SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#242: The spirit furnace of knight temple

The spirit furnace of Chapter 242 knight temple 第242章骑士圣殿的灵炉 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are not familiar regarding the knight temple headquarters, Long Dangdang guessed, place that they previously lived, that is full of the historical flavor the room, should to the knight temple be very important is. 龙当当龙空空对于骑士圣殿总部内部都不算熟悉,龙当当只是猜测,他们先前住的地方,那充满历史味道的房间,应该对骑士圣殿是非常重要的所在。 Now what Long Dangdang thinks, attached great importance, although is the good deed, but cannot, because attached great importance to restricting the freedom. Actually, yesterday profound cold said beautifully makes his parents come to the holy city, he is actually some does not want, mainly regarding worry of mother status. And the younger brother becomes along with oneself more and more outstanding, can have many investigations of mother's status? What is more important, he and younger brother truly are not a bit like normal human! 龙当当现在所想的是,被重视虽然是好事,但不能因为被重视而限制了自由。其实,昨天玄寒嫣说让他父母来圣城,他其实是有些不愿意的,主要是对于母亲身份的担忧。伴随着自己和弟弟变得越来越优秀,对母亲的身份会不会有更多的调查?更重要的是,他和弟弟确实有点不像是正常人类啊! In the mind is reverberating in these trains of thought that south feather leads them to arrive in a room. 脑海中回荡着这些思绪中,南羽已经带着他们来到了一个房间之中。 On the road, they at least crossed the tertiary checkpoint, has a magic protection, there is a specialist to nurse. The people of these nursing, wear the armor, even the face covered, but Long Dangdang can actually feel indistinctly, that was extremely strong existence. Definitely is not he can contend. 在来的路上,他们至少过了三重关卡,有魔法阵守护的,也有专人看护的。那些看护的人,都身穿铠甲,连面部都遮盖住了,但龙当当却能隐约感受到,那是实力极强的存在。肯定不是他所能抗衡的。 More understands the knight temple, more can feel the background of knight temple to be powerful. 越是了解骑士圣殿,就越是能够感受到骑士圣殿的底蕴有多么强大。 In the room does not have any decoration, only has in the ground to have law that is sending out the light golden halo. In the room the guard, has not worn the mail-armor and helmet, but sits cross-legged to sit in one side, the seemingly si 、 wushi-year-old appearance, hair somewhat disorderly hanging loose on the shoulder, itself seemingly has no powerful aura to be released externally. 房间内没有任何装饰,唯有地面上有一座散发着淡淡金色光晕的法阵。房间内还有一名守卫,没有身穿甲胄,只是盘膝坐在一侧,看上去四、五十岁的样子,头发有些凌乱的披散在肩膀上,本身看上去没有什么强大的气息外放。 But when south the feather sees this, actually bows slightly a ritual, has seen the Saint health/guard.” 但当南羽看到这位的时候,却是微微躬身一礼,“见过圣卫。” That person does not open the eye, is only the light say/way: Written order.” 那人也不睁开眼睛,只是淡淡的道:“手令。” On south feather the ray flashes, are many to hand over like feather common golden color assorted. 南羽手上光芒一闪,已经多了一个如同羽毛一般的金色物什递了过去。 That person lifted the hand to receive, after felt one silently next, nodded slowly, said: Goes.” Said these two characters time he raised the head the opening eyes pupil, the vision looked to Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong. 那人抬手接过,默默的感受了一下后才缓缓点头,道:“去吧。”说出这两个字的时候他才抬头睁开眼眸,目光看向龙当当龙空空 In an instant, the two brothers only thought that has an invisible strength to sweep from oneself, the whole person as if became insightful. 刹那间,兄弟俩只觉得有一股无形的力量从自己身上扫过,整个人仿佛都变得通透了似的。 The very powerful big psychic force, in the Long Dangdang heart shakes slightly. Yes, then from them scans, but definitely is the psychic force, but the invisible psychic force releases from this actually just like visible thing, can this strong psychic force? Nine steps? Sacred knight? Actually acts as a guard here? 好强大的精神力,龙当当心中微微一震。是的,那从他们身上扫描而过的肯定是精神力,但无形的精神力从这位身上释放出来却宛如有形之物似的,这要多强的精神力?九阶?神圣骑士?却只是在这里充当一名守卫吗? The south feather aims at the front golden law say/way: You can come up, after going, can choose a spirit furnace, and completes the fusion in inside, later steps into law to transmit. Cannot take, will otherwise also be stripped, clear?” 南羽指向前方的金色法阵道:“你们可以上去了,进去之后,可以挑选一尊灵炉,并在里面完成融合,之后再踏入法阵传送回来。不可多拿,否则也会被剥离,明白吗?” Understood.” Long Dangdang nods, Long Kongkong obviously somewhat is excited, he is very clear, oneself can arrive at the present from an extremely mediocre talent, even becomes hunts for demon, because of the reason of spirit furnace! From the initial Yuan whorl spirit furnace to the afterward god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, has it can be said that been changing his destiny. With the rise of strength, and matter of experience were many, now when his mentality just does not become occupation initially that being disinclined cultivation, felt at ease whatever the circumstances. He has realized the importance of great power now. At least needs to protect the important person! “明白。”龙当当点点头,龙空空却明显有些兴奋起来,他可是很明白,自己从一个极为平庸的天赋能走到现在,甚至成为猎魔者,都是因为灵炉的原因啊!从最初的元涡灵炉到后来的神祈屿桐灵炉,可以说是一直都在改变他的命运。随着实力的提升,以及经历的事情多了,现在他的心态已经不是当初刚刚成为职业者时那种懒得修炼、随遇而安了。他现在已经意识到了强大力量的重要性。至少要能守护自己重要的人啊! Two people step law together, during the ray twinkles, the form disappears without the trace simultaneously. 两人一起踏上法阵,光芒闪烁之间,身影同时消失无踪。 Gazes after them to leave, the vision of Saint health/guard shifts to the southern feather, said: „Was this talent of new promote?” 目送着他们离开,圣卫的目光转向南羽,道:“这是新晋的天才?” The south feather said: Can make you say a talent, they have been able to be proud.” 南羽道:“能让您说一声天才,他们已经能值得骄傲了。” The Saint health/guard said indifferently: 16-year-old skeletal age, fifth-order, six steps. Respectively three spirit furnaces. Could become a talent saying . Moreover, on them had the unusual air/Qi.” 圣卫淡然道:“16岁的骨龄,一个五阶、一个六阶。各有三尊灵炉。当得上天才一说了,而且,他们身上都有超凡之气。” The south feather knows, unusual air/Qi that this institute said that referred to was the wisdom spirit furnace. 南羽知道,这位所说的超凡之气,指的就是智慧灵炉了。 Elder Brother cared for by the dragon clan, is a dragon knight, obtained the approval of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, the younger brother was selected by the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace.” “哥哥被龙族眷顾,是一名龙骑士,获得了月明沧海灵炉的认可,弟弟被神祈屿桐灵炉选中。” In Saint health/guard eye flashes through wipes the surprised color, god Qi Yutong spirit furnace? Is it willing to leave the mountain finally? In the past......” at this point, he stopped suddenly, in the eye flashed through wipes disappointed, if the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace can choose itself in the past, oneself can become the god to print one of the knights inevitably! Has not actually thought, this quiet for a long time god Qi Yutong spirit furnace unexpectedly is...... 圣卫眼中闪过一抹惊讶之色,“神祈屿桐灵炉?它终于肯出山了吗?当年……”说到这里,他突然停顿下来,眼中闪过一抹怅然,如果当年神祈屿桐灵炉能够选择自己,自己必然能够成为神印骑士之一啊!却没想到,这尊沉寂已久的神祈屿桐灵炉竟是…… „The problem solve of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace?” The Saint health/guard also said. “月明沧海灵炉的问题解决了?”圣卫又说道。 The south feather shakes the head, not.” 南羽摇摇头,“未曾。” The Saint defends traditional moral principles: He is first selected by the dragon clan, moon/month bright sea spirit furnace that first obtains?” 圣卫道:“那他是先被龙族选中,还是先获得的月明沧海灵炉?” The south feather said: Knight Holy Mountain that the spirit furnace that first obtains, then goes.” 南羽道:“是先获得的灵炉,然后才去的骑士圣山。” The Saint defends traditional moral principles: It seems like, the temple really picks two treasures. Trains them well. Except for the owner, this generation of sacred hall should not have their such chances in their ages.” 圣卫道:“看来,圣殿真的是捡到了两个宝。好好培养他们吧。除了堂主,这一代的圣堂在他们这个年纪应该都没有他们这样的机缘。” Yes.” “是。” When periphery Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong sensation arrives at all again, immediately felt oneself entered a grotesque and gaudy world. 龙当当龙空空重新感知到周围一切的时候,顿时感觉自己进入了一个光怪陆离的世界。 The spirit furnace that here and in the spirit furnace school feels is different, is not that illusory feeling, but really can see float in the in the air spirit furnace. These spirit furnace some static is sending out the light brilliance on the ground, there is float in in the air, even in in the air soars back and forth. The ray that on the different spirit furnace stacks sends out is also different, even if similarly is the bright attribute spirit furnace, the bright aura that itself lends also has the difference. 这里和灵炉学院中所感受到的灵炉不同,不是那种虚无缥缈的感觉,而是真的能够看到一尊尊悬浮在空中的灵炉。这些灵炉有的静静的在地上散发着淡淡的光辉,也有悬浮在空中的,甚至还有在空中来回飞翔的。不同的灵炉身上散发的光芒也有所不同,哪怕同样是光明属性的灵炉,本身散发出的光明气息也有区别。 They understand, here and spirit furnace school maximum difference is, here all spirit furnaces suit the knight. 他们明白,这里和灵炉学院最大的不同就是,这里所有的灵炉都是适合骑士的。 Long Kongkong is excited immediately, east has a look and examine carefully to look, looks the spirit furnace that style varies, has a being unable to put down feeling very much. 龙空空顿时兴奋起来,东看看、细看看,看着那一尊尊样式各异的灵炉,很有种爱不释手的感觉。 Long Dangdang also looks at these spirit furnaces, is feeling the aura of different spirit furnace silently. 龙当当也同样看着这些灵炉,默默的感受着不同灵炉的气息。 Here, most spirit furnaces are bright attribute, they have in the spirit furnace school special are the curriculum of spirit furnace, therefore here some spirit furnaces he also knew. 在这里,绝大多数灵炉都是光明属性的,他们在灵炉学院有专门属于灵炉的课程,所以这里一些灵炉他也认识。 He also clear remembering, when has about the spirit furnace curriculum for the first time , a few words that the teacher first spoke are, is not every spirit furnace suits with human concludes the contract, but human has certainly the most suitable own spirit furnace. Therefore, when you in feeling the spirit furnace suit you, wants to feel and communicate attentively attentively, can choose existence of most suitable you. 他还清楚的记得,在第一次上有关于灵炉课程的时候,老师最先说的一句话就是,不是每一尊灵炉都适合与人类缔结契约,但人类一定有最适合自己的灵炉。所以,当你在感受灵炉是不是适合你的时候,一定要用心去感受、用心去沟通,才能选到最适合伱的存在。 He and Long Kongkong first two spirit furnaces, in fact are directly donate by the magic temple and knight temple. What is not they chooses is only two big temples believes that regarding that time they most suitable spirit furnace. 他和龙空空的前两尊灵炉,实际上都是直接被魔法圣殿和骑士圣殿赠予的。并不是他们自己挑选的只是两大圣殿认为,对于那时候的他们最为适合的灵炉。 Behind chooses the wisdom spirit furnace time, was actually two wisdom spirit furnaces chose them respectively. 后面再选择到智慧灵炉的时候,其实是两尊智慧灵炉分别选择了他们。 But on the other hand, Long Kongkong actually has was most suitable his spirit furnace, the character, ability and talent, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace is his not two electing, to him, even must be more important than the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace to a certain extent. Naturally, existence of god Qi Yutong spirit furnace, makes Long Kongkong can be the talent of knight temple truly, further ahead of schedule stimulation Yuan whorl spirit furnace true powerful place. 而相对来说,龙空空其实是已经拥有了最适合他的灵炉的,无论是性格、能力、天赋,元涡灵炉都是他的不二之选,对他来说,某种程度上甚至比神祈屿桐灵炉都要更加重要。当然,神祈屿桐灵炉的存在,才让龙空空真正算得上是骑士圣殿的天才,也更进一步提早的激发出了元涡灵炉真正的强大之处。 But Long Dangdang, three spirit furnace must really say that which is most suitable he, but also really does not have. The Saint lotus spirit furnace was needless saying that that was only one protects the spirit furnace, the present prestige can not show completely, itself not high rank. The Saint directs the spirit furnace truly is the knight most suitable spirit furnace, but suitably protects the knight , is very certainly good to Long Dangdang, but does not agree with. The moon/month bright sea spirit furnace was once towerman, but was in itself incomplete, he chose Long Dangdang, was because felt Long Dangdang to restore the remnant body for it. 龙当当自己来说,身上的三尊灵炉要真说哪一尊最适合他,还真没有。圣莲灵炉就不用说了,那只是一尊守护灵炉,现在的威能还没有完全展现出来,本身也不算高阶。圣引灵炉确实是骑士最适合的灵炉,但适合的是守护骑士,对龙当当来说当然也很好,但并不是完全契合。月明沧海灵炉是曾经的守望者,但本身是残缺的,他选择了龙当当,是因为感受到龙当当有可能为它修复残躯。 Then, can oneself choose the most suitable oneself spirit furnace here? today. 那么,自己在这里能不能选择到最适合自己的灵炉呢?就在今天。 At the same time thinking, him is sitting cross-legged to sit same place. 一边想着,他在原地盘膝坐了下来。 Brother, do you do? Doesn't have a look everywhere?” Long Kongkong asked. “老哥,你干嘛呢?不到处看看嘛?”龙空空问道。 Long Dangdang said: I first static heart, yourself elect your. Does not know how to elect you to ask the islet tung oil tree.” 龙当当道:“我先静一下心,你自己选你的吧。不知道怎么选你就问问屿桐。” „, Good.” Long Kongkong nods, then in high spirits looked everywhere. “哦,好。”龙空空点点头,然后就兴高采烈的到处去看了。 Long Dangdang this time had not planned that looks for the sea to help, he wants himself to feel. He wants taking this opportunity, truly to have the spirit furnace that oneself choose personally. 龙当当这次没有打算找沧海帮助,他想要自己去感受。他想借着这次机会,真正拥有一尊自己亲手挑选到的灵炉。 Closes the eyes, is contemplating and feeling the surrounding all silently silently. The psychic force is released externally slowly. 闭上双眼,默默冥想、默默感受着周围的一切。精神力缓缓外放。 Has the contract of evil eye tyrant, his psychic force growth the far supernormal person, in addition previously enhanced the psychic force under that powerful nine levels of demon beast evil eye tyrant oppressions, and mind in the right way palace nine months of spirit promotion, his present psychic force must be stronger than the common seven step knights. 有着邪眼暴君的契约,他的精神力成长本就远超常人,再加上先前在那位强大的九级魔兽邪眼暴君压迫下提升精神力,以及正心殿九个月的精神提升,他现在的精神力比一般的七阶骑士都要更强。 In the world of energetic sensation, here all became more different. Presents spirit furnaces in his sensation, just like the bunch of strange energies in the air blowing hot and cold. These energies vary, have the embodiment to be released externally, vary with. Each spirit furnace has own aura. 在精神感知的世界中,这里的一切又变得更加不同了。出现在他感知中的一尊尊灵炉,宛如空气中摇摆不定的一团团奇异能量。这些能量有大有小,有内蕴有外放,不一而同。每一尊灵炉都有着属于自己的气息。 The spirit furnace is the genuine world treasure, can say, the formation of each spirit furnace is a birth of miracle, in these spirit furnaces, has the huge world spiritual energy, has the spirit rhyme that the world spiritual energy breeds. When the spirit rhyme becomes enough strong, they gradually will be born own consciousness, this was the wisdom spirit furnace. 灵炉是真正的天地瑰宝,可以说,每一尊灵炉的形成都是一次奇迹的诞生,这些灵炉之中,有着庞大的天地灵气,更有着天地灵气孕育出的灵韵。当灵韵变得足够强时,它们就会逐渐诞生出属于自己的意识,这就是智慧灵炉了。 Generally speaking, the energy is stronger, be purer and be born the spirit rhyme, these three points appraise a foundation of spirit furnace. Then is during the experience of human, concluded the spirit furnace of contract to experience several evolutions with human. 一般来说,能量越强、越纯粹、诞生出灵韵,这三点是评价一尊灵炉的基础。然后就是人类的经验之中,曾经与人类缔结过契约的灵炉经历过几次进化。 Like the temple record, some spirit furnaces most have evolved three times, some are five times. This is actually not absolute, but, has throughout human history had such evolution, did not mean that the limit of spirit furnace evolution is these. This is two concepts. 像圣殿记载中,有的灵炉最多进化过三次,有的是五次。这其实也并不是绝对的,而是在人类的历史上,有过这样的进化,并不是说灵炉进化的极限就是这些。这是两个概念。 Long Dangdang was extended to the surroundings by own energetic antenna gradually, goes to careful contact each spirit furnace, is feeling their energy change, is feeling among the expressions whether can produce the resonance. This spirit furnace choice, he prepares all by the heart. Seeks for existence that and most agree with. 龙当当让自己的精神触角渐渐向周围延伸,去小心的接触每一尊灵炉,感受着它们的能量变化,也感受着自己语气之间是否能够产生共鸣。这一次的灵炉挑选,他准备一切由心。去寻找那与自己最为契合的存在。 Long Kongkong was different, his without hesitation summoned the islet tung oil tree. 龙空空就不一样了,他毫不犹豫的就把屿桐呼唤了出来。 Islet tung oil tree and islet tung oil tree, you said, which I do choose? So many spirit furnaces, some of my pinkeye.” Stores up the spirit furnace in this knight temple in it place, at least several hundred spirit furnaces, including some are even same. For example the Saint directs the spirit furnace, such a while he saw several. “屿桐、屿桐,你说,我选哪一尊好?这么多灵炉,我都有些挑花眼了。”在这骑士圣殿储存灵炉所在之地,至少有数百尊灵炉,其中有一些甚至是一样的。譬如圣引灵炉,这么一会儿他就看到好几尊了。 The body completely presents for the flash that the islet tung oil tree of golden bright condition presents, surroundings all spirit furnaces produced the strange resonance. Even flew to fall on the in the air spirit furnace. This is to veneration of wisdom spirit furnace, even if present islet tung oil tree, because the contract returned first-order, but as her of wisdom spirit furnace, as before is in the spirit furnace existence of King level. 身体完全呈现为金色光明状态的屿桐出现的一刹那,周围所有的灵炉都产生出了奇异的共鸣。甚至飞在空中的灵炉很多都落了下来。这是对智慧灵炉的尊崇,哪怕现在的屿桐因为契约回归了一阶,但作为智慧灵炉的她,也依旧是灵炉之中王者层次的存在。 The islet tung oil tree looks at Long Kongkong, said: Still remembers the situation about spirit hole?” 屿桐看着龙空空,道:“还记得有关于灵窍的情况吗?” Long Kongkong nods saying: Human body has nine big spirit holes to store up the spirit furnace. Respectively is the forehead, chest, dantian, top of the head spiritual platform and vest, as well as palm foot heart.” 龙空空点点头道:“人体有九大灵窍可以储存灵炉嘛。分别是眉心、胸口、丹田、头顶灵台、背心,以及手心脚心。” The islet tung oil tree nods, said: Good, has the spirit furnace normally, first will appear in the forehead, chest and dantian these three positions fuses. This is because, these three positions are naturally most suitable to have the spirit furnace , for your body solid books. Only after having solidly this, your bodies can better promotes, will withstand existence of spirit furnace including the future.” 屿桐点了点头,道:“不错,正常拥有灵炉,首先就会出现在眉心、胸口、丹田这三个位置进行融合。这是因为,这三个位置天然就最适合拥有灵炉,也是为了为你们的身体固本。唯有固本之后,你们的身体才能够更好的进行提升,包括未来承受更多灵炉的存在。” What your forehead fusion is I, the chest is the Yuan whorl spirit furnace, the dantian is the Saint directs the spirit furnace.” “你的眉心融合的是我,胸口是元涡灵炉,丹田是圣引灵炉。” Long Kongkong scratches the head, said: This? Which I had not ravelled their two in the chest, use time, the Saint directs the spirit furnace also to appear from the chest.” 龙空空挠挠头,道:“这样吗?我一直都没弄明白它们两个哪个是在胸口的,使用的时候,圣引灵炉也是从胸口出现的。” The islet tung oil tree said: That is its mode of action, is different from the place that it has. You are only have not induced carefully, otherwise you should be able to feel.” 屿桐道:“那是它的作用方式,和它存在的地方是不一样的。你只是自己没有仔细感应过而已,不然的话你应该是能够感受到的。” Long Kongkong said: That different spirit furnace, will the solid this degree have the difference?” 龙空空道:“那不同的灵炉,固本的程度会有区别吗?” The islet tung oil tree said: Somewhat the meeting has, but is not absolute. The spirit furnace can affect you, you will also affect the spirit furnace reverse. Therefore, regarding truly powerful occupation, is filled the spirit furnace by five big natural hole holes that must first strive, thus was not leaked by oneself.” 屿桐道:“多少会有一些,但不是绝对。灵炉会影响你们,你们也会反向影响灵炉。所以,对于真正强大的职业者来说,首先要争取的就是让自己的五大天然窍穴充满灵炉,从而让自身无漏。” Long Kongkong looked that sits to not far away in ground Long Dangdang said: My brother? How is his three spirit furnace in the hole hole?” 龙空空看向不远处坐在地上的龙当当道:“那我哥呢?他的三尊灵炉都是怎么在窍穴的?” The islet tung oil tree said: Your elder brother's Saint directs the spirit furnace in the chest, the Saint lotus spirit furnace in the dantian, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace in the forehead. Generally speaking, the wisdom spirit furnace is most suitable in the forehead or top of the head spiritual platform.” 屿桐道:“你哥的圣引灵炉在胸口,圣莲灵炉在丹田,月明沧海灵炉在眉心。一般来说,智慧灵炉是最适合在眉心或者头顶灵台的。” Long Kongkong blinks saying: „Was his Saint lotus spirit furnace a little weak? That I thought that no uses!” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛道:“那他的圣莲灵炉是不是有点弱了?那个我觉得没啥用啊!” The islet tung oil tree said: Kong Kong, you remember any spirit furnace, did not have the small and weak saying, even should not appraise like this. The formation of each spirit furnace, is condensation of the world spiritual energy, needs the accumulations of innumerable years, to be the destiny is. The Saint lotus spirit furnace you think that now it is not strong , because it has not completed the evolution. After waiting for it to evolve, you will see its prestige to be able. The magic temple clearly is knowing that the Kong Kong talent in the situation makes him fuse the Saint lotus spirit furnace, why do you know?” 屿桐道:“空空,你记住无论是什么样的灵炉,都没有弱小一说,甚至不应该这样去评价。每一尊灵炉的形成,都是天地灵气的凝聚,都需要无数岁月的积累,都是气运的所在。圣莲灵炉你现在觉得它不强,是因为它还没有完成进化。等它进化之后,你就会看到它的威能了。魔法圣殿在明知道空空本身天赋的情况下却让他融合圣莲灵炉,你知道为什么吗?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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