SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#270: Casting a spell, the element is wild

Chapter 270 casts a spell, the element is wild 第270章禁咒,元素狂暴 The incantation consistently keeps a steady speed to be in progress, but in the people top of the head air, four color rays has started becomes concentrates to be thick more and more, the rich element fluctuation shocks is also frightening, everyone knows that Long Dangdang this is doing, knows what kind of effect, if this energy will really erupt to create. Carelessly, they really troubled in a big way. 咒语始终保持着一个平稳的速度在进行,而在众人头顶上方的空气之中,四色光芒已经开始变得越来越凝厚起来,浓郁的元素波动震撼也同时让人心惊,大家都知道龙当当这是在干什么,也更知道如果这股能量真的爆发出来会造成怎样的效果。一个不慎,他们就真的麻烦大了。 The ocean nighttide has not been swallowing at this time lightly spits in the range that the spirit furnace covers slowly, but crawls by the condition of stealth in mountain valley side not far away, is observing situation. 溟汐此时并没有在轻吞慢吐灵炉覆盖的范围之内,而是以隐身的状态匍匐在山谷旁边不远处,观察着其中的情况。 Right, the place that this time they choose, of previous discovery mountain valleys that have massive dead spirit lifeform to be stationed. Inside has the dead spirit army of huge quantity. Also is their previous times during all investigations, discovery dead spirit energy richest place. But here is the goal of their trip. 没错,这次他们所选择的地方,正是上次发现的那个有大量亡灵生物驻扎的山谷。里面有着庞大数量的亡灵大军。也是他们上次在所有探察之中,发现的亡灵能量最为浓郁的地方。而这里就是他们此行的目标。 For this action, they previously conducted the test, and completed the thorough plan. Through hunting for test in demon group temporary station, at least the human powerhouse is no one discovers. Long Dangdang like the present, condenses the strength of huge element similarly, to swallow lightly spits the spirit furnace to add on the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace to cover slowly, the fact showed, no one discovered. 为了这次行动,他们先前进行了测试,并且完成了周密的计划。通过在猎魔团临时驻地之中的测试来看,至少人类强者是没人发现的。龙当当同样是像现在这样,凝聚庞大元素之力,以轻吞慢吐灵炉加上神祈屿桐灵炉进行掩盖,事实证明,没人发现。 Hunts for the demon station as well as in the federal army will definitely not lack the powerhouse and is used to conduct the powerful equipment of investigation, is actually not able to break through swallows lightly spits covering up of spirit wall accretion slowly, obviously the strength of this knot dominates above. Naturally, is not using the magic at this time reciting in station that side Long Dangdang, but pure condensed the strength of a lot of element, even lost control, was in the to the sky releases fireworks at most. 猎魔者驻地以及联邦大军之中肯定不会缺乏强者和用来进行探察的强大装备,却都无法突破轻吞慢吐灵炉结界的遮掩,可见这结界的力量更是凌驾于其上的。当然,在驻地那边龙当当并不是在施展此时所吟唱的魔法,只是单纯的凝聚大量的元素之力,就算失控了,顶多是往天上释放一个烟花罢了。 After undergoing test, they improved the plan again. Trip their goals have three, first is the release at this time Long Dangdang the magic of preparing, is the absorption strikes to kill the huge dead spirit energy that the dead spirit lifeform brings. Third naturally must return safely. 在经过了测试之后,他们才完善了计划再次出发。此行他们的目的有三个,第一个就是释放此时龙当当正在准备的魔法,然后是吸收击杀亡灵生物所带来的庞大亡灵能量。第三个自然是要平安归去。 The strength of element condenses was getting more and more huge, Long Dangdang maintains the stable rhythm to control as before is doing several things at the same time to recite. Surrounding all does not have any changes. Even if the ocean nighttide, at this time from outside looked the place that the partners are , can only see the air of some slight distortions indistinctly, a ray is unable to see, cannot feel anything. 元素之力凝聚的越来越庞大了,龙当当依旧保持着稳定的节奏控制着分身在吟唱。周围所有的一切都没有任何变化。哪怕是溟汐,此时从外面去看伙伴们所在的地方,只能隐约看到有些轻微扭曲的空气,一点光芒都无法看到,更感受不到什么。 Every ten seconds, she will report safe and secure through the child spirit lattice orientation partners. 每隔十秒,她就会通过子灵晶向伙伴们汇报一下平安。 , Swallows to spit the energy in spirit furnace to start gradually lightly slowly becomes wild, ties also to start becomes does not stabilize gradually. Swallows lightly spits spirit stove's prestige to be enough slowly, but after it and Long Dangdang signs, rank will return to the initial condition, and needs to depend on the Long Dangdang strength uses, therefore withstands naturally also has the limit. Bright Qi Yutong spirit furnace in addition holds luckily, this let this limit and its ability greatly strengthens. 渐渐的,轻吞慢吐灵炉内的能量开始变得狂暴起来,结界也开始变得渐渐不稳定起来。轻吞慢吐灵炉本身的威能是足够的,但它和龙当当签约之后,本身的等级会回到最初状态,并且需要依托于龙当当的力量来使用,所以承受自然也是有极限的。幸好有神祈屿桐灵炉加持,这才让这个极限和它本身的能力大大的增强了。 Ling Menglu looks at Long Dangdang anxiously, Long Dangdang and his clone seems very stable, does not seem to have because of tying the change has the half a point to vacillate, his stability also makes in the partners innermost feelings firmer. Lunar motion according to scheduled time, started to recite the incantation, this was recites in advance, will not tow the strength of element, actually after can speed up itself, released the magic the speed. 凌梦露紧张的看着龙当当,龙当当和他的分身们都显得非常稳定,似乎并没有有因为结界的变化而有半分动摇,他的稳定也让伙伴们内心之中更加坚定。月离按照预定的时间,也开始吟唱咒语了,她这是预吟唱,并不会牵引元素之力,却能够加快自己之后释放魔法的速度。 The peach numerous on the other hand is most anxious one, woof Changxin was grasps Tyrant Tianchui to prepare fight at any time. 桃林林相对来说是最紧张的一个,汪常欣则是手持霸天槌随时都做好了战斗的准备。 Long Kongkong looked at the time to be similar, started to release own Yuan whorl spirit furnace, swallowed the domain to be ready and waiting. 龙空空看时间差不多了,也开始将自己的元涡灵炉释放出来,吞噬领域整装待发。 The sea main body appears quietly, arrives at side Long Kongkong, stands behind him, strength of some unstable the moonlight from this time sea can know his present this time somewhat exciting feelings. Because this plan, if completed, he is the biggest beneficiary. 沧海本体悄然浮现,来到龙空空身边,站在他背后,从此时沧海身上有些不稳定的月华之力就能感受到他现在此时有些激动的心情。因为这次的计划如果完成了,他将是最大的受益者。 Time one minute one minute of past, the Long Dangdang four clone incantations recited have continued to be close for ten minutes. Four clone also finally to start to have the unstable situation, the body started to have shivered. But the Long Dangdang main body actually as before is maintaining steady. 时间一分钟一分钟的过去,龙当当四道分身的咒语吟唱已经持续了接近十分钟了。四道分身也终于开始出现了不稳定的情况,身体都开始有了一些颤抖。但龙当当本体却依旧保持着平稳。 In the witch with the witch learning process attentively taught attentively gives him many things, particularly the elementary knowledge of some magics, this naturally is not the elementary knowledge that the ordinary magician can learn, but since witch attentively hundred years experiences. And is most important, how to use the low rank magic to have the high rank magic through the way of sublimation the prestige energy. This is combines the magic the true meaning. 在和巫谛的学习过程中巫谛教导给他许多东西,尤其是一些魔法的基础知识,这当然不是普通魔法师能够学到的基础知识,而是巫谛自身百年以来的体会。其中最重要的,就是如何用低阶魔法通过升华的方式来产生高阶魔法的威能。这才是组合魔法的真谛。 The combination magic was not crowds together several types of different attribute elements combines the magic. But must make them complement one another, even is the unceasing sublimation of repeat in cycles, each other promotion, can achieve one plus one to be much greater than two degrees. 组合魔法绝不是将几种不同属性元素凑在一起就是组合魔法了。而是要让它们相辅相成,甚至是循环往复的不断升华,彼此促进,才能达到一加一远大于二的程度。 But at this time Long Dangdang uses is in a magician very high-end skill, the named screw rise recited the law. 龙当当此时所使用的就是一个魔法师之中非常高端的技巧,名为螺旋上升吟唱法。 Four big infrastructure elements each other balance, the mutual sublimation, through the unceasing overlay, repeat in cycles screw rises, thus unceasing superimposes the might. 四大基础元素彼此平衡,相互升华,通过不断的叠加,循环往复螺旋上升,从而不断的将威力叠加。 This reciting biggest advantage is able to jump the ranks the use magic, the issue is also obvious, first is the strength of element you use must be able to form the circulation, for example Long Dangdang such four elements recited at this time, produce a closed loop. Four types of elements are the foundations. Six words, Long Dangdang now could not have achieved. 这种吟唱的最大优势就在于能够越级使用魔法,问题也是显而易见的,首先就是你所使用的元素之力必须能够形成循环,譬如龙当当此时这样的四种元素吟唱,产生一个闭环。四种元素是基础。六种的话,龙当当现在还做不到。 Meanwhile, jumps the ranks the use magic also to have many issues, one is the psychic force must be able to support, the body cannot withstand. Meanwhile, jumps the ranks the magic of use to be difficult to control, or basically did not control. It is not able to achieve to make the magic have at one's command, most can control a general orientation to be good. 同时,越级使用魔法还有很多问题,一个就是精神力要撑得住,身体承受得住。同时,越级使用的魔法将非常难控制,或者说是基本控制不了。无法做到让魔法如臂使指,最多能够控制一个大方向就不错了。 Meanwhile, the screw rise recited the law time needed is several times that the same step magic recited. These diseases, in addition the harsh condition, in the person who the magic temple studies this method is also very few. But actually happen to suits Long Dangdang, therefore was selected to teach by the witch attentively specially to him. 同时,螺旋上升吟唱法所需要的时间是同阶魔法吟唱的数倍。这些弊病,再加上苛刻的条件,在魔法圣殿学习这种方法的人也是少之又少。但却正好适合龙当当,所以被巫谛精选出来专门传授给他。 The Long Dangdang magic most major characteristics lie in many element attribute balances. This aspect he even must surpass the Zisang colored glaze glimmer. The Zisang colored glaze glimmer must through the matter that the common origin spirit furnace can achieve, Long Dangdang be able to be completed directly. The talent in this aspect is also the witch most regards as important attentively. 龙当当的魔法最大的特点就在于多种元素属性的平衡。这方面他甚至还要超过子桑琉荧。子桑琉荧要通过同源灵炉才能做到的事情,龙当当直接就可以完成了。这方面的天赋也是巫谛最为看重的。 Long Dangdang raised the head slowly, looks to the Long Kongkong direction, he host the incantation recited at this time, could not make too many movements, can only give the younger brother a look. 龙当当缓缓抬起头,看向龙空空的方向,他此时正主持咒语吟唱,也做不出太多的动作,只能给弟弟一个眼神。 Long Kongkong understands immediately rapid will rise the spirit shield to take out, was ready. Also stretches out the arms in his behind moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, hugged from behind on Long Kongkong, his blue body integrated in the Long Kongkong body unexpectedly. 龙空空立刻就明白过来迅速将升灵盾取出,做好了准备。在他身后的月明沧海灵炉也随之张开双臂,从后面拥抱在了龙空空身上,他那蓝色的身躯竟是就那么融入进了龙空空身体之中。 This was before has also made the test, such effect, quite therefore Long Kongkong had a storage medium specifically to be used for the stored energy temporarily, but does not need to use own body to store up these energies. Like this makes the biggest advantage is to swallow the speed can be faster. 这也是之前做过测试的,这样的效果,就相当于是龙空空暂时拥有了一个储存介质专门用来储能,而不需要用自己的身体去储存这些能量。这样做最大的好处就是吞噬的速度能够更快。 In the sky, the fluctuations of four color elements seem like as before seem very stable, this situation is very rare, the so huge energy can also the so stable operation, these be overlay, circulations bring. 天空中,四色元素的波动看上去依旧显得非常稳定,这种情况是非常罕见的,如此庞大的能量还能如此稳定的运行,这其中是一次次叠加,一次次循环所带来的。 Lunar motion in not far away is preparing own incantation, while is witnessing all these, reveals the color of envying. She also wants to study the screw rise to recite the law, but the issue is, the talent does not permit! 月离在不远处一边准备着自己的咒语,一边目睹着这一切,不禁流露出羡慕之色。她也想学螺旋上升吟唱法,但问题是,天赋不允许啊! At this moment, a glare glittered suddenly, Long Kongkong four clone almost also to break up, in his mouth stuffy snort/hum, in the nose spouted two blood, but his look still was very firm. In hand the eighty years old of chaos a direction suddenly finger/refers of distant place mountain valley. 就在这时,一道强光突然闪烁了一下,龙空空四道分身几乎是同时崩解,他口中闷哼一声,鼻子里喷出两股鲜血,但他的眼神却依旧无比坚定。手中混沌之杖朝着远处山谷的方向骤然一指。 Ties dissipates suddenly, was being suppressed four color rays are similar to the big dragon that roared to shoot up to the sky immediately generally. They in in the air sweep across mutually, are circling, changes into huge four color whirlpools to drift about to go. 结界骤然消散,被压制着的四色光芒顿时如同咆哮的巨龙一般冲天而起。它们在空中相互席卷着、盘旋着,化为一个巨大的四色旋涡漂荡而去。 These four color whirlpools are separated to swallow to spit the range that the spirit furnace suppresses lightly slowly, the velocity of whirl rise dramatically immediately, although in the air has huge dead spirit energy, but other attribute elements also remain, at this moment, under its sweeping across, all air strength of element starts crazily moves restlessly. The water, fires, earth and wind four types of elements condense to go in the direction of that vortex at an exceptional pace, making it start to expand rapidly. When it flutters to that mountain valley above, because directly the reason of topography declined toward it. 这四色旋涡才一脱离轻吞慢吐灵炉压制的范围,旋转速度立刻暴增起来,空气中虽然有着非常庞大的亡灵能量,但其他属性的元素也依旧还是存在的,此时此刻,在它的席卷之下,所有空气中的元素之力都开始疯狂的躁动起来。水、火、土、风四种元素以惊人的速度朝着那旋涡的方向凝聚而去,让它开始迅速壮大。当它飘到那山谷上方的时候,直接就因为地势的原因朝着其中落了下去。 The golden light first falls on the ocean nighttide together, the next quarter, she had been pulled back by the strength of hauling side the partners, is swallows lightly spits in knot of spirit furnace slowly. 一道金光首先落在溟汐身上,下一刻,她就已经被牵引之力拉回到了伙伴们身边,也是轻吞慢吐灵炉的结界之内。 The god Qi Yutong spirit furnace shifts, fell on Long Kongkong. Swallows the domain instantaneous evolution for the day deep pool domain. 神祈屿桐灵炉转向,重新落在了龙空空身上。吞噬领域瞬间进化为天渊领域。 Long Dangdang has sat on the ground at this time, the streaming with sweat. Fierce overdrawing of psychic force made him be full of the weak feeling at this time. 龙当当此时已经一屁股坐在地上,汗如雨下。精神力的剧烈透支让他此时充满了虚弱的感觉。 Ice Monroe has prepared the good magic to change into golden light instantaneously, rapid falling on him. 凌梦露早就已经准备好的魔法瞬间化为一道道金光,飞速的落在他身上。 It is not the high rank magic, but utilizes by the ice Monroe this light/only god's body, the treatment result is extraordinary good, the key is quick! The warm feeling one lived in Long Dangdang to arrive at the energetic sea of distance collapse edge on the stability, let his big relaxing. At this time, the pitch-dark mountain valley had moved restlessly, four color whirlpools take to the mountain valley, not only the brilliance, has unequalled moving restlessly. 都不是高阶魔法,但以凌梦露这光神之体运用出来,治疗效果却是出奇的好,关键是快啊!暖融融的感觉一下就稳定住了龙当当已经到了距离崩溃边缘的精神之海,也让他大大的松了口气。此时,原本黑漆漆的山谷已经躁动起来,四色旋涡带给山谷的不只是光彩,更有着无与伦比的躁动。 Forms rapid flushed from the mountain valley, speed wonderful quick incomparable, but the next quarter, they actually have to return to the mountain valley. 一道道身影飞速从山谷之中冲了出来,速度奇快无比,但下一刻,它们却不得不重新回归山谷。 In swallows lightly spits under cover of spirit furnace slowly, these forms do not have first to arrive at Long Dangdang on the photo they. But then, they must face, is the eruption of that terrifying. 在轻吞慢吐灵炉的掩盖下,这些身影并没有第一时间就照到龙当当他们。而接下来,它们所要面对的,就是那恐怖的爆发。 One in air strength of dead spirit becomes fierce, extremely cold fluctuation of energy even made in Long Dangdang their body surrounding ground congeal cold frost. Without a doubt, this has the dead spirit to make a move greatly. 空气中的亡灵之力一下就变得剧烈起来,极寒的能量波动甚至让龙当当他们身体周围的地面上都凝结出了一层寒霜。毫无疑问,这是有亡灵大能出手了。 The people are waiting for intensely. If the Long Dangdang magic is unable to display the prestige energy, all that then they make today wasted. 众人都在紧张的等待着。如果龙当当的魔法无法发挥出威能,那么他们今天所作的一切就都白费了。 However , in Long Dangdang recited the incantation appears very stable four color rays, after absorbing the air strength of element, actually became incomparably wild. 但是,那在龙当当吟唱咒语时显得十分稳定的四色光芒,在吸收了空气中的元素之力后,却变得无比狂暴。 The air of different place, the quantities of different element are definitely different. It is not naturally able to maintain the stable screw rise. But wild that after the strength of huge element was towed, brings by that four colored light clouds, is erupting in this moment crazily. 不同地方的空气,不同元素的数量肯定是不一样的。自然也无法保持稳定的螺旋上升。而庞大的元素之力被那四色光云牵引过来后所带来的狂暴,就在这一刻疯狂的爆发着。 Yes, this is eight step casting a spell, moreover what Long Dangdang chooses is unstablest eight step casting a spell. 是的,这是一个八阶禁咒,而且龙当当所挑选的正是一个最不稳定的八阶禁咒。 Not enough setup time, even if there is divine tool , can only resist eight step casting a spell the might actually unable to make it disappear. 没有足够的准备时间哪怕是拥有神器,也只能抵挡八阶禁咒的威力却不能让它泯灭。 Suddenly, in the front mountain valley, the ray glittered suddenly, that is the twinkles of four color rays, was similar fireworks to be in full bloom in the mountain valley. 突然间,前方的山谷内,光芒骤然闪烁了一下,那是四色光芒的闪烁,就仿佛有一朵烟花在山谷内盛开了似的。 After the twinkle of that flash, the entire land starts fiercely shivers, as if the roaring sound that from the land deep place exudes, terrifying thundering has the unequalled element fluctuation eruption instantaneously. 在那一瞬间的闪烁之后,整个大地都开始剧烈的颤抖起来,仿佛是从大地深处发出的咆哮声,恐怖的轰鸣瞬间带着无与伦比的元素波动爆发了。 Rumble and bang rumble......” “轰隆隆、轰隆隆隆……” The land is shivering, the element at the rebellion, in this moment, seems the nature is sending out to angrily roar and roar. 大地在颤抖,元素在暴动,在这一刻,仿佛是大自然在发出怒吼与咆哮。 That is the calamity general feeling, the mountain valley surrounding land is being cracked, in the mountain valley, is the innumerable crushed stones crashes, the terrifying fluctuation of energy made all elements as if crazy. 那是天塌地陷一般的感觉,山谷周围的大地都在龟裂,山谷内,更是无数碎石坠落,恐怖的能量波动让所有的元素仿佛都变得疯狂了。 At this kind of time, Long Dangdang they absolutely did not have the means to look in the mountain valley are what situations, but they have not retreated are too far, but gathered, in swallowed lightly spits under cover of spirit furnace to wait for slowly. 在这种时候,龙当当他们根本就没办法去看山谷内是什么情况,但他们也并没有退走太远,而是聚集在一起,在轻吞慢吐灵炉的掩盖下等待着。 This is through the element storms of ten times of ranks the law of screw rise recited, casting a spell, the element was wild! 这是通过螺旋上升之法吟唱的十倍级别的元素风暴,禁咒,元素狂暴! The surrounding air is no longer cold, but becomes incomparable wild. In the mountain valley, after that fierce bellow, starts to have severe howl to resound, the huge fluctuation of energy unstable ceaselessness is appearing. 周围的空气不再寒冷,而是变得无比的狂暴。山谷内,在那剧烈的轰鸣声之后,开始有一声声厉啸响起,庞大的能量波动不稳定的不断出现着。 First step has been completed, 19,115,897 hunt for the people of demon group to wait for intensely. 第一步已经完成了,一九一一五八九七猎魔团的众人都在紧张的等待着。 Without letting them waits for is too long, almost after more than ten breath that casting a spell erupts, rich incomparable special aura just like the blowout racing wells up from the mountain valley to dissipate generally. 没有让他们等待太久,几乎就在禁咒爆发的十几次呼吸之后,一股浓郁无比的特殊气息犹如井喷一般从山谷内奔涌逸散而出。 Long Kongkong eye one bright, immediately must act, was held by Long Dangdang. 龙空空眼睛一亮,立刻就要行动,却被龙当当一把抓住了。 After three breaths, was one gushed out compared with previously richer dead spirit energy. That energy rich already nearly viscous liquid. Was concrete many dead spirit lifeform not to know, but so strong life energy, was the Long Kongkong entire life only sees absolutely, even before were , when the demon boundary has not felt. 三息之后,又是一股比先前更加浓郁的亡灵能量喷薄而出。那能量浓郁的已经近乎粘稠的液体。具体死了多少亡灵生物不知道,但如此浓重的生命能量,绝对是龙空空生平仅见,哪怕是之前在魔境的时候也没有感受过。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang, starts!” 皓月当空,龙当当,“开始!” Drinks along with Long Dangdang one greatly, Long Kongkong the impatient start launches own domain immediately. Day deep pool domain instantaneous full, changed into giant black tentacles to drill toward that huge dead spirit energy. 伴随着龙当当一声大喝,龙空空立刻迫不及待的开始展开自己的领域。天渊领域瞬间全开,化为一条条巨大的黑色触手朝着那庞大的亡灵能量中钻了过去。 Immediately, body of Long Kongkong fierce shakes, his eye pupil in this flickered turned into the grey, this was his first time unscrupulous swallowed the energy through the day deep pool domain, in the air nearly the naked eye obvious gray energy just like all rivers run into sea to come in swarms to him immediately generally. 顿时,龙空空的身体猛的一震,他的眼眸在这一瞬都变成了灰色,这还是他第一次肆无忌惮的通过天渊领域来吞噬能量,空气中近乎肉眼可见的灰色能量顿时犹如海纳百川一般向他蜂拥而来。 Meanwhile, the Long Dangdang dantian place white light twinkle, swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace to shift slowly, no longer protects the people, but condensed directly to the body of Long Kongkong. Only then under his protection, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace can impassible conduct the stored energy, but the most dangerous time arrived finally. 与此同时,龙当当丹田处白光闪烁,轻吞慢吐灵炉转向,不再守护众人,而是直接凝聚向了龙空空的身体。只有在他的守护下,月明沧海灵炉才能不受伤害的进行储能,而最危险的时刻终于到来了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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