SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#191: That is ‚protection’ strength?

Chapter 191 that is protection strength? 第191章那是‘守护’的力量? When Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are discussing this strange strength, suddenly, a gentle sound resounds in their hearts simultaneously, many that too you do not need to consider now, but ding-dong said right, you must control your mood, easily do not stimulate it, in order to avoid being not controllable.” 就在龙当当龙空空探讨着自身这股奇异力量的时候,突然间,一个柔和的声音同时在他们心中响起,“你们现在不需要考虑的太多,但当当说得对,你们要控制好自己的情绪,不要轻易将它激发出来,以免不可控。” Hears this sound, Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong stares. 听到这个声音,龙当当龙空空都是一愣。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, „did we online exchange her to hear through the virtual environment?” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“咱俩通过灵境在线的交流她能听到?” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, seemed like. The islet tung oil tree senior can you hear our present exchanges?” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“好像是的。屿桐前辈您是能听到我们现在的交流吗?” The islet tung oil tree, your child spirit crystals are the spirit demon levels, what has unable to hear? Let alone from some significance, I am Kong Kong part.” 屿桐,“你们的子灵晶不过是灵魔级而已,有什么听不见的?何况从某种意义来说,我本来就是空空的一部分。” Bright moon Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong in the sky, „did islet tung oil tree senior, you know on us the source of this strength?” 皓月当空龙当当私聊龙空空,“屿桐前辈,那您知道我们身上这份力量的来源么?” The islet tung oil tree, knows. Because has existence of this strength, I will choose Kong Kong.” 屿桐,“知道一些。正是因为有这种力量的存在,我才会选择空空的。” The sea, „don't I know? Normally I am remote than the period that you has, but I do not know that what strength their is, how do you know?” 沧海,“我怎么不知道?按说我比伱存在的时期更加久远许多,但我都不知道他们这是什么力量,你是怎么知道的?” Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong look at each other one, good, originally these two continuously in listening at the window root? Even if with the calm of Long Dangdang, on the face somewhat is awkward. Without a doubt, his Long Eldest Young Master to five few chats, the sea has definitely also seen. 龙当当龙空空对视一眼,好嘛,原来这二位一直都在听窗根的嘛?哪怕以龙当当的沉稳,脸上都不禁有些尴尬。毫无疑问,他那龙家大少到五少的聊天,沧海肯定也是看到过的了。 The islet tung oil tree, I am also under the accident of sorts know. This is not, but is an external strength that in the Saint demon mainland it exists, I also know part, this external strength arrives at the Saint demon mainland, its former winner had inquired into its origin, names as the protection it.” 屿桐,“我也是机缘巧合之下知道的。这并不是圣魔大陆上本身所存在的,而是外来的一股力量,我也只是知道一部分,这股外来的力量降临圣魔大陆,它的前任获得者曾经探究过其来历,将其命名为守护。” Sea surprised say/way: Protection? That clearly filled with the destruction flavor aura!” 沧海惊讶的道:“守护?那分明是充满了毁灭味道的气息啊!” The islet tung oil tree, destroys all evilly, isn't protects?” 屿桐,“毁灭一切邪恶,不就是守护吗?” Dark blue sea route: It seems like, I before was the deep sleep was too long, does not know unexpectedly also had existence of this strength. I can only feel that this strength is very high-end, you control it truly to be more careful. Do not be affected the mood by it. Not Guo tung oil tree said should is right, just I felt Kong Kong some to lose control obviously, when the bloodlines aura of probably your two brothers blend, the negativity was reduced and solved. This should be this strength is at unusually.” 沧海道:“看来,我之前是沉睡的太久了,竟是一点都不知道还有这种力量的存在。我只能感觉到这股力量十分高端,你们掌控它确实是要小心一些。千万不要被其影响了情绪。不过屿桐说的应该是对的,刚刚我明明感受到空空有些要失控,但好像你们兄弟俩的血脉气息交融时,负面情绪就被化解了。这应该是这份力量的奇特所在。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, „was actually that this what strength?” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“那这究竟算是什么力量啊?” Dark blue sea route: Even if the external strength, is the natural strength, when you have one type to attach the spirit furnace inborn on oneself and that's the end. But this spirit furnace need longer time goes to accumulated to raise, when your strength was enough, can use it.” 沧海道:“哪怕是外来的力量,也是自然的力量,你们就当自己天生就拥有一种附加在自己身上的灵炉就是了。只不过这种灵炉需要更长的时间去蕴养,等你们实力足够了,才能用它。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang private chatted Long Kongkong, two seniors, what degree our cultivating for must be, can control this strength?” 皓月当空,龙当当私聊龙空空,“两位前辈,那我们的修为要达到什么程度,才能掌控这种力量呢?” The islet tung oil tree said: This is not clear, but your body carrying capacities, willpower, psychic force and spirit strength, want the overall promotion, has possibility carrying/sustaining strength. Weren't you feel? With the promotion of outside spirit strength, your bearing capacities greatly have been enhanced.” 屿桐道:“这个就不清楚了,但你们的身体承受力、意志力、精神力、灵力,要整体提升,才有可能承载这份力量。你不是感觉到了吗?伴随着外灵力的提升,你们的承受能力已经大大的增强了。” The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, wanted is not the bad matter on the line. Originally the mother also has such powerful strength! She did not tell us, hid to own son.” 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“只要不是坏事儿就行了。原来老妈还有这么强大的力量啊!她也不告诉我们,对自己儿子还隐藏。” The islet tung oil tree, not necessarily was your mothers concealed this matter to you, likely was she does not have this strength. Perhaps this unusual strength is hidden most of the time, until you are born activates in your within the body. After all, the strength of nature is all sorts of strange and unusual, this point you can feel from the known spirit furnace. Spirit furnace that but in fact your human knows now, but is the tip of the iceberg. Many spirit furnaces had not been discovered, they or raise the stage not to take shape in accumulated as before, or had the possibility they is very initially powerful like the sea seniors, was your human cannot feel.” 屿桐,“不见得是你们的母亲向你们隐瞒了这件事,很可能是她自己也没有这种力量。这种奇特的力量说不定在大多数时候都是隐藏的,直到你们诞生的时候才在你们体内激活。毕竟,大自然的力量千奇百怪,这一点你们从已知的灵炉就能感受得到。但实际上现在你们人类所知道的灵炉,只不过是冰山一角罢了。很多灵炉都还没有被发现,它们或是依旧在蕴养阶段没有成型,或者也有可能像沧海前辈它们当初那样无比强大,根本就是你们人类所感受不到的。” Long Kongkong quick of mood always adjustment, hears word smiled immediately, the bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, in any case was not the bad matter, in the future will also possibly give our powerful strengths, was the strength of protection, good good. Brother, am I fierce? Even the thunder clap bird made me run away in fear.” 龙空空的情绪一向调节的很快,闻言顿时笑了,皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“反正不是坏事儿,未来还可能赋予我们强大的力量,又是守护的力量,挺好挺好。老哥,我厉不厉害?连雷震鸟都让我吓跑了。” Long Dangdang stared his one eyes ill-humoredly, private chatted: Is fierce, really erupts that strength, you did not have.” 龙当当没好气的瞪了他一眼,私聊道:“厉害个屁,真爆发出那股力量,你人没了。” The exchange stops, the two brothers look at each other one again, fell into silent, in their time hearts has a thought to reappear, originally in own body, has had the listening at the window root! Later spoke really must be careful that was good. 交流到此为止,兄弟俩再次对视一眼,都陷入了沉默,他们此时心中都有个念头浮现,原来在自己身体里,一直有个听窗根的啊!以后说话真的要小心才行。 The voice of sea actually resounded at this time, you did not use so many psychological dramas, usually we did not have to listen to you to say anything bored, my energy in accumulated raised to repair itself on. You must cultivation, have me and islet tung oil tree have Kong Kong that Yuan whorl spirit furnace, your cultivation speeds are several times of normal occupation, as soon as possible promotion spirit strength, is the correct principle. Especially you protection bloodlines can enhance outside the spirit strength by this rapidly, this is equivalent, your in spirit strength increase a point every time, outside the spirit strength can follow promptly. Quite the double promotion. This type the matter, I am first meeting. Therefore, ding-dong you do not need too to worry that I take to your trouble, according to your present cultivation speeds, outside the spirit strength promotes particularly, after waiting for cultivating of later Kong Kong to surpass you, he can provide through the Yuan whorl spirit furnace to your massive spirit strength, but in your outside spirit strength enough strong situation, the body carrying capacity will also be very strong, cultivates twice the result with half the effort. After waiting for me to restore completely, naturally can feed back in you. You are in all my hosts , helping me achieve the goal hopefully in a short time. I estimated that in less than 20 years, you may provide to my sufficient spirit strength.” 沧海的声音却在这个时候响起,“你俩不用那么多内心戏,平时我们才没那么无聊听你们在说什么,我的精力都在蕴养修复自身上。你们还是要多修炼,有着我和屿桐还有空空那元涡灵炉在,你们的修炼速度是正常职业者的好几倍,尽快的提升灵力,才是正理。尤其是你们凭借这‘守护’血脉能够快速提升外灵力,这就相当于,你们的内灵力每提升一点,外灵力就能及时跟上。相当于双倍提升。这种好事儿,我都是第一次遇到。所以啊,当当你也不用太担心我带给你的麻烦,按照你们现在的修炼速度,尤其是外灵力提升起来,等以后空空的修为超过你之后,他能通过元涡灵炉提供给你大量的灵力,而你的外灵力足够强的情况下,身体承受力也会很强,修炼起来事半功倍。等我完全修复之后,自然会反馈于你。你是我所有宿主之中,最有希望在短时间内帮我完成目标的。我估计用不了二十年,你就有可能提供给我足够的灵力。” 20 years......, Long Dangdang hear of corners of the mouth of pull out. However, 20 years later, oneself as if are also only 35 years old. If 35 years old can be nine steps second-level, as if are also good? 二十年……,龙当当听的嘴角一抽。不过,二十年之后,自己似乎也才三十五岁。三十五岁如果能达到九阶二级,似乎也还不错? Such that just like Long Dangdang expects, after the attacks of nine levels of thunder clap birds, them fell into temporarily tranquilly. 正如龙当当所预料的那样,经过了九级雷震鸟的攻击之后,他们这边暂时陷入了平静。 The people gather vision centralized on Long Dangdang, the first round, moreover to they most unfriendly thunder clap bird, they were likely equivalent is quite safe, after all, the front upholstery got down, in addition small evil existence, other three nine levels of demon beasts attacked their possibilities to be relatively small. 众人聚集在一起目光都集中在龙当当身上,挺过了第一轮,而且是对他们很可能最不友善的雷震鸟,他们相当于已经比较安全了,毕竟,前面的铺垫下来,再加上小邪的存在,其他三位九级魔兽攻击他们的可能性相对较小。 „Was our has passed through?” The peach numerous said. “我们这算不算是已经过关了?”桃林林说道。 Long Dangdang nods slightly, should be similar. However, I thought that is this, we instead should not stop now.” 龙当当微微颔首,“应该已经差不多了。不过,我觉得越是这样,我们现在反而不应该停下来。” The ocean nighttide said: Supports other to prepare to hunt for the demon group? That is nine levels of demon beasts!” 溟汐道:“支援其他预备猎魔团吗?那可是九级魔兽啊!” The Long Dangdang eyes narrow the eyes, said: Three teachers give us to train after all, although the devil teacher said before will not rescue us, even had the team encounters the danger the time before truly is not from teacher the support, but federation not possible, whatever our wide scope were really killed. After all, wants to train one batch to hunt for demon is not an easy matter, moreover our average ages must be smaller than the preparation of normal time to hunt for the demon group by far. Previously I also guessed, but after this last inspection appeared, I am certain, the danger that we faced should be controllable regarding the teachers. Because nine levels of demon beasts have surpassed the degree that we have been able to deal with, if not controllable, we will have to be annihilated.” 龙当当双眼微眯,道:“三位教官给我们的毕竟是培训,虽然之前魔鬼教官说了不会救援我们,甚至之前有团队遇到危险的时候确实是也没有来自教官的支援,可联邦不可能任由我们真的大范围被杀伤。毕竟,想要培养出一批猎魔者不是一件容易的事情,而且我们的平均年龄还要远远小于正常时候的预备猎魔团。先前我还只是猜测,但这最后一项考核出现之后,我就可以肯定,我们面对的危险对于教官们来说应该是可控的。因为九级魔兽已经超出了我们所能应对的程度,如果不可控的话,我们是会有全军覆没可能的。” The vision looks to the partners, Long Dangdang continues saying: From starts this training at first time, the teachers had actually told us, the training can gain the meritorious service. We rescued a team before, the opposite party used the distress signal, according to hunting for the stipulation of demon, 1000 meritorious services that they consume should reward to us. In addition the contract demon beast will obtain the meritorious service, we have some harvests. Then, rescues other to hunt for the demon group without danger now, will have the meritorious reward surely. The mutual attention is to hunt for the important responsibility of demon group. Let alone we with some day going crazy monkeys and bright lion vulture many friendship, encounters the danger are younger, in this case, we should pursue more meritorious services obviously. I suggested, we seek for the recent hunting for demon group to give the support, minority must obey the majority, we vote.” 目光看向伙伴们,龙当当继续道:“从最初开始这次集训的时候,教官们其实就已经告诉了我们,集训是能够获取功勋的。我们之前救援了一个团队,对方使用了求救信号,按照猎魔者的规定,他们耗费的一千功勋应该会奖励给我们。再加上契约魔兽会获得功勋,我们已经有了一些收获。那么,现在在没有危险的情况下去救援其他猎魔团,必定也会有功勋奖励。守望相助是猎魔团的重要责任。更何况我们与天风魔猴、光明狮鹫多少还有些情分在,遇到危险的可能性就更小,这种情况下,我们显然是应该追逐更多的功勋。我建议,我们寻找最近的猎魔团给予支援,少数服从多数,咱们表决一下吧。” At the same time saying, Long Dangdang first raised the hand. 一边说着,龙当当第一个举起了手。 What second raising hand is Long Kongkong, the brothers of one mind. Although usually always quarrels, but the critical moment must a brother. 第二个举手的是龙空空,兄弟齐心嘛。虽然平时总是拌嘴,但关键时刻还是要挺一下自己老哥的。 The analysis of Long Dangdang is systematic, is completely more reasonable, the truth that others have not naturally supported, unanimously passes. 龙当当的分析条理分明,更完全合理,其他人自然也没有不支持的道理,全票通过。 Long Dangdang will be again small to release evilly, the speed of small evil as of late growing is really quick, is mainly the advantage that because, Long Dangdang they gain in the demon beast forest were too many, Long Kongkong swallows the spirit strength of captured demon beast by the Yuan whorl spirit furnace, unnecessary apportioned their demon beast. Small eight, small evil, the mouse king and town/subdues demon tree this is first! The small evil original rank is in addition low. These days later, it was also round, the main body presented for the gentle light purple, the giant eye pupil often blinked, but also somewhat cute feeling. Especially it by , on Long Dangdang rubs. 龙当当再次将小邪释放出来,小邪最近这段时间成长的速度着实是很快,主要是因为,龙当当他们在魔兽森林获得的好处太多了,龙空空凭借元涡灵炉吞噬被俘魔兽的灵力,多余的都分给了他们的魔兽。小八、小邪、鼠大王、镇魔树这都是优先的啊!再加上小邪原本的等级低。这段时间下来,它又圆了一圈,本体呈献为柔和的淡紫色,巨大的眼瞳不时眨眨眼,还有几分可爱的感觉。尤其是它靠在龙当当身上蹭来蹭去的时候。 The demon beast of blood agreement signing, oneself strength and master is closely linked, the master is powerful, the speed that the demon beast grows will come under the influence of bloodlines energy to increase speed. Small evil and small eight benefit from this, particularly outside after Long Dangdang the spirit strength is also increased, the demon beast comes under the influence of bloodlines to be bigger, outside the spirit strength in fact can be said as human the strength of bloodlines, therefore, they promote will be quicker. 血契签约的魔兽,自身实力和主人息息相关,主人强大,魔兽成长的速度就会受到血脉能量的影响而提速。小邪和小八就是得益于此,尤其是龙当当外灵力也提升之后,魔兽受到血脉的影响更大一些,外灵力实际上就可以说是人类的血脉之力,所以,它们提升的就会更快一些。 Small eight, because the status is sensitive, fight Long Dangdang does not dare to use it, but small evil does not have this issue, originally it is the Long Dangdang outwardly on contract demon beast. After the travel of this demon beast forest, present small must be close to the degrees of five levels of demon beasts evilly. 小八因为身份敏感,战斗龙当当不敢用它,但小邪却没这个问题,本来它就是龙当当明面上的契约魔兽。经过这次魔兽森林之旅,现在的小邪已经要接近五级魔兽的程度了。 The Long Dangdang psychic force pours into, in the small evil giant eye pupil, the pupil contracts immediately, the vision stares to look to a direction. The violent spiritual fluctuation makes others give way to traffic on own initiative its upfront. The gentle pupil somewhat passes through the feeling of the world brilliantly. With the enhancement of psychic force, the ray in small evil eye had/left several points of ominous severe flavor gradually much. 龙当当精神力注入,小邪的巨大眼瞳中,瞳孔顿时收缩起来,目光凝望向一个方向看去。剧烈的精神波动让其他人都主动避让开它的正面。柔和的眸光大有几分贯穿天地的感觉。伴随着精神力的增强,小邪眼中的光芒渐渐多出了几分凶厉的味道。 The evil eye tyrant, has the name of tyrant, naturally cannot be any temperate demon beast. In the nature, the evil eye tyrant always slaughters to be famous with the terrifying. The spiritual attack, often can make the strength bad opponent be exploded the head directly, takes swallowing the demon beast brains as to live, is extremely flagitious. 邪眼暴君,有暴君之称,自然不会是什么温和的魔兽。在自然界中,邪眼暴君一向以恐怖杀戮而著称。其精神攻击,往往能够让实力较差的对手直接被爆头,更是以吞噬魔兽脑髓为生,极其凶残。 Outputs along with the psychic force comprehensively, slightly starts to turn the head in a direction evilly slowly, by while longest probing range investigates a broader region. 伴随着精神力全面输出,小邪开始朝着一个方向缓缓转头,以在最长探测距离的同时去探察更广阔的的区域。 A moment later, the small evil movement stopped suddenly, gentle spiritual wave transmission to Long Dangdang. 片刻之后,小邪的动作突然停了下来,柔和的精神波动传递给龙当当 That direction has strong fluctuation of energy, we walk.” The Long Dangdang big hand wields, brings to take the lead toward its definite direction vanguard slightly evilly. “那个方向有较强的能量波动,我们走。”龙当当大手一挥,带着小邪率先朝着它确定的方向前行。 The people follow. Has saying that in this terrain complex forest, the spiritual survey absolutely is the best reconnaissance means. 众人紧随其后。不得不说,在这地形复杂的森林中,精神探测绝对是最好的侦察手段。 The storm demon dragon had been taken back by the peach numerous, today cannot summon, but the red armor rice Land Dragon he actually can also summon one time, therefore the strength of team has not reduced many. 风暴魔龙已经被桃林林收回了,今天是不能召唤了,但赤甲地龙他却还能召唤一次,所以团队的实力并没有降低多少。 Continued to rush for dozen minutes to adjust several positions good, was indistinct, the energy burst of distant place they have been able to feel. Obviously is having the fight to happen. 持续奔行了十几分钟又调整了几次方位,隐约间,远处的能量爆发他们已经能够感受到了。显然是正有战斗在发生。 Everyone was careful.” Long Dangdang reminded one, has not made the ocean nighttide first investigate, facing nine levels of demon beasts, definitely the partners gathers is safer. “大家小心。”龙当当提醒了一句,也没有让溟汐先去探察,面对九级魔兽,肯定还是伙伴们聚集在一起才更加安全。 Bang-” front suddenly resounds huge thundering, then they saw frightened one, a huge yellow light shadow plunders to empty, that seems like a great stick general light shadow to fall outrageously, pounding ruthlessly to a direction. “轰-”前方突然响起一声巨大的轰鸣,然后他们就看到了惊悚的一幕,一道巨大的黄色光影掠空而起,那像是一根巨棍一般的光影悍然而落,狠狠的砸向一个方向。 Also at this moment, Long Dangdang they also feel the child spirit crystal fierce vibration that oneself carry, the ray puts greatly, even if storage thing equips is unable to cover its ray. 也就在这时,龙当当他们也同时感受到自身所携带的子灵晶剧烈的震动起来,光芒大放,就算是储物装备都无法掩盖其光芒。 Requesting reinforcements signal that the child spirit crystal supplements. 正是子灵晶所附带的求援信号。 On!” The Long Dangdang flying, without the half a point hesitates, spirit furnace release. Three big spirit furnace rays converge again, four wings stretch behind him, the incarnation for the dark blue moon/month angel, directly soars the direction that attack erupts to flush away. “上!”龙当当飞身而起,没有半分犹豫,灵炉释放。三大灵炉光芒再次会聚,四只翅膀在他背后舒展开来,化身为沧月天使,直奔那攻击爆发的方向冲去。 Under the condition of dark blue moon/month angel, he can resist nine levels of demon beasts to strike reluctantly. 只有沧月天使的状态下,他才勉强能够抵挡住九级魔兽一击。 Ding-dong, then.” The back light shadow twinkle, the Long Dangdang backhand copies, meets the sacred hammer that the cousin throws in the hand. At the beginning of his silver wave magic before , when the resistance thunder clap bird broke off, has not known that can restore. Now can only act as the weapon with the sacred hammer. “当当,接着。”背后光影闪烁,龙当当反手一抄,就将表姐抛来的神圣之锤接在手中。他的银浪魔法之初之前在对抗雷震鸟的时候折断了,还不知道能不能修复。现在只能用神圣之锤来充当武器了。 His speed strange quick under dark blue moon/month angel condition, but in the process of flight, the Long Dangdang heart has a feeling, looked at one in a direction, is indistinct saw that the form flashes to pass together. But at this time he also thinks without enough time, flushes away toward the center of energy burst rapidly. 沧月天使状态下的他速度奇快,但在飞行的过程中,龙当当心有所感,朝着一个方向看了一眼,隐约间看到一道身影一闪而逝。但这个时候他也来不及多想,飞速朝着能量爆发的中心冲去。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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