SDT2BMS :: Volume #2

#171: Reward and penalty

Chapter 171 rewards and punishes 第171章奖励与惩罚 Mallet Tyrant heaven, the gavel shakes. In the moment, woof Changxin has not gathered the strength to display the time of mallet. Therefore, this mallet is a gavel. But the gavel, this instantaneous eruption, still made the surrounding crown just like cave by terrifying wind blast even instantaneously, the body of that green scale tree python was raised to fly directly, is twenty meters body to start from the head, direct flying upside down, hit above the rear another crown, another green scale tree python of hit crashed together to the ground. 大槌霸天,小槌震地。在须臾之间,汪常欣也没有蓄力施展大槌的时间。所以,这一槌乃是小槌。可就算是小槌,这瞬间的爆发,也令周围的树冠瞬间宛如被恐怖的气流吹袭而塌陷,那条绿鳞树蟒的身体直接被掀飞了出去,长达二十几米的身体从头颅开始,直接倒飞而出,撞击在后方的另一处树冠之上,撞击的另一条绿鳞树蟒一起坠落向地面。 woof Changxin has not stopped, the back spirit wing flaps again, she came back! 汪常欣没有停顿,背后灵翼再次拍动,她又回来了! Before strength of this using and almost, therefore before just returned, starts the beforehand position, first, is only several suddenly time. Previously to that green scale tree python body stopped in the midair, does not dare to clash unexpectedly again. 这次用的力量和之前差不多,所以刚好回到了之前发动之前的位置,一来一回,只是几次眨眼的时间。先前冲过来的那头绿鳞树蟒身体停顿在半空之中,竟然没敢再冲过来。 But another side, the ocean nighttide also acted. When the green scale tree python of another direction charges into Long Dangdang and lunar motion, in crown, together form twinkle. Speed wonderful quick incomparable. 而另一边,溟汐也出手了。就在另一个方向的绿鳞树蟒冲向龙当当和月离的时候,树冠之中,一道身影闪烁而出。速度奇快无比。 This is also the first time that Long Dangdang making a move that sees the ocean nighttide. This seems like the figure petite young girl, the weapon that uses is not the short-sword that the common assassin uses regularly or is the short blade and so on weapon, but is a thin sword. The slender long sword length is about three chi (0.33 m) fully, actually presents for the sparganium stoloniferum shape. On the palm has a hand guard. During the figure twinkles, sees only her wrist/skill to vibrate, the sparganium stoloniferum punctures the sword from the sky to glitter two illusory sword shades, the distinction point to the two eyes of green scale tree python. 这也是龙当当第一次看到溟汐的出手。这看上去身形娇小的少女,所使用的武器并不是一般刺客惯常使用的短剑或者是短刃之类的武器,而是一柄细剑。纤细的长剑长度足有三尺左右,却呈现为三棱状。手掌上有个护手。身形闪烁之间,只见她手腕抖动,三棱刺剑在空中闪烁出两道虚幻的剑影,分别点向绿鳞树蟒的两只眼睛。 Quickly, was really quick. Then just like the illusory image common sword glow, almost arrived at the green scale tree python instantaneously at present. Even makes this gigantic green scale tree python close the time of eye not to have continually. 快,真的是太快了。那宛如幻影一般的剑芒,几乎是瞬间就到了绿鳞树蟒的眼前。甚至让这硕大的绿鳞树蟒连闭上眼睛的时间都没有。 Long Dangdang remembers indistinctly, the cultivation also several different schools of assassin temple , the quite famous school has three, is king to stab, the crafty thorn and flashes the thorn respectively. And, king to stab the follower is most, is famous for the verve eruption, the child of samsara meets initially is the representative of king to stab younger generation. But the crafty thorn by hiding oneself goes into hiding to sneak attack craftily changes most excels. 龙当当隐约记得,刺客圣殿的修炼也有几个不同的流派,其中,比较著名的流派有三个,分别是王刺、诡刺和闪刺。其中,王刺的修炼者是最多的,以刚猛爆发著称,轮回之子初遇就是王刺年轻一代的代表。而诡刺则是以隐藏自身隐匿偷袭诡变最为擅长。 A final kind flashes the thorn, the population are least, flashes punctures the cultivation the direction is the absolute speed. Because they always believe, the absolute speed can bring the strongest striking power. Therefore, all from speed. The astonishing speed that at present the ocean nighttide shows, obviously, she should be flashes punctures the disciple who that lineage/vein train. 最后的一类闪刺,人数最少,闪刺修炼的方向就是绝对的速度。因为他们始终相信,绝对的速度才能带来最强的攻击力。所以,一切都是从速度出发的。眼前溟汐所展现出的惊人速度,很显然,她应该是闪刺那一脉培养出来的弟子了。 That green scale tree python whole body shock, the giant head raises high, in a pair of eye pupil blood whirlwind shoots. In the angry roaring sound has gone backward but actually. The huge body hit on nearby tree trunk, exudes a series of shatter sounds. 那头绿鳞树蟒全身剧震,巨大的头颅高高扬起,一双眼瞳之中鲜血飚射。怒吼声中已是向后倒去。庞大的身体撞击在一旁的树干上,发出一连串的破碎声。 Worthily is an assassin, suffices to be ruthless! 不愧是刺客,够狠! Long Dangdang and lunar motion without disturbed, magic continually lift-off ignition. But other in sky hunt for the demon group, is also using the magic to come facing the poisonous fog. 龙当当和月离在没有被干扰的情况下,魔法持续升空灼烧。而天空中的其他猎魔团,也同样是在用魔法来面对毒雾。 The electric light flashed the grandiose form to pass through the poisonous fog together unexpectedly forcefully, appeared above the crown directly, impressively thunder sword Saint Tang Leiguang. In the hand the heavy sword cuts to fall, chops on a green scale tree python, immediately winds around the whole body electricity glow that green scale tree python chops, from in the air crashes rapidly, pounds to the ground. Tang Leiguang back spirit wing launches, the figure twinkle, attacks again to another green scale tree python. 电光一闪一道壮硕的身影竟是强行穿过了毒雾,直接出现在了树冠之上,赫然正是雷霆剑圣唐雷光。手中重剑斩落,劈在一头绿鳞树蟒头上,顿时将那绿鳞树蟒劈的全身电芒缭绕,迅速从空中坠落,砸向地面。唐雷光背后灵翼展开,身形闪烁,再次攻击向另一头绿鳞树蟒。 woof Changxin is also similar to him, but she just six levels, did not adapt regarding oneself spirit wing also some, often will flush is excessive, the accuracy was bad. But cannot support the attack range of her that tyrant day mallet to be bigger, each bombardment, can throw off the green scale tree python. 汪常欣也和他差不多,只不过她刚刚才六级,对于自己的灵翼还有些不适应,往往会冲过了头,准确性差了点。但架不住她那霸天槌的攻击范围更大,每一次轰击,都能掀翻绿鳞树蟒。 The in the air poisonous fog starts gradually becomes thin, many hunting for demon falls into the woods. Although the green scale tree python is six levels of demon beasts, is equivalent to fifth-order human occupation. Even compares ordinary fifth-order occupation also to. 空中的毒雾开始渐渐变得稀薄起来,更多的猎魔者落入树林之中。绿鳞树蟒虽然是六级魔兽,相当于五阶人类职业者。甚至比普通五阶职业者还要更强一些。 Passed through previously the short flurry, the people demonstrated the excellent quality, repelled or strikes the green scale tree python to kill, fell into the woods fast. 经过了先前短暂的慌乱,众人还是展现出了极好的素质,纷纷将绿鳞树蟒击退或是击杀,快速落入树林之中。 Below peach numerous has completed the town/subdues demon tree vertical takes root, branches move, twines knocks down to these in the green scale tree python of place, the town/subdues demon tree root life skill shock and awe, plays the excellent effect at this time. The green scale tree python under the function of shock and awe, angry was obviously smoothed, around town/subdues demon tree green scale tree python fast is tranquil. 下方的桃林林已经完成了镇魔树的立地生根,一根根枝条甩动起来,缠绕向那些被打落在地的绿鳞树蟒,镇魔树本命技能震慑,在这个时候就起到了绝佳的效果。绿鳞树蟒在震慑的作用下,愤怒明显被抚平了许多,镇魔树周围的绿鳞树蟒都快速的平静下来。 Ice Monroe's sacred law has also been completed, Long Kongkong is honest impolite is swallowing these green scale tree python spiritual energies by the day deep pool domain in the absorption, then through rising the spirit shield supplemented that gives the peach numerous and ice Monroe. 凌梦露的神圣法阵也已经完成,龙空空更是老实不客气的以天渊领域在吸收吞噬着那些绿鳞树蟒身上的灵气,然后通过升灵盾补充给桃林林和凌梦露。 Before peach numerous, is to lose to Long Kongkong, but actually does not know that Long Kongkong also has this ability that shares the spirit strength. Feels to come from spirit strength that continuously rising the spirit shield transmits, in heart surprise at the same time, somewhat is pleasantly surprised. 桃林林之前是输给过龙空空的,但却并不知道龙空空还有这种分享灵力的能力。感受到来自于升灵盾传来的源源不绝的灵力,心中诧异的同时,也不禁有些惊喜。 The in the air Long Dangdang four people fall to the ground in abundance, converges in them together, without the action, centralized restores to consume in sacred law eagerly. Has the sacred law and day deep pool domain, their conditions can keep excellent without doubt. 空中的龙当当四人纷纷落地,与他们汇合在一起,没有急于行动,就集中在神圣法阵之中恢复消耗。有神圣法阵和天渊领域在,他们的状态无疑能保持绝佳。 But other teams have also fallen to the ground in abundance, the situation did not have them is so good. On some close combats was attacked by the poisonous fog, the body is hoodwinking the light green, is using the spirit strength to resist the toxin. 而其他团队也已经纷纷落地,情况却没有他们这么好了。有些近战身上被毒雾侵袭,身上蒙着淡淡的绿色,正在用灵力对抗着毒素。 Most green scale tree pythons were repelled, Long Dangdang makes the peach numerous relax the shock and awe effect, them the green scale tree python also walks randomly in abundance. The demon beast will make use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions very much. In the ground left behind the corpse of some green scale tree python and cool breeze falcon, but the quantity does not calculate too. Obviously other teams also realized anything in behind. 大部分绿鳞树蟒被击退了,龙当当让桃林林放松震慑效果,他们这边的绿鳞树蟒也是纷纷游走。魔兽还是很会趋利避害的。地面上留下了一些绿鳞树蟒和清风隼的尸体,但数量并不算太多。显然其他团队也在后面意识到了一些什么。 Hunted for demon very natural gathering to approach Long Dangdang numerously them. Does not set up to the town/subdues demon, because of ice Monroe's sacred law! Ling Menglu in sacred law, often releases together the healing technique, although each team has the pastor, who can compared with the goddess? Drives out the toxin, treatment and restoration. Naturally attracted other to hunt for demon. 众多猎魔者很自然的聚拢向了龙当当他们这边。不是冲着镇魔树来的,而是因为凌梦露的神圣法阵啊!凌梦露在神圣法阵之中,不时释放出一道治疗术,虽然每个团队都有牧师,但谁能和神女相比?驱除毒素、治疗、恢复。自然而然的就吸引了其他猎魔者。 Also at this moment, the low and deep sound resounds, welcome to the demon beast forest. over the following month, here, is the places of your trial.” 也就在这时,低沉的声音响起,“欢迎来到魔兽森林。在接下来的一个月,这里,将是你们的试炼之地。” In the midair, three forms fall slowly, is not just the devils, lunatics and female monster three teachers. 半空中,三道身影徐徐落下,可不正是魔鬼、疯子和女妖三位教官么。 The vision of devil teacher has swept on the demon beast corpse in ground. Then looks to the people, light say/way: You make me feel very disappointed. The complete ten teams, can consider immediately federation to demon beast policy actually only has one. You strike the demon beast that kills at this time, we have conducted the detailed record, will affect the you hunting for demon meritorious service. Naturally, does not increase, but is the reduction. Previously all struck to kill the team that hunted for demon, hunts for the demon overall to turn into the negative number. When three months of training ended, if the overall of team is the negative number , you will be eliminated to hunt for demon the qualifications.” 魔鬼教官的目光在地面上的魔兽尸体上扫过。然后再看向众人,淡淡的道:“你们让我感到很失望。全部十个团队,能够在第一时间考虑到联邦对魔兽政策的竟然只有一个。你们此时所击杀的魔兽,我们已经进行了详细记录,都将影响到伱们的猎魔者功勋。当然,不是增加,而是减少。先前所有击杀了猎魔者的团队,猎魔者积分都将变成负数。三个月培训结束时,如果还有团队的积分是负数,那么,你们将会被剥夺猎魔者的资格。” Such remarks, the complexion of people immediately becomes ugly/difficult to look at. They previously do not know this preparation hunted for demon training directly to relate to hunt for the demon meritorious service value unexpectedly. 此言一出,众人的脸色顿时就变得难看起来。他们先前可不知道这次的预备猎魔者培训竟然直接就关系到猎魔者功勋值了。 The vision of devil teacher also looked to Long Dangdang them, his slight nod, said: Hunts for the demon group on the 19,115,897 th, can remove the acupuncture needle in the interplanting for a while to reflecting, has not struck to kill any demon beast, and supports other teams after safe landing, obtains enters the reward initially. Team everyone rewards the meritorious value ten points. Other teams, strike to kill cool breeze falcon one, reduces the meritorious value two, strikes to kill green scale tree python one, reduces the meritorious value ten. I online will change your meritorious values through the spirit crystal, you can also online conduct the examination concrete value through the spirit crystal with your meritorious service link union. The meritorious value that the team deducts, can manifest on the member on average. Has the issue?” 魔鬼教官的目光随之看向了龙当当他们这边,他微微点头,道:“一九一一五八九七号猎魔团,能够在第一时间作出针对反映,没有击杀任何一只魔兽,并且在平安落地后支援其他团队,获得初入奖励。团队每人奖励功勋值十点。其他团队,击杀清风隼一只,减少功勋值二,击杀绿鳞树蟒一只,减少功勋值十。我会通过灵晶在线更改你们的功勋值,你们也可以通过灵晶在线与自己的功勋手环结合进行查看具体数值。团队扣减的功勋值,会平均体现在团员身上。有问题吗?” No one spoke. Although clear(ly) knew by the pit, but truly was they do not have to respond immediately. Only then recognized. 没有人吭声。虽然明知道是被坑了,但确实也是他们没有在第一时间反应过来。只有认了。 The devil teacher continues saying: Then, you will conduct the first task. Your duties are, in the following month, will live in the demon beast forest. Meanwhile, tames the demon beast. Remember, tames, rather than slaughters. Every time strikes to kill an demon beast, according to the strength of demon beast will conduct the meritorious service to deduct. But tames an demon beast to have the meritorious promotion.” 魔鬼教官继续道:“接下来,你们将进行第一个任务。你们的任务是,在接下来的一个月内,在魔兽森林中生活下来。同时,驯服魔兽。记住,是驯服,而不是杀戮。每击杀一只魔兽,都会根据魔兽的实力进行功勋扣减。而驯服一只魔兽将有功勋提升。” How should we tame the demon beast? Even summoned the master, we had not had such knowledge before.” Stands asks Zisang colored glaze glimmer Cai Caijuan. “那我们该怎么驯服魔兽?就算是召唤师,我们以前也没有过这样的知识。”站在子桑琉荧身边的蔡彩娟问道。 The devil teacher coldly looked at her one eyes, „before who wants to speak, first raises hand, then shouted the report. Interrupts the words of teacher, buckles your five meritorious services, will have again next time, will double deducts.” 魔鬼教官冷冷的看了她一眼,“谁想要说话之前,先举手,然后喊报告。打断教官的话,扣你五点功勋,再有下次,加倍扣除。” Cai Caijuan hears Yanxian stares, the willow eyebrows are but actually vertical, when she wants to manifest suddenly, the child of samsara met initially is actually horizontal keeps off before her body, suppressed her words. 蔡彩娟闻言先是一愣,紧接着柳眉倒竖,就在她想要发作的时候,轮回之子初遇却是一横身挡在了她身前,把她的话憋了回去。 The devil teacher light say/way of: How to tame demon beast that is your issue , there is nothing to do with me. I am only responsible for telling you duty. Meanwhile, you need to pay attention to the sky momentarily. In the sky will often have the signal to appear, you in area coverage that needs the incoming signal cover. Otherwise, will be eliminated directly. By elimination, everyone was deducted the meritorious service 100. When those words, three months of training ended, if there is a meritorious total of team is the negative number, will be relieved hunts for the demon qualifications. Our continuously surveillant your behaviors, but actually not when you encounter the danger conducts all forms of rescue. Died died, we were only responsible for recording your behaviors. Now, dismisses.” 魔鬼教官淡淡的道:“怎么驯服魔兽那是你们的问题,和我无关。我只负责将任务告诉你们。同时,你们需要随时关注天空。天空中将不时有信号出现,你们必须要进入信号覆盖的区域范围内。否则的话,将直接被淘汰。被淘汰者,每人扣除功勋一百。还是那句话,三个月集训结束之时,如果有团队的功勋总数是负数,将被解除猎魔者资格。我们会一直监督者你们的行为,但却并不会在你们遇到危险的时候进行任何形式的救援。死了就是死了,我们只负责记录你们的行为。现在,解散。” The forms of three teachers also become illusory, the next quarter, is vanishing unexpectedly same place. Is this, left people's immeasurably deep feeling. 三名教官的身影随之变得虚幻起来,下一刻,竟然就那么在原地消失了。仅仅是这一手,就留给了众人深不可测的感觉。 Tames the demon beast, will also have the region to change. The people have not in fact clarified what is this completely. However, the training has started. 驯服魔兽,还会有区域变化。众人实际上连这是什么意思都没有完全弄清楚。但是,集训已经开始了。 Three teachers leave, various preparations hunt for the demon group to crowd together to talk in whispers respectively, some even also online contact by the spirit crystal. At this time had no mutual attention, only then did things their own way. From the people learned that training is directly related with hunts for the demon meritorious service at that moment starting from, everyone's attitude already unconscious becomes must be anxious. 三位教官离开,各支预备猎魔团各自凑在一起窃窃私语,有些甚至还以灵晶在线来进行联络。这个时候就没有什么守望相助了,只有各自为政。从众人得知培训直接关系到猎魔者功勋那一刻开始,大家的态度就已经不自觉的变得紧张起来。 Hunts for the demon meritorious service to relate to the future promotion, relates whether from hunting for demon group headquarters receiving in exchange reward. Everyone is prepares to hunt for the demon group, without a doubt, this time training quite therefore watershed. 猎魔者功勋关系到未来的晋升,也关系到能否从猎魔团总部换取奖励。大家都是预备猎魔团,毫无疑问,这一次的培训就相当于是一次分水岭。 Long Dangdang and 19,115,897 hunt for the partners of demon group also to gather. The vision of people as if by prior agreement centralized on Long Dangdang. 龙当当和一九一一五八九七猎魔团的伙伴们也同样聚集在一起。众人的目光不约而同的集中在了龙当当身上。 We first walk. Along with me comes.” At the same time saying, him has not been explaining anything, but recognizes a direction fast vanguard. The people has to follow in him behind, approximately to leave about 500 meters, Long Dangdang actually stops the footsteps, stopped by a tree trunk thick great tree, everyone first rests. The ocean nighttide, troubles you to reconnoiter to the crown on, after other teams leave, informs me.” “我们先走。随我来。”一边说着,他也没有解释什么,而是认准一个方向快速前行。众人只得跟在他身后,大约离开五百米左右,龙当当却又停下脚步,在一株树干粗大的巨树旁边停了下来,“大家先休息一下。溟汐,麻烦你到树冠上侦察,等到其他团队都离开之后来通知我。” „.” The ocean nighttide has not asked anything actually, the figure flashes, vanished baseless, simply like flickering to move general, speed wonderful quick incomparable, flashes the thorn worthily. “哦。”溟汐倒是没有多问什么,身形一闪,就那么凭空消失了,简直如同瞬移一般,速度奇快无比,不愧是闪刺。 Long Kongkong somewhat curious looks at Long Dangdang, said: Brother, do you want to do?” 龙空空有些好奇的看着龙当当,道:“老哥,你这是要干嘛?” Long Dangdang said: All right, first waits.” 龙当当道:“没事,先等。” Long Kongkong blinks, had not asked again. But the Long Dangdang spirit crystal online has the response immediately. 龙空空眨了眨眼睛,也没有再问。但龙当当的灵晶在线立刻就有了反应。 The bright moon in the sky, Long Kongkong private chatted Long Dangdang, you said each time was all right have certainly the matter, what bad idea had?” Everyone not possible each other to understand compared with their brothers. 皓月当空,龙空空私聊龙当当,“你每次说没事的时候就一定有事,是不是有什么坏主意?”谁也不可能比他们兄弟之间彼此更加了解。 Long Dangdang has not responded, but stared his one eyes. But he also discovered, the spirit crystal online had some changes, the cohort that now he can enter be only the bright moon, the holy city six crowds could not go in the sky. This should be prepares to train is sealed up the jurisdiction. 龙当当没有回应,只是瞪了他一眼。但他也发现,灵晶在线出现了一些变化,现在他能够进入的组群就只有皓月当空了,圣城六群进不去了。这应该是预备培训被封闭了权限。 The time is not long, they have felt neighbor to have the sound that the team passes through, Long Dangdang hint everyone to restrain to begin to accrue interest, is only waiting silently after the big tree. 时间不长,他们就已经感受到附近有团队经过的声音,龙当当示意大家收敛起息,只是在大树后默默的等待。 Also passed the moment, the form flashes, the ocean nighttide came back. 又过了片刻,身影一闪,溟汐回来了。 Regimental commander, has walked.” She said to Long Dangdang. “团长,都已经走了。”她向龙当当说道。 Long Dangdang nods, said: Again wait a minute.” 龙当当点点头,道:“再等一会儿。” He does not have to explain, the cousin said that he is a regimental commander, his decision everyone carries out and that's the end. Moreover each time explanation all affairs big or small also truly is troublesome. He needs to do now, with the action to everyone showed that own decision is correct. 他没有多解释,表姐说了,他是团长,他的决定大家执行就是了。而且每次都事无巨细的解释也确实是麻烦。他现在需要做的,就是用行动向大家证明自己的决定是正确的。 Also crossed for five minutes, Long Dangdang stands up, said: Walks, we go back.” Then, when he takes the lead toward coming the road returns. 又过了五分钟,龙当当站起身,道:“走,我们回去。”说完,他率先朝着来时的路返回。 In the ice Monroe eyes reveals several points of ray looking pensive, only then she guessed correctly the Long Dangdang goal indistinctly. Others are somewhat bewildered following on the heels. 凌梦露眼中流露出几分若有所思的光芒,也只有她隐约猜到了龙当当的目的。其他人则是有些莫名其妙的跟在后面。 The people quickly the place that returns to previously to descend, at this time, has been reminded of dear ones who have left, all hunted for the demon group to act respectively. 众人很快回到了先前降落的地方,此时,已是人去楼空,所有猎魔团都已经分别行动去了。 Long Dangdang observed to all around, then said to ice Monroe: Cousin, the eye of reconnaissance.” 龙当当向四周观察了一圈,然后向凌梦露道:“表姐,侦察之眼。” Ice Monroe to him compared with the thumb regarding a team, the regimental commander not necessarily needs to be most powerhouse, but should certainly be calmest that at any time careless might cause the collapse of team. 凌梦露向他比个大拇指对于一个团队来说,团长未必需要是最强者,但一定应该是最沉稳的那个,在任何时候的疏忽大意都会有可能导致团队的崩溃。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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