SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#267: Nine step dead

Chapter 267 nine step deads 第267章九阶亡者 Throws to have a sword of revenge light/only facing this powerful dead at present, Long Dangdang feels the life and death crisis instantaneously. In this flash, he rapidly made dealt comprehensively. 面对眼前这强大亡者掷来带有光之复仇的一剑,龙当当瞬间就感受到了生死危机。在这一刹那,他迅速做出了全面应对。 Five forms separate from him instantaneously. earth Long Dangdang first is the gravity control falls above that heavy sword together, at the same time, firewall, the waterwall appears respectively, keeps off before his body. The gentle decency is a shield, similarly blooms before the body. 五道身影瞬间从他身上分离而出。土龙当当首先就是一道重力控制落在那重剑之上,与此同时,一面火墙、一面水墙分别出现,挡在他身前。柔和的风化为盾牌,同样在身前绽放。 This is water and fire ballad four clone also acts, used can the instantaneous medium low rank magic. Long Dangdang follows witch this period of time attentively, the witch mainly taught attentively his is actually not how powerful magic, but is the magic theories of some foundations. For example, during the low rank magic is the magic composes the most important part, an outstanding magician, must use the low rank magic to come to become own primary operational method. Because the low rank magic can a faster use, be able better controls. 这是水火土风四道分身的同时出手,用的都是能够瞬发的中低阶魔法。龙当当跟随巫谛的这段时间,巫谛主要教导他的其实并不是多么强大的魔法,而是一些十分基础的魔法理论。譬如,低阶魔法才是魔法组成之中最重要的部分,一名优秀的魔法师,一定要会利用低阶魔法来成为自己的主要作战手段。因为只有低阶魔法才能更快速的使用,才能更好的去控制。 Nine step law gods truly can use casting a spell, but, how many uses casting a spell time needed is? To own load is big, after casting a spell displays, almost does not have the means to control, it no doubt has to destroy day of prestige energy that extinguishes the place, strength that but is unable to control, actually cannot become the truly powerful strength to exist eventually. 一名九阶法神确实是能够使用禁咒,但是,使用一个禁咒所需要的时间是多少?对自身的负荷是多大,禁咒施展之后更是几乎没办法去掌控,它固然有毁天灭地的威能,但无法掌控的力量,却终究不能成为真正强大的力量存在。 Therefore, the magic is not the equivalent high might greatly good, but must look how to utilize and control, how in paying the situation of the smallest spirit strength and in price produces the best results. 所以,魔法并不是等阶高威力大就好,还要看如何去运用、控制,如何在付出最小灵力和代价的情况下产生最好的效果。 Like at present, four clone to release four second-order and third-order magics instantaneously. This process was only the flash is completed. But in this short time, Long Dangdang has not recited the possibility of incantation. 就像眼前,四道分身瞬间释放出四个只有二阶、三阶的魔法。这个过程只是一瞬间就完成了。而在这短暂的时间里,龙当当根本就没有吟唱咒语的可能。 The defense results that four low rank magics produce are not enough to block obviously fatally that strike. But many can also have certain impact on it. Weakens the impulse of this sword. 四个低阶魔法产生的防御效果显然是不足以挡住那致命一击的。但多少也能对其产生一定的影响。削弱这一剑的冲击力。 Four magic all actual combat directions are from left to right, the effect of gravity control is strongest, because also contains the land thorn dragon talent skill, the might is biggest, slightly its belt/bring leaning half inch, but the firewall, waterwall and wind shield are slanting are resisting, although ran throughout immediately. But four low rank magic wholes resist, made the impulse of that heavy sword be weakened 20%, simultaneously deflected attacked position 15%. 四个魔法所有的实战方向都是从左向右,重力控制的效果最强,因为其中还蕴含着大地棘龙天赋技能在内,威力最大,略微将其带偏半寸,而火墙、水墙、风盾都是斜着去抵挡,虽然都在第一时间被贯串。但四个低阶魔法整体抵挡下来,却让那重剑的冲击力被削弱了百分之二十,同时偏转了原本攻击方位的百分之十五。 A darkness cover the surroundings, the darkness is the low rank magic, swallows up the technique. Can absorb the light temporarily, affects the line of sight, does not have any attack and defense ability. But displays in this flash, can actually keep that powerful dead from the low rank magic influence changing the direction of heavy sword simultaneously. 一片黑暗笼罩周围,黑暗系低阶魔法,吞光术。能够暂时吸收光明,影响视线,没有什么攻防能力。但在这一刹那施展出来,却能让那强大亡者无法在低阶魔法影响同时去改变重剑的方向。 All these said slowly, but in fact actually happened in the electric light flint, the dead also looks the surprised color. Not only clone surprisedly to so many, more surprised in fast of Long Dangdang response. 这一切说起来慢,但实际上却是在电光火石之间发生的,那亡者也不禁面露惊讶之色。不只是对那么多分身惊讶,更惊讶于龙当当反应的迅捷。 With the aid of the short time that this postpones, the sky-blue mail-armor and helmet has covered the whole body, jacked magic robe, the Long Dangdang figure swelled, at the beginning of hand Bank of China wave magic is sparkling the light of bright Saint sword, a sword divided! 就借助这暂缓的短暂时间,蔚蓝色的甲胄已经覆盖全身,顶起了身上的魔法袍,龙当当身形胀大,手中银浪魔法之初闪耀着灿烂的圣剑之光,一剑劈出! When-” that curving heavy sword ball flies, melts side the mail-armor and helmet to touch and go from the dark blue moon/month angel, the belt/bring together the dark blue gully, the Long Dangdang body just like receiving an electric shock flies to draw back generally backward, simultaneously opens mouth to spout blood fog. “当-”那弯曲的重剑弹飞而起,从沧月天使所化甲胄侧面擦过,带起一道深蓝色的沟壑,龙当当身体宛如触电一般向后飞退,同时张嘴喷出一口血雾。 Even if in so multiple impediments, and has completed the dark blue moon/month angel to change in the situation of body, he is injured as before. Obviously the prestige of this sword can be strong. 哪怕是在如此多重的阻挡,并且已经完成了沧月天使变身的情况下,他依旧受了伤。可见这一剑的威能有多么强劲。 But also while they complete this short collision, that female dead has also arrived. Her speed is inferior in that male dead, but the strength absolutely is not low. woof Changxin flapped the spirit wing to block her way, in the hand Tyrant Tianchui pounded full power, the weapon of that female dead was also a sword, seemed somewhat slender long sword illusory rocking, was only a point on the point side Tyrant Tianchui, sent out ding a resounding. 而也就在他们完成这短暂碰撞的同时,那名女性亡者也已经到了。她的速度逊色于那男性亡者,但实力也绝对不低。汪常欣拍动灵翼挡住了她的去路,手中霸天槌全力砸出,那女亡者的武器也是剑,看起来有些纤细的长剑虚幻的晃动,只是一点就点在了霸天槌侧面,发出“叮”的一声脆响。 woof Changxin catching up has problems immediately, was trembled by this sword tyrant day mallet, some types with the feeling of wrong strength, the strength of savings were somewhat discouraged unexpectedly. 汪常欣的发力顿时出了问题,被这一剑点的霸天槌震颤了一下,有种用错力的感觉,积蓄的力量竟是有些泄劲了。 That female dead speed strange quick, the figure flashes, has circled her side, in the hand the thin sword vibrated, cuts five sword glow instantaneously, from the sky interweaves a five pointed star general brilliance. 那女亡者速度奇快,身形一闪,就已经绕到了她的侧面,手中细剑抖动,瞬间斩出五道剑芒,在空中交织成一个五角星一般的光彩。 woof Changxin flaps the spirit wing body to dodge backward, but that five sword glow actually blocked all her escape routes, making her have to plant is stranded in the sword feeling. 汪常欣拍动灵翼身体向后闪避,但那五道剑芒却封死了她所有退路,让她有种被困在了剑阵之中的感觉。 Buzz-” low and deep buzz the whining noise joyful resounds in woof often/common, at the same time, an unequalled overbearing aura blooms from her suddenly. “嗡-”低沉的嗡鸣声在汪常欣身上响起,与此同时,一种无与伦比的霸道气息骤然从她身上绽放而出。 In an instant, the woof often/common joyful figure has not changed obviously, actually to the person one type is indomitable spirit the feeling. In the hand Tyrant Tianchui and body are similar to a body suddenly. When that sword glow cuts strikes on, her entire body erupts a dark golden intense ray, forcefully breaks that sword glow, simultaneously Tyrant Tianchui completes two times to gather the strength instantaneously, a mallet rumbles. 刹那间,汪常欣身形明明没有改变,却给人一种顶天立地般的感觉。手中霸天槌与身体骤然如同一体。当那剑芒斩击而上的时候,她整个身体都爆发出一蓬暗金色的强烈光芒,硬生生的将那剑芒震碎,同时霸天槌瞬间完成二次蓄力,一槌轰出。 Bang-” strength that in fierce bellow, the woof often/common joyful this mallet erupts unexpectedly so astonishing, the female deads have to move sideways to evade to draw back. The male dead has also turned round, the right hand empty grasped, gave a female dead force of traction, drew her entrains the range that mallet covered. “轰-”剧烈的轰鸣声中,汪常欣这一槌爆发出的力量竟是如此的惊人,以至于那女性亡者都不得不闪身避退。那男性亡者也不禁回过身来,右手虚抓,给了女亡者一个牵引力,将她拉拽出了那一槌所覆盖的范围。 Bang-” “轰-” With the dark golden ray eruption, the sky was beaten to eject one piece to just like the black hole space unexpectedly, strength that flash erupts, that incomparably wild overbearing aura, in the world the feeling of if I can not do it , who can. 伴随着暗金色的光芒爆发,天空竟是被捶击出了一片犹如黑洞般的空间,那一瞬间爆发的力量,还有那无比狂放的霸道气息,更是给人一种天地之间舍我其谁的感觉。 Well, male...... the tyrant...... the elder brother...... the elder brother......” draws the major tone the sound to resound from the Long Dangdang dantian place. “咦,雄……霸……哥……哥……”拉长音的声音从龙当当丹田处响起。 Long Dangdang deep inspiration, in rising spirit shield spirit strength continuously pours into, this recovers consciousness several points. For all this, the chest as before is a worriedness. If not he has the outside spirit strength of six step levels, this struck a moment ago is regardless of is not how impossible to resist. 龙当当深深的吸了口气,在升灵盾源源不绝的灵力注入中,这才缓过来几分。尽管如此,胸口依旧是一片烦闷。如果不是他有着六阶层次的外灵力,刚才这一击是无论如何也不可能抵挡下来的。 The Saint light falls on him together, is treating his wound, at the same time, before ice Monroe body, the red-orange ray has also condensed is completed. 一道圣光落在他身上,治疗着他的创伤,与此同时,凌梦露身前,橘红色的光芒也已经凝聚完成。 In front of this life and death crisis, they naturally cannot have any hidden again, only has whole-heartedly, can capture the opportunity of being separated from the battlefield. 在这种生死危机面前,他们自然不能再有任何隐藏,唯有全力以赴,才能夺得一丝脱离战场的机会。 Áng-” storm demon dragon brings the strong winds to sweep across, but , the innumerable giant azure wind blade erupts to come, directly soars that two deads to fly to shoot to go. “昂-”风暴魔龙带着狂风席卷而至,无数巨大的青色风刃爆发而来,直奔那两名亡者飞射而去。 But the eruption strikes, simultaneously used woof Changxin who dominates the world spirit furnace and humming sound the spirit furnace, a complexion paleness, the back spirit wing became somewhat illusory, obviously that struck to her consumption is huge. Even if until now, she was unable to go to control to dominate the prestige energy of the world spirit furnace truly. 而爆发完一击,同时动用了雄霸天下灵炉和嗡嗡灵炉的汪常欣,脸色一片苍白,背后灵翼都变得有些虚幻了,可见那一击对她的消耗有多么巨大。哪怕是直到现在,她也还无法去真正掌控雄霸天下灵炉的威能。 Bang-” in calling out in grief sound, in the air all wind edges almost also break, storm demon dragon huge body also by flying upside down of that male dead fist bombardment. Terrifying spirit astral wreaks havoc in the air, in the look of male dead, were many several points of cold color. “轰-”悲鸣声中,空中的所有风刃几乎同时破碎,风暴魔龙庞大的身躯也被那男性亡者一拳轰击的倒飞而出。恐怖的灵罡在空气中肆虐,那男性亡者的眼神之中,多了几分冷冽之色。 The ray of scroll has started to form, under the ice Monroe's control, respectively connection on people. Five seconds, the transmission can lead them to leave. 卷轴的光芒已经开始成形,在凌梦露的掌控之下,分别连接在众人身上。还有五秒,传送就可以带着他们离开。 But regarding 19,115,897 hunts for the people of demon group, they have not felt for five seconds meets unexpectedly long so. 但对于一九一一五八九七猎魔团的众人来说,他们从来都没有感受过五秒的时间居然会是如此的漫长。 The male dead treads void one step, is centered on his body, the surrounding space started to cave in unexpectedly completely generally. The flash, formed just like a big net field territory, the Long Dangdang seven people in this region, all has a body was absorbed the feeling. 那男性亡者虚空踏出一步,以他的身体为中心,周围的空间竟是全部开始塌陷了一般。只是一刹那,就形成了宛如一张大网般的场域,在这区域之中的龙当当七人,全都有种身体被吸附住了的感觉。 Domain! Nine steps! 领域!九阶! Yes, in this moment, Long Dangdang can determine finally, the male dead who at present they face, exists in the nine steps very much! Moreover his before death, likely is nine step knights, even if changes into the dead, remembered some before death knight skills. 是的,在这一刻,龙当当终于可以确定,眼前他们所面对的这名男性亡者,是在很正的九阶存在!而且他的生前,很可能是一名九阶骑士,哪怕是化为亡者了,也还记得生前的一些骑士技能。 The domain, is the symbols of nine steps. This and Long Dangdang with the aid of the domain that the spirit furnace releases is completely two matters. Nine step powerhouses in own domain, only if the opposite party also has the domain of similar nine step, otherwise, can only the preyed share. 领域,是九阶的标志。这和龙当当借助灵炉释放的领域完全是两码事。九阶强者在自己的领域之中,除非对方也有同样九阶的领域,否则,就只能是被鱼肉的份儿。 The domain release, altogether used less than one second, the next quarter, two deads have erupted simultaneously. The goal of male dead as before is Long Dangdang, has the Saint to direct the hauling of spirit furnace, even if his cultivating for far ultra Long Dangdang, before striking to kill Long Dangdang, he does not have the means to attack others. 领域释放,一共用了不到一秒,下一刻,两名亡者就已经同时爆发而来。男性亡者的目标依旧是龙当当,有圣引灵炉的牵引,哪怕他的修为远超龙当当,在没有击杀龙当当之前,他也没办法去攻击其他人。 The female dead looked for woof Changxin again, just that mallet made her heart startled, but also made her get up killed the heart. 女性亡者则是再次找上了汪常欣,刚刚那一槌让她心惊,但也更让她起了杀心。 The bright light bloomed in this moment, the ice Monroe chest front, the red-orange ray condenses the forming finally, the bright Titan hammer has the strength of epic level to burst out. Attack is actually not that male dead. But directly soars that female dead to go. 灿烂的光明就在这一刻绽放了,凌梦露胸前,橘红色光芒终于凝聚成形,光明大力神锤带着史诗级的力量迸发而出。攻击的却不是那男性亡者。而是直奔那女性亡者而去。 Attacks the enemy to rescue! 攻敌所必救! The strength of female dead should in seven step peaks about, moreover there is an excellent fight skill. Such strength, although dominates in 19,115,897 as before hunts for above demon group anyone, but is actually not able to contend. 那女性亡者的实力应该是在七阶巅峰左右,而且还有高超的战斗技巧。这样的实力,虽然依旧凌驾于一九一一五八九七猎魔团任何一人之上,但却并不是无法抗衡的。 That flickered Long Dangdang to arrange the tactic before through the child spirit crystal. 就在之前那一瞬龙当当已经通过子灵晶布置了战术。 Simultaneously erupts again woof Changxin who not only ice Monroe, brandishes the martial demeanor of actor day mallet, dominated the world spirit furnace she to have no way to use again, but actually did not hinder her in the spirit strength and six steps the spirit strength beyond six steps also erupts. A mallet whole-heartedly has striking power that as before compares favorably with seven step powerhouses. 同时爆发的不只是凌梦露,还有再次抡起霸天槌的汪常欣,雄霸天下灵炉她已经没法再次动用了,但却并不妨碍她将自身六阶外灵力和六阶内灵力同时爆发。全力以赴的一槌依旧有媲美七阶强者的攻击力。 Meanwhile, the ocean nighttide quiet appearance behind that female dead side, thousand strikes the spirit furnace attack to bloom, brings to flash punctures the unique puncture strength, directly soars back of that female dead to cover to go. 与此同时,溟汐悄无声息的出现在那女亡者侧后方,千击灵炉攻击绽放,带着闪刺特有的穿刺力,直奔那女亡者背部覆盖而去。 Together after blue-purple ray, sends first, iced the lance of magic thunder to complete, when this most needed erupted. 一道蓝紫色的光芒后发先至,冰雷之矛魔法早就已经完成了,在这最需要的时候爆发。 In this crisis moment, 19,115,897 hunt for the demon group actually to gather four people of strength, and including strength strongest ice Monroe, the attack judgment opposite party weak point. 在这种危机关头,一九一一五八九七猎魔团却集中四人之力,并且包括战力最强的凌梦露在内,选择攻击对方薄弱的一点。 This is two deads has not truly thought that male dead during attack to Long Dangdang gawked. 这确实是两名亡者没有想到的,以至于那男性亡者在攻击向龙当当的同时都不禁愣了一下。 Affected by the domain, 19,115,897 hunt for the people of demon group to weaken. But domain strength, what aims is sends out on aura strongest dark blue moon/month Gabriel Long Dangdang. Ice Monroe when the Titan of hammer eruption light unexpectedly is short by prestige energy that the epic level equipment and spirit furnace fuse, temporarily broke open a slit to the domain, to the people have the opportunity of besieging that female dead. 受到领域的影响,一九一一五八九七猎魔团的众人都有所削弱。但领域的力量,更多针对的是散发出气息最强的沧月龙当当身上。以至于凌梦露在爆发光之大力神锤时竟是短暂的凭借史诗级装备与灵炉融合的威能,暂时给领域破开了一道缝隙,给众人有围攻那女亡者的机会。 This is Long Dangdang was discovering that male dead truly is the decision that the flash of nine step powerhouses make. 这是龙当当在发现那男性亡者确实是九阶强者的一瞬间所作出的决定。 By their strengths, facing nine step powerhouses, surely is an opportunity does not have. Even five seconds cannot insist. At least not possible everyone to move out. Then, they must disrupt the opposite party mind, in the danger strive for victory to seek a slim chance of survival to be good. 以他们的实力,面对九阶强者,肯定是一点机会都没有的。甚至连五秒都坚持不住。至少不可能所有人全身而退。那么,他们就必须要扰乱对方心神,险中求胜寻求一线生机才行。 Side must take that female dead as far as possible, another side, is Long Dangdang must withstand the male dead to receive the Saint to direct the spirit furnace hauling to add on under the violent anger again to all -out attack that he launches. 一边是要尽可能的拿下那女性亡者,另一边,则是龙当当必须顶住男性亡者受到圣引灵炉牵引再加上暴怒之下对他发起的全力攻击。 Side is four dozens one, another side, some Long Dangdang here support, are only Long Kongkong and peach numerous. 一边是四打一,另外一边,龙当当这里有的支持,就只是龙空空和桃林林。 Long Dangdang when makes the direction to be calm, because of his clear awareness, really to life and death crisis time, oneself within the body that unusual purple energy may erupt the strength to save their. 龙当当在作出指挥的时候非常冷静,因为他清楚的知道,真到了生死危机的时候,自己体内那种奇特的紫色能量是有可能爆发力量挽救他们的。 Really, suddenly discovered own companion was attacked, the male dead immediately the look changed, the body bursts out a more terrifying power and influence suddenly, the domain under his control, as if entire sky collapsed. The instantaneous enhancement of domain, another side limited the ice Monroe four people of attack, but here also makes the body of Long Dangdang nearly solidify. 果然,突然发现自己同伴被攻击,那男性亡者顿时眼神变了,身上骤然迸发出更加恐怖的威势,领域在他的操控下,仿佛整个天都塌了似的。领域的瞬间增强,另一边限制了攻击的凌梦露四人,而这边也让龙当当的身体近乎凝固。 But also at this moment, before Long Dangdang body, a leaf of light gate opens suddenly, another side storm demon dragon has taken back quietly. Previously withstood the male dead to strike, it has been injured. 但也就在这时,龙当当身前,一扇光门骤然开启,另一边的风暴魔龙已经悄无声息的收回了。先前承受了男性亡者一击,它已经受了伤。 With low and deep roaring dragon cry, the whole body covers the red armor rice Land Dragon of heavy/thick scale to appear between Long Dangdang and male deads outrageously. 伴随着低沉的咆哮龙吟,全身覆盖着厚重鳞片的赤甲地龙悍然出现在龙当当和男性亡者之间。 The male dead as if can destroy day of a fist that extinguishes the place, the object of attack also turned into that figure grandiose incomparable red armor rice Land Dragon in this moment. 男性亡者仿佛能够毁天灭地的一拳,攻击的对象也在这一刻变成了那身形壮硕无比的赤甲地龙。 The red armor rice Land Dragon receives the control of peach numerous, appeared made full power the gesture of defense. 赤甲地龙受到桃林林的控制,才一出现就做出了全力防御的姿态。 Long Dangdang has not thought can resist attacks under nine step powerhouse violent angers by own present strength, but this actually does not affect his tactic. 龙当当从来都没有认为过以自己现在的实力能够抵挡住九阶强者暴怒之下的攻击,但这却并不影响他的战术。 The red armor rice Land Dragon as eight levels of demon beasts, itself grows perceptibly by the defensive power, in addition its huge build, a appearance, stuffed in space between Long Dangdang and opponent. 赤甲地龙身为八级魔兽,本身又是以防御力见长,再加上它那庞大的体型,才一出现,就充塞在了龙当当与对手之间的空间。 Long Dangdang was affected by the domain, the movement became slow, but was in charge in the red armor rice Land Dragon conducts the back. Long Kongkong swallows the spirit strength that side the absorption comes, massive injections to red armor rice Land Dragon within the body. 龙当当受到领域影响,动作变得迟缓了许多,但还是一掌印在赤甲地龙背上。将龙空空那边吞噬吸收而来的灵力,大量的注入到赤甲地龙体内。 The red armor rice Land Dragon whole body scale also blooms the blazing red ray, lowers the head, on the sharp thorn with oneself back greets the attack of that nine step deads. 赤甲地龙全身鳞片都随之绽放出炽热的红色光芒,一低头,用自己背脊上的尖刺迎接那九阶亡者的攻击。 On that nine step deads is bursting out the dark golden ray, in his look is flooding intense killing intent, when his fist rumbles, the back also has the partly visible empty shadow to reappear, that seems a unicorn appearance of sad sound pair of wings, the light shadow flashes to pass. The next quarter, his fist has shelled outrageously on the body of red armor rice Land Dragon. 那九阶亡者身上迸发着暗金色的光芒,他的眼神之中充斥着强烈的杀意,在他这一拳轰出的时候,背后还有若隐若现的虚影浮现,那仿佛是一匹悲声双翼的独角兽模样,光影一闪而逝。下一刻,他的拳头就已经悍然轰击在了赤甲地龙的身上。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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