SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#265: Dark blue skeleton head

Chapter 265 dark blue skeleton head 第265章深蓝色的骷髅头 Puff pū pū......” in a series of dull thumping sound sounds. Almost all skeletons and green wool zombies are in the back of the head the move, that flying glow is accurate, covers 13 dead spirit lifeform completely. “噗噗噗噗……”一连串的闷响声中。几乎所有的骷髅和绿毛僵尸都是后脑中招,那飞芒精准无比,将十三名亡灵生物全部覆盖。 The body that nine green wool zombies jump drops immediately, including five foreheads had been crushed, the body twitches is dropping in the place, although several other foreheads also partial crushing, but does not die unexpectedly, vitality extremely exuberant struggles also to crawl. 九只绿毛僵尸蹦跳的身体顿时跌落,其中有五只的头部已经被击碎了,身体抽搐着跌落在地,另外几只头部虽然也部分破碎,但竟是不死,生命力极为旺盛的挣扎着还要爬起来。 The defensive powers of four skeletons must stronger many, the head be hit, is the body staggers, but broken had not been guarded actually completely. 四只骷髅的防御力明显要更强的多,头部被命中,也是身体趔趄,但却并没有被完全破防。 At this moment, an invisible ripple spreads instantaneously, simultaneously dashes on the bodies of four skeletons. Four skeleton bodies suddenly stiff, in eye the fire of soul fierce is shivering. 就在这时,一道无形的波纹瞬间蔓延开来,同时冲撞在四头骷髅的身上。四头骷髅身体骤然僵硬了一下,眼中灵魂之火剧烈的颤抖着。 The small evil spirit attacked. These by the dead spirit lifeform of fire of control body soul, are the spiritual impact that most fears and so on attack method. 小邪的精神冲击到了。这些以灵魂之火控制身躯的亡灵生物,最怕的就是精神冲击之类的攻击手段。 Long Dangdang and woof Changxin had arrived at the near at this time, under spreads across, 13 dead spirit lifeform fall to the ground completely. 龙当当和汪常欣此时已经到了近前,一阵纵横交错之下,十三名亡灵生物全部倒地。 Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: This large-scale skeleton had the fourth-order peak strength. The green wool zombie should be third-order. The lunar motion records, goes back the report to come up.” 皓月当空,龙当当:“这大型骷髅有四阶巅峰的实力了。绿毛僵尸应该是三阶。月离记录一下,回去报上去。” Long Kongkong had taken over at this time with joy, meets the rank high dead spirit lifeform with great difficulty, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace opens quietly, for a better hidden, he does not use the domain strength, but transforms black bands of light, through the spirit furnace connection on these dead spirit lifeform, quickly launches to swallow, swallows in the spirit furnace to filter their energies. 龙空空此时已经喜滋滋的接手了,好不容易遇到等级高一些的亡灵生物,元涡灵炉悄然开启,为了更好的隐藏,他也不用领域的力量,只是幻化出一条条黑色光带,通过灵炉连接在这些亡灵生物身上,迅速展开吞噬,将它们的能量吞噬回灵炉之中进行过滤。 By the large-scale skeleton that he swallows, the skeleton quickly from the previous sparkling stone white is gradually turned into the grey, lost the gloss and intensity, the zombie is dried up rapidly, the body obviously is withered withered . 被他吞噬的大型骷髅,骨骼很快就从先前的莹白色渐渐变成了灰色,失去了光泽和强度,僵尸则是迅速干枯下来,身体明显干瘪、干枯。 Flooded into within the body compared with previously obviously a richer energy, Long Kongkong immediately through rising the spirit shield and partners connects, has the energy transfer of life aura this to the people. 比先前明显更浓郁的能量涌入体内,龙空空立刻通过升灵盾与伙伴们连接,将这拥有生命气息的能量传递给众人。 This wave obviously wanted many energies to make in everyone's look many compared with before immediately the color of several points of pleasant surprise. In spirit strength of everyone was increased to have two and 30 points about. Even if in having Yuan whorl spirit furnace as well as in dark blue moon/month angel situation, cultivates one normally in the evening, their improvement mosts of the time also only then so many. How long does this kill a wave of dead spirit lifeform to use? Moreover is not in very strong dead spirit lifeform situation. When dead spirit energy filtration will lose many, but after being filtered, produces has the energy of life aura to be able directly to be absorbed, the effect is quite good. 这一波明显比之前要多的能量顿时让大家的眼神中都多了几分惊喜之色。每个人的内灵力都提升了有二、三十点左右。哪怕是在有元涡灵炉以及沧月天使的情况下,正常修炼一晚上,他们的提升大部分时候也只有这么多而已。这杀一波亡灵生物才用多久?而且还不是很强的亡灵生物情况下。亡灵能量过滤时会损失很多,但被过滤之后所产生带有生命气息的能量是能够被直接吸收的,效果还是相当不错。 This wave of supplement makes the people spirit inspire immediately greatly, let Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong had several points in the feeling of demon boundary time. Only different is, demon within the boundaries they can, because does not have the life security problem to be unscrupulous, but is here careful, to avoid being discovered by the dead spirit powerhouse lost the life. 这一波的补充顿时让众人精神大振,也让龙当当龙空空有了几分在魔境时候的感受。唯一不同的就是,魔境内他们可以因为没有生命安全问题而肆无忌惮,但在这里却必须要小心谨慎,以避免被亡灵强者发现丢了性命。 I continue to explore.” The ocean nighttide previously with thousand struck the spirit furnace to attack from the rear area thus chops to kill these dead spirit lifeform quickly, this little while also even more fights intent to be fearless, immediately hidden goes to the figure to flee quietly. Stealth, assassin compulsory skill. “我继续探索去。”溟汐先前用千击灵炉从后方突袭从而快速击杀了那些亡灵生物,这会儿也是越发的战意昂然,立刻隐去身形悄无声息的遁走了。隐身,刺客必修技能。 Long Dangdang their same place recuperation, stays the condition. 龙当当他们原地休整,保持状态。 Ocean nighttide talent went less than five minutes, the child spirit crystal broadcasts her voice immediately. 溟汐这次才去了不到五分钟,子灵晶立刻就传来了她的声音。 Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: Mother, big strip. The eldest child, I discovered the innumerable dead spirit lifeform. Probably the principal force of dead spirit army. Does not know many, the quantity were too many, innumerable. Dense is.” 皓月当空,溟汐:“妈呀,大条了。老大,我发现了无数的亡灵生物。好像是亡灵大军的主力部队。不知道有多少,数量太多了,数不清。黑压压的全都是。” Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: Your where we pass. Be careful, do not alarm these dead spirit lifeform.” 皓月当空,龙当当:“你在什么地方我们过去。小心,一定不要惊动了那些亡灵生物。” Although has long known that follows the dead spirit lifeform the step certainly to discover the dead spirit army, but really discovered, the people seem by prior agreement is anxious. Long Dangdang controls on own initiative swallows lightly spits the spirit furnace slowly, becomes regarding the disturbance of surroundings time it, this leads the partners to act rapidly, according to the position direction of ocean nighttide approaches to her. 虽然早就知道跟随亡灵生物的步伐一定会发现亡灵大军,但真的发现了,众人还是不约而同的紧张起来。龙当当主动操控轻吞慢吐灵炉,将其对于周围时间的干扰变得更强一些,这才带着伙伴们迅速行动,按照溟汐的方位指引向她靠近过去。 Across a piece of low bush, crosses one about 500 meters hill again, the front topography suddenly had some strange changes, the entire terrain starts under the syncline to extend. Quick, Long Dangdang they completed the convergence with the ocean nighttide. 穿过一片低矮的灌木,再过一片大约五百米左右的丘陵,前方的地势突然有了一些奇怪的变化,整个地形开始向斜下方延伸。很快,龙当当他们就和溟汐完成了汇合。 Even if everyone has gathered, the ocean nighttide also exchanges with the child spirit crystals and people, bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide: Front is a mountain valley, inside has many dead spirit lifeform. I previously penetrated one to investigate slightly, in mountain valley almost full is. Should be one of the dead spirit army stations. But inside dead spirit energy is rich, chill/yin cold I somewhat could not withstand, after observing one next, I remove immediately.” 哪怕是大家已经聚集在一起,溟汐也是用子灵晶和众人交流,皓月当空,溟汐:“前方是一座山谷,里面有很多亡灵生物。我先前稍微深入了一点探察了一下,山谷内几乎满满的都是。应该是亡灵大军的驻地之一。但里面的亡灵能量非常浓郁,阴寒的我都有些承受不住,观察了一下之后我就立刻撤出来了。” Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: What level the dead spirit lifeform in mountain valley is, today has seen these powerful dead spirit lifeform?” 皓月当空,龙当当:“山谷内的亡灵生物是什么层次的,有没有今天白天见到过的那些强大亡灵生物?” Bright moon in the sky ocean nighttide: Did not say, I do not dare to be thorough, therefore somewhat did not see clearly, is unable to judge the dead spirit lifeform category. But at least can determine, today that big fatty in battlefield has not seen.” 皓月当空溟汐:“不好说,我没敢过于深入,所以有些看不清楚,无法判断亡灵生物的的品类。但至少可以确定,今天战场上的那种大胖子是没看到的。” Long Dangdang nods slightly, the brain fast rotation is pondering. The dead spirit lifeform in this mountain valley are definitely many, although the ocean nighttide is unable to judge now clearly, but in so numerous dead spirit lifeform, will certainly have the leader also certainly to have the powerhouse. So many dead spirit lifeform, is not they can resist. To say the least, even if really throws to cast a spell, kills massive dead spirit lifeform, first did not say whether they can escape, to them, is still no good. 龙当当微微颔首,大脑快速转动思考着。这山谷内的亡灵生物肯定是不少的,虽然溟汐现在无法判断清楚,但如此众多的亡灵生物之中,一定会有头领也一定会有强者。这么多亡灵生物,也不是他们所能对抗的。退一步说,就算是真的扔个禁咒进去,弄死大量的亡灵生物,先不说他们是否能够逃脱,对他们来说,也没有什么好处。 This time comes to enter the war, besides completing to hunt for the demon group duty, Long Dangdang also treasures such opportunity especially, this is to enhance the partners overall strength the golden opportunity, the opportunity appropriate words, can help everyone of very big degree promote to cultivate/repair rapidly is. One strikes to kill massive dead spirit lifeform, but cannot swallow the dead spirit energy the words, these dead spirit energies will also be taken back by the dead spirit state, soon, the dead spirit lifeform can also be born, this is in they can complete casting a spell in reluctantly the situation. But the future sound is so big, the dead spirit lifeform really does not die, the powerhouse can discover the sound surely not to but had responded, once launches the attack, is not they can withstand. 这次前来参战,除了完成猎魔团任务之外,龙当当也格外珍惜这样的机会,这是提升伙伴们整体实力的大好时机,机会得当的话,能够很大程度的帮助大家迅速提升修为。一下击杀大量亡灵生物而不能吞噬亡灵能量的话,这些亡灵能量也会被亡灵国度收回,用不了多久,亡灵生物还能诞生出来,这还是在他们能够勉强完成一个禁咒的情况下。而今后的动静那么大,亡灵生物又不是真的死的,其中强者必定能够发现外界动静不对而有所反应,一旦发起攻击,就不是他们所能承受的。 Therefore, after the short thinking, Long Dangdang has shaken the head, said: Here cannot penetrate. We are more conservative. Circles, from the mountain valley, we continues to the left side direction is thorough. Dead spirit army time number does not know to have many, but definitely is not such a mountain valley can hold. We seek for the dead spirit lifeform of leaving behind to cope as far as possible.” 所以,在短暂的思索之后,龙当当已经摇了摇头,道:“这里不能深入。我们还是要保守一些。绕过去吧,从山谷外侧,我们继续向左侧方向深入。亡灵大军这次的数量不知道有多少,但肯定不是这么一个山谷能够容纳的。我们还是尽量去寻找落单的亡灵生物对付。” On the ocean nighttide face reveals the color of several points of regret, this is a dead spirit lifeform of mountain valley! This is many energies! If can annihilate them, that is how just matter! 溟汐脸上流露出几分遗憾之色,这可是一个山谷的亡灵生物啊!这是多少能量啊!要是能够将它们都歼灭,那是多么正义的事情啊! However, she just did not become hunts for demon that little while now, in receiving some setbacks, saw particularly after the partners wanted to be stronger, she now compared with before has also restrained, particularly was can perceive regarding Long Dangdang order that. 不过,她现在也不是刚刚成为猎魔者那会儿了,在受了一些挫折,尤其是眼看着伙伴们都要比自己更强之后,她现在也已经比以前收敛了许多,尤其是对于龙当当的命令那还是能够听进去的。 Ocean nighttide quiet first left to investigate to the left side, Long Dangdang is staring at the mountain valley, has not approached. But he can actually feel in the mountain valley faintly incomparably rich chill/yin cold aura. This inside dead spirit energy is quite abundant. Even if not strike to kill the dead spirit lifeform, pure in them now this for it, Long Kongkong can swallow by the Yuan whorl spirit furnace, naturally, this also inevitably is a courting death behavior. 溟汐悄无声息的向左侧先离开去探察了,龙当当凝视着山谷内部,没有靠近。但他却能隐隐感受到山谷内无比浓郁的阴寒气息。这里面的亡灵能量极为充沛。哪怕是不击杀亡灵生物,单纯是在他们现在这个为之,龙空空都能凭借元涡灵炉吞噬,当然,这也必然是一种找死的行为。 drawing some unwilling Long Kongkong, Long Dangdang also leads the partners to sneak toward the left side. 拉着有些不甘心的龙空空,龙当当也带着伙伴们朝着左侧潜行了出去。 Leaves that mountain valley beyond one kilometer, the rich chill/yin cold aura in air weakened several points. Ling Menglu crosses the strength of some light to the people, drives out effect of air/Qi of chill/yin cold on the partners. 足足离开那山谷一公里之外,空气中的浓郁阴寒气息才减弱了几分。凌梦露将一些光明之力渡给众人,驱除阴寒之气对伙伴们的影响。 After leaving a that mountain valley distance, the ocean nighttide discovered one group of weak low rank dead spirits, exterminate it again, but harvests is not too big. 离开那山谷一段距离之后,溟汐才又发现了一拨较弱的低阶亡灵,再次将其剿灭,不过收获却不算太大。 The bright moon, Long Kongkong, brother, this speed a little was too in the sky slow. If not look for the strength strong dead spirit to begin, when this might as well we directly in home cultivates promotes quickly.” 皓月当空,龙空空,“老哥,这速度有点太慢了吧。如果不找实力强一些的亡灵动手,这还不如我们直接在家修炼时提升来得快呢。” Long Dangdang stared Long Kongkong one, Long Kongkong cracked into a smile, his some sharply are actually returning to the holy city, because calculated the time, his goddess should be about to come back! So long as successfully completes three tasks, they actually quite therefore completed this time a compulsion duty that hunts for the demon group headquarters, can return to the holy city momentarily. This is hunts for demon the advantage, they are not armies, so long as makes enough contribution to be able round trip free. 龙当当瞪了龙空空一眼,龙空空咧嘴一笑,他其实有些急着回圣城的,因为算算时间,他的女神应该快回来了啊!只要顺利完成三个任务,他们其实就相当于是完成了这次猎魔团总部的强制任务了,随时都能够返回圣城。这就是猎魔者的好处,他们并不是军队,只要作出足够贡献就可以来去自如。 The bright moon in the sky, the ocean nighttide, I also felt like the strong dead spirit lifeform should previously that type of mountain valley and so on place. Outside is patrolling, should not have the qualifications to enter the mountain valley, strength weak dead spirit lifeform. Regimental commander, do we want to go to around that mountain valley to have a look again?” 皓月当空,溟汐,“我也感觉好像强一些的亡灵生物应该都在先前那种山谷之类的地方似的。外面游弋着的,应该是没资格进入山谷的,实力较弱的亡灵生物。团长,我们要不要再去那山谷周围看看?” The Long Dangdang shaking the head bright moon without hesitation in the sky, Long Dangdang, you remember, to us, safe ratio anything is important, I as the regimental commander, must first guarantee that everyone can go back safely, even completing the task is more important. We in the future also some are the opportunities, therefore, cannot certainly act with undue haste. Even if the harvest is below the expectations, so long as safe that does not have the issue.” 龙当当毫不犹豫的摇头皓月当空,龙当当,“你们记住,对我们来说,安全比什么都重要,我身为团长,首先是要保证大家能够平安回去,甚至要比完成任务更加重要。我们未来还有的是机会,所以,一定不能操之过急。哪怕收获低于预期,只要安全那也是没问题的。” The ocean nighttide has not said anything again, ice Monroe and lunar motion nod in abundance, woof Changxin as before is silence as always, the peach numerous silently hands over to prepare good food to everyone, at this time, weather already gradually shone, the horizon of distant place has wiped fish-belly white, daybreak. 溟汐没有再说什么,凌梦露和月离都纷纷点了点头,汪常欣依旧是一如既往的沉默,桃林林则是默默的递过来一些准备好的食物给大家,这个时候,天色已经渐渐的亮了起来,远处的天边已经有了一抹鱼肚白,黎明了。 The people are eating the thing, same place recuperation. How Long Dangdang also then acts in the ponder. 众人吃着东西,原地休整。龙当当也在思考接下来如何行动。 Actually the heart deep place has had some strange feelings to the dead spirit army. Normal, are these gloomy dead spirit lifeform should not move during the night? During the daytime should have very tremendous impact right to them. The dead spirit army but who, they face actually seems not such matter. Previously initiated the impact on the Jiyang city in the daytime, in other words, dead spirit army not only does not fear the daytime sunlight, even can also be not affected, does not reduce the battle efficiency. What's all this about? 其实他内心深处一直对亡灵大军有着一些奇怪的感觉。正常来说,这些属于阴暗的亡灵生物不应该是在夜晚之中活动吗?白天应该会对它们产生很大影响才对。可是,他们所面对的亡灵大军却似乎并不是这么回事儿。就连先前发起对吉阳城的冲击都是在白天,也就是说,亡灵大军不但不怕白天的阳光,甚至还能够不受影响,不降低战斗力。这是怎么回事儿呢? In the Long Dangdang heart thinks deeply about time, suddenly, he felt a strange feeling, subconscious turning head looked in a direction. Not only he felt, others also felt, turned head instantaneously, looked in that direction together. 正在龙当当心中思索的时候,突然间,他感受到了一种奇异的感觉,下意识的扭头朝着一个方向看去。不只是他感觉到了,其他人也都感受到了,瞬间回头,一起朝着那个方向看了过去。 This looked, immediately made the breath of people also stagnate. 这一看,顿时让众人的呼吸都随之凝滞了。 The distant place, in the direction that Sun raises, indistinct, they saw, a huge dark blue ray is lifting off slowly. But this dark blue ray in the process of ascension, condensed a giant dark blue skeleton head gradually. This that skeleton head volume of dead spirit army be much bigger than in a big way the leadership that in that day battlefield they saw, at least ten times continued. 远方,就在太阳升起的方向,隐约之间,他们看到,一道巨大的暗蓝色光芒正在徐徐升空而起。而这暗蓝色光芒在升腾的过程中,渐渐凝聚成了一颗巨大的暗蓝色骷髅头。这要比那天战场上他们所见到的主导着亡灵大军的那颗骷髅头体积还要大得多,至少大了十倍不止。 But this skeleton head shifts after raising slowly, in the breath turnover seems to be ordinary facing the direction that the daybreak morning sun raises. Original dark blue in breath, toward sky blue transformation, but along with the turnover, the whole changes into the dark blue. The strange and huge energy is reverberating in the world, giant skeleton head unceasing toward the morning sun turnover, can see, the light white ray is converging. Yes, that is the visible white ray, in the white also brings light purple intent. But turnover these energies time, that dark blue skeleton head gradually will turn into the sky blue. 而这骷髅头在升起之后徐徐转向,面对黎明朝阳升起的方向仿佛是在呼吸吞吐一般。原本的暗蓝色在呼吸之间,在朝着天蓝色转化,而伴随着吞吐,整体又重新化为暗蓝色。奇异而庞大的能量在天地之间回荡着,巨大的骷髅头不断的朝着朝阳吞吐,能够看到,淡淡的白色光芒在向它会聚。是的,那是肉眼可见的白色光芒,白色之中还带着淡淡的紫意。而吞吐这些能量的时候,那深蓝色的骷髅头就会逐渐变成天蓝色。 Because in the air originally periphery has massive dead spirit lifeform, but chill/yin cold space, seemed like along with the turnover of this giant skeleton head somewhat warms got up, looked like the ray of Sun to start to take to the land to be warm. 空气中原本因为周围有大量亡灵生物而阴寒的空间,伴随着这巨大骷髅头的吞吐似乎是有些温暖了起来似的,就像是太阳的光芒开始带给大地温暖。 The people are watching present, place that giant skeleton head raises from their at least also dozens kilometers, even is over a hundred kilometers. But because, it was really big, therefore in the place that they were at this time can also even if clear seeing. 众人观看着眼前的这一幕,那个巨大骷髅头升起的地方距离他们至少也有几十公里,甚至是上百公里。可是,因为它实在是太大了,所以哪怕是在他们此时所在的地方也能清清楚楚的看到。 The entire process continued for a half hour, raises until Sun completely, that giant skeleton head surface starts to cover light golden color, its breath turnover is completed. That giant skeleton head his institute, changes into the dark blue energy to contract slowly inward slowly, caves in rapidly inward. 整个过程足足持续了半个小时,直到太阳完全升起的时候,那巨大的骷髅头表面开始蒙上一层淡淡的金色,它的呼吸吞吐才算是完成。紧接着,那巨大的骷髅头缓缓向内他所,化为深蓝色的能量缓缓收缩起来,迅速向内塌陷。 In the surrounding air starts to send out slightly buzz the whining noise, as if surrounding area over a hundred kilometers were being affected because of its trend. 周围空气中都开始发出轻微的嗡鸣声,仿佛方圆上百公里都在因为它的动向而受到影响。 Can this how powerful strength be able to achieve so the degree? Not only this absolutely nine step that levels can be completed , 1 million spirit strength in legend, is this potential surface limit really exists? 这要多么强悍的实力才能做到如此程度?这绝对不只是九阶那种层次就能够完成的,难道,传说中的百万灵力,也就是这个位面的极限真的存在吗? Finally, that dark blue ray in distant place collapsing is a point, just like one group of dark blue coronas, the volume wanted small many compared with the previous giant skeleton head. Even some have not been able to see clearly that dark blue ray situation from Long Dangdang their directions. 终于,那深蓝色的光芒在远处坍塌为一个点,犹如一团深蓝色的光轮,体积比先前的巨大骷髅头要小的多了。甚至从龙当当他们这个方向都已经有些无法看清楚那深蓝色的光芒情况了。 How probably a person!” Long Kongkong suddenly dull saying. His vision is always good, he suddenly discovered, in that dark blue light wheel, as if has form together, together like human same form. “怎么像是一个人啊!”龙空空突然呆呆的说道。他的视力一向非常好,他突然发现,在那深蓝色的光轮之中,仿佛有着一道身影,一道如同人类一样的身影。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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