SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#247: Impregnable spirit furnace

Chapter 247 impregnable spirit furnace 第247章固若金汤灵炉 The ocean nighttide curls the lip, but nearby lunar motion said: „Can I also cultivation a hemorrhaging to refine the golden body? Since does not affect the speed of our strength rise, the promotion body intensity, should also be good to us.” 溟汐撇了撇嘴,而一旁的月离却道:“那我要不要也修炼一下血炼金身?既然不影响我们实力提升的速度,提升身体强度,应该对我们也有好处吧。” The peach numerous has a scare, said: You may think! I have tried, was too painful. That is not a wee bit pain, but extremely intense pain.” 桃林林吓了一跳,道:“你可想好了啊!我已经试过了,太痛苦了。那可不是一丁点的痛苦,而是极为强烈的痛苦。” Because the previous lunar motion is a magician, has never thought must cultivation the blood to refine the golden body, she cannot delay, originally she in the team, cultivating is not quick for the promotion speed. But had demon boundary such cultivation treasure trove, that all became different. Although Long Dangdang had said that cultivates in the demon boundary, in the pure promotion the spirit strength is also good. But she understands, if outside oneself spirit strength also enough means anything. Her that ice hot common origin magic is also big to own load. Cultivated the blood to refine the magician of golden body, perhaps, will really have the possibility and opportunity of element saintess Zisang colored glaze glimmer such talent contest in the future! 先前月离因为自身是魔法师,从未想过要修炼血炼金身,她也耽误不起,本来她在团队之中,修为提升速度就不算快的。但有了魔境这样的修炼宝地,那一切就变得不一样了。虽然龙当当已经说了,在魔境之中修炼,纯粹提升内灵力也行。但她明白,如果自己外灵力也足够强的话意味着什么。她那冰火同源魔法对自身的负荷也同样不小。一名修炼了血炼金身的魔法师,或许,未来真的有可能和元素圣女子桑琉荧那样的天才较量的机会啊! Long Dangdang said: I thought that you can try to say again, if you can unable to bear the pain, is not. The blood refining up the golden body truly is very painful, the benefit that but similarly, it provides is also the multi-directions, not only beyond promotion spirit strength, can strengthen the willpower. But the promotion willpower is to enhance the psychic force one way. you is the magician, the psychic force is very strong, in turn controls the body to bear the painful the ability should not be bad. Is worth trying, does not have the fault after all. If just, you really enhanced the outside spirit strength over 1000, perhaps in the spirit strength had cannot a long time the elevation, this needed you to think that made the choice again.” 龙当当道:“我觉得你可以尝试一下再说,如果你能承受得住痛苦的话,不是不可以。血炼金身确实是非常痛苦,但同样的,它带来的好处也是多方位的,不只是提升外灵力,同时也能增强意志力。而提升意志力本身就是提升精神力的一种方式。伱本身是魔法师,精神力就很强,反过来控制身体承受痛苦的能力应该也不差。值得一试吧,总归没有坏处。只不过,如果你真的把外灵力提升到了一千以上,恐怕内灵力就有很长一段时间不能向上提升了,这就需要你自身想好了再做抉择。” The lunar motion nods, said: I consider again. In any case this is the big good deed.” 月离点了点头,道:“我再考虑一下吧。反正这是大好事。” Ling Menglu said: Since the effect of Yuan whorl spirit furnace is so good, we really should help the rank of Kong Kong promotion Yuan whorl spirit furnace as far as possible. Kong Kong, later you lead us to cultivate every night together, like this your Yuan whorl spirit furnace can also use, has good help function also to promote your spirit furnace evolution to us.” 凌梦露道:“既然元涡灵炉的效果这么好,那我们真的应该帮空空尽可能的提升元涡灵炉的等级了。空空,以后你每天晚上就带着我们大家一起修炼吧,这样你的元涡灵炉也能一直使用,对我们大家都有很好的帮助作用也能促进你的灵炉进化。” Long Kongkong somewhat is small the favorite say/way: Look, I am such important, without issue.” 龙空空有些小得意的道:“看吧,我就是这么重要,没问题。” In this time, nearby ocean nighttide is asking suddenly: Your this time obtained any spirit furnace! Can make us have a look, everyone also coordinates well!” 正在这时,一旁的溟汐突然问道:“你们这次获得了什么灵炉啊!能不能让我们看看,大家也好配合啊!” Long Dangdang nods, said: Sure. Does the cousin first come?” 龙当当点点头,道:“当然可以。表姐先来?” Ice Monroe sits side him, heard that the word nods slightly, she also obtained her fourth spirit furnace. As the light god's body, after experiencing this inspection, not only she in fact decided but not yet announced to succeed sacred hall, decided but not yet announced for pastor temple next palace lord, idea that but she has not shown off, therefore had not previously mentioned to the people. 凌梦露就坐在他身边,闻言微微颔首,她也获得了自己的第四尊灵炉。作为光神之体,经历了这次考核之后,她实际上不只是被内定为了继任圣堂,更是被内定为了牧师圣殿下一任的殿主,只不过她没有显摆的想法,所以先前才没有对众人说起。 Ling Menglu said: The spirit furnace named impregnable spirit furnace that I obtain newly, is a pure defense spirit furnace. When first-order can only conduct individual defense, after the promotion, can widen the defense scope.” 凌梦露道:“我新获得的这尊灵炉名为固若金汤灵炉,是一尊纯粹的防御型灵炉。一阶时只能进行个人防御,提升之后,可以扩大防御范围。” Her such saying, the people understood, this is the pastor temple is worried about her safety, to protect her gave this spirit furnace, definitely is not she chooses. 她这么一说,众人就明白了,这是牧师圣殿担心她的安危,为了保护她才给了她这尊灵炉的,肯定不是她自己挑选的。 At the same time saying, ice Monroe stands up, the back golden light twinkle, an exquisite spirit furnace flew, this spirit furnace unexpectedly is one like the long block appearance of city wall appearance, above is ascending the pale golden fog light/only, the next quarter, it returns ice Monroe within the body, the ice Monroe whole body had turned into the bright golden color, looked like mounted gold foil in her body surface. 一边说着,凌梦露站起身来,背后金光闪烁,一尊精巧的灵炉飞了出来,这灵炉竟是一个如同城墙模样的长方块样子,上面升腾着淡金色的光雾,下一刻,它重新回到凌梦露体内紧接着,凌梦露全身就已经变成了灿烂的金色,就像是在她身体表面镶嵌了一层金箔似的。 woof Changxin looks the color of surprise, this and this seem like the spirit furnace of our soldier temple! Impregnable, strongest defense?” 汪常欣面露诧异之色,“这、这好像是我们战士圣殿的灵炉啊!固若金汤,最强防御?” Ice Monroe of pure gold condition nods, said: Truly from the spirit furnace of soldier temple, I do not know that what price our temple at received exchange.” 纯金状态的凌梦露点了点头,道:“确实是来自于战士圣殿的灵炉,我也不知道我们圣殿是以什么样的代价换取过来的。” woof often/common joyful rare revealed color of the envying, impregnable spirit furnace, was honored as defends the spirit furnace strongly, not only the strongest defense of our soldier temple, almost was also the strongest defense in having mystical powers furnace. Concentrates on the defense purely, is strong. In its defense attitude, hardly may break.” 汪常欣都少见的流露出了一丝羡慕之色,“固若金汤灵炉,被誉为最强防御灵炉,不只是我们战士圣殿的最强防御,几乎也是所有灵炉之中的最强防御。纯粹专注于防御,非常强。在它的防御状态下,几乎不可破。” Can with the spirit furnaces of four character names not simple, wisdom spirit furnace that for example beforehand Long Dangdang they obtain, is existences of four characters. Naturally, the somewhat special spirit furnace, for example the star light is radiant and so on, is so. 能够以四个字命名的灵炉就没有简单的,譬如之前龙当当他们所获得的智慧灵炉,就也都是四个字的存在。当然,有些特殊的灵炉,譬如星光璀璨之类,也是如此。 Golden light restraining, ice Monroe returns side the partners, is impregnable I to display each time for about ten seconds, at least my cultivating to can only at present so. Then after needing the recuperation ten minutes, can use again. The effect after promotion I have not known. Most can promote five times. It is said after five evolutions, it can keep off casting a spell. Moreover it can, when I withstand the attack defends on own initiative, does not need to be worried that was sneak attacked.” 金光收敛,凌梦露重新回到伙伴们身边,“固若金汤我每次能够施展大约十秒左右,至少目前我的修为只能如此。然后需要休整十分钟之后才能再次使用。升级之后的效果我还不知道。最多可以升级五次。据说五次进化之后,它能挡禁咒。而且它能够在我承受攻击的时候主动进行防御,不用担心被偷袭。” Cousin, trades? I am willing with besides the islet tung oil tree the having mystical powers furnace trades this with you, a Yuan whorl can trade to you.” Long Kongkong eager looks at ice Monroe. “表姐,换不换?我愿意用除了屿桐之外的所有灵炉跟你换这个,元涡都可以换给你。”龙空空眼巴巴的看着凌梦露。 This impregnable spirit furnace he really liked! He believes, oneself teacher also likes certainly this spirit furnace. This is the safety first of real sense! If oneself can obtain this spirit furnace, the security of oneself this life had surely safeguarded enormously, this should be a how wonderful matter! 这个固若金汤灵炉他真的是太喜欢了啊!他相信,自己的老师也一定非常喜欢这个灵炉。这才是真正意义的安全第一啊!如果自己能够获得这尊灵炉,那自己这生命的安全必定就有极大的保障了,这该是一件多么美妙的事情啊! Thinks of here, Long Kongkong heart fiery. 想到这里,龙空空心头不禁一片火热。 At the same time.” Big according to his face, advanced the one side him. “一边去。”一只大手按在了他的脸上,将他推到了一旁。 Long Dangdang shoves open the younger brother, while stood, congratulated the cousin to obtain defended the spirit furnace strongly. What you obtain is the defense, the spirit furnace that I obtain lies in the attack, is a rare spirit furnace, but has damaged.” 龙当当一边推开弟弟,一边自己站了起来,“恭喜表姐获得了最强防御灵炉。你获得的是防御,我获得的灵炉在于进攻,也是一尊罕见的灵炉,但有所破损。” Ling Menglu the corners of the mouth slight tremor, in the heart mused, you were damage the spirit furnace to do! Is one month of bright sea spirit furnace insufficient? But she knows that the wisdom spirit furnace can the sensation to all, naturally unable to say directly, but looks at Long Dangdang. 凌梦露嘴角轻微的颤动了一下,心中暗想,你这是和破损灵炉干上了啊!一个月明沧海灵炉还不够吗?但她知道智慧灵炉能够感知到外界的一切,自然不能直接说出来,只是看着龙当当 Next flickers, the heart of people almost simultaneously one tight , scalp sends the feeling of exploding to spread over the whole body instantaneously, besides Long Kongkong almost all people are the body. 下一瞬,众人的心头几乎同时一紧,紧接着,一股头皮发炸的感觉瞬间传遍全身,除了已经龙空空之外几乎所有人都是弹身而起。 Ominous severe, they felt unprecedented some powerful ominous severe air/Qi, this ominous severe air/Qi as if had is destroying day of the strength of extinguishing the place headed on generally. As if stands before them is not a human, but is monster. 凶厉,他们感受到了一股前所未有有的强大凶厉之气,这股凶厉之气仿佛拥有着毁天灭地的力量一般扑面而来。仿佛站在他们面前的已经不是一个人类,而是一尊怪兽似的。 Behind Long Dangdang, red light, the red light twinkle, changes into the gigantic lotus flower flower petal shape to open behind him radiantly, in that is full of under the red light complementing of ominous severe air/Qi, this time Long Dangdang, some original handsome face served as contrast blanches, but his aura had the tremendous changes. 龙当当背后,一道道红光璀璨而出,红光闪烁,化为硕大的莲花花瓣形态在他背后张开,在那充满凶厉之气的红光映衬之下,此时的龙当当,原本的英俊面庞都被衬托的有些发白,而他的气息更是有了天翻地覆的变化。 Ice Monroe even had to plant seems previously faced the snake demon god peaceful Mali time in the demon boundary feeling. Yes, this time Long Dangdang, is ordinary just like the demon god. 凌梦露甚至有种仿佛是先前在魔境中面对蛇魔神安度马里时候的感觉似的。是的,此时的龙当当,宛若魔神一般。 The Long Dangdang right hand lifts, the Saint glittering, the Saint shining heart blooms the Saint sword light/only, but next flickers, the back raised red glow to attach above that Saint sword, making the pure white Saint sword cover fearful blood-color, the aura had the enormous change immediately, the ominous light to the night, in the situation of his stimulation of movement, as if do not puncture defense law of yard. 龙当当右手抬起,圣光闪烁,圣耀之心绽放出圣剑之光,而下一瞬,背后就升起一道红芒依附在了那圣剑之上,让原本洁白的圣剑蒙上了一层慑人血色,气息顿时出现了极大的变化,凶光冲宵,他并未催动的情况下,仿佛都要刺破小院的防御法阵了。 Ice Monroe felt that oneself impregnable spirit furnace is somewhat moved, wants to defend to him on own initiative. 凌梦露更是感觉到自己的固若金汤灵炉有所触动,就想要主动对他防御似的。 Very powerful! Good to like! This should be is the spirit furnace that our assassins use is right.” The eye of ocean nighttide was red, braves the small star general brilliance. This feeling, is this feeling! In she has seen in assassin temple spirit furnace, only had meets that assassin's first samsara spirit furnace to take to her to feel initially like this. “好强啊!好喜欢啊!这应该是属于我们刺客使用的灵炉才对吧。”溟汐的眼睛都红了,冒着小星星一般的光彩。这种感觉,就是这种感觉啊!在她所见过的刺客圣殿灵炉之中,唯有初遇身上的那尊刺客第一轮回灵炉才曾经带给过她这样的感觉。 If the aura of samsara spirit furnace renounces, the spirit furnace that Long Dangdang releases at this time is nearly crazy ominous severe. Very fearful, but this is not just the assassin wants? 如果说轮回灵炉的气息是决绝,那么,龙当当此时身上释放出的这尊灵炉就是近乎疯狂的凶厉。非常的可怕,但这不正是刺客想要的吗? Luckily, she is also not Long Kongkong such character, did trade the mouth, was swallowed back by her finally. 幸好,她还不是龙空空那样的性格,一句换不换到了嘴边,总算是被她咽了回去。 If the aura of samsara spirit furnace renounces, the spirit furnace that Long Dangdang releases at this time is nearly crazy ominous severe. Very fearful, but this is not just the assassin wants? 如果说轮回灵炉的气息是决绝,那么,龙当当此时身上释放出的这尊灵炉就是近乎疯狂的凶厉。非常的可怕,但这不正是刺客想要的吗? Luckily, she is also not Long Kongkong such character, did trade the mouth, was swallowed back by her finally. 幸好,她还不是龙空空那样的性格,一句换不换到了嘴边,总算是被她咽了回去。 Long Dangdang said: To fuse this day of ghost Asura spirit furnace, my Saint lotus spirit furnace fused in it together, therefore I now am three spirit furnaces.” 龙当当道:“为了融合这尊天煞修罗灵炉,我的圣莲灵炉与之融合在一起了,所以我现在还是三尊灵炉。” Ling Menglu surprised looks at Long Dangdang, day ghost Asura spirit furnace? How do I listen not to hear continually?” As the pastor temple vice- palace Lord granddaughter, her solid educational foundation received from family elders, the father is the head in entire federal biggest auction market, any good thing not to have seen, the spirit furnace is six big temple most important core resources, she self-examined that knows a general idea regarding the having mystical powers furnace, but this spirit furnace she has actually never heard. 凌梦露吃惊的看着龙当当,“天煞修罗灵炉?我怎么连听都没听说过?”作为牧师圣殿副殿主的孙女,她家学渊源,父亲又是整个联邦最大拍卖场的负责人,什么好东西没见过,灵炉更是六大圣殿最重要的核心资源,她自问对于所有灵炉都知道个大概,但这尊灵炉她却从未听说过。 Long Dangdang said: „Before this spirit furnace, had never begun using, should be the ancient times spreads, the sea seniors know it. In order to fuse it, sea senior temporary deep sleep, therefore I have not known its origin now.” 龙当当道:“这尊灵炉以前从未被启用过,应该是远古流传下来的,沧海前辈知道它。为了融合它,沧海前辈暂时沉睡了,所以我现在也还不知道它的来历。” Listened to the Long Dangdang words, ice Monroe to hold breath cold air, ancient times spirit furnace, no wonder was also broken. This may really be...... 听了龙当当的话,凌梦露不禁倒吸一口凉气,远古灵炉,难怪又是残破的。这可真的是…… Has a look at Long Dangdang, has a look at ice Monroe again, without a doubt, the emergence of these two spirit furnaces, making the strength of entire team promote again. 看看龙当当,再看看凌梦露,毫无疑问,这两尊灵炉的出现,让整个团队的实力再次提升了。 The ocean nighttide bumped Long Kongkong, said: You? What spirit furnace are you? Having is so fierce?” 溟汐碰了碰身边的龙空空,道:“那你呢?你是什么灵炉?有没有这么厉害?” The Long Kongkong expression slightly was stiff, but is the obstinate argumentative say/way: That is also very fierce. In some crucial times, can play the enormous role.” 龙空空的表情略微僵硬了一下,但还是嘴硬的道:“那也是很厉害的。在一些关键的时刻,能够起到极大的作用。” That releases to come to see!” Ocean nighttide somewhat stimulated saying. “那块释放出来看看呀!”溟汐有些亢奋的说道。 The Long Kongkong corners of the mouth twitched, but lifts the hand to pat the top of the head, the next quarter, one group of golden color run out from its top of the head spiritual platform immediately, change into the golden five pointed star float above his top of the head. Said the appearance only, that radiant golden light instantaneously tiny particle complete(ly) present who the entire yard shines, seemed the stars of space is really grasped by Long Kongkong generally, splendid sight. 龙空空嘴角抽搐了一下,但还是抬手一拍头顶,下一刻,一团金色顿时从它头顶灵台冲出,化为金色的五角星悬浮在他头顶之上。单说卖相,那璀璨金光瞬间将整个小院照耀的纤毫毕现,仿佛真的是天上的星辰被龙空空抓下来了一般,蔚为壮观。 „, Seemingly very powerful appearance. What is its function?” The ocean nighttide asked. “哇,看起来好强的样子。它的作用是什么?”溟汐问道。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong two brothers were handsome, at this time, Long Kongkong under the complementing of that star light, were more several points of elusive and sacred flavor. 龙当当龙空空兄弟俩本就英俊,此时,龙空空在那星光的映衬下,更是多了几分空灵、神圣的味道。 Function, illumination.” Long Dangdang in side light saying, the corners of the mouth goes up to reveal a smile slightly. “作用,照明。”龙当当在旁边淡淡的说道,嘴角微微上翘流露出一丝微笑。 What? What strong ability is the illumination?” Asking of peach numerous doubts. “啥?照明是什么强大的能力?”桃林林疑惑的问道。 Long Dangdang said: As the name suggests.” 龙当当道:“顾名思义。” The people then responded, looks at the star light of Long Kongkong top of the head, revealed the strange expression gradually. 众人这才反应过来,看着龙空空头顶的星光,不禁渐渐流露出了古怪的表情。 Long Kongkong is feeling unusual atmosphere, cannot bear the air/Qi get angry: Your what is this? Illumination? During night don't you need to illuminate? I am during the night the brightest that star, my spirit furnace is also four characters, the named star light is radiant! Led to end.” 龙空空感受着身边异样的气氛,忍不住气怒道:“你们这是什么意思?照明怎么了?难道在黑夜之中你们不需要照明吗?我就是夜晚之中最亮的那一颗星,我这灵炉也是四个字的,名为星光璀璨!帅就完了呗。” The ocean nighttide opened the mouth to visit him, quite a while suppressed one, that was an oil lamp. Did you make and oil lamp effect similar spirit furnace? You and you may really be a talent!” 溟汐张大了嘴看着他,半天才憋出一句,“那就是油灯呗。你弄了个和油灯效果差不多的灵炉?你、你可真是个人才啊!” Long Kongkong somewhat could not stretch immediately, angry say/way: This is not I elects! Is Yuan whorl spirit furnace selects, this star light radiant spirit furnace kisses/intimate intentionally thick with my Yuan whorl spirit furnace, then I think that it is very definitely useful, at that time its smart appearance, changed you also definitely to elect.” 龙空空顿时有些绷不住了,气恼道:“这也不是我选的啊!是元涡灵炉自己挑的,这星光璀璨灵炉故意和我的元涡灵炉亲厚,然后我就以为它肯定特别有用,当时它那灵性十足的样子,换了你们也肯定是选了的。” The peach numerous makes up the blade say/way: That, in without not being clear about under the premise of its characteristics, easily will not definitely choose such a spirit furnace.” 桃林林补刀道:“那不会,在没有明确其特性的前提下,肯定不会轻易选择这么一尊灵炉。” Long Kongkong shows the whites of the eyes, how to say as you like, in any case already this. The Yuan whorl, you come out to me, you told me, what's all this about?” 龙空空翻了个白眼,“随你们怎么说,反正都已经这样了。元涡,你给我出来,你告诉告诉我,这是怎么回事儿?” At the same time saying, him was patting own chest, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace will also release. 一边说着,他拍了拍自己的胸口,将元涡灵炉也释放了出来。 The seemingly unadorned Yuan whorl spirit furnace drills, the halo that the interior revolves just like the profound chaos to be common. This is the second-order spirit furnace is only a appearance, various species elements in surrounding air naturally gathers to come. Has saying that this spirit furnace is in the people the frequency of use are most. 看起来朴实无华的元涡灵炉钻出,内部旋转的光晕犹如深邃的混沌一般。这已经是二阶的灵炉只是一出现,周围空气中的各种属性元素就自然而然的向它汇聚而来。不得不说这尊灵炉才是众人之中使用频率最多的。 With the emergence of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, suddenly, above the Long Dangdang top of the head star light radiant spirit furnace slight tremor, the next quarter, it had fluttered from the Long Kongkong top of the head, steady falling in Yuan whorl spirit furnace that chaos. 伴随着元涡灵炉的出现,突然之间,龙当当头顶上方的星光璀璨灵炉轻微的颤动了一下,下一刻,它就已经从龙空空头顶上方飘飞而下,稳稳的落在了元涡灵炉那混沌之中。 Look, looks. I said that is Yuan whorl spirit furnace elects. You look at it, this oneself got down. At that time was also this, therefore, under I was also have no alternative made such choice, cannot blame me!” “看吧、看吧。我就说是元涡灵炉自己选的吧。你看它,这就自己下来了。当时也是这样的,所以,我也是无可奈何之下才做出了这样的选择,不能怪我啊!” Long Kongkong is still protesting, but Long Dangdang and ice Monroe's their vision have actually fallen in the Yuan whorl spirit furnace. 龙空空还在申辩着,但龙当当、凌梦露他们的目光却都已经落在了元涡灵炉之中。 In this moment, they as if felt anything to resemble suddenly, Long Kongkong that presented for the black Yuan whorl spirit furnace also had some marvelous changes unexpectedly. 就在这一刻,他们突然都仿佛感受到了什么似的,龙空空那原本呈献为黑色的元涡灵炉竟是也发生了一些奇妙的变化。 With integration of star light radiant spirit furnace, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace started the slight tremor, the superficial black was also exaggerated by that star light, covered light golden color. Yuan whorl spirit furnace surface quiet appears a light golden trace, the twinkle of this trace twinkle star the golden dim light, is just liking the starry sky to arrive above it general, is passing the mysterious and magnificent flavor, serving as contrast Long Kongkong were many several points of mysterious charm. 伴随着星光璀璨灵炉的融入,元涡灵炉本身开始轻微的颤动了起来,表面的黑色也被那星光所渲染,蒙上了一层淡淡的金色。元涡灵炉表面悄无声息的浮现出一层淡淡的金色纹路,这纹路星星点点的闪烁着金色幽光,犹如星空降临在它之上一般,透着神秘与瑰丽的味道,衬托着龙空空多了几分神秘的魅力。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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