SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#269: Wrestles

Chapter 269 wrestles 第269章搏一搏 The golden form, a white form, a blue form, has the illusory ray together again in addition, stands before Long Dangdang and Long Dangdang liangs brothers body. 一道金色身影,一道白色身影,再加上一道蓝色身影,都带着虚幻的光芒,站在龙当当兄弟身前。 These three forms naturally were three big wisdom spirit furnaces, god Qi Yutong, the moon/month bright sea as well as swallow lightly spit slowly. 这三道身影自然就是三大智慧灵炉,神祈屿桐、月明沧海以及轻吞慢吐了。 As for Asura red lotus, that instinct, the wisdom is not quite unobstructed. Dominating the world is also the similar case. Cousin's bright angel spirit furnace is the quite young wisdom spirit furnace, no opinion. 至于修罗红莲,那位只有本能,智慧不太通畅。雄霸天下也是类似情况。表姐的光明天使灵炉是比较年轻的智慧灵炉,没什么主见。 Situation is such situation, what do three seniors have to suggest?” Long Dangdang the approximate situation will explain, then asked. “情况就是这么个情况,三位前辈有什么建议吗?”龙当当将大致的情况做了说明,然后才问道。 Hee...... hee...... hee...... you.................. are not silly......,...... on...... isn't the stored energy a little issue......? ............ Dark blue...... the sea...... can't the Elder Brother............ solve......?” “嘻……嘻……嘻……你……们……是不……是傻……,……不就……是储能有点问题吗……?…………沧……海……哥哥……不就……能解决……吗?” Mother, you may let alone the words. Was uncomfortable I. The goosebumps falls place.” Long Kongkong listens to swallow lightly spits the sound of spirit furnace slowly, one must collapse. “妈呀,你可别说话了。难受死我了。鸡皮疙瘩掉一地。”龙空空听着轻吞慢吐灵炉的声音,一下就要崩溃了。 Long Dangdang was also the corners of the mouth twitches, the vision actually also shifted the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, „did sea seniors have the means?” 龙当当也是嘴角抽动了一下,目光却随之转向了月明沧海灵炉,“沧海前辈有办法?” „...... Said unexpectedly...... that...... words, did I...... speak...... the words............? Your this...... a little fellow, really...... does not have...... the interest...... Swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace to speak slowly with great difficulty justifiablily, that is not impatient. “竟……说……那……话,我……说……话……怎么……了?你这……个小家伙,真……无……趣……呢。”轻吞慢吐灵炉好不容易能名正言顺的说话,那可不就是迫不及待么。 you was peaceful, listening to me to say.” The sea stared his one eyes , to continue saying: Stored energy is the ability that I excel. Haven't I told you?” Behind was says to Long Dangdang. “伱安静,听我说。”沧海瞪了他一眼,继续道:“储能本身就是我擅长的能力。我没告诉过你吗?”后面这句是对龙当当说的。 What? Have you said?” Long Dangdang somewhat speechless say/way. “啥?你说过吗?”龙当当有些无语的道。 Un un, has not said probably. Because I am the broken condition, the ability that therefore, this most excelled at also had the issue, had not said that un, was this.” The sea made a difficult movement. “嗯嗯,好像是没说过。因为我是残破状态,所以,原本这最擅长的能力本身也有问题了,就没说,嗯,就是这样。”沧海做了个挠头的动作。 All rivers run into sea?” The islet tung oil tree opens the mouth to ask. “海纳百川?”屿桐开口问道。 The sea nods, said: Right, one of my original basic capabilities is all rivers run into sea, can hold very huge energy to store up, and its purification. But after the breakage, some abilities had problems. Because I am the words of broken store energy, these energies will also pass fast from my main body. Only if patches me, otherwise this basic capability does not have the means to use normally. This is also I needs one of the massive spirit strength restore aspects.” 沧海点了点头,道:“对的,我原本的基础能力之一就是海纳百川,能够容纳非常庞大的能量进行储存,并且将其纯化。但破损之后,这部分能力就出问题了。因为我本身是残破的储存能量的话,这些能量也会从我本体之中快速流逝掉。除非将我修补好,否则这个基础能力就没办法正常使用。这也是我需要大量灵力修复的方面之一。” Long Dangdang frowns saying: „If in the normal state situation, what energy can store up?” 龙当当蹙眉道:“如果是正常状态的情况下,什么能量都能储存吗?” The sea nods, that is natural, the sea is infinite, all rivers run into sea. I can store up the general total quantity in 1 million the energy, what energy. But if the corrosive strong energy, cannot store up too for a long time. The ordinary energy can purify continually. My this ability also some limitations, daytime stored energy, only then night 1/3. Also only then the night can purify the energy.” 沧海点点头,“那是自然,沧海无限,海纳百川。我能够储存大概总量一百万以内的能量,什么能量都可以。但如果是侵蚀性较强的能量,不能储存太长时间。普通能量可以持续纯化。我这个能力本身也有一些局限性,白天的储能只有夜晚的三分之一。也只有夜晚才能对能量进行纯化。” Long Dangdang somewhat disappointed say/way: But does not have the means use not to have idea. How many spirit strength do you also need to be able this ability to restore?” 龙当当有些失望的道:“但没办法使用也是没辙。你还需要多少灵力才能把这个能力恢复?” Dark blue sea route: At least 100,000 spirit strength are good.” 沧海道:“至少十万灵力才行。” The Long Dangdang corners of the mouth pull out, 100,000 spirit strength where are so good to gather . Moreover, the sea patches is not the ordinary spirit strength that oneself need, is he himself cultivates, or deputes the later life energy to be good after the filtration. 龙当当嘴角一抽,十万灵力哪里是那么好聚集的,而且,沧海修补自身需要的可不是普通灵力,是他自己修炼出来,或者是经过过滤提纯之后的生命能量才行。 Dark blue...... sea...... elder brother...... elder brother...... good stupid...... Your this...... an issue point............ is not difficult to solve,...... you...... the storage, I help you...... the slow pressure...... the system crack,...... did not make spirit...... the strength class/flow...... pass...... the long line...... At least...... passes...... fast...... may...... by slow...... get down.” “沧……海……哥……哥……好笨……哦。你这……问题一点……都不……难解决,……你……储存,我帮你……迟缓压……制裂缝,……不让灵……力流……逝……不……久行……了。至少……流逝……速……度可……以慢……下来呀。” Swallowed lightly spits the spirit furnace to open the mouth slowly, but this time heard his incomparably uncomfortable sound, everyone was actually in the heart moves. 轻吞慢吐灵炉又开口了,但这次听了他那无比难受的声音,大家却都是心中一动。 Yes! Swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace most intrepid ability slowly is slow, almost can the slow myriad things, naturally, he himself also be this type sluggish, but when used to help the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace conduct the trap, lets the speed of passing slowly...... 是啊!轻吞慢吐灵炉最强悍的能力就是迟缓,几乎能迟缓万物,当然,他自己也是这种慢吞吞的,但如果用来帮月明沧海灵炉进行封堵,让流逝的速度慢一点的话…… The islet tung oil tree blurted out: If so, that certain extent restored all rivers run into sea ability of sea senior.” 屿桐脱口而出道:“如果是这样的话,那就一定程度恢复了沧海前辈的海纳百川能力了。” Long Dangdang looks to the sea, in the eye reveals the color of inquiry. 龙当当看向沧海,眼中流露出询问之色。 Can try, but the concrete effect did not say. If the total quantity is not too big, should. But if absorbs too many, the fissure that I damage has is supported the big possibility.” “可以试试,但具体效果不好说。如果总量不是太大的话,应该可以。但如果吸收太多,我破损的裂痕有被撑大的可能。” Long Dangdang said: „If the life energy, yourself can also transform, are yourself in the process of transformation, can transformation while restores?” 龙当当道:“如果是生命能量的话,你自己也可以转化吧,你自己在转化的过程中,是不是也能一边转化一边修复?” Dark blue sea route: Can actually the energy, but didn't that waste?” 沧海道:“能倒是能,但那不就浪费了么?” Long Dangdang shows a faint smile, said: If the total quantity is big enough, to us could not absorb, that was not the waste.” 龙当当微微一笑,道:“如果总量足够大,大到本来我们也吸收不了,那就不算浪费了。” The sea as if also wants to understand anything, mood suddenly excited several points, „, if really as huge as certain extent, I had the hope that resumed ahead of time.” 沧海似乎也想明白了什么,情绪突然激动了几分,“如果真的庞大到了一定程度,那我就有提前恢复的希望了。” Does. Is good to everyone, how the brother you prepares dry/does?” “干了呗。对大家都有好处,老哥你准备怎么干?” Long Dangdang said: This we must make the detailed plan, I have an idea, we discussed that if successful, then, beforehand loss on value.” In knowing the sea in complete had the strong storage capacity, in his mind has the vein. At this time combs these veins in the heart, the thought is understanding more and more, the plan also gradually improve improves. 龙当当道:“这个我们要做一下详细的计划,我有个想法,咱们商量一下,如果成功的话,那么,之前的损失就都值了。”在得知了沧海在完整的时候拥有强大储存能力的时候,他脑海中就已经有了脉络。此时在心中梳理着这些脉络,念头越来越通达,计划也逐渐完善起来。 Has turned head, looked that is glittering the white ray light group to the whole body, swallowed lightly spits the spirit furnace to stare slowly staring, why did you...... take a look at...... me............?” 扭过头,看向全身闪烁着白色光芒的光团,轻吞慢吐灵炉愣了愣,“你……瞅……我……干嘛……呀?” Long Dangdang said: This plan, if wants successfully, you are most essential one step.” 龙当当道:“这次的计划如果想要成功,您是最关键的一步。” Okay the recuperation a daytime, making everyone be in top form, falls to the night, absorbed the strength of some lunar coronas to supplement to arrive. The people then left again quietly hunted for the demon group temporary station, stepped the battle path. 好好休整了一个白天,让大家都处于最佳状态,一直到夜幕降临,又吸收了一些月华之力补充到位。众人这才再次悄然离开了猎魔团临时驻地,重新踏上了征途。 Over the two days the dead spirit army had not launched the attack in force again, only then some scattered attacks, the armies by Jiyang city were extinguished easily. both sides have been in the exploratory attack, on that day Long Dangdang they saw that is time fights largest. 这两天亡灵大军没有再发动大规模攻击,只有一些零散的进攻,都被吉阳城这边的大军轻而易举的消弭了。双方一直都处于试探性的进攻,那天龙当当他们所看到的那一次就已经是规模最大的战斗了。 When this war will continue not to know to anyone why the dead spirit army does not initiate general attack human unclear, but human in unceasing probe, then for more understanding dead spirit lifeform, because the unknown of dead spirit army is really many. Even can with the flaminging angel that human summoned contend like the top strength that day presents, then, actually did they hide some deeper battle efficiency also how many? It is not the simple nine steps can represent by strength of both sides, it can be said that nine step above battle efficiencies. Only then more understanding opponents, human has the possibility of general attack, once launches the general attack, likely must strike it routs thoroughly, does not give the dead spirit army opportunity. Otherwise, federal army, if loses oversized, most fears the situation of having is many human powerhouses is changed to the dead spirit, that will not be the unimaginable catastrophe, will be human how, regardless of unable to undertake. 这场战争会持续到什么时候谁也不知道,亡灵大军为什么不发起总攻人类不清楚,而人类之所以在不断的试探,则是为了更多的了解亡灵生物,因为亡灵大军的未知数实在是太多。就像那天出现的顶尖战力甚至能够与人类召唤来的炽天使抗衡,那么,它们隐藏更深的战斗力究竟还有多少?以双方的实力都不是简单的九阶所能代表的,都可以说是九阶以上的战斗力。只有更多的了解对手,人类才有总攻的可能,一旦发起总攻,很可能就要一击将其彻底击溃,不给亡灵大军机会。否则的话,联邦大军如果损失过大,最惧怕出现的情况就是大量的人类强者被转化为亡灵,那将是无法想象的大灾难,也是人类无论如何也承担不起的。 One line of seven people arrived at outside the Jiyang city again, although the previous time the harvest are not many, but was finally more familiar with the terrain, this time came out again, the speed significantly compared with previous time sped up much. Explores the way in front by the ocean nighttide as before, others follow in behind, the legal system occupation was protected in the middle. 一行七人再次来到了吉阳城外,上次虽然收获不多,但总算对地形熟悉多了,这次再出来,速度明显就比上次加快了不少。依旧是由溟汐在前面探路,其他人在后面跟随,法系职业被守护在中间。 This their action and previous biggest difference obviously had the goal. Marches forward, about after one double-hour, the ocean nighttide spreads the news from the front. 这次他们的行动和上次最大的区别就是明显有了目标。一路行进,大约一个时辰之后,溟汐从前方传来消息。 The bright moon in the sky, the ocean nighttide, discovery goal, the goal and previous time are consistent in the position. I observe in the distant place, the coordinates is......” 皓月当空,溟汐,“发现目标,目标和上次所在位置一致。我在远处观察,坐标是……” The people approach according to the direction of ocean nighttide rapidly, after ten minutes, converges in together, everyone is swallowing lightly spits under the function of spirit furnace to hide own aura slowly as far as possible. 众人按照溟汐的指引迅速靠近,十分钟后汇合在一起,所有人都在轻吞慢吐灵炉的作用下尽可能的隐藏着自己的气息。 The bright moon in the sky, can Long Dangdang, see clearly inside situation?” 皓月当空,龙当当,“能看清里面的情况吗?” Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide, dense and numerous is, is unable to distinguish the race, but the quantity is big. I am thinking now, if we really strike to kill massive dead spirit lifeform, coming that our meritorious bracelets and child spirit crystal can record?” 皓月当空,溟汐,“密密麻麻的都是,无法辨别种族,但数量非常庞大。我现在只是在想,如果我们真的击杀大量的亡灵生物,咱们这个功勋手镯和子灵晶能够记录的过来吗?” Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang, our goals originally not only also the meritorious service is so simple. Everyone according to planning to prepare. The cousin, do not have any leaving things to chance, transmits the scroll to use.” 皓月当空,龙当当,“我们的目标本来也不只是功勋那么简单。大家按计划做准备吧。表姐,不要有任何侥幸心理,传送卷轴一定要用。” The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe, felt relieved, I and others your signals.” 皓月当空,凌梦露,“放心,我等你信号。” Bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong, „, safety first's, safety first.” 皓月当空,龙空空,“嘿嘿,安全第一、安全第一。” Long Dangdang looked at a front pitch-dark mountain valley, is feeling in the air the strong and ice-cold dead spirit energy aura deeply inspires, selected to the partners under. 龙当当看了一眼前方黑漆漆的山谷,感受着空气中浓重而冰冷的亡灵能量气息深吸口气,向伙伴们点了下头。 Others dispersed a point quietly, only leaves behind ice Monroe and Long Kongkong protects side Long Dangdang. 其他人悄然散开了一点,只留下凌梦露和龙空空守护在龙当当身边。 The peach numerous previous loss is biggest, his two summoned the beast red armor rice Land Dragon not to have strongly directly, the storm demon dragon also received the heavy losses, over the two days was some is not quite really happy. But at this time, he summoned the storm demon dragon again, meanwhile summoned all contract demon beasts, prepares for that met the enemy momentarily. 桃林林上次的损失最大,他的两头最强召唤兽赤甲地龙直接没了,风暴魔龙也受了重创,这两天心情着实是有些不太好。但在这个时候,他却还是将风暴魔龙再次召唤了出来,同时还将自己所有的契约魔兽都召唤出来,做好随时迎敌的准备。 This is the trust partners, although Long Dangdang has not said anything to him, but his these powerful summon beasts complete the summon with the help of Long Dangdang, at this time could not attend to loving dearly, the summon beast did not have also to summon again, but the safety of partner actually this be much more important. 这是对伙伴们的信任,虽然龙当当并没有对他说过什么,但他这些强大的召唤兽本身就是在龙当当的帮助下才完成召唤的,此时也顾不得心疼了,召唤兽没有了还可以再召唤,而伙伴的安全却要比这重要得多。 The Long Dangdang dantian place white halo twinkle, the light halo was stronger than previously several points, expands outward, everyone, all covers including the peach numerous summon beast. That powerful slow ability covers the aura of people completely. 龙当当丹田处白色光晕闪烁,淡淡的光晕比先前浓重了几分,向外扩张开来,将所有人,也包括桃林林的召唤兽全都笼罩在内。那强力迟缓的能力将众人的气息完全遮盖。 Long Dangdang gave a hand signal to Long Kongkong, Long Kongkong tapped in the chest front, the pale golden light shadow appeared immediately, was the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace. What from is usually different, this time, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace directly has not conducted to hold to the Long Kongkong Yuan whorl spirit furnace, but shifted to the Long Dangdang direction, the gold/metal light shoots, falls on the Long Dangdang dantian position together, the white halo that immediately, Long Kongkong releases had some strange changes. 龙当当龙空空比了个手势,龙空空在胸前轻敲一下,淡金色的光影顿时浮现出来,正是神祈屿桐灵炉。与平时不同的是,这一次,神祈屿桐灵炉并没有直接给龙空空的元涡灵炉进行加持,而是转向了龙当当的方向,一道金光射来,落在龙当当丹田的位置,顿时,龙空空释放出的白色光晕出现了一些奇异的变化。 The white as if restrained several points, became somewhat transparent, but some people strange feelings, this feeling looked like usually is actually entering the feeling of transmission time, the surroundings all started become seemed to be different from the original world, looked like secluded from the world generally. 白色似乎收敛了几分,变得有些透明了,但众人却都有种奇异的感觉,这种感觉就像是平时在进入传送阵时候的感受,周围所有的一切都开始变得与原本的世界似乎不一样了,就像是与世隔绝了一般是的。 Swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly, although was repelled by other towermen, but he had also joined the towerman after all, was the wisdom spirit furnace of towerman level. Existence of this level , to promote first-order, the strength is completely the qualitative leap. The surroundings viscous air, has condensed one to tie just like the time fortress imperceptibly, feels with all. Even if at this moment, some people of close, only if powerful is in the certain extent, strong enough to can induce to the situation of strength of space and time, otherwise absolutely does not have the means to discover that has Long Dangdang their such group here. 要知道,轻吞慢吐灵炉虽然被其他守望者排斥,但他毕竟也曾经是加入过守望者的,是守望者层次的智慧灵炉。这种层次的存在,提升一阶,实力完全是质的飞跃。周围粘稠的空气,无形中已经凝聚成了一个宛如时光堡垒般的结界,与外界的一切都感觉开来。此时此刻,哪怕有人近在咫尺,除非实力强大到一定程度,强到能够感应到时空之力的情况下,否则根本就没办法发现有龙当当他们这么一行人在这里。 Around the Long Dangdang body the ray twinkle, four light shadow appear rapidly, the water, fires, earth and wind four clone, but does clone excluding the most recent darkness. 龙当当身体周围光芒闪烁,四道光影迅速浮现出来,正是水、火、土、风四道分身,而并不包括最新获得的暗系分身。 Long Dangdang assumes the center, after four clone to appear, immediately starts recitation of incantation. 龙当当坐镇中央,四道分身出现之后,立刻开始了咒语的吟唱。 They recited the incantation to have the characteristics, did not recite together, but was everyone recites one, the speed was not fast, but is actually maintaining a very unique rhythm, will have strange resonating imperceptibly, making four clone ray to start to have the marvelous change. 它们吟唱咒语非常有特色,并不是一起吟唱的,而是每人吟唱一句,速度并不快,但却保持着一种非常独特的韵律,无形中就会产生一种奇异的共振,令四道分身身上的光芒开始出现奇妙的变化。 The Long Dangdang main body nods to ice Monroe. 龙当当本体则是向凌梦露点了点头。 Ling Menglu the chest place, the bright angel spirit furnace drifts about, falls on the Long Dangdang body and moon/month bright sea spirit furnace union, rapidly completed the combination. Released a lunar white strange radiance on Long Dangdang. Was short of in addition of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace to hold, cannot form the dark blue moon/month angel, but also same has the increase of unusual powerful to Long Dangdang, in the situation of this increase, the Long Dangdang body bearing capacity will be stronger. 凌梦露胸口处,光明天使灵炉漂荡而出,落在龙当当身上与月明沧海灵炉结合,迅速完成了组合。在龙当当身上释放了一层月白色的奇异光华。少了神祈屿桐灵炉的加持,没能形成沧月天使,但对龙当当也一样有着非常强力的增幅,在这种增幅的情况下,龙当当的身体承受能力会更强。 Long Dangdang wears wells up gold/metal robe, the stick of hand-held chaos, psychic force of rippling with own four big clone connected, stabilized recitation of their incantation, the air has been following the change of incantation to have the change, the red, blue color, yellow and azure ray gathered rapidly, but actually completely in the covering range of that white halo. 龙当当身穿涌金法袍,手持混沌之杖,荡漾的精神力与自己的四大分身相连,稳定着他们咒语的吟唱,空气已经伴随着咒语的变化而出现了变化,红色、蓝色、黄色、青色的光芒飞速聚集,但却全部都在那白色光晕的笼罩范围之内。 Wants with the magic sneak attack dead spirit army, in the normal condition is definitely impossible to complete, the biggest reason is to happen the intense magic fluctuation, the dead spirit powerhouse can the earliest possible time feel inevitably, and comes to prevent. When the time comes will turn is the target of public criticism. But is the powerful magic, needs to recite the time of incantation longer, therefore, even if their strength stronger hunting for demon group will not do that compared with Long Dangdang. 想要用魔法偷袭亡灵大军,正常情况下是肯定不可能完成的,最大的原因就是一旦出现强烈的魔法波动,亡灵强者必然能够第一时间感受到,并且前来阻止。到时候就会变成众矢之的。而越是强大的魔法,需要吟唱咒语的时间就越长,因此,哪怕是比龙当当他们实力更强的猎魔团也不会这么做。 However, has 19,115,897 of numerous wisdom spirit furnace to hunt for the demon group to do at this moment, is actually this matter, because, having can release the space and time to tie swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly, but also has god Qi Yutong spirit furnace that can promote the spirit furnace equivalent. 但是,拥有众多智慧灵炉的一九一一五八九七猎魔团此时此刻做的,却就是这件事,因为,有着能够释放时空结界的轻吞慢吐灵炉,还有着能够提升灵炉等阶的神祈屿桐灵炉。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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