SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#266: Terrifying opponent

Chapter 266 terrifying opponent 第266章恐怖对手 Person?” Long Dangdang turns head to look to Long Kongkong. “人?”龙当当扭头向龙空空看去。 Shaking of Long Kongkong makes an effort, was my vertigo. But that blue ray drew in a moment ago, I clearly saw an appearance of person probably. Moreover, probably is woman.” 龙空空用力的甩了甩头,“是我眼花了吧。但刚才那蓝色光芒收拢的时候,我分明好像是看到了一个人的样子。而且,好像还是个女人似的。” Long Dangdang somewhat is speechless , this fellow was so keen to the female. 龙当当不禁有些无语,都什么时候了,这家伙还对女性那么敏锐。 In the time that they spoke, that dark blue ray has vanished thoroughly. 就在他们说话的工夫,那深蓝色的光芒就已经彻底消失了。 Nothing hesitant, 19,115,897 hunt for the people of demon group to go into action rapidly, the march direction naturally is the reversed direction of that dark blue skeleton head. That skeleton head surely is the entire dead spirit army true powerhouse, even is the leader also perhaps. Can also want huge so many compared with yesterday with that skeleton head that the federal army contends with, what kind of existence that is can achieve? 没有任何犹豫,一九一一五八九七猎魔团的众人迅速行动起来,行进方向自然是那深蓝色骷髅头的反方向。那骷髅头必定是整个亡灵大军真正的强者,甚至是领袖也说不定。比昨天能够与联邦大军抗衡的那个骷髅头还要巨大那么多,那是怎样的存在才能做到的啊? Does not need to think, first far away from definitely is the best choice, does not have one. 根本就不用多想,先远离肯定是最好的选择,没有之一。 People enough to countermarch over a hundred li (0.5 km), even if in the process meets some quite low rank dead spirit lifeform, they also first choose to let off. Until after enough far, this relaxed several points. 众人足足向反方向行进了上百里,哪怕是过程中遇到一些较为低阶的亡灵生物,他们也都先选择放过。直到足够远了之后,这才放松了几分。 „Do you discover an issue?” The peach numerous says. “你们有没有发现一个问题?”桃林林开口说道。 What issue?” Ocean nighttide curious asking. “什么问题?”溟汐好奇的问道。 Peach forest wood-road: „Our traces the dead spirit lifeform to come, place visited, vegetation not too many destruction. Is basically normal. Properly speaking under the influence of dead spirit energy, shouldn't all vitalities be swallowed by them? According to the dark magic that I understand and some regarding the record of dead spirit lifeform should be this.” 桃林林道:“我们这一路追踪亡灵生物过来,所过之处,植被并没有太多的破坏。基本都是正常的。按道理说在亡灵能量的影响下,不应该一切生命力都被它们所吞噬吗?按照我了解的黑暗魔法和一些对于亡灵生物的记载应该是这样的。” Long Kongkong said: This has anything. According to the normal record, the dead spirit lifeform should also act at the night. You have a look at these that we face, during the daytime equally is also full of energy! The energy cultivation that a moment ago when that big skeleton head even seemed like to this Sun just raised has.” 龙空空道:“这有啥。按照正常记载,亡灵生物还应该只是在夜晚行动呢。你看看我们面对的这些,白天也一样精神抖擞啊!刚才那个大骷髅头甚至还像是在对这太阳刚刚升起时所产生的能量修炼呢。” The lunar motion frowns slightly, said: Yes! All these seem like some are not truly normal. The matter of related that big skeleton head, we go back to report.” 月离微微蹙眉,道:“是啊!这一切看起来确实是有些太不正常了。有关那大骷髅头的事儿,我们回去一定要上报。” Long Kongkong eye one bright, perhaps will have many meritorious services.” 龙空空眼睛一亮,“说不定会有不少功勋呢。” Long Dangdang said: We continue to observe, but the duty must carry out.” This time came out they can be said as overcautious, although has not fought with the powerful dead spirit lifeform at present, but also increased much regarding the understanding of dead spirit lifeform through the observation. 龙当当道:“我们继续观察,但任务还要执行。”这次出来他们可以说是谨小慎微了,虽然目前还没有和实力强大的亡灵生物交手,但通过观察对于亡灵生物的了解也增加了不少。 At this time they from the Jiyang city about 150 kilometers, are not have been thorough to north, but after the north, marched forward a distance to east. 此时他们距离吉阳城大约有一百五十公里左右,不是一直向北深入的,而是向北之后,又向东行进了一段距离。 The recuperation later the ocean nighttide continues to investigate again, seeks for the dead spirit lifeform of leaving behind. They do not know that side the Jiyang city whether will continue to fight. Their child spirit crystals do not have the means distance to go far away the relation wartime headquarters, can only all depend upon own judgment. 再次休整之后溟汐继续探察,寻找落单的亡灵生物。他们也不知道吉阳城那边是否会继续战斗。他们的子灵晶已经没办法距离这么远去联系战时总部,只能一切依靠自己的判断。 This time comes out Long Dangdang not to worry, first observes, strengthens to the cognition of dead spirit lifeform, then slowly the chart is the most proper approach. The dead spirit state can force this degree the federation, needs the army to attack, this indicated obviously wants to destroy completely the matter that the dead spirit state should in one single day unable to complete thoroughly. This powerful enemy wants multi- cognitive some are the best choice. They are not now powerful, initially faced snake demon god peaceful Mali time that desperate Long Dangdang not to realize again one time in the demon boundary. In the reality, they do not have the second life. 这次出来龙当当就没有着急,先多观察,增强对亡灵生物的认知,然后再徐徐图之才是最正确的做法。亡灵国度能够将联邦逼迫到这种程度,需要大军出击,这就显然表明了想要彻底灭掉亡灵国度应该不是一朝一夕能够完成的事情。这种强敌还是要多认知一些才是最好的选择。他们现在都算不上强大,当初在魔境中面对蛇魔神安度马里时候那种绝望龙当当可不想再体会一次。现实中,他们没有第二条命。 Morning time, they exterminated some low rank dead spirits, the quantity are not many, but the fly is also the meat, accumulated the spirit strength promotion to everyone finally. 一上午的时间,他们又先后剿灭了一些低阶亡灵,数量不算多,但苍蝇也是肉,总算也是给大家积累了一点灵力提升。 Has eaten while the lunch day. Today's sunlight is especially beautiful. They recuperation in woods. 吃过午饭日正当中。今天的阳光格外明媚。他们在一片树林之中休整。 Such that just like the peach numerous said that here natural environment had not been destroyed because of existence of dead spirit army, instead seems green and luxuriant, the air is fresh. When does not have at night the feeling of that chill/yin cold. The people even have to plant come out to take vacation general feeling. Especially have not acted three legal system professional members, this feeling was more obvious. 正如桃林林所说的那样,这里的自然环境并没有因为亡灵大军的存在而遭受到破坏,反而显得郁郁葱葱,空气清新。也没有夜晚时那种阴寒的感觉。众人甚至都有种是出来度假一般的感觉似的。尤其是从来还没有出手过的三位法系职业团员,这种感受就更加明显一些了。 Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: Regimental commander, discovered the dead.” 皓月当空,溟汐:“团长,发现亡者了。” The news that suddenly spreads makes in the woods the people who relax the rest the nerve tighten immediately. Long Dangdang sets out rapidly, bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: Specifically what situation. Can how many deads, judge the strength?” 突然传来的消息让原本在树林中放松休息的众人立刻神经绷紧起来。龙当当迅速起身,皓月当空,龙当当:“具体什么情况。有多少亡者,能够判断实力吗?” Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: Regimental commander, altogether two deads, seem like a man and a woman, seeming like the 30-year-old appearances. They seem like......, seems a little seems like in the appointment appearance......” 皓月当空,溟汐:“团长,一共有两名亡者,看上去一男一女,看起来都是30多岁的样子。他们看起来……,看起来有点像是在约会似的样子……” Listened to the ocean nighttide words, Long Dangdang to stare slightly, the moods of others also immediately became strange, when did the dead spirit also meet the appointment? 听了溟汐的话,龙当当不禁微微一愣,其他人的心情也顿时变得古怪起来,什么时候亡灵也会约会了? The ocean nighttide did not have the means to give many information, she discovered the opposite party in the distance far commanding point direction through the vision, because the distance was far, therefore is unable to judge the true strength of opposite party. 溟汐没办法给出更多的信息了,她是在距离较远的制高点方向通过视觉发现对方的,因为距离远,所以根本无法判断对方的真正实力。 Long Dangdang leads the partners to rush to the position that the ocean nighttide is. The ocean nighttide at this time above a big tree crown that on a hillside grows, can therefore look out into the distance. 龙当当带着伙伴们迅速赶到溟汐所在的位置。溟汐此时是在一个山坡上生长的一株大树树冠之上,因此能够远眺。 The people climb up the big tree in abundance, refers to the direction that looking toward the ocean nighttide. 众人纷纷爬上大树,朝着溟汐所指的方向看去。 Really, from this position can quite clear seeing, approximately be close to about two kilometers place the distance, two human form forms the same place, can only distinguish the men and women indistinctly, the age can only be the general judgment. But from the range estimate, the figure of these two people is very big, belongs big at least in human. Does not know that is doing. The ocean nighttide said that they are acquainted are being in love, because of that female form by that masculine form bosom. 果然,从这个位置能够较为清楚的看到,大约在距离这边接近两公里左右的地方,有两个人形身影正在一起,只能隐约辨别男女,年龄都只能是大概的判断。但从目测来看,这两个人的身形都十分高大,至少在人类之中属于高大的。不知道在干什么。溟汐之所以说他们相识在谈恋爱,是因为那女性的身影是靠在那男性身影怀里的。 Long Kongkong turned head to look at ocean nighttide one suddenly, the bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong, ocean nighttide! You said such a possibility. This that we see now is not a dead, but is other hunts for the members of demon group! After all, from is so far, how you can determine that they aren't human are the deads?” 龙空空突然扭头看了溟汐一眼,皓月当空,龙空空,“溟汐啊!你说有没有这么一种可能。咱们现在看到的这并不是亡者,而是其他猎魔团的成员啊!毕竟,距离这么远,伱怎么能确定他们不是人类是亡者呢?” The ocean nighttide gawked, the bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide, this? I also think that behind this thorough dead spirit army, the human form lifeform, seems like also quite clean is the dead.” 溟汐愣了一下,皓月当空,溟汐,“这样吗?我还以为这深入亡灵大军后方,遇到的人形生物,看起来还较为干净的就是亡者呢。” Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang, whether or not the dead, first observed them to why say again.” 皓月当空,龙当当,“无论是不是亡者,先观察一下他们要干什么再说。” Seven people, seven eyes, look steadily at the direction that two forms are, these two people in a level area place of hill, happen to the position that they are at from Long Dangdang now can see. Missed this position also really probably unable to see clearly. 七个人,七双眼睛,盯视着那两个身影所在的方向,这两个人是在一处丘陵的山坳处,正好是从龙当当他们现在所在的这个位置能够看到的。错过这个位置还真有可能就看不清了。 Between two people are only the static hug, not other anything movement. Because the distance is far, cannot feel their aura, is unable to judge. 两个人之间只是静静的拥抱着,并没有其他什么动作。因为距离远,感受不到他们身上的气息,也无从判断。 They approximately observed had the time of quarter of an hour, Long Kongkong blink, said: What significance they hug have, what also doesn't kiss?” 他们大约观察了足足有一刻钟的时间,龙空空眨了眨眼睛,道:“他们就这么抱着有什么意义,也不亲一口什么的?” Because was long, he who looked opened the mouth subconsciously, has not come to exchange with the partners through the child spirit crystal. But in next one flickers, that two forms of distant place he opens the mouth, actually turn the head toward them suddenly simultaneously. 因为是看的久了,他下意识就开口了,也没有通过子灵晶来与伙伴们进行交流。而就在他开口的下一瞬,远处的那两道身影,却突然同时朝着他们这边转过头来。 In that flash that they turn around, seven people of scalp tingles, dense/woods cold aura almost sweeps the feelings of some instantaneously instantaneously in the place that they were. 在他们转过来的那一瞬间,七人瞬间都有种头皮发麻的感觉,一股森寒的气息几乎是瞬间就扫在了他们所在的地方。 „It is not good. Be careful.” Long Dangdang can ignore oneself this little while also to wear the magic robe, moves sideways, kept off in the forefront. “不好。小心。”龙当当也顾不得自己这会儿还穿着魔法袍呢,一闪身,就挡在了最前面。 But distant place that two forms, as if twisted one in their fields of vision, then on the by visible rapid enlargement of speed in their fields of vision. 而远处那两道身影,在他们的视野中仿佛都扭曲了一下似的,然后就以肉眼可见的速度在他们的视野中迅速放大。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong, I go, is really the dead.” 皓月当空,龙空空,“我去,真是亡者吧。” At this time, could not attend to hiding, the peach numerous opened the contract space instantaneously, summoned storm demon dragon directly. Reason that summon storm demon dragon, because of necessary time, but can also ride the storm demon dragon to flee. 这种时候,顾不上隐藏了,桃林林瞬间开启契约空间,直接就将风暴魔龙召唤了出来。之所以召唤风暴魔龙,是因为必要时候,还可以骑乘风暴魔龙遁走。 The woof often/common joyful back spirit wing opens, in the hand Tyrant Tianchui gathers the strength instantaneously. Ocean nighttide stealth. The Long Kongkong chest place Yuan whorl spirit furnace opens comprehensively, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace is auxiliary, released the sea of domain day of deep pool directly. Black halos bloom, covers to the surrounding space. 汪常欣背后灵翼张开,手中霸天槌瞬间蓄力。溟汐隐身。龙空空胸口处元涡灵炉全面开启,神祈屿桐灵炉辅助,直接就释放出了天渊之海领域。一道道黑色的光晕绽放而出,覆盖向周围的空间。 Long Kongkong grasps at the beginning of the silver wave magic keeps off in the forefront, the action speed of opposite party is quick, is almost they, when makes these preparations, that two forms had bridged over a about two kilometers distance. 龙空空手持银浪魔法之初挡在最前面,对方的行动速度很快,几乎就是他们在做这些准备的时候,那两道身影已经跨过了近两公里的距离。 The masculine form is to take the lead to arrive, his height about two meters, the skin is hoodwinking grey dead air/Qi, in the double pupil, there is a light purple intent twinkle. The body puts on the complete mail-armor and helmet, grasps a big sword. Why this was Long Dangdang they are not previously able to judge that actually this was the important reason of human or dead. 那男性的身影是率先抵达的,他的身高足足在两米开外,皮肤蒙着一层灰色死气,双眸之中,有淡淡的紫意闪烁。身上穿着完整的甲胄,手持一柄大剑。这也是为什么先前龙当当他们无法判断这究竟是人类还是亡者的重要原因。 Behind him the spirit wing is the black, probably the wing is a little common, is much bigger than the spirit wing volumes of ordinary human six step powerhouses. Effort flapped, the figure stuck out suddenly instantaneously, arrived at Long Dangdang in front of directly them. 他背后的灵翼是黑色的,有点像是羽翼一般,比普通人类六阶强者的灵翼体积要大得多。只是用力的拍动了一下,身形瞬间暴起,直接就到了龙当当他们面前。 Bang!” The woof often/common joyful back spirit wing erupts, in the hand Tyrant Tianchui brandishes outrageously, directly soars that man to welcome. “砰!”汪常欣背后灵翼爆发,手中霸天槌悍然抡起,直奔那男子迎去。 Long Kongkong follows, but he actually falls behind half racket intentionally, the chest place, the Saint directs the spirit furnace ray twinkle, white light accurate incomparable falling on that man, pulled on the target of opposite party oneself, thus lets the might that woof often/common can sway this to strike joyful heartily. 龙空空紧随其后,但他却是故意落后半拍,胸口处,圣引灵炉光芒闪烁,一道白光精准无比的落在了那男子身上,将对方的攻击目标拉扯到自己身上,从而让汪常欣能够尽情挥洒这一击的威力。 The look of man shifts to the Long Dangdang direction instantaneously, but has not actually affected him to meet the approaching enemy woof Changxin attack. The left hand makes a fist, a fist bombardment in void. 那男子的眼神瞬间转向龙当当的方向,但却并没有影响他迎击汪常欣的攻击。左手握拳,一拳轰击在虚空之中。 In that flash, the people only thought that the entire space as if caved , the Long Kongkong sea of domain day deep pool is also hollow. woof Changxin is famous at the strength, tyrannical incomparable tyrant day mallet, in this moment directly by void belt/bring of that collapse leaning, in in the air cannot control own figure by the spirit wing. She, but inside and outside double cultivating six step high-level soldiers. 在那一刹那,众人只觉得整个空间仿佛都塌陷了似的,就连龙空空的天渊之海领域都随之凹陷下去。汪常欣以力量著称,强横无比的霸天槌,在这一刻直接就被那塌陷的虚空带的偏了,在空中以灵翼都没能控制住自己的身形。要知道,她可是内外双修的六阶高级战士。 Tyrant Tianchui shells in the air, the form of man has actually overrun from her side, receives the Saint to direct the spirit furnace absolutely establish hauling, his target can only be Long Dangdang. 霸天槌轰击在空气中,那男子的身影却已经从她身边冲了过去,受到圣引灵炉绝对成立的牵引,他的攻击目标只能是龙当当 But that moment that the heavy sword holds up in his hands, Long Dangdang only felt the vitality of own within the body, even is the soul as if must be pulled to draw. In this flickers, he understands immediately, opponent who oneself face at this moment, is not inferior in initially existence in demon within the boundaries that snake demon god peaceful Mali. It is not nine steps is also eight step peaks. But such strength, is not they hunts for the demon group to contend at this moment! 而就在他手中重剑举起的那一刻,龙当当只觉得自己体内的气血,甚至是灵魂仿佛都要被牵拉出来似的。在这一瞬,他立刻就明白,自己此时此刻所面对的对手,已经是决不逊色于当初在魔境内那位蛇魔神安度马里的存在了。不是九阶也是八阶巅峰。而这样的实力,还不是他们猎魔团此时此刻所能抗衡的啊! The crucial moment, Long Dangdang does not have the half a point to hesitate, light of dantian place swallows spits the spirit furnace to stimulate slowly instantaneously. One group of white rays flow, two are condensed the pure white palm that becomes to be up and down in his dantian front by the white light each other empty grasps. But in these two palm center, one wipes the red light, that impressively is one piece just like the lotus flower flower petal, is actually sending out existence of intense red ray. 生死关头,龙当当没有半分犹豫,丹田处的轻吞慢吐灵炉瞬间激发。一团白色光芒奔涌而出,两只由白光凝聚而成的洁白手掌在他丹田前方一上一下彼此虚抓。而在这两只手掌中央,有一抹红光,那赫然是一片宛如莲花花瓣,却散发着强烈红色光芒的存在。 Next flickers, that red lotus flower petal the ejection, in that has flickered suddenly, the extremely tyrannical ominous severe aura that it appears erupts instantaneously. Looked like an ancient times ominous beast to be released suddenly. 下一瞬,那红莲花瓣已经骤然弹射而出,在它出现的那一瞬,极其强横的凶厉气息瞬间爆发。就像是一头远古凶兽被突然释放出来了似的。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong, cousin, rips the scroll.” 皓月当空,龙空空,“表姐,撕卷轴。” The heavy sword that the man divided received forcefully, then made one regarding Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong very familiar movement. The heavy sword cross piece before the body, kept off on the road which must be taken of that red lotus flower petal. 那男子原本劈出的重剑硬生生的收了回来,然后做出了一个对于龙当当龙空空都十分熟悉的动作。重剑横档在身前,挡在了那红莲花瓣的必经之路上。 Working as in a giant bellow, in male hand that to/clashes outrageously heavy sword unexpectedly attacked direct was curving, but his whole body actually bloomed instantaneously the dark golden ray, the body was repelled enough 20 meters, lived in own figure in the in the air stability. In his eye pupil, also reveals to wipe the surprised color. Obviously does not have to think oneself will be repelled unexpectedly. “当”一声巨大的轰鸣声中,那悍然冲来的男子手中重剑竟然被冲击的直接弯曲了,但他全身却是瞬间绽放出了暗金色的光芒,身体被击退足足二十米,才在空中稳定住自己的身形。他的眼眸之中,也随之流露出一抹惊讶之色。显然是没想到自己竟然会被击退。 Another side, ice Monroe the earliest possible time had ripped open a transmission scroll. 另一边,凌梦露已经第一时间撕开了一张传送卷轴。 Ten seconds, the scroll produces the results to take ten seconds. In other words, they must resist the opposite party ten seconds. 十秒,卷轴产生效果需要十秒的时间。也就是说,他们还必须要抵挡住对方十秒。 When the opposite party to/clashes, but also no means judge the opposite party true strength. The flash that but when the opposite party acts, Long Dangdang understands, this is not they can resist. Regardless of transmits the scroll to be precious, does not have the poor life to be important! Falls in the dead spirit state hand, is what result can be imagined. 在对方冲出来的时候,还没办法判断对方真正的实力。但当对方出手的一刹那,龙当当就明白,这不是他们所能对抗的。无论传送卷轴多么珍贵,也没有小命重要啊!落在亡灵国度手中,是什么结果可想而知。 Long Kongkong is in the rear area, the day deep pool domain effect will not weaken, band of light windings swallow on that man crazily. 龙空空身在后方,天渊领域的效果可不会减弱,一条条光带缠绕在那男子身上疯狂吞噬。 Before swallows these small fish small shrimp simply is huge difference, but swallowed the flash, Long Kongkong has the feeling that plants to be supported to explode. Instantaneously through rising spirit shield energy transfer to people. 和之前吞噬那些小鱼小虾简直是天壤之别,只是吞噬了一瞬间,龙空空就有种自己要被撑爆的感觉。瞬间通过升灵盾将能量传递给众人。 The man must ask, but his eyes saw the scroll that ice Monroe has ripped open, without the speech, in the hand the curving heavy sword has let go, is directly soars Long Dangdang to fly to shoot unexpectedly to go. The dark golden ray that on him braves is also similar to the running water to pour into to that heavy sword in generally. The dark golden ray almost flashes, arrived in front of Long Dangdang. 那男子本来还要开口询问,但他一眼就看到了凌梦露已经撕开的卷轴,没有说话,手中已经弯曲的重剑脱手而出,竟是直奔龙当当飞射而去。他身上冒起的暗金色光芒也如同流水一般注入到那重剑之中。暗金色光芒几乎只是一闪,就到了龙当当面前。 In the Long Dangdang look also has the shock , just the opposite party blocked himself with swallow lightly spits a Asura red lotus sword intent that spirit furnace accumulated raises slowly uses, the knight signboard skill god governing standard keeps off, but at this time in this sword also contains the strength of revenge of light! 龙当当的眼神之中还带着震惊,因为,刚刚对方挡住了自己用轻吞慢吐灵炉蕴养的一道修罗红莲剑意时所用的,正是骑士招牌技能神御格挡,而此时这一剑之中更是还蕴含着光之复仇的力量啊! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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