SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#188: Topic of test

Topic that Chapter 188 tests 第188章考验的题目 Gazes after his team is leaving to the arctic zone, Long Dangdang nods secretly. This person may hand over. Compares in that team that before rescued, without doubt, to the northern cold right and wrong Chang Ming affair. 目送着向北寒带着他的团队离开,龙当当不禁暗暗点头。这人可交。相比于之前救援的那个团队,无疑,向北寒是非常明事理的。 Although according to three big teachers said that cannot strike to kill the demon beast, but, actually does not represent cannot start to the demon beast, gains the benefit from the demon beast, before Long Dangdang them has served such purpose through the method of drawing blood. But the storm demon dragon is most precious, is that demon crystal on its forehead, its value and soaring, manufacture the top treasure of wind system magic equipment. It can be said that priceless. 虽然按照三大教官所说不能击杀魔兽,但是,却并不代表不能对魔兽下手,从魔兽身上获取利益,就像龙当当他们之前就一直通过抽血的手段来达到这样的目的。而风暴魔龙最为珍贵的,就是它额头上的那一枚魔晶,其价值及其高昂,乃是制作风系魔法装备的顶级宝物。可以说是价值连城。 The storm demon dragon is Long Dangdang their team defeats, but is cold they also to have a big consumption to north to this first eight levels of demon beasts now, otherwise Long Dangdang they want to go well are not easy. To northern cold one hear of Long Dangdang said that has the means to handle the storm demon dragon to bring the team to leave on the choice immediately, to avoid suspicion. Without seeing anything does not know, was worried that has the teammate to present the greedy heart. The life-saving efforts compares in carving up the benefit, clarity that he carries obviously very much. 风暴魔龙是龙当当他们团队击败的,但向北寒他们现在也对这头八级魔兽有着不小的消耗,否则龙当当他们想要得手也并没有那么容易。向北寒一听龙当当说有办法处置风暴魔龙立刻带着团队就选择离开,就是为了避嫌。没看到就什么都不知道,也担心有队友会出现贪婪之心。救命之恩相比于瓜分利益,他显然很拎的清楚。 Regimental commander, the demon crystal of storm demon dragon......” the partner is leaving the beforehand location about 500 meters to stop to the arctic zone, they require the time to regain the condition. “团长,风暴魔龙的魔晶……”向北寒带着伙伴离开了之前所在地大约五百米左右才停了下来,他们需要时间来恢复状态。 Frowns to look to north coldly immediately to him, sinking sound said: Do not raise again. Others saved us, if not they, first did not say us when whether supports, requesting reinforcements signal that only consumes on value 1000 meritorious services. If they intend to gain more benefits, can definitely wait till our end of hills and rivers, after the release the requesting reinforcements signal, acts also with enough time. At that time, we had no battle efficiency, they can earn 1000 meritorious services, can obtain the storm demon dragon. Do not be lost by the benefit, others so treat, how can we reach out for a yard after taking an inch?” 向北寒立刻蹙眉看向他,沉声道:“不要再提。人家救了我们,如果不是他们,先不说我们能否等到支援,单是耗费的求援信号就价值一千功勋。他们如果有意获取更多利益,完全可以等到我们山穷水尽,释放出求援信号之后再出手也来得及。那时候,我们根本没有任何战斗力,他们能够赚取一千功勋,同时也还能获得风暴魔龙。不要被利益迷失了,人家如此相待,我们怎能得寸进尺?” The magicians gawked staring, this wants to understand the causes and effects, immediately looks the ashamed color no longer to speak. 魔法师愣了愣,这才想明白因果,顿时面露羞惭之色不再吭声。 But another side, Long Dangdang they have not gone to seize the demon crystal, that is no different kills the goose that lays the golden eggs! This time they, are conducting the friendly exchange with the storm demon dragon. 而另一边,龙当当他们可没有去攫取魔晶,那无异于涸泽而渔啊!此时的他们,正在与风暴魔龙进行着友好的交流。 The red armor rice Land Dragon sturdy foreleg steps on the storm demon dragon conducts the back, the almost entire huge and heavy body presses on the storm demon dragon, even the saliva must drop on that green dragon's head. But the dragon's head front, the figure compares them to want exquisite many Golden Dragon small eight to raise the origin station there, in the mouth sends out clear and melodious dragon to recite the sound. 赤甲地龙粗壮的前肢踩踏在风暴魔龙背上,几乎整个庞大而沉重的身体都压在风暴魔龙身上,连口涎都要滴落在那绿色的龙头上了。而龙头前方,身形相比它们要小巧的多的黄金龙小八正昂首站在那里,口中发出清越的龙吟声。 Although compares in the red armor rice Land Dragon and storm demon dragon, its body is extremely tiny, but, these two colossi look at this time its look was not only full of the respect, was full of the expectation. 虽然相比于赤甲地龙和风暴魔龙,它的身体太过渺小,可是,这两头庞然大物此时看着它的眼神不但充满了崇敬,也充满了憧憬。 The red armor rice Land Dragon or the storm demon dragon, is the apex in Land Dragon exists, particularly storm demon dragon, even itself has to cultivate to ten levels, close to the possibility of big dragon. Facing inheritance of dragon sovereign bloodlines, they regarding the aura of dragon sovereign are such being enchanted by, if can feel this aura frequently , their bloodlines definitely will have the possibility of evolution! 无论是赤甲地龙还是风暴魔龙,都是地龙中的顶尖存在,尤其是风暴魔龙,甚至本身就有修炼到十级,接近巨龙的可能。面对龙皇血脉的传承者,它们对于龙皇的气息是如此的迷醉,如果能时刻感受着这位的气息,那么,它们的血脉肯定会有进化的可能啊! Regarding the demon beast, in the life the matter of primary importance is the bloodlines evolution, without other. 对于魔兽来说,生命中最重要的事情就是血脉进化,没有其他。 Thinks that signed the contract. Later will make you feel the small eight aura frequently. Otherwise, we will not kill you, will take your demon crystal, lets blood to you again, making you maintain in the weak condition leaves. Yourself elect.” Long Dangdang and peach numerous stands in front of the storm demon dragon shoulder to shoulder , to continue the friendly exchange. “想好了就签订契约。以后会让你经常感受到小八的气息。否则的话,我们也不会杀你,会取了你的魔晶,再给伱放点血,让你保持在虚弱状态下离开。你自己选吧。”龙当当和桃林林并肩站在风暴魔龙面前,继续友好交流着。 Is high-spirited-” the look of storm demon dragon somewhat is obviously complex, its wisdom must above the red armor rice Land Dragon, because of will be so stronger regarding the resistance of seduction, but the wisdom high is a double-edged sword. Because it is very clear, if oneself can obtain dragon sovereign care, really may from the storm demon dragon evolution for the storm big dragon! Its evolution possibility be much bigger than of red armor rice Land Dragon low Land Dragon, yes, this hateful fellow of unit pressure on oneself is much bigger. “昂昂-”风暴魔龙的眼神明显有些复杂,它的智慧还要在赤甲地龙之上,也正因如此对于诱惑的抵抗会强一些,但智慧高是双刃剑。因为它很清楚,如果自己能够获得龙皇的眷顾,是真的有可能从风暴魔龙进化为风暴巨龙的啊!它的进化可能性要比赤甲地龙这种低等地龙要大得多,是的,比压在自己身上这个可恶的家伙大得多。 But in its heart is really aggrieved! When oneself have lost to red armor rice Land Dragon low dragon clan. Really irritates the dragon. 但它心中实在是憋屈啊!什么时候自己输给过赤甲地龙这种低等龙族了。真的是气死龙了。 The peach numerous looks to Long Dangdang, do not worry, we give it to select the time to consider again.” Looks at the storm demon dragon, in his look filled was enchanted by! This is the storm demon dragon, can grow is existences of ten levels of demon beasts! Although he is the summon master of department of botany, but if some choices, he is willing to make the storm demon dragon oneself life summon beast absolutely not to have the issue. If there is a storm demon dragon, then, oneself can promote to six steps absolutely, moreover is not the ordinary six steps, even if the time of storm demon dragon summon definitely will be each time shorter, but that also made him resist seven step powerhouses in the short time sufficiently, this was what kind skip-type promotion! 桃林林看向龙当当,“你别着急,咱们再多给它点时间考虑吧。”看着风暴魔龙,他的眼神中充满了迷醉啊!这可是风暴魔龙,能够成长为十级魔兽的存在啊!虽然他是植物系的召唤师,但如果有的选择,他绝对愿意让风暴魔龙成为自己的本命召唤兽都没问题。如果有了风暴魔龙,那么,自己绝对能够提升到六阶,而且还不是普通六阶,哪怕风暴魔龙每次召唤的时间必然会更加短暂,但那也足以让他在短时间对抗七阶强者了,这是何等飞跃式的提升啊! Good.” Long Dangdang nods to comply, then turns head to look to the storm demon dragon, ten......” “好吧。”龙当当点点头答应下来,然后扭头看向风暴魔龙,“十……” The storm demon dragon look delay, Golden Dragon small eight jumped to leap, returned to the Long Dangdang bosom. 风暴魔龙眼神呆滞了一下,黄金龙小八纵身一跃,就回到了龙当当怀中。 Nine......” “九……” Eight, seven, six and five......” “八、七、六、五……” Long Dangdang ease countdown, while walks to go forward, at the beginning of silver wave magic had taken, the sword aimed at center the storm demon dragon forehead demon crystal sharp. 龙当当一边悠然的倒计时,一边走上前,银浪魔法之初已经取了出来,剑尖对准了风暴魔龙额头正中的魔晶。 The storm demon dragon pupil contracts instantaneously, the heart said, actually you are the person are the dog? Did not say that many selects the time consideration to me? 风暴魔龙瞳孔瞬间收缩,心说,你究竟是人是狗?不是说多给我点时间考虑的吗? Three, two, one......” Long Dangdang is saying at the same time, the hand has the sword to fall, inserts directly toward storm demon dragon head top. “三,二,一……”龙当当一边说着,手起剑落,直接就朝着风暴魔龙头顶插去。 Does not want.” The peach numerous calls out in alarm one, from nearby fierce hits the arm of Long Dangdang, hits his arm, then stretches out the arms, kept off in storm demon dragon Shenqian. “不要。”桃林林惊呼一声,从旁边猛的一撞龙当当的手臂,将他的手臂撞开,然后张开双臂,就挡在了风暴魔龙身前。 Do not injure its it to comply.” The peach numerous implored urgently. “不要伤害它它会答应的。”桃林林苦苦哀求道。 The Long Dangdang surface sinks the water, light say/way: I do not have the time to waste with it here, do you understand? I am a regimental commander, I have the decision-making power.” 龙当当面沉似水,淡淡的道:“我没时间在这里跟它浪费,你明白吗?我是团长,我有决定权。” The eye socket of peach numerous was red, turns head to look suddenly to the storm demon dragon, said in a soft voice: Complies quickly, I will not treat unjustly your, later we were the partners. Our regimental commander temperament are not good, he will not keep the hand.” 桃林林的眼眶都红了,猛然扭头看向风暴魔龙,轻声道:“快答应吧,我不会亏待你的,以后我们就是伙伴了。我们团长脾气不好,他不会留手的。” Áng-” form compared with person, the storm demon dragon also knows obviously own demon crystal is precious, this point and red armor rice Land Dragon is entirely different, its strength, half in this since childhood above the demon crystal of paragenesis. Was skidded the demon crystal it almost to abandon, not only has no way to evolve, will also decline surely rapidly. “昂-”形式比人强,风暴魔龙显然也知道自己的魔晶是何等珍贵,这一点和赤甲地龙是截然不同的,它的一身实力,一半都在这自幼共生的魔晶之上。被撬了魔晶它就几乎废了,不但没法进化,而且必定会迅速衰退。 The master and servant contract completes as promised. 主仆契约如约完成。 The peach numerous sits in same place, the whole body is ascending the light azure halo, that is the contract to his returning nurturing to parents, the spirit strength is increased at an exceptional pace, six steps will not produce the bottleneck to him. 桃林林坐在原地,全身升腾着淡淡的青色光晕,那是契约对他的反哺,自身灵力正在以惊人的速度提升着,六阶根本不会对他产生瓶颈。 Bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang: Peach school leader plays really well.” 皓月当空,龙当当:“桃学长戏真好。” The bright moon in the sky, woof Changxin, is you teaches well. You were too intelligent.” 皓月当空,汪常欣,“是你教得好。你太聪明了。” Did the bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong, what have? In what? woof Xuejie! Let me tell you, my brother this did not call intelligently, called sinisterly.” 皓月当空,龙空空,“发生了什么?发生了什么?汪学姐啊!我跟你说,我哥这不叫聪明,叫阴险。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang, will not shut up in a moment.” 皓月当空,龙当当,“不会说话就闭上嘴。” The bright moon in the sky, ice Monroe, we took a force 8 wind violent big dragon, is delicious?” 皓月当空,凌梦露,“我们拿下了一头八级风暴巨龙,美滋滋不美滋滋?” The bright moon, the lunar motion, oh, was too in the sky delicious.” 皓月当空,月离,“哇塞,太美滋滋了。” Bright moon Long Kongkong, unequalled delicacy, the brother I did not say in the sky you were sinister.” 皓月当空龙空空,“无与伦比的美滋滋,老哥我不说你阴险了。” Bright moon in the sky, ocean nighttide, real? So is really delicious?” 皓月当空,溟汐,“真的吗?真的这么美滋滋吗?” This where is the sea of forest, the demon beast hometown. Simply is the happy sea? 这哪里是森林之海,魔兽故乡。简直是欢乐海洋好吗? Although this training was also far from the conclusion, but the people have the intense premonition, after this three months of training, the entire team will be reborn! 虽然这次集训还远没有结束,但众人却都有着强烈的预感,这次三个月的集训之后,整个团队都将会脱胎换骨啊! With encountering eight levels of demon beasts, the demon beast quantity in this demon beast forest as if tailed off. In the following two days, they have not met what demon beast to appear again, this let have two first eight levels of demon beasts, so long as the spirit strength enough can summon peach numerous to have the feeling that a heart was itchy difficult to scratch with the finger in one day respectively a time. 伴随着遭遇八级魔兽,这片魔兽森林之中的魔兽数量似乎变少了。在接下来的两天时间里,他们都没有再遇到什么魔兽出现,这让已经拥有了两头八级魔兽,只要灵力足够就能够在一天时间内分别召唤一次的桃林林都有种心痒难搔的感觉。 After subduing the storm demon dragon, his spirit strength rises suddenly to close to 5000, arrived at six step second-level about strengths directly. Has stood in spirit strength in the team front row. 收服了风暴魔龙之后,他的灵力暴涨到接近五千,直接就到了六阶二级左右的实力。在灵力方面已经站在了团队前列。 The peach numerous is a calm temperate temper, some inflation. 桃林林是个沉稳温和的性子,都不禁有些膨胀了。 By third day, they met eight levels of demon beasts, was not dragon Leimo the beast, after the people it surrendered , can only and previously conducted to draw blood same processing. But these days later, the speed relative rapidness of in the air that purple halo contraction, making them have to every day continue to hurry along, in order to avoid falls beyond the circle. 到了第三天,他们才又遇到了一只八级魔兽,并不是龙类魔兽,众人将其降服之后也只能和先前一样进行抽血处理。而这几天下来,空中那紫色光环收缩的速度相当之快,让他们不得不每天持续赶路,以免落在圈外。 They have to attempt to encounter anything beyond the circle, the pressure of nine levels of demon beasts are the answers. In other words, if cannot in that light halo, they be possible to encounter to nine levels of demon beast attacks. 他们不是没尝试过在圈外会遭遇什么,九级魔兽的威压就是答案。也就是说,如果不能在那光圈之内,他们就有可能会遭遇到九级魔兽袭击。 The bright lion vulture had attended class to them, facing having the spirit astral's nine levels of demon beasts, they look like the strength of vulnerable baby same passivity. 光明狮鹫已经给他们上过课了,面对拥有灵罡的九级魔兽,他们就像是脆弱的娃娃一样毫无抵抗之力。 The life as if became the rule, tomorrow hurries along, three days met eight levels of demon beasts time, this was daily. But in this process, they also attempt to seek for and help other hunt for the demon group. Two times helped other hunt for the demon group to defeat the demon beast, but did not have the dragon to be the demon beast , can only draw blood it. 生活似乎变得规律了,明天赶路,三天遇到一次八级魔兽,这就是日常。而在这个过程中,他们也尝试寻找和帮助其他猎魔团。先后两次帮助其他猎魔团击败了魔兽,但却没有龙系魔兽在,只能是抽血了之。 Quick, this first month's training, had arrived at final three days. Insists again for three days, can conclude the travel of this forest. But in Long Dangdang their storage magic equipment, must basically pack. 很快,这第一个月的集训,就已经到了最后的三天。再坚持三天,就可以结束这次森林之旅了。而龙当当他们的储物魔法装备中,也已经基本上要装满了。 The in the air purple halo has contracted to a relatively small range, from the sky looks into the distance, even has been able to see another end edge indistinctly. 空中的紫色光环已经收缩到一个相对较小的范围了,在空中眺望,甚至已经可以隐约看到另一端的边缘。 Finally was about to end! After one month ended, can go back to rest for several days to start again?” Long Kongkong said. “终于快结束了啊!一个月结束之后,是不是能回去休息几天再开始?”龙空空说道。 Long Dangdang shot a look at his one eyes, thinks that the fart does eat?” 龙当当瞥了他一眼,“想屁吃呢?” Long Kongkong turns head to look immediately to ice Monroe, cousin, you no matter also manages him, you look at him to scold me.” 龙空空立刻扭头看向凌梦露,“表姐,你也不管管他,你看他骂我。” Ling Menglu shows a faint smile, your two brothers' matters I cannot control, have the skill you to punch his.” 凌梦露微微一笑,“你们哥俩的事儿我管不了,有本事你就揍他一顿。” Long Kongkong cold snort/hum, I was powerful, sooner or later will have such a day.” 龙空空冷哼一声,“等我强大起来的,早晚有那么一天。” On the Long Dangdang face reveals to wipe the meaningful smile, good, I and others you, mouse knight Sir.” 龙当当脸上流露出一抹意味深长的笑容,“好的,我等你,鼠骑士大人。” Long Kongkong expression one stiff, Long Dangdang actually no longer manages him, said: Three days, but everyone do not relax vigilantly, I thought that the teacher is not so easy to let off us. More to the final time, we encountered the dangerous possibility to be bigger.” 龙空空表情一僵,龙当当却不再理他,道:“还有三天,但大家不要放松警惕,我觉得教官没这么容易放过我们。越是到了最后时刻,我们遭遇危险的可能性就越大。” Eight levels of demon beasts that previously encountered to prepared to hunt for the demon group mostly are very difficult to deal with existences, but regarding was leading, particularly they with Zisang colored glaze glimmer that team, coping not extremely to be difficult. The test is to everyone, will the teacher be so easy to let off them? 先前所遭遇的八级魔兽对大多数预备猎魔团来说都是很难对付的存在,但对于排名靠前,尤其是他们与子桑琉荧那一队来说,对付起来却并不算太过困难。考验是对所有人的,教官会这么容易放过他们吗? Buzz-” as if looked like heard Long Dangdang words, in the sky, buzz resounded. “嗡-”仿佛就像是听到了龙当当的话似的,天空中,嗡鸣响起。 The ocean nighttide is almost the conditioned reflex soars generally, on flying treetop. The people also all changed the complexion all, the constriction that because in the air transmits obviously became different. 溟汐几乎是条件反射一般腾空而起,飞身上了树梢。众人也无不全都变了脸色,因为空中传来的压迫感明显变得不一样了。 The people also jumped the treetop rapidly. Looks out the horizon. 众人也都飞速腾身上了树梢。遥望天际。 In the sky, a light golden halo is gradually condensing the forming. The halo range obviously is becoming smaller. Meanwhile, that long-separated soon familiar sound seems to be resounds sky over the entire forest unexpectedly. 天空中,一圈淡淡的金色光环正在逐渐凝聚成形。光环的范围明显在变得更小。同时,那阔别不久的熟悉声音竟是仿佛在整个森林上空响起似的。 After 27 days of wearing, believes that you have certain tacit understanding. Then, the test formally starts.” Without doubt, this is the voice of devil. “经过了二十七天的磨合,相信你们都已经具备了一定的默契。接下来,考验正式开始。”无疑,这是属于魔鬼的声音。 From now on, will no longer have the safe area, all ten preparations hunt for in the demon group, at present extant nine. You will face chasing down of four first nine levels of demon beasts. You must do, survives under chasing down of nine levels of demon beasts. And can not kill them. Can insist that the final team, has the qualifications through this round test, otherwise, will be eliminated directly. In beforehand 27 days, a performance more splendid team, encounters the probability of attack to be higher. Can tell your clue is. Four first nine levels of demon beasts that you are going to face are as follows: Nine levels of thunder clap birds, nine levels of evil eye tyrants, nine levels of day going crazy apes as well as nine levels of bright lion vultures. Now, you can start to get ready.” “从现在开始,将不再有安全区,所有的十支预备猎魔团中,目前现存九支。你们将会面对四头九级魔兽的追杀。你们要做的,就是在九级魔兽的追杀下存活下来。并且不得杀伤它们。能够坚持到最后的团队,才有资格通过这一轮的考验,否则,将会被直接淘汰。在之前二十七天中,表现越出色的团队,遭遇袭击的概率越高。可以告诉你们的线索是。你们将要面对的四头九级魔兽分别是:九级雷震鸟,九级邪眼暴君,九级天风魔猿以及九级光明狮鹫。现在,你们可以开始准备了。” Hears nine levels of demon beast these characters time, Long Dangdang and his partners pupil contraction. Because has faced nine levels of demon beasts truly, knows that nine levels of demon beasts are powerful. That at all is not existence that the present stage they can cope with. At least is not their team can contend. 听到九级魔兽这几个字的时候,龙当当和他的伙伴们就都不禁瞳孔收缩。正因为真正面对过九级魔兽,才更加知道九级魔兽有多么强大。那根本不是现阶段他们能够对付的存在。至少绝不是他们一支团队能够抗衡的。 Moreover, the devil teacher said was very clear, previously displayed a more splendid team, the attacked probability was been higher. Without a doubt, they are definitely among the best! 而且,魔鬼教官说的很清楚了,先前表现越出色的团队,受到攻击的概率就越高。毫无疑问,他们肯定是名列前茅啊! Everyone's vision as if by prior agreement looks to Long Dangdang, the Long Dangdang look stagnates, sinking sound said: Must unite other teams.” 所有人的目光不约而同的看向龙当当,龙当当眼神凝滞,沉声道:“必须要联合其他团队。” In this time, the in the air sound is conveying again, preparation finished.” 正在这时,空中声音再次传来,“准备完毕。” The gods special did the preparation finish? Then how many seconds? 神特么准备完毕?前后这才几秒钟? Airborne halo will start to contract the range continually, places beyond the range, will first suffer the attacks of nine levels of demon beasts. The countdown starts, ten......, nine......, eight......” “空中光环将开始持续收缩范围,身处于范围之外,将会第一时间遭受到九级魔兽的攻击。倒计时开始,十……,九……,八……” Subconscious, the peach numerous vision looked to Long Dangdang, was this countdown, the retribution in this life? 下意识的,桃林林目光就看向了龙当当,这倒计时,是不是现世报? Six......, five......, four......, three, two, one!” “六……,五……,四……,三,二,一!” Hunts and kills the time, started!” “猎杀时刻,开始了!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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