SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#241: The strength in body?

The strength in Chapter 241 body? 第241章身体里的力量? Long Dangdang said: I now three spirit furnaces, respectively are the Saint lotus spirit furnaces that the magic temple grants, the Saint that our knight temples grant directs the spirit furnace, as well as I in the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace that the spirit furnace school obtains.” 龙当当道:“我现在有三尊灵炉,分别是魔法圣殿赐予的圣莲灵炉,咱们骑士圣殿赐予的圣引灵炉,以及我在灵炉学院获得的月明沧海灵炉。” Profound cold shows a faint smile beautifully, said: Small age has three spirit furnaces, is very good. The knight temple can open the spirit furnace storehouse to you, whatever you choose a spirit furnace again. It is not many that we are not willing to make you choose, but is the growth of spirit furnace can share you own cultivation harvest. You currently have the pressure that the moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace creates. Therefore, temporarily first do not have too the spirit furnace. I suggested that you can choose an auxiliary cultivation, particularly condenses the spirit furnace in spirit strength, to speed up to the supplement of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace.” 玄寒嫣微微一笑,道:“小小年纪就已经有三尊灵炉,已经很不错了。骑士圣殿可以向你开启灵炉库,任由你再选一尊灵炉。并不是我们不愿意让你选择的更多,而是灵炉的成长会分摊伱自身的修炼收获。你现在已经有月明沧海灵炉带来的压力了。所以,暂时先不要拥有太多灵炉。我建议你可以挑选一尊辅助修炼,尤其是凝聚灵力方面的灵炉,以加快对月明沧海灵炉的补充。” Really gives the spirit furnace! Compares in the equipment, the spirit furnace obviously wanted precious many. The equipment must correspond to cultivate/repair is, cultivated/repaired to arrive at the new level, the equipment often must replace, but the spirit furnace truly can follow the life and also good thing of evolution! 真的给灵炉啊!相比于装备,灵炉显然要珍贵的多了。装备还要对应修为,修为到了新的层次,装备往往也要随之替换,但灵炉确实可以跟随一生并且随之进化的好东西啊! It can be said that why Long Dangdang they can, in strength dominates above ordinary occupation, the spirit furnace that they have is most important. 可以说,龙当当他们为什么能够在实力方面凌驾于普通职业者之上,他们自身所拥有的灵炉就是重中之重。 sacred hall Sir, that does Kong Kong have such reward?” Long Dangdang asked. “圣堂大人,那空空有这样的奖励吗?”龙当当问道。 Profound cold beautiful say/way: Spirit furnace also has. secret silver base his present strength is insufficient, but also needs to continue to try hard to be good. However, condition, from now on, only if authorizes after the temple, or is hunts for the demon group headquarters to authorize you to carry out the task, you cannot easily leave the holy city. Your securities, have related to the future of temple, hopes that you can understand.” 玄寒嫣道:“灵炉也是有的。秘银基座他现在的实力还不足,还需要继续努力才行。不过,有一个条件,从现在开始,除非是经过圣殿批准,或者是猎魔团总部批准你们去执行任务,你们不能轻易离开圣城。你们的安全,已经关系到圣殿的未来,希望你们能够理解。” „? sacred hall Sir, we have left home to have almost two years, wants to go back to have a look at the parents recently.” Long Dangdang rushes to say. “啊?圣堂大人,我们已经离家有差不多两年的时间了,本想最近回去看看父母呢。”龙当当赶忙说道。 Profound cold beautiful say/way: This you do not need to worry, I will make one take your parents to come to reunite with you to the holy city, later they can also be based in the holy city. Even in our temple headquarters. Your present teacher is sea Ji Feng and purple day dance. The sea discipline maple tree I will recall him recently, making him conduct some time training to you. Your quick of strength rise, was graduated from the spirit furnace school, but to a higher level need better guidance.” 玄寒嫣道:“这个你不用担心,我会让人接你们的父母到圣城来和你们团聚,以后他们也可以常驻在圣城。甚至是在咱们圣殿总部之中。你现在的老师是海纪枫和紫天舞是吧。海纪枫我最近会将他召回,让他对你进行一段时间的培养。你的实力提升的很快,也算是从灵炉学院毕业了,但到了更高的层次需要更好的引导。” Knight temple this was also in every possible way showed loving care, Long Dangdang could not say anything, can only be the nod complies. 骑士圣殿这也算是无微不至的关怀了,龙当当也说不出什么,只能是点头答应。 Before Long Dangdang returns , when room that rests, Long Kongkong has not waked from the deep sleep. But the aura became steadier. 龙当当重新回到之前休息的房间时,龙空空还没有从沉睡中醒过来呢。但气息变得更加平稳了。 On the Long Dangdang face appears to wipe the light smile, this test, lets attaching great importance to of knight temple their enormous degree without doubt, the wisdom spirit furnace adds on own Golden Dragon mount, almost will state clearly them to become sacred hall on the difference from the profound cold beautiful words in the future. In position, Long Dangdang likely are the first position successor in sacred hall. 龙当当脸上浮现出一抹淡淡的微笑,这次的测试,无疑让骑士圣殿对他们极大程度的重视起来,智慧灵炉加上自己的黄金龙坐骑,从玄寒嫣的话语中几乎就差明说未来他们必成圣堂了。在顺位方面,龙当当自己很可能就已经是圣堂的第一顺位继承者。 As for the choice of spirit furnace, he has no idea actually, has moon/month of bright sea spirit furnace old seniors, at the appointed time the candidate what spirit furnace, listens his and that's the end. Many they not clear issues, in front of the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace at all are not anything, like the heart shining coverall that before chooses. Twice chose the glistening level equipment to turn into the legend level actually. 至于灵炉的挑选,他倒是没什么想法,有月明沧海灵炉这位老前辈在,到时候选什么灵炉,听他的就是了。很多他们不明白的问题,在月明沧海灵炉面前根本不算什么,就像之前挑选的心耀套装。两次选择就硬是将辉耀级装备变成了传奇级。 As for challenging the secret silver base knight, the Long Dangdang preparation first precipitation said some time again. 至于挑战秘银基座骑士,龙当当准备先沉淀一段时间再说。 The seven step knight quantities of knight temple are many, but the secret silver base knight altogether only has 72. Each is the battle efficiency outstanding outstanding person. Although oneself have three Golden Dragon, but listens to the profound cold beautiful meaning, as if must be hidden the mount by oneself temporarily, even after is, do not reveal three Golden Dragon when the test in magic temple. This is the knight temple only request, the premise of this request is, gives him and a Long Kongkong spirit furnace. 骑士圣殿的七阶骑士数量不少,但秘银基座骑士却是一共就只有七十二位。每一位都是战斗力超群的佼佼者。虽然自己有三头黄金龙在,但听玄寒嫣的意思,似乎还是要让自己暂时隐藏坐骑,哪怕是之后在魔法圣殿的测试时都不要显露出三头黄金龙。这是骑士圣殿唯一的要求,这个要求的前提就是,给他和龙空空一人一尊灵炉。 Long Dangdang can gain the advantage from the magic temple, but Long Kongkong is actually the pure knight, can only depend upon the knight temple, therefore Long Dangdang can only comply. 龙当当自己能够从魔法圣殿获得好处,但龙空空却是纯粹的骑士,只能依靠骑士圣殿这边,所以龙当当就只能是答应了下来。 Of without letting small eight entering the stage, the strengths of six steps wants to defeat the secret silver base knight by him now is not an easy matter. Therefore, he also needs to further promote itself to be good. 在不让小八出场的情况下,以他现在六阶的实力想要战胜秘银基座骑士可不是一件容易的事情。所以,他还需要进一步提升自己才行。 Was completely dark to outside weather, lay down Long Kongkong on bed had the sound finally. 一直到外面的天色完全暗了下来,躺在床上的龙空空才终于有了动静。 Dies to the master! Dies to the master......, aiyu, my head......” “给爷死!给爷死……,哎呦,我的头……” Listens to Long Kongkong to scatter talks in one's sleep, Long Dangdang lifted the hand directly is violent chestnut/trembling smash in the past, making also ignorant him one sober. 听着龙空空撒呓挣,龙当当直接抬手就是一个暴栗砸了过去,让还浑浑噩噩的他一下就清醒了过来。 Long Kongkong opens the eye time, the eyeground also brings some capillaries, when his eyes see Long Dangdang, the first response blinks. 龙空空睁开眼睛的时候,眼底还带着一些血丝,当他一眼就看到身边的龙当当时,第一个反应是眨了眨眼睛。 Brother, are you all right?” Long Kongkong weak asking. “老哥,你没事儿?”龙空空虚弱的问道。 Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: I can have anything. Was your lethargic sleep so long? I was pulled apart the arm to faint at that time sorely, what afterward had?” 龙当当没好气的道:“我能有什么事儿。你怎么昏睡了这么久?我当时被扯断胳膊就疼晕了过去,后来发生了什么?” Long Kongkong blinks, has a look at Long Dangdang, has a look at itself again, the memory fragment starts to reappear in the mind, the beforehand all sorts gradually are also clear. 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,看看龙当当,再看看自己,记忆的碎片开始在脑海中浮现,之前的种种也渐渐清晰起来。 At this moment, golden light flows from his chest front, all covers him and Long Dangdang, isolated all. 就在这时,一蓬金光从他胸前奔涌而出,将他和龙当当全都笼罩在内,也隔绝了外界的一切。 Figure beautiful islet tung oil tree quiet reappearing. 身形婀娜的屿桐悄无声息的浮现而出。 Islet tung oil tree, this what's the matter?” Long Kongkong somewhat impatient asking. “屿桐,这到底是怎么回事儿?”龙空空有些迫不及待的问道。 Islet tung oil tree deep looked at his one eyes, sighed: You lost control. The injury of because ding-dong withstanding, you lost control suddenly, causing one special strength in your body to erupt. This strength is you are not controllable, if not in demon boundary like this small space, but in the outside world, likely is irreversible.” 屿桐深深的看了他一眼,叹息道:“你失控了。因为当当承受的伤害,你突然失控了,导致你们身体里的一种特殊力量爆发了出来。这股力量是你们不可控的,如果不是在魔境这样的小空间之中,而是在外界,很可能就不可逆了。” Reversiblily how can't?” Long Dangdang asked. “不可逆会怎么样?”龙当当问道。 The islet tung oil tree said: Will die.” 屿桐道:“会死。” The Long Dangdang breath stagnates, Long Kongkong blinks, such serious? I a little recorded do not seem me to absorb my brother's strength clearly, then can ruin all, did I kill that demon god?” 龙当当呼吸一滞,龙空空眨了眨眼睛,“这么严重的嘛?我有点记不清楚了好像我吸收了我哥的力量,然后就能毁掉一切,我杀了那个魔神?” Listened to his these words, the Long Dangdang pupil to contract suddenly, turned head to look suddenly to him, what did you say?” 听了他这句话,龙当当瞳孔骤然收缩,猛然扭头看向他,“你说什么?” Long Kongkong flexure scratched the head, said: My a little impression I killed that demon god probably probably , right, small eight probably at that time also became different.” 龙空空挠了挠头,道:“我好像有点印象我好像把那个魔神弄死了,哦,对了,小八好像当时也变得不一样了似的。” Long Dangdang shifts to the islet tung oil tree again, „does islet tung oil tree senior, what you know the strength in our body is?” 龙当当再转向屿桐,“屿桐前辈,您是不是知道我们身体里的这种力量是什么?” The islet tung oil tree was silent, enough after long time, said slowly: I know, but is not completely clear. I can only say, this is a very powerful strength, is very fearful strength.” 屿桐沉默了,足足半晌之后才缓缓说道:“我知道一点,但并不完全清楚。我只能说,这是一种非常强大的力量,也是很可怕的力量。” Long Dangdang said: „Is that this strength that we can control?” 龙当当道:“那这是我们能够控制的力量吗?” The islet tung oil tree said: By far is beyond control by your present abilities.” 屿桐道:“以你们现在的能力还远远无法控制。” Long Dangdang pursues asks: „After that? We become powerful, can control?” 龙当当追问道:“那以后呢?我们变得强大起来,是不是就可以控制了?” The islet tung oil tree said: Naturally. Therefore you must become powerful are better. Then the start attempt bit by bit controls this strength.” 屿桐道:“当然。所以你们要变得更加强大才行。然后一点一点的开始尝试去掌控这种力量。” Where this strength comes?” Asking of Long Kongkong doubts. Because he just personally experienced existence of this strength, is more curious to this strength. At that time he only felt oneself as if had can destroy all strengths, was thinks dissolute destroyed, afterward heard a familiar sound, in that sound summon, as if sobered, the thought in the heart destroying dissipated, ended then condition, anything did not know afterward. “这力量是从哪里来的啊?”龙空空疑惑的问道。他正因为亲身体验了这种力量的存在,对这种力量才更加好奇。当时他只觉得自己仿佛拥有了可以毁灭一切的力量,更是想放肆的去毁灭,后来听到一个熟悉的声音,在那个声音呼唤中,似乎清醒过来了,心中毁灭的念头消散,才结束了当时的状况,再后来就什么都不知道了。 The islet tung oil tree said: Should be your inborn some.” 屿桐道:“应该是你们天生就有的吧。” Long Dangdang deeply inspires, turns head to look to Long Kongkong, said: „It seems like, we really must study this strength, and starts to attempt to control it to be good gradually. The islet tung oil tree senior, can we do this?” 龙当当深吸口气,扭头看向龙空空,道:“看起来,我们真的要研究研究这种力量,并且开始逐步尝试着去控制它才行。屿桐前辈,我们可以这样做吗?” The islet tung oil tree said: I suggested that you attempt carefully, this and sacrifice skill was different, once released completely, in the real world, you was very difficult to take back it, then it will burn you until death.” 屿桐道:“我建议你们小心的尝试,这和牺牲技能不同,一旦全部释放出来,在现实世界中,你们就很难将其收回,然后它会将你们燃烧至死。” Long Dangdang sinking sound said: „Not controllable strength is most fearful. I thought that we cannot evade, must more understood this strength, then gradual controls it.” 龙当当沉声道:“不可控的力量才最可怕。我觉得我们不能逃避,要更多的去了解这份力量,然后逐步的去掌控它。” Long Kongkong said: Brother, at that time felt very strange, I thought that you integrated my body probably, turned into part of my body, my strength because of having you becomes powerful. The feeling brain is very hot, probably wants to burn down the surrounding all.” 龙空空道:“老哥,当时感觉很奇怪,我觉得你好像融入了我的身体似的,变成了我身体的一部分,我的力量因为有你而变得强大呢。然后就感觉脑子很热,好像想要焚烧掉周围的一切。” The islet tung oil tree said: Therefore, you struck to kill in secure Dumas in that condition, this was at all not the matter that was possible to complete. Therefore I can only that sacred hall with your knight temple say ding-dong has the big dragon to take the mount, believes that dragon sovereign the bloodlines have attracted their attention sufficiently, will not have too many suspicions to you. This strength cannot certainly reveal before them, otherwise you have the studied possibility. You display the talent, wooden show in forest.” 屿桐道:“所以,你们在那种状态下击杀了安杜马里,这本是根本不可能完成的事。所以我只能跟你们骑士圣殿的那位圣堂说了当当拥有巨龙作为坐骑,相信龙皇血脉已经足以吸引他们的注意力,不会对你们产生太多的怀疑。这份力量一定不能在他们面前显露出来,否则你们就有被研究的可能。你们表现的已经十分天才了,不要过于木秀于林。” Long Dangdang nods, said: Thanks the help of senior. Kong Kong, the meaning of knight temple is, must to us a spirit furnace, then give me the opportunity of challenging the secret silver base knight.” 龙当当点点头,道:“谢谢前辈的帮助。空空,骑士圣殿的意思是,要给我们一人一个灵炉,然后给我一个挑战秘银基座骑士的机会。” Long Kongkong eye one bright, also did the having mystical powers furnace take? Delicious! The islet tung oil tree, what spirit furnace do we want to be good?” 龙空空眼睛一亮,“又有灵炉拿了?美滋滋啊!屿桐,我们要个什么灵炉好?” Islet tung oil tree regarding this as if not too big response, but said: When the time comes has a look at the knight temple to have anything. Your fierce of body debt, first rests and contemplates well. Got back the body condition to say again.” 屿桐对此似乎并没有太大的反应,只是道:“到时候看看骑士圣殿这边都有什么吧。你们身体亏空的厉害,先好好休息、冥想。把身体状态恢复过来再说。” Then, she returned Long Kongkong within the body. 说完,她重新回到龙空空体内去了。 Long Kongkong feeling pleased say/way: This test harvest is good! Does not know , can also enter this demon boundary, cultivates in this inside, to us simply is the wasted effort.” 龙空空喜滋滋的道:“这次测试收获不错啊!不知道以后还能不能进入这个魔境,在这里面修炼,对我们来说简直是事倍功半。” Long Dangdang nods, said: Yes, only has such cultivation, I can complete the demand of sea with the short time.” 龙当当点点头,道:“是的,唯有这样修炼,我才能用较短的时间去完成沧海的需求。” Long Kongkong said: What to do if can't enter again?” 龙空空道:“如果不能再进入了怎么办?” The Long Dangdang eyes narrow the eyes, said: Before sacred hall told me, the quick federation could make war with the dead spirit state. The energy of dead spirit lifeform you same can transform, if in the war of dead spirit lifeform, I thinks, we will have similar harvest. But the risk was much bigger.” 龙当当双眼微眯,道:“之前圣堂告诉我,很快联邦可能就要和亡灵国度开战了。亡灵生物的能量你一样可以转化,如果是在与亡灵生物的战争之中,我想,我们会有类似的收获。但危险性却要大得多了。” Long Kongkong blinks, „do we want to participate in the war?” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,“我们要去参与战争吗?” Long Dangdang begins slightly supinely, I want to go. I never want again to facing the snake demon god such felt the powerless feeling.” 龙当当微微仰起头,“我是想去的。我永远不想再向面对蛇魔神那样充满了无力感。” Long Kongkong rare is earnest, his clear remembering at that moment his heart tear severe pain, that intense stimulation, made him have the mutation. 龙空空难得的认真起来,他清晰的记得那一刻他内心撕裂般的剧痛,也正是那强烈的刺激,才让他出现了异变。 Good, you want to go to me to accompany you to go together.” “好,你想去我就陪你一起去。” First contemplates, recovered to say again. Even if must attend the war, before then we must become better.” “先冥想吧,恢复了身体再说。就算要参加战争,在这之前我们还要变得更强才行。” Long Kongkong turned on the Yuan whorl spirit furnace reluctantly, in the god Qi Yutong spirit the increase of furnace and under moon/month bright sea spirit furnace, they start to cultivate. 龙空空勉强开启了元涡灵炉,在神祈屿桐灵炉和月明沧海灵炉的增幅下,两人开始修炼。 Integrates within the body along with the strength of moon/month spirit, Long Dangdang immediately the keen discovery, before these spirit strength, compared some changes, was purer. The total quantity feels like the change is not big, but after the strength of that pure moon/month spirit enters the body, has tangible moist effect on the body that they are in debt immediately. 伴随着点点月灵之力融入体内,龙当当顿时敏锐的发现,这些灵力和之前相比多了一些变化,更加纯净了。总量感觉上似乎是变化不大,但那纯净的月灵之力入体之后,对他们亏空的身体顿时有着非常明显的滋润效果。 Does not need to ask that can also guess correctly, this should obtain Long Dangdang to inject some spirit strength with the sea, completed patching of certain extent to be related to oneself. 不用问也能猜到,这应该是和沧海获得了龙当当注入了一些灵力,对自身完成了一定程度的修补有关。 A night does not have the words. When next morning, the sunlight of out of the window sprinkles the room, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong ended contemplation. 一夜无话。当第二天清晨,窗外的阳光洒落房间时,龙当当龙空空才结束了冥想。 A night got down two people conditions to restore best, moreover their present inside and outside spirit strength be at the state of equilibrium, the vigor maintain are best. 一夜下来两人的状态都恢复到了最佳,而且他们现在的内外灵力处于平衡状态,精气神都保持在最佳。 South the Saint knight length the feather meets them personally, today their duty is chooses the spirit furnace. Yes, the fourth spirit furnace. 圣骑士长南羽亲自来接他们,今天他们的任务就是去挑选灵炉。是的,第四尊灵炉。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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