SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#190: Long Kongkong „purple”

Chapter 190 Long Kongkong purple 第190章龙空空的“紫色” Mallet Tyrant heaven departs several meters the thunder clap bird bang, but woof Changxin is also the whole body electric light was shot to fly. This is the spirit astral's fearfulness, the spirit astral's prestige can manifest in all-around, but woof Changxin always spirit strength already over 8000, but she after all is also not seven steps, even element does not have, the pure eruption added the strength unable to break a spirit astral's attack and defense body. 大槌霸天将雷震鸟轰飞出数米,但汪常欣也是全身电光的被弹飞了出去。这就是灵罡的可怕,灵罡的威能体现在全方位的,而汪常欣虽然总灵力已经超过八千,但她毕竟还不是七阶,连元素化都没有,纯粹的爆发加力量也破不了灵罡的攻防一体。 But this mallet also truly won some time to other partners. The sacred hammer almost arrives instantaneously, pounding ruthlessly in the head of thunder clap bird, the disparity of level let the thunder clap bird immunity most spiritual attacks, but therefore stopped for one second. 但这一槌也确实是给其他伙伴争取了一些时间。神圣之锤几乎是瞬间降临,狠狠的砸在了雷震鸟的头上,层次的差距让雷震鸟免疫了大多数的精神攻击,但还是因此而停顿了一秒。 Long Dangdang draws support from the partners time both hands that strives to grasp at the beginning of the silver wave magic to lift up high excessively for oneself, this top spirit demon level equipment blooms the radiant brilliance, as before is the ray of Saint sword, but in this moment, Long Dangdang actually all used the conflagration and sacrifice. 龙当当就借助伙伴们为自己争取到的时间双手握着银浪魔法之初高举过头,这件顶级灵魔级装备绽放出璀璨的光彩,依旧是圣剑的光芒,但在这一刻,龙当当却将爆燃和牺牲全都用了出来。 Outside the enhancement of spirit strength is all-around to his promotion, the most important point lay in his body carrying capacity greatly promoted, the body carrying capacity promoted later him, is withstanding the dark blue moon/month angel to change body to have the huge enhancement. Before let alone with these increase skills, even if the pure dark blue moon/month angel changed the body, is his very difficult carrying/sustaining. But at this moment, the light of Long Dangdang moonlight suddenly were many blood-color, oneself aura rises dramatically again. 外灵力的增强对他的提升是全方位的,其中最重要的一点就在于他的身体承受力大大的提升了,身体承受力提升之后的他,在承受沧月天使变身方面有着巨大的增强。以前别说用这些增幅技能了,就算是单纯的沧月天使变身,已经是他很难承载的了。而此时此刻,龙当当身上的月华之光骤然多了一层血色,自身气息再次暴增。 The back four wings flaps full power, a lot of light elements from come to his within the body racing wells up in all directions, Long Dangdang at this time the muscle of face because of carrying/sustaining huge spirit strength already some distortions. But this sword, he divided to cut. The light of bright Saint sword from the sky condensed the huge light ball, just like morning sun that raised slowly to be the same, divided to cut to go to the thunder clap bird. 背后四翼全力拍动,大量的光元素从四面八方向他体内奔涌而来,以至于龙当当此时面部的肌肉因为承载这庞大的灵力都已经有些扭曲了。但这一剑,他还是劈斩了出去。灿烂的圣剑之光在空中凝聚成了巨大的光球,犹如一颗冉冉升起的朝阳一般,向雷震鸟劈斩而去。 The thunder clap bird just now restores at this time from the spiritual impact, at present has been filled by the bright Saint light. The meaning that this powerful nine levels of demon beast whole body instantaneous thunder brilliant hold, have not withdrawn, the entire body was changing into the blue-purple instantaneously, thunder element. The next quarter, in sharp warbling, it had fired into that Saint light good-fittingly morning sun. 雷震鸟此时才刚从精神冲击中恢复过来,眼前就已经被灿烂的圣光所充满。这头强大的九级魔兽全身瞬间雷光大盛,没有丝毫退避的意思,整个身躯都在瞬间化为了蓝紫色,雷元素化。下一刻,一声尖利的鸟鸣声中,它已经合身冲向了那圣光所化的朝阳。 Bang-” dazzling glare, the energy of eruption, raised to fly below people outrageously instantaneously, if did not have the wind shield protections of storm demon dragon, but complementary waves enough they of this attack received. “轰-”刺目的强光,悍然爆发的能量,瞬间就将下方的众人掀飞了出去,如果不是有风暴魔龙的一道道风盾守护,只是这攻击的余波就够他们受的。 Long Dangdang only felt at this time an own brain blank, in that flash of collision, he lost the consciousness shortly. When he replies the consciousness time, discovered oneself already pounding ruthlessly in forest, the side is a lot of broken branches and leaves, oneself pounded one a depth of several meters in the ground, the diameter surpassed ten meters big hole. Around the big hole is completely burnt black. Frigidity that obviously just these collided. 龙当当此时只觉得自己大脑一片空白,在碰撞的那一瞬间,他就短暂的失去了意识。等他回复意识的时候,发现自己已经狠狠的砸在森林之中,身边是大量的残破枝叶,自己更是在地面上砸出了一个深达数米,直径超过十米的大坑。大坑周围尽是一片焦黑色。可见刚刚这一下碰撞的惨烈。 The Long Dangdang dark blue moon/month angel changed the body to be hit not to have, at the beginning of the silver wave magic in hand was only left over the half. The long sword of this spirit demon level peak, cannot resist the collisions of these two great powers. 龙当当的沧月天使变身已经被打没了,手中的银浪魔法之初更是只剩下了半截。这柄灵魔级巅峰的长剑,没能抵挡住这两股强大力量的碰撞。 But the dark blue moon/month angel changes is to disintegrate at the same time, helped Long Dangdang reduce and solve most impulse eventually, has not brought the too big wound finally, sacrificed the condition also to relieve, Long Dangdang spouted a blood that brings the foul air, crawled from the ground. 但沧月天使变身在瓦解的同时,终究还是帮龙当当化解了大部分的冲击力,总算没有带来太大的创伤,牺牲状态也解除了,龙当当喷出一口带着浊气的鲜血,从地上爬起来。 In the sky, nine levels of thunder clap birds hover as in the horizon, thunder light/only seemed gloomy several points, but also was so. Moreover, in its mouth sounds, the sky fast is becoming gloomy, brights from in the air have delimited unceasingly. 天空中,九级雷震鸟依旧翱翔在天际,身上的雷光似乎暗淡了几分,但也就是如此了。而且,伴随着它口中声声鸣叫,天空正在快速变得暗淡,一道道亮光不断从空中划过。 An intense weak transmission spreads the whole body, how does this hit? Oneself and partners have really done utmost. But, the strengths of nine levels of demon beasts were really strong, was not they of present stage can contend. 一种强烈的无力感传遍全身,这怎么打?自己和伙伴们真的已经是竭尽全力了。可是,九级魔兽的实力实在是太强了,根本就不是现阶段的他们所能抗衡的。 Elder Brother, you how?” The form leapt up together rapidly, impressively Long Kongkong. “哥,你怎么样?”一道身影飞速的蹿了过来,赫然正是龙空空 Long Dangdang this time appearance is really somewhat frigid, the whole person lies down on the ground, the dark blue moon/month angel changed the body condition to relieve, but was actually burned black, looking like the hard coke was ordinary, the corners of the mouth place also often had the blood threads, the body muscle also twitched, such seemingly distinct must come to the verge of death the condition. 龙当当此时的样子着实是有些惨烈,整个人躺在地上,沧月天使变身状态已经解除了,但却是一身焦黑,就像是焦炭一般,嘴角处还有血丝,身体肌肉还不时的抽搐一下,那样子看上去分明已经是要濒临死亡的状态了。 Long Dangdang by thunder clap bird the whole body paralysis of strength of bombardment thunder, opened mouth, wants to tell Long Kongkong to be all right, but actually cannot make the sound at this moment. 龙当当被雷震鸟的雷霆之力轰击的全身麻痹,张了张嘴,想告诉龙空空自己没事,但这一刻却没能发出声音来。 Then he saw indistinctly, the eye pupil of Long Kongkong is changing, the look that always the belt/bring smiles starts becomes crazy, wipes the crazy red also to reappear in his eye pupil. 然后他就隐约看到,龙空空的眼眸在发生变化,原本总是带笑的眼神开始变得疯狂起来,一抹疯狂的红色随之在他眼眸之中浮现。 This time Long Kongkong only felt own brain must blast out severe pain, in his head, only then a thought that my brother was dying, my brother is dying...... 此时的龙空空只觉得自己的大脑都已经要炸开了似的剧痛,他脑袋里只有一个念头,我哥要死了,我哥要死了…… That from infancy to maturity, the two brothers experience rapid flash through in his mind. They at the merriment, are fighting together, the Elder Brother who always holds back one trick can always tidy up him. However, whenever really has the danger the time, he will actually keep off before oneself. Especially after becoming occupation, for oneself, he had the opportunity of wisdom spirit furnace to give up, otherwise did oneself possibly become one to hunt for demon? Oneself protects the knight obviously, but, is actually the Elder Brother is always protecting itself! But at this moment, the Elder Brother is dying, was dying! 从小到大,兄弟俩经历的一幕幕飞速在他脑海中闪过。他们在一起笑闹,在一起打斗,总是留一手的哥哥总是能收拾他。但是,每当真的有危险的时候,他却又总是会挡在自己身前。尤其是成为职业者之后,为了自己,他连获得智慧灵炉的机会都放弃了,否则自己又怎么可能成为一名猎魔者?明明自己才是守护骑士,可一直以来,却都是哥哥守护着自己啊!而此时此刻,哥哥要死了,要死了啊! Bastard-” Long Kongkong face upwards to angrily roar, in this moment, his mood as if collapse general eruption. “混蛋啊-”龙空空仰天怒吼,在这一刻,他的情绪仿佛崩溃一般爆发了。 The chest place, jet black such as the vortex of black ink starts to appear, that clearly is the strength of Yuan whorl spirit furnace, but changes relieving of body along with the dark blue moon/month angel, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace had also returned to his within the body. 胸口处,漆黑如墨的旋涡开始出现,那分明是元涡灵炉的力量,而伴随着沧月天使变身的解除,神祈屿桐灵炉也早已回到了他的体内。 The day deep pool domain almost opens instantaneously, big piece starts toward to spread jet black in all directions. 天渊领域几乎是瞬间开启,大片的漆黑开始朝着四面八方蔓延开来。 Ling Menglu had also arrived at the near at this time, while she prepares to use the treatment magic to the Long Dangdang treatment time, actually feels suddenly, own spirit strength was being swallowed by the Long Kongkong day deep pool domain. 凌梦露此时也已经来到了近前,正当她准备施展治疗魔法给龙当当治疗的时候,却猛然感觉到,就连自己的灵力都在被龙空空的天渊领域所吞噬。 She just wants to remind Long Kongkong, actually saw impressively, the red in his eye gradually turned into the purple unexpectedly, one type made her soul somewhat tremble the general purple. 她正想提醒龙空空,却赫然看到,他眼中的红色竟是渐渐变成了紫色,一种令她灵魂都有些战栗一般的紫色。 On the Long Kongkong exposed face outside, started to crawl completely the purple trace, that was similar to the grid general trace to spread following the cheek downward, but in his face, appeared unexpectedly gradually purple scale general existences. Extremely strange aura starts to erupt from him, that is a dying out feeling that made the person mind shiver, an oppression that made people nearly unable to withstand. 龙空空裸露在外的面庞上,更是开始爬满了紫色的纹路,那如同网格一般的纹路顺着面颊向下蔓延,而在他的面部,竟是渐渐浮现出了一块块紫色鳞片一般的存在。一股极其诡异的气息开始从他身上爆发开来,那是一种令人心神颤抖的寂灭感,一种让人近乎无法承受的压迫。 In the sky, is summoning the dark cloud, prepares to condense the thunder clap bird body of strength of thunder and lightning to tremble suddenly, turns head to look to under. Happen to saw Long Kongkong that pair filled the crazy purple eye pupil. 天空中,正在召唤乌云,准备凝聚雷电之力的雷震鸟骤然身体一颤,扭头向下方看去。正好看到了龙空空那一双充满了疯狂的紫色眼眸。 This, these are condensing the electric light that comes to be defeated and dispersed to it unexpectedly. The thunder clap bird huge body shivered. It is fluttering the wing furiously, seems wants to flee. But seemed like by what strength is actually fettered, desperate wanted to fly away is actually not able to work loose. 只是这一眼,那些正在向它凝聚而来的电光竟然溃散了。雷震鸟庞大的身躯更是颤抖了一下。它奋力拍动着翅膀,仿佛是想要逃离。但却又似乎是被什么力量束缚住了,拼命的想要飞走却根本无法挣脱。 Is preparing to approach to rescue the Long Dangdang 19,115,897 members, at this time also only thought the surrounding air as if solidified, own spirit strength is condensing to go toward that crazy central rapid spread. They have actually moved cannot move. 正在准备靠近过来救援龙当当的一九一一五八九七的成员们,此时一个个也只觉得周围的空气仿佛都凝固了,自身的灵力正在朝着那个疯狂的中心飞速的蔓延凝聚而去。他们自身却已经是一动都不能动。 The purple in Long Kongkong eye is getting more and more powerful, even started to present the golden color indistinctly, his body also started to inflate, both hands started to increase, not only above is covering the purple scale, started to have the sharp claws to drill from the fingertip place. 龙空空眼中的紫色越来越强盛起来,甚至都开始隐约出现了金色,他的身体也开始膨胀,双手开始变大,上面不只是覆盖着紫色的鳞片,更开始有利爪从指尖处钻出。 At this moment, a jet black palm made contact with the shoulder of Long Kongkong suddenly, the somewhat hoarse sound also resounds, do not be noisy.” 就在这时,一只漆黑的手掌突然搭上了龙空空的肩头,有些沙哑的声音随之响起,“别闹。” Body of Long Kongkong stiff , his purple seemed like extracted, rapidly toward that black palm transmission in the past. Two bodies shivered simultaneously. That dying out crazy, has been similar to the snow and ice ablation to dissipate general rapidly. 龙空空的身体僵硬了一下,紧接着,他身上的紫色就像是被抽取了似的,飞速朝着那黑色的手掌传递过去。两个身体同时颤抖了一下。那一份寂灭的疯狂,就已经如同冰雪消融一般迅速的消散了。 The in the air thunder clap bird lost the fetter suddenly, in the mouth exuded one to fill the frightened sad and shrill bird cry, is fluttering the wing full power, soaring that does not dare to return to went. 空中的雷震鸟突然失去了束缚,口中发出一声充满恐惧的凄厉鸟鸣,全力拍动着翅膀,头也不敢回的飞腾而去。 Long Kongkong slow turning round, looks as before is the whole body burned black, but actually eye pupil bright Long Dangdang. In the eye of Long Dangdang, is glittering and he previously the similar purple, but black is flaking, reveals inside flesh. His clothes had broken, the flesh surface also has the purple that removes slowly. 龙空空缓慢的回过身,看着依旧是全身焦黑,但却眼眸明亮的龙当当龙当当的眼中,闪烁着和他先前同样的紫色,而身上的黑色正在剥落,露出里面的肌肤。他的衣服已经破碎了,肌肤表面同样也有正在缓缓褪去的紫色。 Elder Brother-” Long Kongkong somewhat called one at a loss. “哥-”龙空空有些茫然的叫了一声。 Un, I am all right. Relax.” Long Dangdang again racket his shoulder. “嗯,我没事。放心吧。”龙当当再次拍拍他的肩膀。 Long Kongkong, I want to say that you strolled accompanied by pet bird......” 龙空空,“我是想说,你遛鸟了……” The palm stiffens, turning around of ice Monroe of not far away the whole face has blushed. But also only then she, saw purple that on Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong that is removing. 手掌僵住,不远处的凌梦露已经满脸羞红的转过身去。而也只有她,才看到了龙当当龙空空身上那正在褪去的紫色。 After Long Dangdang runs up to the tree, rapidly changes the clothes, others then ran at this time in abundance. They have not seen Long Kongkong and Long Dangdang change, does not know that had anything, but thunder clap bird bewildered ran . Moreover the very startled appearance, they also similarly are in the heart curious and doubts. 龙当当迅速跑到树后换衣服,其他人此时这才纷纷跑了上来。他们没有看到龙空空龙当当身上的变化,并不知道发生了什么,但雷震鸟莫名其妙的跑了,而且还很惊慌的样子,他们也同样是心中好奇和疑惑。 Regimental commander?” Ocean nighttide's first to/clashes to ask. “团长呢?”溟汐第一个冲过来问道。 He is all right, the clothes damaged, were changing the clothes.” Blushing that Ling dream beams with joy has not removed completely. “他没事,衣服破损了,正在换衣服呢。”凌梦露脸上的羞红还没有完全褪去。 Is all right well, is all right well.” The facial expression of ocean nighttide obviously somewhat loses. This fight, seeming like her without doubt is most useless that the entire journey has not added on what busy. “没事就好,没事就好。”溟汐的神情明显有些失落。这场战斗,看起来她无疑是最没用的那个,全程都没有帮上什么忙。 Long Dangdang had walked after the tree at this time, he and Long Kongkong looks in the eyes, the look of two brothers seems somewhat complex. 龙当当这个时候已经从树后走了出来,他和龙空空四目相对,兄弟二人的眼神都显得有些复杂。 Sees everyone to probably entire shadow also, Long Dangdang is also relaxes, lets everyone first same place recuperation. Had just faced them of nine levels of thunder clap birds, in a short time should not be attacked again. 看到大家都全须全影的还在,龙当当也算是松了口气,让大家先原地休整。刚面对过九级雷震鸟的他们,短时间内应该不会再被袭击了。 Long Kongkong drew Long Dangdang sleeves, in the Long Dangdang mind also resounded came from the virtual environment online sound. 龙空空拉了一下龙当当的衣袖,龙当当脑海中随之响起了来自于灵境在线的声音。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, elder brother, a moment ago that what's the matter? My change...... also has you......” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“哥,刚才那是怎么回事儿?我身上的变化……还有你……” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, I don't know either. But I actually felt before. We cultivation the blood refining up the law of golden body the time, will have such situation. Before probably also had appeared similarly. Reason that we when knight Holy Mountain can obtain dragon sovereign to approve, seems also related with this. The mouse king can by the you bloodlines suppression should also to be. Before I had also considered, wanted to investigate the source of this strength, had not actually found. The probability at that time presenting was very small, does not know how should inspire. Do you have the discovery, as after we cultivation the blood refining up the golden body, outside the spirit strength was enhanced, probably was easier to inspire this strength some.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“我也不知道。但我之前其实就感觉到了。我们修炼血炼金身之法的时候,也会出现这样的情况。以前好像也出现过类似的。我们在骑士圣山的时候之所以能够获得龙皇认可,似乎也与此有关。就连鼠大王能被伱血脉压制应该也是。之前我也考虑过,也想要去探察这股力量的来源,却始终都没有找到。那时候出现的概率很小,也不知道该如何引动。你有没有发现随着我们修炼血炼金身之后,外灵力增强了,好像就更容易引动这股力量一些了。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, seemed like. This is what strength! That thunder clap bird seems like by us runs away in fear. That is nine levels of demon beasts.” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“好像是哦。这是什么力量啊!那雷震鸟好像是被我们吓跑的。那可是九级魔兽。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, a moment ago you, when released that strength to have anything to feel.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“刚才你在释放那种力量的时候有什么感觉。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, I felt that my blood as if boiled, I think that you died, only wants to slaughter. Especially wants to destroy the surrounding all. Afterward heard your sound, that agitated reduced, but did not have that strength probably.” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“我就感觉自己的血液仿佛都沸腾了,我以为你死了,只想杀戮。特别想毁灭周围的一切。后来听到你的声音,那股烦躁才减少,但好像也就没有那股力量了。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, you know that what I was feel? After you used that strength, I thought that you really may strike to kill the thunder clap bird, but, after that. You will also die. We now could not have controlled this strange strength probably.” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“你知道我是什么感觉吗?当你使用了那股力量之后,我觉得你真的有可能击杀雷震鸟,但是,在那之后。你也会死。我们现在好像还驾驭不了这种奇异的力量。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, that what to do? Elder Brother, actually do our strengths come from where?” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“那怎么办?哥,我们这种力量究竟是从何而来啊?” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, I don't know either. I had pondered the source of this strength, but also remembers that the grandfather had spoken mother's origin? I am thinking, the strength that we obtain can be related with mother?” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“我也不知道。我曾经思考过这种力量的来源,还记得外公曾经讲过妈妈的来历吗?我就在想,我们获得的这份力量会不会和妈妈有关?” Long Kongkong look surprise looks to Long Dangdang, clearly has several points not to dare to believe. 龙空空眼神诧异的看向龙当当,分明带着几分不敢置信。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, can't? Mother she......” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“不会吧?老妈她……” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, first do not think, we later went back to ask the mother, was naturally clear. You first listened to me saying that summarized, our within the body seemed like the special strengths, can build to stimulate from the outside spirit strength, should come from the strength of bloodlines inheritance. This strength should be very strong, is very fearful, and is not controllable. Only we can affirm is, this strength should be very high-end. This is also the reason that the dragon sovereign makes small eight and I concludes the blood agreement. But similarly, this strength is not present we can control, the blood refining up the law of golden body to cultivation. When our body and spirit became more powerful, later should be able gradually to touch to the application method of this strength. However, in present this stage, must as far as possible does not use. Is, this strength will as if come under our mood influences stimulated, therefore, from now on, you must maintain the steadiness of mood as far as possible, easily are enraged or not erupted, clear?” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“你先别多想了,我们以后回去问问老妈,自然就清楚了。你先听我说,总结下来,我们体内似乎有一股特殊的力量,从外灵力能够堆砌有所激发来看,应该是源自于血脉传承的力量。这份力量应该很强大,也很可怕,并且非常不可控。我们唯一能够肯定的就是,这股力量应该是非常高端的。这也是龙皇让小八和我缔结血契的原因。但同样的,这股力量也绝不是现在的我们所能驾驭的,血炼金身之法必须要修炼下去。等我们的体魄变得更加强大了,以后应该就能逐渐摸到这股力量的使用方法了。但是,在现在这个阶段,要尽可能的不去使用。还有就是,这股力量似乎会受到我们的情绪影响而被激发出来,所以,从现在开始,你要尽可能保持情绪的平稳,不要轻易被激怒或者爆发,明白吗?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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