Chapter 218breaks throughsixsteps
第218章突破六阶Long Kongkongstandsin the bathroom, the lookis flooding the inconceivablecolor.龙空空站在浴室中,眼神充斥着不可思议之色。Long Dangdang in bathtub, is red the body, staticlying down there. The demonbeastblood in bathtubhad turnedjust likeclear watergeneralexistence, butthis timehe, the body is actually glittering the strangebrilliance.
浴缸中的龙当当,赤着身体,静静的躺在那里。原本浴缸内的魔兽血液已经变成了宛如清水一般的存在,而此时的他,身上却闪烁着奇异的光彩。When the spiritstrengthfluctuatesstrengthenssuddenly, onLong Dangdangfirstbloomsis the goldenray, whenis different the golden colorinnormalcultivation, thatisonetypejust like the scaledgoldenlightmark, lightmarkpartly visibletwinkle, evenalsoleadsslightdragonto recite the sound, seems smalleightrecitesgeneralinhisside.
If onlythis, Long Kongkongis also insufficientextremelysurprisedly, butquickchanged, Long Dangdanglightmarkstartedto change colorunexpectedly. After the golden color, is the red, the richelementlight/onlyfluctuates also transformsfor the hotelementunexpectedlyfluctuates, in the bathroomonebecomesblazing. Thenis the azure, blue colorandyellow, enhances one another's beauty. Fivehonoredrepeat in cycles, Long Dangdangfluctuation of energy is also strengthenedcontinually.
His is the rainbow? Five colorsrainbow? Long Kongkongheartsomewhatstrangethought.
他这是属彩虹的?五色彩虹吗?龙空空心头有些怪异的想到。Continuedabouthalfdouble-hour, Long Dangdangrayrestrainedgradually, simultaneouslyopened a pupil. Opens that flash of doublepupilinhim, Long Kongkongclearlysaw,brother'spupilcontractedsuddenly, as iftwopupilsstood erectinthatflashgot up. Buthis ownbloodlines also trembled, within the bodyascends the intermittentwarm feeling, as if the inside and outsidespiritstrengthhas been increased.
足足持续了近半个时辰,龙当当身上的光芒才渐渐收敛起来,同时睁开了眼眸。在他睁开双眸的那一瞬间,龙空空分明看到,老哥的瞳孔骤然收缩了一下,仿佛两个瞳孔在那一瞬间都竖立了起来似的。而他自己的血脉也随之震颤了一下,体内升腾起阵阵暖意,仿佛内外灵力都有所提升似的。ButLong Dangdangsaw that thenstandsby the bathtub, on the skinappears the younger brother of light purpletrace, as well aspupil of similarcontraction.
The two brothers, in the bathtub, standsinone side, looks in the eyes, in the heartraises a strangefeeling.
兄弟二人,一个在浴缸之中,一个站在一侧,四目相对,心中都不禁升起一种奇异的感觉。Two peopleremain silent, no onehas first opened the mouth, butis inexplicable, their timemoodssomewhatare low and deep, not, becauseLong Dangdangcultivatesfor the breakthroughis excited. Because oftheyindistinctfeelinganything.
两人都保持着沉默,谁也没有先开口,但莫名的,他们此时的心情却都有些低沉,并没有因为龙当当修为的突破而兴奋。因为他们都隐约的感受到了一些什么。Clone that startsto havefromLong Dangdangat first, topurpletraceandstrangeaura that afterwardonLong Kongkong presented that againtoknightHoly Mountain, theseis the topdemonbeasttotheirunusual. Inhumanchange that and presentmore and morefrequentlyhas. Andinmind in the right waypalacesamsara of thattimerecollection.
从最初龙当当开始拥有的分身,到后来龙空空身上出现的紫色纹路和诡异气息,再到骑士圣山之中,那些为顶级魔兽对他们的与众不同。以及现在越来越频繁出现的非人变化。以及正心殿内那份时光回溯的轮回。Thisallas ifunceasingis tellingthemanything, althoughin they are always evading. Butindistinct, will have the feeling that planted unable to evadeas beforegradually.
这所有的一切似乎都在不断的告诉着他们什么,尽管他们内心之中始终在逃避着。但隐约之间,却依旧渐渐会有种逃避不了的感觉。„Elder Brother, wego home.”Long Kongkongsaidin a soft voice.
“哥,我们回家吧。”龙空空轻声说道。Long Dangdanglooks athim, nod of gently, after „hunted for the assignmentdecision of demongroup, wego back.”龙当当看着他,轻轻的点了点头,“等猎魔团的分配决定之后,我们就回去一趟。”Comes outfrom the bathtub, Long Dangdangstretched an ownbody, in the change of spiritstrengthoutsidespiritstrength, makeshimhave a being rebornfeeling. The spiritstrengthas beforeichor in within the body, butbecameeven morewas thick, so long as the thoughtmovedcangush out. The union between psychic forces and spiritstrengthalsotends to beperfect, the transformation of body, makinghimhaveto plantwas separated from the feeling of everyembryogradually.
从浴缸中出来,龙当当舒展了一下自己的身体,无论是内灵力还是外灵力的变化,都让他有种脱胎换骨的感觉。体内的灵力依旧还是灵液,但却变得越发的浓厚了,只要意念一动就能喷薄而出。精神力与灵力之间的结合也趋于完美,身体的蜕变,让他有种渐渐脱离了凡胎的感觉。Invisible, hecanfeelsomeindistinctlywith the worldas ifin the overlappedfeeling, allelementsincomparablyclearcanwithstandinhissensation.
The change of bodyis also huge, outside the spiritstrengthbreaks throughtosixsteps, thatpowerfulstrengthfeelingas ifmustgush out from within the body. Among the graces, hasto plantfeeling that candestroy the sideall.
身体的变化同样巨大,外灵力突破到六阶,那种强大的力量感仿佛要从体内喷薄而出似的。举手投足之间,都有种可以毁灭身边一切的感受。Broughtpowerfulfeeling of inside and outsidespiritstrengthwithcultivating, is really carefree of coming. Let alone, hehas not made the woofoften/commonjoyfulso manyefforts, has not borneherso manypain.
内外灵力同修所带来的强大感受,着实是来的畅快。更何况,他并没有付出汪常欣那么多的努力,也没有承受她那么多的痛苦。„Changedyou. Come. Todayoutsidespiritstrengthtofifth-order.”Long Dangdangbrief and to the pointsaying.
“换你了。来吧。今天外灵力到五阶。”龙当当言简意赅的说道。„Good.” The Long Kongkongeyegroundflashes throughwipes the excitingcolor.
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the LongEldest Young Masterenters the groupto chat.
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longthreelittleenter the groupto chat.
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longfourlittleenter the groupto chat.
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longfivelittleenter the groupto chat.
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longsixlittleenter the groupto chat.
圣城将级四群,龙家六少进入群聊。Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Pegasus: „Whatsituationthisis? Whichnewpromote did thisishunt for the demongroup?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the whitephoenix, „oh, thisnamegets upis a little cool! It seems liketheirteamdoes not have the femalemember.”
圣城将级四群,白凤凰,“哇塞,这名字起的有点酷啊!看来他们团队没有女性团员吧。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, LongEldest Young Master: „Hello, wewere the newpromotegeneral officer levelhunt for the demongroup, please assist me in any way you can.”
圣城将级四群,龙家大少:“大家好,我们是新晋将级猎魔团,请多多关照。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longthreefew, „everyone's good, wewere the newpromotegeneral officer levelhunt for the demongroup, please assist me in any way you can.”
圣城将级四群,龙家三少,“大家好,我们是新晋将级猎魔团,请多多关照。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longfourfew, „......”
……Looksto brushgiving regards of screen, the entiregroupchattedrichlyis activated.
看着刷屏的问好,整个群聊丰富都被激活了似的。Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, justenvoy, „, if not get downso many, Ialsothink that wasourregimental commanderscomes. Hello, I was also newpromotehunt for the demongroupmember.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the god of summonsaidto the justenvoy: „Isyou?”
圣城将级四群,召唤之神对正义使者道:“是你吧?”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourgroups of justenvoystosummoningShintoism/Divine Dao: „Who are you?”
圣城将级四群正义使者对召唤之神道:“你是谁?”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the god of summon: „Stillremembers that forthatbig tree that youkeeps out wind and rain?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, is the justenvoy, „oh, the peachyouconcerned about face?”
圣城将级四群,正义使者,“哇塞,桃子你要不要脸的?”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, LongEldest Young Master, „.”
圣城将级四群,龙家大少,“咳咳。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the god of element, „you, if a team, canprivatechat, should not be noisy.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the whitephoenix, „is, do not hit the riddle. The god of summon, your namegets updid not fear that was hit?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the god of dialogphoenixsummonsaid: „Youdo not know that whoIam. MythisnameisIin the futuredirectiondiligently.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, dominate the world, „you twosufficed. Whatnickname does the teampromotionchange?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the justenvoy, „elder sister, our isfuturedirectiondiligently, right! Younotalso?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, dominate the world, „.”
圣城将级四群,雄霸天下,“嗯。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Pegasus, „your rookiea littlethings! Has the female? Mysexmale, likes the female. Askedto make friends.”
圣城将级四群,天马,“你们这些新人有点东西啊!有没有女性啊?本人性别男,爱好女。求交友。”„A moment ago the holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the justenvoy, spokebesidesdragonfewregiments, shouldfemale.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the god of summon, „talks nonsense, Imale.”
圣城将级四群,召唤之神,“放屁,我是男的。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, justenvoy, „hee hee.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, does the Pegasus, „dominate the worldalsofemale?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, dominate the world, „femalecan'tdominate the world?”
圣城将级四群,雄霸天下,“女的就不能雄霸天下吗?”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the god of element, „femalecan'tdominate the world?”
圣城将级四群,元素之神,“女的就不能雄霸天下吗?”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Pegasus, „your rookiessuchfierce?”
圣城将级四群,天马,“你们这些新人这么猛的吗?”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, LongEldest Young Master, „.”
圣城将级四群,龙家大少,“是的。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Marilyn, „.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the Pegasus, „comes an rookie! Yourthiscomes the watergroup? Usuallyhereno onespokeradically.”
圣城将级四群,天马,“又来个新人啊!你们这是来水群的嘛?平时这里根本没人说话。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longthreefew, „starting todayhad.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longfourare shortto the YuangirlShintoism/Divine Dao: „Are you a saintess?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the elementgoddess, „do youknowme?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Longfiveare shortto the YuangirlShintoism/Divine Dao: „Weknow.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the elementgoddesssaidtoMarilyn: „Isyou?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Marilyn, „originallyyoustillremembersmychildhood name.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the elementgoddess, „Marilynis the godflower in pastortempledream, ismarking of pastortemple, how can Inot know?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, Marilynto the elementgoddess, said: „Thoughtme?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the elementgoddess, „how do youpromote?”
圣城将级四群,元素女神,“你们怎么升级的?”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, MarilyntoYuangirlShintoism/Divine Dao: „Variousrewardaccumulations, sufficientrose.”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the elementgoddessleaves the groupto chat.
圣城将级四群,元素女神离开群聊。Holy citygeneral officer levelfourgroups of Marilyn, „......”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the justenvoy, „was thisreceivesto stimulate?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the whitephoenix, „I know that whoyouwere. However, are so manydragonsfewwhat's the matter?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the god of summon, „did not know. Anotherteam.”
圣城将级四群,召唤之神,“不认识。另一个团队的吧。”Holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, whitephoenix, „yourregimental commanders?”
The holy citygeneral officer levelfourcrowds, the justenvoy, „does not know,is practicing.”
The Zisangcolored glazeglimmerclosed the childspiritcrystal in oneselfhand, sips the redlip, the eyegroundis flashing throughwipes the extremely angrycolor, butpassed the moment, inherbeautifulpupilhad the happy expressiongradually, „pursued? Do not fall behind.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „was thatwhatyoung masterregimentyou? Cloneto make?”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „. Thiscanbettercultivationpsychic force. Kong Kongis practicing the bloodto refine the golden body, Ipracticewhile convenient.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „was thisalso good?”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „at presentlooksyes. Is the elementgoddess the Zisangcolored glazeglimmer? The whitephoenixshouldbeCaiCaijuan.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „was everyone'snamea littlefierce?”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „Ifeltgood, wasn't thistheirlifelong goals? Does not know that the lunar motioncalledanything.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „yesterdayshe said that must change name, calls the iceandfiresong.”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „looked like, mynamewasmost normal.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „at presentlooks, yes. Are twofewKong Kong?”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „Iestimated that hesaw your names, will change name.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „was very interesting, not? Youcontinue the watergroupcultivation, Ialsocultivated. Tomorrowlooks foryou, cultivatestogether. Youare not , the speed of myspiritstrengthimprovementwas slow. OriginallysurpassedZisang, nowshouldbe surpassedbyher.”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „good. Incousinspiritstrengthhow many?”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „shouldbe more limited than yourhigh spot.”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „thatwas the promotionwas a little slow! Ijustbroke throughtosixsteps.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „was more limited than yourinside and outsidespiritstrengthadding togetherhigh spot.”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „yourchathad finished.”
皓月当空,龙当当私聊凌梦露,“你的聊天已结束。”Long Dangdangbysomegodon the wall of bathroom, cousinsuchoverwhelming power?龙当当靠在浴室的墙壁上有些楞神,表姐这么威猛的嘛?
The ownsixsteps, inside and outsidespiritstrengthadding togetherwas8000, herinspiritstrengthwantedinside and outsideto add togetheraloneis high, thatmeans,shesixstep about eightlevels? It is not farfrom the 10,000spiritstrength of sevensteps. Sheadded that mustcultivation the bloodto refine the golden body, it is estimated that after must wait tillsevensteps, started. Ninemonths, growthquitequick! It seems like that reallymustwelldiligently.
The release that justbroke throughhad the sense of crisisat this moment.
刚刚突破的释放此时此刻却重新有了危机感。The one wholets19,115,897hunt for the demongrouppeoplenot to think, next daytheyreceived the informationthrough the childspiritcrystal, theyhunt for the demongroupto be assignedin the holy city, the stationoptional.
The general officer levelhunts for the demongroup, every yearneedsto completethreeto force the duty, otherdutiesreceiveto be accomplished. The headquartershave the needtime, the requisitionmustparticipate. Otherhave not requested. Ashunting fordemon, theycannot needto participate indispatching of respectivetemple. Onlyneedsto completeto hunt for the demonresponsibilitythen.
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „stationfoundnear the bigauction market, there is a smallcourtyard. Yearly renthigh, but the geographical positionis good.”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „cousinwas credible, cousinmilitary might.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „didn't youtake possessionbyKong Kong?”
The bright moonin the sky, Long DangdangprivatechattediceMonroe, „do thatwepassto have a looktoday? Thenarranges? Laterwehadourplace.”
The bright moonin the sky, iceMonroeprivatechattedLong Dangdang, „good.”
The bright moonin the sky, Long Dangdang, „found the appropriatestation, the addressis......, un, the cousin, yousaid.”
After onehour, 19,115,897hunt for the demongroupto assembleagain, under the iceMonroe'sleadership, arrivedsituated ineast a holy citybigauction marketstreet.
一个小时后,一九一一五八九七猎魔团再次集结,在凌梦露的带领下,来到了位于圣城大拍卖场东侧的一条街道内。Saidis a street, here is actually more like the alley, only thentwometerswidelaneboth sidesare the blue brickwalls, goes out ofthisstreet, isby the bigauction market the liveliestbusiness street, buthereactuallyseemsverylonesome and quiet.
说是街道,这里其实更像是胡同,只有两米多宽的巷子两侧是青砖墙壁,走出这条街道,就是大拍卖场旁边最热闹的商业街,而这里却显得十分幽静。LingMengluled the peopleto arrive atoutside a courtyard, the highapproximatelythreemeterscourtyard wallcenter, was more than four-meterfront gate, the front gatelookedsomewhatobsolete, butis actually passing the plainflavor. The solid woodfront gatelookshas experienced the baptism of years, butactually an inexplicablegivingpersonenjoyablefeeling.
凌梦露带着众人来到了一个院子外,高约三米的院墙中央,是高达四米多的院门,院门看上去有些陈旧,但却透着古朴的味道。实木院门一看就经历过岁月的洗礼,但却莫名的给人一种舒心的感觉。In the door platewrites, depending onbillowsstreet333.
门牌号上写着,凭澜街三三三。LingMenglugoes forwardto open the front door, „courtyardIhave rented, and made one clean.”
The peoplepush the doorto enter, whatfirstheaves in sightis a wall screening house from streetwall, on the wallis carving the flower-and-birddesign, plainatmosphere. Bypasses the wall screening house from streetwall, behindis an opencourtyard, the courtyardhas about 300square metersprobably, is not too big, but is not small. The uprightcourtyard, the front gateisfaces south, in the southeast cornerposition. Comes inlaternorthwesteasternthreeto revolve a room, by the winding corridorwas linked.
( This chapterends)
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