SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#240: Come, demonstration!

Chapter 240 comes, demonstration! 第240章来吧,展示! Yes!” Long Dangdang to profound cold bows beautifully a ritual, the next quarter, he had opened oneself contract space. “是!”龙当当向玄寒嫣躬身一礼,下一刻,他已经开启了自己的契约空间。 He had previously felt the small eight present conditions all normal, has not received the test time anything to affect. Should end the test along with oneself, followed itself to come out. 他先前就已经感受过了小八现在的状态一切正常,并没有受到测试时候的什么影响。应该是伴随着自己结束测试,自行跟随自己出来了。 That moment that the bright golden ray appears suddenly, south the Saint knight length feather is excited, the golden color, is really bright dragon clan. 灿烂的金色光芒骤然浮现的那一刻,圣骑士长南羽的情绪不禁激动起来,金色,真的是光明龙族。 The true big dragon can be said as high-rank dragon clan, but in also some differences, are mainly the attribute aspects. Like the light, darkness and space these most powerful and rare attribute, may surely be more powerful than the infrastructure element attribute big dragon. But the bright attribute most agrees with the knight occupation. Now knight temple palace lord, is now the owner in entire sacred hall, the mount is a bright big dragon. Is relying on the strong strength and mount dragon, has present age the name of first powerhouse. 真正的巨龙都可以说是上位龙族,但在其中也还是有一些区别的,主要是属性方面的。像光明、黑暗、空间这些最强大而且罕见的属性,可定要比基础元素属性的巨龙更加强大。而光明属性本身又和骑士职业最为契合。要知道,现在骑士圣殿殿主,也就是当今整个圣堂的堂主,坐骑就是一头光明巨龙。凭借着自身强大的实力和坐骑龙,有当世第一强者之称。 If the knight temple can have a bright big dragon knight again, without a doubt, this inheritance lets the knight temple sufficiently magnificent is more intense. Even if using at all costs to help Long Dangdang complete is also worth with the contract of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. 如果骑士圣殿能够再出一位光明巨龙骑士,毫无疑问,这份传承足以让骑士圣殿的辉煌更加强烈。哪怕是倾尽一切代价帮助龙当当完成和月明沧海灵炉的契约也是值得的。 The profound cold beautiful eye pupil also opened several points similarly, flickers is looking steadily at already the contract space that opens. But the next quarter, a gigantic dragon's head took the lead to push. 玄寒嫣的眼眸也同样睁大了几分,一瞬不瞬的盯视着已经开启的契约空间。而下一刻,一颗硕大的龙头就率先挤了出来。 When profound cold beautiful and southern feather saw when giant dragon's head that this is covering the golden scale, stares. 当玄寒嫣和南羽看到这颗覆盖着金色鳞片的巨大龙头时,都不禁一愣。 Although on the bright dragon clan will send out the light attribute golden color, but bright dragon race's scale is actually the white, but is not a golden color. Is the scale of this big dragon, why the golden color? Moreover seems like so magnificent heavy/thick, what dragon clan is this? 光明龙族身上虽然会散发出光属性的金色,但光明龙族本身的鳞片却是白色的,而并非金色。这头巨龙的鳞片,为什么是金色的?而且看起来如此的瑰丽厚重,这是什么龙族? Immediately, they have not thought in the direction of dragon sovereign bloodlines. 在第一时间,他们根本就没有朝着龙皇血脉的方向去想。 But the next quarter, made one that they shocked appear, was a giant dragon's head pushed, just like previously that dragon's head, is covering the golden scale, only different was, the dragon pupil of this big dragon was the fiery-red. 而下一刻,更让他们震惊的一幕出现了,又是一颗巨大的龙头挤了出来,与先前那颗龙头一样,也是覆盖着金色鳞片,唯一不同的就是,这头巨龙的龙眸是火红色的。 This...... 这…… The south feather holds breath cold air, is this big dragon? What variation special Land Dragon? To be honest, in this moment, he is somewhat disappointed. 南羽倒吸一口凉气,这是巨龙?还是什么变异的特殊地龙?说实话,在这一刻,他是有些失望的。 But, when the third gigantic dragon's head pushes, the profound cold beautiful figure flashes, had arrived at the near. 而紧接着,当第三颗硕大的龙头挤出来的时候,玄寒嫣身形一闪,就已经到了近前。 Small eight see has restored normal Long Dangdang, three big ends also raise, exude one to fill joyous dragon to recite the sound. 小八看到已经恢复正常的龙当当,三个大头同时扬起,发出一声充满欢悦的龙吟声。 Áng-” “昂-” dragon recited the instance that burst out, the inheritance and bloodlines aura of dragon sovereign also blooms immediately, south feather subconscious retreat one step, he can the obvious feeling his bloodlines be affected, the aura of whole person had some disorder. 龙吟迸发的瞬间,传承与龙皇的血脉气息顿时随之绽放,南羽下意识的后退一步,他能明显的感受到自身血脉受到影响,整个人的气息都出现了些许的紊乱。 The small eight figure dodge, the entire body had flushed from the contract space completely, arrives at side Long Dangdang directly, three big ends pasted on the body of Long Dangdang affectionate, in the look also a feeling alarmed and anxious appearance. 小八身形一闪,整个身躯就已经完全从契约空间之中冲了出来,直接来到龙当当身边,三个大头亲昵的贴上了龙当当的身体,眼神中还一副担惊受怕的样子。 Facing the snake demon god secure Dumas in time, looks his arm was torn crazily far more than is Long Kongkong, small eight are also the same! He and Long Dangdang painstaking care is connected, the Long Dangdang pain is its pain. At this time saw that own master is all right, it neglected completely also had others , impatient must be intimate with Long Dangdang. 面对蛇魔神安杜马里的时候,看着他手臂被撕裂疯狂的何止是龙空空,小八也是一样啊!他和龙当当心血相连,龙当当的痛苦就是它的痛苦。此时眼看自己的主人没事儿,它完全忽略了还有其他人在,迫不及待的就要和龙当当亲近。 Long Dangdang touches the small eight dragon's head, the smile was saying: Relax, I am all right. That is only a test, conducts in the illusion.” 龙当当触摸着小八的龙头,微笑道:“放心吧,我没事的。那只是一次测试,都是在幻境中进行的。” All is not the illusion, in demon is the energy formation. You enter is actually equivalent to own projection mark. All that has regard are real , the projection death, main body here will be released again. Long Dangdang, your is not the true big dragon, what variation special dragon clan is this?” South the Saint knight length the feather said. “也不全是幻境,魔境内的一切都是能量形成。你们进入的其实是相当于自身的投影印记。所发生的一切当成是真实的也可以,投影死亡,本体这边会自行重新被释放出来。龙当当,你这不是真正的巨龙吧,这是什么变异的特殊龙族吗?”圣骑士长南羽说道。 When the southern feather sees behind eight not to symbolize the dragon wing of big dragon slightly, has been greatly disappointed. The true big dragon has the giant wing, can let them in the sky vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. But Long Dangdang this mount dragon three heads, the aura is also out of the ordinary, has so special golden scale, but does not have the wing, that should also be is the category of Land Dragon to be right. Is filled with anticipate the dragon knight must fail, is long as the Saint knight, how can he not be disappointed? 当南羽看到小八背后没有象征着巨龙的龙翼时,已是大失所望。真正的巨龙都有着巨大的翅膀,能够让它们在天空纵横。而龙当当这头坐骑龙虽然有三个头,气息也是非同凡响,更有着如此特殊的金色鳞片,但没有翅膀,那应该也是属于地龙的范畴才对。满心期待着的龙骑士要落空了,作为圣骑士长,他怎能不失望呢? Long Dangdang stares, has not waited for him to open the mouth, profound cold beautiful some sounds of shivering have actually made a sound, this, this and are this dragon sovereign the bloodlines? Ipomoea cairica?” 龙当当一愣,还没等他开口,玄寒嫣有些颤抖的声音却已经响了起来,“这、这、这是龙皇血脉?五爪金龙?” Compares in Nanyu, as she who the god prints the knight, obviously more knowledgeable many. She has arrived at side eight slightly, the eye does not transfer the gold/metal looks at the small eight underbelly five claws, had a look at the small eight three big ends, in the eye pupil to fill again does not dare to believe. 相比于南羽,身为神印骑士的她,显然更有见识的多。她已经来到小八身边,目不转金的看着小八腹下五爪,再看看小八的三颗大头,眼眸中充满了不敢置信。 The south feather listened to her words also to stare, „did sacred hall Sir, what you say?” 南羽听了她的话也是一愣,“圣堂大人,您说什么?” Profound cold beautiful say/way: In dragon clan, only has dragon sovereign lineage/vein not to have the wing, but they can as in in the air free ballooning. The Five Claws Golden Dragon is honored as the demon beast the world's most honored race. This and are this ipomoea cairicas? But, why does it have three heads?” 玄寒嫣道:“龙族之中,唯有龙皇一脉是没有翅膀的,但它们依旧可以在空中自由翱翔。五爪金龙更是被誉为魔兽世界最为尊贵的种族。这、这是五爪金龙吗?可是,为什么它有三个头?” At the same time saying, before her had been arriving at the Long Dangdang body, in the sound that shivers filled does not dare to believe. Her cultivating to want feather strong many, own mount partner is also the extremely powerful light is ten levels of demon beasts. Therefore it is keen to the sensation of demon beast bloodlines. Just was only the psychic force has swept from small eight, felt the powerful degree of its bloodlines, this absolutely was not the Land Dragon, although has not grown completely, but definitely was the true big dragon, moreover simultaneously had three species big dragons! 一边说着,她就已经来到了龙当当身前,略带颤抖的声音中充满了不敢置信。她的修为要比南羽强的多,自身的坐骑伙伴也是极其强大的光明系十级魔兽。所以它对魔兽血脉的感知非常敏锐。刚刚只是精神力从小八身上扫过,就感受到了它血脉的强大程度,这绝对不是地龙虽然还没有完全成长起来,但肯定是真正的巨龙,而且还是同时拥有三种属性的巨龙啊! Long Dangdang said: sacred hall Sir, small eight truly are the heir of dragon sovereign senior. At that time I entered knight Holy Mountain to seek for the mount, ran into under dragon Huangmian fortunately, was indebted not abandoned, It and I signed the blood agreement by the newly-born child. Why as for is the blood agreement I do not know. Small eight originally also only then a head, soon just completed the evolution before, presented the following these two heads. Under dragon Huangmian at that time when small eight and I signed the contract has said that because was the blood agreement, therefore small eight will come under my influence in the process of growth, I had many magic attribute abilities, perhaps therefore this was small eight can grow the reasons of other attribute dragon's head again.” 龙当当道:“圣堂大人,小八确实是龙皇前辈的子嗣。当时我进入骑士圣山寻找坐骑,有幸遇到龙皇冕下,承蒙不弃,祂让自己刚刚出生的孩子与我签订了血契。至于为什么是血契我也不知道。小八原本也只有一个头,不久之前刚刚完成了进化,出现了后面的这两个头。龙皇冕下当时在小八和我签订契约的时候说过,因为是血契,所以小八在成长的过程中会受到我的影响,我自己拥有多种魔法属性能力,所以这或许是小八能够再长出其他属性龙头的原因。” The south feather stayed, dragon sovereign bloodlines? Ipomoea cairica?” To him, dragon sovereign exists in the legend, has never seen the true Five Claws Golden Dragon. 南羽呆了呆,“龙皇血脉?五爪金龙?”对他来说,龙皇只是存在于传说之中,从未见过真正的五爪金龙。 But this time profound cold beautiful, has been shocking in the extreme, this was not the dragon knight! This clearly is the dragon sovereign knight. Unprecedented dragon sovereign knight. 而此时的玄寒嫣,早已是震惊的无以复加,这可不是龙骑士了啊!这分明是龙皇骑士。史无前例的龙皇骑士。 Besides founded federal the special mount of that president initially, perhaps in other historical does not have any people of knight temple can compared with present Long Dangdang. Even if she saw the magnificent scene, at this moment, the heartbeat was also in the radical acceleration. 除了当初创建了联邦的那位主席的特殊坐骑之外,恐怕在骑士圣殿的历史上没有任何其他人能和眼前的龙当当相比了。哪怕她见惯了大场面,此时此刻,心跳也是剧烈的加速中。 The south feather swallowed saliva, carefully looks at eight again slightly, looks at on it that glittering and translucent carving just like the golden crystal common scale, suddenly only felt in own throat as if stopped up anything, could not somewhat have spoken. 南羽吞咽了一口唾液,再仔细去看小八,看着它身上那晶莹剔透宛如金色水晶一般的鳞片,一时间只觉得自己喉中仿佛堵住了什么,已经有些说不出话来了。 Profound cold beautiful deeply inspires, she has known now sincerely Long Dangdang and out of the ordinary of Long Kongkong this two brothers, was selected by the present age's first wisdom spirit furnace, another was selected by the dragon sovereign for own heir's blood agreement host. If this was unable to make her alert, feels issue, she did not match to be the god to print the knight. 玄寒嫣深吸口气,她现在已经深切的知道龙当当龙空空这兄弟俩的非同凡响,一个被当代第一智慧灵炉选中,另一个则是被龙皇选中为自己子嗣的血契宿主。如果这还不能让她警醒,感受到其中的问题,那她也不配做神印骑士了。 Although profound cold beautiful do not understand why will turn into this, what she definitely is certain, these have any special reason. But regarding the knight temple, this naturally is the big good deed! Because this two brothers may be the knights. 虽然玄寒嫣自己也不明白为什么会变成这样,但她完全可以肯定的是,这其中已经有什么特殊原因。而对于骑士圣殿来说,这当然是大好事啊!因为这兄弟俩可都是骑士。 At this moment, she has set firm resolve, even if the magic temple comes with a divine tool, do not want to trade Long Dangdang. 此时此刻,她早已下定决心,就算是魔法圣殿拿一件神器过来,也别想把龙当当换走。 Returns to normal the mood that reluctantly surged, profound cold said to nearby southern feather beautifully: Saint knight is long, troubles you to go personally, said with the magic temple that side, Long Dangdang is injured in the test carelessly, temporarily cannot go to their side to complete the test.” 勉强平复了一下自己激荡的心情,玄寒嫣向一旁的南羽道:“圣骑士长,麻烦你亲自去一趟,就跟魔法圣殿那边说,龙当当在测试的时候不慎受伤,暂时不能去他们那边完成测试。” „?” Long Dangdang stares, he is also thinking, if can enter the demon boundary test again, but can also cultivation one group again. This time he gains the advantage from inside really a lot! The biggest advantage is the spirit strength that to help the sea condenses, he has not arrived at six step peaks now, has helped the sea condense seven and 8000 spirit strength, 200,000 spirit strength as if are not unattainable. “啊?”龙当当一愣,他还想着如果能再次进入魔境测试的话,还能再修炼一拨呢。这次他从里面可是着实是没少获得好处啊!最大的好处就是帮沧海凝聚的灵力,他现在还没到六阶巅峰,就已经帮沧海凝聚七、八千灵力了,二十万灵力似乎也不是遥不可及。 What's wrong? Does you also want to go?” Profound cold looks beautifully to Long Dangdang. “怎么?伱还想去么?”玄寒嫣看向龙当当 Long Dangdang earnest say/way: Initially I just started to study time, the magic temple also selected me, moreover gave me the Saint lotus spirit furnace guard, I......” 龙当当认真的道:“当初我刚刚开始学习的时候,魔法圣殿也选中了我而且给了我圣莲灵炉护身,我……” Profound cold beautiful brow slightly pressed, but nods, said: Your meaning I understand. But is not now, first waits, your situation was too special, I need first to report to the owner. You go to the test of magic temple to push slightly in the future.” 玄寒嫣眉头微蹙,但还是点了点头,道:“你的意思我明白。但不是现在,先等一等,你的情况太特殊了,我需要先向堂主汇报。你去魔法圣殿的测试稍微往后推一推。” Listened to her saying that Long Dangdang was not good to say anything again, can only nod. 听她这么说,龙当当也不好再说什么,只能是点了点头。 Profound cold beautiful say/way: Ding-dong, by your talent, as well as your mount partner. At present puzzles you to grow, possibly only then the limit of moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. But this aspect you do not need to worry, the knight temple will fully support to you, helping you use a shorter time to complete. Moreover, moon/month bright sea spirit furnace as the wisdom spirit furnace of old generation, after it completes the restore, will take to you what present who unable to reach an agreement, but can definitely be very powerful spirit furnace. Now what I can pledge to you, in the future, so long as your cultivating to be nine steps, you can attempt to print the throne to coincide with any god, any approves to you, you can become the god of succeeding to print the knight. Besides of owner, you even can replace directly, prints the throne including my wisdom and spirit god. Can you understand my meaning?” 玄寒嫣道:“当当,以你的天赋,以及你这坐骑伙伴。目前困扰你成长的,可能就只有月明沧海灵炉的限制了。但这方面你也不用担心,骑士圣殿会给你全力支持,帮你用更短的时间完成。而且,月明沧海灵炉作为老一代的智慧灵炉,当它完成修复之后,会带给你什么现在谁也说不好,但肯定会是非常强大的灵炉。我现在可以向你承诺的是,未来,只要你的修为达到九阶,你就可以尝试与任何一座神印王座相合,无论是哪一座对你认可,你都可以成为继任的神印骑士。除了堂主的那一座之外,你甚至都可以直接接替,也包括我的智慧与精神之神印王座。你能明白我的意思吗?” I understand.” Long Dangdang heartbeat not voluntarily quick how many minutes/shares, as the knight, how can he not print the throne to have the intense hope to the god? The six big gods in knight temple print the throne to be honored as the strongest divine tool. If he really can obtain a god to print the throne, becomes the god to print the knight , will stand in the apex of this world directly. Meanwhile, becoming the god prints the knight also to mean that he inevitably is sacred hall. “我明白。”龙当当的心跳不自觉地快了几分,身为骑士,他怎能不对神印王座有强烈的渴望呢?骑士圣殿的六大神印王座被誉为最强神器。如果他真的能够获得一张神印王座,成为神印骑士的话,那么,直接就会站在这个世界的顶点。同时,成为神印骑士也意味着他必然是圣堂。 Profound cold continues to say beautifully: Although I had not discussed with the owner, but by your talent, and mount partner of this Five Claws Golden Dragon. In the future so long as you can grow smoothly, even if the position of owner may inherit. The knight temple next palace Lord candidate, you are definitely among the best. But this premise is you can grow smoothly. Talent that you show now, not only the magic temple definitely will have the idea, what is more important is hidden in the side, has threatened bigger and bigger dead spirit state.” 玄寒嫣继续道:“虽然我还没有跟堂主商量,但以你的天赋、以及这五爪金龙的坐骑伙伴。未来只要你能顺利成长,就算是堂主之位都是有可能继承的。骑士圣殿下一任殿主的候选人,你肯定名列前茅。但这个前提是你能够顺利的成长起来。你现在所展现出的天赋,不只是魔法圣殿肯定会有想法,更重要的是隐藏在侧,已经威胁越来越大的亡灵国度。” Listens to her to mention the dead spirit state, Long Dangdang cannot bear ask: sacred hall Sir, can I ask, what situation now the dead spirit that side was?” 听她提到亡灵国度,龙当当忍不住问道:“圣堂大人,我能不能问问,现在亡灵那边是什么情况了?” Because the information regarding the general public is the blocked state, actually therefore the dead spirit lifeform achieves what kind of situation he unclear now, but can penetrate from the previous dead spirit powerhouse into the holy city nearby unexpectedly grabs the hero soul remains, Long Dangdang has guessed correctly, the present situation will not be definitely good. 由于信息对于普通民众一直是封锁状态,所以现在亡灵生物究竟达到了怎样的情况他并不清楚,但从上次亡灵强者居然能够深入到圣城附近来劫掠英灵遗骨,龙当当就已经猜到了,现在的情况肯定不会太好。 Hears his culture, the profound cold beautiful complexion sank to congeal several points, said: „It is not very good. The speed of dead spirit state development was too fast. Recently the federation and sacred hall were discussing, prepared to dispatch troops to spare nothing the full power suppression. Whatever again it develops, likely wanted to be greatly troublesome. You hunted for that duty that the demon group carries out to be punished before afterward , because the proposals of all heroic tombs is colliding in view of six big temples now intensely.” 听到他的文化,玄寒嫣的脸色沉凝了几分,道:“很不好。亡灵国度发展的速度太快了。最近联邦和圣堂正在商讨,准备出兵不惜代价的全力镇压。再任由其发展下去,很可能就要有大麻烦了。你们之前猎魔团执行的那个任务之所以后来被处罚,就是因为针对六大圣殿现在所有英雄墓地的提案在激烈碰撞。” Long Dangdang said: If makes war with the dead spirit, we hunt for the demon group also to be able on the battlefield.” 龙当当道:“如果和亡灵开战的话,我们猎魔团也可以上战场吧。” Profound cold looks beautifully his look is slightly complex, in normal condition naturally is the need. Hunts for in the demon group quite therefore six big temple hands the sharpest weapon, where has the difficult duty, where has form that hunts for the demon group. But your situation is somewhat special, your such talent, is we cannot lose. But your present strength, but also is not enough to protect itself good. This matter I also need to discuss with the owner.” 玄寒嫣看着他的眼神略显复杂,“正常情况下当然是需要的。猎魔团就相当于是六大圣殿手中最为锋利的武器,哪里有艰难的任务,哪里就有猎魔团的身影。但你的情况有些特殊,你这样的人才,是我们损失不起的。而你现在的实力,还不足以保护好自身。这件事我还需要和堂主商量。” Long Dangdang, the knight temple will give you to support from now on all-around, making you grow as soon as possible. If the peace age, I will even suggest that makes you be dormant thoroughly, even if with two and 30 years trains you slowly, so long as you will grow in the future, can wield the knight temple to be over the next hundred years magnificent. However, the dead spirit state takes to our pressure on be big now, although was unable compared with the initial demon clan, the speed that but they develop was really quick. Therefore, you possibly did not have that long time, must grow to be good as soon as possible. The temple needs your such battle efficiency.” 龙当当,骑士圣殿从现在开始会给予你全方位的支持,让你尽快成长。如果是和平年代的话,我甚至会建议让你彻底蛰伏起来,哪怕是用二、三十年的时间慢慢培养你,只要你未来成长起来,都能执掌骑士圣殿未来的百年辉煌。但是,亡灵国度现在带给我们的压力非常大,虽然还不能和当初的魔族相比,但它们发展的速度实在是太快了。所以,你可能没有那么长的时间了,必须要尽快成长起来才行。圣殿需要你这样的战斗力。” You did not mention that before the secret silver base does fight the armor? Through the performance of this test, can give you a striving opportunity. But the custom cannot break, you need to defeat a secret silver base knight personally, can inherit his armor, letting you becomes the secret silver base knight. When you prepared, when the challenge can start.” “你之前不是提到秘银基座战铠吗?通过你这次测试的表现,可以给你一个争取的机会。但规矩不能破,你需要亲自战胜一位秘银基座骑士,才能继承他的铠甲,让你自身成为秘银基座骑士。你什么时候准备好了,挑战就可以什么时候开始。” Long Dangdang hears word is overjoyed, thanks sacred hall Sir.” 龙当当闻言大喜过望,“谢谢圣堂大人。” Profound cold beckons with the hand to say beautifully: How many spirit furnaces do you currently have? What spirit furnace is?” 玄寒嫣摆摆手道:“你现在有几个灵炉?都是什么灵炉?” The Long Dangdang look moves, was this must increase the spirit furnace to oneself? 龙当当眼神一动,这是要给自己增添灵炉了? ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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