SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#243: Aggressive spirit furnace

Chapter 243 aggressive spirit furnace 第243章凶悍灵炉 Why?” Hears the islet tung oil tree to ask own why magic temple will give the Elder Brother the Saint lotus spirit furnace, Long Kongkong is also a curiosity of face. “为什么?”听到屿桐问自己为什么魔法圣殿会给哥哥圣莲灵炉,龙空空也是一脸的好奇。 The islet tung oil tree said: That is because of the characteristics of Saint lotus spirit furnace. Do not look that the first-order Saint lotus spirit furnace is common, in fact, it has the characteristics that other spirit furnaces do not have.” 屿桐道:“那是因为圣莲灵炉的特性。你不要看一阶的圣莲灵炉不起眼,实际上,它却有着一种其他灵炉都不具备的特性。” What characteristics?” Long Kongkong was even more curious. “什么特性?”龙空空越发的好奇了。 Gentle.” The islet tung oil tree said. “平和。”屿桐说道。 Gentle is also characteristics? Can I also calculate lazily?” Long Kongkong hehe said with a smile. “平和也是一种特性?那我懒惰是不是也能算?”龙空空嘿嘿笑道。 Islet tung oil tree ill-humored say/way: Your that is the characteristics, the shortcoming characteristics. Do not despise gentle, the gentle significance has, own attribute is gentle, is easier to be absorbed. The Saint lotus spirit furnace is the spirit furnace that an all human can absorb.” 屿桐没好气的道:“你那是特性,缺点特性。你不要小看平和,平和的意义有很多,自身的属性平和,就更容易被吸收。圣莲灵炉是一种所有人类都可以吸收的灵炉。” But is also mediocre!” Long Kongkong cannot bear say. “但也平庸啊!”龙空空忍不住说道。 The islet tung oil tree said: you listened to me to say. Besides is gentle easy to absorb, contains. The Saint lotus spirit furnace is rare can contain existences of other spirit furnaces, it can fuse with many spirit furnaces, thus is born the new spirit furnace. This is its precious place. When the Saint lotus spirit furnace completes with other spirit furnace fusions, definitely will play certain promotion role, the spirit furnace as well as host own attribute of strong and weak and fusion of promotion are related.” 屿桐道:“伱听我说完。平和除了容易吸收之外,还有就是包容。圣莲灵炉是罕见的能够包容其他灵炉的存在,它能够与很多灵炉进行融合,从而诞生出新的灵炉。这才是它珍贵的地方。当圣莲灵炉与其他灵炉融合完成时,必然会起到一定的提升作用,提升的强弱和融合的灵炉以及宿主自身的属性有关。” Long Kongkong said: Such good? We also make the Saint lotus spirit furnace, can make you also evolve?” 龙空空道:“这么好?那我们也弄个圣莲灵炉,是不是能让你也进化一下啊?” The islet tung oil tree shakes the head, said: I do not need. Moreover you are a knight, although the Saint lotus spirit furnace can fuse anybody, but on the other hand, the magician who only then controls the element can make it play the biggest role.” 屿桐摇摇头,道:“我不需要了。而且你是骑士,圣莲灵炉虽然能够融合任何人,但相对来说,只有掌控元素的魔法师能够让它发挥出最大的作用。” Long Kongkong said: This gadget also weak, who gives up two spirit furnace fusions generally! Again bad, evolves that is not many respectively a spirit furnace.” 龙空空道:“不过这玩意儿也鸡肋吧,一般谁舍得把两个灵炉融合啊!再差,分别进化出来那不也多一个灵炉么。” The islet tung oil tree nods, said: For this reason, its value is not specially high. Without many people are willing to fuse the spirit furnace, spirit furnace support in spirit hole, even if is in itself weak, can make occupation easy to have a bigger promotion in the process, the development process of cultivation. Ordinary occupation wanted to obtain the spirit furnace difficulty is too big.” 屿桐点点头,道:“正因如此,它的价值才不是特别高。没有多少人舍得融合灵炉的,灵炉支撑在灵窍,哪怕本身不够强,也能够让职业者在修炼的过程中、成长过程中容易有更大的提升。普通职业者想要获得灵炉难度太大了。” Long Kongkong said: „What spirit furnace should we choose now?” 龙空空道:“那我们现在应该选一个什么样的灵炉呢?” The islet tung oil tree said: Suits own is best. Also only then yourself understand yourself. Calms the mind, like ding-dong feels, feels is most suitable your, you naturally know how should choose.” 屿桐道:“适合自己的才是最好的。也只有你自己才了解自己。静下心来,像当当那样去感受吧,去感受最适合你的那一个,你自然就知道该怎么去选择了。” Long Kongkong looks at her surprisedly, raised the hand points at own nose saying: „Do I elect? I definitely choose to suit run or can protect my own!” 龙空空惊讶的看着她,抬手指着自己的鼻子道:“我自己选?那我肯定选个适合跑路或者能保护我自己的啊!” The islet tung oil tree said: You elect. Is as one desires good.” 屿桐道:“那你就去选。随心就好。” Long Kongkong said: I do not know these spirit furnaces, what to do? Does not know that is what characteristics.” 龙空空道:“那我也不认识这些灵炉,怎么办?都不知道是什么特性。” The islet tung oil tree changes into the golden ray to drill into his forehead to vanish without the trace together, only leaves behind one, feels attentively.” 屿桐化为一道金色光芒钻入他眉心消失无踪,只留下一句,“用心去感受。” „Was this too also irresponsible?” Long Kongkong in high spirits becomes somewhat wants to cry but have no tears immediately. These several hundred spirit furnaces, how making him elect! How the intention feels! Which he looks at very well. “这也太不负责任了吧?”龙空空的兴高采烈顿时变得有些欲哭无泪。这几百个灵炉,让他怎么选啊!怎么用心感受啊!他看哪个都挺好。 At this moment, suddenly, he as if felt anything, turned round to look suddenly, looked to sitting cross-legged to sit in ground Long Dangdang. 就在这时,突然间,他仿佛感受到了什么,骤然回身看去,看向盘膝坐在地上的龙当当 But also in this moment, Long Dangdang opened the double pupil suddenly, jumps, but the whole person just like arrow Yaichi, flushes away in a direction. 而也就在这一刻,龙当当突然睁开了双眸,腾身而起整个人宛如箭矢一般,朝着一个方向冲去。 Long Kongkong gawked, is this does do? 龙空空愣了一下,这是干啥呢? The next quarter, he saw, red glow explodes shoots to come, to directly soar Long Dangdang to fly to shoot, but. That red glow speed wonderful quick incomparable, seems like a red flowing light, Long Kongkong can feel in this red glow obviously to bring the air/Qi of ominous offense, the air/Qi of powerful ominous offense made his whole body flesh have the goosebumps. 下一刻,他就看到,一道红芒爆射而来,直奔龙当当飞射而至。那红芒速度奇快无比,看上去就像是一道红色流光,龙空空都能感受到这红芒上明显带着凶戾之气,强盛的凶戾之气让他全身肌肤都起了鸡皮疙瘩。 Quite ominous! This is his first feeling. 好凶!这是他的第一个感觉。 But next flickers, Long Dangdang had actually rushed to that red ray front, lifts the right hand to grasp to that red light. 而下一瞬,龙当当却已经是冲到了那红色光芒前方,抬起右手向那红光抓去。 That red light actually gets rid suddenly, comes toward his chest place directly again, as if must pierce his chest. But at this moment, Long Dangdang actually turns around the figure suddenly, welcomed the impact of that red light with the vest. 那红光却是骤然摆脱,直接就朝着他胸口处重来,仿佛是要将他胸口刺穿似的。而就在这时,龙当当却猛然掉转身形,用背心迎上了那红光的冲击。 Bang, on Long Dangdang the red light four shoot in an instant, the back as if bloomed instantaneously innumerable brilliance. The body of his whole person shivered fiercely, then on the face revealed the extremely painful expression. “砰”的一声,龙当当身上刹那间红光四射,背后仿佛瞬间绽放出了无数光辉似的。他整个人的身体剧烈的颤抖了一下,然后脸上就流露出了极其痛苦的表情。 The air/Qi of ominous offense previously that red light sent out burst out from his body immediately outward, Long Kongkong clear seeing, the Long Dangdang skin surface started the blue vein to reveal completely, he opened mouth as to cry out, actually could not make any sound. 先前那红光散发出的凶戾之气顿时从他身体里向外迸发而出,龙空空清晰的看到,龙当当的皮肤表面开始青筋毕露,他张开嘴仿佛想要呐喊,却偏偏发不出任何声音来。 I go, what gadget brother this absorbed? How can unable to withstand? 我去,老哥这是吸收了个什么玩意儿?怎么要承受不住了似的? Long Kongkong has a scare, does not dare to neglect, before rushing to rush, rapidly displays the angel blessing. 龙空空吓了一跳,不敢怠慢,赶忙冲上前,迅速施展天使祝福。 However, useless! Angel blessing ray that he releases, was almost keeps off beyond the red light instantaneously, is unable to contact the body of Long Dangdang. 但是,没用!他释放出的天使祝福光芒,几乎是瞬间就被挡在了红光之外,根本就无法接触到龙当当的身体。 Also at this moment, one group of white lights flow from the Long Dangdang chest front, is the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, that white jade spirit furnace falls, on the Long Dangdang forehead, a crescent moon also appears, the moonlight that in the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace flows falls like the invisible thing on him, making his painful the expression relax several points immediately, that gentle pale blue moonlight integrated within the body, the ominous offense red glow restrained several points, but actually remains as before, even and strength of moonlight is having certain impact. 也就在这时,一团白光从龙当当胸前流淌而出,正是月明沧海灵炉,那白玉般的灵炉倾倒而下,龙当当额头上,一轮弯月随之浮现出来,月明沧海灵炉中流淌出的月华如同无形之物落在他身上,让他那痛苦的表情顿时放松了几分,那柔和的淡蓝色月华融入体内,凶戾红芒收敛几分,但却依旧还存在着,甚至和月华之力产生着一定的冲击。 „Can old companion, still remember me?” The voice of sea resounds. “老伙计,可还记得我吗?”沧海的声音响起。 The red light of that surging forward as if stagnated slightly, but the next quarter to/clashes again, sign that has not weakened slightly. 那正汹涌澎湃的红光似乎略微停滞了一下,但下一刻就再次强冲起来,丝毫没有减弱的迹象。 The sea heaved a deep sigh ding-dong, certainly defended strictly the mind, cannot be broken the heart to guard by the air/Qi of ominous offense, otherwise the deity was difficult to rescue. How you will choose it. Even it is incomplete, is not your human can the carrying/sustaining!” 沧海长叹一声“当当,一定紧守心神,不可被凶戾之气破了心防,否则神仙难救。你怎么会选了它呢。就算它是不完整的,都不是你们人类所能承载的啊!” Long Dangdang when arrived here to start to release the psychic force to feel the spirit furnace silently, he only felt oneself as if entered a marvelous world, in this world, has the innumerable life bodies. Is somewhat intimate with him, somewhat to him is the resistance, more reveals to him is curious. 龙当当在来到这里开始默默释放精神力去感受灵炉的时候,他只觉得自己仿佛进入了一个奇妙的世界,在这个世界中,有着无数生命体。有些对他是亲近的,有些对他是抗拒的,还有更多的对他流露出的则是好奇的。 In, his heart has actually thought what kind of spirit furnace oneself must choose, he now is most defective, actually attack method. But in three spirit furnaces that he has now, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace is auxiliary, the Saint directs the spirit furnace is also auxiliary, the Saint lotus spirit furnace is the protection. Therefore, he wants is one enough powerful, has the attack class spirit furnace of growth potential. 在进来的时候,他心中其实就已经想好了自己要选择怎样的灵炉,他现在最欠缺的,其实还是攻击手段。而他现在所拥有的三尊灵炉之中,月明沧海灵炉是辅助,圣引灵炉也是辅助,圣莲灵炉是守护。所以,他想要的就是一尊足够强大的,拥有成长潜力的攻击类灵炉。 Therefore, he removed these quite temperate spirit furnace quickly, these are primarily the assistance, defense and increase, this is not he wants. What he in seeking is these sharp spirit furnaces. 所以,他很快就排除了那些比较温和的灵炉,这些都是以辅助、防御、增幅为主,这不是他想要的。他在寻找的是那些锋锐的灵炉。 Quick, he also found, after all, not only the spirit furnace of knight temple reserve suits the protection knight, there is a suitable disciplinary punishment knight. The spirit furnaces of these attack classes obviously want to be stronger, is willing to produce with him agrees with has, but are not many. 很快,他也找到了一些,毕竟,骑士圣殿储备的灵炉不只是适合守护骑士,也有适合惩戒骑士的。这些攻击类的灵炉明显就要强势一些,愿意与他产生契合的有一些,但并不多。 Long Dangdang continues feels, had some goals gradually, but he wants to look, can take existence of own nuclear mind furnace, after all five big natural spirit holes only had two, he must treasure itself! 龙当当持续的去感受,渐渐地有了一些目标,但他想要找的,是能够作为自己核心灵炉的存在,毕竟五大天然灵窍就只剩下两个了,他也要珍惜自身啊! When he is indecisive, the psychic force has swept a corner time, the spirit furnace that ash throws brought to his attention suddenly. When his psychic force from this quiet even as if by the grey spirit furnace of dust percolation passed over gently and swiftly in the corner, this spirit furnace does not have the half a point to respond. When he borrows the small evil strength to strengthen the psychic force to investigate. This spirit furnace has no response as before, as if the two trees grown into one he is not willing to pay attention. 就在他犹豫不决的时候,精神力扫过一个角落的时候,一尊灰扑扑的灵炉突然引起了他的注意。当他的精神力从这沉寂在角落中甚至都仿佛被灰尘浸透的灰色灵炉掠过时,这灵炉没有半分反应。而当他借用小邪的力量增强自身精神力去探查的时候。这尊灵炉依旧没有任何反应,似乎连理他都不愿意去理会似的。 But Long Dangdang actually discovered, is very big in a range around this grey spirit furnace, other spirit furnaces have not existed, as if the having mystical powers furnace must desirably avoids it to resemble. 龙当当却发现,在这尊灰色灵炉周围很大一片范围内,并没有其他灵炉存在,似乎所有灵炉都要刻意的去避开它似的。 This made him be interested in this spirit furnace. Is what kind of existence makes other spirit furnaces can't run away quick enough? 这就让他对这尊灵炉更加感兴趣了。是怎样的存在让其他灵炉都避之唯恐不及呢? He gathers the psychic force, starts to launch the impact on this spirit furnace. However, this spirit furnace is actually rock-solid, as if disdains in completely paying attention to him resembles, his psychic force is unable to break in goes to feel its characteristics truly. 他将精神力集中,开始向这尊灵炉发起冲击。但是,这尊灵炉却是坚若磐石,仿佛完全不屑于理会他似的,他的精神力也根本无法冲入其中去真正感受其特性。 This what to do? 这怎么办? Is because are not very outstanding, therefore this spirit furnace isn't willing to pay attention to itself? Own psychic force is not good, then on some belt/bring special aura? Therefore, Long Dangdang starts to transfer the small eight aura, carried over dragon sovereign lineage/vein the energetic aura to fluctuate by own psychic force. It looks like eight to send out a spiritual level dragon to recite toward that spirit furnace with its psychic force slightly. 难道是因为自己不够优秀,所以这灵炉不愿意理会自己?自己的精神力不行,那就带一些特殊的气息?于是,龙当当开始调动小八的气息,让自己的精神力之中带出一丝龙皇一脉的精神气息波动。就像是小八用它的精神力朝着那灵炉发出一声精神层面的龙吟似的。 When that spirit furnace initial as before does not have any response, but stopped a moment later, immediately vibrated. A strange desolate meaning spreads from inside, but flickers below, Long Dangdang felt fiercely in own contract space small eight had the fierce mood to fluctuate. Arrived as if must work loose fiercely from the contract space, then immediately runs away. 那灵炉初始时依旧没有任何反应,但只是停顿了片刻之后,顿时震动了起来。一股奇异的苍凉之意从里面蔓延出来,而就在下一瞬,龙当当猛地感觉到自己契约空间中的小八出现了剧烈的情绪波动。剧烈到仿佛要从契约空间中挣脱出来,然后立刻逃走似的。 What situation? The Long Dangdang heart is also one startled , he saw that ash throws in the common spirit furnace, starts to brave air/Qi red glow, when that red glow appears, previous desolate turned into the unequalled ominous offense, as if in hidden an extremely terrifying ominous beast to be the same, this ominous beast was awakened from the deep sleep, opened own lackey slowly, blooms the terrifying incomparable domineering aura. 什么情况?龙当当心头也是一惊,紧接着,他就看到了那灰扑扑不起眼的灵炉之中,开始冒气一道道红芒,当那红芒出现时,先前的苍凉变成了无与伦比的凶戾,仿佛在其中隐藏着一头极其恐怖的凶兽一般,这凶兽从沉睡中被唤醒,缓缓张开了自身的爪牙,绽放出恐怖无比的强势气息。 Long Dangdang after surprised is joyful, this powerful ominous offense aura representative attacks inevitably. When the air/Qi of this ominous offense presents at the same time, in his heart also has the feeling of jumping for joy faintly, how can I say, looking like a person back was very suddenly itchy, suddenly saw itchy flexure, wants to take to give itself to come two feelings it immediately. Although air/Qi of exciting Long Dangdang psychic force that ominous offense is trembling, but while trembling, he only thought that as if has anything also to be stimulated being ready to make trouble in own within the body, even is stimulated as. 龙当当在惊讶之后是欣喜,这种强盛的凶戾气息代表的必然是攻击。而当这凶戾之气出现的同时,他内心之中也隐隐有中欢欣雀跃的感觉,怎么说呢,就像是一个人后背突然很痒,突然看到了一个痒痒挠似的,想立刻把它拿起来给自己来两下似的感觉。那凶戾之气刺激的龙当当精神力虽然在震颤,但在震颤的同时,他只觉得在自己体内仿佛有什么东西也在被刺激着蠢蠢欲动,甚至是亢奋似的。 Then that ominous offense aura exciting while his heart, the spirit furnace that threw from that ash had flushed, was ordinary just like the long spear/gun big lance, flushed to him outrageously. 然后那凶戾的气息就在他心中兴奋的同时,就已经从那灰扑扑的灵炉之中冲了出来,宛如长枪大矛一般,悍然向他冲了过来。 Long Dangdang made the choice immediately, opened the back mind hole directly, welcomed this spirit furnace. This spirit furnace is aggressive, he must face with the strongest attitude, enables its to become a part of strength. 龙当当在第一时间就做出了选择,直接开启了背心灵窍,迎上了这灵炉。这灵炉凶悍,他就要用最强势的态度来面对,让其成为自己力量的一部分。 When the air/Qi of that ominous offense breaks in within the body, Long Dangdang felt instantaneously as if broke in the innumerable incomparably sharp daggers to be the same in own meridians, the place visited meridians instantaneous ballooning got up. His outside spirit strength has over 6000, is only this, perhaps wants the meridians completely to break. For all this, his body bears the huge impact, the meridians is inflating rapidly, the whole person also inflated, the whole body is angry. Long Dangdang even can feel own meridians as if to start to present the fissure, but then is just the time that breathe several times! 当那凶戾之气冲入体内的时候,龙当当瞬间感觉到仿佛在自己的经脉之中冲入了无数柄无比锋锐的尖刀一般,所过之处经脉瞬间鼓胀起来。要不是他自身的外灵力已经有六千以上,只是这一下,恐怕就要经脉尽断。尽管如此,他的身体还是承受着巨大的冲击,经脉在飞速膨胀,整个人都随之膨胀了起来,全身青筋暴露。龙当当甚至都能感受到自己的经脉似乎已经开始出现裂痕了,而这才只不过是几次呼吸的时间而已啊! Terrifying in this way? 恐怖如斯吗? At this moment, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace fell the moonlight that came to arrive, under moistening of moonlight, the fissure of meridians was closed temporarily, stabilized the aspect forcefully. The air/Qi of ominous offense but that attempts to break through in all directions is actually becomes more and more powerful vicious. 就在这时,月明沧海灵炉倾倒而来的月华到了,在月华的滋润下,经脉的裂痕被暂时弥合,强行稳住了局面。但那左冲右突的凶戾之气却是变得越来越强盛凶狠。 Actually is this what spirit furnace? How to plant to destroy all, to slaughter all flavors. Long Dangdang is tolerating the severe pain in within the body, according to the sea said that defends strictly the mind. Because he discovered, the final destination that this red glow wants to break in unexpectedly is his sea of energetic, as if must destroy own consciousness. 这究竟是什么灵炉?怎么有种要摧毁一切、杀戮一切的味道。龙当当强忍着体内的剧痛,按照沧海所说紧守心神。因为他发现,这红芒想要冲入的最终目的地竟然是他的精神之海,仿佛要将自己的意识都摧毁了似的。 Small eight this time has trembled in the contract space. This has not had situation. Initially newborn small eight faced the mouse king, although was also anxious, but did not have the fear to this degree, as if met difficult adversary. 小八此时已经在契约空间之中瑟瑟发抖了。这是从来都没有出现过的情况。当初初生的小八面对鼠大王虽然也紧张,但还没有恐惧到这种程度,仿佛是遇到了克星似的。 The moonlight that the sea releases is infiltrating the body unceasingly, but Long Dangdang actually feels as before, own body will not as if be able to withstand. Because that red glow pours into to come continuously, unexpectedly so fierce. That aggressive thought has started to disturb his thought that making in his innermost feelings start to present the air/Qi of ominous offense. 沧海释放的月华不断的浸润着身体,但龙当当却依旧感受到,自己的身体仿佛还是会承受不住。因为那红芒源源不绝注入而来,竟是如此的凶猛。那股凶悍的意念已经开始干扰他的思想,让他的内心之中开始出现凶戾之气了。 Long Kongkong looks in the one side, just started is surprised, found the appropriate spirit furnace to be joyful for the brother, but is quick he to feel is not right, the body of Long Dangdang shivers was too fierce, obviously somewhat cannot control, in addition the words of sea, making him immediately intense. 龙空空在一旁看着,刚开始是惊讶,为了老哥找到合适的灵炉而欣喜,但很快他就感受到不对了,龙当当的身体颤抖的太厉害了,明显是有些控制不住,再加上沧海的话,让他顿时紧张起来。 Twin brothers, Long Dangdang, when bears the acute agony, his many will have some inductions, at this moment, he felt brother's condition is becoming more and more manic, making his heart have a hot tempered feeling. 双胞胎同气连枝,龙当当在承受剧烈痛苦的时候,他多少都会有一些感应,此时此刻,他就感觉到老哥的状态正在变得越来越狂躁,让他心头都产生出一股暴躁的感觉。 Islet tung oil tree, what spirit furnace is this? What to do? My brother has the danger probably.” Long Kongkong anxious asking. “屿桐,这是什么灵炉啊?怎么办?我哥好像有危险。”龙空空急切的问道。 I and I do not know that this is any spirit furnace.” The golden light shadow appears, this time islet tung oil tree, similarly is a shock of face. Resembles, even she, does not know the spirit furnace that Long Dangdang fuses at this moment what is? This can only mean a matter, this is one compared with she more ancient spirit furnace, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace knew, then, likely is existence of sea same time. “我、我也不知道这是什么灵炉。”金色的光影浮现而出,此时的屿桐,同样是一脸的震惊。似的,就算是她,都不知道此时此刻龙当当所融合的灵炉是什么?这就只能是意味着一件事,这是一尊比她更加古老的灵炉,月明沧海灵炉认识,那么,很可能是与沧海同时代的存在。 That what to do? What to do? Saves my brother quickly.” Long Kongkong was anxious immediately. “那怎么办?怎么办?快救救我哥。”龙空空顿时急了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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