SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#189: Nine levels of thunder clap birds

Chapter 189 nine levels of thunder clap birds 第189章九级雷震鸟 The devil teacher worthily is the devil teacher! When hearing way of that final inspection, the first response that in the Long Dangdang mind has is this. 魔鬼教官不愧是魔鬼教官啊!在听到那最后考核的方式时,龙当当脑海中产生的第一个反应就是这个。 Also is left over nine to hunt for the demon group, actually must face four first nine levels of demon beasts. Although the goal seeks livehood. But, nine levels of demon beasts were what strength they have personally experienced. Moreover certainly not because the present peach numerous were many summon beast, everyone acted in harmony some later to think that they currently have to defeat nine levels of demon beast strengths. 还剩下九支猎魔团,却要面对四头九级魔兽。虽然目的只是求生。可是,九级魔兽是什么实力他们已经亲身体验过了。而且绝不会因为现在桃林林多了一些召唤兽,大家配合默契了一些之后就认为他们现在有战胜九级魔兽实力了。 What has a look at these nine levels of demon beasts again is? Thunder clap bird, evil eye tyrant and day going crazy ape and bright lion vulture......, the outstanding people in not ill nine levels of demon beasts. Moreover covered the different races, does not have the dragon department. Airborne, ground, almost does not have to hide. Wants the upfront to shoulder nine levels of demon beasts hardly, that is at all not the realistic matter, they must do now, insists under chasing down of this intensity for three days. 再看看那些九级魔兽都是什么?雷震鸟、邪眼暴君、天风魔猿、光明狮鹫……,无不适九级魔兽中的佼佼者。而且涵盖了不同种族,也没有龙系。无论是空中、地面,几乎无所遁形。想要正面硬扛九级魔兽,那是根本不现实的事情,他们现在要做的,就是在这种强度的追杀下坚持三天。 This prepares the test that hunts for the demon group to complete?” The ocean nighttide cannot bear say, this is inhumane, is unjust.” “这是预备猎魔团能完成的考验吗?”溟汐忍不住说道,“这是不人道,不正义的。” The vision of people falls on Long Dangdang at this time, facing the difficult problem, the regimental commander is their pillars. Underwent this nearly one month of wearing, everyone the trust Long Dangdang it can be said that increases day by day. Although in team he and Long Kongkong are smallest, but his calm and wisdom obtained everyone's approval, even everyone thought that he has the feeling of young person who acts old. 众人的目光此时都落在龙当当身上,面对难题,团长就是他们的主心骨。经过了这近一个月时间的磨合,大家对龙当当的信任可以说是与日俱增。虽然在团队中他和龙空空是最小的,但他的沉稳和智慧却得到了所有人的认可,甚至大家都觉得他有种少年老成的感觉。 This time Long Dangdang complexion is still tranquil, flavor that somewhat is calm greatly. 此时的龙当当依旧脸色平静,大有几分处变不惊的味道。 Can withstand?” Ling Menglu cannot bear to Long Dangdang ask. “顶得住吗?”凌梦露都忍不住向龙当当问道。 Long Dangdang looks up to her, shakes the head, said: Cannot withstand.” 龙当当抬头看向她,摇摇头,道:“顶不住。” Ice Monroe stares slightly, that what to do? Can't we withstand do not have the team to be able to withstand? Test of being annihilated?” 凌梦露微微一愣,“那怎么办?我们都顶不住岂不是没有团队能顶得住?全军覆没的考验?” Long Dangdang actually shakes the head, this test, actually started from the beginning. Nine levels of demon beasts, did not make us probably shoulder hardly.” 龙当当却又摇摇头,“这份考验,其实从一开始就开始了。九级魔兽,本来也不是让我们非要硬扛的。” Listened to his words, Ling Menglu, lunar motion and peach numerous look moves slightly, reveals color looking pensive. Long Kongkong and ocean nighttide and woof Changxin is actually looks at a loss, not to understand his meaning obviously. 听了他的话,凌梦露、月离和桃林林眼神微动,流露出若有所思之色。龙空空、溟汐和汪常欣却是面露茫然,显然没明白他的意思。 Brother, hardly what to do doesn't shoulder? Hides?” Asking of Long Kongkong doubts. “老哥,不硬扛咋办?躲起来?”龙空空疑惑的问道。 Long Dangdang referred to own head, uses your brain, turned into the starch again motionless. Has the evil eye tyrant, you thought how you can hide?” 龙当当指了指自己的头,“多动动你的脑子吧,再不动就变成浆糊了。有邪眼暴君在,你觉得你能怎么藏?” Four levels small evil with the psychic force support of Long Dangdang, can survey very far distance, nine levels of evil eye tyrant energetic detectability, did not say exaggeratingly, covers the entire golden light halo range is not a problem. Their any teams will not have hide. 四级的小邪在龙当当的精神力支持下,都能探测出很远的距离,九级的邪眼暴君精神探测能力,不夸张的说,覆盖整个金色光圈范围不成问题。他们任何团队都将是无所遁形的。 Regimental commander, the you meaning is, the bright lion vulture do we have the opportunity?” The peach numerous said. “团长,伱的意思是,光明狮鹫我们有机会?”桃林林说道。 His reminder, Long Kongkong also understood, only has the ocean nighttide and woof often/common looks joyful as before a loss, the ocean nighttide could not have borne ask, „before bright lion vulture is us, bright lion vulture?” 他这一提醒,龙空空也明白了过来,唯有溟汐和汪常欣依旧面露茫然,溟汐还忍不住问了一句,“光明狮鹫是我们之前遇到的光明狮鹫吗?” Long Dangdang looked at them, patient explanation: Situation does not have in the surface is so bad. We after this test starts, in fact has the possibilities of bitter experience nine levels of demon beasts. But that time nine levels of demon beasts will not in fact attack on own initiative our, like nine levels of bright lion vultures that before we meet, in fact has not really had the evil intention to us. Is the demon wind monkey that we previously met, the demon wind monkey should be the close relative of day of going crazy monkey. At that time but we met in fact is the bright lion vulture, if not receive the requesting reinforcements signal, the demon wind monkey we should not meet. In other words, in fact prepares the demon beast that hunts for the demon group to encounter one by one, many have the goal to exist. In addition the teachers had said from the beginning cannot kill the demon beast. In other words if when with these demon beasts contact, can maintain the good intentions, perhaps then, will obtain benefits in the final inspection. Especially we meet bright lion vulture, was afterward demon wind monkey, was in itself not existence of initiative attack human, maintained the good intentions becomes has the possibility very much, but tested was actually the disposition, must overcome the seduction, can maintain the good intentions, obtained the friendship of these powerful demon beasts.” 龙当当看了一眼她们,耐心的解释道:“情况没有表面上那么差。我们在这次考验开始之后,实际上就有遭遇九级魔兽的可能。而那时候的九级魔兽实际上是不会主动袭击我们的,就像之前我们遇到的九级光明狮鹫,实际上也没对我们真有恶意。还有就是我们先前遇到的魔风猴,魔风猴应该是天风魔猴的近亲。只不过当时我们遇到的实际上是光明狮鹫,如果不是接到求援信号,魔风猴我们应该是不会遇到的。也就是说,实际上各个预备猎魔团遭遇到的魔兽,都多少是有目的存在的。再加上教官们一开始就说过不能杀伤魔兽。也就是说如果在和这些魔兽接触到的时候,能够保持善意,那么,说不定就会在最后的考核中获益。尤其是我们遇到的无论是光明狮鹫,还是后来的魔风猴,本身都不是主动攻击人类的存在,保持善意就变得很有可能,但考验的却是心性,必须要克服诱惑,才能维持住善意,获得这些强大魔兽的友谊。” The ice Monroe connection said: „The young child of bright lion vulture, the young sons of demon wind monkey seduce, it can be said that trap. If the demon wind monkey were struck to kill at that time, or was its children is seized. Then, now that team, even if has not withdrawn, is going to encounter still inevitably is the crazy retaliation of nine levels of day going crazy monkey.” 凌梦露接口道:“光明狮鹫的幼崽,魔风猴的幼崽都是诱惑,也可以说是陷阱。如果那时候魔风猴被击杀了,或者是它的孩子们被抓走了。那么,现在那支团队就算没有退出,将要遭遇到的也必然是九级天风魔猴的疯狂报复。” Listened to two people explanation, the people were understand why Long Dangdang said the teachers from the beginning for the final test layout. Difficulty that this tests finally, without doubt with previously them bitter experience direct correlation in running-in process. 听了两人的解释,众人才算是明白了龙当当为什么说教官们从一开始就在为最后的考验布局了。这最终考验的难度,无疑与先前他们在磨合过程中的遭遇直接相关。 The ocean nighttide asked: Regimental commander, now what to do should we? In four, two are we have the quite good relations? What how that can bump into is they?” 溟汐问道:“团长,那我们现在该怎么办?四个里面,两个算是和我们有比较好的关系?那怎么才能碰到的是它们?” Long Dangdang shows a faint smile, said: „It is not two, but is three.” At the same time saying, him has been passing through own contract space to open, small evil will put from inside. 龙当当微微一笑,道:“不是两个,而是三个。”一边说着,他已经经自己的契约空间开启,将小邪从里面放了出来。 Evil eye tyrant is a very powerful demon beast, is special, takes the pure psychic force as the attack method. In ten levels of demon beasts is one of the most difficult to deal with existences. But this ethnic group quantity is scarce, inheritance difficulty. Therefore, among the ethnic groups, each other will be very compatible. Has slightly evil, that evil eye tyrant will at least not elect to be first target us. In other words, so long as our first bumping into is not the thunder clap bird, should compares the security.” “邪眼暴君是一种非常强大的魔兽,也非常特殊,以纯粹的精神力为攻击手段。在十级魔兽中都是最难对付的存在之一。但这个族群数量稀少,传承困难。所以,族群之间,彼此都会十分亲和。有小邪在,那位邪眼暴君至少不会将我们选做最先攻击目标。也就是说,只要我们第一个碰到的不是雷震鸟,应该就是比较安全的。” Long Kongkong blinks, said: That bumps into , if the thunder clap bird?” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,道:“那碰到的如果是雷震鸟呢?” drips!” Suddenly, in the sky resounds a thunder to thunder. “喀喇喇!”骤然间,天空中响起一阵雷霆轰鸣。 The vision of people instantaneously centralized on Long Kongkong, the Long Dangdang corners of the mouth twitched, draws him to oneself behind, standing by. The peach school leader, the summon storm demon dragon, strives for the jamming airspace. Our running fight. The cousin, the release point sound comes out, strives to attract the aid.” 众人的目光瞬间就集中在了龙空空身上,龙当当嘴角抽搐了一下,一把将他拉到自己身后,“准备战斗。桃学长,召唤风暴魔龙,争取干扰空域。我们且战且走。表姐,释放点动静出来,争取吸引援助。” Nine levels of thunder clap birds are the flight demon beasts, the general knowledge of most foundation is, if the flight demon beast is descends the ground, particularly under forest such environment, the strength will certainly be affected. Therefore, they go through in the woods are the best methods. 九级雷震鸟是飞行魔兽,最基础的常识就是,飞行魔兽如果是降落到地面,尤其是森林这样的环境下,实力都会受到一定影响。所以,他们在树林中穿行是最好的方法。 But sends the signal to attract other teams, what because is they do not need to be worried to attract is other three nine levels of demon beasts. 而放出信号吸引其他团队,是因为他们并不需要担心吸引过来的是其他三只九级魔兽。 At this moment, the thunder in sky thunders resounds again, but this time, the sound of thundering obviously became near. 就在这时,天空中的雷霆轰鸣再次响起,而这一次,轰鸣的声音明显变得近了许多。 Also in the next quarter, an intense constriction from in the air transmits, making their heart produce a fierce crisis. 也就在下一刻,一股强烈的压迫感从空中传来,令他们每个人心头都产生出一种剧烈的危机。 Made people unforgettable one appear in this moment lifelong, the surrounding big tree, almost changed at the same time. All trees, even is the bush in ground, shortly will turn into the bright blue-purple unexpectedly, this forest, was turning into the dense/woods of thunder unexpectedly instantaneously. 令众人终身难忘的一幕就在这一刻出现了,周围的一株株大树,几乎是在同一时间发生了变化。所有的树木,甚至是地面上的灌木,在顷刻之间竟然都变成了灿烂的蓝紫色,这一片森林,竟然是在瞬间变成了雷霆之森。 What is more terrifying, that blue-purple electricity glow is almost from spreads instantaneously in all directions toward their bodies. At this moment, the peach numerous has not even opened the contract space with enough time. 更加恐怖的是,那蓝紫色电芒几乎是瞬间就从四面八方朝着他们的身体蔓延过来。此时此刻,桃林林甚至连契约空间都还没来得及打开。 Knows that nine levels of demon beasts are powerful, but they have not truly thought that will be in so the degree unexpectedly powerful. 都知道九级魔兽强大,但他们也确实是没想到竟然会强大到如此程度。 Ling Menglu is first responds, the bright golden ray blooms instantaneously, changes into the Saint light protection to cover the people completely, is resisting the spread of that thunder. 凌梦露是第一个反应过来的,灿烂的金色光芒瞬间绽放,化为圣光守护将众人全部笼罩在内,抵挡着那雷霆的蔓延。 The bright angel spirit furnace release, the radiant cherub flaps instantly, the Saint light protection that the wing is flying also strengthens. 光明天使灵炉释放,璀璨的小天使拍动着翅膀飞出来的刹那,圣光守护随之加强。 Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong follow go into action. The pure white moon/month bright sea spirit furnace falls the ichor, the god Qi Yutong spirit furnace instantaneous increase. This ordinary Saint light protection magic large scale enhancement, three big wisdom spirit furnace joint efforts, haunched a golden world in the dense/woods of this piece of thunder suddenly immediately, is protecting the people. 龙当当龙空空紧随其后就行动起来。洁白的月明沧海灵炉倾倒灵液,神祈屿桐灵炉瞬间增幅。骤然将这普通的圣光守护魔法大幅度增强,三大智慧灵炉合力,顿时在这片雷霆之森中撑起了一片金色的世界,守护着众人。 woof Changxin grasps Tyrant Tianchui to gather the strength same place, in the eye pupil is burning crazy war intent, the eruption skill of soldier used wild directly. 汪常欣手持霸天槌原地蓄力,眼眸之中燃烧着疯狂的战意,战士的爆发技能狂暴直接就用了出来。 The peach numerous also completed own summon at this time with enough time, the azure bright storm demon dragon emerged out of thin air. 桃林林也在这时候才来得及完成自己的召唤,青碧色的风暴魔龙凭空出现。 The lunar motion also releases the livelihood same splendor on the spirit furnace, starts the fast recitation incantation. The dense/woods of present thunder cannot obviously the running fight, at least they must block the first wave of attack of thunder clap bird, has the possibility of being separated from this region. 月离同样释放出日月同辉就灵炉,开始快速的吟唱咒语。眼前的雷霆之森显然不是能够且战且走的了,至少他们要挡住雷震鸟的第一波攻击,才有脱离这片区域的可能。 The ocean nighttide somewhat is vacant at this time, as an assassin, the magic of this wide scope covers, is she most fears. In front of nine levels of thunder clap birds, her anything did not do. The look glittered, gripped tightened the fist. At this moment, she filled to the hope of strength. 溟汐此时却有些茫然,身为刺客,这种大范围的魔法覆盖,是她最怕的。在九级雷震鸟面前,她根本什么都做不了。眼神不禁闪烁了一下,攥紧了拳头。这一刻,她充满了对力量的渴望。 Bang-” fierce thundering in next quarter crack. Is centered on Long Dangdang they, in 50 meters in diameter range, all vegetation in an instant loudly the scrap, making this region turn into a vacant place suddenly, but a farther place previously also similarly by the forest that the strength of thunder covered, was actually the blue-purple ray removes, had not been damaged. Only this magic controlling force, made the people have a praising to the heavens feeling. “轰-”剧烈的轰鸣就在下一刻炸响。以龙当当他们为中心,直径50米范围内,所有的植被在刹那间轰然炸碎,让这片区域突然变成了一片空场,而更远地方先前也同样被雷霆之力覆盖的森林,却是蓝紫色光芒褪去,并没有受到损伤。单是这份魔法控制力,就令众人有种叹为观止的感觉。 Without the blocking of forest, made the people be able to see that strong opponent who they are going to face at this time. 没有了森林的遮挡,也让众人能够看到了他们此时将要面对的那位强大对手。 In the midair, a whole body presents for the blue-purple, the height about four meters, the wingspan has six meters big bird fully float in the midair. A pair of sharp eye pupil is looking steadily below them. Not only the dense/woods of previous thunder have the strong striking power, locked them here. 半空之中,一只全身呈献为蓝紫色,身长在四米左右,翼展却足有六米的大鸟悬浮在半空之中。一双锐利的眼眸正盯视着下方的它们。先前的雷霆之森不只是有强大的攻击力,更是将他们锁定在了这里。 In this flickers, Long Dangdang even thought that they were planned by the teachers. Otherwise, why can such coincidence? Attacks their directly is the thunder clap bird rather than other three big nine levels of demon beasts? 在这一瞬,龙当当甚至觉得他们是被教官们算计了的。否则的话,为什么会这么巧合?袭击他们的直接就是雷震鸟而不是其他的三大九级魔兽呢? But now they think radically without enough time, first wanted this to close at present said again. 但现在他们根本来不及多想,先要过了眼前这一关再说。 Long Dangdang deeply inspires, I keep off the upfront, you assist me.” One step steps forward him to ascend to heaven. Three streams light/only swamped into his body almost at the same time. The golden light also shoots from the Long Dangdang chest front electricity together, completed suddenly to the connection of thunder clap bird. The Saint directs the spirit furnace. 龙当当深吸口气,“我挡正面,你们辅助我。”一步跨出他就已经登天而起。三道流光几乎在同一时间涌入了他的身体。一道金光随之从龙当当胸前电射而出,骤然完成了对雷震鸟的连接。圣引灵炉。 The body of Long Dangdang, increases at the visible speed, the glittering and translucent carving mail-armor and helmet also covers the whole body. The right hand is grasping at the beginning of the silver wave magic, the back four pieces of wings stretch, similarly is the dark blue moon/month angel changes the body, but present he actually compared with once calm many. 龙当当的身体,以肉眼可见的速度变大,晶莹剔透的甲胄随之覆盖全身。右手握着银浪魔法之初,背后四片羽翼舒展开来,同样是沧月天使变身,但现在的他却要比曾经从容的多。 With enough powerful outside spirit strength support, Long Dangdang the increase of carrying capacity enormous degree, withstood has the great powers of seven steps not to have the half a point painful expression fully. 在足够强悍的外灵力支持下,龙当当的承受力极大程度的提升了,承受着足有七阶的强大力量没有半分痛苦表情。 Under such condition, quite therefore he concentrated himself and cousin as well as younger brother's complete strength, and has the qualitative change. 这样的状态下,相当于是他一人集中了自己和表姐以及弟弟的全部力量,并且产生质变。 The peach numerous gazes is flying to in the air Long Dangdang, in this moment some of his even feelings, this time Long Dangdang the storm demon dragon that summoned be more powerful than his side. 桃林林注视着飞向空中的龙当当,在这一刻他甚至有种感觉,此时的龙当当要比他身边已经召唤出的风暴魔龙更加强大。 Bang-” in nine levels of thunder clap nyctalopias the ray flashes, the next quarter, on it all feathers become sparking, is bursting out the bright blue-purple brilliance. Its body also seemed big under the encirclement of that blue-purple ray. Thick such as the water jar common thunder light beam drops from the clouds, directly soars to rise into the in the air Long Dangdang bombardment under. Then just like the bright heavenly prestige common thunder in the instance of falling, the people in ground has a trembling all over feeling. “轰-”九级雷震鸟眼中光芒一闪,下一刻,它身上的所有羽毛就都变得闪亮起来,迸发着灿烂的蓝紫色光辉。它的身体也在那蓝紫色光芒的环绕下仿佛大了一圈似的。粗如水缸一般的雷霆光柱从天而降,直奔升入空中的龙当当轰击而下。那宛如煌煌天威一般的雷霆在落下的瞬间,地面上的众人都不禁有种全身战栗的感觉。 Long Dangdang does not have the shield, he does not protect the knight, in this moment, he has not actually fended or retroceded, because under the body is own partner. 龙当当并没有盾牌,他也不是守护骑士,在这一刻,他却没有闪避或者后退,因为身下就是自己的伙伴。 At the beginning of silver wave magic the ray bursts out, almost completed the transformation of Saint sword instantaneously, both hands grasped the sword, the god governing standard keeps off! 银浪魔法之初光芒迸发,几乎是瞬间就完成了圣剑的转化,双手握剑,神御格挡! Bang-” in sky, thunder ray eruption. The body of Long Dangdang is almost is embezzled by that thunder instantaneously. However, after the thunder actually also embezzled his body, scatters in all directions the splash, no falls to the ground. “轰-”天空中,雷霆光芒爆发。龙当当的身体几乎是瞬间就被那雷霆吞没。但是,雷霆却也只是吞没了他的身体后就四散飞溅,没有一丝落向地面。 The strong winds sway, strong winds unify arrow arrow suddenly/violently to launch who becomes, directly soars the in the air thunder clap bird to go. However, when these wind arrows are close to thunder clap bird five meters scopes, actually like the snow and ice melts generally vanishes. thunder astral! This is protecting body spirit astral of thunder clap bird. 狂风吹拂,一道道狂风凝聚而成的箭矢暴射而出,直奔空中的雷震鸟而去。但是,当这些风矢接近到雷震鸟身边五米范围内时,却如同冰雪消融一般消失了。雷罡!这是雷震鸟的护体灵罡。 Bang!” The form drops from the clouds together, in that thick thunder dissipation next one flickers, already pounding ruthlessly in ground. Not is just Long Dangdang. “砰!”一道身影从天而降,在那粗大的雷霆消散的下一瞬,就已经狠狠的砸在了地面上。可不正是龙当当么。 On him also glitters the god governing standard to keep off the golden ray that the revenge of later light brings, but the whole body is actually burned black. 他身上还闪烁着神御格挡之后光之复仇带来的金色光芒,但全身却已经是一片焦黑。 Ice Monroe has prepared the magic, the angel blessing fell on him together , sacred magics almost fell like machine-gun generally. 凌梦露早就已经准备好了魔法,一道天使祝福就落在了他身上,紧接着,一道道神圣魔法几乎是如同连珠炮一般落下。 But also at this moment, the people side resounds air tearing the fulmination, the form has shot up to the sky together. woof Changxin. 而也就在这时,众人身边响起一声空气撕裂的爆鸣,一道身影已是冲天而起。正是汪常欣。 Bang-” “轰-” In the sky, will start the thunder clap bird that two times attack unable completely facing this sudden mallet Tyrant heaven to disregard. Receives the Saint to direct the influence of spirit furnace its attack only to aim at Long Dangdang at this time, can only be uses oneself spirit astral to defend facing other attacks. When woof Changxin tyrant day mallet arrives around it, thunder astral rises suddenly suddenly. Blocked Tyrant Tianchui the bombardment. 天空中,正要发动二次攻击的雷震鸟面对这突如其来的大槌霸天也不能完全无视。受到圣引灵炉的影响它的攻击此时只能针对龙当当,面对其他攻击只能是用自身灵罡防御。当汪常欣的霸天槌来到它附近的时候,身上的雷罡骤然暴涨。挡住了霸天槌的轰击。 woof Changxin whole body almost surrounded the blue-purple electricity glow to be shot to fly. However, her attack has not wasted. Don't forget, but she inside and outside spirit strength both achieved the powerhouses of six steps, the spirit strength must always be close to seven steps the standards. Thunder clap bird under this mallet, departs several meters horizontally, attacks is broken. 汪常欣全身几乎是环绕着蓝紫色电芒被弹飞了出去的。但是,她的攻击也并没有白费。别忘了,她可是内外灵力双双达到了六阶的强者,总灵力已经要接近七阶的标准了。雷震鸟在她这一槌之下,也是横飞出数米,攻击被打断。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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