SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#219: Emergency task

Chapter 219 emergency task 第219章紧急任务 Ling Menglu said: North three, middle biggest, can make our conference rooms. The thing room has three respectively. Happen to we can everyone, extra. Usually everyone is all right can also gather cultivates here together. If everyone thought that does not have the issue, I start to construct isolation law in the courtyard today and gather spirit.” 凌梦露道:“北方三间,中间的最大,可以做我们的会议室。东西房各有三间。正好我们大家可以每个人一间,还有富余。平时大家没事儿的时候还可以聚集在这里一起修炼。如果大家觉得没问题的话,我今天就开始在院子里修建隔绝法阵和聚灵阵。” East the ocean nighttide has a look, west to have a look, this style plain construction to appearance that is interested in very much, is very comfortable, very clean appearance. Good, I like. I must live in the western room.” 溟汐东看看、西看看,对这种样式古朴的建筑很感兴趣的样子,“很舒服、很干净的样子。挺好的,我喜欢。我要住西边房间。” Others also nod in abundance , indicating that has no opinion. 其他人也纷纷点头,都表示没什么意见。 Peach forest wood-road: Assistant regimental commander arranges a law time keeps the place that to me can take root in well, time I of cultivation the town/subdues demon tree to release, everyone together.” 桃林林道:“副团长布置法阵的时候给我留个能扎根的地方,修炼的时候我好把镇魔树释放出来,大家一起。” Ling Menglu nods. 凌梦露点了点头。 Long Dangdang said: Eight room conference rooms. Is just appropriate. A room that comes out can be used to cultivate the blood to refine the golden body specially. Separates two bathrooms, is mainly the men and women separates.” 龙当当道:“八个房间一个会议室。刚好合适。多出来的一个房间可以用来专门修炼血炼金身。分开成两个浴室,主要是男女分开。” Hears the blood to refine golden body these characters, the response of peach numerous is a little big, the complexion clearly showed off, he went back later to attempt yesterday one time, that fierce pain, has a vivid memory now. 听到血炼金身这几个字,桃林林的反应有点大,脸色明显白了一下,他昨天回去之后尝试了一次,那剧烈的痛苦,现在还记忆犹新呢。 woof Changxin nods, rare reveals a joyful color. The blood refining up the golden body she almost to cultivation every day, to her a special cultivation is very important. 汪常欣点点头,少见的流露出一丝欣喜之色。血炼金身她几乎每天都要修炼,对她来说一个专门的修炼之所很重要。 Long Dangdang said: Later everyone is all right, can cultivation together, the efficiency should be higher. Here besides without means compares notes, other should not have the issue. The cousin, that troubled you to arrange. Everyone accepts the room.” At the same time saying, he himself stands in same place has not moved. 龙当当道:“以后大家没事儿的时候,就可以在一起修炼,效率应该会更高。这边除了没办法切磋之外,其他的应该没问题。表姐,那就麻烦你布置了。大家自行认领房间吧。”一边说着,他自己站在原地没动。 Partners each one chose the room, is very aware, east and west wings that everyone chooses, north two remained. 伙伴们各自去选了房间,很自觉的,大家都选的东西厢房,北方两间却留了出来。 Long Kongkong has a look at Long Dangdang, has a look at the cousin again, smiles, went to east wing left hand's first. Ling Menglu elegant face slightly one red, although between two north rooms is away from the conference room, but similarly is also the north room, making her heart produce unavoidably wipes the feeling of difference. 龙空空看看龙当当,再看看表姐,嘿嘿一笑,去了东厢房左手第一间。凌梦露俏脸微微一红,虽然两间北房中间隔着会议室,但同样也是北房,让她心头难免产生一抹异样的感受。 The blood refine the cultivation room of golden body to place west side's first. Each room has the special bathroom, is not big, without bathtub, but used daily enough. 血炼金身的修炼室就放在西侧第一间了。每个房间都有自己专门的卫生间,不大,没有浴缸,但日常使用足够了。 Everyone went to the room to tidy up the arrangement respectively. The facility in room is very simple, a table, a chair and a bed. Other does not have totally. But actually clean neat, was before has truly cleaned. How to arrange, that was own matter. Today recognizes the gate, must 1-2 days of everyone be able to settle truly here. 大家各自回自己房间去收拾布置了。房间内的设施都很简单,一张桌子、一张椅子、一张床。其他的一概没有。但却干净整洁,确实是之前打扫过了。怎么布置,那就是自己的事了。今天只是认认门,总要1-2大家才能真正在这里安顿下来。 Long Dangdang comes time has used the space ring to bring own thing, he just spread the bedding, is preparing to continue to tidy up, suddenly, a body heat, subconscious, he rushed to take oneself child spirit crystal. 龙当当来的时候就已经用空间戒指把自己的东西带过来了,他刚铺好被褥,正准备继续收拾的时候,突然间,身上一热,下意识的,他赶忙将自己的子灵晶取了出来。 The child spirit crystal after promotion compared with previously wanted exquisitely a point, but is actually releasing the red light at this time. 升级之后的子灵晶比先前要小巧了一点,但此时却正在释放着红光。 When he takes out the child spirit crystal that flickers, the spirit fluctuates naturally appears in the heart. 当他取出子灵晶的那一瞬,精神波动自然出现在心头。 Urgently convenes, immediately goes to the headquarters to report.” “紧急召集,立刻前往总部报道。” Long Dangdang runs out of the room rapidly, others also received the information, does not need to say anything, the people leave immediately depending on billows street No. 333, directly soars hunts for the demon group headquarters to go. 龙当当迅速冲出房间,其他人也都接到了信息,不需要多说什么,众人立刻出了凭澜街三三三号,直奔猎魔团总部而去。 Hunts for the demon group headquarters, the duty place. 猎魔团总部,任务处。 Long Dangdang they rush, inside has many people. Long Dangdang saw the Zisang colored glaze glimmer and her team. Besides them, at least two organic hunting for demon groups also. 龙当当他们赶到的时候,里面已经有不少人了。龙当当一眼就看到了子桑琉荧和她的团队。除了他们之外,还有至少两个建制的猎魔团也在。 While Long Dangdang they enter the duty place, in hand red light restraining on child spirit crystal. 就在龙当当他们走进任务处的同时,手上子灵晶上的红光收敛。 In the duty place, on a face wears the old man of silver mask at the back of both hands, said: Very good. At present has called commander level to hunt for the demon group to hunt for the demon group with three general officer levels. This emergency task is completed by you. 112,117 hunt for the demon group, this duty is led by you. The headquarters will dispatch four azure Péng auxiliary you to complete the task.” 任务处内,一名脸上戴着银色面具的老者背着双手,道:“很好。目前已召集一支帅级猎魔团与三支将级猎魔团。本次紧急任务就由你们来完成。一一二一一七猎魔团,本次任务由你们带队。总部将派遣四只青鹏辅助伱们完成任务。” An average age looks about 30 years old, them very strange the hunting for demon group regarding Long Dangdang goes forward two steps, was the knight of head good the knight ritual, 112,117 hunted for the demon group to receive an order.” 一支平均年龄看上去在三十岁左右,对于龙当当他们来说十分陌生的猎魔团上前两步,为首的骑士行了个骑士礼,“一一二一一七猎魔团领命。” Wears the old man of silver mask to nod, said: You first share the duty, after a half hour, embarks.” Spoke these words, he turned around to leave. 戴着银色面具的老者点点头,道:“你们先共享任务,半个小时后出发。”说完这句话,他就转身离开了。 Long Dangdang has been watching critically, emergency task, moreover needs four emergency task that hunts for the demon group jointly to complete. The never expected that their first duty is this difficulty is high. The emergency task is duty that every year must complete. Completed an emergency task quite therefore to complete one of the every year three compulsion duties. But the emergency task forces in the duty toughest. 龙当当一直在冷眼旁观,紧急任务,而且还是需要四支猎魔团共同去完成的紧急任务。没想到他们的第一次任务就是这种难度高的。紧急任务属于每年必须完成的任务之列。完成一次紧急任务就相当于是完成了每年三件的强制任务之一。而紧急任务又是强制任务中难度最高的。 112,117 hunt for the knights of demon group saying: Hello, I am 112,117 hunt for demon group regimental commander Li Hongche, asking fellow regimental commanders to come.” 一一二一一七猎魔团的骑士道:“大家好,我是一一二一一七猎魔团团长李泓澈,请各位团长来一下。” Long Dangdang and Zisang colored glaze glimmer, wants the big general officer level to hunt for the demon compared with them before another obvious age to grow into all round. 龙当当、子桑琉荧,和另外一支明显年龄比他们要大一些的将级猎魔团团长上前。 Li Hongche sees Long Dangdang and Zisang colored glaze glimmer time, brow obviously slight wrinkled. So young? In his heart even somewhat suspected, this is really the general officer level hunts for the demon group? 李鸿澈看到龙当当和子桑琉荧的时候,眉头明显轻微的皱了一下。如此年轻?他心中甚至有些怀疑,这真的是将级猎魔团吗? Although Long Dangdang and figure of Zisang colored glaze glimmer is the adult appearance, because is young, collogen that on face cannot cover, looked was young. 虽然龙当当和子桑琉荧的身形都已经是成年人模样了,但因为年纪小,脸上的胶原蛋白那是掩盖不了的,一看就非常年轻。 Li Hongche said: Asked everyone first to introduce. Was needless saying that hunted for the demon group to number. Introduced that you are good.” 李泓澈道:“请各位先介绍一下。不用说猎魔团编号了。就介绍你们自己就行。” That old regimental commander said: Li Yuqing, magician.” 那名年纪较大的团长道:“李雨青,魔法师。” The Zisang colored glaze glimmer said: Zisang colored glaze glimmer, magician.” 子桑琉荧道:“子桑琉荧,魔法师。” Long Dangdang, disciplinary punishment knight.” 龙当当,惩戒骑士。” Li Hongche nods, said: Later I called your teams with your names, this more convenient exchange. Below I establish a temporary group, draws you. When carries out the task, facilitates everyone through the psychic force first hand exchange.” 李泓澈点了点头,道:“之后我就以你们的名字称呼你们的团队,这样更方便交流。下面我建立一个临时群组,将你们都拉进来。在执行任务的时候,方便大家通过精神力直接交流。” At the same time saying, him is taking out a oneself obviously finer child spirit crystal, four child spirit crystals each other contact in together, commander Jizi the spirit crystal start jurisdiction, establishes the temporary group. 一边说着,他取出自己明显更精致的子灵晶,四块子灵晶彼此接触在一起,帅级子灵晶开动权限,建立临时群组。 The group names as the emergency task. 群组命名为紧急任务。 The emergency task group Long Eldest Young Master joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群龙家大少加入群聊。 The emergency task group, deep clear water joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,一泓清水加入群聊。 The emergency task group, the azure rain dream joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,天青雨梦加入群聊。 The emergency task group, the element goddess joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,元素女神加入群聊。 Li Hongche looked up an unemotional Zisang colored glaze glimmer, said: Draws your members to join the group to chat, I will share this duty in the group the special details.” 李泓澈抬头看了一眼面无表情的子桑琉荧,道:“拉你们的团员加入群聊,我会在群里共享本次任务的具体情况。” Saw that the emergency task group starts some people to join. 紧接着,就看到紧急任务群开始有人加入。 The members of azure rain dream team are quite good to recognize, front has the azure two characters. 天青雨梦团队的成员比较好认,前面都带有天青二字。 For example the magician called the azure rainbow, the pastor to call the azure sunlight. 譬如魔法师叫天青彩虹,牧师叫天青阳光。 But along with another two joining that hunts for the demon group members, the style changed. 但伴随着另外两支猎魔团团员的加入,画风就变了。 The emergency task group, the white phoenix joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,白凤凰加入群聊。 The emergency task group, the god of thunder joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,雷神加入群聊。 The emergency task group, six samsara join the group to chat. 紧急任务群,六道轮回加入群聊。 The emergency task group, Marilyn joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,玛丽莲加入群聊。 The emergency task group, the ice and fire song of join the group to chat. 紧急任务群,冰与火之歌加入群聊。 The emergency task group, the god of summon joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,召唤之神加入群聊。 The emergency task group, the just envoy joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,正义使者加入群聊。 The emergency task group, the day defending god joins the group to chat. 紧急任务群,天守之神加入群聊。 Long Dangdang shot a look at side somewhat complacent Long Kongkong, what broken name are you?” 龙当当瞥了一眼身边有些洋洋得意的龙空空,“你这是什么破名字?” Long Kongkong complacent say/way: How broken? I protect the knight.” 龙空空洋洋得意的道:“怎么破了?我是守护骑士嘛。” The emergency task group, dominates the world to join the group to chat. 紧急任务群,雄霸天下加入群聊。 Li Hongche felt the spiritual fluctuation that child spirit crystal interior is transmitting, the corners of the mouth twitched. The present rookie, such aggressive side leaks? 李泓澈感受着子灵晶内传来的精神波动,嘴角不禁抽搐了一下。现在的新人,都这么霸气侧漏的嘛? The emergency task group, the Long Eldest Young Master changes the name as the god of scourge. 紧急任务群,龙家大少更名为天谴之神。 Li Hongche: „......” 李泓澈:“……” Long Kongkong, „do you do?” 龙空空,“你干嘛?” Long Dangdang, changes name tidies up you specially.” 龙当当,“改个名字专门收拾你。” Emergency task group, deep clear water, Hello everyone, I am Li Hongche, this duty is directed by me. Next faces notification duty situation. The headquarters receive the urgent report, north 300 kilometers health/guard city from the holy city encountered the dead spirit powerhouse to attack, grabbed over a hundred hero souls of health/guard porch grave. Defends the two general officer levels of guard city to hunt for the demon groups and two gentleman levels to hunt for the demon group and temple guards the loss to be serious. Our duties, intercept this group of dead spirit powerhouses, strikes to kill them to recapture the hero soul remains as far as possible.” 紧急任务群,一泓清水,“各位好,我是李泓澈,本次任务由我指挥。下面向诸位通报任务情况。总部接到急报,距离圣城以北三百公里的卫城遭遇亡灵强者袭击,劫掠了卫轩墓葬的上百英灵。守护卫城的两支将级猎魔团、两支士级猎魔团以及圣殿守卫损失惨重。我们的任务,是拦截这批亡灵强者,尽可能击杀它们并夺回英灵遗体。” Listened to Li Hongche words, four hunt for demon group member one piece with deep veneration. This duty also complements the most difficult issue that the current six big temples are facing. The dead spirit lifeform present newest situation is unknown, but really has the dead spirit lifeform to penetrate nearby health/guard city to holy city snatches the powerhouse remains, obviously the dead spirit lifeform is serious regarding the infiltration of entire temple federation. 听了李泓澈的话,四支猎魔团成员一片肃然。这个任务也映衬着当前六大圣殿面临的最棘手的问题。亡灵生物现在的最新情况不得而知,但竟然已经有亡灵生物深入到圣城附近的卫城抢夺强者遗体了,可见亡灵生物对于整个圣殿联邦的渗透有多么严重。 Long Dangdang realized, the issue gravity that the dead spirit lifeform brings perhaps compared with them just knew initially all these times also wants serious many. This way, must unable to conceal in front of the general public. 龙当当意识到,亡灵生物所带来的问题严重性恐怕比他们当初刚刚得知这一切的时候还要严重的多。继续这样下去,恐怕在普通民众们面前都要隐瞒不住了。 The dead spirit most fearful place is, they can resurrect any lifeform of dying to join one's own side, even the human powerhouse died, may change into the dead spirit. Even the death time remote powerhouse remains can be reactivated, such enemy, was really difficult to deal with. But seems like, the federation has not as if been determined to launch a true war of annihilation with the dead spirit lifeform. This way, to look on the dead spirit lifeform does expand? 亡灵最可怕的地方就在于,它们可以复活任何已经死亡的生物加入己方,甚至人类强者死了,都可能会化为亡灵。连死亡时间久远的强者遗体都能被复活,这样的敌人,实在是太难对付了。而看起来,联邦似乎还没有下定决心和亡灵生物展开一场真正的歼灭战。继续这样下去,岂不是坐视亡灵生物壮大么? But he also knows, the federation has not made a decision, definitely the reasons in some aspects, this is not the level that now they can contact. 但他也知道,联邦之所以迟迟没有决断,肯定是有各方面的原因,这也不是现在他们所能接触到的层面。 When the emergency task group, deep clear water, carries out the task, various teams can operate independently, but must listen to me to unify to mix. We will block the most chief enemy, you must eliminate the enemy as soon as possible. If facing the controlled hero soul, can wreck. Now in same place recuperation waiting headquarters arrange azure Péng, we immediately.” 紧急任务群,一泓清水,“执行任务时,各支团队可以各自为战,但要听我统一调配。我们会挡住最主要的敌人,你们也要尽快肃清敌人。如果面对已经被控制的英灵,可以击毁。现在原地休整等待总部安排好青鹏,我们立刻出发。” Four hunt for the demon group, gathers respectively same place recuperation, to maintain by oneself the optimum condition. 四支猎魔团,各自聚集在一起原地休整,以让自己保持在最佳状态。 The enemies can cause heavy losses to two general officer levels to hunt for the demon groups and many gentleman levels hunt for the demon group, definitely is not good to cope, staying the optimum condition is most important. 敌人能够重创两支将级猎魔团和多支士级猎魔团,肯定不是好对付的,保持最佳状态才最重要。 Long Dangdang same and partners gather sits cross-legged to contemplate same place. 龙当当同样和伙伴们聚集在一起原地盘坐冥想。 Bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong, „, since these graves are so troublesome, why does not process!” 皓月当空,龙空空,“既然这些墓葬这么麻烦,为什么不处理了啊!” The bright moon, ice Monroe, is not in the sky easy to process. In the past six big temple anti- demon clans, some innumerable martyrs to protect human sacrificed, but they came from the different areas, after reunifying mainland. Many places will be the martyrs in area to meet to return to the native land to bury. And takes this as the honor. Only these martyrs have. But according to our custom, after the person dies bes laid to rest, and returns to the custom of native land. Therefore, spreads the grave in entire mainland there are numerous similar cases. Some are powerful before death, and has the martyrs mausoleum even worshipped object of remarkable meritorious service. How numerous do so graves handle? Some previous federal people had proposed must cremate the remains again, received the intense opposition sound. Also let it go. Therefore painstakingly the powerhouses in six big temples, to protect these graves, consumed too many manpower. We hunt for the situation of demon group slightly to be better, what are more is the execution in view of the duty of dead spirit lifeform.” 皓月当空,凌梦露,“没那么好处理的。当年六大圣殿共抗魔族,有无数先烈为了守护人类而牺牲,而他们来自不同的地区,在重新统一大陆之后。很多地方都将属于自己地区的先烈接回故土安葬。并以此为荣。单是这些先烈就有很多。而按照我们习俗,人死后入土为安,并且又回归故土的习惯。所以,散布在整个大陆的墓葬不知凡几。一些生前强大,并且有着卓越功勋的先烈陵墓甚至是被朝拜的对象。如此众多的墓葬如何处置?先前联邦有人提出过要将遗骨重新进行火化,受到了强烈的反对声音。也就不了了之了。所以就苦了六大圣殿的强者们,为了守护这些墓葬,着实是耗费了太多的人手。我们猎魔团的情况还稍微好一些,更多的是执行针对亡灵生物的任务。” The bright moon, woof Changxin, indecisive only will be in the sky more troublesome. Should carry out cremates, fundamentally solved the hero soul to be harassed to become the issue of hostile dead by the dead spirit lifeform, then called the army to turn over in full the dead spirit lifeform as soon as possible, so many issues will not emerge.” 皓月当空,汪常欣,“优柔寡断只会更加麻烦。早就应该执行重新火化,从根本上解决英灵被亡灵生物骚扰成为敌对亡者的问题,然后再召集大军尽快清缴亡灵生物,就不会有这么多的问题出现了。” Bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe, „, as stern of situation, now the argument in federal aspect is getting more and more intense. Federal government is to advocate the cremation, instead is our six big temple resolutely opposed. Because can call it the hero soul the older generation remains is almost the seniors in six big temples.” 皓月当空,凌梦露,“随着事态的严峻,现在联邦这方面的争论越来越激烈。联邦政府方面是主张火化的,反而是我们六大圣殿自己坚决反对。因为能够称之为英灵的先辈遗骨几乎都是六大圣殿的前辈。” Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: We now could not have contacted these levels, first completes the present task , to promote itself diligently.” 皓月当空,龙当当:“我们现在还接触不到这些层面,先完成好眼前的任务,努力提升自己吧。” Without the waiting too long time, another side, Li Hongche seemed like received the notice, he set out suddenly, the sinking sound shouted: Everyone comes with me.” 没有等待太长的时间,另一边,李泓澈似乎是接到了通知,他骤然起身,沉声喝道:“所有人跟我来。” The duty place one side wall splits, reveals a leaf of gateway, Li Hongche walks in the forefront, having the people half step to enter. 任务处一侧墙壁裂开,露出一扇门户,李泓澈走在最前面,带着众人快步进入。 This is a corridor, extended the corridor approximately to march forward was about 200-300 meters, the front presented very steep steps. Li Hongche steps out to climb on. Upward has been about hundred meters fully, the front one flashes the gateway to open, the dazzling sunlight made some people vertigos immediately. 这是一条走廊,延着走廊大约行进了有200-300米左右,前方出现十分陡峭的阶梯。李泓澈加快脚步攀登而上。一直上行足有百米左右,前方一闪门户开启,刺目的阳光顿时令众人有些眼花。 One after another however leaves, immediately has the chilly wind to assail to come, when the people fix the eyes on looked, impressively discovered, they already above a platform. 鱼贯而出,顿时有清冷的风吹袭而来,众人定睛看时,赫然发现,他们已经在一处平台之上。 Here seems like the high place in temple headquarters, has planting the feeling of standing in the castle spire. The cold wind howls, is swaying the body of people, looking into the distance, under foot just like vast giant holy city. 这里似乎是圣殿总部的高处,有种站在城堡塔尖的感觉。冷风呼啸,吹拂着众人的身体,放眼望去,脚下是宛如一望无际的巨大圣城。 At this moment in the sky transmits resonant songs of the birds, four huge forms drop from the clouds. Impressively is four all over the body presents for azure bright, the height surpasses seven meters giant azure Péng. This azure Péng volume is gigantic, the wingspan is over ten meters. When drops from the clouds, greatly somewhat the posture of sun-blocking. 就在这时天空中传来一声声嘹亮的鸟鸣,四道巨大的身影从天而降。赫然是四只通体呈现为青碧色,身长超过七米的巨大青鹏。这种青鹏体积硕大,翼展更是超过十米。从天而降时,大有几分遮天蔽日之姿。 Each azure Péng conducts the back has six seats, obviously to hunt for the demon group specially prepares. But saw 19,115,897 of this hunt for the demon group people subconsciously, the vision shifted to Long Kongkong. 每一头青鹏背上都有六个座位,显然是专门为猎魔团准备的。而看到这一幕的一九一一五八九七猎魔团众人,目光下意识的都转向了龙空空 „!” Li Hongche sinking sound shouted. “出发!”李泓澈沉声喝道。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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