SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#245: Day ghost Asura spirit furnace

Chapter 245 day ghost Asura spirit furnace 第245章天煞修罗灵炉 When Long Kongkong the Yuan whorl spirit furnace and that star type spirit furnace crowd together, that star type spirit furnace slight trembled, next one flickers, its volume reduced several points unexpectedly, then brings to make the jumping for joy mood that Long Kongkong obviously can feel jump to leap, plunged into during the bosom of Yuan whorl spirit furnace directly. 龙空空将元涡灵炉和那星形灵炉凑在一起的时候,那星形灵炉轻微的震颤了一下,下一瞬,它本身的体积竟然缩小了几分,然后带着让龙空空明显能够感受到的雀跃情绪纵身一跃,直接就跳入了元涡灵炉的怀抱之中。 The Yuan whorl spirit furnace interior presents the energy wave of swirl, but this star type spirit furnace since later, was absorbed directly above, next one flickers, the star light is radiant. As if there is innumerable star light to bloom from that star type spirit furnace, the ray outward diffusion that this blooms, the entire spirit furnace will store up indoor ray to promote immediately. 元涡灵炉内部是呈现出旋涡状的能量波,而这星形灵炉进入之后,直接就被吸附在了上面,下一瞬,星光璀璨。仿佛有无数的星光从那星形灵炉中绽放出来,这绽放出的光芒向外扩散开来,顿时将整个灵炉储存室内的光线都提升了许多。 Is this gadget, useful? 这玩意儿,有啥用? Long Kongkong has not felt what fluctuation of energy to exist, jumping for joy that but that star type spirit furnace transmits obviously was clearer. Even somewhat impatient as. The star light that these it releases gathers on own initiative to Long Kongkong, although has not felt what fluctuation of energy, but Long Kongkong can actually feel with the communication relations that it has. It feels this spirit furnace to summon to sign contract with him unexpectedly eagerly. 龙空空并没有感受到什么能量波动存在,但那星形灵炉传来的欢欣雀跃却明显更加清晰了。甚至有些迫不及待似的。那些它释放出来的星光主动向龙空空身上聚集过来,虽然没有感受到什么能量波动,但龙空空却能感受到与它之间产生的沟通关系。它感受到这尊灵炉竟是在呼唤着要急于和他签订契约似的。 Long Kongkong since examined initially in the body innate in spirit strength, after the discovery is the waste firewood in waste firewood, his heart deep place has been actually influential, even if were the talent with the help of Yuan whorl spirit furnace started to improve afterward, in his heart also somewhat the meeting had my talent and Elder Brother missed far the feeling. When at this moment, spirit furnaces unexpectedly impatient wants to choose him, this situation is he has not met. 龙空空自从当初检验在身先天内灵力,发现是废柴中的废柴后,他的内心深处其实一直都是有影响的,哪怕是后来在元涡灵炉的帮助下天赋开始改善,他心中也多少会有我的天赋和哥哥差远了的感觉。此时此刻,当有一尊灵炉竟然迫不及待的想要选择他时,这种情况是他从来都没遇到过的。 Excessively many hesitations, hadn't the islet tung oil tree said before? Chooses the spirit furnace to be as one desires. Chose it to be good. 没有过多的犹豫,之前屿桐不是也说过吗?挑选灵炉就是要随心。就选它好了。 Psychic force and between the spirit furnaces maintain the connection naturally, the contract tacit formation in the two. 精神力与灵炉之间保持连接,契约自然而然的在二者之间默契的形成了。 Star light somewhat longing ascends from the Yuan whorl spirit furnace, the accurate brand mark above the Long Kongkong forehead, Long Kongkong only thought that the ray flashes, top of the head transmits cool, that star light has drilled into his top of the head spiritual platform, changed into his fourth spirit furnace. 星光有些依依不舍的从元涡灵炉之中升腾而起,精准的烙印在了龙空空的额头之上,龙空空只觉得光芒一闪,头顶一阵清凉传来,那星光就已经钻入到他头顶灵台之中,化为了他的第四尊灵炉。 Long Kongkong felt own mind to seem like immediately pure brightness for several points, the sea of spirit also in slight is trembling, seems changing that some he is unable to put things clearly. 龙空空顿时感受到自己的头脑似乎清明了几分似的,精神之海也在轻微的震颤着,似乎在发生着一些他说不清道不明的变化。 He also somewhat worried before, oneself fuse the spirit furnace time can present the trouble like previously brother. But now seems like not! All are such allowing nature to take its course, logical completed. 他之前还有些担心,自己融合灵炉的时候会不会出现像先前老哥那样的麻烦。但现在看起来并没有啊!一切都是那么的顺其自然,顺理成章的就完成了。 Is this moral behavior in legend? Own moral behavior easily surrendered this spirit furnace. Thinks of here, on his face revealed the self-satisfied smile immediately, both hands fork waist, is opening mouth to send out silent laughs. 这难道就是传说中的人品吗?自己的人品轻易的降服了这一尊灵炉。想到这里,他脸上顿时流露出了得意的笑容,双手叉腰,张着嘴发出无声大笑。 When he is self-satisfied on Long Dangdang of not far away to reappear the light red halo, is the vicious tendencies is still full, but actually no longer attacks Long Dangdang, instead appears somewhat amenable as flavor, the red light winds around, blooms from the Long Dangdang vest place outward , these red light are to outline a piece by piece flower petal general shape gradually unexpectedly, is centered on the Long Dangdang vest central point to stretch outward. 就在他得意的时候不远处的龙当当身上已经重新浮现出淡淡的红色光晕,依旧是戾气十足,但却不再攻击龙当当,反而显得有些顺从似的味道,红光缭绕,从龙当当背心处向外绽放,渐渐地,那些红光竟是勾勒出一片片花瓣一般的形态,以龙当当的背心为中心点向外舒展开来。 From the Long Kongkong direction, behind this time Long Dangdang seemed like in full bloom a gigantic red lotus flower to be the same, was quite magnificent, but also somewhat was evil the different flavor. 龙空空的方向去看,此时的龙当当背后就像是盛开了一朵硕大的红色莲花一般,极为壮观,但又有些邪异的味道。 My goodness, this gadget is a little strange!” Saying that Long Kongkong muttered. Previously, Long Dangdang nearly exploded the body to perish under the impact of that red spirit furnace, even/including Yueming the sea spirit furnace added on the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace to unite not to be able to block together, the Long Dangdang outside spirit strength reached as high as 6000! This spirit furnace in this way, this little while submitted to overbearingly, does not know that what kind of effect will have. “好家伙,这玩意儿有点古怪啊!”龙空空喃喃的说道。先前,龙当当在那红色灵炉的冲击下险些爆体而亡,连月明沧海灵炉加上神祈屿桐灵炉联合在一起都拦不住,龙当当的外灵力可是高达六千啊!这灵炉霸道如斯,这会儿臣服了,也不知道会有怎样的效果。 Stretches completely along with that red lotus, behind Long Dangdang has the strong red, he also opens the double pupil in the next quarter slowly, although looks somewhat weak, but in the look is actually glittering the obviously exciting facial expression. 伴随着那红莲完全舒展开来,龙当当背后已是有着浓重的红色,他也在下一刻缓缓睁开双眸,虽然看上去有些虚弱,但眼神之中却闪烁着明显激动的神情。 Became?” Long Kongkong asked. “成了?”龙空空问道。 Long Dangdang nods, became. Almost ended.” 龙当当点了点头,“成了。差点就完了。” Long Kongkong said: You made any gadget! Also was too dangerous. Does not sign does not sign, it actually also wants your life.” 龙空空道:“你这是弄了个啥玩意儿啊!也太危险了。不签约就不签约,它竟然还想要你的命。” Long Dangdang said: Day ghost Asura spirit furnace. It absorbs the ancient spirit furnace that the world malignant influences form. This is our human nonabsorbable spirit furnace. I previously felt it as if to have strong striking power, therefore uses the small eight aura to guide, who knows that it erupted directly. Almost!” 龙当当道:“天煞修罗灵炉。它是吸收天地煞气而形成的古老灵炉。这本来是咱们人类根本就不能吸收的灵炉。我先前感受到它似乎有很强的攻击力,于是就用小八的气息去引导,谁知道它直接就爆发了。差一点啊!” Long Kongkong said: Human could not absorb, your absorbed, means you was not a person! Hahahaha!” 龙空空道:“人类吸收不了,你这吸收了,是不是意味着伱不是人啊!哈哈哈哈!” Sees the younger brother to laugh, Long Dangdang actually gawked staring, from some significance, not wrong, spirit furnace who human that the Long Kongkong words as if said could not recruit actually absorbed, what does this mean? 看着弟弟大笑,龙当当却是愣了愣,从某种意义来说,龙空空的话似乎说的并没有错,人类吸收不了的灵炉自己却吸收了,这意味着什么? Let alone, can suppress ghost Asura spirit furnace of this day at that time, is not his strength and fusion of Saint lotus spirit furnace, both big wisdom spirit furnaces cannot play the role, but fuses when him and Long Kongkong mutually, the younger brother becomes oneself mail-armor and helmet, on that day the ghost Asura spirit furnace as if was suppressed instantaneously. In other words, that strength of when it fears in oneself and younger brother fuses has. However, how can normal human each other change into the armor of opposite party? Even the twin brothers, this is not normal! Therefore, are we really human? 更何况,当时能够压制住这天煞修罗灵炉的,并不是他自身的力量和圣莲灵炉的融合,两大智慧灵炉都没能起到作用,而是在他和龙空空相互融合,弟弟成为了自己的甲胄时,那天煞修罗灵炉仿佛就在瞬间被镇压了似的。也就是说,它惧怕于自己和弟弟融合时所产生的那种力量。但是,正常的人类怎么能够彼此化为对方的铠甲啊?就算是双胞胎兄弟,这也绝不正常啊!所以,我们真的是人类吗? Looks the brow that Long Dangdang is pressed, the Long Kongkong laughter terminates, blinks, said: You obtained an obviously very fierce spirit furnace, isn't happy?” 看着龙当当蹙起的眉头,龙空空笑声终止,眨了眨眼睛,道:“你获得了一个明显就很厉害的灵炉,不高兴吗?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: I am thinking, actually among us that strength is anything. Clarity that very this time I feel, you turned into my armor, in that flash, I as if had can destroy all strengths, but this strength I actually cannot really use, once because used, possibly we will die. Actually this is anything, I am very curious.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“我只是在想,我们之间的那种力量究竟是什么。这次我感受的很清楚,你变成了我的铠甲,在那一瞬间,我仿佛拥有了可以毁灭一切的力量,但这种力量我却不能真的去使用,因为一旦用了,可能我们就会死。这究竟是什么,我真的很好奇。” Long Kongkong said: And other mother and father came, we ask again. However, this strength probably when in my heart is very urgent to use, now wants to use again, actually without that feeling.” 龙空空道:“等老妈、老爸来了,咱们再问问呗。不过,这力量好像只有在我心中特别急迫的时候才能用出来,现在再想用,却没那感觉了。” The Long Dangdang forced smile said: Meets dangerous exciting time, can use. I have a feeling, along with the strengthen of our strength, this strength gradually can be inspired by us. Like god only dark blue moon/month angel, has the sufficient strength to actuate truly. We now could not have achieved this point obviously. In the future, if we really can control this strength, does not know that will have multi-.” 龙当当苦笑道:“就是遇到危险刺激的时候,才能用呗。我有种感觉,伴随着咱们实力的变强,这种力量才逐渐能够被我们引动了。就像神祇沧月天使似的,有足够力量才能真正的驱动。我们现在显然还做不到这一点。未来,如果我们真的能够掌控这份力量了,又不知道会有多强了。” Having the strength after all is the good deed. You now are the dragon knight, there is this strange strength, thinks that so many do do? The strengthen did not end. So long as is powerful enough, even our bloodlines a little issues, that was not the issue.” Long Kongkong thinks to open very much, and does not have any to intertwine, in his heart, so long as the parents and brothers are very good, his goddess is very good, that was enough. “有力量总归是好事嘛。你现在又是龙骑士,又有这奇异的力量,想那么多干嘛?变强不就完了。只要足够强大,就算我们的血脉有点问题,那也不是什么问题了。”龙空空想得很开,并没有什么纠结,在他心中,只要爸妈和老哥都很好,他的女神很好,那就足够了。 Sufficient strength? The Long Dangdang standing up intention moves slightly, a back red lotus flower flower petal blooms piece by piece, he lifts the hand to wield, one red lotus flower flower petals fly to shoot, fell in his hand, but the ominous offense the sharp incomparable aura hit a shiver his host. This is not the ordinary strength. On that day the ghost Asura spirit furnace before the formation, does not know that in the past absorbed how much world malignant influences, finally can take shape, therefore is in itself extremely aggressive existence. But also because of its existence, in the world was short of a lot of malignant influences, thus were many auspiciously. At this time, these malignant influences use for him, the might of this gadget, may be called the terrifying absolutely, own goal was also achieved. 足够的力量吗?龙当当站起身来心念微微一动,背后一片片红色莲花花瓣就绽放开来,他抬手一挥,一片红色莲花花瓣飞射而出,就落在了他手中,凶戾而锋锐无比的气息连他这个宿主都不禁打了个寒战。这可不是普通的力量。那天煞修罗灵炉当年在成型之前,不知道吸收了多少天地煞气,最终才能成型,所以本身就是极其凶悍的存在。但也因为它的存在,天地间少了大量的煞气,从而多了祥和。此时,这些煞气为他所用,这玩意儿的威力,绝对堪称恐怖,自己的目的也算是达到了。 Performed to attend to me, did you choose the spirit furnace?” Long Dangdang asked to the younger brother. “尽顾着我了,你选了灵炉没有?”龙当当向弟弟问道。 Elected! Where looks like you to use energy, I suddenly became. Shows you, my star light radiant spirit furnace.” Long Kongkong lifts the hand in an own top of the head racket, immediately, the star light shoots up to the sky together, bright of surrounding all photo, the star type spirit furnace flew from his top of the head, the star light blooms, magnificent exceptionally. “选了啊!哪像你那么费劲,我一下就成了。给你看看,我的星光璀璨灵炉。”龙空空抬手在自己头顶一拍,顿时,一道星光冲天而起,将周围的一切都照的明亮,星形灵炉从他头顶飞了出来,星光绽放,瑰丽异常。 Looks at the appearance of this spirit furnace, Long Dangdang is also surprised. Star light radiant spirit furnace? Has not heard! 看这灵炉的卖相,龙当当也不禁惊讶。星光璀璨灵炉?没听说过啊! Probably heard that for the first time has this type of spirit furnace, what is its function?” Long Dangdang asked. “好像第一次听说有这种灵炉,它的作用是什么?”龙当当问道。 Long Kongkong blinks, said: This is not very bright? Other function does not know.” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,道:“这不是挺亮的吗?别的作用就不知道了。” Long Dangdang stares, as with host of spirit furnace signing, generally speaking, after signing, can know the cardinal principle function of spirit furnace probably. Like the day ghost Asura spirit furnace that he just signed, the itself biggest role uses for him that Asura malignant influences, can fuse during any fight, changes into is similar to Asura sword air/Qi general existence. 龙当当一愣,作为与灵炉签约的宿主,一般来说,签约之后就大概能知道灵炉的大体作用了。像他刚刚签订的天煞修罗灵炉,本身最大的作用就是将那修罗煞气为他所用,可以融合到任何战斗之中,化为类似于修罗剑气一般的存在。 Doesn't know? Isn't the function of this spirit furnace will illuminate?” “不知道?不会这灵炉的作用就是照明吧?” That is impossible you to look such gracefully. Moreover, it was lovably thick to me, is very intimate I, wants to fuse with me directly.” “那不可能你看这么帅呢。而且,它对我可亲厚了,特别亲近我,直接就想跟我融合。” Long Dangdang said: Went out to say again, we have designated our spirit furnace in any case, should go out.” 龙当当道:“出去再说吧,反正我们都已经选定了自己的灵炉,也该出去了。” Returns through transmission, south feather has been waiting for them, this Saint knight long not, because they chose the spirit furnace time to be long to say anything, after all, choosing the spirit furnace regarding anybody was the life important matter, chose some time is also normal. 通过传送阵回返,南羽一直都在等着他们,这位圣骑士长并没有因为他们选择灵炉时间较长而说什么,毕竟,选择灵炉对于任何人来说都是人生大事,多选择一些时间也是正常的。 Elected?” The south feather asked. “都选好了?”南羽问道。 The two brothers nod together. 兄弟俩一起点了点头。 The south feather said: Received the spirit furnace to register from our temple, you said that chose any spirit furnace. Your two brothers exactly the same, who is whose I cannot divide. Which is ding-dong, first said.” 南羽道:“从咱们圣殿领取了灵炉要进行登记,你们说说都选了什么灵炉。你们这哥俩长得一模一样,谁是谁我都分不出来。哪个是当当,先说吧。” Long Dangdang goes forward one step, said: Saint knight is long, spirit furnace named day ghost Asura spirit furnace that I choose.” 龙当当上前一步,道:“圣骑士长,我选的灵炉名为天煞修罗灵炉。” The south feather stares, old man who sat cross-legged to sit also opened the eyes in his side not far away that. 南羽一愣,在他身边不远处那名盘膝而坐的老者也随之睁开了双眼。 Turning around of south feather doubts looks to that old man, said: Saint Sir health/guard, our does here have this type of spirit furnace? How in my memory, probably no!” 南羽疑惑的转身看向那老者,道:“圣卫大人,咱们这里有这种灵炉吗?怎么在我的记忆中,好像没有啊!” The Saint health/guard looks to Long Dangdang, described the spirit furnace that you absorbed is what shape.” 圣卫看向龙当当,“描述一下你吸收的灵炉是什么形态的。” Long Dangdang said: Ash throws, in corner. Looked like by the balling up.” 龙当当道:“灰扑扑的,在角落中。就像是被泥封了似的。” The Saint health/guard also gawked slightly the god, waste spirit furnace? I know that you said that the having mystical powers furnace aura, does not only have the spirit furnace characteristics, we attempted to inspire it, actually cannot succeed, did you absorb it unexpectedly? Displays to make me have a look.” 圣卫也是微微愣了愣神,“废灵炉?我知道你说的这尊,只有灵炉气息,却没有灵炉特性,我们曾经尝试过引动它,却始终没能成功,你竟然把它吸收了吗?施展一下让我看看。” The Long Dangdang nod intention of moves, the back red light blooms, red lotus flower petal is in full bloom a piece by piece instantaneously, the air/Qi of ominous offense immediately bursting. 龙当当点了点头心念一动,背后红光绽放,一片片红莲花瓣瞬间盛开,凶戾之气顿时爆棚而出。 The south feather and Saint health/guard has a scare, that Saint health/guard sets out instantaneously. Lifts the hand to grasp to the Long Dangdang direction. He acts, an unapproachable tremendous pressure heads on immediately, the Long Dangdang mind trembles, but next flickers, his back that Asura red lotus has bloomed suddenly, aggressive incomparable red flowing light directly soar the Saint health/guard the direction to shoot. 南羽和圣卫都是吓了一跳,那位圣卫更是瞬间起身。抬手向龙当当的方向抓去。他一出手,一股无可匹敌的巨大压力顿时扑面而来,龙当当心神震颤,但下一瞬,他背后那修罗红莲就已经骤然绽放,一道道凶悍无比的红色流光直奔圣卫的方向射去。 The hand that the Saint health/guard grasps changes to grasp for the racket, the white halo of big piece changes into the barrier before the body. 圣卫抓出的手改抓为拍,大片的白色光晕在身前化为屏障。 This is......, spirit astral! 这是……,灵罡! Long Dangdang recognized the characteristics of that surge spirit strength. Moreover this is he has also seen, most concentrates thick spirit astral. 龙当当一眼就认出了那彭湃灵力的特性。而且这也是他所见过的,最为凝厚的灵罡。 The ray of Asura red lotus shot to be prevented above that spirit astral immediately, but, the air/Qi of these ominous offenses were actually drilling into of inward being unforgiving, seemed must destroy all these. 修罗红莲的光芒射在那灵罡之上顿时被阻挡了下来,但是,这些凶戾之气却是不依不饶的向内钻入,仿佛是非要将这一切都摧毁似的。 Can receive?” The Saint health/guard asked to Long Dangdang. “能收吗?”圣卫向龙当当问道。 Ok.” The Long Dangdang thought moves, these red glow return instantaneously, changes into the red lotus appearance behind him again, although has to consider aggressive that the strategic place goes out as before, but does not have the half a point to rebel under the control of Long Dangdang. “可以的。”龙当当意念一动,那些红芒瞬间回归,重新在他背后化为红莲模样,虽然依旧有着想要冲出去的凶悍,但却在龙当当的控制下没有半分悖逆。 Very strong striking power. That malignant influences might, even if has mystical powers astral to be cut off, can permeate some, affects my main body.” The Saint protects oneself the Saint light to wind around, the faint trace black air/Qi was compelled slowly by him, on the face is revealing the shocking and puzzled color. “很强大的攻击力。那煞气的威力,哪怕是有灵罡阻隔,都能渗入一些,影响到我的本体。”圣卫身上圣光缭绕,丝丝黑气被他缓缓逼出,脸上流露着震惊和不解之色。 This spirit furnace is overbearing, is almost I have seen in the spirit furnace is most maneating overbearingly. By your strength, or is this spirit stove's characteristics, normally is that unruliest existence, should not submit, you can actually control it, this seems like a miracle!” Saying that the Saint health/guard muttered. “这灵炉非常霸道,几乎是我见过的灵炉之中最为凶悍霸道的了。以你的实力,或者说是这灵炉本身的特性来看,按说是属于那种最为桀骜的存在,不应该会臣服的,你竟然能够控制它,这似乎是个奇迹啊!”圣卫喃喃的说道。 Long Dangdang heart slightly cold, he knows certainly that is the ominous offense that what reason can suppress, when he and younger brother fuse, produced that the special energy that is full to rule by force and die out, is suppresses this ominous offense the key to be. But he definitely cannot say, can only reveal the bewildered color. 龙当当心头微凛,他当然知道是什么原因才能压制的这份凶戾,在他和弟弟融合的时候,产生的那种充满霸道和寂灭的特殊能量,才是镇压住这凶戾的关键所在。但他肯定不能说出来,只能流露出一脸茫然之色。 „Very strong, is strong. Does not know in the future it, if can evolve can be what appearance. Must observe. Later your spirit furnace, if evolved, must come back to provide the record. This lotus flower shape what's the matter? A little flavor of Saint lotus spirit furnace.” “很强,非常强。只是不知道未来它如果能够进化的话会是什么样子。要多加观察。以后你的灵炉如果进化了,要回来留下记录。这莲花形态是怎么回事儿?有点圣莲灵炉的味道。” In the Long Dangdang heart mused, this really protects existence of spirit furnace worthily, understanding such depth to the spirit furnace, replied: At that time fused this spirit furnace time, my body somewhat cannot withstand, the guidance Saint lotus spirit furnace unifies with it, then they fused in together. Therefore the shape also turned into this.” 龙当当心中暗想,这位真不愧是守护灵炉的存在,对灵炉的了解如此之深,回答道:“当时融合这灵炉的时候,我的身体有些承受不住,就引导圣莲灵炉与之结合,然后它们就融合在一起了。所以形态也就变成了这样。” Fusion effect that Saint lotus spirit furnace brings?” The Saint health/guard brow stretched several points slightly, turns around to say to the south feather: This is an important topic, turn head asked the temple to study. However, on this day the ghost Asura spirit furnace is only, had not heard other temples have the harvest in this aspect. It is not good to duplicate.” “圣莲灵炉带来的融合效果吗?”圣卫眉头略微舒展了几分,转身向南羽说道:“这是个重要的课题,回头请圣殿进行研究。不过,这天煞修罗灵炉却是唯一的,也没听说过其他圣殿有这方面的收获。不好复制。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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