SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#172: Each other is familiar

Chapter 172 each other is familiar 第172章彼此熟悉 The insertion ground of eye of golden reconnaissance after several seconds, immediately, the light golden halo spreads to the surroundings. The eye of reconnaissance can make the pastor observe a broader range, takes ice Monroe's cultivating as, her eye of reconnaissance even can cover a diameter kilometer range. In this range, all stealth will not have to hide. 金色的侦察之眼在数秒后插入地面,顿时,淡淡的金色光晕向周围扩散开来。侦察之眼能够让牧师观察到更加广阔的范围,以凌梦露的修为,她的侦察之眼甚至可以覆盖直径千米的范围。在这个范围内,一切隐身将无所遁形。 Long Dangdang made ice Monroe use the eye of reconnaissance at this time, that did not aim at the demon beast obviously. This region previously does not have the demon beast to exist. Can the stealth, only then assassin occupation. 龙当当让凌梦露在这个时候使用侦察之眼,那就显然不是针对魔兽的了。这个区域先前就已经没有魔兽存在了。能够隐形的,就只有刺客职业者。 Ling Menglu feels a moment later, nods to Long Dangdang. 凌梦露感受片刻之后,向龙当当点了点头。 Long Dangdang returns to smile, this revealed that own goal, leading the people to walk toward the green scale tree python corpse half step that in the previous ground leaves behind fast. 龙当当回以微笑,这才显露出了自己的目的,带着众人快速朝着先前地面上留下的绿鳞树蟒尸体快步走去。 Arrives by the body of green scale tree python, Long Dangdang stopped the footsteps. Some peach numerous surprise say/way: Regimental commander, do we come back to gather these corpses? However, green scale tree python, although is six levels of demon beasts, but the body value is limited. Its body will often have the parasite to exist, this is also the reason that they rely on the cool breeze falcon, but will have the parasite in their meat. Their skin defensive power is also very limited, the value is not high. Only slightly valuable only toxic pouch and python rubber, but this two gather are very difficult, the poisonous pouch also has the opportunity, but is easy to burst.” 来到绿鳞树蟒的身体旁边,龙当当停下了脚步。桃林林有些诧异的道:“团长,我们回来是要收取这些尸体吗?不过,绿鳞树蟒虽然是六级魔兽,但身体价值有限。它的身体往往会有寄生虫存在,这也是它们依赖清风隼的原因,而在它们的肉中也会有寄生虫。它们的皮防御力也十分有限,价值不高。唯一略有价值的就只有毒囊和蟒胶,但这二者收取都十分困难,毒囊还有机会,但非常容易破裂。” Although he said somewhat tactful, but was also indicating to Long Dangdang, the body value of this green scale tree python is not high. 他虽然说的有些委婉,但也是在向龙当当表示,这绿鳞树蟒的身体价值不高。 Long Dangdang compares the thumb to him, regarding the cognition of peach numerous to demon beast, he is some pleasant surprises, what material quality should the blood of peach school leader green scale tree python with store up?” 龙当当向他比出个大拇指,对于桃林林对魔兽的认知,他还是有些惊喜的,“桃学长绿鳞树蟒的血液应该用什么材质进行储存?” Such remarks, before also calm followed the woof often/common joyful look that the people are leading the way to move slightly. She has not previously thought has not moved , because six levels of demon beasts have no function regarding her. But a Long Dangdang such saying, she understood the meaning of Long Dangdang. Originally is this. Yes! The demon beast blood spends money to buy purely, was really expensive/noble, she by it painstakingly, now arrives at such demon beast forest deeply, there is a ready-made fresh corpse, did not gather a blood to owe. The blood of these six levels of demon beasts, happen to suit Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong this two brothers use. 此言一出,之前还一脸平静只是跟随着众人前行的汪常欣眼神微微一动。她先前之所以没想到也没动心,是因为六级魔兽对于她已经没什么作用了。但龙当当这么一说,她就明白了龙当当的意思。原来是这样。是啊!魔兽血液纯粹用钱买,实在是太贵了,她自己就是深受其苦,现在来到了这样的魔兽森林,又有现成的新鲜尸体,不收取点血液岂不是亏了。这六级魔兽的血液,正好适合龙当当龙空空这兄弟俩使用。 Peach forest wood-road: Green scale tree python is the wooden attribute, stores up its blood to compare with the vessel of wooden maintains its freshness for a long time. In one year will not drain. Do you want to plan to gather their blood? Some blood values had not heard actually refines what demon medicine to need its blood.” 桃林林道:“绿鳞树蟒是木属性,用木质的容器储存它的血液能够较长时间保持其新鲜程度。一年内不会流失。你是要打算收取它们的血液吗?血液倒是也有些价值不过没听说炼制什么魔药需要它的血。” Long Dangdang somewhat joyful say/way: Good of wooden. That cool breeze falcon?” 龙当当有些欣喜的道:“木质的好。那清风隼呢?” Peach forest wood-road: Cool breeze falcon is the wind attribute, has an old saying to ask gold/metal Fengyu to meet by chance, actually surpasses the human world to be innumerable. Therefore, the blood of wind attribute demon beast, gathers well with the jade qualitative vessel.” 桃林林道:“清风隼是风属性,有句古话叫金风玉露一相逢,却胜似人间无数。所以,风属性魔兽的血液,用玉质的容器收取最好。” Good, we start.” At the same time saying, people on dumbfounded sees Long Dangdang to take out several wooden the vats, several jade bottles. “好的,那我们开始吧。”一边说着,众人就目瞪口呆的看到龙当当取出好几个木质的大桶,还有几个玉瓶。 Everyone helps gather the blood of these two demon beasts. Why waits a minute me to explain for everyone.” At the same time saying, Long Dangdang has been arriving at side a green scale tree python, cuts open its wound, making the blood flow, holds with the wooden barrel. “大家帮忙收取这两种魔兽的血液。稍候我为大家解释为什么。”一边说着,龙当当自己已经来到一头绿鳞树蟒身边,割开其伤口,让血液重新流淌,以木桶来容纳。 Long Kongkong helps in the one side, but woof Changxin has taken up a jade bottle, looked for the corpse of cool breeze falcon. Ice Monroe similarly so. 龙空空在一旁帮忙,而汪常欣已经拿起一个玉瓶,找上了清风隼的尸体。凌梦露同样如此。 Although other four people are somewhat perplexed, but was follows to be busy. 其他四人虽然有些不明所以,但还是跟着忙了起来。 Although the green scale tree python the build is huge, but the ophidia blood accounts for the proportion of body weight to be very small, all green scale tree python blood blow off completely, approximately accumulated less than one ton green scale tree python blood. 绿鳞树蟒虽然体型庞大,但蛇类的血液占据体重的比例很小,所有的绿鳞树蟒血液全部放空,也只是大约积累了不到一吨的绿鳞树蟒血液。 All ophidia demon beasts, almost many have existence of dragon clan bloodlines, regarding Long Dangdang, the harvest of this batch of green scale tree python blood is really big. This gadget build is so huge, although with for six levels of demon beasts, but his blood should go beyond compared with the land thorn dragon regarding the improvement effect of outside spirit strength. 所有的蛇类魔兽,几乎多少都有一丝龙族血脉的存在,对于龙当当来说,这一批绿鳞树蟒血液的收获着实是不小啊。这玩意儿体型如此庞大,虽然同为六级魔兽,但其血液对于外灵力的提升效果应该比大地棘龙有过之而无不及。 The blood of cool breeze falcon were less, but the jade bottle are also few, instead has not gathered. Long Dangdang has not demanded, received several jars. In the heart sighed secretly, beforehand does not know this training the destination was the demon beast forest, otherwise, some multi- belt/bring vessels came. Cannot kill the demon beast, does not represent cannot collect the demon beast blood! Few bloodletting will not be fatal. 清风隼的血液就更少了,不过玉瓶也少,反而没有收取完毕。龙当当也没有强求,将几个瓶子收了起来。心中暗叹,事先并不知道这次培训的目的地是魔兽森林,否则的话,就多带些容器过来了。不能杀魔兽,并不代表不能收集魔兽血液啊!少量放血并不会致命。 Receives all vessels. Long Dangdang asked the people to gather in own side, said: Peach school leader's heard to green scale tree python appraisal everyone. But I gather the blood of green scale tree python, the reason is it can be used to cultivate a family merit law. This family merit law, I hear and start from woof Xuejie there to cultivate, the named blood refining up the golden body, does not know that everyone has listened?” 把所有容器收好。龙当当请众人聚拢在自己身边,道:“桃学长对绿鳞树蟒的评价大家都听到了。而我之所以收取绿鳞树蟒的血液,原因是它可以用来修炼一门功法。这门功法,我还是从汪学姐那里听说并且开始修炼的,名为血炼金身,不知道大家有没有听过?” The lunar motion and peach numerous as legal system occupation somewhat is vacant, the ocean nighttide nods actually, said: I have studied.” At the same time saying, she was smart hits to tremble spirit. 身为法系职业的月离和桃林林都有些茫然,溟汐倒是点点头,道:“我学过。”一边说着,她还机灵灵打了个寒颤。 Long Dangdang somewhat surprised say/way: „Have you studied? Arrived what degree?” 龙当当有些惊讶的道:“你学过?到什么程度?” The ocean nighttide spits the tongue, said: „After outside spirit strength 900, I stopped. Really was too painful, moreover affected my in spirit strength cultivation speed. If not the grandfather makes me cultivation, I will not choose this. It is difficult to imagine this, if has practiced to bear the big pain with in spirit strength synchronously.” 溟汐吐了吐舌头,道:“外灵力九百以后我就停下来了。实在是太痛苦了,而且影响我的内灵力修炼速度。如果不是爷爷非让我修炼,我才不会选这个呢。很难想象这个要是和内灵力一直同步修炼下去会承受多大的痛苦。” Long Dangdang nods, said: We hunt for the teammates of demon group, therefore, can share to everyone's news I can the earliest possible time inform. The blood refining up the golden body is a very practical merit law......” 龙当当点点头,道:“我们已经是猎魔团的队友了,所以,能够分享给大家的消息我都会第一时间告知。血炼金身是一门非常实用的功法……” At that moment, he refine the situation of golden body to tell to everyone the blood simply, only concealed after was absorbed the sufficient blood , the matter of awakening demon beast talent skill, one has not verified completely, is the present or keep secret to well. 当下,他将血炼金身的情况简单的给大家讲述了一遍,唯一隐瞒的就是吸收到足量血液之后觉醒魔兽天赋技能的事,一个是还没有完全印证,还有就是现在还是保密为好。 Listened to his narration, the ocean nighttide to nod saying: Yes, we dodge puncture request to cultivate the blood to refine the golden body, does not have over 500 outside spirit strength, is very difficult to withstand the eruption of speed. My grandfather has said that outside spirit strength, although was inferior that in the spirit strength is important, but outside the spirit strength is actually deciding our limit every so often. Did you also cultivation?” She is saying while looks to Long Dangdang. 听了他的讲述,溟汐点点头道:“是的,我们闪刺都要求修炼血炼金身的,没有五百以上的外灵力,很难承受速度的爆发。我爷爷说过,外灵力虽然不如内灵力重要,但外灵力很多时候却决定着我们的极限。你们也修炼了吗?”她一边说着一边看向龙当当 Long Dangdang nods, said: „Shortly after I and Kong Kong just started to cultivate. woof Xuejie has practiced the blood to refine the golden body, and is the roads of inside and outside minoring in take.” 龙当当点点头,道:“我和空空刚开始修炼不久。汪学姐是一直修炼血炼金身的,并且是走的内外兼修之路。” Listened to his these words, others have no response, the ocean nighttide is actually surprised „”. 听了他这句话,别人还没什么反应,溟汐却已经是惊讶的“哇”了一声。 Moved sideways she to arrive at woof often/common joyful side, the small hand pinched her arm, joyful direct one was raised by woof often/common, do not raise a rumpus.” 一个闪身她就来到了汪常欣身边,小手捏了捏她的手臂,被汪常欣直接一把提了起来,“别动手动脚的。” Sister Wang, idol! I cultivation the blood to refine the golden body. Knows that painfully. you took this road unexpectedly, was really powerful. I had not heard who really takes this road. Did not say no one can succeed?” Said that she realized own speaking incorrectly words, rushed to cover own mouth. “汪姐姐,偶像啊!我是修炼过血炼金身的。知道那有多痛苦。伱竟然走了这条路,真是太强大了。我都没听说过谁真的走这条路的。不是说没有人能成功的吗?”说完她才意识到自己说错话了,赶忙捂住了自己的嘴。 But the next quarter, the ocean nighttide as if realized anything, the pupil enlarges suddenly, loosens the hand, loses the sound said: Your six steps that said that outside you spirit strength also six steps?” 但下一刻,溟汐又仿佛意识到了什么,瞳孔骤然放大,松开手,失声道:“你六阶了那岂不是说,你外灵力也六阶了?” woof often/common joyful light say/way: Just broke through.” 汪常欣淡淡的道:“刚刚突破。” Such remarks, lunar motion and peach numerous also pupil contraction. Inside and outside six steps? What concept is this? Always spirit strength over 8000? This was close to seven steps the strengths! 此言一出,月离、桃林林也不禁瞳孔收缩。内外六阶?这是什么概念?总灵力八千以上?这可是接近七阶的实力了啊! The ocean nighttide held her arm again, study does the elder sister, how study the elder sister you to cultivate? Our probably similar age. I thought that first grade time, you are the grade's first, afterward actually went into hiding, did not have the sound. Were you cultivation this?” 溟汐再次抓住了她的手臂,“学姐,学姐你是怎么修炼过来的?咱们好像差不多年纪吧。我想起来了,一年级的时候,你就已经是年级第一了,后来却销声匿迹,没了动静。你是去修炼这个了?” woof Changxin nod of silently. 汪常欣默默的点了点头。 The ocean nighttide looks that her look started to emit the small star simply, elder sister, later you were my idol. I am not really able to imagine some people able this family merit law to cultivate. You were really strong! You cannot win the championship on the trials unexpectedly, is really......” 溟汐看着她的眼神简直都开始要冒出小星星了,“姐姐,以后你就是我的偶像。我真的无法想像有人能够将这门功法一直修炼下来。你真的是太强了啊!你竟然没能在选拔赛上夺冠,实在是……” Also the speaking incorrectly words......, she turned head to look at ice Monroe one eyes, saw ice Monroe is smiling looks at itself, as if had nothing discontentedly, this relaxes. 又说错话了……,她扭头看了凌梦露一眼,看到凌梦露正在微笑的看着自己,似乎并没有什么不满,这才松了口气。 woof often/common joyful light say/way: This road is truly difficult to walk, that pain, attempted to know truly. Therefore, ding-dong, Kong Kong, before you spirit outside broken the strength not thousand , to be clear. Once this road walks, had no way to turn head. However, other person of I suggested can actually cultivation, enhances the outside spirit strength to eight and 900 degrees, the legal system occupation is also. This will strengthen your tolerance and carrying capacity enormously. To your future promotion and upper limits has a big help. As far as I know, many top powerhouses after cultivating to break through must repair outside the spirit strength to nine steps in turn. This is also many people after entering nine steps falls into the reason that the bottleneck is very difficult to continue to promote again. Naturally, the influence that the innate in spirit strength over 80 come under will be small, element of body can also let the carrying capacity large scale enhancement.” 汪常欣淡淡的道:“这条路确实很难走,那种痛苦,只有真正尝试了才知道。所以,当当、空空,你们在外灵力没有破千之前还是要想清楚。这条路一旦走下去,就没法回头了。不过,其他人我倒是建议可以进行修炼,把外灵力提升到八、九百的程度,法系职业也是。这会极大的增强你们自身的耐受力和承受力。对你们未来的提升和上限有不小的帮助。据我所知,很多顶级强者在修为突破到九阶之后都要反过来重修外灵力。这也是很多人在进入九阶之后就陷入瓶颈很难再继续提升的原因。当然,先天内灵力八十以上受到的影响会小,身体的元素化也能让承受力大幅度增强。” The Long Dangdang connection said: woof Xuejie said was I wants to say. The lunar motion study elder sister and peach school leader, I suggested that you can also attempt. Enhances the outside spirit strength to about 900 degrees.” 龙当当接口道:“汪学姐说的就是我想对大家说的。月离学姐、桃学长,我建议你们也可以进行尝试。把外灵力提升到九百左右的程度。” The lunar motion looked at an ice Monroe, said: In other words, except for me, you actually cultivated?” 月离看了一眼凌梦露,道:“就是说,除了我,你们其实都修炼了吗?” Long Dangdang nods. The ocean nighttide also cultivated the blood to refine the golden body is he has not truly thought that but also made him have to plant cannot underestimate any occupation the thought. Without doubt, the blood refining up the function of golden body, not only he saw, many powerhouses also saw. The teacher had not been practiced by oneself, should be because in own innate the spirit strength surpasses 90, he thinks nothing necessity. As for Kong Kong, that estimate is Gou Qishi thinks that he cannot bear this pain...... 龙当当点了点头。溟汐也修炼了血炼金身确实是他没想到的,但也让他有种不能小看任何职业者的念头。无疑,血炼金身的作用并不只是他看到了,很多强者也都看到了。老师之所以没让自己修炼,应该是因为自己的先天内灵力超过九十,他认为没什么必要。至于空空,那估计是苟骑士认为他受不了这个苦吧…… The peach numerous nods, said: Good, after training ended, I go back to try. My painful carrying capacity. The shock and awe talent of town/subdues demon tree can help me share the pain to a certain extent.” 桃林林点点头,道:“好的,等培训结束后,我回去就试试。我的痛苦承受力还可以的。镇魔树的震慑天赋能够一定程度上的帮我分担痛苦。” The lunar motion also nods saying: I also try. Hopes should not be sore.” At the same time saying, she also spits the tongue. 月离也点头道:“那我也试试。希望别太疼。”一边说着,她还吐了吐舌头。 Long Dangdang said: Everyone , if there is vessel, later we meet the demon beast also to find the way to gather some blood again, outside, purchases the price of demon beast blood is quite soaring. Starting today, we must start to plan carefully. The harvests of all teams will share for everyone. Who most needs first anyone, does this everyone has the objection?” 龙当当道:“大家如果有容器的话,之后我们遇到魔兽也可以想办法再收取一些血液,在外面,购买魔兽血液的价格相当高昂。从今天起,我们就要开始精打细算了。所有团队的收获都将为大家共享。谁最需要就优先谁,这个大家有没有异议?” The people shake the head in abundance. This hunted for the demon group unwritten custom. Only if the regimental commander is very selfish, but the selfish regimental commander was also unlikely to control hunted for the demon group. 众人纷纷摇头。这本来就是猎魔团不成文的规矩。除非是团长特别自私,但自私的团长也不太可能控制得了猎魔团。 Hunts for demon this occupation is to face directly the life and death frequently, the teammate who only then can entrust the back can trust. 猎魔者这个职业是要经常直面生死的,只有能够将后背托付的队友才是可以信任的。 Long Kongkong said to Long Dangdang: „Do we do now? Where goes?” 龙空空龙当当道:“我们现在干嘛?去哪边?” Long Dangdang shakes the head, said: „It is not first anxious, waits to look. I estimated that other groups go forward in the different directions, where should elect has, may choose the direction that is right, may be is wrong. Before teacher has said that later will have the change of region, must in the region. When we this region prompt gives acts again, to guarantee that can the earliest possible time enter in the region. Premature action, if the direction counter-, from giving the region were too far, will make us be tired out from the press. Met the powerful demon beast somewhat to be troublesome again. While this period of time, I thought what we are more important is first each other is familiar.” 龙当当摇摇头,道:“先不急,等等看。我估计其他各组都是朝着不同方向前进的,应该选哪边的都有,有可能选的方向是对的,也有可能是错误的。之前教官说过,之后会有区域的变化,必须要在区域之中。我们等到这个区域提示给出再行动,以确保能够第一时间进入区域内。过早行动,如果方向反了,距离给出区域太远,会让我们疲于奔命。再遇到强大的魔兽就会有些麻烦了。趁着这段时间,我觉得我们更重要的是先彼此熟悉一下。” Through the previous all sorts, besides Long Kongkong and ice Monroe, others also established the confidence of foundation to Long Dangdang. The direction of Long Dangdang is well-founded, moreover led them to lead other teams slightly. 通过先前的种种,除了龙空空和凌梦露之外,其他人也都对龙当当建立起了基础的信心。龙当当的指挥有理有据,而且也带着他们略微领先了其他团队。 Looks that the partners nod, Long Dangdang said: I first come. I am the disciplinary punishment knight and magician double occupation, it can be said that magic occupation. Excelling at the water, fire, earth and wind four are the magics. And shortly after the soil series magic just comprehended. My knight forms of combat are primarily erupting. The magic is not similar to the rank magician, but should the disparity not be big. I have the Saint lotus spirit furnace and Saint to direct the spirit furnace and moon/month bright sea spirit furnace. The moon/month bright sea spirit furnace to assist the spirit furnace, can the water attribute and light of attribute increase focusing on various spirit furnaces.” He to own introduction not too many retentions. This is the trust partners, for better coordinates with the people. 看着伙伴们点头,龙当当道:“我先来。我是惩戒骑士和魔法师双职业,也可以说是魔法职业。擅长水、火、土、风四系魔法。其中土系魔法是刚领悟不久的。我的骑士战斗方式以爆发为主。魔法不如同级别魔法师,但应该不会差距太大。我拥有圣莲灵炉、圣引灵炉以及月明沧海灵炉。月明沧海灵炉为辅助灵炉,能够增幅以水属性、光属性为主的各种灵炉。”他对自己的介绍没有太多的保留。这是对伙伴们的信任,也是为了更好的与众人配合。 Ling Menglu said: I am a pastor, excels at for treating, various auxiliary magics pastor. Initially enters six steps. Also can attack. I with ding-dong, the Kong Kong having mystical powers furnace fusion technique, can erupt seven steps in a short time the battle efficiency. I have the repulsion spirit furnace and sacred hammer spirit furnace and bright angel spirit furnace.” 凌梦露道:“我是牧师,擅长牧师的各种治疗、辅助魔法。初入六阶。同时也能够进行攻击。我与当当、空空有灵炉融合技,能够在短时间内爆发出七阶的战斗力。我拥有斥力灵炉、神圣之锤灵炉以及光明天使灵炉。” Long Kongkong is somewhat impatient, I protect the knight, excels at the defense and supplement. Everyone asked me to be able generally sufficiently the treasure. You should feel a moment ago, I can absorb the spirit strength through the spirit furnace significantly, then supplemented that gave everyone. I am also three spirit furnaces, the Saint directs the spirit furnace, the Yuan whorl spirit furnace and god Qi Yutong spirit furnace.” 龙空空早就已经有些迫不及待了,“我是守护骑士,擅长防御和补充。大家一般都叫我充能宝。刚才你们应该感受过了,我可以通过灵炉大幅度吸收灵力,然后补充给大家。我也是三个灵炉,圣引灵炉、元涡灵炉和神祈屿桐灵炉。” Other four people earnest is listening, but along with their narrations, four people of expressions had the changes in varying degrees. 其他四人都在认真的听着,而伴随着他们的讲述,四人的表情都出现了不同程度的变化。 The ocean nighttide is listening, the expression changes slightly, but hears god Qi Yutong spirit furnace name time, reveals color looking pensive. 溟汐只是听着,表情变化最小,只是听到神祈屿桐灵炉这个名字的时候,流露出若有所思之色。 Saying of some peach numerous suddenly stutter: I can...... unable to ask that......, do your spirit furnaces...... have the wisdom...... the spirit furnace?” 桃林林突然有些结巴的说道:“我能……不能问……一下,你们的灵炉……中是不是有智慧……灵炉?” Then he saw, three people are nodding together...... 然后他就看到,三个人一起在点头…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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