead spirit lifeform, to the dead spirit state is not the too big loss, oneself that casting a spell seems like the might is not weak, but the top dead spirit actually can definitely escape or resist. If then, and partners comes in view of oneself, the most important reason perhaps is the small eight appearances as well as Kong Kong swallowed the dead spirit energy massively, making the dead spirit state feel the sincere threat. However, he actually cannot state clearly to the word star refined language now, these two abilities, must cover. 龙当当苦笑道:“我们施展一个禁咒已经是极限了,还能做什么别的事情?”在说出这句话的时候,他也是心中暗暗吃惊。为了他们,亡灵大军竟然全面出动爆发战争了?禁咒当然不是主要原因,如果只是因为被歼灭了众多亡灵生物,对亡灵国度来说并不是什么太大的损失,自己那个禁咒看上去威力不弱,但顶级亡灵却肯定是能够逃脱或者抵挡的。那么,如果是针对自己和伙伴们而来,最重要的原因恐怕就是小八的出现以及空空的大量吞噬亡灵能量了,让亡灵国度感受到了深切的威胁。但是,他现在却不能向言星辞明说,这两种能力,都是必须要掩盖的。 Said star refined language say/way looking pensive: „The present situation is very intense, the headquarters have ordered all the hunting for demon groups of going out to withdraw through the child spirit crystal, frontline battlefield, our many reserve regiments have put in the battlefield.” 言星辞若有所思的道:“现在的情况很紧张,总部已经通过子灵晶下令所有外出的猎魔团全都撤回,前线战场方面,我们很多后备军团都已经投入战场了。” Long Dangdang asked: Tactical situation how?” 龙当当问道:“战况如何了?” Said the star refined language saying: This you do not need to worry, words that but defends stubbornly, the dead spirit army is not possible to break through our defense line. This Jiyang greatly battalion to come 12 sacred hall, and brought many divine tools. Heard that today the god printed the knight to go to battle personally.” 言星辞道:“这个你不用担心,只是固守的话,亡灵大军是不可能冲破我们防线的。这次吉阳大营来了十二位圣堂,并且带来了多件神器。听说今天有一位神印骑士亲自出战了。” Hears the god to print knight these characters, the Long Dangdang eye one brightly, this was the knight temple is as for the entire federal strongest strength. However, can make the god print the knight to act, fully appears the offensive of dead spirit army to be fierce. 听到神印骑士这几个字,龙当当不禁眼睛一亮,这可是骑士圣殿乃至于整个联邦的最强战力了。不过,能够让神印骑士出手,也充分显现出亡灵大军的攻势有多么凶猛。 Said the star refined language to continue saying: Whether or not because of you, this matter I must report to the headquarters. After returning to the station, temporarily do not go out, cannot enter that side the dead spirit state again, in order to avoid encounters the mishap. If determined that their goals are you, may request you first to withdraw the inland.” 言星辞继续道:“无论是不是因为你们,这件事我都要向总部上报。回到驻地之后你们暂时不要外出,更不能再次进入亡灵国度那边,以免遭遇不测。如果确定他们的目标是你们,可能会要求你们先撤回内陆。” Understood. We and other headquarters' orders.” Long Dangdang complies with one immediately. “明白。那我们等总部的命令。”龙当当立刻答应一声。 He has not thought the sound will make is so big, was mainly the dead strength that at that time that flushed is really strong, if were not small eight appears promptly, he possibly had the danger. But also because of small eight appearances, moreover his special purple gold bloodlines were also inspired, thus makes the dead spirit state attach great importance, had the following issue. 他也没想到动静会闹的这么大,主要是当时那名冲过来的亡者实力实在是太强了,如果不是小八及时出现的话,他可能就有危险了。但也正因为小八的出现,而且他自己那特殊的紫金血脉还被引动了,从而让亡灵国度重视起来,才有了后面的问题。 Said the star refined language to nod, said: Good, you first go back, wait for my news.” 言星辞点点头,道:“好,那你先回去,等我消息。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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