SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#268: Escaping

Chapter 268 escapes 第268章逃脱 On the red armor rice Land Dragon back the heavy/thick sharp thorn almost changed into the fragment powder instantaneously, this strikes, directly as if the collapse that its back shelled. 赤甲地龙背脊上厚重的尖刺几乎是瞬间就化为了齑粉,这一击,直接仿佛将它的背脊都轰击的塌缩了。 Long Dangdang in the red armor rice Land Dragon behind, his palm also sticks to at this time simultaneously on the red armor rice Land Dragon is instilling into the spirit strength for it. But in red armor rice Land Dragon hit that moment, the Long Dangdang actually clear feeling, a strength of incomparable terrifying penetrates the body of red armor rice Land Dragon to transmit to oneself suddenly. 龙当当此时就在赤甲地龙身后,同时他的手掌还紧贴在赤甲地龙身上为它灌输着灵力。但就在赤甲地龙被命中的那一刻,龙当当却清晰的感受到,一股无比恐怖的力量骤然透过赤甲地龙的身体向自己传来。 Half hits the cow? Can that nine step deads actually conduct his strength by the red armor rice Land Dragon so heavy/thick body? 隔山打牛?那九阶亡者竟然能够透过赤甲地龙如此厚重的身体将他的力量传导过来? This thought flashes to pass in the heart, next one flickers, the brilliance of Long Dangdang chest place moon/month bright sea spirit furnace also blooms, he interrupted among the contact with red armor rice earthworms forcefully, the position that but so, his previous palm presses even blasts out loudly, mixes the terrifying power of red armor rice Land Dragon back scale and flesh to fall in torrents. 这个念头只是在心中一闪而逝,下一瞬,龙当当胸口处月明沧海灵炉的光彩就随之绽放开来,他强行中断了与赤甲地龙之间的联系,可就算如此,他先前手掌所按的位置轰然炸开,混合着赤甲地龙背部鳞片、血肉的恐怖力量倾泻而来。 Although Long Dangdang has given the opposite party very high estimate, but begins after truly, he understands that the strengths of nine step powerhouses are actually fearful. 虽然龙当当早就已经给了对方很高的估计,但真正动手之后,他才明白九阶强者的实力究竟有多么可怕。 At this time he can do only then lowers the head, the both arms protect alternately before the body, resists this impact with the armor of dark blue moon/month angel. 此时他能做的就只有低下头,双臂交叉护在身前,以沧月天使的铠甲去抵挡这份冲击。 Meanwhile, the Long Dangdang dantian place, a white halo ripples, the strengths of nine step dead domains as if cannot have any limit to this white ray, the surrounding all immediately became slow, that attacked the strength before Long Dangdang body, was at least weakened over 70% in this moment. For all this, his whole person attacked flew. 与此同时,龙当当丹田处,一层白色光晕荡漾开来,九阶亡者领域的力量似乎对这白色光芒并不能产生任何限制,周围的一切顿时都变得迟缓了许多,那攻击到龙当当身前的力量,在这一刻至少被削弱了七成以上。尽管如此,他整个人还是被冲击的飞了出去。 Bang-” red armor rice Land Dragon huge body is split up suddenly, it among the contract with peach numerouses is also disintegrating instantaneously, so powerful eight levels of demon beasts, are link one to put in an appearance unable unexpectedly to shoulder. “砰-”赤甲地龙庞大的身躯骤然四分五裂,它与桃林林之间的契约也在瞬间瓦解,如此强悍的八级魔兽,竟是连一个照面都没能扛住。 But that nine step deads as if were only void in tread one step, next one flickered, had arrived in front of Long Dangdang. 而那九阶亡者仿佛只是虚空之中踏出了一步,下一瞬,就已经到了龙当当面前。 Quickly, was too quick! 快,太快了! The time to here, is only two seconds. 时间到了这里,才只是过了两秒而已。 But another side was affected by the domain, after the attack stagnates slightly flickered, the ice Monroe's Titan of hammer light takes the lead to erupt. The union of epic level equipment and spirit furnace, making it have the strong striking power. Even if the ice Monroe's bright angel spirit furnace has given that side Long Dangdang at this time, but in this flickers, the attack that it brings is so strong. 而另一边受到领域影响,攻击微微凝滞了一瞬之后,凌梦露的光之大力神锤还是率先爆发了。史诗级装备与灵炉的结合,让它拥有着超强的攻击力。哪怕此时凌梦露的光明天使灵炉已经给了龙当当那边,但在这一瞬,它所带来的攻击还是如此的强劲。 Ice Monroe has killed existences of eight step big devils only. 要知道,凌梦露可是单杀过八阶大恶魔的存在。 Bang-” that female dead only thought in an instant the entire soul seemed shaken dispersed, the dead livelihood most major force of came from the recovered soul. In this moment, it actually as if felt oneself soul to be ground generally. In the seven orifices also has the black smoke to emit, in the mouth sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell. “轰-”那女性亡者刹那间只觉得整个灵魂都仿佛被震散了,亡者赖以生存的最重要力量就来自于被复苏的灵魂。在这一刻,它却仿佛感受到自己的灵魂被碾碎了一般。七窍之中同时有黑烟喷吐而出,口中不禁发出一声凄厉的惨叫。 She sends out the pitiful yell time , the red armor rice Land Dragon was rumbled broken at the same time. 她发出惨叫的时候,也正是赤甲地龙被轰碎的同时。 That plunges the Long Dangdang male dead, subconscious turn head looks toward own companion, the violent anger in eye was turning in an instant in a terrified way. Because, in this flickers, he clearly feels, own lover was under the fatal threat. 那扑向龙当当的男性亡者,下意识的回头朝着自己的同伴看去,眼中的暴怒在刹那间变成了惶恐。因为,在这一瞬,他分明感受到,自己的爱人受到了致命威胁。 He wants to rescue, but, receives the Saint to direct the hauling of spirit furnace, he actually cannot achieve this point. 他想要去救援,可是,受到圣引灵炉的牵引,他却根本就做不到这一点。 Meanwhile, woof Changxin tyrant day mallet pounding ruthlessly has fallen, receives the female dead who the Titan of hammer light attacks unable to make to resist, in the hand the long sword was pounded to fly, the mallet bombardment in her one side shoulder place, can see that immediately her side shoulder had caved , an arm soft blew, the body is covering the mail-armor and helmet is in abundance shatter. 与此同时,汪常欣的霸天槌已经狠狠的砸落,受到光之大力神锤冲击的女性亡者根本做不出抵挡,手中长剑被砸飞,大槌轰击在她一侧的肩膀处,顿时能够看到她那边的肩膀已经塌陷了,连带着一条手臂都软软的吹了下去,身上覆盖着的甲胄更是纷纷破碎。 Ices the lance of thunder to run throughout to come, injects from her right chest directly, thousand of ocean nighttide strike the spirit furnace to crush her armor completely. 冰雷之矛贯串而来,直接从她右胸射入,溟汐的千击灵炉更是将她身上的盔甲完全粉碎。 Puts in an appearance, the female deads of this seven step peaks, had been in the degree of being on the verge of death fully. 只是一个照面,这足有七阶巅峰的女性亡者,就已经到了濒死的程度。 Even if that nine step deads does not want to hit to search for the aspect to develop rapidly after a sudden turn unexpectedly will turn into so the appearance, in his opinion, these do not have a human that obviously is seven steps, so long as own lover can insist for several seconds , after oneself strike killed Long Dangdang, goes back to rescue with enough time, has not actually thought, will turn into this unexpectedly. 哪怕是那九阶亡者也没想打搜局面竟然急转直下会变成如此模样,在他看来,这些明明没有一个达到七阶的人类,只要自己的爱人能够坚持几秒钟,自己击杀了龙当当之后也来得及回去救援,却没想到,竟会变成这样。 Stop!” In the ocean nighttide hand the dagger arrives in Sun of that female dead lives in caves, penetrates his body the lance of ice thunder to glitter the ray of danger, so long as a lunar motion detonation, that this female dead surely in instantaneous relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. “住手!”溟汐手中匕首抵在那女亡者的太阳穴处,穿入其身体的冰雷之矛更是闪烁着危险的光芒,只要月离一个引爆,那这女亡者必定就会在瞬间形神俱灭。 The fists of nine step deads had arrived at the Long Dangdang body near in this moment, but actually has to from the sky stagnate. 九阶亡者的拳头在这一刻都已经到了龙当当身体近前,但却不得不在空中凝滞。 On the Long Dangdang dark blue moon/month angel armor has become by previously the impact bumpy, oneself also spouted a blood again. If no swallows lightly spits the protection of spirit furnace slowly, just this struck, perhaps he must be finished directly. 龙当当身上的沧月天使铠甲受到先前的冲击已经变得坑坑洼洼,自己也是再次喷出了一口鲜血。如果不是有轻吞慢吐灵炉的守护,刚刚这一击,他恐怕直接就要完蛋了。 This is the disparity in strength, battle efficiency of both sides, differs so much as to be beyond comparison radically. The terrifying of nine step deads, are not he can contend, but he bet eventually right. 这就是实力上的差距,双方的战斗力,根本就不成比例。九阶亡者的恐怖,根本不是他所能抗衡的,但他终究还是赌对了。 These deads have very high wisdom, takes his lover, relies on the characteristics of spirit furnace to grasp actively. If the opposite party strike to kill itself, the lover could not certainly preserve. 这些亡者有着很高的智慧,拿下他的爱人,凭借着灵炉的特性重新掌握主动。对方如果击杀自己,那爱人就一定保不住了。 The looks of nine step deads glitter the extremely dangerous ray, in the mouth are sending out roaring, lets loose her!” 九阶亡者的眼神闪烁着极其危险的光芒,口中发出着咆哮,“放开她!” Long Dangdang spreads out both hands, said: So long as we left your lover to be naturally safe. The seniors, I do not know why you are willing to become a dead, but I saw you from you once am the elegant demeanor of knight, why must take the dead, in view of human? Did you forget yourself once as the honor of knight?” 龙当当摊开双手,道:“只要我们离开了您的爱人自然就会安全。前辈,我不知道您为什么甘愿成为一名亡者,但我从您身上看到了您曾经身为骑士的风采,为什么要作为亡者,针对人类?您忘了自己曾经身为骑士的荣光吗?” In the time that he spoke, five seconds must arrive finally, the people body connected the ray of scroll to start the twinkle light golden color. The gentle golden ray makes their bodies also start also becomes illusory. 就在他说话的工夫,五秒的时间终于要到了,众人身上连接卷轴的光芒开始闪烁淡淡的金色。柔和的金色光芒让他们的身体也开始随之变得虚幻起来。 Lunar motion, received the magic.” Long Dangdang said to the lunar motion suddenly. “月离,收了魔法。”龙当当突然向月离说道。 Lunar motion somewhat stunned looks to him, even if the transmission leave, when leaves the lance of ice thunder explodes, can want the life of that female dead. 月离有些愕然的看向他,他们就算是传送离开,只要一离开时冰雷之矛爆炸,还是会要了那女性亡者的命。 But she had not asked that but defers to the Long Dangdang words, will ice strength withdrawing of lance of thunder, controls the magic to drill from the chest place of opposite party slowly, naturally, the life of opposite party controls in the ocean nighttide hand. Is under the impact of Titan hammer light/only, that female dead has not sobered. 但她没有问,只是按照龙当当的话,将冰雷之矛的力量抽回,控制着魔法从对方的胸口处缓缓钻出,当然,对方的生命还是掌控在溟汐手中的。受到光之大力神锤的冲击,那女亡者根本就还没有清醒过来。 Long Dangdang vision brilliant looks steadily at that nine step deads, the opposite party was seeing that Long Dangdang made the lunar motion take back the magic, the eye color of violent anger also weakened several points, in the mouth sent out low and deep shouting, I must with her in the same place, even if betrayed the soul also......” 龙当当目光灼灼的盯视着那九阶亡者,对方眼看着龙当当让月离收回了魔法,眼中的暴怒之色才随之减弱了几分,口中发出低沉的嘶吼,“我要和她在一起,哪怕出卖灵魂也……” Following words Long Dangdang could not hear, the scroll effect has appeared, the transmission starts, the golden light twinkle, the next quarter, seven forms also disappear. 后面的话龙当当听不到了,卷轴效果已经显现,传送开始,金光闪烁,下一刻,七道身影同时消失。 The connection directed the spirit furnace effect naturally also to vanish in the nine step dead Saints, his figure in in the air glittered suddenly, caught the lover of depreciation rapidly. Feels the lover not to have the danger, this relaxes. 连接在九阶亡者身上的圣引灵炉效果自然也消失了,他的身形在空中骤然闪烁,迅速接住了跌落的爱人。感受着爱人并没有生命危险,这才松了口气。 He injects the dead spirit to lead for the lover therapy, how many minute/share of vacant colors while in the look reveals, offering sacrifices soul, county-level soul......, the glory of knight? Compared with her, the glory was considered as anything......” 他一边为爱人注入亡灵能领疗伤,一边眼神之中流露出几分茫然之色,“献祭灵魂,县级灵魂……,骑士的荣耀么?和她相比,荣耀又算得了什么……” When the golden light twinkle, Long Dangdang they at present become is clear, has returned in the familiar tent. Previous ice Monroe will transmit the return place of scroll to establish here. 金光闪烁,龙当当他们眼前重新变得清晰时,已经重新回到了熟悉的帐篷之中。先前凌梦露将传送卷轴的回归地点就设置在了这里。 Bang, Long Dangdang mail-armor and helmet breaks up instantaneously, changes into a flowing light, returns to three big spirit furnaces. “砰”的一声,龙当当身上的甲胄瞬间崩解,化为点点流光,重归三大灵炉。 Long Dangdang takes a seat to fall to the ground, in gulps is panting for breath, in the mouth cannot bear spouts a blood. 龙当当一屁股就坐倒在地,大口大口的喘息着,口中忍不住又喷出一口鲜血。 Ling Menglu hurried and used for treating magic on a him, for his stable injury. 凌梦露赶忙又施展了一个治疗魔法在他身上,为他稳定伤势。 The previous fight, quite Long Dangdang has therefore come by oneself facing that nine step deads, sustained overwhelming majority pressures. 先前的战斗,相当于是龙当当一直都以自身来面对那九阶亡者,承担了绝大部分压力。 In the people this time look of also has the lingering fear, the strengths of nine step deads were really strong. If no transmission scroll, perhaps they really all confess today there, even if Long Dangdang small eight summoned is not not possible to resist the terrifying battle efficiency of that puzzled dead. 众人此时的眼神中都还带着后怕,九阶亡者的实力实在是太强了。如果不是有传送卷轴在,说不定他们今天就真的全都交代在那里了,就算是龙当当把小八召唤出来也不可能抵挡得住那纠结亡者的恐怖战斗力。 Owed, owed, this owed in a big way. Duty has not been completed, but also built a transmission scroll.” Long Kongkong muttered is talking over, his present whole body also full was not good, unceasing filters through the energy of rising the spirit shield absorbing fast, transmits to the people. “亏了、亏了,这回可是亏大了。任务一个没完成,还搭了一张传送卷轴。”龙空空喃喃的念叨着,他现在全身还饱胀的不行,正在不断的通过升灵盾将吸收到的能量快速过滤,传递给众人。 Everyone's complexion seems somewhat ugly/difficult to look at, this journey, they are overcautious. In order to avoid the risk is to look for some low-grade dead spirit lifeform of leaving behind starts. But who can think, finally bumped into nine step dead types to surpass them to contend with existence of ability unexpectedly completely. Can move out is unusual is not easy. But transmits the scroll is precious they is very clear, these three transmission scrolls, are specially obtain for Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. This also had no harvest to use up one, was some are really unwilling. 大家的脸色都显得有些难看,这次出行,他们已经是非常的谨小慎微了。为了避免风险都是找一些落单的低等级亡灵生物下手。但谁能想到,最后竟然碰到了九阶亡者这种完全超出了他们抗衡能力的存在。能够全身而退都已经是非常的不容易了。但一张传送卷轴的珍贵他们也都很清楚,这三张传送卷轴,是专门为了凌梦露、龙当当龙空空才获得的。这还没什么收获就用掉了一张,着实是有些不甘心。 Everyone first transforms the spirit strength.” Long Dangdang has not said anything, immediately hints to the people. “大家先转化灵力。”龙当当没有多说什么,立刻向众人示意。 At this time returns to the tent, the people in the security condition naturally can let loose transformed the spirit strength that Long Kongkong previously swallowed. The Long Kongkong outside spirit strength now is quite not weak, the spirit strength that the body can withstand are more, in addition the energy of that nine step deads is extremely pure, the absorption transformed uses the less than half double-hour to be completed unexpectedly, everyone's complexion also attractive many. 此时回到帐篷内,在安全环境下众人自然可以放开了去转化龙空空先前吞噬到的灵力。龙空空的外灵力现在也已经相当不弱了,身体能承受的灵力更多,再加上那九阶亡者的能量极其精纯,吸收转化竟是足足用了小半个时辰才完成,大家的脸色也随之好看了不少。 After this fights Long Kongkong to swallow the spirit strength that finally transforms, makes everyone absorb again, in spirit strength of everyone promoted about 100 on average. Traded other team, this was the quite good promotion. To them does not calculate too, but can also accept. Naturally, with words that the transmission scroll compares, somewhat loves dearly. 这最后一战龙空空吞噬来的灵力转化之后让大家再吸收了,平均每人的内灵力都提升了一百左右。换了别的团队,这就是相当不错的提升了。对他们来说不算太多,但也还可以接受。当然,和传送卷轴相比的话,还是有些心疼的。 Completed the absorption transformation of having mystical powers strength, the record of examination all of a sudden spirit crystal. Long Dangdang knits the brows, assignment that they have, that is one has not completed, not only complete duty, even is the duty the high-grade dead spirit that requests to strike to kill, does not have. Only the meritorious bracelet of military, recorded some meritorious services, quantity naturally also limited. After all, the meritorious value of low-grade dead spirit is also limited. 完成了所有灵力的吸收转化,查看一下子灵晶的记录。龙当当都不禁皱了皱眉,他们接的任务,那是一个都没完成,不只是完整的任务,甚至是任务所要求击杀的高等级亡灵,一个没有。只有军方的功勋手镯,记载了一些功勋,数量当然也有限的很。毕竟,低等级亡灵的功勋价值也是有限的。 The vision of people centralized on Long Dangdang, ice Monroe said: This time is an accident/surprise, after all we have not thought that will bump into such powerful dead in the open country, can move out is very good. Behind is more careful is. Also is one time facing tempering of powerhouse.” 众人的目光都集中在龙当当身上,凌梦露道:“这次是个意外,毕竟我们谁也没想到会在野外碰到这么强大的亡者,能够全身而退就已经很不错了。后面再小心一些就是。也算是一次面对强者的磨砺。” Ocean nighttide actually somewhat mindless say/way: Never expected that we have been able to escape in the face of nine steps. It seems like really grown stronger!” 溟汐倒是有些没心没肺的道:“没想到我们已经能够在九阶面前逃生了。看来是真的变强了啊!” Words that thinks from this angle, as if also is really such matter. Can escape from nine step powerhouse hands, truly proved their overall strengthen. What if faces is eight step deads, who wins who lost/carrying has not said. After all, ice Monroe has the equipment of epic level. 从她这个角度来想的话,似乎还真是这么回事儿。能从九阶强者手中逃生,确实证明他们整体变强了。如果面对的是八阶亡者,谁胜谁负还不好说呢。毕竟,凌梦露有史诗级的装备。 „A recuperation day, we again.” Long Dangdang has not said anything, this time cannot have the too big harvest, that will look next time. “休整一天,我们再重新出发。”龙当当没有多说什么,这次没能有太大的收获,那就下次找回来呗。 However, through this time him also many experiences, was entirely different facing the dead spirit army and in the demon boundary. First is the mentality is different, the demon boundary will not really die is the biggest advantage . Moreover the enemy delivers one after another, has enough time to use. But facing the dead spirit army is completely another condition. First is to ensure the security, then was unable to touch too many dead spirit lifeform, even if otherwise struck to kill it, still swallowed so many energies without enough time, this will create the situation of gain does not equal the loss. Also makes them some fear hands in the process of action fear the foot. 不过,通过这次他也有了不少体会,面对亡灵大军和在魔境之中是截然不同的。首先是心态不同,魔境不会真的死亡就是最大的优势,而且敌人是一波一波的送上来,有充分的时间来进行利用。而面对亡灵大军则完全是另一种状况。首先就是要确保安全,然后还不能触动太多亡灵生物,否则就算将其击杀了,也来不及吞噬那么多能量,这就会造成得不偿失的情况。也就让他们在行动的过程中有些畏手畏脚。 Everyone went to the room to rest respectively, Long Dangdang have been pondering, in this case, how can the maximum benefit, before rather than likely, this dingy transmission, wasted the precious transmission quota. 大家都各自回房间休息了,龙当当自己则是一直在思考,在这种情况下,如何能够利益最大化,而不是像之前这次灰溜溜的传送回来,浪费珍贵的传送名额。 By their strengths, should not strike to kill a low level dead spirit to finish up. 以他们的实力,绝不应该只是击杀点低级亡灵就完事儿的。 To get enough many interests, and real sense weakens the dead spirit lifeform, does the issue that needs to solve which have? 想要获得足够多的利益,并且真正意义上去削弱亡灵生物,那么,需要解决的问题都有哪些呢? Long Dangdang starts the issue that lists several them to face now in the heart. Most important naturally is safe, only then in guaranteeing in own safe situation, can better strikes to kill the enemy. After next is strikes to kill the dead spirit lifeform, how the dead spirit energy completely to swallow the absorption. 龙当当在心中开始列出几条他们现在所面临的问题。最重要的当然是自身安全,只有在确保自身安全的情况下,才能更好的去击杀敌人。其次是击杀亡灵生物之后,如何将亡灵能量完全吞噬吸收。 Although before Long Kongkong present swallowing ability, compared already, can hold more energies. But is also limited. After all, he is only fifth-order, but also is less than six steps. Always spirit strength quantity in that even if outside the spirit strength very is also same. 龙空空虽然现在的吞噬能力和之前相比已经强多了,能够容纳更多能量。但也还是有限的。毕竟,他才只是五阶,还不到六阶。总灵力数量就在那,哪怕外灵力很强也是一样。 This restricted them to kill massive dead spirit lifeform one time, killed also uselessly, others dead spirit energy received mostly, soon was a dead spirit army. This makes Long Dangdang have to eliminate to use the large-scale magic to kill the dead spirit lifeform the idea. Moreover, displays the fluctuation of energy that the large-scale magic brings is very difficult to cover is discovered. 这就制约了他们一次性杀伤大量亡灵生物,杀了也没用,人家亡灵能量大部分收回去了,用不了多久就又是一支亡灵大军。这就让龙当当不得不打消施展大型魔法来杀伤亡灵生物的想法。而且,施展大型魔法本身带来的能量波动也很难掩盖不被发现。 Is the ponder, more has to plant the feeling of falling into the fast knot. 越是思考,越是有种陷入死结的感觉了。 Oneself do not think clearly, that does not think simply, encounters a difficulty does not ask the spirit furnace definitely, the wisdom spirit furnace that so many have ten thousand years of experience, the critical moment consults, perhaps will have the harvest. 自己想不明白,那索性就不想了,遇事不决问灵炉,那么多有着万年经历的智慧灵炉呢,关键时刻咨询一下,说不定就会有收获呢。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, came my here.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“来我这儿。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, conscience discovery? Let me rest in the room?” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“良心发现了?让我睡屋里?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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