SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#246: Waste spirit furnace?

Chapter 246 waste spirit furnace? 第246章废灵炉? The Saint health/guard registrated to the situation of day ghost Asura spirit furnace, every time presents a new spirit furnace, temple will register to compile a register, characteristics that can also fuse with the Saint lotus spirit furnace including it. 圣卫对天煞修罗灵炉的情况进行了登记,每出现一种新的灵炉,圣殿方面都会登记造册,也包括其可以与圣莲灵炉融合的特性。 Long Dangdang was not worried actually this will make the later generation therefore perish, because day ghost Asura spirit furnace such, is not replicable. Although sea, because before , he and Long Kongkong fused to consume the strength not to be able to inquire, but he also guessed correctly indistinctly, on this day the ghost Asura spirit furnace likely was one of the once 12 towermen, moreover possibly was also incomplete. He was also the louse is now many did not nip, the debt were many did not worry, the special details turn head again and sea communicated. What he is certain, on this day the ghost Asura spirit furnace now is nothing state of mind, in other words, without the characteristics of wisdom spirit furnace. Concrete is because incomplete or anything, but also after wanting, inquiry sea. 龙当当倒是不担心这会让后人因此而殒命,因为天煞修罗灵炉就这么一尊而已,不可复制。虽然沧海因为之前他和龙空空融合而耗光了力量没能询问,但他也隐约猜到了,这天煞修罗灵炉很可能就是曾经的十二守望者之一,而且可能也是残缺的。他现在也是虱子多了不咬,债多了不愁,具体情况回头再和沧海沟通。他可以肯定的是,这天煞修罗灵炉现在是没有什么神志的,也就是说,没有智慧灵炉的特性。具体是因为残缺还是什么,还要之后询问沧海。 You? What spirit furnace obtained?” As a result of the Long Dangdang situation, making the Saint health/guard be interested in this two brothers very much. He did not worry that was taken away what good spirit furnace, can be brought here is the talents of knight temple, the future pillar of the state, will obtain the suitable spirit furnace he to be only happy. “你呢?获得了什么灵炉?”由于龙当当的情况,让圣卫对于这兄弟俩很感兴趣。他并不担心被拿走了什么好灵炉,能够被带来这里的都是骑士圣殿的天才,未来的栋梁,获得适合的灵炉他只会高兴。 Long Kongkong pats the top of the head, released own star light radiant spirit furnace again, that is the star light is really radiant! Under the ray twinkle, the insight of the room in shining. 龙空空一拍头顶,再次将自己的星光璀璨灵炉释放了出来,那真的是星光璀璨啊!光芒闪烁之下,将房间内照耀的一片通透。 The Saint health/guard stayed, south feather blinks, two people look at each other one, is almost say/way with one voice: Waste spirit furnace?” 圣卫呆了呆,南羽眨了眨眼睛,两人对视一眼,几乎是异口同声的道:“废灵炉?” What waste spirit furnace?” Long Kongkong stares, is surprised of face. “啥废灵炉?”龙空空一愣,也是一脸的惊讶。 The south feather coughs, said: How you chose this, the function of this star light radiant spirit furnace only then illuminates!” 南羽咳嗽一声,道:“你怎么选了这个,这星光璀璨灵炉的作用只有照明啊!” „?” Long Kongkong dumbfounded looks at these two, can't? Dazzles the cool spirit furnace, does the ability only then illuminate? I induce with my nuclear mind furnace, it and I most compatible, therefore fuses with it!” “啊?”龙空空目瞪口呆的看着这两位,“不会吧?这么炫酷的灵炉,能力只有照明?我还是用我的核心灵炉去感应的,它和我最为亲和,所以才与它融合的啊!” The south feather explained: „Because have no domineering function, therefore it is almost compatible with everyone, can integrate with ease. The only condition can only integrate the top of the head spirit hole. This star light radiant spirit furnace according to the speculation is existence that the strength of absorption stars forms, but since was discovered, the role that it can play has illuminated. Perhaps is also because we have not developed now, but at present known truly was other nothing functions.” 南羽解释道:“正因为自身没有什么强势的作用,所以它几乎与所有人都亲和,可以轻松融入。唯一的条件就是只能融入头顶灵窍。这星光璀璨灵炉据推测是吸收星辰之力而形成的存在,但自从被发现之后,它能起到的作用一直就都是照明而已。或许也是因为我们现在还没有开发出来,但目前已知确实是没什么其他功能了。” The Long Kongkong corners of the mouth twitched, then turns head to look to the brother, elder brother, I a little believes that now dragon the brother mouse younger brother, all our luck did make you suction? Why to my here this.” The waste spirit furnace, he really somewhat wants to cry but have no tears! Even if the Saint lotus spirit furnace, a little protection, his can only illuminate? 龙空空嘴角抽搐了一下,然后扭头看向老哥,“哥,我现在有点相信龙兄鼠弟了,咱俩所有的运气是不是都让你吸走了?为啥到我这儿就这样了。”废灵炉,他真的是有些欲哭无泪啊!哪怕是圣莲灵炉,都还有点防护作用,他这个就只能照明了? The Long Dangdang comfort said: All right, do not want too to work as the first year whorl spirit furnace and you preliminary fusion many, is very ordinary spirit furnace, didn't this become your nuclear mind furnace? Perhaps has the miracle?” 龙当当安慰道:“没事,别想太多当初元涡灵炉和伱初步融合的时候,也是很普通的灵炉,这不也成为你的核心灵炉了么?说不定有奇迹呢?” Long Kongkong attracted the nose, considers as finished, in any case is also white to come. Nine spirit holes, do not miss this, the illumination also not necessarily uselessly, for example I can come the star light dinner is also good with the goddess. Un, this, white to come the phosphate insecticide is sour and sweet.” 龙空空吸了吸鼻子,“算了算了,反正也是白来的。九个灵窍呢,不差这一个,照明也未必就没用,譬如我可以和女神来个星光晚餐也不错。嗯,就这样吧,白来的敌敌畏都是酸甜的。” The south feather listens to his words, the corners of the mouth to tic, what is white to come the phosphate insecticide is sour and sweet? What when the spirit furnace choice power of knight temple was your? However others select a waste spirit furnace now, the mood can also understand, he has not said anything. 南羽听着他的话,嘴角直抽抽,什么叫白来的敌敌畏都是酸甜的?当骑士圣殿的灵炉挑选权是你什么了?不过人家现在选中了一个废灵炉,心情也可以理解,他也就没有多说什么。 Helps two people of after the registration that completed the spirit furnace, has not returned to the previous dwelling, but sent out the knight temple them directly. 帮二人完成了灵炉的登记之后,没有返回先前的住处,而是将他们直接送出了骑士圣殿。 Ding-dong! Later that side the magic temple must certainly look for you. You can accept the inspection, but, hopes that you take yourself to print the knight to regard itself as the future god. You should understand my meaning.” south feather sincere saying. “当当啊!之后魔法圣殿那边肯定要找你。你可以去接受考核,但是,希望你以自身为未来的神印骑士而视自己。你应该明白我的意思吧。”南羽语重心长的说道。 Yes, the Saint knight is long, I understand.” Long Dangdang full mouth is complying. “是,圣骑士长,我明白的。”龙当当满口答应着。 That side the magic temple is also good to him . Moreover, the test of demon boundary makes him obtain benefits a great deal, but does not know, if comes again one time that side the magic temple, can go in the younger brother also belt/bring, without the Long Kongkong Yuan whorl spirit furnace, that may waste. 魔法圣殿那边对他也同样不错,而且,魔境的测试让他获益良多,只是不知道如果在魔法圣殿那边再来一次,能不能把弟弟也带进去,没有龙空空的元涡灵炉,那可就白费了。 Saint knight is long, can I raise a request, after I and Kong Kong, can enter in the demon boundary to whet?” Long Dangdang asked. “圣骑士长,我能不能提个请求,我和空空以后是不是还可以进入魔境之中磨砺?”龙当当问道。 The south feather said: Your this entries, why do not know, energy consumption are very many. Moreover also routed the demon god unexpectedly. Wheting of demon boundary yes, but besides this test, you as hunting for demon, needs with hunting for the meritorious service of demon received exchange for the opportunity of entering. Enters one time, needs to consume 1000 meritorious each people. Can hunt for the demon group headquarters to apply directly, can come to our temple to apply.” 南羽道:“你们这次进入,不知道为什么,能量消耗的还特别多。而且竟然还击溃了魔神。魔境的磨砺是可以的,但除了这次测试之外,你们身为猎魔者,需要用猎魔者的功勋来换取进入的机会。进入一次,需要消耗一千功勋每个人。可以直接在猎魔团总部申请,也可以来咱们圣殿申请。” 1000 meritorious services? In the Long Dangdang heart secretly rejoices, sounds many, but compared with harvest, was not anything. Not only oneself and Kong Kong can have the harvest, the partners should, lead everyone to enter the cultivation when the time comes together, in the promotion the spirit strength, usually cultivates the selfenergy to be twice the result with half the effort. This was the powerful place of Yuan whorl spirit furnace. 一千功勋吗?龙当当心中暗喜,听起来不少,但和收获相比,也就不算什么了。不只是自己和空空能有收获,伙伴们应该也可以,到时候带着大家一起进入修炼,提升内灵力,比平时修炼自能事半功倍。这就是元涡灵炉的强大之处了。 Then enhances after the outside spirit strength some, can consider to enter the demon boundary again. Without a doubt, this can big enhancement his strength promotion speed. Especially solves the issue of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. 回头把外灵力多提升一些之后,就可以考虑再进入魔境了。毫无疑问,这能大大的增强他的实力提升速度。尤其是解决月明沧海灵炉的问题。 Thanking the Saint knight is long.” “谢谢圣骑士长。” Goes out of the temple headquarters time, Long Dangdang cannot even bear grow the tone, although he and Long Kongkong this time the time of entering the temple headquarters is not long, but the process is not relaxed. First has wanted the inspection, because also the specialness of bloodlines has to expose slightly eight proved itself, thus obtains knight temple about one step attaching great importance. 走出圣殿总部的时候,龙当当甚至忍不住长出口气,虽然他和龙空空这次进入圣殿总部的时间不长,但过程却绝不轻松。首先要过考核,还因为自身血脉的特殊不得不暴露了小八来证明自身,从而获得骑士圣殿近一步的重视。 The advantage that but without a doubt, this time gains is also huge, the large scale promotion of inside and outside spirit strength, spirit furnace, as well as knight temple attaching great importance to the true sense. He understands, after passing through this time, the knight temple is in the real sense treats as reserve sacred hall to train them. 但毫无疑问,这次所获得的好处也是巨大的,内外灵力的大幅度提升,灵炉,以及骑士圣殿真正意义上的重视。他明白,经过了这次之后,骑士圣殿才是真正意义上将他们当做后备圣堂来进行培养。 When the two brothers return to their station that small courtyard, pushes that moment that the gate enters, Long Kongkong somewhat is delighted, goes home.” 当兄弟二人回到他们自己驻地那小小院落的时候,推门而入的那一刻,龙空空不禁有些眉飞色舞起来,“回家喽。” His shouts, made in the courtyard have the sound, partners from room. 他这一声呼喊,也让院子里有了动静,伙伴们先后从房间中走了出来。 Ice Monroe had come back obviously, sees them to return, immediately relaxes greatly, normal, was called to inspect by the temple headquarters had nothing to be worried that but the previous mind in the right way palace, the two brothers were actually prohibited for nine months in that! Who knows that this time can make the trick. 凌梦露显然是早就已经回来了,看到他们归来,顿时大大地松了口气,正常来说,被圣殿总部叫去考核本来是没什么可担心的,但上次正心殿,他们兄弟俩却足足在那里面被封禁了九个月啊!谁知道这次会不会有闹出幺蛾子。 Luckily, seems like no harm dones, the two brothers must entire shadow came back, moreover can see from the Long Kongkong appearance, should at least not have the misdemeanor. 幸好,看起来一切平安无事,兄弟俩全须全影的回来了,而且从龙空空的样子就能看出,应该至少不会有坏事。 You came back finally. Said quickly how the temple does inspect? What has to reward and so on?” Side arriving Long Kongkong that the ocean nighttide jumps, in the beautiful pupil is revealing the color of envying. “你们总算回来了。快说说,圣殿考核怎么样?有没有啥奖励之类的?”溟汐蹦蹦跳跳的来到龙空空身边,美眸中流露着羡慕之色。 Although this time participates in the inspection, only then Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and ice Monroe three people, but others actually understand that this means anything, this is only aims at their these to prepare the inspection of sacred hall, although is the test but also is certainly good through the inspection. Others are also six big temple core members, naturally understands this importantly. Wants to become the true powerhouse, becomes six big temple high levels, not only every so often can obtain diligently, talent and spell of good or bad fortune, indispensable. 虽然这次去参与考核的只有龙当当龙空空和凌梦露三人,但其他人却都明白这意味着什么,这是只针对他们这些预备圣堂的考核,虽然是考验但通过考核也一定是有好处的。其他人也都是六大圣殿核心成员,自然明白这有多重要。想要成为真正的强者,更成为六大圣殿高层,很多时候不只是努力就能获得的,天赋、际遇,缺一不可。 No and no. Tested, then a person made a spirit furnace.” Long Kongkong grinning saying. “没啥、没啥。就是考验了一下,然后一人弄了个灵炉呗。”龙空空笑嘻嘻的说道。 In courtyard instantaneous peaceful. 院子里瞬间安静了一下。 The ocean nighttide fills the say/way that admires immediately: Spirit furnace? The knight temple is quite natural! This was really good, our overall strengths were increased. Our assassin temples were stingy, will not send spirit furnace type to me the thing.” 紧接着,溟汐顿时充满艳羡的道:“灵炉吗?骑士圣殿好大方啊!这真的是太好了,我们的整体实力又提升了呢。我们刺客圣殿就抠门死了,就不会给我发灵炉这种好东西。” Long Kongkong grinning say/way: No rush! When you refine the golden body to practice the blood, making the assassin temple see your potential, you also certainly.” 龙空空笑嘻嘻的道:“别急啊!等你把血炼金身练好了,让刺客圣殿看到你的潜力,你也一定可以的。” Long Dangdang shot a look at Long Kongkong, was rare he to speak the sentence credible words. 龙当当瞥了一眼龙空空,难得他说了句靠谱的话。 Ling Menglu has arrived at side Long Dangdang at this time, how do you inspect are?” 凌梦露此时已经来到龙当当身边,“你们考核是怎么样的?” Long Dangdang said: Demon boundary. You?” 龙当当道:“魔境。你呢?” Ling Menglu nods saying: Same. Also is the demon boundary. Was different in the demon boundary that the spirit furnace school time faced with us initially, this time obvious difficulty mostly. Did you arrive at several pass/test?” 凌梦露点点头道:“一样的。也是魔境。和当初咱们在灵炉学院时候面对的魔境不同,这次的明显难度大多了。你们到了第几关?” Long Dangdang said: Snake demon god, peaceful Mali.” 龙当当道:“蛇魔神,安度马里。” Ling Menglu the eyebrow selects, has a look at him, has a look at Long Kongkong again, somewhat inconceivable say/way: „Did you also arrive at the snake demon god unexpectedly?” 凌梦露眉毛一挑,看看他,再看看龙空空,有些不可思议的道:“你们居然也到了蛇魔神这一关?” Long Kongkong collects: Cousin your what meaning? Why can't we to this pass/test? It seems like you were beaten by this pass/test.” 龙空空凑过来到:“表姐你啥意思?我们为啥不能到这一关啊?看来你是被这一关击败了。” In the ice dream Lumei pupil the pupil light flash moves, at that time, she truly also arrived at snake demon god peaceful Mali that pass/test, before that she is whole-heartedly, under premise that in the demon boundary does not need to consider dead, used Daliwan of light, routed the big devil of previous pass/test, when waited till the snake demon god front already not many ample forces. She originally also self-confident, this inspection, even if the Zisang colored glaze glimmer is not necessarily have her to walk far, after all, the demon boundary inspection of this real sense was too difficult. But, Long Dangdang also arrived at this pass/test. 凌梦露美眸之中眸光闪动,当时,她确实是也到了蛇魔神安度马里那一关的,在那之前,她更是全力以赴,在魔境不需要考虑死亡的前提下,动用了光之大力丸,才击溃了前一关的大恶魔,等到了蛇魔神面前时已经没有多少余力了。她原本还自信,这次考核,就算是子桑琉荧都未必能有她走得远,毕竟,这真正意义的魔境考核还是太难了。但没想到,龙当当也走到了这一关。 What is you, did you also arrive at snake demon god that pass/test?” Ling Menglu stared his one eyes to say. “啥叫你们,难道你也到了蛇魔神那一关吗?”凌梦露瞪了他一眼道。 A Long Kongkong natural appearance said: Naturally! I and my brother participate in the inspection together, plays that pass/test. The snake demon god is truly fierce! My brothers were dismembered by it. Now thinks my also a little lingering fear.” 龙空空一副理所当然的模样道:“当然啊!我和我哥一起参与考核的,一起到了那一关。蛇魔神确实是厉害啊!我哥都被它分尸了。现在想想我还有点后怕呢。” „?” Ling Menglu turns head to look to Long Dangdang, „are you all right?” She knows, although that is the illusion, will not really die, the pain of but bearing does not have the half a point to be different from the normal condition, bears the pain that to be oversized in inside, to spiritually will have strongly exciting. “啊?”凌梦露扭头看向龙当当,“你没事吧?”她知道,虽然那是幻境,不会真的死亡,但承受的痛苦却与正常情况下没有半分不同,在里面承受的痛苦过大,对精神上是会有很强刺激的。 Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: All right.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“没事的。” Long Kongkong complacent say/way: Then looked at me to give full play of power and strength, extinguishes the snake demon god to revenge for my brother. even/including Moshen the column calls a pit it.” 龙空空得意洋洋的道:“然后就看我大发神威,灭了蛇魔神替我老哥报仇。连魔神柱都给它打个坑。” When Ling Menglu only he is the nonsense, pays no attention to him, said to Long Dangdang: Is all right well. The pastor temple also gave me, as soon as reveres the spirit furnace. Said that after is I promoted nine steps, should be able to take charge of the position of sacred hall.” 凌梦露只当他是胡言乱语,也不理他,向龙当当道:“没事就好。牧师圣殿也给了我一尊灵炉。说是等我晋升九阶之后,应该就可以直接领圣堂之位了。” Long Kongkong blinks, turns head to look to Long Dangdang, „are we also this? Elder Brother.” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,扭头看向龙当当,“我们也是这样吗?哥。” Long Dangdang said: We must become the god to print the knight at least, obtains the god to print the approval of throne to be good.” 龙当当道:“我们起码要成为神印骑士,获得神印王座的认可才行。” „, That should no issue. You said, which god I do make to print the throne to be good?” “哦,那应该没啥问题。你说,我弄哪个神印王座好?” „Aren't you tired? Do not have a dream here, quickly rests and rests. I make eating going to you.” The peach numerous said. “你们不累吗?别在这儿做梦了,赶快休息、休息吧。我给你们弄点吃的去。”桃林林说道。 „, The peach elder sister, you may really be virtuous, starved to death I, quickly and...... Long Kongkong impatient rushing over, welcomed a peach numerous supercilious look quickly. “哇,桃子姐,你可真是贤惠,饿死我了,赶快、赶快……”龙空空迫不及待的冲了过去,却迎来了桃林林一个白眼。 Called me the peach elder sister again, you ate the earth.” “再叫我桃子姐,你就吃土去。” Good, I made a mistake, peach Elder Brother, quickly.” “好吧,我错了,桃子哥哥,赶快的。” They come back is close to at dusk, the people ate the dinner together, Long Dangdang the process to the people told them in the demon crystal promoted to cultivate/repair for simply. 他们回来的时候已经是接近傍晚时分,众人一起吃了晚饭,龙当当将他们在魔晶之中提升修为的过程给众人简单的讲述了一遍。 You meant, so long as outside the spirit strength is enough, in inside through the Yuan whorl spirit furnace help of Kong Kong, we can absorb the energy that inside demon clan death had is uses, thus enhanced own in spirit strength?” woof Changxin voice brings several points of rapid. “你的意思是说,只要外灵力足够,在里面通过空空的元涡灵炉帮助,我们可以吸收那里面的魔族死亡产生的能量为己用,从而提升自身的内灵力?”汪常欣的声音带着几分急促。 She entered the spirit furnace school initially time , is not inferior in Ling Menglu, Long Dangdang their such talents , because had dominated the world spirit furnace to make her have to cultivation the blood to refine the law of golden body, is not only bearing the inhuman pain, but also slowed she promoted herself to cultivate/repair for the progress greatly. 她当初进入灵炉学院的时候,也是不逊色于凌梦露、龙当当他们这样的天才,就是因为有了雄霸天下灵炉让她不得不修炼血炼金身之法,不但承受着非人的痛苦,还大大的拖慢了她提升自身修为的进度。 If in can have a method to make the spirit strength cultivation speed speed up, but also does not have any side effect, her strength promotion speed can definitely big enhancement! 如果能够有一种方法让内灵力修炼速度加快,还没有任何副作用,那她的实力提升速度肯定能够大大的加强啊! Long Dangdang nods saying: At present looks should yes. But outside the spirit strength must be enough good, in the pure promotion the effect of spirit strength I felt not good. Naturally, without the cultivation blood refining up the golden body, should, without we such good effect, but also is much easier than in the cultivation. After the demon clan died, in the energy of having contains to have the life energy, after the Yuan whorl spirit furnace filters, is been most suitable we to digest the absorption.” 龙当当点了点头道:“目前看应该是可以的。但外灵力要足够强才行,纯粹提升内灵力的效果我感觉没那么好。当然,如果没有修炼血炼金身的话,应该也还可以,没我们这么好的效果,但也比在外界修炼容易得多。魔族死亡后所产生的能量中包含有生命能量,被元涡灵炉过滤之后最适合我们消化吸收。” They sit in a circle by the table of courtyard at this time, weather dark, but the eye pupil of people actually obviously shone. They understand certainly that this means anything. Regarding anybody, has the enormous advantage, means that their future cultivation can be twice the result with half the effort surely! 他们此时围坐在院子的桌子旁,天色已经暗了下来,但众人的眼眸却明显都亮了起来。他们当然明白这意味着什么。对于任何人来说,都是有极大好处的,意味着他们未来的修炼必定能够事半功倍啊! No one has thought, almost as adding Long Kongkong that joins the team, now actually becomes in the team the cultivation resources of most core. 谁也没想到,几乎是作为添头加入团队的龙空空,现在竟然成为了团队中最为核心的修炼资源。 The ocean nighttide blinks, Kong Kong, you such good? Or, how am I your girlfriend?” 溟汐眨了眨眼睛,“空空,你这么棒的吗?要不,我做你女朋友怎么样?” Long Kongkong looked at pretty ocean nighttide, blinks, this......” he just, in the heart moved at this point suddenly slightly, as if has anything to touch mind, immediately responds, „not good, was not good I to have my goddess. Sorry, you came late.” 龙空空看了一眼娇俏的溟汐,眨了眨眼睛,“这个嘛……”他刚说到这里,心中突然微微一动,仿佛有什么东西在触动心灵似的,立刻反应过来,“不行、不行我已经有了我的女神了。对不起,你来晚了。” The ocean nighttide snort/hum, said: You want to result in beautiful, I test you.” 溟汐哼了一声,道:“你想得美,我就是试探一下你。” Long Kongkong smiles, said: I may be out of control to probe! I am not the honorable gentleman.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“那我可禁不住试探啊!我也不是什么正人君子。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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