SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#174: The mouse swallows the snake

Chapter 174 mouse swallows the snake 第174章鼠吞蛇 This time woof Changxin is excited, but the peach numerous and ocean nighttide of one side not far away actually look at each other in blank dismay. 此时的汪常欣激动莫名,而一旁不远处的桃林林和溟汐却是面面相觑。 They thought that oneself are somewhat lonely, yes, lonely. 他们觉得自己有些孤独,是的,孤独。 Fourth. The fourth wisdom spirit furnace. Moreover is not the common wisdom spirit furnace. Although they do not know that anything is 12 towermen, but actually does not affect in their hearts that unclear sleep/felt severe feeling! 第四个了。第四个智慧灵炉了。而且还不是一般的智慧灵炉。虽然他们并不知道什么是十二守望者,但却并不影响他们心中那种不明觉厉的感觉啊! Why others have the wisdom spirit furnace, 12 towerman such existences, even if no lunar motion of wisdom spirit furnace, still has the magic temple top spirit furnace livelihood same splendor to take own nuclear mind furnace. But, they? 为什么人家都有智慧灵炉,还有十二守望者这样的存在,就算没有智慧灵炉的月离,也有魔法圣殿顶级灵炉日月同辉作为自己的核心灵炉。可是,他们呢? The peach numerous even wants to sigh one, are you person? Made others live? Even he somewhat regretted that must join the team, because he does not hope oneself are that holding back existence! 桃林林甚至想要感叹一声,你们是人吗?让不让别人活了?甚至他都有些后悔要加入团队了,因为他绝不希望自己是那个拖后腿的存在啊! The sea returns to Long Dangdang within the body, one side woof Changxin arrives sits down to contemplate to resume the previous consumption same place. But her mood is actually not able to return to normal for a very long time. 沧海回归龙当当体内,汪常欣走到一旁原地坐下冥想恢复先前的消耗。但她的情绪却久久无法平复。 Long Dangdang looks to the peach numerous, school leader, this/should you.” 龙当当看向桃林林,“学长,该你了。” The peach numerous coughs, I am summon various master types to summon me basically to grasp ordinary. This life summon beast is the town/subdues demon tree, everyone has seen. My town/subdues demon tree attack and defense body, is good in the region battling especially, but the need time takes root ahead of time. I have the spirit furnace praise of life and land ups and downs, therefore, the plant class summon beast is I most excels.” 桃林林干咳一声,“我是召唤师各种普通召唤我基本都能掌握。本命召唤兽是镇魔树,大家都见过了。我的镇魔树攻防一体,尤其擅长区域内作战,但需要时间提前扎根。我拥有灵炉生命礼赞和大地枯荣,所以,植物类召唤兽是我最擅长的。” The praises of life and land ups and downs these two types of spirit furnaces are relatively are quite common, ranking comes between. And, the praise of life spirit furnace majority appear on the pastors, this is one type can absorb and release the life energy the spirit furnace, supplements with pastor various for treating is the magic, the effect excellent. But does not use on the peach numerous obviously. 生命礼赞和大地枯荣这两种灵炉都是相对比较常见的,排名居中。其中,生命礼赞灵炉大多数都是出现在牧师身上,这是一种能够吸收和释放生命能量的灵炉,辅以牧师的各种治疗系魔法,效果绝佳。但在桃林林身上显然并不是这么用的。 As for land ups and downs spirit furnace on relative comparison unexpected winner, summon master temple exclusive spirit furnace. Only the summon masters of department of botany will use, can conduct the summon of department of botany summon beast through the spirit furnaces. This spirit furnace unexpected winner, first is because number of department of botany summon originally few. Is, the admittance threshold is very high, at least wants above to use fifth-order. Moreover is very difficult to promote. But the promotion difficult spirit furnace, the functions are also naturally limited. 至于大地枯荣灵炉就相对比较冷门了,召唤师圣殿专属灵炉。只有植物系的召唤师才会使用,能够通过灵炉进行植物系召唤兽的召唤。这种灵炉之所以冷门,首先是因为植物系召唤师的数量本来就少。还有就是,准入门槛很高,至少要五阶以上才能使用。而且很难升级。而升级困难的灵炉,作用自然也是有限的。 The peach numerous voice falls, the ocean nighttide opened the mouth, I am the assassin temple walk to flash puncture the route, grows perceptibly at the speed, is the quick, express that type. Our cultivation directions do not have quickly, is quicker. Today looked at inside and outside Sister Wang's to minor, making me refine the golden body also to have an interest in the blood, making me again well hesitant. If outside the spirit strength increases, as if carrying capacity to my speed and speed truly is very helpful. I have the spirit furnace thousand to strike with the emergence. Is the signboard spirit furnace of our assassin temple.” 桃林林话音才落,溟汐就开口了,“我是刺客圣殿走闪刺路线的,以速度见长,就是快,特别快那种。我们的修炼方向是没有最快、只有更快。今天看了汪姐姐的这种内外兼修,让我对血炼金身又重新有了点兴趣了,让我再好好犹豫一下。如果外灵力大增的话,似乎对我的速度以及速度承受力确实是很有帮助的。我拥有灵炉千击和羽化。都是我们刺客圣殿的招牌灵炉。” Thousand strike the assassin who the spirit furnace suits various cultivation ways, is primarily the powerful striking power collection speed and attack as one, can bloom instantaneously the strong explosive force. 千击灵炉适合各种修炼方式的刺客,以强大的攻击力为主集速度与攻击为一体,瞬间能够绽放出超强的爆发力。 But the emergence spirit furnace is honored as the maintaining life spirit furnace. Once starts, when can be attacked simultaneously immunity physics and magic double-barreled attacks. The emergence spirit furnaces of different rank can the immunity time be different, this is special existence of body nihility. Has not existed in the energy shape. Besides cannot attack in the emergence nihility process, is almost at the invincible conditions. Is the assassins the best spirit furnaces that are used to maintain life. The importance is equivalent to the repulsion spirit furnace regarding the magicians and pastors. 而羽化灵炉则被誉为保命灵炉。一旦发动,能够在被攻击时同时免疫物理和魔法双重攻击。不同级别的羽化灵炉能够免疫的时间会有所不同,这是一种身体虚无化的特殊存在。还不是以能量形态而存在的。除了在羽化虚无过程中不能攻击之外,几乎是处于无敌状态。是刺客用来保命的最佳灵炉。其重要性就相当于斥力灵炉对于魔法师和牧师。 The peach numerous and ocean nighttide beforehand mood difference, are the lunar motions so? Saw that the students of these spirit furnace schools, at least have over two spirit furnaces, her also somewhat has mixed feelings. 桃林林和溟汐之前的心情异样,月离又何尝不是如此呢?眼看着这些灵炉学院的学员们,一个个至少都有两个以上灵炉,她的心情也有些复杂。 I excel at the river system and fire am the magic, after the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace of regimental commander helps me complete the spirit furnace entered the step, now can also use thunder system and ice is the magic. Spirit furnace, livelihood same splendor. The water and fire common origin is my core attribute.” She introduced herself simply. “我擅长水系与火系魔法,在团长的月明沧海灵炉帮助我完成了灵炉进阶之后,现在也可以使用雷系和冰系魔法了。灵炉,日月同辉。水火同源是我的核心属性。”她简单的介绍了自己。 Long Kongkong blinks, said: I suddenly felt, our team probably is also very strong!” 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,道:“我突然觉得,咱们团队好像也是挺强的啊!” Has this feeling not only obviously he alone, in listening to each one unretentive self introduction, particularly spirit furnace after having the condition . The hunting for demon group that their newly established, drew close to without doubt. 有这种感觉的显然不只是他一个人,在听了各自毫无保留的自我介绍,尤其是灵炉的拥有状况之后。他们这支刚成立的猎魔团,无疑彼此之间更贴近了一些。 If before woof Changxin, the peach numerous, the ocean nighttide and lunar motion four people also think that they be weaker than that team that the element saintess Zisang colored glaze glimmer leads , present they absolutely do not have this thought. If nothing else, their bright moon hunt for the demon group in the sky, do four big wisdom spirit furnaces, that side the element saintess have? Does not have. 如果说之前汪常欣、桃林林、溟汐和月离四人还会认为他们要比元素圣女子桑琉荧率领的那支队伍弱一些的话,那么,现在的他们却已经完全没有这个念头了。别的不说,他们这支皓月当空猎魔团,有四大智慧灵炉,元素圣女那边有吗?一个都没有吧。 Only these four big wisdom spirit furnaces, let them in the future not only certainly 19,115,897, but can have the bright moon of title in the sky. 单是这四大智慧灵炉,就让他们未来一定不只是一九一一五八九七,而是能够拥有称号的皓月当空。 At once, the mood of people more or less had some changes. 一时之间,众人的情绪或多或少都有了一些变化。 „, Brothers, did these corpses also want? Can the words that does not want, give me?” Long Kongkong look at stimulated in people eyes to say. “呃,老哥,这些尸体还要不要了?不要的话,能不能给我?”龙空空看着众人眼中的亢奋说道。 Un? Do everyone has the needs to these demon beast corpses?” In the Long Dangdang heart moves somewhat understands the meaning of Long Kongkong, but must certainly first inquire the people. “嗯?大家对这些魔兽尸体有需要吗?”龙当当心中一动有些明白龙空空的意思,但肯定还是要先询问一下众人。 Saw that the people shake the head in abundance, Long Dangdang approached Long Kongkong to select under. 眼看众人纷纷摇头,龙当当才向龙空空点了下头。 Long Kongkong smiles immediately, comes out, glutton.” 龙空空顿时满脸笑容,“出来吧,吃货。” Ray twinkle, contract space opening. The next quarter, the plump mouse king drilled from the contract space. 光芒闪烁,契约空间开启。下一刻,肥硕的鼠大王就从契约空间之中钻了出来。 In people, has seen his mouse king, there has not seen. But looks that mouse king that presents for dark golden fur/superficial knowledge as smooth as glass, revealed the curious color. 众人之中,有见过他这鼠大王的,也有没见过的。但看着鼠大王那呈现为暗金色油光水滑的皮毛,也不禁都流露出了好奇之色。 Especially as the peach numerous of summon, gazes at the mouse king, the look is glittering slightly, he has faced the mouse king, that and Long Kongkong competition he lost finally, has the relations of separation with Long Kongkong this mount partner. 尤其是身为召唤师的桃林林,注视着鼠大王,眼神微微的闪烁着,他是面对过鼠大王的,那场和龙空空的比赛最后还是他输了,和龙空空这坐骑伙伴有分不开的关系。 The lunar motion said with a smile: Originally Kong Kong is the mouse knight! Hee hee.” 月离笑道:“原来空空是鼠骑士啊!嘻嘻嘻。” Long Kongkong ill-humored showing the whites of the eyes, actually has no way to refute anything. 龙空空没好气的翻了个白眼,却也没法反驳什么。 After the mouse king falls to the ground, the vision swept, the interest somewhat seems to be deficient, but opened the mouth. Its this opens mouth, is not really familiar its several people to have a scare, that mouth almost opened 180 degrees, raises upwardly, revealed the big mouth that and body differed so much as to be beyond comparison completely. 鼠大王落地之后,目光扫了一圈,兴趣似乎有些缺乏,但还是张开了嘴。它这一张嘴,着实是将不熟悉它的几人吓了一跳,那嘴几乎张开了一百八十度,向上扬起,露出了和身体完全不成比例的血盆大口。 The next quarter, in its big mouth, has the dark golden ray to surge faintly , the strong attracting customer interest spreads. 下一刻,在它的大嘴之中,隐隐有暗金色光芒涌动,紧接着,强大的吸扯力就从中传出。 Build small cool breeze birds of prey flew directly to its big mouth, when submerged in its mouth that dark golden rays, disappearance that disappeared from the scene unexpectedly. As if its mouth is bottomless pit. 体型较小的一只只清风隼直接飞向了它的大嘴,当没入它口中那片暗金色光芒时,竟然就那么鸿飞冥冥的消失了。仿佛它那嘴本身就是无底洞似的。 Quick, all cool breeze falcon swallowed clean. When the people think its swallowing finished, mouse king sudden vertical leaps, before arriving at a green scale tree python body, lowers the head, the gigantic python head bit into before the mouth unexpectedly. 很快,所有的清风隼就被吞噬的一干二净。就在众人以为它的吞噬结束了的时候,鼠大王突然一个纵跃,就来到了一条绿鳞树蟒身前,一低头,竟是将硕大的蟒蛇头部前端咬入了口中。 The build of green scale tree python was really big, even if were big mouth that its this opened completely , can only bite the python head before. Then under the people shocking gaze, swallowed big mouth of day of mouse in a big way as if by the brace of python extrusion several points, then that start bit by bit figure huge green scale tree python little swallowing entrance. 绿鳞树蟒的体型实在是太大了,哪怕是它这完全张开的大嘴,也就只能是将蟒蛇头部前端咬进去。然后就在众人震惊的注视下,吞天鼠的大嘴似乎又被蟒头挤压的撑大了几分,然后就那么一点一点的开始将身形庞大的绿鳞树蟒一点点的吞入口中。 This...... 这…… The people have heard, the mouse is food of snake, when sees the mouse to eat the snake? This mouse swallows one of the snake, not only shocks, even is somewhat frightened. 众人都听说过,老鼠是蛇的食物,什么时候见过老鼠吃蛇的?这鼠吞蛇的一幕不只是震撼,甚至有些惊悚。 They can also see, the body of mouse king obviously swelled several points, compared with the green scale tree python volume of but with it swallowing, is not anything. 他们也能看到,鼠大王的身躯明显胀大了几分,但和它所吞噬的绿鳞树蟒体积相比,根本就不算什么。 People dumbfounded looks, the speed that the mouse king swallows starts becomes more and more quickly, only used for about five minutes, a conditions giant green scale tree python unexpectedly swallowed clean, eats completely. 众人目瞪口呆的看着,鼠大王吞噬的速度开始变得越来越快,只用了五分钟左右的时间,一条体型巨大的绿鳞树蟒竟然就已经被吞噬的一干二净,完全吃了下去。 Mouse king squish a lower jaw, curls the lip, as if also some unsatisfied as. Only then in the Long Kongkong heart resounds its sound, it is said again, is really unpalatable.” 鼠大王吧唧了一下嘴,又撇了撇嘴,似乎还有些不满意似的。只有龙空空心中响起它的声音,它再说,“真难吃。” Although said that but it moved toward the next green scale tree python. 虽然是这么说的,但它还是走向了下一条绿鳞树蟒。 Regarding the mouse king, the green scale tree python was really weak, did not conform to its taste very much. But that is also the energy! Own this far-fetched master rarely can find enough much food to oneself. Although it comes under the rank influence of Long Kongkong not to have the means breakthrough to be equivalent to the human fifth-order upper limit now, but saves some energies is also good, is helpful to its restoration. Waits for Long Kongkong to cultivate/repair after the breakthrough it breaks through also to be easier. 对于鼠大王来说,绿鳞树蟒着实是弱了点,不是很符合它的口味。但那也是能量啊!自己这个不靠谱的主人很少能够给自己找到足够多的食物。虽然现在它受到龙空空的等级影响是没办法突破相当于人类五阶上限的,但多积攒一些能量也是好的,有助于它的恢复。等龙空空修为突破之后它突破起来也能容易一些。 When the mouse king the last green scale tree python will also swallow, the expression of people somewhat is numb. 当鼠大王将最后一条绿鳞树蟒也吞噬下去的时候,众人的表情都已经有些麻木了。 The peach numerous cannot bear finally to Long Kongkong asks: Kong Kong, where does your demon beast from look? In my memory, in the mainland this mouse class demon beast has not as if existed! The abilities that its this swallows very powerful.” 桃林林终于忍不住向龙空空问道:“空空,你这魔兽是从什么地方找来的?在我的记忆中,似乎大陆上并没有这种鼠类魔兽存在啊!它这吞噬的能力好强。” Long Kongkong somewhat favorite say/way: Mouse king is I summons from the dystopia surface in knight Holy Mountain. With me is the blood agreement, everyone felt relieved. It through swallowing to evolve. Now fifth-order.” 龙空空有些得意的道:“鼠大王是我在骑士圣山从异位面召唤来的。和我是血契,大家放心好了。它就是通过吞噬来进化的。现在五阶。” Hears the blood agreement two characters, the mouse king has turned round, some hidden bitterness looked at Long Kongkong one. Swallowed so many demon beasts, its plump body obvious and big several points, drum drum of perfectly round belly inflation. So many demon beast energies, enough it swallowed the digestion some time. Although is not delicious, but satisfaction, therefore this little while is happy. 听到血契二字,鼠大王回过身,有些幽怨的看了龙空空一眼。吞噬了这么多魔兽,它那肥硕的身体明显又大了几分,浑圆的肚皮膨胀的鼓鼓的。这么多魔兽能量,足够它吞噬消化一段时间了。虽然不好吃,但还是满意的,所以这会儿心情不错。 When Long Kongkong continues the dai Chinese zither, suddenly, one type strange buzz called the feeling to attract the attention of people. 就在龙空空继续继续嘚瑟的时候,突然间,一种奇异的嗡鸣感吸引了众人的注意。 The response of Long Dangdang is quickest, the look moves, immediately jumps, a float technique release on oneself, extended big tree to climb rapidly. 龙当当的反应最快,眼神一动,立刻腾身而起,一个漂浮术释放在自己身上,延着身边一株大树就飞速攀登了上去。 Several people that can fly also jump in abundance. But speed quickest is actually the ocean nighttide that flashes punctures, woof Changxin who her even ratio displays the spirit wing must above earlier arriving crown. 能飞的几人也纷纷腾身而起。而速度最快的却还是身为闪刺的溟汐,她甚至比施展灵翼的汪常欣还要更早的来到树冠之上。 woof Changxin is second, her spirit wing explosive force is extremely strong, almost ran out of the crown instantaneously, was certainly also hitting many branches, without the means that now some controls is not good. 汪常欣是第二个,她的灵翼爆发力极强,几乎是瞬间就冲出了树冠,连带着当然也撞断了不少树枝,没办法,现在还有些控制不好。 Long Dangdang and ice Monroe came up. As for the peach numerous and Long Kongkong, has not come up. 龙当当和凌梦露是先后上来的。至于桃林林和龙空空,根本就没上来。 Long Dangdang raises head to look, sees only, in the sky, a huge halo expands outward, the halo presents for the red, therefore very bright. Can see that red halo ripples toward the distant place. Quick covered the range of length and breadth, unreachable beside has dissipated the spread to the line of sight gradually. 龙当当仰头望去,只见,天空之中,一圈巨大的光晕向外扩张开来,光晕呈现为红色,所以非常的鲜明。能够看到,那红色光晕朝着远处荡漾开来。很快就覆盖了十分广袤的范围,一直蔓延到视线不可及之外才渐渐消散。 Long Dangdang lifts the hand, toward in the air is gesticulating, simultaneously changes the body change direction. Finally, he stopped the movement. Is pointing at a direction, said: Everyone remembers this direction, just light halo started to initiate the expansion from this direction. We toward this direction walk. The ocean nighttide, you front explores the way. Everyone follows later.” 龙当当抬起手,朝着空中比划着,同时转动身体改变方向。最后,他停下了动作。指着一个方向,道:“大家记住这个方向,刚刚的光圈是从这个方向开始发起扩张的。我们就朝着这个方向走。溟汐,伱前面探路。大家随后跟上。” The people fell the ground, Long Dangdang assigned a formation. 众人重新落到地面,龙当当分配了一下阵型。 The ocean nighttide in the front explores the way, does not exceed the kilometer from the team, online maintains the contact through the spirit crystal at any time. 溟汐在前方探路,距离队伍不超过千米,通过灵晶在线随时保持联络。 Long Dangdang and Brother Long Kongkong double knight before. Is Ling Menglu, lunar motion and peach numerous. woof Changxin brings up the rear. 龙当当龙空空兄弟双骑士在前。身后是凌梦露、月离和桃林林。汪常欣断后。 Through just in the observation of halo to the sky, the people understood the meaning of Long Dangdang indistinctly. Admiring in heart also increases several points, obviously, judges the direction very much in this way, should not have what mistake at least in the general orientation. Can as far as possible time-saving, compared with go forward to be much better rashly. 通过刚刚对天空中光环的观察,众人都隐约明白了龙当当的意思。心中的佩服也随之更增几分,很显然,通过这种方式来判断方向,至少在大方向上应该是不会出现什么差错的。能够尽量节省时间,比冒然前进要好的多。 The speed of ocean nighttide is quick, is almost has been missing in an instant. The people fast vanguard, has not suppressed the speed. Previously toward this direction fiao raised the hunting for demon group that left also to have, these people have been equivalent in without doubt explore the way for them. 溟汐的速度很快,几乎是转眼之间就已经不见了踪影。众人快速前行,并没有压制速度。先前朝着这个方向覅昂离开的猎魔团也有,那些人无疑已经是相当于在为他们探路了。 At the same time walks, the lunar motion asked to peach numerous: Peach, do you have the means to subdue the demon beast?” 一边走,月离向身边的桃林林问道:“桃子,你有办法收服魔兽吗?” Peach forest wood-road: We summoned the master to have some methods, can make the demon beast submit, even turned into own fixed summon beast. But this needs many premises, is not that easy.” At the same time saying, he somewhat helpless looked at lunar motion one, regarding peach name, he is some contradictions. But the lunar motion is in the team oldest one, he has not said anything, originally his character is very amiable that. 桃林林道:“我们召唤师是有一些手段的,可以让魔兽臣服,甚至变成自己的固定召唤兽。但这需要很多前提,不是那么容易。”一边说着,他有些无奈的看了月离一眼,对于桃子这个称呼,他是有些抵触的。但月离是队伍中年龄最大的一个,他也没说什么,本来他的性格就是十分随和的那种。 Ling Menglu said: Said to look, which premises needs?” 凌梦露道:“说说看,需要哪些前提呢?” Peach forest wood-road: First the equivalent of demon beast cannot compare me to be high, if or the demon beast equivalent is higher than me, the probability of failure will be very big. Next, is the weak demon beast, on the other hand tame will be more difficult. Therefore, we summoned the master, if were hunts and kills the open country demon beast to complete the contract, generally will choose is first defeated it, even was the heavy losses. But this is not quite good to grasp, the disabled demon beast has no way to restore, lost the significance. Not only need beat the opposite party, best is lets its feel a heartfelt admiration. Like this subdues to be easy, will otherwise increase the burden.” 桃林林道:“首先魔兽的等阶不能比我高,或者说,如果魔兽等阶比我高的话,失败的概率会很大。其次,越是虚弱的魔兽,相对来说驯服的难度会越小。所以,我们召唤师如果是猎杀野外魔兽来完成契约的话,一般会选择先将其打败,甚至是重创。但这个度不太好掌握,伤残的魔兽是没法恢复的,就失去意义了。而且不只是要击败对方,最好是让其心悦诚服。这样收服起来才容易,否则会加大负担。” Then was the attribute aspect. I can be said as the deviation natural quality summon master. Therefore, if the demon beast of department of botany, I will conduct the deterrent and suppression to be easier, in the meantime, easier compatible in the opposite party. Subduing will be easy. The demon beast of other department, will be more difficult.” “然后就是属性方面了。我可以说是偏向自然属性的召唤师。所以,如果是植物系的魔兽,我进行威慑、镇压都会容易一些,同时,也更容易亲和于对方。收服会容易。其他系的魔兽,就会困难一些。” Taking the lead Long Dangdang turn head said suddenly: School leader, if others helps you complete the deterrent, Ok?” 走在前面的龙当当突然回头说道:“学长,那如果是别人帮你完成威慑,可以吗?” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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