SDT2BMS :: Volume #3

#217: New equipment

Chapter 217 new equipment 第217章新装备 Ice Monroe and lunar motion have made clear. The people vision fell on the peach numerous naturally. 凌梦露和月离都已经明确表态。众人目光自然而然就落在了桃林林身上。 The peach numerous is saying with a smile painstakingly: I am a little puzzled, I do not know that I am good.” 桃林林苦笑着道:“我有点纠结,我不知道我行不行。” Long Kongkong smiles, said: Believes itself.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“相信自己。” Long Dangdang say/way looking pensive: Peach school leader I have a suggestion.” 龙当当若有所思的道:“桃学长我有个建议。” The peach numerous rushes saying: Regimental commander please say.” He now to Long Dangdang that is the suitable belief. 桃林林赶忙道:“团长请说。”他现在对龙当当那是相当的信服。 Long Dangdang said: I thought that you can wait again. After your cultivating to be seven steps, decided again. You now many summon beasts, the present stage, the you strength is very absolutely strong in the same rank. But after seven steps, besides two dragon beasts, other summon beasts will weaken, more can only rely on not the fixed summon and town/subdues demon tree. But this also has a process, you considered again.” 龙当当道:“我觉得你可以再等等。等到你的修为达到七阶之后,再进行决定。你本身现在有多种召唤兽,现阶段,伱的实力在同级别之中绝对已经很强了。但到了七阶之后,除了两头龙兽之外,其他的召唤兽就会变弱,更多的只能凭借不固定的召唤以及镇魔树。而这还有个过程,你再考虑考虑。” The peach numerous relaxes, said: Also ok, I think again, I now outside the spirit strength is also not much, I am first attempting the spirit strength cultivation to 900. If feels able to endure patiently, or can find to suit I not that sore demon beast blood, I decided.” 桃林林松了口气,道:“也行,那我就再想想,我现在外灵力也不咋地,我先尝试着向九百外灵力修炼吧。要是感觉能忍耐,或者能找到适合我不那么疼的魔兽血液,我就下决心了。” woof Changxin: „A does not have any demon beast blood can make the blood refine the golden body to cultivate. After achieving promotes certainly, the good demon beast blood must replace.” 汪常欣道:“没有任何一种魔兽血液能够让血炼金身一直修炼下去的。达到一定提升之后,再好的魔兽血液都要进行替换。” The peach numerous complexion somewhat coughed awkwardly. 桃林林脸色有些尴尬的咳嗽了一声。 woof Changxin is looking steadily at him, said: If you are holding the lucky mentality, that do not study the blood to refine the golden body. The blood refining up the golden body to have a result, must have the heart of crossing the rubicon. Do not look that the regimental commander develops to bleed refining up golden body more advantage, can obtain the bloodlines talent of demon beast, but in fact, really chooses time, can cultivation this family merit law to have, is few people. Absorbing same type one ton demon beast blood is easier said than done. That needs to experience the innumerable pain. This was were only many a possibility, rather than has. Therefore, you really want to choose, needs to set firm resolve, cannot have hesitation of half a point, has the successful possibility, moreover as before is not 100% successes. Others are also same, therefore, when chooses, if certainly wants to be clear.” 汪常欣盯视着他,道:“如果你抱着侥幸心态,那就不要学习血炼金身。血炼金身想要有所成绩,必须要有破釜沉舟之心。别看团长开发出了血炼金身更多的好处,能够获得魔兽的血脉天赋,但实际上,真的进行选择的时候,能够修炼这门功法有成的,还是极少数人。吸收同种类一吨魔兽血液谈何容易。那需要经历无数的痛苦。这只是多了一个可能,而不是就已经拥有。所以,你真想要选择,就需要下定决心,不能有半分的迟疑,才有成功的可能,而且依旧不是百分之百成功。其他人也是一样,所以,在进行选择的时候,一定要想清楚。” Not only this reminder in view of peach numerous, to just made Ling Menglu of choice to say. Compares in the close combat occupation, the legal system occupation cultivation blood refining up the pain that the golden body needs to bear inevitably is bigger. Because they cultivation in the process to pay great attention are the temperance of spiritual level, wants weakly regarding the temperance of body many. 她这番提醒不只是针对桃林林的,也是对刚刚做出了选择的凌梦露说的。相比于近战职业,法系职业修炼血炼金身需要承受的痛苦必然是更大的。因为他们本身修炼过程中更注重是精神层面的锤炼,对于身体的锤炼本身就要弱不少。 Long Dangdang said: woof Xuejie said, therefore, everyone does not need to make anxiously decides finally, after going back, thinks well. Before the definite station, we first does not receive the duty, first respective cultivation, is familiar with the weaponry that obtain newly. Below everyone first says the equipment effect that oneself obtained newly, to facilitate each other was familiar.” 龙当当道:“汪学姐说得对所以,大家也都不用急着作出最终决定,回去之后再好好想想。在没有确定驻地之前,我们也先不接取任务,先各自修炼,熟悉自己新获得的武器装备。下面大家把自己新获得的装备效果先说一下吧,以方便彼此熟悉。” At that moment, he first told oneself heart shining coverall function, ability and effect. 当下,他先将自己的心耀套装作用、能力和效果讲述了一遍。 Two the legend level equipment that glistens the combination becomes, possibly is inferior to other legend levels by the sole attribute, but the effect and function are numerous. Especially the coverall skill, compared favorably with any ability of legend level equipment sufficiently. What is more important has not affected to equip other equipment. 两件辉耀组合而成的传奇级装备,论单一属性可能不如其他传奇级,但效果、作用众多。尤其是套装技能,足以媲美任何传奇级装备的能力了。更重要的是还不影响装备其他装备。 The ice Monroe's second start told that own equipment, today obtained two equipment, Daliwan of everyone light saw. In fuses after the sacred hammer spirit furnace, I also need to attempt, can determine its ability and characteristics. At present the feeling is in the attack between entities and energy bodies. But the itself ability is too strong, I somewhat could not have controlled. Moreover obtained a glistening level equipment named sky overhead necklace, the function of sky overhead necklace is to promote the psychic force upper limit, simultaneously strengthens the energetic resistance, has a big help to me.” 凌梦露第二个开始讲述自己的装备情况,“今天获得了两件装备,光之大力丸大家都看到了。在和神圣之锤灵炉融合之后,我也还需要进行尝试,才能确定它的能力与特性。目前感觉是处于实体与能量体之间的攻击。但本身能力太强,我还有些掌控不住。另外获得了一件辉耀级装备名为天心项链,天心项链的作用是提升精神力上限,同时增强精神抗性,对我有着不小的帮助。” Equipped this level to the glistening level, the attribute is more unitary represents its effect stronger. 到了辉耀级装备这个层次,属性越单一就代表着其效果越强。 Ling Menglu continues saying: I have a legend level law stick, named angel power. Can promote all sacred attribute magic effects 35%.” Also is a sole attribute equipment, but this effect was extraordinarier. 凌梦露继续道:“我还有一柄传奇级法杖,名为天使的权力。能够提升一切神圣属性魔法效果百分之三十五。”又是一件单一属性装备,但这个效果就更了不得了。 Ling Menglu as light god's the owner of body, itself has the name of goddess, all her magic almost supplementaries have the sacred attribute effect , to promote the sacred magic 35%, almost can be equal to enhance her magic might 35%, its function can be imagined. 凌梦露身为光神之体的拥有者,本身更有着神女之称,她所有的魔法几乎都附带有神圣属性效果,提升神圣魔法百分之三十五,几乎可以等同于提升她的魔法威力百分之三十五了,其作用可想而知。 She said that Long Kongkong then wants saying that was actually pulled back itself side by Long Dangdang. 她说完了,龙空空接着就想说,却被龙当当一把拉回了自己身边。 woof Xuejie, please.” “汪学姐,请。” woof Changxin: My tyrant day mallet as we all know, Tyrant Tianchui is a quite rare weapon, I just had its time, it is only the spirit demon level equipment. But it is one has the expanding equipment. With my dominating world spirit furnace associated, therefore, I will never replace in weapon. It will accompany my growth to grow. Now had arrived at the glistening level peak, started to touch the legend level the degree.” 汪常欣道:“我的霸天槌大家都知道,霸天槌是一种比较罕见的武器,我刚拥有它的时候,它只是灵魔级装备。但它却是一件拥有成长性的装备。更是与我的雄霸天下灵炉伴生的,所以,在武器方面我永远都不会更换。它会陪伴着我的成长而成长。现在已经到了辉耀级巅峰,开始触摸到传奇级的程度了。” Today obtained a waistband, the anger of mammoth. Can strengthen my strength 10%, the waistband supplements the anger of skill mammoth simultaneously, can make the wild effect double, but do not undertake its load.” Without doubt, this is a glistening level equipment that suits the strength soldier. “今天获得了一条腰带,猛犸之怒。能够增强我的力量百分之十,腰带同时附带技能猛犸之怒,可以让狂暴效果加倍而自身不承担其负荷。”无疑,这是一条适合力量型战士的辉耀级装备。 The people listened to think that some tooth acids, surpassed 4000 outside spirit strength by this eldest sister, in addition in the spirit strength, dominated the world spirit furnace, Tyrant Tianchui, but also increased the strength, this instantaneous eruption, can the opponents of seven steps be able to block? 众人听了都觉得有些牙酸,以这位大姐超过四千的外灵力,加上内灵力,雄霸天下灵炉,霸天槌,还增加力气,这瞬间的爆发,七阶的对手能不能挡得住啊? Then was one's turn the lunar motion, the lunar motion shows a faint smile, said: I have been seeking for a good magic stick, to our masters, does not have any stick more important. This time was very lucky, found one appropriately, with did not have the issue to seven step peaks.” 接下来轮到了月离,月离微微一笑,道:“我一直都在寻找一柄好的魔法杖,对我们法师来说,没有什么比法杖更重要的了。这次很幸运,找到了一根合适的,用到七阶巅峰都没问题了。” The law stick, ices the song of fire. It is said is of an ice and fire song of magic temple five big divine tools imitations. The glistening level peak supplements the skill ice hot common origin. May stockpile the river system and fire simultaneously is the magic respectively one. In use fuses and variation enhancement. Strengthens inevitably. The enhancement scope and storage skill are related. 法杖,冰火之歌。据说是魔法圣殿五大神器之一冰与火之歌的仿造品。辉耀级巅峰本身附带技能冰火同源。可同时储备水系、火系魔法各一个。在使用时自行融合并变异增强。必然增强。增强幅度和储存技能相关。 As for that divine tool that it copies, it is said the manufacture core is a dragon crystal of an ice dragon and fire dragon. Moreover that pair of big dragon was once lover, was not only as incompatible as fire and water , the water and fire aid, produced a that mysterious equipment. 至于它所仿造的那件神器,据说制作核心是一头冰龙和一头火龙的龙晶。而且那一对巨龙还是曾经的恋人,既是水火不容,又水火相济,才出产了那么神奇的一件装备。 Livelihood same splendor spirit furnace that the lunar motion has, itself uses the foundation of this divine tool, but needs to boost the spirit furnace to five changes can use. Why this was also the lunar motion after meeting Long Dangdang, discovered that the Long Dangdang spirit furnace can own spirit furnace promotion the reason that helps stick immediately. 月离所拥有的日月同辉灵炉,本身就是使用这件神器的基础,但需要将灵炉推升到五变才能使用。这也是为什么月离在遇到了龙当当之后,发现龙当当的灵炉能够对自己的灵炉晋升有所帮助立刻就黏上来的原因。 The livelihood same splendor spirit furnace in entire magic temple also few, the magic temple has an unwritten stipulation. If who can complete five evolutions this spirit furnace, can wield the divine tool ice and fire song, and becomes sacred hall directly. 日月同辉灵炉在整个魔法圣殿也没有几尊,魔法圣殿有一个不成文的规定。谁如果能够将这尊灵炉完成五次进化,就可以执掌神器冰与火之歌,并且直接成为圣堂。 Currently has in several of livelihood same splendor spirit furnace, the age of lunar motion is smallest. 目前拥有日月同辉灵炉的几位之中,月离的年纪是最小的。 Because the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace was the copy initial two big towerman spirit furnaces, and also unified the two, the itself evolution was extremely difficult, therefore, the ice and fire song in fact have many years is not wielded. 日月同辉灵炉因为是仿造当初的两大守望者灵炉,并且还将二者结合,本身进化是极其困难的,因此,冰与火之歌实际上已经有很多年没有被执掌过了。 At this time obtains song of law stick this ice fire, the lunar motion is naturally overjoyed, does not trade to the legend level equipment. To her, the effect of this divine tool also equips the legend level is better. 此时获得这柄冰火之歌法杖,月离自然是大喜过望,给个传奇级装备都不换。对她来说,这件神器的效果也比传奇级装备更好。 Everyone can feel the lunar motion the excitement, the peach numerous smile said: Congratulated study the elder sister. I also obtained a very suitable my equipment. Steals the day of law robe. This equipment supplementary skill is clever. Can let me, when summon demon beast, made demon beast summon time turned time. But the premise must summon over two summon beasts.” 大家都能感受到月离的兴奋,桃林林微笑道:“恭喜学姐了。我也获得了一件很适合自身的装备。偷天法袍。这件装备附带技能偷天换日。能够让我在召唤魔兽的时候,令其中一只魔兽召唤时间翻倍。但前提是必须要召唤了两只以上召唤兽。” Without doubt, steals the effect of day of law robe, although has not iced the song of law stick fire is so good, but also was the best quality goods of summon equips absolutely. Each summon master has own powerful summon beast, but even if the life summon beast, below cannot summon in nine steps endlessly, has the summon time. Were many such law robe, without doubt is even more powerful. Especially his two first eight levels of dragon Ximo beast, a random time lengthens, can the big promotion strength. 无疑,偷天法袍的效果虽然没有冰火之歌法杖那么好,但也绝对是召唤师的极品装备了。每一名召唤师都有自己的强力召唤兽,但哪怕是本命召唤兽,在九阶以下也不能无休止的召唤,都是有召唤时间的。多了这么件法袍,无疑是如虎添翼。尤其是他那两头八级龙系魔兽,任意一种时间延长,都能大大的提升实力。 The ocean nighttide said: This I, I made a nihility cape. Can in a short time the incarnation nihility, making the physics attack to me expires, can be the attack method of advance. Is an attack and defense body. Satisfied.” 溟汐道:“该我啦,我弄了一件虚无斗篷。能在短时间内化身虚无,令物理攻击对我失效,同时也能作为突进的攻击手段。算是攻防一体。满足了。” Some Long Kongkong enmities looks can own brother, be one's turn me?” 龙空空有些怨怼的看着自己老哥,“总该轮到我了吧?” Long Dangdang raised the chin to him, Long Kongkong snort/hum, suddenly, he made the movement in same place taking off, jumps approximately to takeoff one foot. Has not waited for others to respond, suddenly, his body vanished suddenly baseless. When appears again, had arrived at behind ice Monroe unexpectedly. 龙当当向他扬了扬下巴,龙空空哼了一声,突然之间,他做了个原地起跳的动作,跳起来大约离地一尺。还没等其他人反应过来,骤然间,他的身体突然凭空消失了。再出现时,竟然已经到了凌梦露背后。 The people are almost saying with one voice: Flickers to move?” 众人几乎是异口同声的说道:“瞬移?” Flickers to move, but extraordinary skill! Also is the core skill of high rank assassin. In the normal condition the high rank assassin and space are the magician can display. But anything equips, so long as the supplementary flickers to move to this ability, that without doubt is the best quality goods. 要知道,瞬移可是了不得的技能啊!也是高阶刺客的核心技能。正常情况下只有高阶刺客和空间系魔法师才能施展。而无论是什么装备,只要附带瞬移这个能力,那无疑就是极品。 Long Kongkong complacent say/way: Jumps to flash the boots. So long as after jumping, can conduct the small range to flicker to move, in 20 meters range. Maintaining life divine tool.” 龙空空洋洋得意的道:“跳闪靴。只要跃起之后就可以进行小范围瞬移,二十米范围内。保命神器。” Although only then 20 meters, but said that is the maintaining life divine tool is not exaggerating. Moreover, as the protection knight, has such equipment to present the key position that needs him to present? 虽然只有二十米,但说是保命神器也不算夸张。而且,作为守护骑士,拥有这样的装备又何尝不能出现在需要他出现的关键位置呢? Everyone introduced equipment that oneself obtained newly, is a jubilant scene. Today's these harvests, making 19,115,897 hunt for the strength of demon group to increase. 所有人都介绍完了自己新获得的装备,无不是一片喜气洋洋的景象。今天的这些收获,让一九一一五八九七猎魔团的实力大增。 Originally others because also Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were stranded nine months by the mind in the right way palace, some worry team strengths were fallen. But is only day of time, Long Dangdang proved to everyone with the action, has not dropped that matter. These equipment made up for the issue that the meritorious service was insufficient sufficiently. 原本其他人还因为龙当当龙空空被正心殿困了九个月,有些担心团队实力被落下。可只是一天时间,龙当当就用行动向大家证明了,根本就没有落下那回事儿。这些装备足以弥补功勋不足的问题了。 Good, everyone first goes back to rest. We momentarily through child spirit crystal relation. The cousin, looked for the matter of station to trouble you first to make some preparations.” Ling is the holy city respected family, this aspect resources naturally are not their others can compare, Long Dangdang also slightly not with the ice Monroe's polite meaning. “好,那大家就先回去休息吧。我们随时通过子灵晶联系。表姐,找驻地的事情就要麻烦你先做一些准备了。”凌家乃是圣城大家族,这方面资源自然不是他们其他人所能相比,龙当当也丝毫没有跟凌梦露客气的意思。 Un. Also must consider the security problem, must consider our privacy. Striving to find a quiet oasis in a crowded place is best.” Ice Monroe's saying looking pensive, clearly was in the heart has some ideas. “嗯呢。既要考虑安全问题,也要考虑到我们的隐私。争取闹中取静是最好的。”凌梦露若有所思的说道,显然是心中已经有了一些想法。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted ice Monroe, cousin, went back later to make in the family/home start to purchase the high rank demon beast blood, did not limit the type. It is estimated that hunted for demon group headquarters to take an action. We must keep secret the demon beast talent skill the matter, but had not said that does not make us purchase.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊凌梦露,“表姐,回去之后让家里开始收购高阶魔兽血液吧,不限种类。估计猎魔团总部方面会有所行动了。我们是要保密魔兽天赋技能的事,但没说不让我们收购。” The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe private chatted Long Dangdang, actually, in the family/home has started to purchase. These nine months, had purchased in secret much, dragon Ximo the beast blood are especially many. Although why I have not told the grandfather and father am, but they believe me.” 皓月当空,凌梦露私聊龙当当,“其实,家里早就开始收购了。这九个月,已经暗中收购了不少,龙系魔兽血液尤其多。我虽然没告诉爷爷和爸爸是为什么,但他们都信我呢。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted ice Monroe, outstanding.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊凌梦露,“优秀。” The people depart in abundance, Long Kongkong languid also when must walk was actually blocked by Long Dangdang. 众人纷纷离去,龙空空懒洋洋的也要走时却被龙当当拦住了。 Blood refining up the golden body.” “血炼金身。” „? Doesn't rest?” Long Kongkong somewhat helpless say/way. “啊?都不休息一下的嘛?”龙空空有些无奈的道。 Long Dangdang ill-humored say/way: Had not looked that the Zisang colored glaze glimmer they did promote the general officer level to hunt for the demon to roll? I estimated that she was away from seven steps is not far. How to pursue diligently? In you must catch up with the spirit strength the outside spirit strength today. I promote six steps today.” 龙当当没好气的道:“没看子桑琉荧他们都晋升将级猎魔团了吗?我估计她距离七阶都不会太远了。再不努力怎么追赶?你今天必须把外灵力追上内灵力。我今天晋升六阶。” Long Kongkong blinks, catches the key point, brother, do you want to promote six steps?” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,捕捉到了重点,“老哥,你要晋升六阶了?” Long Dangdang nods, actually should be OK, because the blood refining up the reason of golden body, outside the spirit strength has not achieved 4000, therefore, in the spirit strength is unable the evolution promotion. Today breaks through.” 龙当当点了点头,“其实早就应该可以了,但因为血炼金身的缘故,外灵力没有达到四千,所以,内灵力也无法进化提升。今天就突破吧。” Good, good, I accompany you.” “好吧,好吧,那我陪你。” Two people come to the bathroom, Long Dangdang start to let blood. He previously has the idea. The acquired demon beast blood type is numerous, becomes the ton organic also has many. But suits their, only has part. He in the selection, must first select dragon system the bloodlines, next must seek for its talent skill to suit own absorbs. Like this not only can enhance outside the spirit strength, and can obtain to suit own talent skill. Such effect is best. 两人来到浴室,龙当当开始放血。他先前就已经有了想法。获得的魔兽血液种类众多,成吨建制的也有不少。但其中适合他们的,却只有一部分。他在选取的时候,首先要选取龙系血脉,其次还要寻找其天赋技能适合自己的来进行吸收。这样既可以提升外灵力,又能够获得适合自身的天赋技能。这样的效果才是最好的。 Seeks to Long Kongkong is also so. Moreover, is his different dragon is the demon beast blood. 龙空空寻找的也是如此。而且,是和他不一样的龙系魔兽血液。 The following process was simple, cultivation! Enters the step! 接下来的过程就简单了,修炼!进阶! After a double-hour, the intense spirit strength fluctuates to burst out from the bathroom. In the entire bathroom, is glittering the strange brilliance. 一个时辰后,强烈的灵力波动从浴室中迸发而出。整个浴室内,都闪烁着奇异的光彩。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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