SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#173: 12 keeps watch the dominating world spirit furnace

Chapter 173 12 keep watch the dominating world spirit furnace 第173章十二守望之雄霸天下灵炉 When sees three people together in the nod, even if usually character performance faint woof Changxin stared in a big way the eye. 当看到三个人一起在点头的时候,就算是平时性格表现淡漠的汪常欣都不禁瞪大了眼睛。 You, three, yes?” “你们,三个,都是?” Ling Menglu nods regarding Long Dangdang is honest she to the teammates is the support. If hunts for the teammates of demon group not to know that their actual situation, how later to coordinate in the fight? 凌梦露点了点头对于龙当当向队友们坦诚她是支持的。如果连猎魔团的队友都不知道他们实际情况的话,以后如何在战斗中配合? Peach numerous weak say/way: „Can I ask again, did our school spirit furnace day choose the ceremony altogether to have several wisdom spirit furnaces?” 桃林林弱弱的道:“我能不能再问一下,咱们学院灵炉天选仪式一共出了几个智慧灵炉?” Long Kongkong smiles, said: In here, nearby you.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“都在这儿了,你跟前。” Even if the ocean nighttide somewhat is hotly slow, at this time also sobers, her vision straight looks at Long Kongkong, said: „The god Qi Yutong spirit furnace , is that we enter the school the time to that wise man who we pay the appraisal?” 哪怕是溟汐有些慢热,此时也清醒过来,她目光直直的看着龙空空,道:“神祈屿桐灵炉,是不是、是不是那个我们进入学院的时候给我们出评价的那位智者啊?” Long Kongkong said: Should.” 龙空空道:“应该是吧。” The air as if solidified suddenly general peaceful. 空气突然仿佛凝固了一般安静。 Regarding the wisdom spirit furnace, who isn't curious? After the admittance, the ocean nighttide had also once inquired own grandfather, actually that to the wisdom spirit furnace that they appraise powerful. She still remembers now, initially the grandfather what said that that is the spirit furnace school nine titan's heads. 对于智慧灵炉,谁不好奇?在入学之后,溟汐也曾询问过自己的爷爷,那位给他们评价的智慧灵炉究竟有多强大。她现在还记得,当初爷爷说的是,那位是灵炉学院九大智者之首。 Although each of them knows, in the spirit furnace day chooses at the ceremony to have the wisdom spirit furnace to leave the mountain, who can think that is this being the first wise man? What is more important, owner also before them. 虽然他们每个人都知道在灵炉天选仪式上是有智慧灵炉出山的,但谁能想到是这位排名首位的智者?更重要的是,拥有者还就在他们面前。 Only has the lunar motion seems somewhat vacant, in seven people, only then her does not come in Linglu the school, on the other hand, touching is not big. But regarding the wisdom spirit furnace, she also shocks similarly! 唯有月离显得有些茫然,七人之中,只有她一个不是出身于灵炉学院,相对来说,触动没有那么大。但对于智慧灵炉,她也同样震撼啊! She cannot bear look that asked to Long Dangdang: Is bright the sea more powerful than the moon/month?” 她忍不住看向龙当当问道:“比月明沧海还要强大吗?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: Does not know. The sea seniors are the quite ancient wisdom spirit furnaces, but currently has some breakages.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“不知道。沧海前辈是比较古老的智慧灵炉,不过现在有了一些破损。” The ocean nighttide turns head to look to the lunar motion, ding-dong is that wisdom spirit furnace of regimental commander very also strong?” 溟汐扭头看向月离,“当当团长的那个智慧灵炉也很强?” The lunar motion nods, said: My livelihood same splendor spirit furnace do you know? The spirit furnace of regimental commander is the father of my spirit furnace.” 月离点点头,道:“我的日月同辉灵炉你知道吧?团长的灵炉是我那个灵炉的爸爸。” Long Kongkong smiles, said: Also possibly is a mother.” 龙空空嘿嘿一笑,道:“也可能是妈妈。” Long Dangdang chest place white light flashes, blue liquid flushed Long Kongkong to be all over the head and face instantaneously. “噗”龙当当胸口处白光一闪,一蓬蓝色的液体瞬间冲了龙空空一头一脸。 Long Dangdang ill-humored knocked in his head, „are sea seniors also you can the unstated criticism?” 龙当当没好气的在他头上敲了一下,“沧海前辈也是伱能腹诽的?” Long Kongkong spits the tongue, sea seniors I was wrong.” 龙空空吐了吐舌头,“沧海前辈我错了。” The white light is hidden, obviously was being disinclined manages him. 白光隐没,显然是懒得理他了。 Regarding other four teammates, was shocked at this moment obviously. Has no way not to shock. Three big wisdom spirit furnaces, this is the wisdom spirit furnace! 对于其他四名队友来说,此时此刻显然是被震撼到了。没法不震撼。三大智慧灵炉,这可是智慧灵炉啊! Previously they also think, in team truly powerful talent, only then ice Monroe. Also only then ice Monroe can compared with Zisang colored glaze glimmer their four people. But now this what situation? Three big wisdom spirit furnaces! Only then three words, said Zisang colored glaze glimmer their teams do not have existence of wisdom spirit furnace. This means, the true top exists them. 先前他们还以为,团队中真正强大的天才只有凌梦露一个呢。也只有凌梦露能和子桑琉荧他们那四个人相比。但现在这都什么情况?三大智慧灵炉啊!而且只有三个的话,岂不是说子桑琉荧他们那个团队都没有智慧灵炉的存在。这就意味着,真正的顶级存在都在他们这边。 Let alone also has existence that inside and outside woof often/common joyful this minors. 更何况还有汪常欣这个内外兼修的存在。 Suddenly, the peach numerous and ocean nighttide feel the great stress. The lunar motion good and evil is six steps . Moreover the livelihood same splendor spirit furnace is also very powerful. But their two fifth-order. 一时间,桃林林、溟汐都感觉压力巨大。月离好歹已经是六阶了,而且日月同辉灵炉也十分强大。而他们两个都还是五阶。 Continue.” Long Dangdang said. “继续吧。”龙当当说道。 woof Changxin: Soldier, the inside and outside minors. I have two spirit furnaces, first is humming sound the spirit furnace.” 汪常欣道:“战士,内外兼修。我有两个灵炉,第一个是嗡嗡灵炉。” Hears this name, the people stare slightly. The spirit furnace type numerous humming sound the spirit furnace is actually everyone knows that is mainly because name good. Humming sound the spirit furnace is the exclusive spirit furnace of soldier temple. But it is said altogether only has three. Is the soldier temple high-level controls, woof will often/common joyful have one? 听到这个名字,众人都微微一愣。灵炉种类众多嗡嗡灵炉却是大家都知道的,主要是因为名字好记。嗡嗡灵炉乃是战士圣殿的专属灵炉。但据说一共只有三个。都是战士圣殿高层所掌控,汪常欣身上怎么会有一个? Humming sound the function of spirit furnace only has one, the shake. Supplements for all attack skills of soldier on shakes the effect. This shake has the destructive effect on all defenses, the user own strength and spirit furnace equivalent of the destructive effect and is proportional. 嗡嗡灵炉的作用只有一个,震荡。为战士的所有攻击技能都附带上震荡效果。这种震荡对一切防御都有破坏作用,破坏效果和使用者自身的实力以及灵炉等阶成正比。 Studies in the elder sister beforehand competition probably to be useless this spirit furnace?” Long Dangdang inserts said. “学姐之前的比赛中好像没用过这个灵炉?”龙当当插言道。 woof Changxin shakes the head, said: Also in less, takes seven steps. Before seven steps, cannot control.” 汪常欣摇摇头,道:“还用不了,要七阶。七阶之前,控制不住。” In fact, humming sound the spirit furnace has grasped in the soldier temple high-level hand , because request of this type of spirit furnace to the user was too high. The ability of that shake, injures the enemy also to injure oneself, moreover is extremely difficult to control. Once the control is not good, even has the fatal possibility to oneself. Seven step above soldiers, after the body has certain element ability, can the quite good control. 事实上,嗡嗡灵炉之所以一直掌握在战士圣殿高层手中,就是因为这种灵炉对使用者的要求太高了。那震荡的能力,伤敌也伤己,而且极难控制。一旦控制不好,甚至对自己都有致命的可能。七阶以上的战士,在身体具有一定元素化能力之后,才能比较好的掌控。 But listens to the teammates who she is explaining regarding this time, first realizing after is the soldier temple seven steps , the spirit furnace that can use gives woof Changxin ahead of time, what does this mean? Is this to her what kind of attaching great importance to? 而对于此时听着她解释的队友们来说,第一个意识到的就是战士圣殿将一个只有七阶之后才能使用的灵炉提前交给汪常欣,这意味着什么?这是对她的何等重视? woof Changxin continues saying: My another spirit furnace called to dominate the world. I excel at the close combat, excels at the attack of certain range. Is good at erupting.” 汪常欣继续道:“我的另一个灵炉叫雄霸天下。我擅长近战,擅长一定范围的攻击。擅长爆发。” Dominates the world spirit furnace? Hears this name time, the people's first response is, this type of spirit furnace? Although the spirit furnace type are many, but majority are familiar. Like dominating world such aggressive name, if appears must remember! But plunders all memories, the people does not have one to have the impression to this spirit furnace. 雄霸天下灵炉?听到这个名字的时候,众人的第一个反应是,还有这种灵炉吗?虽然灵炉种类很多,但大多数还是耳熟能详的。像雄霸天下这么霸气的名字,如果出现过不可能不记得啊!但搜刮所有记忆,众人却没有一个对这个灵炉有印象的。 What?” Calls out in alarm resounds , one group of white lights flow from the Long Dangdang chest place, the form appears together from the spirit furnace, impressively sea. “什么?”一声惊呼响起,紧接着,一团白光从龙当当胸口处奔涌而出,紧接着一道身影从灵炉之中浮现出来,赫然正是沧海。 Sea this time voice obviously brings excitedly, dominates on you? Let him come out.” 沧海此时的声音明显带着激动,“雄霸在你身上?让他出来。” Sea understanding? Long Dangdang surprised looks to the ancient spirit furnace before body. 沧海认识?龙当当惊讶的看向身前的古老灵炉。 woof Changxin also gawked, dominates the world spirit furnace to be at the deep sleep condition, I do not have the means to awaken it. This is my handed down in the family spirit furnace, it has protected our families to be very long and be very long. How long I am not specifically clear. My paternal great-grandfather also when had said that the Wang closely related lineage/vein must inherit it. Dominates the world spirit furnace three generations to approve one person every other. Then inherits. I am the paternal great-grandfather pass to me.” 汪常欣也是愣了一下,“雄霸天下灵炉一直处于沉睡状态,我没办法唤醒它。这是我家传的灵炉,它已经守护了我们家族很久、很久。具体有多久我也不清楚。我曾祖父还在的时候曾经说过,汪家嫡脉必须要将它传承下去。雄霸天下灵炉每隔三代才会认可一人。然后传承。我是曾祖父传给我的。” Sea silent, said: You first release it, making me have a look at its condition.” 沧海沉默了一下,道:“你把它先释放出来,让我看看它的状态。” woof Changxin hesitant, then said: Everyone withdraws.” 汪常欣犹豫了一下,然后道:“那大家退后一些。” The people retreat backward, withdraw from about ten meters. 众人向后退去,退出十米开外。 In this moment, the woof Changxin double pupil turned into the golden color suddenly, her figure has no change obviously, but actually gives people one type to become big feeling at this moment the incomparably. 就在这一刻,汪常欣的双眸骤然变成了金色,她的身形明明没有任何改变,可此时此刻却给人一种已经变得无比高大的感觉。 The tyrannical incomparable aura also bursts out from her, the golden color in her eye pupil seems somewhat indifferent, but more is actually overbearing aura of prestige ice world. When this aura appears, the insect warbler in entire woods called to stop unexpectedly completely, seemed like all caught neck. 强横无比的气息随之从她身上迸发而出,她眼眸中的金色显得有些冷漠,但更多的却是一股威凌天下的霸道气息。当这股气息出现的时候,整个树林内的虫鸣鸟叫竟是全部嘎然而止,就像是全都被卡住了脖子似的。 But in the woof often/common joyful chest front, a bright golden spirit furnace appears slowly. 而就在汪常欣胸前,一尊亮金色的灵炉缓缓浮现而出。 This spirit furnace looks very special, square, the style is plain, above inscribes the mountains rivers. Around spirit furnace, altogether nine dragon shape carving. In that flash that it presents, woof Changxin body even starts slightly shivers, seems bearing very tremendous pressure. 这尊灵炉看上去十分特殊,四四方方,样式古朴,上面铭刻着山川河流。在灵炉四周,一共还有九条龙形雕刻。在它出现的那一瞬间,汪常欣的身体甚至开始轻微的颤抖起来,仿佛承受着很大的压力。 Dominating, really dominates this fellow.” The sea figure flashes, had arrived in front of that four Fang Ding's common spirit furnaces. “雄霸,真的是雄霸这家伙。”沧海身形一闪,就已经来到了那四方鼎一般的灵炉面前。 It extends a hand, touching is dominating the surface, how many minutes/shares in the sound has to shiver, „your smelly fart fellow unexpectedly deep sleep? Breakage?” 它伸出一只手,触摸在雄霸表面,声音中带着几分颤抖,“你这个臭屁的家伙竟然沉睡了吗?破损了吗?” In the speeches, the moon/month bright sea spirit furnace of Long Dangdang chest front inclines slowly, the blue liquid falls in torrents, fell directly to that dominated above the world spirit furnace. 在说话之间,龙当当胸前的月明沧海灵炉缓缓倾斜,蓝色的液体倾泻而出,直接落向了那雄霸天下灵炉之上。 Strange saying that after the blue liquid that in the same month the bright sea spirit furnace released fell dominated the world spirit furnace, this spirit furnace immediately becomes tranquil several points, the overbearing aura was weaken, woof Changxin shivering also stopped. 说也奇怪,当月明沧海灵炉释放出的蓝色液体落入雄霸天下灵炉之后,这尊灵炉顿时变得平静了几分,霸道的气息减弱了,汪常欣的颤抖也停止了。 Enough after long time, a low and deep and broad sound resounds, sea, haven't you died?” 足足半晌之后,一个低沉而恢宏的声音响起,“沧海,你还没死?” Sea ill-humored say/way: You died I not dead. Your wound is probably heavier than me. Did deep sleep so many years, restore several points?” 沧海没好气的道:“你死了我都不会死。你的创伤好像比我还重。沉睡这么多年,恢复了几分?” woof Changxin the golden light in eye is experiencing the fluctuation at this time slightly, the body again trembles, this time is actually because excited. Her family has protected this to dominate the world spirit furnace not to know many years, has not actually awakened this. At this moment, was awakened by the Long Dangdang spirit furnace unexpectedly, how letting her is not excited? 汪常欣此时眼中的金光出现着波动,身体再次轻微的震颤起来,这次却是因为激动的。她的家族已经守护这雄霸天下灵炉不知道多少年,却从来都没有唤醒过这位。此时此刻,竟然被龙当当的灵炉唤醒了,让她怎能不激动呢? Dominates the world spirit furnace say/way: Does not have many. You also know how I form. Wish makes me restore, what need is hates the day not to have, hates the ringless strength. My these hosts were too weak. Small warm?” 雄霸天下灵炉道:“没好多少。你也知道我是如何形成的。想要让我恢复,需要的是恨天无把、恨地无环的力量。我的这些宿主太弱了。小暖呢?” Sea silent, was separate. I have been looking for her, does not have the news. Only if I repaired myself, can investigate her aura.” 沧海沉默了一下,“失散了。我一直在找她,始终都没有消息。除非等我修复了自身,才能去探察她的气息。” Male overbearing: You may, if wants. She also has the possibility......” 雄霸道:“那你可要想好了。她也有可能……” You shut up!” The sea suddenly becomes angry. “你闭嘴!”沧海突然变得愤怒起来。 Dominated the unexpectedly real syllabic final. 雄霸竟然真的收声了。 The sea seemed like adjusted an own mood, I have never thought that but can also see the youngest brother. Whom do you also know also in?” 沧海似乎是调整了一下自己的情绪,“真没想到,还能见到老兄弟。你还知道谁还在吗?” How many minutes/shares the dominated sound became vigorous, you think that I can know? I continuously in deep sleep. But perhaps......, unbearable......” 雄霸的声音变得雄浑了几分,“你认为我能知道吗?我一直在沉睡。但恐怕……,够呛……” Dark blue sea route: What situation in your can restore?” 沧海道:“你什么情况下能恢复?” Male overbearing: I need to absorb the air/Qi of tyrant continually. I now this small host, a little that taste. But also needs very for a long time. At least needs to wait till outside her the spirit strength 200,000, may help me restore. I along with her outside spirit strength promotion, but recovers gradually. She has been able to utilize some my strengths now reluctantly initially. But if there are you, can again many 10%. You? Can you repair itself? Feels you very empty!” 雄霸道:“我需要持续吸收霸者之气。我现在这个小宿主还可以,有点那味儿了。但还需要很久。至少要等到她外灵力二十万,才有可能帮我恢复。我会伴随着她的外灵力提升而逐步复苏。她现在已经勉强能够初步运用一些我的力量了。但如果有你在的话,能再多10%吧。你呢?你能修复自己吗?感觉你很虚啊!” Bah, you empty. I am also hopeful. I need in 200,000 nourishing of spirit strength.” “呸,你才虚。我也有希望吧。我需要二十万内灵力的滋养。” Un, ok, I knew, I rested. little woof! You as far as possible are of many and host sea in the same place, helping you use my strength. Until you do at present very well, but the need is overbearing, in the meantime, your willpower also needs to be further enhanced. Got it?” “嗯,行了,我知道了,我睡了。小汪啊!你尽量多和沧海的宿主在一起,有助于你使用我的力量。直到目前你做得很好,但还需要更霸道一些,同时,你的意志力还需要进一步增强。明白了吗?” Yes, senior.” woof often/common joyful somewhat excited saying. “是,前辈。”汪常欣有些激动的说道。 I continued to rest, otherwise I must unable to control.” Dominates said to the sea. “我继续睡了,不然我要控制不住了。”雄霸向沧海说道。 Goes. I try to find the solution.” Sea saying looking pensive. “去吧。我想想办法。”沧海若有所思的说道。 Golden light restraining, changes into golden coronas to drill into from woof Changxin chest place, converges her within the body to vanish without the trace. 金光收敛,化为一圈圈金色光轮从汪常欣的胸口处钻入,汇入她体内消失无踪。 The golden light in woof often/common joyful eyes also restrains, but is actually sweat profusely, in gulps is panting for breath. 汪常欣眼中的金光也随之收敛,但却已是大汗淋漓,大口大口的喘息着。 Dominates the emergence of the world spirit furnace, is big to her load, by her current body even is the willpower, withstanding this spirit furnace is strenuous. Why even within this is also she wants outside the reason of law of cultivation minoring. In her innate spirit strength also over 80, if some choices, she will select the blood to refine golden body extremely painful cultivation way? 雄霸天下灵炉的出现,对她的负荷非常大,以她目前的身体甚至是意志力,承受这一尊灵炉非常吃力。甚至这也是她为什么要以内外兼修之法修炼的原因。她的先天内灵力也在八十以上,如果有的选择,她又怎么会选取血炼金身这种极其痛苦的修炼方式呢? But, she does not have the means! Dominates wanting of the world spirit furnace are too many, without the enough powerful body and spirit, absolutely would have no means to use. Her paternal great-grandfather, during the family inherits, is not strength strongest one, because the paternal great-grandfather also cultivated the blood to refine the golden body, finally stagnated in seven step peaks is unable to continue to go forward again. However, paternal great-grandfather strength, although is not strongest, but paternal great-grandfather's position in family is actually loftiest. 可是,她也没有办法啊!雄霸天下灵炉的要的太多,没有足够强大的体魄,根本就没办法使用。她的曾祖父,在家族传承之中,绝不是实力最强的一个,因为曾祖父也同样修炼了血炼金身,最终停滞在七阶巅峰无法再继续前进。但是,曾祖父实力虽然不是最强的,但曾祖父在家族之中的地位却是最崇高的。 She clear remembering, the paternal great-grandfather has also said to her at point of death, she is in the family is most hopeful to dominate the world spirit furnace prestige to display, she is all previous inheritance talent best one. And makes family all resources lean toward her. Although the present Wang had somewhat gone down in the world, but that also after all was once aristocratic family! 她还清楚的记得,曾祖父在弥留之际对她说过,她是家族中最有希望将雄霸天下灵炉威能发挥出来的,她是历代传承者天赋最好的一个。并且让家族所有的资源都向她倾斜。尽管现在的汪家已经有些落魄了,但那也毕竟是曾经的世家啊! But crossed so many years, Wang in fact does not know that dominates the world spirit furnace true origin. She has not thought that today, after just agglomerate shortly , can actually obtain the clue from own partners. 而过了这么多年,汪家实际上也并不知道雄霸天下灵炉真正的来历。她万万没想到,今天,就在刚刚成团后的不久,竟然能够从自己的伙伴们身上获得线索。 Senior, senior whether to tell me, dominated the origin of senior.” Lest woof Changxin the sea departs, is suppressing the illness of body, somewhat impatient saying. “前辈,前辈可否告诉我,雄霸前辈的来历。”汪常欣唯恐沧海离去,强忍着身体的不适,有些迫不及待的说道。 The sea looked at her one eyes, nods slightly, said: Your this little miss is good. Continues to try hard. Dominating is like me, one with row past 12 towerman. You can understand, nowadays all wisdom spirit furnaces, are the disciples and followers who our that generation inherits, including the islet tung oil tree is so. The islet tung oil tree should be the inheritance of our eldest child. Dominating in our 12 is not strongest one, that but absolutely is most difficult to do. To control it, you also needs to add diligently, its words you also heard, wants to make it restore completely, even awakens, needs you at least to need to reach nine levels of second-order levels to be good. Before then, has me in situation, should be able to make you apply some prestige energies reluctantly, your strength is stronger, can apply will also be many. Inside and outside minoring in must walk, firm walks. Over 100,000 outside spirit strength, you could not have withstood its eruption in the future. Not only this fellow is overbearing, is crazy.” 沧海看了她一眼,微微颔首,道:“你这小姑娘不错。继续努力吧。雄霸和我一样,同列当年的十二守望者之一。你可以这么理解,现今所有的智慧灵炉,都是我们那一代传承下来的徒子徒孙,包括屿桐都是如此。屿桐应该是我们老大的传承。雄霸在我们十二个之中不是最强的一个,但却绝对是最难搞的一个。想要掌控它,你还需要多加努力,它刚才的话你也听到了,想让它完全修复,甚至觉醒,需要你至少要达到九级二阶的水准才行。在这之前,有我在的情况下,应该能让你勉强应用一些它的威能,你的实力越强,能够应用的也会多一点。内外兼修必须要走下去,坚定的走下去。没有十万以上的外灵力,未来你根本承受不住它的爆发。这家伙不只是霸道的,也是疯狂的。” woof often/common joyful earnest is listening to the words of sea, nod of effort, thanks the senior to direct.” 汪常欣认真的听着沧海的话,用力的点了点头,“谢谢前辈指点。” If, the blood of six steps refine the golden body lets her pain to be nearly insane, then, she at this moment, the innermost feelings actually become firm, because, she saw the hope finally, is family's first dominating world inheritance who sees the hope. 如果说,六阶的血炼金身已经让她痛苦的险些疯掉,那么,此时此刻的她,内心却又重新变得坚定,因为,她终于看到了希望,也是家族第一个看到希望的雄霸天下传承者。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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